Showing Posts For Harvey.7820:

MMR Tanking Promises

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Anet lying? They never do that!

Remember when they said there would be regular balance patches and one before the start of leagues? They delivered! Untested HoT changes was the balance patch.

Anet always delivers on “promises”

7 Defeats, 1 Win, 1 Defeat

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I’m almost through emerald and most games I’m among the top 2 players on my team (at least in terms of scoring which I know doesn’t necessarily correlate to skill and/or contribution) but this morning I played a game where my team absolutely got stomped 500 to 50:

12/8/2015 5m,32s Ranked Arena Legacy of the Foefire 500-50 Defeat.

Then the game immediately following this one I won 500-150. Sometimes it stuff just happens. The MMR system goes haywire and pits you against a premade or a much higher rated team and you get your face stomped in. I’ve learned it all part of the PvP process. If you rage each time this happens you’ll have a very frustrated time in GW2 sPvP.

Stuck in Emerald Could Only Mean...

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Maybe that’s where your skill level really is. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.

No balance patch needed

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Esports baby!!!!!!!

You're gonna fail miserably at E-sports Anet.

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I agree and find it contradictory that Anet will provide immunity to the top players but threaten to ban the rest when exploiting is occurring. Pro gamers in GW2 are a model to the community as in any other game. When they are using exploits and you let it slide while banning the average players because the MMR system tries to keep them at 50/50 w/l in leagues where you need streaks to progress just doesn’t make sense.

Why ban the lowly players? Why not start by banning the top players that are exploiting to make an example of how strongly you stand by your Terms/Rules?

Impossible to rank up solo w/o MMR tanking

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Ban hammer incoming

We need to discuss Taunt

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Why is Taunt not a Warrior skill?

This skill alone gives Revenants much more sustain than they need and thematically belongs to Warriors who are in dire need of any help they can get in this meta. Also the duration of Taunt of Revenants is ridiculously high. It doesn’t need to be 3 seconds. A half second or 1 second taunt already interrupts many chained combos. Does it really need to be 3 seconds long? What was the balance team thinking????

sry anet tanking mmr only option for soloq

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


How do we fix a system that we broke? Oh I know! We’ll ban the already small pool of soloQ players in sPvP! Then there wont be anything but teams left in sPvP. In the meantime, let’s not ban the “pro gamers” that are exploiting the system in different ways because Esports.

could it work? (PvP)

in Warrior

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Bunker Mesmer and Reaper will likely counter that build too easily as will Revenants.

Abjured and PZ flooding top 25

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


No. Because Esports

Just remove WvW for now

in WvW

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Instead of closing it because of the whiners they can also just work on fixes and let the people who still want to play it have their fun.

What if the whiners are whining precisely because they’re unwilling to “work on fixes”?

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


fyi mmr is still the same one from before. my team keeps getting pro league teams because we have a fairly high mmr, so it’s impossible to farm randoms. of course sometimes it happens that you get a random enemy team but usually that’s not the case.

Usually is the key word.

We were in 5th place and still fought against a non-premades, hell, in 7th place we fought against the same guild team 3 times in a row. How the hell is that any fair to them?

Combine that with the insane amount of games you have to play, it just serves to kitten people off.


It’s bad enough to have bad match making, but this is rubbing salt on PvP’s open wounds.

I think that you think they care. I would rethink that.

So bad

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


still boggles my mind why they didn’t just axe MMR completely when introducing leagues, and let the divisions speak for themselves.

Right now the league system is just a prettier reskinned version of the old grind leaderboards that everyone hated.

I agree. Leagues itself is supposed to be the differentiator. I dont understand matchmaking in GW2.

seeing as we cant trust

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Try out Berserker warrior. They’re all the rage these days. (Pun intended)

Just remove WvW for now

in WvW

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Well if you’re willing to wait about 3 months there’s supposedly a balance patch coming so that revenants wont go around in groups 1-shotting enemy zergs. There’s no promise that the foretold “balance” patch at the end of Leagues will actually balance anything though. I’ve mostly given up and will be just logging in to obtain my daily reward.


in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


GW2 Esports is a complete and utter joke and a good example of what happens when you let the marketing team make decisions rather than the design/development team who has the vision for what the game ought to be.

New outfit, glider, weapon skin, bundle deal every other week. Balance patch promised but still undelivered. Toxic WvW and sPvP community due to complete negligence yet instead of hiring developers they throw $400,000 into “Esports” to sell more copies of HoT.

Make HoT builds completely overpowered to sell more copies, sure. See how your Esports community dwindles. Out of their 5K viewers for their ESL Pro Leagues I bet I’m not the only one who tunes in to try to win prizes but could care less about watching the matches themselves.

pvp dev team appreciation thread

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


The best part was the hype!

Total failure

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


At this point there’s so many problems I just reroll to FoTM classes. Anet will balance when they see only 5 builds are being played in Ruby division

Visual clutter reduction = BAD

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Let’s talk about how strong tempest are instead cause DH traps are avoidable but tempest is just BS


in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Can you explain to me what is currently overpowered at the moment? I have not seen any classes that should be nerfed.

There is also an issue with the division of good and bad players in the game, people don’t honestly really know what is overpowered until ranked matches happen and there is more visibility for the builds.

As an example, a lot of players think dragonhunter is very overpowered, but it is quite weak in the high tier PvP. A game should not be balanced off the low tier PvP bracket.

It’s relative Chase. Play a warrior or thief and try to make it into Division 4 with those 2 classes you’ll see what the other players are crying about.


in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820




Why the ESL viewer base is so low.

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


ESL viewership is low because GW2 is not fun to play when PvP is so unbalanced. People dont watch games they dont care about and less and less people care about the state of sPvP as it becomes more and more apparent that Anet is incapable of balancing their professions and builds.

Quote from Anet on Balance

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Anet’s behavior in lack of communication, willingness to balance, and general disregard for creating a more diverse PvP meta will be their downfall. The game’s PvP has only gotten progressively worse and worse.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I’m sincerely disappointed in Anet.

Why the ESL viewer base is so low.

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Yeah I’m not going to watch a game that only has about 5 competitive builds. If Dev’s aren’t careful with their money grab by making OP elites specs and Revenants GW2 sPvP will dwindle no matter how much money they throw into the prize pool. Anet will only be known as the fool company who thought they could grow a thriving esports community by ignoring blatant balance issues and lackluster game modes and just throwing more money into the prize pool instead of hiring an actual balancing team.

How to counter condi rev?

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Play a tempest.

Would PvP's Standardized Gear be Bad for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Harvey.7820


To be honest I like the gearing system the way it is now in WvW. It’s the only place where ascended gear means anything in a PvP setting. I can see an amulet type system being valid for a WvW tournament, but for daily WvW I still prefer the current system.

Propose your weapon skill buffs here

in Warrior

Posted by: Harvey.7820


People have been pleading for those changes you and others have listed over and over again on the warrior forums as well as the PvP forums and on Youtube/Twitch commentaries. The fact that its been ignored (just like this post will be) is the reason you see the QQ.

No balance patch till spring 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I was really hoping there would be a balance patch before League starts but it’s looking grim now that it’s Tuesday the week before Leagues and still no balance changes to be heard of.

NA Pro League Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


This is quite disheartening. Anet did not deliver on their promise that elite specs are meant to be a different way to play the class instead of direct upgrades. The elite specs are direct upgrades for every class other than Warriors and in that case, the entire class has become obsolete and forgotten.

I'll not give up on Warrior!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I feel that the DH F3 5 second block should have been a warrior ability. Warriors lack survival and that kind of block would really help survival. Furthermore, if DH has traited the elite Invulnerability Mediation, they reset their virtues and get another F3 charge for a total of 10 seconds of block which is ridiculously powerful for how much damage they already do to have that much sustain in a melee context.

Revenant reroll, just tried Warrior again...

in Warrior

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I rolled a Revenant as well and while I agree that they are more powerful than warrior in pretty much every game mode, PvP, PvE, WvW, I still enjoy the play style of a warrior. I never enjoyed playing boon/upkeep of Herald despite being extremely powerful and able to solo WvW lords with a Hammer/S+Shield build. It’s overpowered when played right, but I just dont like the style of Revenants.

I like warriors and their core theme, but I find it discouraging how badly they are placing in sPvP at the moment as sPvP is one of my favorite game modes.

I hope the devs will redesign warriors for the new GW2 that is HoT as much of our mechanics are extremely outdated. Longbow shots are slow, dont pierce, and offer little protection compared to DH Guardians. Much of our Physical skills dont land, GS#4 is too slow for the cooldown that it has, Axe #2 is weak, Axe F1 needs more range as does Shield #4, and Sword #3 Cooldown is too long for its damage when compared to something like a Revenant Sword #3 UA skill which is much easier to land. Many of our skills and mechanics were made for a Meta of simpler times when opponents didn’t dish out as much CC and damage as they do now. Our passive survival has been nerfed and now it hasn’t been brought back up to par so we feel like we die immediately after Stance Skills runs out.

Arenanet's failing ESports ideologies.

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I’ve been playing pvp mmos since 1998. GW2 pvp is one of the best pvp experiences I’ve ever had. The others are Ultima Online, DAoC, and Darkfall. GW2 is the only game I’ve played that comes close.

It seems to me most people who think this is a failing esport are the ones who just couldn’t cut it, and they attempt to spread this Esports is a failure idea. They complain about OmG why would they spend 400k on a pvp competition when “I” think they should spend it on balance because the game is clearly imbalanced because I didn’t make it to pro leagues! Dunning kreuger.

You must be an EXTREMELY slow learner if you’ve PvPed from 1998 and still cant recognize class imbalance. Maybe you’re one of those players that plays FoTM classes on every patch release.

Maybe it's balanced, but this meta is unfun

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I hope it’s not considered “balanced” unless Anet intentionally removed warriors from competitive PvP.

Worst Meta So Far

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


what “META” dude, ROFL. The game got broken as kitten because Anet went the greedy road and released ridiculous and overpowered specs only to get more cash and then they decided to silence everyone with bans instead of responding to them properly or logically like they used to do in the past,
now they are just like every other kittenty cash grabbing company.

Im gonna list the problems with this game in a short and understandable manner so maybe if we’re lucky the ceo of arena net is gonna be checking forums while drunk and see my post by chance and then on the next morning get a brain and fix the game

- the elite specs are kittening overpowered as kitten
- before when you wanted to do something you had to sacrifice something else for it, for example to do dmg you had to sacrifice survivabiltiy (unless you were mesmer cause the class is a joke) , now with the new specs you can be tanky as kitten and do 500 million damage (daredevil tempest chronocancer reaper revenant,DRAGONHUNTER, etc)
there are too many skills that give you “the good type of survivability” which is invulnerability (and not hp or protection) so you can easily make a huge dmg build while being immortal most of the time
- theres even more cheese in the game
- the quickness change/nerf/most ridiculous and useless update completely butchered warriors up and now they are unplayable on a higher level in pvp because half of your skills are slow as hell and you can’t burst / do unexpected quick burst damages for kitten
- The problem is that it doesn’t matter if HoT is b2p because even if you buy hot, you can still get someone without hot in your team and be handicapped because of it. So arena net has to either make the expansion B2p , either make the elite specs available for spvp to people with only the base game or this kitten will forever remain imbalanced, due to the fact that the elite specs are a joke and that half of the people have no access to them and that affects you (even if you have HoT) as well because the game format is 5v5 in the end.

I don’t know how kittening hard is it to see these things or think about them beforehand, you have to remember and understand that these people are ‘professionals’ and get paid to do this , yet the decisions they take are utterly kittened.

Also D/D vs shoutbow wasn’t even bad because both of them had clear flaws – no disengage, focus them with 2 ppl in a team fight and they melt, especially shoutbow warrs. The meta wasn’t bad at all cus zerker builds worked then too and there was more to it than just shoutbow or d/d.

plus the patch before HoT was the most balanced one i’ve played because both raw dmg and condi dmg builds were more or less fair on all classes (especially warriors) and there werent clear favorites

heart of throrns is the worst thing to happen to this game’s pvp

This needs to be repeated every single morning to Anet for it to sink in. The sPvP in this game is in the worst state I’ve ever played.

ArenaNet you want ESport? heres the idea

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


No please. If I wanted to play Pokemon, I would play Pokemon.

I can still confirm

in Warrior

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Click bait title

What's Going On w/ Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Yesterday’s PvP daily included winning a game with a warrior. I usually just win the game with my Dragonhunter and log onto my warrior before the match is over to complete the daily, but since we now get dishonored if we log out to change characters, I simply decided to play a few games of unranked. After some frustrating matches against reapers and other dragonhunters, I decided to just complete my daily in Hotjoin and be done with it. I join hotjoin and instantly see 6 warriors in a single match, all seem to be competant and have skill, are level 80 judging by the flare of their armor, and playing in Hotjoin.

This is what it’s become. Warriors queue hotjoin to get their PvP daily win.

Still no balance patch...

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Learn to play.

Learn to play Elite specs you mean. Unless ofc you’re a warrior or thief in which case learn to play another class’s elite specs. Doesn’t matter for me I’ve rerolled.

Possible weapon adjustments to help Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Harvey.7820


You bring up a good point in that many of the warrior’s skills are outdated. Axe#2 doesn’t hardly do any damage, Shield #4 distance is too short, Axe F1 distance is too short, GS#4 is too slow, Longbow AA doesn’t pierce or bounce, etc.

Warriors as a class need to be redesigned. It was designed for the original PvP on release. It hasn’t been looked at since HoT.

Whats the new meta for roaming?

in WvW

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I’ve seen some REALLY good druid roamers around

we want old WvW..!!

in WvW

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I hope Anet doesn’t cave in and just bring back old maps. That would be boring. They need to modify new maps according to player feedback, not just revert back to 0 progress.

Warrior 20K Gun flame hit, really??

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


This skill needs a nerf.
The rest of the warrior class needs buffs.
All the other elite specs greatly needs nerf.
Thief needs buffs.


Patch fixed the new borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Thanks for the PSA!

Dragonhunter probably will be destroyed

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Ofcourse they are defeatable, even in 1v1. But it does not change the fact that its not balanced. High reward, medium/low risk. Show me another class that can destroy a whole teamfight while just casting brainless all traps at once. And because of aegis, blocks, invuln. and reflect you also have medium sustain.
Compare it with a shatter mesmer. Damage can be the same, but if you fail you are in downstate in just a few seconds, with or without ctrl+t. Thats the different.
And dont forget this incredible dmg of lb 2 with an 4 seconds cd. You can dodge it twice in 10 seconds, but what will you do then. Oh and i forgot that its piercing (without any trait).
Conclusion: User got carried by his build.

Druid, reaper, herald, tempest are all better than DH with similar “low medium risk high reward” and scrapper is about equal. Mesmer has always required higher level positioning, however it’s not “if you fail you are in downstate in a second”. With shield and continuum split as well as evade well, they actually have decent survivability. Sure you expect them to die sooner than other classes, but they also can moa, timewarp or gravity well TWICE within 5 seconds if they wanted to. And they can burn for 10-12k with almost no setup besides positioning. DH “burst”? Well maybe 10k on a squishy if you land a true shot and a test of faith in melee assuming theres no projectile deflection up at some point (there always is when someone is getting cc’d). Chrono gets countered by DH to some degree that is true. However that’s just one class and just means at least DH is decent at SOMETHING right now.

The ideal nerf for them would be along the lines of:
1) Reduce dmg of traps by ~15%.
2) Set all traps cast-time to 1 sec and the elite one 1.5 sec.
3) Remove the daze from traps
4) Decrease the duration of the boons (7 seconds of protection, seriously?)
5) Decrease healing of the F2 skill. Without any healing power, core guardian’s F2 heals around 1600 I think and the new ones almost double of that. That should be reduced to core’s standard.
5) F3 is bugged. It blocks unblockable skills as well. Fix that please.

You would simply never see another DH again in your lifetime if those changes went through.

Denial of reality? I never denied that the other classes also have low risk, but they cannot deal the same dmg + pulsing aoe cc atonce. DH dies easily in coordinated burst, mesmer dies in the same situation without coordinated burst and double moa requires really not too much skill, but trap dh is still cheaper.:)
Druid for example has to outplay you and he cannot burst a whole team at once. Their roll is to support, and they will not be of any use if their team doesnt deals the dmg that the druid cannot make.

About Chrono (i have spoken about mesmer before, not chrono). Ofcourse Chrono provides many kinds of quality when it comes to survivability and they can have a great impact in teamfights. But atleast the player behind the pc needs just a small knowledge of pvp. I have seen so many bad guards this weekend who were able to kill ppl in teamfights. (They ignored my reflectionwall and didnt stop to spam lb skills) My problem with this build: These ppl. would have lost preaddon with viable guardbuilds. Why? Build good, gamer bad.
Now they win to easy! Why? Build broken unbalanced, gamer still bad.

I understand that DH has a low skill floor and I understand your MMR is low so you’re frustrated about them. However, you can’t nerf DH because “it’s cheese”; it actually has to be OP. DD ele turned bad players into okay players the same way DH did, but DD ele was actually overpowered as well for the top players too. DH is just not the same… Turret engis got nerfed because they made extremely bad players look GOOD, unlike DH which make extremely bad players look not that bad. So basically, L2P and don’t nerf because you don’t understand how to play the game.

Found the guardian main.

Why do I feel so abused not buying Hot??

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


DD ele still works. Soldier engie rifle still works. And warrior was proven OP by Crysis yesterday. So you got that.


Patch Nov 17

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Thanks ANET for not mindlessly nerfing all the things the bad players have been crying about, instead we got things that do really matter like bug fixes.
So yeah please keep taking your time

I agree with not blanket nerfing specs into the ground even if they are OP right now. However, I would appreciate more communication from them regarding what they’re planning for balance changes. It’s evident not all of the elite specs are balanced and even more evident that elites vs non-elites are not balanced.

You got to be kidding right?

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


Warriors literally got 0.

Warriors/Berserkers are still NOT competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


This new and exciting topic has shed light on a previously unknown topic. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are all better people for having read this. May the rest of your life be filled with positive vibes

I’ll just keep bumping these threads until I see a response from devs.

Elite vs Base specs

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


It’s either a P2W discussion or a balance discussion. There’s multiple threads pointing out the lack of balance between professions and elites vs non-elites. Those have gotten a single peep from Anet. 0 response. So it’s obvious discussing balance is pointless. The only thing left to discuss is P2W, and I think you’re smart enough to guess why elites are the new “meta”.