There’s a very high chance that another permanent pick will be sold, but probably not the molten pick specifically, unless they do a return of the molten alliance living story. Don’t expect it for a while though, like at least 6 months. They’ll probably only sell them once a year.
With ArenaNet wanting to time-gate how fast you can obtain gear, hoarding laurels for ascended gear will probably be pointless. We know ascended gear is going to be craftable using a material upgrade system like how charged quartz is made. The only new ascended item I can see them selling for just laurels would be the patterns to buy them which would then take at least a week per piece, maybe even up to a month. Expect it to all be account bound also, just like celestial gear.
I doubt hoarding laurels would be useful unless you wanted stuff like new mini-pets. For everyone else, keeping around 100 would probably be enough to quickly acquire new additions.
The newer mini-games reward a chest which contains your rewards. The older mini-games however (ie, sanctum sprint) use the old system, where you receive the rewards directly.
Please update the old games to reward chests instead.
The chest reward is much better, since it means I can play the mini-game continuously without having to leave or care about how fully my inventory is. I usually only have a few spaces free (~10), so rewarding chests is a big plus.
(edited by Healix.5819)
Clearly intended, else there wouldn’t be a crystal right there to make it easier and to point it out. It can also be done without it.
Guesting takes too long… logging out and then logging in again at another server… and then you need to check all the maps.
What? You go to a balloon and go to where the champion is. If it’s not the right one, spend an extra minute to guest to 2 other servers to see what champion they have up. By guesting, you get 3 tries per balloon. It’s much faster than waypointing around 3x as much.
I did around 50 balloons before finding the guy. Since the champions sit out there before the event is available, you can scout to see if the right guy is there. The champions also rotate after a while, so it’s possible to sit there and just wait, but due to the randomness, it could take hours (plus it’d be faster to just do the event to force the champion to change).
Also guest to other servers to see what champion they have up.
It’s easy to say that ArenaNet wanted Kiel to win because some of them did. Without any details, the statement is true, however the opposite is also. ArenaNet themselves were split on who they wanted to win.
Of course you can go into the whole conspiracy of some devs wanting one to win more than the other, thus internally influencing who would be more favorable. For example, a very basic influence was the red vs blue, left vs right and so on, though for the most part, everything was an opposite of the other.
For Southsun Survival, only the first completion gave me achievement points (did it 3 times).
Because if the repeatable (play x games) achievement rewards infinite AP, i will leave my computer logged in GW2 when I’m at work and at overnight and autorun, or keyboard macro to farm achievement points without being booted by the timer.
If you just run into a wall, the AFK timer kicks in. If you have a low score, the game doesn’t count for you (no reward, no achievement progression). Also, that would be classified as botting.
(edited by Healix.5819)
Jumping puzzles still give them.
Deposit collectible.
They were loading pretty slow during the stream, so maybe they did something.
Someone once claimed that deleting the local.dat file could reduce loading times. Apparently it can become bloated. Local.dat is located in the Guild Wars 2 folder under Documents.
The hammer duel guy isn’t very nice. If you’re out of melee range, he does a whirlwind in a line with no wind up that can 1 shot you. The problem is, he randomly does it while you’re in melee range. His main melee attack is a slow 1-2-3 where the 3rd 1 shots.
I was on a low level alt thief though, so… may not 1 shot.
The dual pistols guy did so much less damage in comparison. So little in fact that it was if he wasn’t even doing damage.
When too many mini-game are available to play at once, the population playing them is spread too thin, causing games to be empty. Sometimes this can be good, since it makes some mini-games much quicker, resulting in more loot, but it can also make the games boring.
The daily mini-game can be accessed through an NPC near the portals in Lion’s Arch.
Southsun is accessed using a portal in Lion’s Arch. It’s down the path from Claw Island Portage Waypoint, before the fractals portal.
The buttons are worthless because you can’t vote with them. Clearly Evon is buying up all the tokens so a batch of them can be mysteriously found after he demands a recount.
The point of the change to magic find is so that you don’t have to choose between a primary gear stat and it. Utility infusions are unique in that they’re all bonuses. To remove one they’d have to remove them all and I doubt they’d remove it to begin with. Only hardcore fractal players need the extra agony resistance and 5 stat points isn’t going to matter.
icon_file_id is the id of the file in the gw2.dat file. You would have to extra the dat file for that number to be of any use to you.
I assume they’ll release the icons in the same way they did map tiles.
Although casuals make up the majority, most of them would have only placed a small number of votes. With the ability to vote multiple times, dedicated players had the option to outnumber the casual player’s votes.
Each casual player would have maybe placed 100 votes total throughout the event, whereas a dedicated player should have easily placed 1000. I for example was getting around 60 per day while doing the activities, but I never bothered to vote, since I didn’t care about either bonus. Assuming around 10% of the population is dedicated, with 10x more votes placed per player compared to a casual, the dedicated player’s vote should have been the majority.
If you look at how many tokens you could obtain compared to how many votes were placed total, you’d notice that either not many people participated or alternatively, the player base is actually pretty small. On average, each player only placed around 6 to 18 votes.
If you could only vote once, then the outcome would have been much different and highly influenced by the casual players. Kiel would have won with a much larger margin.
Vote counts can easily sway at the end. If you’re going to vote, why go there multiple times when you can do it once near the end. A few hundred thousand players probably voted within the last day. The last announced vote counts were pretty low, suggesting most people didn’t bother. There could have easily been 10x that (100 million).
Watch Kiel request a recount or something claiming Evon cheated, etc, etc only to find some corruption plot and “misplaced” votes… and the story continues.
You can’t. You can however see the result in-game by modifying an item’s description through the trading post, which will show up on tooltips.
~700. Never bothered to vote after giving 10 each on day 1 to do the achievements.
Is there at least something to do besides standing around while waiting in the queue? If people have to stand around for ~10 minutes, quite a few people will probably find themselves dead and back at the end of the queue. I’d definitely be tabbed out on the forums or something.
The only reason I can see to not have the encounters instanced is to reduce the total number of instances created. The only point of watching others players is for the minor lulz from their failure, and of course, there are those that will make fun of them in chat. It’ll probably end up being depressing for some people, especially for those more casual where a hardcore player (that can do it in a fraction of the time) is right behind them.
The casual majority decides who wins, and most probably don’t even know what’s being offered, or care. However, with the way voting is handled, most people probably didn’t bother to vote outside of getting enough buttons to do the achievements, allowing for people that actually care to catch up. I know I’m not going to bother placing my 1000 or so votes.
If voting was more accessible, like through the UI, there’d probably be 10x the votes as long as it was quicker to vote than to delete the token. However, the votes would be even more skewed as a lot more people would just vote on whoever was closer (to click).
The forums and people wanting the fractals are a minority.
<c=?>text</c> means that “text” will be displayed using the color “?”. In your example “?” is the variable @flavor, which is whatever color flavor text is. In other cases, it may be in hex <c=#000000>black</c>
How many points you have doesn’t even matter unless you’re only playing for the 2500 achievement. If you’re not the last survivor, someone trying their hardest gets the same reward as the guy who puts on auto run and went AFK the entire match. Only the last survivor gets the 1st place chest even though all the other people getting higher scores.
There are a few things that need to be changed of course, especially if it’s meant to be based on a hunter’s survival game.
To close a server, they would have to close 3 servers. This would cause the next 3 lowest populated servers to become high pop, which would eventually lead to more servers being needed, which will always come in 3s.
Because of servers working in 3s, it’ll be much harder to open new servers and getting them decently populated without forcing or giving an incentive for high pop server residents to move there.
To get this achievement now, you either need to get lucky or…
Get the entire zerg to agree to not use blinds (though someone will probably do it on purpose). When the shatterer lifts its arm in the air, it’s beginning to cast the crystal ability, which takes around 3 seconds. If the shatterer is blinded during this time, nothing will happen. If the shatter is not blinded, a few people will be selected and turned into crystals. Usually, it’s all the people standing on the foot. This is where you want an instant cast AoE.
Since someone is always using a blind, this ability rarely goes off. I only see it go off maybe once a week. The achievement is both easy and impossible. It only takes 1 person to keep it from happening.
People keep throwing the 100 points per game thing around.
I say 100 because that is my average. Doing the ghost thing, ~89 was my lowest score, while 129 was my top score. I only did it for maybe 15 games however, since I usually played as a hunter, scoring around 60 on average. My score before the grace period ends is usually 20-30, and rarely up to 60 (~10 kills), though that all depends on what you pickup (I once picked up 10 rations in a row and didn’t get a single arrow the entire game).
I usually stick around the first camps, since they’re the most active. Just from picking up 15 motes at the start, that’s 15 points + 15 traps for another 30 points. There’s around 30 motes in those camps. I usually get 2 kills with the alarm trap also (I only do it when I can guarantee a kill), since I only need 1 guy alive to spam traps on. Altogether, that’s ~20 points from the grace period, ~30 points from picking up motes, 44 points from using #1 trap, 4 points for using the alarm traps and 10 points from getting alarm trap kills, for a total of 108 points.
Since I don’t need the achievement, now when I play it, I usually die early, collect 14 motes and kill the guy hiding in a bush (the guy who usually has 7 rations and a score of ~15 before winning) using a trip + karka combo. On a side note, the game is very easy to AFK with no consequences.
(edited by Healix.5819)
It only takes 1 person to make the achievement impossible. Like most dragons, a single blind at the right moment can negate the entire mechanic, and when you’re in a zerg, chances are, it’s going to be blinded.
Having a wallet and bank storage should be easy. However, their implementation is probably a series of band-aids, making it hard to work with the older it gets. For example, they probably just tacked on the ability to store other currencies in what was once the gold storage of the bank.
A personal guild bank is the new way to store your gold. I like to keep a few hundred gold in the bank as a safety net. Storing it in the TP itself is not an option since sometimes I leave hundreds of items in there, which I don’t have the room to store myself. When there’s enough items in there, it becomes paged, meaning you can’t take your gold out until you remove everything before it.
Games are roughly 10 minutes long. Occasionally people drag it on for an extra few minutes or die early, making it a few minutes shorter.
2500 points takes around 25 to 50 games, 4 to 8 hours. Doing it in only 25 games would be by using the ghost trick to gather motes first, scoring on average 100 points per game.
Partially. 1 handed modified Fellblade.
I say raise the mark to 25000 (25 thousand).
250 survivors killed (grace kills don’t count). No more ghosting.
Once it’s made permanent, it should be coming with an achievement section for it. That’s where the more time consuming ones go. At 50 points per game, that would require playing it for 6 hours a day over the 2 weeks.
By dying first and doing the ghost thing, even the worst players can achieve around 100 points per game. With this method, you don’t play to win, you play to score points.
Ghost elite skill – Possession. Place a circle around the selected target. After 60s (if the target is still within the circle), the target is possessed by the ghost. Possessed #1 skill – Suicide.
… would be funny.
If they were going to release names, they wouldn’t give you a 30 day warning that you must login. They would give you a 3 month warning that if you haven’t logged in within the last year, your name will be lost.
They’ve actually released names in the past (not counting GW1 to GW2 reservations). Back at the start of GW1, names could be reserved by participating in the pre-release. After release, all unclaimed names were eventually lost, but these people didn’t buy the game, so no one really lost anything.
Even if the trials were hard from the beginning, why is this even here? what is the point of it?
It’s meant for competition. When they demoed it, they talked about people ranking each other. The problem is, they didn’t release leaderboards to go along with it, which would have been the first real PvE leaderboard.
When they “fixed” the trials, they should have reset the achievement.
The ghost trick as in dying as fast as you can and stock up on nodes?
Just kill and pickup as much stuff as you can during the grace period. Stay within/around one of the camps. Drop any traps you get, placing them where they’re going to get triggered, like in the middle of the camp or the doors. Only heal if needed at the very start, you want to be dying from hunger when the grace period ends. As soon as it ends, die from hunger, another player, or fall damage. Being the first to die is easily +30 points just from the motes in the camp.
You can either begin stalking someone, or sprint to the next camp for another +30 points. When picking up the initial motes, drop traps on anyone nearby, since you’re going to reach the 15 mote cap anyways.
When stalking someone, use #1 in front of them. If they’re going to die, use the alarm trap to score a kill. You don’t want to needlessly kill people, since they will generate points for you.
The middle camp can be a good source of motes if there’s a survivor there, since there’s so much stuff to pickup there. As an out of the way place, it usually contains a stock of motes for a short while after the grace period ends.
I only did my last ~10 games like this to reach 2500 points, but I was always between 90 to 130 points. For comparison, playing as a hunter I usually got 60 points on average, 130 if I was the last remaining.
A wardrobe system would have been better, where you equip one set for stats and another for looks. You’d then be able to equip whatever gear you wanted without affecting the other. They wouldn’t make any money off of that however, unless they sold the actual ability to create an alternate appearance, or sold the ability to equip a piece into that alternate slot (a transmutation stone that allows the skin to be equipped).
Going with their current system, an alternative method could be the ability to salvage and unlock skins. Imagine a special salvage kit that could salvage the skin off an item. This skin could then be used to unlock it for your account (skin locker) and be used in the same way the achievement skins are. It may even increase sales, especially if there was achievements for collecting these skins.
Voting should be done directly through the UI. A simple click your candidate to use all your tokens and it shouldn’t give buttons in return. That’s the only way I’d continue to vote because why should I bother trekking all the way out there to click hundreds of times just to delete the buttons, when I could just delete the tokens from the start.
Using the ghost trick, you can get on average 100 points per game and it really takes no effort to do. That’s only 25 games or approximately 4 hours.
There is a barrier, kind of. You can’t be killed in your spawn and if you do get killed just outside your spawn, you’ll just respawn in a few seconds, giving you a guarantee that’ll you eventually kill them back.
If the barrier was any bigger, it wouldn’t even be possible to stop crystal runners from the middle.
I play as a hunter, killing on average 5 people shortly after the grace period. Unfortunately however, after that, I’m just completely surrounded by ghosts. One time I had ~6 alarm traps, a trip and 2 karkas spawned on me all within a few seconds. Because of this, I just kill everyone and sit there, since I know I’m completely surrounded, otherwise I would be hunting the AFKers. Likewise, people that stock up on rations just sit there since only the karka can kill them, and those people are always the last to be found, so generally no motes to spawn one.
Survivors should be able to see each other on the map once only a couple are left. The reward for surviving should be halved while the reward for killing a last survivor should be doubled. Unfortunately however, the last survivors would probably never be able to kill each other with the amount of ghosts around.
Ghosts should generate 1 mote every 10 seconds, however, all initial motes should be removed. At least this way you could spawn a karka to kill someone that is just sitting there and first deaths wouldn’t be heavily rewarded. Alternatively, a karka should randomly spawn on you if you haven’t moved a certain distance within the last minute.
Hold Q and tap E to strafe back and forth to dodge projectiles. If you have double tap enabled, you’ll occasionally dodge from pressing E too fast. Just another reason not to use it.
Zerg kill as many people as you can during the grace period, don’t bother healing. Stay near/in one of the camps. As soon as the grace period ends, die and do not kill anyone before you do. You want and must be the first one dead. You can shoot at people to lower their health, but make sure you will die first. As soon as you die, quickly pickup as many motes as you can. If you’re the first to die, you can easily score +30 points from a camp. If anyone is near you, place an alarm trap (only because you should be at the mote cap) and continue picking up motes.
At this point, you can either rush to the next camp to continue grabbing motes, or you can select a player to stalk. You want to run in front of them and use the first trap skill. If you can guarantee a kill, for example, they’re at half health and no rations, kill them with an alarm trap, it’s worth an extra 2 points in comparison to 4 #1 traps.
Using this method, a score of 100 or more is pretty common.
Also note that it’s sometimes better to let players live. For example, the camp at Onyx Field contains many pickups, so letting someone live here will yield more points, since you get a mote for every item they pickup.
(edited by Healix.5819)
As soon as there’s only a few (3-5) people remaining, their position should show up on the map, but not for ghosts, and it should be radar styled – updated every ~5 seconds. At this point, the reward for killing should be multiplied, while the reward for just surviving should be reduced to give an incentive for not just sitting there.
Motes should be changed so that the first to die aren’t rewarded with a good source of them. Ghosts need to generate motes, say 1 every 10 seconds. As it is now, when the last 2 survivors are just sitting on the opposite ends of the island and both have ~7 rations remaining while all the ghosts just sit around unable to do anything, that’s a boring couple of minutes.
(edited by Healix.5819)
If Evon loses, he’ll probably get mad and increase the taxes on the TP. He does after all have to recover that money he’s been giving out, which of course is funded using those taxes.
I think that if everyone bothered to vote, there’d be a lot more votes to the point that buying 100k votes would be like 0.1% of the total votes. As it is now, I have around 300 tokens and there’s no way I’m going to bother to click that button 300 times, just to get 300 pins that I’d just delete anyways.
If voting was part of the UI and ate all your tokens, it’d probably be much different.