Healing signet, power signet, precision signet, endurance signet, signet of fury
Incredibly boring but every thing just melts.
Be sure to pickup a minor sigil of bloodlust.
A couple of foods and consumables can make it even more boring.
Vision of the mists, whisperblade, the anomaly
Working on mirage and then ignus fatus.
Predict a thief. You don’t need to see them to know what they are doing/ going to do when they are stealthed.
Incorrect grammar grinds my gears too, but harassing and correcting others who aren’t asking for it is, in my opinion, worse. It’s a game, and people are here to have fun.
When I see stuff like this in chat it drives me up the wall:
Player 1: Anyone want to run Citadle of Flame later?
Player 2: Citadel*
Player 1: Oh sorry lol
Player 3: Sure, I’ll come along. So long as you don’t mind a Condition Warrior xD;
Player 1: Lol, it’s cool, I don’t mind. Anyone else wanna come along? LF2M , that efigy is so annoying!
Player 2: Effigy* And I guess so, I’m not doing anything.No one wants to be corrected, especially not while relaxing and playing a game. No one even gains anything from the correction. It’s just annoying. Player 1 isn’t going to be eternally grateful because he now knows how to spell ‘effigy.’ Hell, it was probably just a typo from typing too quickly. It just makes Player 2 sound annoying and snooty.
Now the idiots who type in a way that isn’t coherent, that’s something else entirely. An example being, “lol yu gusy wnna run codf later im doin path1 probly a few tiems.” I would have to read that probably a few times just to get the general idea of what the person even wants, and someone needs to say something. He’s not going to get a party if no one knows that he’s looking for one, lol. Or where he wants to go.
TL;DR – I think people tend to be too harsh on typos. It’s not a big deal. If you can understand what’s being said easily, leave it be.
InB4 – "The biggest crime committed in that scenario is “Condition Warrior.”That is quite possibly true in this example; however, I like it will people call out my mistakes. I am forever learning and know that I am not perfect, and corrections help me learn.
That said, those seem like obvious typos and not spelling mistakes.
Didn’t you bother to go to school?
Ive seen the threads about the skins being the same across heavy/medium/light.
Ive seen the threads about these armors not being dyeable.
Is there one to complain about the fact that light armor chest pieces typically have sleaves which hides gloves?
I was previewing the gauntlets on my female Mesmer and after going through 6 chest pieces I liked, I noticed this problem. Even chest pieces with skinny sleeves still block the gloves.
How is it for medium and/or even heavy armor users?
I got vision of the mists, wisperblade and the anomaly on my mesmer and that isn’t changing anytime soon. Working on mirage and ignus fatus.
Where I am loving these new zeniths are on my warrior. Sword/shield/longbow wearing the shattered dragon wings,soon the radiant guants, the new wind helm, t3 norn female chest,shoulders,leggings and orr temple karma boots all dyed gold and white for a celestial angelic look.
The mail you get from heart events doesnt count I don’t think?
Patch(Tuesday) —> Reset(Tuesday night) —> Reset(Wednesday night)
100ap —> 500ap —> 1000ap
Noob Stuff —> Some stuff —> First Zenith
They need a consumable that gives everyone access to a portal like skill.
I’m impressed. The weapon skins are unlocked one at a time (you choose which from a list) every 1000ap and can be generated free infinite times.
For those at or above 1000ap. You get one chest every 500ap and only one chest per day. So to unlock a weapon you need to wait two days. Likely on Tuesday you will get one on the update and then at server reset Tuesday night you can unlock your first weapon.
Come across a necro and a guardian trying to flip our camp so I jump in and hit the necro which thankfully was glass and died fast. The champ was at low HP when I engaded him so his guardian friend didn’t even see me spike him. But the champ died in that time so it was me and guardian in a 1v1. Guy was obviously wearing pvt cause he would’ve melted my berserker mesmer if he was wearing anything else. We both get low on HP and heals on CD and I know I’m seconds from death. Drop my portal and kite ~ 1200units away and drop exit. For 10sec I troll him with portal and keep laser beaming him with gs while taking no DMG. He drops and my heal comes off CD. Gg
I head to eb and see a camp has swords so I go. And sure as kitten its him and necro again! Rinse repeat. Although this time I had NPCs for help ;-)
(edited by Justine.6351)
I was defending bay and I decided to go to the north cliff to take a look outside and this annoying ranger decided to attack me. After about 10sec I realized he clearly out skilled me so I decided to run along the wall to shake him off on the vets. Even that didn’t stop him so I dropped a portal and kept running. After a good distance I dropped exit and waited for him to see where I went. He comes back and we are on the north cliff again. I figure OK I will just TC this guy off the cliff. Get there and he refuses to go close enough to the edge for a pull and to make things worse his guardian buddy shows up. I attack the guardian and see he is built like a brick. Knowing I’m dead and they are too far for a pull I say kitten it and TC/Into the void. And they both end up right next to each other 2 feet from the edge. Without even thinking out comes my great sword followed swiftly by illusionary wave. Knocks them both out and I get out of there fast cause I know wurm gate still down lol.
(edited by Justine.6351)
People are already at 10k ap…and many more on the way are past 5k ap.
These are rewards for people who play the game, not people who login once every 2 weeks (or less) for a couple hours.
Even saying that, there are rewards no doubt for people under 1k ap.
Most likely there will be goals for everyone.
Probably unlocks starting as low as 100 ap rising through 1000ap for the simpler things.
I’m thinking 5k ap for the bulk of the goods unlocked and zenith and the two armor skins as the cherry.
Maybe 10k ap for the last few cosmetics.
And even more ap tiers to continue progressing account bonuses like +%exp and magic find.
That would fall in line with hom scaling from my point of view.
In another year we may see even more physical rewards added to the ap system as more people continue growing and are seeking new goals.
(edited by Justine.6351)
I guess all we can do now is wait till Tuesday and see. I don’t really care to spend anything on them either but I just cant see there being zero cost beyond AP unlocking for some nagging reason at the back of my mind.
not sure how paying a few laurel or karma or something for the skins that you unlock is being elitist. If you have played long enough to unlock the acheivment points required for these things surely you can handle paying 10-20-30 laurel or 42.5k karma. Do realize that some of these skins are probably unlocked at 5k + achieve points. Im betting some are 10k + to give exreme people some goal. If you have put that much time in game the currencies are peanuts.
The reality is that many people are over 5k achieve points and anet isn’t just going to give free skins. They will want to you put some effort into acquiring them when Tuesday comes. Hopefully you saved some karma, laurels, gold and ecto.
Oh and to address your fears about having to buy the same skin every 5 lvls to 80. Go look in your bank and tell me how many transmutation stones you have….I got 76. YES they will work with these new skins on nooby gear just the same as they work if you have hom gear and want to save the rune when upgrading you can save the hom skin to save you a trip to the HoM.
(edited by Justine.6351)
I think it will be unlock like hom but the skins will come with a price tag whether its gold/laurels/or another currency.
How special is a reward when every lvl 2 has it by default?
The reward isn’t by character, it’s by account. So if you make a new character you’re able to outfit him with whatever cool stuff you’ve unlocked (same like in HOM). And besides, if they cost a currency (which I don’t think they should and hope they don’t) a lvl 2 still has access to it (give your alt some money, jugs of karma, or just use your laurel).
Um that’s exactly why I said its possible they do a currency to prevent all the stuff becoming irrelevant just like the hom rewards. Its not that you can’t put it on your lvl 2 alts, its just that you would have to weigh the costs of doing so wrather then getting out of starter story and instantly decking you toon out with fancy skins.
But my point was, why should they do a currency? Since the rewards are account based, why shouldn’t any new character get the rewards? If you earned them you should be able to put them on any character (however old) and make them fancy.
And my point was so that they don’t become starter gear and thus lose all prestige. I’m not suggesting they cost 100 laurels or 100g a piece or anything. Just something so that you can still get noticed for wearing them and not just another clone.
I think it will be unlock like hom but the skins will come with a price tag whether its gold/laurels/or another currency.
How special is a reward when every lvl 2 has it by default?
The reward isn’t by character, it’s by account. So if you make a new character you’re able to outfit him with whatever cool stuff you’ve unlocked (same like in HOM). And besides, if they cost a currency (which I don’t think they should and hope they don’t) a lvl 2 still has access to it (give your alt some money, jugs of karma, or just use your laurel).
Um that’s exactly why I said its possible they do a currency to prevent all the stuff becoming irrelevant just like the hom rewards. Its not that you can’t put it on your lvl 2 alts, its just that you would have to weigh the costs of doing so wrather then getting out of starter story and instantly decking you toon out with fancy skins.
I think it will be unlock like hom but the skins will come with a price tag whether its gold/laurels/or another currency.
How special is a reward when every lvl 2 has it by default?
I play mesmer focus. In wvw I swear 75% of my gameplay was throwing people around with this skill. Rarely did someone dodge it. I don’t like the Nerf but really its still an amazing ability. Just gotta be even more intelligent with it ;-)
I play mesmer main, and you know how many times I get portaled for a JP compared to how many times I portal someone else?
i often stand and wait for someone that wants a portal up for several minutes. Don’t hate on the mesmer cause they being nice…
they got hit by some nerfs this round too.
+20 pts into a tree to get our -20% illusion recharge
+2sec recharge on blurred frenzy AND changed from invulnerable to evade
Just two that bothered me, not that they wernt uncalled for but a nerf is a nerf ;-)
yeah warriors savage leap and rangers swoop… better look at those first before you go pecking at someone out witting you in a 1v1.
I can use portal and bounce back and forth 2000 units for like 10 seconds while still dealing dmg. fun as hell in a 1v1 vs medium skilled players. Not an exploit, just using the skill creatively.
oh sorry, I searched oakheart and got no returns
How come some of the oak hearts in queensdale are now the form of ranger spirits?
How is that a bug? Blink will teleport you pretty much anywhere you can walk within a short time without jumping. If anything I would say that mesmer knows their skills and how to use them. That’s a good thing in a game that tries to promote skill.
Yeah a month after launch people would just sit there and auto attack him. Now enough people know to kill pillars thank god.
“Hey guys should we be protecting the golems like NPC says?”
“Golems? Nah they don’t do anything cause they weak and die too fast. Best method is for every one to spam auto attack for 30min…”
I went from warrior to mesmer… So imagine how I feel after this update.
I’m thinking maybe its time for ele or thief…
Double Nerf to blurred frenzy and +20pts on illusionary celerity (I don’t spam my shatters, I use them intelligently) was just brutal.
Forget the 1sec Nerf to temporal curtain/into the void (a good tell to help avoid it) and the FIFTY PERCENT Nerf to sirens call (my berserker mesmer could kill faster with 25stacks of bleed then using a spear…).
In another year or two we will see more horrid changes. In 5 years the skills will do completely different things then they do today. Just look at gw1. You need not look any further.
I’d go back to my Axe warrior but they screwed with its DMG so I have to hit all 3 times in a row to compete with the gs. Wishing I was an ele after today’s patch.
They gutted us…
And then gave us weird stuff to try and make up for it.
Overall the patch was a Nerf.
The whole topic is about how they go invulnerable and stay that way permanently. They should be reseting once you are out of combat with them.
I played the mantra build for like three months and yes its heavy DMG when you can weave in three tics mantra of pain. In wvw setting it may be fun taking out noobs in 2 seconds but anything with toughness will absorb your first barrage and then wipe you.
Although I still have full berserker gear I’ve retraited away from mantras 100% and now have 0/20/25/20/5 in my traits and I still do decent DMG to noons I’ve increased my survivability a lot and picked up a lot of reflect. I’m considering changing some or all of my berserkers for knights gear. Wvw is not about hunting noobs gathering iron. Besides what good is DMG if you are just throwing/pushing them off cliffs ;-)
Don’t you touch my blurred frenzy !
I wanted twilight or sunrise but the swords look too big on my mesmer and I find myself using mh sword more now. I’m decided to make all the illusion weapons. I have vision of the mists, whisper blade, the anomaly, working on mirage and then after that ignus fatus. Maybe when I become pro mesmer I create the rest of them like the pistol & sceptre. Possibly bifrost even though I don’t see myself using staff.
After burning out my BLK kits from earlier months of the game I started using master kits. Was fine for awhile but lately its been so painful I’ve just been selling the rares on the tp and buying what ecto I need.
I will say this, mathematically BLK should be ~1 ecto per rare and masters ~.5 ecto per rare. So I’m not really offended if it was changed.
Badge+gold merchant has all the main stat combos, different tabs.
The badge only merchant offers only Pvt I think.
Oh sorry, thinking armor not trinkets….yeah wondered same thing when I got a set from that merchant a couple months back. I’m assuming they knew they were adding ascended for badges and didn’t want people getting kitten ed because they burned badge stacks 2 months before ascended trinkets were added.
(edited by Justine.6351)
Can already create omni infusions with agony resist, only makes sense to have option for the guard killer/defense or at minimum being able to stack the same stat like precision/power/defense. That was the whole point of omni infusions in the first place since we cannot use two of the same ascended gear.
yeah its kinda dumb now since a zerg spams aoe swiftness anyhow so im not sure why anet trolling mesmers only speed buff. In small groups I fall behind because my swiftness doesn’t stack with others and so I miss out on all the my friends swiftness extensions.
Don’t nerf my foucs !
If a thief stealths I almost always drop this and pull. I don’t care where the thief ends up, I just want to confuse them long enough for stealth to drop. Imagine my disappointment when 10seconds go by and still I see nothing…Yes absolutely nerf the mesmers focus…
We are stuck with picking one defensive and one offensive of a certain stat type for rings and accessories but beyond cost it hasn’t mattered since we can make Omni infusions for the stat we want with +5 AR.
In wvw this is different.
If I wanted 6 guard killer infusions I cannot do it unless I drop my “defensive” berserker accessory for something else with an offensive slot that would just reduce my dmg thus making it a pointless endeavor.
Please change them to Omni so people stacking a certain stat can do so ;-)
GS sucks for starters.
Axe/shield is where its at. Toss a stun sigil on the shield for 2 sec stun.
Ive run full berserker warrior in wvw and have had those fun moments of getting on a Mesmer and staying there hacking into them with axe.
However, you are going to get melted with conditions. Without stealth or teleports you don’t really have a way to confuse an opponent about your position.
power, power/precision, power/precision/crit dmg for gear when they become available and run with GS,Sword/Focus.
Traits are mostly obvious but I go 20/20/0/25/5
illusions +15% dmg, Gs cooldown
Sword cooldown, dodgeroll clones
Feedback Revive, Focus cooldown/reflect
Just 5 pts in last line for 20% cooldown on illusions
Im a berserker GS/sword//focus Mesmer and in wvw you know what I do when I seen any Mesmer that isn’t a green arrow?
I RUN to zerg or nearest tower lol.
And yes if someone gets in my face I die 7 times out of 10. Because we like to fight at range. We switch to sword when we feel confident we can win/already won the fight and move in for the kill. The 3 out of 10 times I do win is because I kill them with warden/swap/blurred frenzy or simply scare them out of melee with said combo.
ok they could have called it an instance, just because its underground doesnt mean it needs to be 5man lol.
Seriously, who ends an event in the middle of the weekend and not at the end of it 12midnight pacific or even sunday’s daily reset…
Got on thinking I had 4hrs to grind out a dungeon, that should have been a solo one in the first place, by finding a quick pug. Nope, its done, gg better luck next time.
And yesyesyes, i coulda seen that it ended sooner if i sifted through the website for that info since we didnt have a real timer ingame for it or even an announcement of when it ended precisely ingame other then some 2 weeklong progress bar that didnt say much. Or simply done it earlier then waiting for “last minute”/ 4hrs.
End of rant sorry. Its not like im threatening to unsub or anything ;-)
I do 20/20/0/25/5
15% DMG on illusions, gs -20% recharge
Phantasm fury, dodge roll clones
Feedback revive, focus -20% & reflect
Mirror/decoy/feedback/portal/mass in is
If you try soloing someone built with a lot of toughness you will most likely lose since you have minimal healing and they will just wear you down. I think of myself as a group fighter ;-)
I think mesmers are awesome, not op.
We have access to a lot of utility through traits, skills, profession mechanics.
Where we are lacking is builds, and one of the two prominate ones got taken to the chopping block.
Temporal curtain/into the void is fine. Except for pulling targets off of walls that aren’t within LOS. That’s BS.
Its the only pull skill to do it, and that’s what makes focus awesome. If you weren’t aware, into the void will only pull some off the wall if they are standing on the ledge of it where they are exposed to LOS. Even on paper walls there’s only a few non LOS places you can get pulls like stairs or at certain towers cliffs\regular ground tied to the tower. Half the time when you pull someone off the wall they just double dodge roll to entrance, immune,teleport and several more options the same as how they get in their in the first place with a zerg outside.