I found the only way I can roam effectively is a norn warrior condi/shout build.
Wanna know the number one runner from me? Thieves.
About 1/3 actually make it though cause I just finish them off with snow leopard, “fear me” out of their stealth refuge, or just simply pindown/arcing shot.
Wanna know the number one profession I have to snow leopard away from? Mesmers cause 1/3 of the time a thief will try ganking me during that “1v1”
There are 4 types of roamers
Runner/not condi or gank
Rock Throwers/not condi,gank or runner
Calling it now, next champ train ;-)
I solo roam for JQ on my celestial condi warrior with healing shouts. I use snow leopard for escaping 1v3 or worse and sometimes to wipe someone trying to flee a fight ;-)
Last night I forced a thief to run and I nailed him with the charge/leap of snowleopard and then stealth spiked him ;-)
Most people think of snow leopard as only escape, its deadly when you can turn your warrior into a dagger thief.
But to answer your other question, I meet many people solo out on the map. Roamers and peeps trying to catch up to their zerg. Try night time playing.
I don’t know how any mesmer plays without traited focus IMO.
If a skill has killed someone ever there is zero doubt someone has at sometime called it op.
Am I the only one who uses stealth trap?
Or maybe skill 4 on arrow cart?
Yeah lots of thieves just run from fights, I don’t get it either. But warriors that greatsword rush away aren’t any less common
yeah they are annoying, and they typically engage me first !
Just wiped a bronze thief with thieves guild + rock dog. Those longbow nukes! I just hope whenever I fight a thief they arnt condi, nasty bugger but so are condi engi/mes/warrior ;-)
I did some testing and yes the other 3 forms lock you down on auto-attack. Sucks. Also many of the other skills lock you down aswell while using. Snow leopard only has 1 of 5 skills that lockdown but its effect is kinda weak (well weakness lol) so I never use it.
I find this amusing cause last night I was gutting thieves left and right on my warrior. Was hillarious doing a 1v2 against 2 thieves, i drop one so his buddy drops SR on him for revive. I just nuke the spot with LB then flurry. Like 10sec latter they both reappear in downed state lol. Dropped one later with snow leopard and stealth spiked them. ;-)
Run all day if you want, but if you turn to fight you are getting run down.
I can attack with snow leopard while moving. I NEVER use skill 2 though, its horrible.
Lots use snow leopard for stealth/running skills 4 and 5 to escape. I do too but I also sometimes stay and fight a little longer using 4-3-1-1-1-1-1, Snow leopard does some decent dmg even in full celestial. If I manage to down them I will stealth with skill 5 and drop snow leopard and spike them.
Do bear/raven/wolf forms lock you into place while attacking?
And they said they went through and fixed bugs. Well obviously they did but yeah…
I stopped worrying about the 4 rune bug. It actually resets without changing out your gear on logging so it doesn’t bother me too much. That 6 rune bonus more then makes up for it in zerg fights ;-) And I thought superior rune of svanir was lol worthy in zerg fights ;-)
I will give you my roaming build I use for camps and “dueling” which is more like noob gutting. Against a pro I get wiped like 95% of the rest of the players in wvw.
100% celestial gear, im rocking ascended with toughness infusions and cnd dmg infusions.
Rune of the soldier
sword/sword, leeching + corruption
longbow, leeching
defense 20pt
*blocking reflects
*cleansing ire
tactics 30pt
*stronger bowstrings
*shrug it off
*vigerous shouts
discipline 20pt
*warriors sprint
*inspiring shouts
Healing signet
For great justice
shake it off
fear me
and I cheat and use snow leopard ;-)
if you want more offensive, dump defense line and 10pts out of discipline and put them into arms and pickup
*deep cuts
change tacitcs trait
*shrug it off
*leg specialist
gives much more physical dmg and even another 300 condi dmg.
I flip camps from start to end in like 1.5-2min. Not super speedy but you can hold your own. I take camps with noobs in them frequently. I wipe same rank players as me frequently. Its those rare spvpers that teach me a lesson ;-)
I eat thieves frequently, its my pride ;-)
If I get into 2 foes I will fight for a few sec and decide if im going to wipe fast or not. If I think I got a shot I fight if not I snow leopard. 3 or more I just snow leopard lol.
Key to roaming is don’t be so predictable after you start encountering enemy players at camps. Wp to spawn and head other direction or do 1 of the events on the side before continuing to let map cool off.
that’s why you choose to use one of the buffs, to tailor stealth to how you want it.
the closest one to current stealth would be:
Steal(No Reveal from Damage): While in stealth you do not reveal from damage taken but healing is reduced to 50%. All other forms of reveal are reduced to 3seconds.
it would remove “lol I reset every fight with stealth” or atleast alleviate it. Hard capping all sources of reveal would be some form of compensation. Thieve teleporting while stealth is bs if that’s what you are seeing. Mesmers cant blink or use portals in stealth without gaining reveal. Just a counter opinion anyhow.
so basically you just want an extra skill slot lol.
although I think stealing is limited, I think that’s how it was meant to be. Just as you describe.
“Do I save this for a rainy day or do I discard it and hope for something more useful?”
If made your way, every thief would gun for the same skill each time they get onto map. Next thing would be, “can we keep this skill between map loads and logouts/ins, a little quality of life ya know?”
I would skull fear just so you know ;-)
Thinking of a solution tied to stealing and stealthing. People suggest many things for stealth (me included) but no one solution seems perfect and fair.
I believe stealth needs to be broken up in its abbilities. So perhaps something like having 5 different Steal skills to rotate through with each affecting how stealth works on the character. Kinda like we have a pool of utility skills open (elite skills too) when we click on the little arrow on the skills icon.
Rought Draft (stealing itself wont be affected by purposed buff, just stealth used while under each steal buff)
Starting with alteration to how stealth works at base level:
Base Stealth: Invisible. While in stealth, damage taken, shadowstepping and stealth expiration cause revealed for 3seconds. If you break stealth by dealing damage you are revealed for 6seconds.
Steal(base): No change to stealth. Stealing range increased by (range:+500).
Steal(Perma Stealth): When you use a stealth skill, that stealth lasts for 60seconds. All reveals are increased to 60seconds.
Steal(Small Reveal): Stealth lasts only 1sec and then reveals. Reveal lasts for 1sec from all sources. Cloak and Dagger costs 3 initiative and does not require a target.
Steal(No Reveal from Damage): While in stealth you do not reveal from damage taken but healing is reduced to 50%. All other forms of reveal are reduced to 3seconds.
Steal(Never Reveal): You cannot be revealed by reveal skills, taking damage, shadowstepping or even dealing dmg. Your health is drastically reduced to 10%.
Zero cooldown swap in pve out of combat ofcoarse. Thinking there should be a 30sec cooldown swap-in for the steal skill buffs when in wvw(spawn areas under immunity buff) and 10min cd in wvw(everywhere except spawn) and spvp matches to prevent too much op swapping. But these would allow thieves to play their certain way and allow for counter aswell.
Some may wonder where this leaves mesmers. Im not entirely sure mesmer stealth and thieve/smoke field stealths are even the same. But yeah would have to be looked into.
Ty and sorry for wall of text.
Skull Crack
Skull Daze: Daze foe and 2 other adjacent foes for 2,3,4 seconds.
Brutal Skull Crack: Stuns your target for 1 second. Applies 10,15,20 stacks of vulnerability for 7,5,3seconds.
Chilling Blow: Massive Damage. Gain Quickness (1,2,3 seconds) and cause Chill (2,3,4seconds). Rapidly attack your foe multiple times. Can move while attacking and is Unblockable.
BAMF Strike: Launch (launch:750) foe and cause knockdown for 3seconds after landing.
Kill Shot
Sniper Shot: Massive damage (~80% of base skill). Extended Range (range:2000). Causes 5,10,15 stacks of vulnerability for 10,7,5 seconds.
Piercing Kill Shot: Massive damage (~80% of base skill). Pierces target (max:5) and Increases damage by (5,10,20%) per foe.
Forceful Shot: Massive damage (~80% of base skill). Knockdown(1,2,3seconds) target foe.
Shotgun: Weak to Massive damage (each projectile ~40% of base skill). Fire a conical shot(3,4,5 projectiles). Projectiles can all hit same target.
Evasive Flurry: Removes bleeding from flurry. You evade 1,2,3 seconds while attacking.
Elusive Flurry: Causes cripple instead of immobilize. You can move while using flurry.
Deadly Flurry: Removes bleeding, deals Massive damage.
Riposting Flurry: Flurry no longer cleaves. While in flurry, any foe that hits you in melee bleeds(2,4,6 stacks) for 5 seconds. Foes that hit you with projectiles bleed (1,2,3 stacks) for 5 seconds.
Forceful Shot (ok this skill seriously needs some work on base so i will do that “rune” aswell)
Forceful Shot(Base): Weak to Massive damage. Deals more dmg to closer foes. (range:900=25%) (range:600=35%) (range:300=50%)
Stunning Shot: Massive damage (damage ~80% of base). Also stuns foes. (range:900=1sec) (range:600=2sec) (range:300=3sec)
Sinking Shot: Moderate damage. Fire heavy shot to sink your foe (1,2,3seconds)
Tormenting Shot: Moderate damage. Set a barb(15seconds) into your target that causes torment (3,7,10 stacks) for 5 seconds. Pulses torment once every 5 seconds. Barb ends early if foe exits water.
Concusion Wave: No damage. PBAoE affect. Daze all foes within (range:600) for 2,4,6 seconds.
Whirling Strike
Whirlpool Strike: Moderate damage. Pull enemies (radius:90,180,240) to you every second for 2,3,4 seconds.
Repeling Strike: Moderate damage. Push enemies away from you (radius:90,130,180) each second for 2,3,4 seconds.
Wieghted Spear: Moderate damage. Stab your foe with a spear that sinks them for 2,3,4 seconds.
Shockwave: Weak damage. Create a massive shockwave (arc:xyz:180degree foward) (range:600) in a conical patern in front of you that dazes(2,3,4 seconds) foes(max:5,7,10).
Some may look op and they probably are. Assume some tweaks. I may not have listed all the skills true abbilites such as hammer burst are all still leaps. Assume some things or ask what I had intended if unsure/ suggest some things yourself.
Thankyou and sorry for wall of text.
Creating a suggestion to liven up warrior burst skills.
This suggestion actually goes to all classes but I wanted to start it out with warrior since its a class I have some understanding of.
This suggestion was inspired by the skill rune systems of both sacred 2 and diablo 3. Not sure if other games have similar/better systems but these two games are ones I have played.
Each burst skill can be “runed” or traited in guildwars 2 lingo. But an easier mechanic might just be having an arrow like utility skills and an accessible pool of skills per weapon’s burst skill slot.
Basically each weapons burst skill slot will have its own unique pools of skills to customize for flavor. One being base skill and the other four offering both flavor and incentive to use them. Hopefully the hammer/mace stuns replacement suggestions will prove as both fun and not too horribly op alternatives. Feedback on those will be interesting for sure ;-)
Cleaving Eviscerate: Massive damage (~90% of base skill). In addition to main target, cleave 1,2,3 additional nearby foes for 75% dmg.
Savage Eviscerate: Massive damage (~90% of base skill). Extend leap distance to 400,500,600.
Sundering Eviscerate: Moderate damage. Throw an axe (range:600) that hits for moderate dmg but causes massive bleeding. 5tic,10tic,15tic over 5sec. Pierces.
Final Eviscerate: Massive damage (~90% of base skill) Downed enemies hit with eviscerate lose 25,50,75% health.
Arcing Slice
Piercing Slice: Massive damage. Gain quickness for 1,2,3seconds. Attack foe to left, attack foe to the right and finnaly slash foe in front.
Reverse Slice: Massive damage. Quickly about-face and cleave 3 foes. Evades for .5,1,2second.
Blade Smack: Moderate damage. Strike foe with flat of blade dazing them for 2,3,4seconds.
Whirling Slice: Weak to Moderate dmg. Inflicts 5,10,15 stacks of vulnerability for 10seconds to 5 foes around you.
Sandstorm: Weak damage. Create a sandstorm (radius:240) for 5,7,10seconds that causes blind (3seconds) and bleed (3 seconds) to 5 foes. Pulses once per second.
Glass Earth: Weak damage. Create broken meteor glass (radius:240) for 5,7,10seconds that causes cripple (3seconds) and bleed (3seconds) to 5 foes. Pulses once per second.
Fissures: Weak damage. Fracture the ground causing fissures (radius:360, impact radius:120, 15,20,25 strikes) to burn (seconds) and poison(3seconds) foes for 5,7,10 seconds.
Blasted Earth: Weak damage. Blasting fields causes additional affects.
*Dark, Area Life Leech (900)
*Etheral, Area Confusion (3 stacks, 5seconds)
*Fire, Area Fire Armor (5seconds)
*Ice, Area Healing
*Light, Area Aegis (5seconds)
*Lightning, Area Shocking Aura
*Poison, Area Fear (2seconds)
*Smoke, Area Blindness (3seconds)
*Water, Area Frost Armor
Combustive Shot
Smoldering Ground: Instead of burning, combustive shot blinds foes. 10,25,50% chance to cause smoke field.
Combustive Arrows: Fire 2,3,4 piercing arrows that leave trails of fire to burn your foes. The arrows explode(radius:90) at end of flight.
Backdraft Infero: Massive damage. Shoot an arrow that creates an inferno (radius:90) at target location. Pulls nearby (Pull radius:180, Pull:100) foes in and deals damage every second for 1,2,3 seconds.
Only You Can Prevent Forrest Fires: After using combustive shot, gain a skill that shoots an arrow to create an ice field(3,4,6seconds) that chills(3seconds) foes if it hits enemies or a water field(3,4,6seconds) if it does not.
ok I found out why I was confused. The wiki skill description says,
Frost Aura
Number of Targets: 5
I went in game and it said this aswell but it was in blue which says “traits affected”. So I went and turned off the powerful auras trait and it disappeared from Frost Auras description. Editing the wiki page now to remove that misleading skill statistic ;-)
Looking to play around with powerful auras using mainhand dagger and either focus or offhand dagger and I noticed frost aura says 5 targets.
The other auras didn’t have this so im wondering specifically what this means. Only the first 5 foes to hit you will be affected for the auras duration? 5 foes per second? All other auras have 5 cap or no?
Would love to run offhand dagger but swirling winds/obsidian flesh are crazy skills.
Ty for any useful info. If you know something else hidden about auras that isnt listed in tooltips and whatnot please do post it for me.
But if you must gank people I would say a good mesmer who is not glass.
All jokes aside, I was toying around with thief to see what the weapons could do. At one point I was stealthed and I used the sword teleport and it didn’t reveal me? My mesmer can’t blink or even use portal without becoming revealed. Didn’t think to test shadow shot. This right here might be something to look into.
(Stronger bowstrings, savage leap, arcing shot) + combustive shot = fiery projectiles, fire shield, aoe might
Wish warriors smoldering arrow caused smoke field so I could stealth like a thief all day long…
Cause no one has ever been CCed to death by necro, thief, mesmer, engi and probably the other classes as well.
Riposte with Missile Deflection will still trigger the attack for things like barrage if in melee range. Basically anything non-projectile which may or may not have been obvious. However, if not in melee range it will continue to block with or without missile deflection for the duration.
I love missle deflection for the lol factor. MANY things are considered projectiles in this game. I’ve stealthed myself with a rangers hunters shot, I’ve had guardians eat their own binding blades. I have yet to see if mirror blade will create a clone or if the skill is even deflectable. On spvp isle the mesmer there uses a non-clone version but I can’t seem to reflect it anyhow.
Oh kitten , wiki says unblockable.
(edited by Justine.6351)
vita, toughness everyone uses
healing power I use cause I have 4 healing shouts (soldier runed) with adrenal shouts trait.
power/precision/crit dmg and you can still do actual dmg not to mention final thrust/arc shot.
and ofcoarse condition dmg. you can easily get 6 stacks of might, sigil of corruption, guard leech. buffed I can tic for ~100bleeds and ~600 burns.
Roaming isn’t spvp. You will take forever trying to bleed and burn an npc down. You want some attack dmg. I often see people say you cant zerg on a condition warrior. I have yet to feel like its not possible. I can explain further if you are still interesested in condition warrior that isn’t glass.
(edited by Justine.6351)
they will not give us a 1-hand ranged weapon that would compete with rifle or longbow. And since its dmg would suck so bad people wouldn’t use it except for niche builds. At best you can expect is an offhand ranged weapon like boomerang/chakram type weapon that would off more utility. But tbh, what more are you going to find for utility on an offhand that isn’t given currently? A pull skill perhaps?
The thread was a heads up for anyone thinking it was hacks. L2R, everyone else did.
Anyone else (who not just faceroll) just know enemy posible traits (especially those good and hard countering traits).
Im sorry I forgot to study before the test.
celestial although it will take some time to aquire
I sport celestial gear so I still do attack dmg and extra survivability. I use a sigil of corruption and a sigil of leeching both on bow and sword for that 1k dmg/heal every 9-10sec (will change soon as im sporting fast hands now). Using healing shouts with soldier runes and adrenal shouts trait. Healing signet,fgj!,SiO! (Have shrug it off trait as well),FearMe!,SnowLeopard.
My bow does ALOT of my condition DMG with pin down and stronger bowstrings auto attacking through combustive shot. I often don’t drop it on the foe but instead I drop it on myself. Protip; change your targeting skills like arcing shot/combustive shot to cast on mouse. Takes a little bit to get used to but you can fire those attacks much more smoothly.
Norn for snow leopard if you roam.
Sexy weapons look huge.
Sexy norn females are huge.
Sexy t3.
So basically (Sexy x 3 + Stealth = BAMF)
Warrior comes to the fight, kill 2 ppl in 1v3 and now he is crying about “OP” in engi grandmaster trait, because he can’t faceroll the 3rd enemy. Well it is so “warriorish”.
The thread was a heads up for anyone thinking it was hacks. L2R, everyone else did.
Oh BTW, I was physical dmging him (benefit of using celestial gear) but between his dodging,hoping,cc and stealth I just couldn’t take out last little bit of hp. Regflag went up when I thought the attack should have killed him but it just said immune a lot for like 2min. Learn something new ;-)
Shame the fight didn’t end like it did with the diamond skin else I fought for 10min near the cliffs nw of citadel. They bumped me down to a lower ledge with no way off and a fall that = death. Try killing me for a couple min before jumping down. Fight there in a death match for another couple min before they use burning retreat and roll themselves off ledge ;-)
Fighting 1 v3 on my celestial condi warrior and I killed 2 then I get this 3rd, an engi down to like 10% health and all I see is immune spaming above them. I party him and say stuff about him hacking and he says no its a trait. Still skeptical I go to engi traits on wiki and sure enough…
-100% condi duration below 25% hp.
I thought ele diamond skin and warrior Berserker stance were ridiculous.
Im not sure why I am crying really cause ive gotten my face melted by condi necro/ele/engi/thief too so I can see such immunities almost necessary short of running -% cnd duration runes and food or spam condition removal in your build.
Guess this is more a headsup to any condi warrior out there that ran into this and thought “hacks im reporting” cause it is a legit trait and grandmaster lvl.
stealth isn’t broken, some people exploit it as much as possible cause its a powerful tool. How to fix? Learn how to hunt thieves. I made a warrior for this cause I got sick of them. Now I laugh when they try running and I take them down cause there backstab/heartseeker spam didn’t work. Pro tip, if a thief stealths 9 times out of 10 you can just drop aoe on yourself or circle strafe where you are standing with cleaving melee and hit them. If a thief wants to regen/reset at range then do the same till they reveal themselves and get back on them. CC them to death while revealed and cleave them down if they try to stealth.
There are only a few obnoxious thieves ingame as most others get frustrated with “stealth /= invulnerable” against pretty much any roamer that’s of bronze rank. Keep breaking them and they will eventually roll a warrior or guardian ;-)
If that fails, roll Norn and use SnowLeopard as your elite lol.
(edited by Justine.6351)
Just make building a stealth trap stealth you while you build it lol.
“Nope, my warrior didn’t just get stealth from a stealth trap to break your stealth cause stealth is ridiculous as is”
same in hod bl, was close to breaking through our hills and we all mapped back. Pretty funny and I was all like “100k lead and CD still needs to hack…”
Since everyone is throwing out the crazy ideas…
3sec cast
10sec cd
Passive: 200 regen unscaling, 100 regen (.05 x healing power) per foe within 1200 range (max:5).
Active: heal yourself for 3000 (+.3 x healing power) and share upto 3 conditions and 3k damage received while activating to the nearest 3 foes within 1200 range.
There you go,
Reason to activate
Vulnerable to interupt
Peacemaker longbow…
Roam in the borderlands.
why in gods name would you use charged quartz to lvl crafting if you need it to craft celestial ascended armor? Certainly not to the point where you gotta go back to TP and buy more and start charging again lol. Supposed to use all those other t6 mats you should have been saving since ascended weapon crafting came out knowing armor was on the way.
word is that its only +1% more total on armor and that’s on shoulders. other pieces didn’t increase from exotic.
Well its always been know that trinkets and the weapons carry the bulk of the stats not the armor. +5% of little is little. Consider yourself lucky you sent running celestial like me. +7all stat with zero increase to crit dmg. The infusions add almost as much increase lol.
Lol my celestial armor will be +7all stats + whatever I put in for infusions. Pretty weak. Crit DMG is same, I’m curious if berserker crit DMG went up.
yeah a stack of quartz was like 8g. that’s 10 charged.
for 3g I could buy a stack of gifts and get 15ish charged and other stuff and just spam click the stack.
yes when people started saying presents were droping charged quartz like candy I was wtfing in guild chat…its probably a good change but at same time they completely went back on what they were saying about quartz and the home instance node in the first place. Ohwell cats out of bag. Snowflakes droped fast in price too.
Fotm for rings. Maybe one ring with laurel and badges.
Guild missions for earrings.
Laurels and badges for amulet.
They already said they are looking at how to do it recently.
It doesn’t take that long to craft it. If you missed the quartz while they were cheap (this is the real issue tbh) that’s unfortunate. Hoping for a wupwup chest is so unlikely its just silly.
Celestial gear lost the MF stat with no replacement which while not huge did count for something. Not many builds can actually use every stat on celestial so its certainly not for everyone. To that end, you could use a mix of pieces (which may even be better if you can’t use all stats from celestial) which would allow for you to focus slightly more on one stat or another. If you want high toughness with minor power knights is the choice with precision too but if you have access to fury easily and critical hit chance traits you may want to add in some cavalier for crit dmg. Something to that effect.
Already a dozen threads on this.
Can find iron in the borderlands which certainly helps. Although you can find platinum in eb so…I don’t know if that’s a factor.
Snow leopard is an amazing elite. Growl could use a change and Pounce could use some streamlining.
Don’t nerf an amazing elite because there are unamazing players in wvw.