pkbot: First it is hard to take you seriously with the word “bot” in your name. Maybe that is wrong of me but I can’t help but only see that word while reading your thoughts on GW2.
Second is that a recent interview has contradicted what you are putting forth here. A net is making plenty of money with the system they have set up. Perhaps it doesn’t fit your play style or personal preferences but that doesn’t make it a failure by any means.
“99.99% of the hardcore gaming community left GW2. Did they really think that a few months after getting maxed out we would all still be logging in to do…nothing of value?”
Sounds like an opinion to me. What does hardcore mean anymore? Raiding 40 hours a week? Nothing of value is very subjective by the way.
Which MMO is raking in the money that caters to hardcores?
There seem to be a lot of holes in your very emotional post and responses.
“I know they don’t think themselves as anything special, but Konig and drax have been extremely active on the lore community since GW1.”
You should read the first page of this; Konig seems to have a different idea as to what he thinks of himself and his contributions to the community.
As for Dulfy being put in as an NPC, well it happened. I am not sure we’ll be seeing more of those to be honest despite my opinion on the matter. I am not sure we really should. Still I felt it was a nice suggestion by the OP. Opinions on a subject such as this is always going to be very split and very “heart on your sleeve”
Konig Des Todes and Lonami:
Lets start with that neither WP or any of you are asking for an NPC. Other community members are asking for it, or rather suggesting that it would be a cool or fun idea.
Perhaps both of you have been active and know more than WP when it comes to lore. I don’t know to be honest and it doesn’t really matter. Here is what I do know. WP provides lore in a fun easy to listen to environment that is easy to access without hours of digging and or reading.
I am sure you’ll just assume I am lazy and therefore dismiss me or anything I have to say. Which is ok. But is that the attitude you want to put forward to get more players interested in the lore? Because that is the feeling and attitude that you get on lore forums.
I would love for either of you to put your knowledge into video format and throw it up on youtube or wherever. I will watch it I promise you, and I know I wouldn’t be alone. Players are hungry for GW lore.
Dulfy provides great walkthroughs for those who need them, sometimes way too early in my opinion (even before a patch is released, which I am surprised anet lets her do). Her site is very popular for that reason.
“However, I think it’s entirely valid to point out that he doesn’t necessarily contribute any more than either Konig or myself have contributed (either now or, in my case, in the past).”
Would you say that you and Konig have reached a larger audience than WP? Because that is what it comes down to at the end of the day. At least for most people it does. Also I am not sure that anyone is saying he contribute more than either of you. Although both of you seem to have taken it that way.
“And not to sound conceted or anything, but I’ve been in the community longer (at least actively), have moderated multiple forums, been a long time and huge wiki editor, part of the Test Krewe, and far far more, gotten a reputation as “lore guru/god/etc.” (which I’m not too fond of the last but meh it happened), but I don’t have an NPC.”
You realize that after you wrote “And not to sound conceted” that everything that followed was fairly conceted? That is like saying “I don’t mean offence” and then you say something offensive.
What does most of that stuff have to do with the suggestion at hand? Being a moderator? really? Length in community doesn’t hold much weight either. Like I said above it’s about how many you can reach not how much you know. How you inspire others to want to learn about the lore and be excited about it.
Players love to speculate, is it a surprise that those video gain some traction then? I don’t think so. It’s not about being right when it comes to a mystery. The fun is in speculating. He has plenty of factual lore videos. I am sure there are some places where the info is skewed.
1000% signed. I love his work. Without him I am not sure I would understand and or appreciate the lore of GW2 like I do. Plus he has a passion for the game, it’s refreshing to see and hear on a constant basis.
This was a fun and good way to farm for a little while in the early days of this patch. At this point I don’t even get credit in the larger event now for killing anything, and even when I do they aren’t dropping the chests.
Players have been extra rude since the patch about following their orders, and or not waypointing to get the maximum benefit. They get really angry when you kill a champion before they complete their rotation.
Its a shame because running around in a large zerg killing mass npcs is fun to me.
As a guild leader / officer I don’t mind that my members have other guilds. When we are doing events, which is fairly often I’ll whisper them to let them know that we are actively doing something. By fostering a fun community, with TS, web site etc. It’s my hope that they would rep with us most of the time.
what pets are you using? hate to change from my apothecaries gear but this looks interesting to play. been looking for an updated build.
Would also love to know this is where I am currently stuck. I beat him but refuse to move on until I am able to get this achievement.
Seems like guilds who run dungeons a lot are going for AH builds with boon uptime. Please correct me if I am wrong on this but haven’t seen to many videos show casing full zerker guardians. Is it even worth it? Warriors do more damage. I am sure I am missing something here if this is the case.
Look like the match is gonna be over this weekends . . .
That’s what happens when one server overstacks.
BG is the new Vizunah. Most of SoR has come to realize it, so should you.
The problem started when JQ demoralized your entire SEA force and ended up trickling into your NA… SoR definitely has what it takes to win this match-up if they wanted to.
So what you are saying is that SoR doesn’t want to win? That seems odd.
I had averaged about 1 dragon ticket per 1k. sometimes more or less but that was about average. I opened many tickets, perhaps this is now my punishment. lol
@lanfeasr “Surprisingly, this doesn’t bother me. However, it does make me really consider if I ‘actually want’ the skin, or if my collection demon is taking over.”
I suffer from this collection demon as well. Recently started to sPVP. That locker may be my undoing.
Still way too RNG for me. 10 keys zero scraps. RNG is RNG.
I wouldn’t have called the limited banker the highlight of your 20 dollars. Mini and Mistfire were a lot more useful personally. Clearly you would disagree with me, but that 5 day banker would not have sold me on that edition.
Call them whatever you like but please less mini games and achievements tied to # of games played, kills earned, points scored etc.
I hate to get on the negative train but I am getting tired of mini game after mini game update. A new zone would be awesome. The features listed sound great and do have me excited, but the promise of more mini games does not.
Can’t find the post right now, but there was mention that pristine relics would not be stored? If this is true; why not? Is there anything excluded from the wallet?
I am surprised a little with how much effort the OP put into this if you don’t like GW2 too much anymore. Certainly you don’t enjoy it enough to recommend to your friends.
I like this game a lot. I don’t love all aspect or all decisions but overall I like it and find it enjoyable. More so than any other MMO currently.
That being said. I dislike facebook a lot and refuse to use it. Personal preference and opinion. So I did not like it on facebook because I don’t use facebook. I would have retweeted or something if that was an option.
Many of the “toys” are less than that. Kite’s are not “toys” I suppose but they feel like it. What would you compare them to? Town clothes for example are sometimes more and sometimes less.
Most of those are bad references though as the kite is a bit of a different item.
I did not read all the posts, I apologize. However, JP are optional content but so are achievement points. While the rewards are nice to have it isn’t necessary. If you don’t want to do some of the content (JP) in the game then you shouldn’t be rewarded for other parts of it. You don’t need to get the kites at the end just like you don’t need to do the JP.
First I am very fortunate to have received a free kite yesterday, and I appreciate it.
However this morning I log in to see the new flute, (very nice) and the rest of the missing kites. 500 Gems per kite? Over 5.00 USD per kite seems a bit steep to me. This is nearly 20 USD for the set.
The original armor sets are 500 gems, for an entire set of armor. Perhaps that is a better bargain then I first realized but 500 gems for a kite seems a bit high to me.
Did anyone else have this same thought or feeling when they first seen the price of these? Perhaps I am over reacting to this but it seemed a bit high to me for that item.
I am glad I was able to get one for free because I am not sure I would have bought one for 500 gems, and they are definitely a cool item.
Also kind of wish there was a bundled price as well.
Thanks for reading.
Just got mine, Lightening. Seems random as to which you get which Is nice. I’ll be looking at picking up the other if the price is reasonable.
I noticed that in LA next to the guild bank the NPC is also named Guild Kite Maker or something like that. No kite there yet but I think we’ll see this Tuesday perhaps or the next update.
If you haven’t gotten one yet, be patient (I know it hard) they are coming in waves like the free mini’s that were handed out.
Looks awesome. I can’t remember if I spent money or gold on gems within the time frame. Hope I get a freebee. Who doesn’t love free stuff? Still I’ll be buying Wind kite probably as well.
I don’t know. Do you “win” if you hit level 80…
It’s also RNG
While I want this food badly. (I just want all the recipes) I don’t see how it’s pay to win. Giving you reduced all stats is not always better than focused on a few stats.
ex. If you want the most MF from food, than this isn’t it.
I bought rich coffers after this time period. Only 10. I got mostly taffy and some fireworks. Sucks but it’s RNG and I was smart enough to stop at 10. I just didn’t win this time.
I do wish it was sellable.
If you are in PVE, go full zerker. If you are in WVW and zerging alot, you use PVT. PVP, well you can use literally any gear as long as it is focused around a certain purpose (tanking, burst, support, etc.)
Celestial is a complete waste of time, and divinity runes are pretty much junk.
Sad that this is true. Wish it wasn’t.
I am only sitting at about 7k AP. But I would prefer it if monthlies, Dailies, and any of the unlimited ones (regardless of cap) were all removed from these totals. I have plenty of points stored in there as well but those are just for logging in everyday more or less.
Awesome work and fast response. Love it.
Can you tell us if this will effect progress on whatever we are currently doing in game? ie: Kill or Weapon achievements?
So we should not work on achievements until this is fixed? would hate to have to redo it all.
I am getting the same issue now as well. This happens every time I change maps. Doesn’t seem to effect game play as far as I can tell, just annoying. I checked the connections on my end, and everything seems ok. Good to know I am not alone in this.
Thanks for posting this. I had missed this conversation.
Seen him in LA on Blackgate server again today running the same scam. I really do hope they are looking into this account. I know of at least 2 other people who have also fallen for this ploy.
I am not really looking for compensation, I pretty much knew I wasn’t going to get any as I am part of the problem and should suffer some blame myself. I would like someone like this removed from what has been up to this point a great community.
It’s disheartening and a bit maddening when I see this person log in everyday for hours on end and I know he is off running the same scam over and over again. Or at least trying to.
Thanks for all the advice so far.
Thanks for the replies. I am not trying to dodge blame here. I took a risk and got burned by it. This doesn’t mean this other persons account should go unpunished. I also know this isn’t the first time he / she has done this. After talking to others on the server it is clear this person is scamming others for gold. (Wish I had known before hand) Several players are reporting him / her for this activity.
Players accounts have been perma banned for less.
I was wondering where I would send a complaint like this. Someone was advertising in LA they were selling the Molten Jetpack skin. I wanted it badly because I was unable to get it to drop. So we came to an agreement. I trusted this person and sent the gold via mail, they logged of and haven’t seen them since.
I have lots of screen shots and other info. His account name etc. I won’t list any of that info here unless asked by a Mod.
Thanks for your help in this matter. Was silly of me to trust another player I suppose.
I guess I should have bought them day 1. They were only going for 25ish gold and 21 listed in the first few hours. Seemed like it was too common. However just like the jetpack a few people probably bought them all out and raised the price.
What I love about this puzzle is the pads, and cogs. Facing the right direction is important. Camera is of course still a huge problem and probably makes this puzzle harder because of it.
Are you able to get the holo wings from coffers? I haven’t seen anyone mention them at all. Other than getting them as world drops. I opened 1k straight and was gifted with 2 tickets. Many many mini’s and even more candy and rockets. I am ok with all these except the rockets. They are soul bound and not even account bound and are even more useless than candy is. I’d be happy to trade rockets for candy to be honest.
New set looks ok. This is going to sound rude but I want more armor sets. I am hoping this is the start of seeing some new ones every other month or so? Lots of weapon choices which is great but armor is a bit bland. I realize that it take a lot more time and resources but kitten would it be nice to have some new armor.
Also having this issue. I am located in Southern Ontario Canada and I have Bell as an ISP. Not having issue with any websites or other games right now just GW2.
Just wanted to edit this: Soon as I hit post I tried again and it’s working now. I had about 10min of downtime before posting this.
I know this has been beaten to death and that I am a sucker for spending so much on stupid RNG chest skin but…
95USD dollars on gems. +6g to buy gems. Got 1 ticket on last chest. Started out saying to myself 20 bucks on gems and hope I get a ticket. Got to the point that I didn’t care how much it was until I got one. My own fault for supporting it I know but at one point I said to myself how much more money is RNG going to suck from my pockets. The answer was 95 bucks in total. lol
I love the skin but it wasn’t worth 95 bucks. Thankfully I can see I am not alone in this, and that many of us don’t care for this type of cash shop.
Semi thankful that Rox and Brahm’s Weapons will be buyable straight up.
Had some questions about your gear selection and future upgrades.
would you care to explain why you chose the gear and runes you did.
Why crest of rabid?
Why Chrysocola jewels and not exquisite?
Food Choice?
Mix of Rabid gear and T/V/Con d?
I am sure you have your reasons and I’d like to hear them. trying to do the best i can with this build as i enjoy it a lot.
When they make a big mistake like this, they should fix it as soon as possible. Maybe a lot of people are ok with 72 hours, but to me, this is too long. Also I shouldn’t have to email you about your mistake and ask for you to review and unban me. When I make a mistake at work my boss doesn’t expect me to wait and see who complains I am supposed to fix the problem on my own.
You know who you banned and how many and for what. Review all of your bans recently and unban those who don’t deserve it. Don’t sit and wait for people to email you. I feel like if you had better phone support some of these things would be less of an issue.
I am thankful to not have been mistakenly ban, I know I would have been really upset and pointlessly angry about it.
So i have to ask, why are the kill streak boosters not allowed to be used in this recipe for the forge. as it so happen this is the most common booster i have and it’s not useable? why?
I am not whining here, but I have to say even with this edtion which I do like I am not paying for keys anymore. If I get them thats ok and I’ll use them but no more cash on a maybe thing. Save with halloween bags, 30 bags nothing but candy corn. Not sure the drop rate etc, but they should be a little bit better than they are.
(edited by Moderator)