I am of the opinion that we are starting to see mounts in GW2 already. Flying carpet, Kites, balloons, drill, Devourer Tonic
While certainly not traditional it’s something you hold, transform into, or sit on to move about the world. While I don’t feel they need a speed increase (after all I just love the look of mounts in general), the kites you can get in Dry top are amazing. 5% normal movements speed (hardly noticeable) and 33% while in sand storm.
I wouldn’t expect other mounts or these types of items to get the 33% in sand storm buff but a flat 5% seems perfectly fine to me. Most classes have either weapons or abilities that already make them move much faster than this.
Just my thoughts.
super nice to get an update on this. I hope it gets more attention time for the next feature patch or something like that.
There need to be more sales of these kinds of items. Anet is much better now than at launch or the 1st year with sales now, but throw something up there every week for sale.
I am not sure I understand what you mean Ravion. Can you educate me on the subject? Why would this not be allowed?
I’ve never seen any of these chests. However I am in the process of making a med ascended armor set for my Engi, it is now on hold until this stat is available. hint hint.
Did some people really win more than 1 skin?
players get tired soon enough, it’s not like this is a new thing.
I just wanted to add my thoughts in here. I enjoyed all of these bosses very much, achievements included. (Better Red than Dead could be less RNG, that would be nice) I enjoyed the puzzlish aspect to them.
I guess I better hop on the wagon before it’s wheels fall off.
Just tested this as well because I did not understand the fuss. When I bought them 2 seconds ago they where 21s roughly each. 84s or so to forge 4 of them. It spit out an Amulet that was worth 43s.
I can understand why this effects Jewelry making market (didn’t know it was that big) but I don’t see the profit here. I am not sure it’s worth forging these but I could be wrong or missing the point of forging them.
I had gotten BLUE 4 times in a row before seeing a RED. It seems like it’s simply random. Many of these fights are about having patience more than anything else. Take your time, avoid attacks best as possible and be ready to unload when you do get the “RED LIGHT”
It does indeed have a future. It’s just that right now it’s rather dry while they prepare new content. As a 2 year old player now, there isn’t much to do while the content is being developed. Just my opinion, it doesn’t actually reflect the state of the game in any way. Just my state of the game.
If you pair these with the bone pick, it would make a complete set. Just like what they did with the Molten harvesting tools recently. I wonder if that’s what they’re going to do now, make complete sets out of all of the harvesting tools?
Probably. It’s a bit of a shame really. I’d much rather have full matching sets. Instead I have all these mismatched tools. I simply can’t justify to spend that kind of money to replace tool for looks and then never use the others ones. They aren’t cheap after all.
I hate to be in the boat of “waiting for new content”. But I am waiting for new content before I purchase more.
I kind of wish these carpets, or drills were like the new kites in game. 5% speed increase. It wouldn’t be much but, without a place to store all these things or a mount on / off button I simply don’t use it enough to justify it. If condition #1 was met. It is enjoyable to see them all over the place though. Clearly a favorite amongst players.
I do not mind facing the same T1 servers again. We are all used to the matchup and most if not all the players probably don’t mind.
I just did not understand how the system was supposed to work. When someone hears no repeat matches I guess I assumed that meant you wouldn’t see that same match again.
Thank you to those who took the time and had the patience to explain how the system actually works.
However, BG beat TC last week and so didn’t come in first. Shouldn’t they then face 2 others servers that came in 1st?
Right but when they said no repeats I figured it meant you wouldn’t see the same matchup regardless. Now it’s back to week 1. I guess it doesn’t really matter to much to me, but if you say you are going to do something then you should probably do it.
It’s possible I misunderstood how the system was supposed to work this time around but it would appear others had come to the same conclusion I had? Was just curious if I was wrong in the way I understood the match making this time around.
I was just coming to the forum to see if there was any response about this as well. Did they change their minds because T1 servers over shadow all the other servers in numbers?
Trying to do Arah Story Mode and when we try to end we get a Login Server Error…
Really want to complete this but we’ve tried to relog, reform, change characters etc. Nothing seems to work.
Hello Everyone, a little shameless self promotion here. I am Inks from the Salvage Kit, me and MattstaNinja put on a show weekly where we break down the latest in Guild Wars 2 releases. I hope you enjoy, and let us know how we can make it better and more enjoyable. Thanks.
for most items it probably doesn’t matter. Someone else used an example of a Beryl orb somewhere here on the forums. Currently I can throw it up there and see that it’s not worth selling on the TP because you’d make less than the vendor value, and that isn’t even showing true value of what you’d get.
However after the patch it will be even less apparent. It’s a small minor thing I am sure but seeing that number at a glance is important, at least to some of us it would seem. The grander point I suppose is that if you are putting the serious time and effort into revitalizing the TP as AN has done here, to streamline it and make it easier then this seems like a missed opportunity.
buying won’t change, but I’ll be using it a lot less to sell items. Until it shows me my profit then it’s just going to take me too long to list items on a daily basis. Figure out the math and make sure I am getting the right amount out of it. Probably seems silly to most but I am not a TP person anyways and this just makes it more of a time sink for me. Rather just go out and play the game.
However I will say this. There seems to be less variety now than there was before. I wish there was a little more variety in it all. Feels like we’ve been doing the same dailies and monthlies for a long time now. I was excited today when I seen critter killer as a daily. lol
Just want to re-echo what has been said plenty of times already. Projected profit should have been or should be far more important than it seems to be. Maybe you felt it was too cluttered or there were or are technically limitations. But for most players who aren’t TP flippers, experts on the market or simply new to the game, this is what they care about. How much are they really going to get for selling X item.
Some might find it really silly but it’s much nicer to see at a glance rather than figure the math out.
Far too late now, but I am not looking forward to selling on the trading post if I am being honest. It’s going to simply take me longer, which is the opposite of what you wanted to do with these features.
Again, overall I think this is a great QoL change just a few gripes I suppose and hopefully some helpful feedback for the team that is or does work on this.
Overall a very nice change. Tons of work and resources went into this for sure. 2 things that either worry or bother me. “Get More Gold” button. (was it necessary? —I am going to guess this is buying gems to then trade for gold.) I am a little worried about the message this sends. But am probably over thinking / reacting to it. And the second thing is the apparent loss of the “profit gained”. Knowing the fee’s is great but in the end I want to know how much money I am going to get.
Sure we can all do the math but this UI change is all about making life easier. Excluding that total profit after costs doesn’t really make life easier.
I also found it a little odd they mentioned that you can sell from anywhere. You can already do that. But perhaps the point in all that was to make new users aware that they can do that.
Overall a good change, I look forward to it.
Mini DUCK?! YES!
Wintersdays 1 RNG Minis please, still missing one.
“Cept, there’s ALOT of people who never bothered to collect mini’s or keep them (after the AP.)
THAT will change.”
It won’t change as much as you think. Especially with the prices of Mini, and the rare ones. Seen one for 1600g last night I think? For a Mini that does nothing? I dunno. Hardcore collectors and perhaps hardcore AP hunters will want to get these but how large is that group?
especially for the more rare ones. I am missing so many time limited ones now (I am looking at you wintersday 1 RNG Minis) that I don’t care that much anymore sadly. I do love minis, and I think this is a good QoL change for them but I really want them to do something. Been praying for polymock for a long time but somehow doubt we’ll see it.
@CrashR because he said that he recorded them before the blog post. I was wondering why.
ATT kills the wurm twice a week. While we don’t mind who comes to kill it we do throw out our TS info because the calls being made in TS are important to listen to. Nearly every kill we get there are few people not in TS who don’t stop dps, don’t stop placing barrels, or simply aren’t listen to simple commands. Sure someone also types it out, but even then it gets ignored more often than not.
If you want to kill the wurm, I am not sure it’s too much to ask to join a chat program for a few minutes to get the proper kill.
I was thinking the same thing Atlas. Had they either released this info earlier or held those mini sales until this was announced they would have made even more money on those mini’s and finishers.
wonderful change, but the TP is going to be crazy for a while with this announcement. Kind of sad that I sold my sets 1-3 now, but that’s how the cookie crumbles!
why did you record the price last night before the blog post?
I want to feed her to the point she becomes a Finisher!!! Muahahahaha. FEED ME INKS!
Someone might have already point this out. However, recently we sort of got mounts. The new kites in dry top give 5% boost to speed while holding it, and 33% boost while a sand storm is going on. If you get hit then you drop the kite (dismount).
Perhaps not the system everyone was looking for but we are starting to see the signs of mounts? (or are we?) I wish they would now add something similar to the broom and drill. Just a thought and an opinion. Nothing about facts here, but this is how I kind of seen the new mounts.
Yeah…I love feeding her (kind of wish she grew in size or something, like she was a mini you fed that got fat. :P ) but I’ll keep my bricks. How else am I ever going to build Castle Bloodstone!!?
I doubt it vitali. I know people who farm 250+ of them all the time and nothing is wrong with their account.
well now I am out of dust but got plenty of the other. Wish she would eat it but it would appear she’s on a strick diet, no crystal or eggs. :P
Define End Game content. I see a lot of player throw this word out there without really knowing what they want. Or simply the fact that they want raiding. We aren’t going to get traditional raiding ever. That doesn’t mean we can’t have or get tough content. It’s been getting better in my opinion. Perhaps it’s not on the level some players would like, and I would agree it’s still a bit lack luster. However I have seen a change for the better, and I am hopeful we will continue to see this change.
It’s important to remember that what might be easy for you (not any person in particular-just generally) might be really difficult for others. That sort of balance is really hard to get right. Giving enemies one shot abilities is a poor way to balance this. Adding interesting mechanics is more along the correct way to go about this. Just my opinion
Good, and it wouldn’t kill the game… I also very much doubt this is going to happen.
14k gold. I am kinda Jelly. :P
Wondering if we can get official confirmation from someone at AN that the new story and lv 10 Key reward will start at level 10 now, or when it starts. Or that the level 10 Key is still the reward there.
Today Wintersday Mini’s are in the gem store for sale again. This is good, I don’t own them. I missed SAB1 mini’s would love to see this come back for sale. And the largest pain is a Mini Infirninum (sp?) This was a RNG mini from Wintersday 1. I really, really want that mini…please bring those back in some way.
15 characters
I don’t miss much of it if I am being honest. Content and Story seems much better this time around. I wasn’t a fan of super zerg open world content. Good for farming, but rather dull and boring.
I do agree that more players are probably replaying it less, but were players replaying the story more in LS1 or the zerg content?
Honest Question as I am a little confused. Are New Races / New Classes considered a feature or content?
You should probably wait until week 3 is finished. I understand what you are saying here and much of what you say holds a good deal of merit but we haven’t seen all the posts yet.
Also I probably wouldn’t expect to see, class, races, or skills added this time around. Skills a BIG maybe and just plain no to the other two sadly. Precursor crafting would also surprise me a lot.
Made a little video. You can see it in action, and what you get from your gift.
This has been happening to me for a few months, I just tried again because I want to buy another character slot. Then my wife is going to need to do this as well. Generally I need to wait 30-45 min. after the purchase in order for the gems and purchase order to show up. It’s frustrating but don’t keep buying gems over and over this way because you’ll keep getting the error and it will keep processing it. Just a little warning. I double bought a few times.