Kind of agree. I like that I don’t see many of them about honestly. I like a few of them. I am sure there are a lot of players with a horde of these though. lol
2 so far ^^ after fix ,6 in total , pretty much 1 kill x day , i don’t rly see the difference the wurm usually hitts the wall’s 2-3 times during the fight and he melt’s.
Very awesome. I haven’t really noticed a huge difference in the circle but there is a difference between being in the circle and out of the circle. Still if you can get him into a favorable position it should be a rather clean kill.
Actually all of them do want to work as a team. Some of them don’t want to get on TS and that’s all. But they all know what to do. And all 50 of them that stayed after you abandoned them 5 minutes before the event started were very disappointed in you guys.
Honestly I have to ask why you or anyone else who felt “abandoned” could not be bothered to get on TS and listen. It is far easier to communicate that way. Knowing the fight or not, I can tell when players are not on TS. They are still running colors, running barrels, killing A-bombs,etc. I watch it happen almost every single run. It can be frustrating to players who are on TS and listening. Respect works both ways.
However, once the elitist guild was created, everything changed. Now suddenly, you are the best just because you are wearing the guild tag and you have the right to split other BG native and guest players and take who you want with you? (those on TS). It’s just bad and wrong.
First; anyone was welcomed into that guild, and we take anyone with us. Plenty of non Att members were there for both kills. Is it hard to believe that those in the guild have formed friendships and enjoy playing together? No one has called us the best. We are happy for a win, just like everyone else who has one. I don’t see it as bad or wrong. You are upset because you waited 2 hours like many of us for an attempt and we decided to move. It was announced. You missed the announcement and did not move.
I can not speak for everyone but I want to play with other players willing to get on TS and at least be able to listen to the calls being made. If that makes me an Elitist then I am ok with that.
There are too many randoms who simply don’t want to work as a team. We still have the problem but this way lessens it.
I think you took this quote of mine too personally. I don’t know you so it was not a personal attack or directed at any one person. But this does happen all the time, on many runs. To say this isn’t true is false; sorry.
We’ve done several runs in the last few days alone and I’ve lost count on the number of people doing whatever they want. Just as a quick example: More than 10 players last night randomly decided to go to cobalt in the middle of the fight.
And you left at least 50 people behind 5 minutes before event start. Those people were very, very disappointed, they spent 2 hours waiting for that event
So 50 players; an entire wurm team were not on TS? I am sorry you were left behind but we spam TS info all the time. Again I don’t see a reason not to freely join in on TS.
bombs heal + granade+ EG
Could you be a little more detailed. I am newer to Engi as a class. What gear? Trait points? How much damage do you normally see in P2? etc.
Good to know Alugjen. We think we know why the bug happens now but also sent in bug reports.
Are we actually announcing every Wurm kill now? Oo Should have told us and we would have done the same. TxS just did it’s 6th kill today.
(Translation: Making a thread about the first and second kill is fine, noone cares about more then that)
Just post it on your subreddit or something.
Normally I would agree with you but for some of the servers that kill them; this is the first time since the new patch for the kill.
How many kills for TxS since the update that fixed the wurm leaving the ring bug?
Come back to the main server guys. Even 5min before the event starts now there is no more overflow on BG ;’[
Sadly we suffer from the same problem Deso does, which is why they goto OF. There are too many randoms who simply don’t want to work as a team. We still have the problem but this way lessens it.
Congratulations on your kill!
Hope you’ve all had better loot than I’ve had on the 2 kills I was present for with Desolation, [NiP] and our friends and guests from other servers.
I didn’t even get 1 rare from it. lol
Could please you tell what were your tacs? Did you go zerging the wurms one by one, and then split into 3 groups to finish them off, or did you kill them in groups for each at the same time?
No we split into 3 roughly equal groups and stay at each respective wurm throughout.
We killed all 3 heads in P1, even got a gold chest. But instead of giving us another 1min it bugged and just failed. Think that this might be related to the old bug of condition bugging heads in P1? Not sure yet, first time we’ve seen this happen.
Was wondering what builds other Engi’s are using for this fight, especially for P2?
If this is true, we’ll see a lot more kills. Now If I can get my computer to stop randomly crashing I’ll be able to get in there and kill it again.
Had a long response typed out and my computer crashed. Suffice it to say I disagree with your points. Clearly not going to convince you, and you certainly aren’t going to convince me on the Mari / Wurm situation.
1) people that complained deserves to be the one involved..people who bought a skin from TP didn t do anything wrong….should not be involved….
2) they have suddenly the most exclusive set in game (old T3 without flames)
3) you get a choice…..the same choice that flamekissed owners didn t have….
4) you get again a racial exclusive setSry if i point this out…
People with your position:
-Never ever considered the damaged part in the incident (players that di absolutely nothing wrong)
-Don t even question on a compromise
-yet you talk what about is fair for you…..I strongly think that just shows even more the mistake done by anet, even if i like the new set…..its the worst precedent that will be remembered in this game……
It looked the same, with added fire. When that was the case it was no longer racial exclusive. It was a mistake to make it in the first place.
You assume those against it are all lumped into your category there. For the record, I did indeed consider it. But in the end they need to either unlock the racial armor in which case I can pay a lot to transmute off or get rid of it. Those chose to get rid of it and now some players who paid for it are unhappy.
Comes down to personal taste. Some like it and some do not.
I’m going to disagree with you there. The Marionette bosses separate the players. You don’t know who you’ll share the platform with, so it very much comes down to individual skill for each platform. With the wurms on the other hand, it’s just a big zerk. Everyone is spamming their attacks like crazy. Apart from micro-managing the eggs, and making sure the adds don’t get out of hand, I found it very shallow strategy wise. The Wurms don’t do that much really, and have very simplistic mechanics. It basically comes down to “Can you spot the aoe attacks in the big mess of effects, and dodge them in time while your game runs like a slide show”.
The real difficulty is killing the wurms fast enough, and at the same time. That boils down to a DPS race, and you want to use TS to coordinate that. I don’t think difficulty should come from a timer, or a DPS race. Nor do I think boss encounters should be designed with third party software in mind.
You are talking about different skill sets required. The wurm is more than simply a big zerk. It is indeed a large group of people, but that doesn’t make it easier or remove the skill needed.
As you trivialize the wurm fight; I would argue that the mari bosses aren’t that much more intricate if at all. All of them have simple mechanics and most of them you can stand by the reactor and avoid most of the attacks.
Bugs alone have not kept the kill count low on wurm. What is the kill count on Mari up to?
You claimed that Mari required skill. I am claimed that wurm requires more skill. It certainly requires a lot more coordination.
This fight isn’t for everyone, it’s difficulty (bugs aside) is a deterrent for a good deal of players.
Bursting down those wurms isn’t that hard.
Bursting down the Mari bosses is even easier.
No one really bothers, it’s not a fair, nor a fun challenge
Disagree with you 100%. Phase 1 has plenty of skill and coordination require. Far more than Mari.
Phase 2 is a dps race, but there are still plenty of do’s and don’ts.
[quote[Keep the old skin…and put it on sale again
remove T3 from vendor
Design a NEW T3
make vendor able to swap the old T3 with the new maybe.[/quote]
This doesn’t solve the problem in any way. It just flips to which side is going to be upset. Players paid 119g for a race exclusive set. I am pretty sure they would be just as unhappy about a new redesign as some of you are with the flame redesign.
They shouldn’t have used old skins and slapped flames on it in the first place.
More like third class or lower since we lost something we paid for on the complaints of those who didn’t
There are different ways to “pay” for things.
Some how I doubt that if someone bought the armor they wanted it taken away or changed. If they bought it, then I would guess they liked it.
This is an opinion, not everyone shares it.
Bait-and-switch is a form of fraud used in retail sales but also employed in other contexts. The unfair gain is that I’m out $10USD, and I have the ability to get in-store credit, not a refund.
Actually but also:
First, customers are “baited” by merchants’ advertising products or services at a low price, but when customers visit the store, they discover that the advertised goods are not available, or the customers are pressured by sales people to consider similar, but higher priced items (“switching”).
This is bait and switch and not what happened. Part of the function is there but not fully embraced. I do understand that some feel cheated. You do have options. Getting back T3 is currently not one of them.
People spent REAL money to buy this armor and now we get in-store credit refund? That’s fraud
They took a mistake and turned it into a fraud
Fraud is a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain
Not sure you guys are using the correct word here…
Still 2 patches left, we still don’t know “everything” even if some players think they do.
Hmm I’ve missed this Rytlock thing. Does this still happen?
I think there is one more dialogue with her, where she more or less says thanks. It’s early here now and I’m tired but there it’s a huge reason to complete it, other than a few AP and a small chest.
2 of the 3 achievements in that pain, are only obtainable in pve. 1 of them you need to get that scrap in order to get it, so I guess you could call that a PVP achievement.
2 out of 3 are PVE, so how does that make the LS a PVP patch? Certainly there are many new achievements in EOTM since that was a large part of the focus. However, the complains and suggestions for AN here aren’t about those achievements. They are about those 3 listed in that LS pain.
This isn’t a pve release with pve achievements.
This argument is invalid actually.
but what the GvG and PvP-in-WvW purists really want is something like the existing sPvP arena system but bigger and with WvW/PvE stats all around.
So you don’t like what you got? I thought a big part of the problem with doing GVG in WVW was that all the buffs mad it unfair to fight evenly? If players want to 1v1 you can do that in spvp or that sanctum.
I guess I don understand because I don’t play those modes.
70 gold first…
Then as i said many times don t you think is the same thing of players buying that T3 at release when gold Worth 10 times what it Worth now?
They took a skin that only humans could have and gave it to every race. Even if you don’t buy into the cost of everything there is still that.
A refund is a refund. I understand that there currently seems to be a great deal of variation but you should expect to delete the armor and get your 800 gems back. If you get more than that, then bonus to you.
You should look under the LS tab in achievements.
He’s just alluding to your lack of flexibility when it comes to content and your eagerness to whine about unsubstantial matters. I am inclined to agree with him.
I don’t consider what I originally wrote whining. I made an observation. You are not going to entice PVE players into WVW by adding part of the LS in an area full of players waiting to kill you. If you were a PVE player who liked LS then how would that be unsubstantial?
In the strictest sense, no. In the flexible, dynamic, sense where extraneous forces and uninvolved actors can potentially interfere (and that is what our less tolerant play mates are truly crying about all the time), yes ANet did.
don’t understand.
Heavily camped?
I swaggered on up as the second-squishiest thing in the game, picked up my golem piece and waypointed back to spawn, all while our corner was getting royally stomped
Not camped at all.
Results may vary from OF to OF. I played 3 matches tonight and every time I was in that area it was being camped by a group of 5 or more.
So bye bye, go do your cof 20 times a day and kill mobs…
What does this have to do with wanting to complete the LS?
Just because someone kills you in a Pvp mode doesn’t make them a griefer. So much selfishness, wow.
Its more frustration then selfishness. They aren’t griefing but they are camping that area on purpose. They know it’s the best spot to grab inexperienced players. This creates frustration to those players who want to do the LS but don’t want to pvp, they are forced into it in order to complete a story.
Also I am not sure how it’s offensive to the entire population…I think that is a bit over zealous.
And for the record most of the LS achievements are in pve.
Perhaps too over the top.
That kind of particle effects are the stuff legendaries are made of.
Perhaps. But the shield has sparkle effects, why not any of the others?
If AN added this in there to get more people interested in wvw then this is the wrong way to do so. I got my piece and was promptly killed by 8 other players who were camping that area for a good hour or so.
If you were or are a new player and thrown into this new map because you want to complete LS and are then killed over and over again by 8 players or even just a few; would you return? I know I wouldn’t.
This gives plenty of joy to the campers and stops new players from wanting to play the new map at all.
Not complaining, just some food for thought.
Enjoy your precious 1v1 and other “good fights” being interrupted by disgusting features of the game that you are choosing to play! Have fun.
Didn’t they add a place for you to go 1v1 and have fair GVG fights?
weapons are too big.. daggers look like a GS… and i mean.. REALLy?
Seems like the wrong place to provide this feedback. But I disagree.
My thought on that is why does is bother those people? It doesn’t hurt them in any way so why should they even care?
Who cares about uniqueness? It is about choosing the armor that best suits YOUR character. And the first armor was just flame-ey enough for my norn ele.
Really? So it was ok for players to spend 60g on this flame armor and can be used on anyone. Where T3 Humans paid 119g and can only use it on humans. Nothing is wrong with that?
And lots of players care about uniqueness. There might not be many out there who are unique, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to be.
I play gw since the begining, 8 and a half years ago. Today i quit. Forever. Thanks arenanet, you’re the best. I’ll make sure every one on every single forum in this internet knows what you just did to us.
You should have plenty of AP and therefore free badges from those chests. This should have been bought a long time ago. And it’s not “us”.
There is a Captain in LA Bar who is from cantha. Has a different human face as well. Very nice looking.
I would be more then happy if they just implemented the original flamekissed back into the game as an upgrade/ascended human t3 armour with the cultural set as precursors (with a like design for other races ascended t3).
I think this shows promise but a lot of players bought the human T3 for other races, so those players still would be unhappy.
In this situation there is no way to make everyone happy.
Petition are also against forum rules.
I will admit that if you are trying to entice pve players to try wvw then adding a golem piece to the center of the map that is heavily camped is not that way to do so. I did not have too much of an issue. I was able to get it before I was ganked by the campers. But If I was a newer player I can see why this doesn’t seem like fun at all.
I think a number of these look nice.
The shield has a sparkle effect but none of the other weapons in the set seems to have this.
Bows should have shot heart arrows or something like that.
Guns shoot hearts?
Might be asking too much but these would have put them over the top for me.
They then told all these people that they sold this to that the remake would be ‘really nice’.
Some players will think it’s really nice and some will not. All comes down to personal taste.
First in the World, First EU, First NA is how most “Firsts” are looked at. Not that all these other “Firsts” aren’t an achievement to those who were there. But they are less important and or noticeable to those who care about such things in the first place. Which in GW2 is fairly limited.
Upon reflection I have to take issue with the idea that these fights require skill. They don’t,
Sorry but this isn’t true at all. Every fight and encounter requires some sort of skill set. Some are easier than others, but all require skill. The wurm fight is no different. Having a proper build, geared, utilities doesn’t ensure a win. Organization doesn’t ensure a win.
All of those together along with a certain amount of skill ensures a win.
Did they design it that you have to guest in order to win, or is that a state of the game on some servers? Players unwillingness to organize is the largest detriment.
you should really be doing both, although it depends on the class.
missed it, can you link to source or be more specific?
Is it just me or does it look like a quaggan love dance? Still is a nice finisher and there is something overly funny about dropping a “quaggan love dance” on my enemies.
However someone had quote Colin as saying this patch is the lightest of all 4 in terms of LS. So for the next 2 weeks their isn’t going to be much, just more waiting.