Showing Posts For KStudios.2850:

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


BP Thief in SM won’t play with me. How am I supposed to test/learn this new build nice Mr. Tato let me have like this? I promise only to hurt you a little. =’(

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Yaks, you had one job and that was to hold Ehmry’s side of Eternal and do nothing. After you took our Lowlands keep, you initiated war. We’re switching focus from Ehmry to you guys. Blame that commander who has more Omega golems than brain cells.

Someone’s a bit too emotional :S

Have you met Kalkz?


Go get ’em Kalkzy! Whoooo!

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


population has significantly decreased since our last match up.

Lets not forget the ongoing event. I see tons of our regulars in there.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Holy moly! I’ve seen EB and BP say YB wins fights because of more people multiple times in this thread…. I hope they never have to fight Maguuma or DB. Makes a YB zerg look like a small party.

If you’re referring to my tongue in cheek post earlier, it was largely in jest. Superior numbers and nightcapping are a weakness to nearly every server not T1 lol. I was poking fun cause our night numbers are absolutely awful.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Looks like yaks found ehmrys week point

Superior numbers? Nightcapping? XD

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Anyone else wonder where the heck a female guardian’s ‘protection’ comes from when she wears a set like THIS?! What is her skin made of, I wonder?!

Score is still that close? Geez this is a tight one…

Have I already mentioned I love the new face of Borliss? It’s impressive how far you guys have come in so short a time. I thought about doing a cheeky little comic strip on it. =3

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


BP only wins because we Zerg, not like Ehmry who never ever uses zergs. Also, only BP uses Arrow Carts. Ehmry is so awesome, they defend towers solely with their manly strength and courage, never once resorting to AC’s. This is the truth I have learned from our match up threads.

Ehmrybay can’t support the idea Borlis Pass defend properly. Since [Rekz] guild and some fairweathers transferrer from EB, they want it soft to camouflage their lack of important guilds.

Yak’s Bend, your doing fine and keep it up, BP and EB aren’t “boogie man” to scare you far I can see. Please don’t answer trolls in forum with troll stuff, you will feed them!

Borlis Pass improves guild cooperations a lot more than you recognize. This lead to an excellent distribution for who will defend BP BL, who will attack opponents in their BL or Eternal. BP have to be proud for the excellence of their guilds works and half of them are very skilled, however trolls only can see what they want to see: BP zergs.

Despite the usual forum warriors, this matchup promise great fights and battles, for the 3 servers are very good in what they are doing with great commanders among all 3, you all deserve a well balanced matchup and that’s suppose to be. Cheers

Our lack of “important guilds”? [Rekz] was 15 people… 15 REALLY good people, but still 15 people. All in all [VS] was far more damaging in my opinion. That was 30 highly coordinated people, and hardly fairweathers. Calling either of them such doesn’t even make much sense, nor is fair to them. We were around Tier 3 at the time before their departure, fairweathers don’t leave when you’re at your best lol.

Beyond that, aside from a few of our larger guilds fracturing into smaller more managable units, like [Hawk], nothing else to my knowledge has changed. The majority of our “important guilds” are just fine. The guilds I see just about every day are still rockin’ it. [FTF], [GH], [GF], [CHAR], [Hawk], [pk], [para], and anyone I missed, shoutout to all. Then there’s me and my puggle club, many of whom rep for [pk] in WvW. =3

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


I can’t believe you won’t fight me 1v1 you need a group to back you up.

“Bags Inc” should be your guild name instead since you just lose to us when we out number you. So sad.

lololol You might as well just give me loot and not even try to kill us when you outnumber us. Get on our level.

ROFL Wow, fight my group with a zerg can you be more pathetic.

So sad that you need to mass a bigger zerg than mine to win. GG fails get some skills

Never specified whom exactly it is you’re addressing. O.o

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


BP only wins because we Zerg, not like Ehmry who never ever uses zergs. Also, only BP uses Arrow Carts. Ehmry is so awesome, they defend towers solely with their manly strength and courage, never once resorting to AC’s. This is the truth I have learned from our match up threads.

That’s so true.

I haven’t seen an arrowcart this whole matchup.

You people keep coming at us when we have no tower supply! I’ve got AC mastery and yet can’t build anything! Rofl!

You think I LIKE throwing myself over the wall onto your mouth-frothing mob?


Actually… yes… I kinda do… @,..,0

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

WvW Fight Club Arena/Stadium?

in Suggestions

Posted by: KStudios.2850


I do support the idea of same-server bouts being an option. This was something I’d genuinely neglected to think about entirely, but I know interest in it has been expressed. This type of venue would be perfect for that. It would allow for even more tactics training and build test options.

I did lightly touch upon the multiple terrain, or even adjustable terrain, idea. One in which you expanded upon in your post. This is a fantastic possibility, and is a given one in my mind.

As for the rest of the your post, you seem to be more debating why it is Fight Club exists. Which while slightly off the original topic, is certainly not beyond reproach in context. I do know that no matter what happens, regardless of whether or not Anet directly endorses them, they’re here to stay. Now, my approach here in my original appeal is a nudge in letting them know that there is definite possibility for added content, and if played right, possibly a lure to bring more people into WvW in general. A far better one than the widely unpopular mandatory WvW for mapping purposes lure we have currently in my opinion.

There are those that will sPvP all day, but disdain WvW, and vice versa (myself included). sPvP in my mind is little more than “country-club PvP” in comparison to the fight club circuit in WvW. The balance system in sPvP acts as a handicap between two combatants. Some may like that aspect of that particular medium, as it lets players focus on one thing, honing individual skill. Where as I prefer the more no holds barred nature that is prevalent in WvW. I want to face an opponent at their absolute best and fullest of their potential. Without counter-balance or mitigation of stats or damage. If I’m a fresh lvl 80 and decide to shoot my mouth off to another player in WvW who is rocking a full set of exotics and complete ascended trinkets, I expect the bouts outcome is surely going to reflect my inevitable follow-up foot-in-mouth stuffing, lol.

The things fight club has to offer also far exceed that which sPvP currently does. Which you touched upon in your lamentation about GuildvsGuild combat within WvW. The possibility of GvG within WvW is one of the many perks of the setting, and serves valuable purpose as a large scale training tool for the guilds participating. Is it right that these events are “queue’ing up ur BL”? Meh… I did suggest that it be provided a separate instance lol.

My bottom line question is why does my proposal even need to exist in the first place? Fight Clubs within World vs World not only exist, they’re quite popular. Why is Anet not moving in to capitalize on a blatant opportunity for some new expanded content?

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Was considering getting some guildees together for a naked line dance score update, just to be cheeky, lol.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

WvW Fight Club Arena/Stadium Proposal

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Totally support this.

Then please show support on the original article. I’d love to see this come to fruition as well, but believe it’s far more likely to get more attention in the Suggestions forum. =D

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

WvW Fight Club Arena/Stadium Proposal

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Went ahead and placed a link to my original topic here in the WvW discussion section. So it can be easily viewed and commented on by the folks that the proposal itself really addresses. Please make any comments desired there and not here. Thank you, my fellow mist warrior brethren. See you on the fields of battle.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

WvW Fight Club Arena/Stadium?

in Suggestions

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Dear Anet,

Could I humbly propose to you, the construction of a fight club arena or possible stadium instance for WvW? Many in the World vs World community enjoy and attend these inter-server scheduled events. Seeing as it’s far different than sPvP. For anyone not “in the know,” the sacred FC grounds are typically the stretch of land just west of the windmill in the southern portion of any given Borderland map, behind the orckitten whichever Borderland is agreed upon by the servers involved.

I have some ideas of my own, and encourage others to embellish upon them:
*If a simple arena, set-up could be as easy as recycling the old orb platform model from north camp, and placing it in the area with the ramps facing the opposite direction. That model is perfect for basic FC needs. Large circular platform area, with ascending ramps for optimum spectating. And it’s pretty much already the perfect size as is.
*If a full stadium, this could be taken steps far beyond and even made into its own instance (much like the WvW JP now is. Possibly even utilizing the very same gateway entrance). The options for this are literally endless in this particular set-up. My personal opinion, something cool and stylish would be best here. Like possibly an old crumbling gladatorial fashion mock-up (much like a far larger scale version of the one found in the JP). If desired, possibly even employing optional traps, pillars, etc. When not in use, it could possibly be used as a recreational area for the servers within that match up. A meet n’ greet location if you will. Assuming of course that everyone is invulnerable within the spectator area (which would really be nice, not wanting to be pelted by AoE or be mistakingly targeted from the fighting pit).

The sky is literally the limit here.

Edit: Anet, why is the word O-r-c-h-a-r-d omitted? O.o

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Jinks 1 – Eva 0


Finally got your match huh? Everything was as you expected? =P

As for people FC crashing, I tend to find that many of the people that attend these sorts of things are often the best of the best of their respective servers. Sometimes just plain scary-good. So by all means, if you’re feeling overconfident, go be a jackwagon on the sacred FC grounds. LOOT BAG WALKIN’!


Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Yes thus I was sleeping when the rest of this I love Jinks party took off.

1st Evalena: Went to bed. Woke up saw Studios smoked you…dismissed you

2nd [kerw]: I will not join your guild. Stop sending me whispers/mail/pms about it. In particular Hadan….stop sending me nudes…while flattering….just wrong on so many levels.

3rd BP: PLEASE come down off those walls. I will fight you within treb range I promise but I cant fly up on the walls to do so.

Thank you and have a nice day


lol, pro troll, no one does it better. We need to get you back on our forum.

That’s our Jinks. Lil somethin’ for everyone, lol!

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Hahahhah – I suck against rangers 1v1 – trufax XD

Bah. You did alright. Both of you. Hadn’t ever been hit by torment before. Packs a punch.

Hit me up if you guys wanna build test or whatevs.

Both of us? Haha did he duel you after?

He did. Was reluctant, but his “group build” was surprisingly duanting lol.

Geez, am I the only one with a job around here?

Jinx, saw your duel pic, bad hair day? You have taproots growing our of your head.

Night job. I actually should really be sleeping.

Yes thus I was sleeping when the rest of this I love Jinks party took off.

1st Evalena: Went to bed. Woke up saw Studios smoked you…dismissed you

2nd [kerw]: I will not join your guild. Stop sending me whispers/mail/pms about it. In particular Hadan….stop sending me nudes…while flattering….just wrong on so many levels.

3rd BP: PLEASE come down off those walls. I will fight you within treb range I promise but I cant fly up on the walls to do so.

Thank you and have a nice day


LOL, well, then it would only take a minute! It was technically a 2v1 considering he is a ranger with a pet that kept chewing on my butt. But hey, if you’re scared, I can’t force you to come out of your stealthy hidey hole…

Please join Kerw, we need less bads ♥

Eeeeeh, considering the pet is sapping and redistributing about half my overall damage output, bit debatable. Like some cuddly parasite lol.

Give ‘er a go, Jinks. By my understanding she’s looking to test herself against the toughest thief around for measure. Step down from your mighty mount will ya? At least she’s openly challenging you. Don’t see that often, lol.=D

Just awoke, guessing the Thursday at 8pm FC is over? I missed it, like always? Unless it’s server-time based. In which case I’m early. Go figure.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Hahahhah – I suck against rangers 1v1 – trufax XD

Bah. You did alright. Both of you. Hadn’t ever been hit by torment before. Packs a punch.

Hit me up if you guys wanna build test or whatevs.

Both of us? Haha did he duel you after?

He did. Was reluctant, but his “group build” was surprisingly duanting lol.

Geez, am I the only one with a job around here?

Jinx, saw your duel pic, bad hair day? You have taproots growing our of your head.

Night job. I actually should really be sleeping.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Hahahhah – I suck against rangers 1v1 – trufax XD

Bah. You did alright. Both of you. Hadn’t ever been hit by torment before. Packs a punch.

Hit me up if you guys wanna build test or whatevs.

Both of us? Haha did he duel you after?

He did. Was reluctant, but his “group build” was surprisingly duanting lol.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Hahahhah – I suck against rangers 1v1 – trufax XD

Bah. You did alright. Both of you. Hadn’t ever been hit by torment before. Packs a punch.

Hit me up if you guys wanna build test or whatevs.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


This guy won’t come out of the fully upgraded camp to fight me… keeps trying to pull me into the NPC’s… =\

Then he finally gets me after hiding behind the NPC’s (picture 3) to regen his health when I had him almost down…. when I used my cooldowns on him… :P Spam 222222222 lmfao gg

Why don’t people fight fair anymore? QQQQQ I know Jinks would fight me fair… JINKS! Accept my challenge Plzzzz?

Pay no attn to the dead warrior in my party – he was ganked before I ever engaged.

I’ll take you on.

Not to boost his healthy ego, but I’m fairly certain Jinks would waste me in a fair match. =P

So if you can beat me, better odds.

Ohh, would love to!

Sounds good. I’ll finish nomming my cereal and be in contact.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


This guy won’t come out of the fully upgraded camp to fight me… keeps trying to pull me into the NPC’s… =\

Then he finally gets me after hiding behind the NPC’s (picture 3) to regen his health when I had him almost down…. when I used my cooldowns on him… :P Spam 222222222 lmfao gg

Why don’t people fight fair anymore? QQQQQ I know Jinks would fight me fair… JINKS! Accept my challenge Plzzzz?

Pay no attn to the dead warrior in my party – he was ganked before I ever engaged.

I’ll take you on.

Not to boost his healthy ego, but I’m fairly certain Jinks would waste me in a fair match. =P

So if you can beat me, better odds.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Well its confirmed…..Jinks > [kerw]

I know its disheartening for you BP fellas, and it may cause some members of [kerw] to rethink their situation……

Jinks is here for you all though

And you wonder why they treb you… XD

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


I’ve heard of people just “popping” through gates before. Never happened to me personally yet… Would be most awkward.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Lil point here

Winning PPT does not equate to being skilled.


True, but losing 3 weeks in a row in PPT to teams rated lower than you doesn’t equate to skill either. Why aren’t you folks in EBay gushing about the “learning opportunities” we are giving you right now?

BP offers nothing to Ebay in terms of learning. Maybe you should rethink your troll next time Doi.

I’m guessing Dio was not there for the thirteen week war?

Nor does winning with superior numbers always equate to skill, as you pointed out. Now, I’m not saying you guys lack skill as a whole at all. BP has some good guilds, and your server has overall improved leaps and bounds since then. But your numbers have also swollen considerably. That much is evident when there’s like a total of six of us in Eternal at 7am and you guys are already swarming all over the place. Not including Kalkz and crew, I’m not referring to [BS]. They’re a given, a known early morning factor. We’re talking about the same server that months ago couldn’t beat us even with “Broliss Rock” in effect.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Shoutout to the two SBI uplevels on our BL yesterday morning. A Charr and a Human. You guys had some stones, I tell ya! XD

The Charr warrior/guardian with the short sword I’m pretty certain was still in the starter armor. Didn’t even have an offhand equipped yet, rofl! Guessing you guys were on your way to the JP, seeing as we met at NW camp and you went north. Just saying, you two were adorable (my sheer regen alone mitigating any damage you two dealt while I stood there), and you’re REALLY lucky it was me and nobody else lol.

Eat your vegies guys, grow up strong, then come back and play with me, kay? <3

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


what this matchup needs is less baddies on SBI and BP

Do we have insufficient baddies to make up the difference? O.o

This situation sounds most dire indeed.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


yea that’s him. He usually looks for 1v1s and wont interrupt fights if he sees them going on. Hel just wait his turn

in other news, a guildie met some1 from ebay from the guild CHAR yesterday in real life!!! Showd up to fix his internet and you can only imagine the 1v1 that broke out in tht house once they found out they were facing eachother this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-Standing outside on the lawn near the mailbox waypoint-

“Cant come in, your front door is reinforced…”

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Guys, the cow finisher is amazing!

I was so wanting that one, but I’ve never actually seen it before. I like how we actually have a whole menu of them to pick from now on our Hero Tab.

Also, I’m not much for PvE, but I’m also really enjoying these Queen’s Gauntlet challenges. Pretty easy achievements for some of the half decent amongst our WvW regular ranks I should think. =P

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Oh look we lost everything in eternal. Now ask us if we care.

Now now. Your “just in time” defense of your main keep from us earlier was well played. =3

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


I’m surprised BP hasn’t tried to recruit in the match-up thread by now lol.

Oh yeah, thx for the reminder. To all you Ebays and SBI who prefer not to suck….j/k

This thread is so deja vu from the EB/BP/AR unending match a few months ago, except the roles of the accusers and the accused have flipped along with the lead. You zerg, no we deploy skill groups, you just win with coverage, no we win with better tactics, you glitch, that’s not a glitch and if you’d l2p you’d get it, etc.

Just need to toss in a few dumpsters, virgins, and your jimmies are rustled and its springtime again!

There is one huge glaring difference.

BP never improved thier skill level. I literally stop flying [JINK] n[GF] when solo vs BP. Literally unless its 5+ BP runs.

Dude, people treb you, ofc we run when we see you.

I’m STILL lol’ing over the trebbing thing.

I find people running/hiding from me too. I actually find it frustrating…

1.) Friendliest person EVER! I’m here to play and test myself, foremost. Anyone ever notice those I compliment most are often those I got thrashed by? Also been known to assist obvious enemy uplevels in getting vistas, etc.
2.) I’m okay, but nothing amazing. Hardly all that scary. Despite my will and effort, which are second to none.
3.) 9 times out of 10 I will NOT attack first, unless directly threatened/provoked or you’re preventing me from my objective (capping a camp I want, etc). Seriously, test it sometime. Hop out of your tower nearby and stand there. I’ll probably take a few steps forward and stand there wondering why you stopped.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Dear Zero Guild,

I thank you for the fun this morning. It was a slow morning until you fellas showed up. When y’all finally left that tower and fought we made sweet love together. I’m sorry I was rough at times…..but it was out of love.

Either way I will not join your guild.

Thank you,

Jinks (Zero’s God, Destroyer of kerw, and one who knows Zara’s secret)

JINKS!!! Omg I missed you! Kerw is not destroyed! But it’s ok! Can we duel? ♥ I haven’t even seen you out there yet…. I feel so left out

His tag is [JINK], most aptly lol.

I’ll go a round or two with anybody.


You hath just ruined it… when ppl rage and demand my tag while frothing at the mouth I can’t let them feel the realization of stupid wash over them when they see my tag.


One would think that a given… O.o

I figured you made that tag so folks knew who was rolling them. It’s… so… obvious… The very thought that someone could miss it simply boggles. You’d have to be preeeetty dense.

But I do apologize. Spoiling your fun was hardly my intent.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Most of the EB players don’t even bother to look at the map actually.

-Ruffles map in astonishment-


SBI has a BL…

I had no idea. ._.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Dear Zero Guild,

I thank you for the fun this morning. It was a slow morning until you fellas showed up. When y’all finally left that tower and fought we made sweet love together. I’m sorry I was rough at times…..but it was out of love.

Either way I will not join your guild.

Thank you,

Jinks (Zero’s God, Destroyer of kerw, and one who knows Zara’s secret)

JINKS!!! Omg I missed you! Kerw is not destroyed! But it’s ok! Can we duel? ♥ I haven’t even seen you out there yet…. I feel so left out

His tag is [JINK], most aptly lol.

I’ll go a round or two with anybody.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


We don’t want anyone from SBI or Ebay.. Sorry.

That’s too bad.

We could teach you guys how to do a proper zerg busting group, without having to bring 50+.

Or proper open field fighting (w/ no siege creep LOL) without having to bring 50+.

Or a proper SW camp BL defense without having to bring 50+.

Oh wait, I forgot this is BP.

Who in their right mind would want to move there? :]]]]]

I know in the HIGHLY UNLIKELY event I ever went anywhere else, it would probably be either AR or SF. Again though, fat chance of that. I’m tied to [SLVR] through over six years of contribution. Not likely to stop now, as [SLVR] is a fixture of Ebay.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Condones, doesn’t condone… does it matter in the end? Every tree has bad apples. Without exception. Do your utmost as a server to weed them out where they grow, or simply embrace the bitter lip-smacking tartness.



I don’t care who you are. I don’t care how many of you there are. I don’t care what your primetime is. I prefer small scale fights, but I’m not gonna get backslapped with the whole “well you belong in sPvP then” comment. sPvP is the GW equivalent of country-club PvP, and makes me feel like I should have a young pug caddy to carry my spare gear and a posse to slow clap for me when I win. All balanced and generally handicapped… -Shivers-

Shut up and take my badge! If you put up a decent fight you should stay put for a min or two cause I might just be runnin’ back for seconds/thirds!

-Stands, drops the mic… Walks out-

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


BP [Jynx] guy… Why you laugh at me after a 2v5? Been trying to pull you into a 1v1 all morning but you ain’t havin’ it. =(

Edit: Nvm, your reasoning is apparent. X)

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


C’mon people, stop being bads. Less talkin’ more…

Sekz? You have to get over it already. It’s not you, it’s them.

I know… I KNOW!

-Lip quivers… deep breaths-


-Shudders… Eyes begin to mist over-


-Sobs with face in hands-

With nothing of you left behind but a half eaten omnomberry bar and a note that said “peace out kittens!”


Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


To the BP trebbing Jinks…


Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


To the BP at Garri…


Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


… I’m getting deja vu… Anyone else?

Have we had these same conversations before?

Seriously, this all seems dreadfully familiar.

C’mon people, stop being bads. Less talkin’ more… Oh good gawd…

Know what? I like pancakes… I’m gonna go “zerg” an Ihop blueberry short-stack now and forget I came in here.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Lmao you think we are tier 2? Have you even seen SOS and CD? Their tier 3 and the numbers they field especially at Sea and Oceanic are ridiculous…also SBI how was that hiding in towers and keeps thing tonight in your BL?

What keeps and towers? Besides, outmanned was nigh constant. Get out there, take advantage of “murder mode” and stock up on loot. You literally have nothing else to lose at that point lol.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Aren’t all EBay’s wearing red this week? =p

Depends on your setting preferences in the options menu. I see everyone as they are, and not the generic profession models the game assigns.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Is that why SBI is taking all of Ebay’s stuff in Eternal and not attacking BP at all? Because BP puts up a good asset defense? Pretty lame way to play.

SBI is in this matchup..?

Funny, I saw no more than one SBI all morning in my five hours on between 7am and 12pm… and that was just one Human thief General who as far as I could tell wasn’t really accomplishing much. He just “poofed” here and there all about our BL while BP was on a full scale rampage in our southern region… okay, more like a large scale camping trip than a rampage per se…

I figured at first glance he was just PK’ing. Was later expecting to get ganked when he was near and I was at north camp alone hammering away to build us some golem fodder for another Garri kamikaze run. Nope… just fluttered about, in and out of sight.

I was rather perplexed.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


These kind of posts always make me smile. Heaven forbid we do something that is effective in helping us to win or defeat our opponents! Yes, we should change our strategy now that you have enlightened us to the ways of WvW.

He never said it didn’t work or was not effective. He said it was boring lol. Which is a completely legitimate complaint.

Our battle for Bay and Garri this morning was a great example. Great job on your guys part keeping us out of there for as long as possible. In our long history together though, we’ve learned a few ploys to get you to peek out from your little hidey holes. =P

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


I will fight you Skull, then you will come back to BP.

Nuuuu! Dun take our Mr. Skully away! D=

In all seriousness though. One of the best warriors I’ve seen in a long time. Which says a lot I think, seeing how I eat most of the common leg specialist casual warriors I meet in the field for breakfast with a side of buttered toast. Folks of his caliber might just bring the profession back around.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)


in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Yay! A pair of mostly NA servers! Finally! That being said, can we all agree to take a bit of a break and keep the nightcap PvD to a minimum? A tower here and there, some camp trains, maybe some Hills and EBG shenanigans once in a while to spice things up? Would be awesome to have at least one week I’m not coming home and logging in at 7am and finding us at +35 and holding back a massive zerghoard.

A little more, “ohai! I’m camping ur Garri, come at me enemy bros! =3” and a little less, “ohai! I’m camping ur entire BL at 4am… and their BL… and most of EBG…”


Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

7/26 - SBI / CD / EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


While you Ebays are sitting in the forums flaming im having fun ganking ebays at their spawn in EB since they have no towers to hide in

my favorite part is when trash from your guild joins our party to get thief lessons from the dankle

you should ask the norn thief to share the wealth because you sure need it

I apologize that our guild allows both casuals and hardcore wvwers in the guild. Sorry that it doesnt please you elitists that we have guilds that actually care and teach people. Maybe if you werent so stuck-up or “elitist” then maybe you would get more active wvwers for a change. :O

apologize for being bad at the game while you’re at it

Funny how you assume that i’m bad.

guild tag says it all

tell you what, i’ll throw in some no more tears with some pvp lessons 10g

Ur own server has a guild with the same tag, I guess they are bad too since anyone with the tag [Gods] sucks apparently. :O

Not necessarily following this particular conversation, as I do not agree with most of it, but I noticed that guild too. We in the Bay have had a massive influx of new guilds all the sudden. That, or some of the larger guilds are splintering into smaller ones.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

7/26 - SBI / CD / EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


So i got bored tonight, and decided to run around a bit in the BL’s dressed as a robot. I found a random boxing match with an EB Charr from “All the Cute Charrs and Me”, I had some necro from vT (who was trashing like 3 guys at a time, nerf) transform into his Asura Racial Golem and punch the crap out of me, and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.

Thanks for the entertainment guys!

HEY! I was with that vT necro the entire time kicking some butt out by lake. Sorry that our zerg came by and jumped on you. :\

I kept completely demolishing a mesmer in that area from UN who uses moa in a 1v1 duel coupled with a burst. He tried 3 times and died every time. Poor guy.

I only laugh when I get “Moa’d” and it’s like a 1v5+. It’s like, “that was necessary? really?” Moas need a cool dance, at least at that point you have something to do while you’re made into poultry by superior numbers.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

7/26 - SBI / CD / EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Don’t want to beat a thoroughly dead horse, but I’d like a match-up against less off-NA forces now… XD

Best of luck in your next draw folks!

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]