I’d like to know, what’s the rumor?
Your favorite class got nerfed, warrior got buffed.
Very easy.
One guy goes melee and runs around him endlessly (while hitting him).
The others dps the boss from a safe distance (enough so he doesn’t change his target).
Also, if you’re doing the Asura path, you can simply rush for the golem part behind him, destroy it and escape by the door to the garden that just opened.
You don’t get it, we can’t do lasers without the sword!
It’s the result of your mesmer powers going through the sword that creates the laser.
Where did you get your mesmer license?
Also, my sword is made of illusions, takes a lot of intellectual power to keep it like that.
And if you can’t do this yet, just give yourself the illusion that your sword is very light, works pretty well but you can get really tired after a day like that.
(edited by Krag.6210)
I suggested this several times, created a thread in the suggestion part but all I got were people saying it wasn’t useful or it was a l2p issue.
Even made a pic back then.
So, yeah, I support the idea 100%.
I call it the surf.
Now while surfing, throw your greatsword with 2 and now you’re skiing!
Too much effort for one kitten
I only like the SMAA injector personally with ingame FXAA still on.
I don’t want any color change, just a better anti-aliasing.
I’m kinda jealous of anise, not for the phantasm spam but for her clothes.
They’re very mesmer like and we have nothing like that.
I managed to press my record button fast enough for those who missed it.
Because Lunatic Inquisition and Reaper’s Rumble are really awesome.
I hope they’ll stay after the event is over.
Also, why can’t I join kegbrawl with a friend while it works fine in halloween games?
Hope this isn’t true.
The delay before the first berserker attack already slows down my shattering, I don’t want to wait even longer.
Good tips, although something seems to be wrong with the very final jump. I’m jumping after the window breaks, but for some reason it never lets me get through the window and always makes me fall down into the green mist. Is there a particular spot you need to aim for or a precise time to make the jump?
I’ve beaten it once already, but I’d like to get the Slippers on my other characters too.
I had this bug once too, if you just can’t jump through the window (and trust me I tried 4 or 5 times), simply leave this puzzle and go in another.
It seems that the clock tower can be desynch’d and the final jump is not doable.
A good way to check if it’s desynch’d is to check the animation of the starting explosion, the walls parts will move weirdly before going into position.
Did it 6 times in a row and many times after that, never had this issue.
The best tip I can give you is to time your final jump the best you can, you know the tower has 8 sides and you have to jump on the second rotation.
I don’t know, I wish you could brawlfight while doing the puzzle.
Also, a Charr witch on a broom climbing the tower would be awesome.
haha nice, the zoomed one was much easier than the inventory screen one, invent one took 2 hours
Haha, took 3 tries for the inventory one. Been farming this puzzle all day.
Ah, that’s really funny because I just made the EXACT same video.
Guess so.
Probably the same guys who can’t get past the lasers in CoE or bees in TA.
Bad design is the new fancy word for trial and error.
This puzzle isn’t hard. It is designed absolutely terribly. I can easily complete it if I get lucky enough to not have the norn warrior zerg who think it’s amazingly funny to grief people in this map.
It’s not hard. It doesn’t need nerfed. It needs FIXED. And we should complain about broken content as much as possible, otherwise A-net will never do anything about it. Remember Shadowform?
You don’t have to see your character do complete this, it’s just a matter of rythm and timing.
Or consider all the other players part of the challenge as well.
People should at least get an understanding of the problem first, before jumping on the “oh stop whining the game is great” bandwagon.
Same could be said about people jumping on the “this is too hard, please Anet nerf” bandwagon or “it’s not my fault, it’s the game”.
I agree the game has many flaws but THIS jumping puzzle isn’t one.
That just makes people not want to play the game anymore for fear that this kind of outrageous behavior will continue on Arenanets’ part.
“Outrageous Behavior”
Are you kittenING SERIOUS?
An OPTIONAL challenge, revolving entirely around FUN?
And you call it outrageous?
(edited by Krag.6210)
I absolutely loved the puzzle and seeing all the mad people really makes me wonder what the mmo community have become.
I’m kinda sick of reading stuff like “anti-fun design, not gratifying or rewarding” or “I’m old, I don’ spend my entire life playing, I’m bald” about an optional fun part of the game that many people enjoyed.
Now, EVERY kittenING TIME a new patch comes out, the forum is filled with complaints from people trying to justify their own failure by some bug or “bad design” like they so much like to call it.
This is nothing more than a L2P issue and I know people hate this expression but the only way to learn is to try again and if you can’t, no big deal, you’re probably not good at platformers.
Why am I even writing this, this is as stupid, if not more as the people complaining.
At the end, wait until the clock tower does 2 rotations then jump into the clock the second time you see it (when it breaks).
Here’s a video I recorded:
Recorded a walkthrough of the clocktower, if it helps:
Thank you, but what’s this fixed time?
When do dungeon reset? I mean for the token thing.
Let’s say I finished Hotw explo at 1am, when can I do it again and get 60 tokens?
Is it a fixed hour or a cd from the time you finished the dungeon?
Can I make thiese chests with the crafted mystery tonics from Artificer or only the ones found in BL chests?
I’ve seen people with “happy not scary” faces so I think it has something to do with the sliders when you create your char, or some of the premade face templates.
Here’s a ref screenshot to show how she looks when she’s not doing this stupid face, hope it helps.
Thanks Anet for the awesome witch outfit, but my character is making this weird as hell face when riding the broom.
I’d like a real happy face, this one is too scary
I’m sorry but Mesmer is the only one that fits.
A few examples:
Confusion makes them hurt themselves when attacking.
Stealing enemy boons and giving him your conditions.
Creating a controlled chaos with your illusions, the enemy takes a condition when he kills one or you simply blow them up in his face.
Reflect bubble around your foe, every projectile is reflected back at him.
Absorb the enemy projectlie and throw it back at him when you want.
And a lot of other stuff.
There’s just so many things to know when you play as/against a Mesmer.
Mesmers aren’t super good at killing objects but they are REALLY good at taking care of the crystals in this fight.
Is there any other class that can deal dmg to 3 or more crystals at the same time at different places?
And even without that, I find the mesmer to out dmg most classes on low hp objects thanks to the shatter mechanic (and my shatter build helps).
Anyway, you shouldn’t even care about the crystals in this fight, get null field, a weapon with nullification if you’re really not sure about yur dps but that’s all.
Yes, other classes tend to think mesmers don’t deal enough dmg and it’s your work to prove them otherwise, which you did.
You don’t have to go full melee and you shouldn’t anyway.
Our force come from the synergy between melee and ranged and the constant swapping between both.
If you want to go melee more often while still being phantasm oriented, I suggest you to go sword/sword instead of sword/pistol.
The swordsman phantasm hits pretty hard and fast (probably more raw dmg than duelist, not sure) and does a leap attack (so he gets stuff like fire shield), his cd is also lower than the duelist but he doesn’t apply as many bleeds.
With the sword, you also have block which can be a lifesaver and trivializes some of the fights, it can also be used as a line Daze, not as fast as magic bullet but more controlled.
Stupid question but I was stupid enough to make the mistake.
Have you done the 3 wvwvw Borderlands? Not only one?
I don’t have 100% yet, only 98% cause I’m still missing the wvw maps but the fact that you have 5 vistas missing seems weird to me.
Also, the mist map, not sure it counts though.
I learned this lesson from being stucck way too many times:
NEVER Phase Retreat when I have water under my feet.
I post lots of videos with my mesmer, it’s not especially focused on the class but some are. Mostly PvE.
Shatter is fun, but it goes from awesome to barely useful from a build to another.
As a melee shatter mesmer, I’m having tons of fun summoning as many clones/phantasms as fast as possible to blow them up (along with myself) and melt groups of mob faster than anything.
Blowing up 3 illusions with F1 plus myself deals around 10k dmg and while I wait for the cd, I blow another 3 illusions with F2 which deals much less but applies stacks of confusion. Also, every shatter I do applies stacks of vulnerabilities in aoe.
For Phantasms/Cond mesmers, it’s less useful as you trade your dps for the shatter effect but still, shattering when you have your cooldowns ready for another round of phantasms is mandatory.
And I’m not even talking about F3 and F4 which are as useful in every build for those “oh kitten” moments.
(edited by Krag.6210)
The Deceptive Evasion trait (aka Clone on dodge) doesn’t work when you’re in a different form.
What I mean by different forms are for example:
- Ghost form in Ascalonian Catacombs path 3
- Shadow form during the encounter with the Priest of Grenth during the Cleanse of the Temple of Grenth event in Cursed shore
When you’re in these forms, the clone on dodge simply doesn’t work, you can dodge but no clone is summoned.
I can’t wait to play against two french servers next week week.
Seriously, Far Shiverpeaks, Riverside and Elone reach are the real top3 servers and deserve to play in the same pool.
Put the french baddies together (as they’re aren’t top3 worthy) before everyone gets bored of wvwvw.
I like losing, but only when I could have won.
Yeah, but the puzzle gives blueprints so by doing it, you help your server in some way if, of course, you place those siege weapons on the battlefield.
Really, except a few ori nodes, there’s no real reason to do the puzzle if you’re not playing wvw.
Just hope they kitten off the pool next week, shouldn’t be hard considering how they get stomped on the real battlefield while 20 of their guys just wank in the puzzle with siege weapons.
Now I feel bad that I let some of these LM guys climb near me.
That would be true if the “destroy crystals” strategy worked but it didn’t, they kept spawning too kittening fast and the 2/3 guys that were supposed to hit on the boss couldn’t do kitten to his life bar as he healed too freaking fast.
That and you don’t know what are the changes to this encounter.
“Reduced difficulty of the Searing Effigy.”
Maybe they changed it in some way that will encourage players to adapt to the real strategy.
It’s simple: Subject Alpha
The fight is pretty easy in itself but he has so much hp it is tedious.
And you meet him three times in each of the three paths.
Add to that that 1/3 of the dungeon is the same in each path and that the mobs near the entrance had way too much hp.
It’s a long dungeon and the massive hp pools weren’t really adding anything.
As for the laser part, you just have to jump over the laser fast, check this video: http://youtu.be/ReMqbuwS98Q
Follow this thread instead: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Token-number-Not-getting-60-for-every-first-path
Add this to the first post so they see it.
We just did the three paths of Ascalon Catacombs with a few friends, one of them got 30 tokens on the first route while we all got 60.
Then at the end of the 3rd route, I got what’s on the screenshot below.
Another friend got 60-45-30 for the 3 paths.
We all did this for the first time today, so what’s going on Anet?
(edited by Krag.6210)
- Make the left-click button select targets on release rather than key-press so when attempting to turn the camera random targets aren’t selected.
A million times this.
There is nothing worse than losing you target in the middle of a big fight because you wanted to adjust the camera or watch behind you.
It doesn’t help that the “clickboxes” of characters are freaking huge.
A condition Mesmer is also a support by default for a simple reason: the staff.
It gives random boons to allies with 1 and 5, 5 also provides an ethereal field for Chaos armor.
The minimum traits for a Cond Mesmer, from my personnal experience would be:
15 Dueling
20 Illusions (Additional Bounce)
20 Chaos (Staff cds)
My actual build is:
10 Dom
15 Duel
25 Chaos
20 Illusions
And my gear is a mix of Carion and Rampager (1-3)
Dmg is pretty good on fights where your illusions survive, here’s a video I recorded with a similar build: http://youtu.be/J9gFSOuD6V8
That, and 25 toughness + regeneration & protection when under 75% health give ton of survivability.
As for the utility skills, I use the conditon dmg signet along with whatever I need depending on the fight.
What I was saying is that it’s something that I think would benefit everyone, not just people learning the class.
That’s how I read your post:
“I suppose it would help people still having troubles with the class.”
Which I disagree with, I’m not having troubles, I’m not “learning” the class anymore but that small addition would greatly help me.
I shouldn’t have answered like that, sorry.