Showing Posts For Kyosji.8961:

Daily Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I’ve had this bug. I wasn’t logged in for over 24 hours, and when I came on I had to wait till 7 because everything was showing completed.

questions about future expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Tosha, stop spamming the thread. Yes ANet hasn’t talked about a release date of an expansion, but they HAVE told the public about future updates that equal up to what an expansion would hold.

questions about future expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Lost Shores wasn’t an expansion, just an event. Starting in February and through March, there is supposed to be ’an Expansion worth" of updates to the game.

Originally it was supposed to be Jan/Feb:

Please more information for Infractions

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Hello, I’m just posting this as a question. Myself, and many others, get many infractions on the forums. That’s fine, maybe we deserved them. The problem is is that the reasons posted by the forum mods or extremely vague. 90% of the time the only reason I got is “Hello, posts of this nature are against our forum Code of Conduct”. I understand that the Code of Conduct is like the bible here, but with such a vague description, how am I to know exactly what I did that was against the Code of Conduct?

Many times after receiving this message, I go back and re-read the Code of Conduct, and most times I cannot gather what rule I actually broke.

Can I make a suggestion and ask the staff to please add more to the description of infraction? I believe just adding a bit more detail in the infraction PMs sent to the player base would cut down on some of the number you actually sent.

The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I just don’t see how this is truly an exploit. Yes you got more ectos from the item then you put in, but isn’t that how a business works? You make something for a cheap price and sell it for more on the open market?

I just don’t understand all this hoopla.

Here’s what I was doing at one time a month or 2 ago.

I would make leather bags. The cost of the materials were 15 silver, the price on the TM was 25. That’s a 40% profit on my end. I kept doing this until the market evened out for the mats vs profits. Is this considered an exploit? I just don’t see how this snowflake issue is any different.

Let's relax: Who is the hottest character in the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Agent Ihan from the Order of Whispers in the personal human story quest before you choose an order. He’s hot in all kinds of ways. Though just judging on personality alone I loves me some Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw.

They kept killing off all the characters with personality in my story line and left me with Trahearne…..yeah, bundle of personality that guy…‘sigh’

What is the dev team currently working on?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


why would this post be an infraction? now that the holidays are over, i’m hoping they give us some kind of road map for WvW, ascended gear, dungeons, etc.

From how they’ve been enforcing the forums today, calling out ANet and demanding from ANet.

You may think I’m jesting, but I’m not.

January updates - Any sources?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I know they said there would be 2 big updates for January and February, equaling out to what they said would be an expansion worth of free content, but no news as to what it will contain.

Let's relax: Who is the hottest character in the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Well Eir has the most revealing “chainmail bikini”. No wonder everyone thinks she’s a hottie.

There was this Asari assassin type during the Orr part of my Order of Whispers story line. Found her adorable. She was a sub main for your story, not just some random npc.

I guess I know who you are talking about. And yeah, she’s so cutie and adorable.

Agent Zrii is the one I was thinking. She just has that attitude I find grand.

Let's relax: Who is the hottest character in the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


There was this Asari assassin type during the Orr part of my Order of Whispers story line. Found her adorable. She was a sub main for your story, not just some random npc.

People are confused, scare me as well :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


It says that no where in the code of conduct, emiko

Please provide more detail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


How is asking for clarification on their TOS AGAINST their TOS?

Please provide more detail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


No it wasn’t, according to the PM I got. It stated you cannot use ANet in the topic.

People are confused, scare me as well :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


For the example that Jehuty gave, Hentai Promstar, people see the name ‘Hentai’ and instantly assume it means some Japanese porn or something. In reality, the Japanese definition for the word ‘hentai’ means more of an abnormality. If used like ‘hentai seiyoku’, on the other hand, means a sexual perversion. ANet doesn’t know this, because they rely on people who are quick to judge and don’t even research what a name means before laying down their ban hammer. As a child of Japanese decent, I am a bit offended that ANet would generalize a meaning like this and assume the worse in its meaning. That is an unfair judgement on their end.

Do you think most of the playerbase sees Hentai as some innocent Japanese word, or as the animated porn version? Especially combined with “Promstar” which could refer to a) pornstar or b) an underage girl?
Tbh, I didnt even know Hentai could mean anything else but the porn.
Taken this into account, do you still think it’s unfair to ban for this?

Yes, because it’s not my fault you think that way. Just like a person being banned for using the name Lucifer, even if it’s his real name given to his parents. Jest like having Jesus banned because someone is offended by Christian overtone in this game. Guess what, Jesus is still a widely used name in many countries.

To ban or hate someone because of a name without really looking into it or understanding it is, by literal definition, prejudice.

Please provide more detail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Last topic was insta deleted for putting ANet in the title. My mistake.

This isn’t a discussion of what other players feel is or isn’t a part of the TOS. This is for ANet to inform the community.

With recent events many people, including myself, feel that ANet needs to give us more information as to what they consider is or isn’t against the TOS.

I am asking, no, PLEADING with ANet to give their community more information regarding the rules of the game. This includes what is considered an exploit and what is considered an offensive name, etc.

(edited by Kyosji.8961)

People are confused, scare me as well :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


ANet made their TOS in a way that it can be interpreted in any way ANet feels they want, and that’s wrong.

This goes for the name as well. There is no clear definition of what is or isn’t considered an offensive name.

For the example that Jehuty gave, Hentai Promstar, people see the name ‘Hentai’ and instantly assume it means some Japanese porn or something. In reality, the Japanese definition for the word ‘hentai’ means more of an abnormality. If used like ‘hentai seiyoku’, on the other hand, means a sexual perversion. ANet doesn’t know this, because they rely on people who are quick to judge and don’t even research what a name means before laying down their ban hammer. As a child of Japanese decent, I am a bit offended that ANet would generalize a meaning like this and assume the worse in its meaning. That is an unfair judgement on their end.

ANet, please rewrite your TOS to include more concrete meanings to what you consider exploits, and what is considered offensive.

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I realize common sense is in short supply for gamers. Anyone with a tiny itsy bitsy shred of it, knew this was an exploit.

Heres some common sense for you…

If its too good or too easy and you think, wow this great, Ill do this 100s of times in a short period…

You probably shouldn’t be doing it.

But they’d also have to spend 5 gold for every 25 salvages.

I could make equal to a bit less of a profit on a good day just buying rares off the market for 15-20 silver each and getting 2-3 ectos off each. Is that considered exploiting?

I can make certain bags, and the mats cost greatly less than the profit i make by a great that considered exploiting the market?

I’m just saying, the term exploit is so very loose in this game because it has no concrete definition.

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


How are people to know what is and isn’t an exploit in this game? I’m reading all the hoopla about this snowflake exploit, but from what I’m reading, people spent resources and time to create these items, then used black lion chests (Which will either cost real money to buy, or you get a chance to open one from a black lion chest once a month or so with found keys from monthly’s) to break them down for 2 more ectos you put into it.

If you figure the cost of black lion chests into this, is this really an exploit? Or would you be breaking even?
Black Lion Salvage kit is 300 Gems. With the cost of the salvage kit on top of the other materials, it’s not a real big profit, and hardly seems like an exploit if you actually take the time to factor everything in.

So if this is considered an exploit, is buying rares for 20 silver off the traders market and salvaging them for 1-3 ectos an exploit as well? If it is, I have some news for you, 80%+ people most likely have done this a few times in your game, does that mean you will ban them as well?

In my eyes I see no difference in the two.

Can ANet please place more clarification on this or tell me if I’m right or wrong and why?

How to report resource node teleport bots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


And yet again these people are probably NOT teleporting in to collect the resource. They are most likely real people using a certain method to collect a resource.

I have one of my unused level 80 characters logged in at a resource node. I switch to him, collect my resources and then switch back to the character I am currently working on. So, it certainly looks like I just pop in, collect, and vanish but in no way is any exploit being used at all. There is no teleporting, there is no exploiting, just logging into that character, collecting and then logging out.

I am betting that is what you are seeing as it a a common way to collect certain items.

No. These people are teleporting. If you watch them and look at the next closest node, once they finish collecting there, they are instantly on the next. Even with all the speed boosts and skills in the game, you cannot get from point A to Point B like that.

There are also YouTube videos showing off hackers using this and flying hacks in PvP. I wont post the links because they have the download links in the video description, but searching for something as basic as “Guild Wars 2 Teleport Hack” will show you many videos.

As a thief, my class is prone to falling out the world or though walls because of the steal ability, and more than just a few times I’ve actually seen bots UNDER the map farming mobs. Yes, that’s right, there are mobs under the map that you cannot see. Occasionally you may notice it when tabbing, but the under map has its own set of mobs as well, and that’s why you aren’t seeing as many bots on the surface anymore.

Winter Wonderland JP - % that can make it

in Wintersday

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Depends on the person, I guess. I found this JP EXTREMELY easy. Farmed it maybe 250-300 times during this event.

Harder PvE area's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I agree, the only level 80 area thats challenging for me is the Lost Shores area. They go down just as quick, but hit for 2-3x more damage.

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I agree it’s still a great game, but I’m at that point that I need gold to start my Legendary, and for a game that doesn’t want you to ‘grind’, I’m stuck having to do 10x more ‘grinding’ than I ever had to before. They don’t want you to grind, but in order to do anythign past level 80 you have to grind to continue….Kind of an oxymoron.

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


They’ve now closed the bug thread related to this and are directing people to here.

One more nail in the coffin…one more thread (Also with good info in it) shut down without any real answers. That’s some big rug…sweep sweep sweep…

They now closed THAT thread and are directing them to this one. An interesting game of cat and mouse.

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Yesterday I was playing with my normal non MF gear in Orr and within an hour I found the Exotic short bow, Drakevenom. I also found 2 rares. Why is this so messed up?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Personally, I am beginning to think Anet DOES NOT CARE about us.

Time for me to look for another game that does.

Careful! They’ll infract you! kekeke

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Also, champions are STILL not dropping ANY loot around 60% of the time

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


How about there not being a problem with the drop rates, but a problem with magic find?

I’m not the first to notice this, not by a long shot.

It seems that for whatever reason, the higher your MF is, the LOWER your drops are. It almost seems that if your MF is over 100%, your DR is maxed out before you even start farming.

Friday I bought 20 gold worth of MF gear, and my MF went from a base of 0% to a base of around 150ish (at work so can’t give you an exact number) with luck runes that add up. With omnomberry bars that adds 30% plus any buff banners I find which adds 10%.

After 3 days of farming, I spend 12 hours with my normal gear with a 0 base and 30% from food, and 12 hours with my MF gear on and food, this is what I was tallying up:

0% base armor I use for everything:
7 rares
52 greens
71 blues

150% base MF gear:
0 rares
37 greens
32 blues

Again, this is what I tallied after 12 hours of use of EACH armor set.

There is obviously something not right here.

note added
I am farming in the same areas, so it’s not location

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Um, dye type has nothing to do with your MF gear. It’s RNG.

How dance with your weapon :D

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


And the poor Asura chopped off his head while ‘busting out some sweet dance moves.’

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I have a magic find set. I use it a lot, when I’m in cursed shore event farming. I notice drastically good drops when I’m running with a party, while I have my magic find stuff together. I got 6 rares from one event, and in an event like Plinx, I average 3. I use a lot of magic find, over 200 with boosts.

My question is, for people who complain about it being a waste of a stat. If I wasn’t using magic find, I’d be using toughness. What does toughness do? Makes me harder to kill.

That’s nice and all, except that I’m using a ranged weapon, with 4 party members, and 15 other people. I could be totally naked, jump into an enemy mob, and STILL never die, because constant rallying. It’s good for farming, but I never use it in dungeons, fractals, World vs World, or anything else other than strictly farming for money. Why do I use it when I farm? Because I don’t need any kitten toughness when I have 30 people around and the enemies pose not a single threat.

That being said, I don’t think magic find has any place in dungeons and stuff, unless everyone agrees that it’s okay for that person to use it.

Lucky you. those sound like my drop rates pre Nov. 15th patch
Must be nice not having the perma DR bug..

You know, I think you have something here. I started having loot issues after the Karka update.

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Hmmmm last night i decided to pick up rune of scavenger and used omnomberry bars…Farmed orr for about 3 1/2 hours and I got about 15 rares idk what you guys are doing wrong but I got multiple back to back rares and TONS of blue / greens

What was your total MF? I’m starting to think the issue arises after 100%

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I know some guilds either donate to certain people, or charge their members a few to be in their guild and get the gold needed. Just yesterday I was in Lions arch and saw some Mesmer with 2 Incinerators just dancing in front of the bank. Found out she was a guild leader whose members gave her money to make them.

Lack of communication during holidays

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I’m still waiting for e-mails back about my unfair infractions that actually had points against my account. Some I’ve been waiting for over 12 weeks on. I’m guessing that they are slammed with other people complaining about the unfair infraction system they put in place.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


alot of my ex-hardcore friends from various other MMos refuse to even touch GW2 because of the insane grind for any legendary.

And finally, the average player of GW2 will just never get a legendary weapon, pure and simple because of the stupid requirements, the non-hacker players will just more or less give up and go quit, which hurts the game in general. Lets face it, the average player, heck even totally LEGIT players probably have less than 200g even if they played from launch, especially considering an unfavorable RNG.

a few problems with your post.

legendaries are not meant for everyone to have. with a few exceptions, i think(though i hate to say it) they are catered to the hardcore/nolifer player base. if someone who plays casually wants one, then it will take time. i believe anet didn’t think the first legendaries would hit less than a month after launch. 6mo-1yr is acceptable as a timeframe.

secondly, having a legendary is not essential to gameplay. having a maybach is not essential to living. see the analogy there?

as of today in 1h of play time, i made 7g WITHOUT using the tp. this is all i can do with the obligation i have irl, which is 1h more than the usual ZERO i get to play on the weekends. consider how much i can make in a normal 3-4h session. 200g since launch is kinda…well..laughable.

i don’t see your reasoning as effective and the threat of posting until an official answer is probably not going to go in your favor. perhaps making a suggestion in the suggestion forum is better? my 2copper for ya

How the heck do you get 7 gold an hour? Most I’ve ever gotten was 2 gold an hour, and that was tiring in itself.

Remove Revive Orbs from the BLTC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


LOL, I’ve gained 2 of these from monthly’s or whatnot, each time it stopped rezzing me at like 95%. Truly terrible items.

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Has anyone seen any posts from ANet about how MF works? I was disgruntled all weekend about this issue.I played all day saturday with my MF gear on and again I had low drop rates, and on top of that not a single rare and very few greens compared to whites and blues. Sunday I spent the day with my normal gear, easily killed twice as much, and had 3 rares, a very good amount of greens and blues, and tons of crafting mats.

This is obviously busted.

Isiah Cartwright on magic find:

Also, GW2 wiki acknowledges that there is currently a fault on mf that makes it reverse on certain cases. Dunno what.

Yes, but I can never trust a wiki to give me correct answers since anyone can edit anything

Or you can think about it this way: it is the most accurate representation of a collective observation. Because, just like you said, anyone can edit it, and had I not agreed with it, I would have changed it.

Point taken.

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Has anyone seen any posts from ANet about how MF works? I was disgruntled all weekend about this issue.I played all day saturday with my MF gear on and again I had low drop rates, and on top of that not a single rare and very few greens compared to whites and blues. Sunday I spent the day with my normal gear, easily killed twice as much, and had 3 rares, a very good amount of greens and blues, and tons of crafting mats.

This is obviously busted.

Isiah Cartwright on magic find:

Also, GW2 wiki acknowledges that there is currently a fault on mf that makes it reverse on certain cases. Dunno what.

Yes, but I can never trust a wiki to give me correct answers since anyone can edit anything

Salvaging Rares Nerfed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I stopped making ectos a few weeks ago because of this reason. I used to get at least 1 ecto per rare, but I went through an entire BL salvage kit to only get 1 ecto. At that point I gave up because it was starting to affect real money.

I don’t think they would put DR on something like black lion salvage kits, which most people use real money to buy. That seems like a cheat to have people buy items with real money, then turn around and make them useless.

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Has anyone seen any posts from ANet about how MF works? I was disgruntled all weekend about this issue.I played all day saturday with my MF gear on and again I had low drop rates, and on top of that not a single rare and very few greens compared to whites and blues. Sunday I spent the day with my normal gear, easily killed twice as much, and had 3 rares, a very good amount of greens and blues, and tons of crafting mats.

This is obviously busted.

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I think you can only get the ‘pre-legendary’ weapons from chests at dragons, and chests are not affected by MF

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


As a thief using MF gear, it stats me in power and precision. It doesn’t increase the damage I do as much as you might think, and it makes me a marshmallow for damage. Even in a group, I out DPS nearly everything, and I always seem to draw the most hate from mobs. When I’m not using my MF gear I use Prec/Tough/Cond Dmg gear. I can literally solo groups(9+) of equal level with little problem and in short time. I still draw a lot of agro, but it’s not as bad when I can death blossom a group of mobs 3 times for a 9 bleed stack eating away at them for 100+ a tick AND have toughness to take much more damage.

I ran for another 2 hours last night with my mf gear. It’s still proving to me that magic find is broken and is actually giving me LESS drops with no significant increase of rarity.

Yesterday I spend a total of 3 hours in my normal gear and 4 hours in my MF gear. In that time I found the following when I was jotting them down for this test:

Normal gear (3 hours 0% base MF/30% from food):
2 rares
9 greens
14 blues
about 42 crafting mats

MF gear (4 hours 170 base MF/30% from food – total 200):
0 rares
7 greens
12 blues
around 30 crafting mats

Seriously something wrong with those numbers

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I was getting a lot of greys and junk loot, and I wasn’t even getting the higher tier crafting mats in the areas I go. Just the normal stuff at a greatly reduced rate

Serious question about what MF does for you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Today I spend about 25 gold on armor/runes/accessories to get my mf around 170. I used to run with 0 mf and only an omnomberry bar for its 30% to mf.

When I was running 0 base MF I was getting loot off of every 2-4 mobs I kill. It was standard for me. Once I put on the 170 base MF and added the omnomberry bar and a guild mf banner, my drop rate was clearly altered. Instead of every 2-4 mobs dropping some sort of loot, it became every 10-15 mobs dropped loot. I was asking in /shout if anyone knew what was going on, but no one could seriously answer me. To top it off, the items dropped were no different than what I usually got with 0 MF.

After a few hours in Orr doing DE’s and killing Jormag and his mobs and the Gnawls near him for a few hours, I just gave up. It was an obvious waste of 25 gold on my end.

My serious question for everyone is this. Is magic find seriously bugged in this game, or is there some sort of rule set when it comes to MF gear? How things are right now just doesn’t seem right, so if it’s not a bug and is working as intended, why is it like this?

Drop rates really aren't good enough

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


What’s the point of chest boosters and food and armor with MF now? If you can’t sit in an area and kill specific mobs that drop a certain crafting material, what’s the point of crafting, too?

Main Towns. LA, DR, BC, etc.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Isnt that what LA is suppose to be though, the last Capitol, where everyone comes together?

The capital you speak of is 100 feet under water

Main Towns. LA, DR, BC, etc.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Hmm, having all main cities world chat tied together and their overflow, and the ability to have people of other main cities join your dungeon….dosen’t seem like it would be hard to do.

Your preferred drop rates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Not to mention the Bosses and Champs STILL aren’t dropping their guaranteed loot. I see maybe 20% of all champs and bosses I kill (solo or group) ever dropping anything at all.

Endless Wintersday Tonics Thread

in Wintersday

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Used over 2000 glues and stuffing and have not gotten a single endless tonic. It’s now no longer worth my time.

Did you know...

in Wintersday

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Now you’re thinking with portals! Um, where are these portal guns you speak of?

Wintersday JP difficult for me to complete with an Asura

in Wintersday

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I found this puzzle easier with my Asura and completed it over 70 times with her…….What is your actual complaint?