Showing Posts For Lightrayne.7829:

PvE Stats Calculator

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Really nice.

One question though, what is the “damage” number? Is it some sort of overall damage increase from traits and gear added to base damage?

The reason i ask is that i have made a couple of builds but it just says 0% even with added power/crit/critdamage.

When I put in a sigil of force, it displayed 5%. I’m assuming it’s referring to static damage multipliers.

The lack of cripple

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


They have quite a few immobilizes. Isn’t that better?

CoE Bjarl being tedious.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


He seems to charge more often when everyone is spread out and away from him, hiding behind a pillar. If he’s chasing you closely, you need to keep running until he stops, in such a manner that he’ll hit a pillar.

Best defense against streaming-type attacks?

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I hate those types of mobs soooo much. My current best counter to them is hard control or renewed focus it while your team eats away at them.

Specifically for the flame legion elites, I pull in the groups with binding blade, then I seal them in with ring of warding. Precasting stability with SYG, I follow up with tome of wrath using quickness and the AoE knockdown. This gives my team enough time to burst AoE the hellstorms to death before they continue trolling you with the flamethrowers. If they’re still alive and chasing me, I try to dodge roll or mitigate damage in such a manner that they stay in one general area, so my team can finish them off with AoE.

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


As a dungeon runner, I think the spirit weapons (minus the shield), both before and after the patch, are better suited for solo play in open world PvE. They don’t really contribute much to team play as shouts do. The hammer knocks things outside of reach with its auto attack, reducing your team’s damage. The sword is a bit of extra damage, not providing anything useful. The bow’s condition removal is outshined by all the other condition removal a guardian has, and its heal command is only useful if you have a lot of people stationary near it. The shouts offer many things to you and your teammates: condition removal (especially with soldier runes), damage mitigation, speed, stun breaks, and stability.

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


On the other hand, the current system is a nice safety net from the griefer groups that try to vote you out, so they can invite their friends for the reward. I hope there’s a way to get the best of both worlds.

Which bosses drop silver?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


This varies from dungeon to dungeon, but here’s a few I can name off the top of my head:


  • Spider Queen
  • Lt. Kholer
  • Howling King
  • Ghost Eater
  • Colossus Rumblus
  • Champ Graveling Scavenger
  • Champ Graveling Howler
  • Champ Graveling Stalker

A better rule of thumb is probably to keep track of which bosses drop the coins (usually 5s or higher), especially if it’s a run you’re doing regularly. I’ve noticed no set pattern between the dungeons. For example, some of Alpha’s encounters in each CoE path do not drop coin, and he’s a legendary (purple border).

Rate/Help Out My New Build!

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


You also may want to include what mode you intend to use the build in. PvP? Open world PvE? Dungeons? WvW?

Some builds work well in one mode of the game and can be terrible for another.

Ascended Gear Guardian Options

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Honestly, later fractals, as far as I’ve noticed, survivability stat points are not as relevant as being able to dodge and effectively mitigate damage through skills. Also, being able to contribute more damage is more valuable because higher fractals mobs just have more HP you have to cut through.

I’ve done every dungeon just fine with this setup:|1.1g.h2|c.1g.h2.e.1g.h1j|1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x|4s.0.2s.d1e.3s.d1e.1n.67.1n.67.2u.d1e|0.0.u65b.u289.a6|e

I’ve been able to tank for PuGs due to the high toughness being a factor of drawing aggro more frequently, if not all the time. On top of that, I just know the encounters well enough to dodge the big stuff. I’m always melee unless fighting ranged has better benefits (i.e. dredge fractal endboss when team doesn’t have AR/can’t avoid agony). I’ve only been as high as fractal 19, but many people who are much higher have told me that survivability stats are pointless later on because a well-timed dodge roll (fueled by vigor procs/energy runes) or mitigation through skill will save you more than the few extra armor or HP.

NOTE: The ascended amulet is what I have planned. I’m currently using a knight’s amulet with ruby socketed.

Fear Condition Removal Problem

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


According to wiki, it is, at least for nearby allies.

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


You also have condition removal through the greatsword combo: Symbol of Wrath into Whirling Wrath/Binding Blade. Whirl combo on light field is condition removal.

even for me? i though it was only for ppl i hit whit cleansing bolt..

EDIT: Gah, nvm. You’re right. I was misled with my self-cleansing traits. I’ve used them so long that I forgot how automatic it was. I just tested it w/o the traits and it didn’t work.

My main sources of cleansing come from purity trait in valor line, soldier runes with shouts, and the passive on the signet of resolve healing skill. Conditions feel pretty trivial most of the time.

Signet of resolve is overall a better healing skill, at least for dungeons, than shelter, but shelter is really great in anti-burst situations. In dungeons, I like to use shelter in situations like Kholer’s spin in AC because it makes me block a heavy attack and builds up a few might stacks (I use 0/0/30/30/10; there’s a minor trait in valor that gives me might for each block).

(edited by Lightrayne.7829)

DR for Fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Fractals not having DR is pretty nice. My static team and I use fractals between our dungeon runs to wait out dungeon DR and to satisfy our craving for opening chests. I really hope DR never hits fractals or at least receive one that is shared with other dungeons.

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


You also have condition removal through the greatsword combo: Symbol of Wrath into Whirling Wrath/Binding Blade. Whirl combo on light field is condition removal.

EDIT: Proved myself wrong.

(edited by Lightrayne.7829)

Fear Condition Removal Problem

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


As far as I can tell, in terms of condi removal, fear is more of a crowd control that is removed via stun break. It’s pretty weird, since it is labeled specifically as a “condition”, but instead, behaves like a stun/daze/etc.

CoF path2 - really hard

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I’ve done this with many PuG groups, especially without warriors or other “meta” professions. I have failed with some groups, but those teams just didn’t seem to realize the priority for killing.

If your team follows these basic guidelines, it’s a pretty easy fight:

  • Your main target is the assassins. They have perma-stability, so you need to use snares/immobilize on them as needed. They tend to spawn alternately from one end of the room to the other.
  • The trash mobs can be tagged with AoEs for kill rallies. If you’re trying to manually revive during this fight, it will usually lead to a chain of team deaths. You don’t have to focus the trash much.
  • Bringing stability and/or stun breakers will help you recover from/negate the annoying knockdowns. This is usually caused by the shamans, so kill those if you have a few people already effectively chasing down and killing the assassins.
  • If you have an ability to pull/push, pull/push towards the assassins to maximize your AoE damage.

Other professions besides a Mesmer, Guardian, and Warrior are capable of taking advantage of the mechanics of this fight:


  • AoE fear for trash mobs
  • AoE chill through deathshroud
  • AoE blind for trash mobs (well and plague)
  • AoE cripple w/ a few weapons


  • Many sources of snare and immobilize
  • High mobility


  • Several sources of AoE snare and immobilize through staff
  • AoE crowd control
  • Tornado can mess up the trash mobs
  • AoE blind/chill through glyph of storms


  • AoE cripple/bleeds through caltrops
  • Bounce cripple w/ dagger offhand
  • Massive cripple with daggerstorm
  • High mobility


  • Several sources of snare/immobilize
  • Elixir R toss for timely revives

All of these professions have an AoE snare/immobilize ability that can effectively be used to slow down the assassins and any chasing trash group. All that’s left is proper positioning and well-timed actions.

Dungeons should be easier now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


AC is really easy for me and my pug groups usually, but just once in the last few days (possibly first time since patch) we got to detha’s cannon part and wiped multiple times. The enemies seem MUCH less forgiving than before as I haven’t died there in a long time but our entire group, which seemed very effective before that, had huge problems with that spot.

I’ve done that path several times post-patch, and I had no issues. The mobs that spawn aren’t always the same setup, so sometimes you get something more dangerous like multiple necromancers which can fear or put heavy conditions on your team repeatedly. If there’s anything that possibly kills the team fast it’s that kind of a spawn.

Daze Over Powered

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


The bosses in the dredge fractal can be interrupted consistently with normal attacks if you keep him super heated with the lava buckets regardless of defiant.

Beginners Build/Traits/Etc. Help please :)

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I’ll briefly explain what I found useful in dungeons. I will not include racial skills in this explanation as there are more variables to consider.

GS will be your best all-round weapon, so yes, it’s a good weapon to start with. Most of the other weapons have specific uses, which you’ll probably realize later down the line, especially with dungeons.

Since you indicated that you want to play a supportive role, I’ll suggest you start with at least these trait assignments:

  • Put at least 5 in Virtues. This allows you to apply helpful boons to up to five nearby allies.
  • Put at least 20 in Honor. This line basically enhances your ability to support.


  • For your healing skill, get Signet of Resolve. This is your strongest heal.
  • Learn all the shouts. These will allow you to apply boons to support yourself and your team.
  • Get Shield of the Avenger and Wall of Reflection. These will allow you to reflect/negate heavy projectile damage. This is extremely relevant in a lot of dungeon encounters.
  • You’ll want to get all the Guardian elites. The order depends on what you want first. Renewed focus is useful for solo play and when you learn which encounters you need to negate damage. Tome of Courage is useful in dungeons to heal teams that have a hard time keeping their health up. Tome of Wrath is useful in dungeons when you have a lot of melee that can benefit from the extra damage support.

Fractal "Daily Chest"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


does fractal daily chests pop again for your alts? (diff character, assuming u done it once on main)


Yes they do

2 Month old thread.

Knight's armour?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


To further answer your question, Path 1 and Path 3 are the shortest ones to run for SE. They have a lot of enemies that use a lot of projectiles, so I suggest using skills that reflect or negate projectiles if you or your teammates have it. Good luck!

Fractals are annoying

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I’ve been surviving decently well in fractals 10-19 ever since I had 0 AR using this setup:

  • 0/0/30/30/10 AH/EM build, using GS as main weapon for damage and frequent crit hits
  • Knight/Berserker Mix Equipment
  • Soldier runes for shout condi removal
  • Sigil of energy on various weapons for extra dodges

This produces these relevant stats:

  • ~2.9k attack
  • 40% crit chance / ~60% crit dmg
  • ~3k armor (lets me take aggro more frequently from party members)
  • 15,805 HP

Your ability to dodge/negate high damage attacks is more relevant than survivability stats. This also includes using the proper counters to certain fights (i.e. using Shield of the Avenger vs. Tom). As the others have said, in time, you will learn which attacks are lethal and when to dodge/negate them. If needed, you could use consumables like omnomberry pies to heal you on crits. I’m still too cheap to buy them, but I still survive well.

I melee all my fights (rarely downed if not always up) except for the dredge fractal bosses, where dropping the lava buckets until they are low on HP is more effective. It’s funny how many PuG groups freak out when I melee the shaman fractal boss’s final form, saying stuff like “FIGHT AT RANGE!”, when I usually never get downed during the fight (at the very least I kill rally off the elementals). It’s a matter of not being “tunnel visioned” into wanting to attack all the time, but rather, attacking at opportune moments.

I would suggest using GS over Hammer if you’re meleeing boss fights. You’ll get more frequent crits for AH, since GS is better at triggering multi hits on a single target. You have to move around a lot, anyways, and hammer seems better suited for stationary boss fights. Also, the combo condi removal on GS is quite useful.

CoF Farm - Dps Warriors Only Out of Hand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Just saw this post for CoF recently:


To top it off, the poster’s name had a bunch of “decorative” X’s in it….

There’s a good reason people are telling you to ignore these groups looking for specifics and create/join more welcoming groups, if that’s what you’re after.

HotW Story too hard

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Those birds are like maw agony for story mode. A few months ago, I tried playing my alt warrior who survived well in the encounters before that boss fight, and I thought I was doing something wrong during that fight, but yeah, that unavoidable damage is so annoying when he keeps targeting you with it.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Join a guild if you want to be more social, it’s way more fun and easier to talk over voice chat while dungeon running.

We always joke and talk about random stuff and try to troll each other to intentionally kill people since at this point dungeons are pretty easy for us.

It’s not as fun typing to random strangers while trying to actually play the game, so most people don’t do it.

I have fun gettin strife killed in CoE path 2 Husk boss before final alpha. We pretty much turn the room into a minigame on who can kill their teammates the most with the mini golems.

It’s one of the few places where there’s PvP in PvE. :P

My static group likes to mess with the abomination in path 2 and 3 now that he’s got a new charge attack. It’s hilarious how fast he moves with all the frenzy stacks. I want to play Benny Hill music as we troll him around.

How are Spirit Weapons doing?

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Spirit shield is still really great if you’re fighting mobs or bosses that are primarily ranged; dies quick otherwise. I still shut down Tom’s poison bolt attack for a good 30 seconds in the uncategorized fractal.

giants lupicus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I’ve had that happen before when people run too far from him inside his room. Other than that, I can’t tell what causes it, but it doesn’t happen too often with us.

Getting ascended items...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I’ve been doing 10 way before I had any AR, even in PuG groups that where successful from start to finish that had no AR either. It’s a matter of figuring out what attacks cause agony and how to avoid/counter it if able. Some can be negated by anti projectiles, some can be completely dodged, and some you are forced to take (jade maw), but with a cooperative team, you can recover quickly from being downed if you position yourself in a safe spot.

Rings aren’t the only way to get some AR, though. You could get the backpiece, too: Aside from the RNG chance for the vial, everything else is collected through fractal relics and you probably have enough skill points to get crystals/philosopher’s stones. After that, you can just get the simple infusion for 75 relics for +5 AR, which will reduce 10-19’s agony by half.

fractals lvl rewards n daily questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


You do not receive a daily chest until your current reward level is 2, which is when you would get your first daily chest as it’s the first even scale. I have recently tested this among my friends.

Quick question.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


They are account bound.

Kicked out when someone leaves at the end?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


The first person to enter the dungeon is what is known as the instance owner. When they leave the dungeon, other party members get kicked. This is NOT the same thing as the person that started the party.

Hopefully, in the future, there will be a system that assigns a new instance owner when this happens. If instance owners were considerate, they would wait for all members to grab their chest before leaving. This issue is one of the reasons I don’t PuG as much as other people do.

Fractal leveling

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Here’s the simple version of how it works:

  • If your current reward level is greater than the current scale, you get bonus karma and rewards equal to the current scale
  • If your current reward level is less than or equal to the current scale, your current reward level will increase, and you will receive rewards equal to your highest reward level.

Remove Downscaling in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


You’re supposed to get stronger at the dungeon mainly by learning its layout and mechanics, not having statistical advantages. At level 80, you also have the advantage of using more traits than a level 35. The statistical advantage mentality is not something you should take from other games and apply to this system as you will be sorely misled.

Dungeons: Guardians or Elementalists?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Guardian and Elementalist are my top two favorite professions to play. For party situations, I think the Guardian is generally more useful. That is not to say Elementalist is not useful at all. Here’s some of the things I look at in terms of usefulness:


  • Tanky/Can Hold Aggro
  • Anti-projectiles
  • Team Healing/Damage Reduction
  • Quickness from Tome if needed
  • Stacks a bit of might without disrupting DPS — on auto attack and virtue of justice when traited
  • Team stability/swiftness/aegis
  • Frequent blinds
  • Zone control with hammer
  • Powerful Condition Removal
  • Can push/pull mobs


  • Team Healing/Minor Damage Reduction
  • Stacks might with combo fields — sacrifices some active DPS in doing so
  • Powerful Condition Removal
  • Team Swiftness
  • Area Control/Snares with staff
  • Large AoEs with staff

Long story short — I like to support my team and the Guardian offers the most options of reducing damage across the board.

Resurrection Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Another thing I want to add is that reviving through interaction (“F” by default) isn’t the only way to revive someone from the downed state— you can kill rally by tagging a target and revive on its death. This is mainly for non-boss encounters or bosses with adds that you can rally off (i.e. flying shaman in volcano fractal).

Many PuGs I play with don’t understand this concept, and it’s something I always teach the new people on my personal dungeon team. Sometime’s it’s faster to kill a mob to rally someone (kill rally) rather than to tick them up (downed state revive). In fact, you get more progress value because something died and you revived an ally at the same time, instead of losing a lot of HP trying to revive your ally. Again, this varies on the situation, so I’ll explain a bit.

  • When fighting a group of mobs, make sure your team stacks as many mobs together as possible, so that the party’s AoEs can damage/tag everything. Make sure there is a focused target for the AoEs, so if someone goes down, the team can spike it for the rally.
  • If you are the one who is downed in the middle of a mob group fight, quickly call target on the lowest HP mob (near death target is optimal) in case normal revive is not possible. If your team cooperates, they can rally you up almost instantly without having to run to you.
  • Sometimes, you get involved in boss fights where there is something to rally off of in the area. For example, against the Nightmare Vines in TA, you can kill a blossom in the downed state to rally. Against the shaman’s final form in the volcano fractal, you can have your team spike one of the elementals — manual revives will continually burn the reviver, so it’s not really safe. Against some “versions” of alpha in CoE, you can call and hit one of the tendrils.
  • Sometimes, you can alternate between manual revive and kill rally if you have multiple downed allies. If all downed allies hit the same target and a standing player keeps those allies’ bars up to a manageable level, the standing player(s) can spike down the target for a multiple rally. The standing player should prioritize the player with the lowest downed HP unless one of the downed players is near full.

Downtime reduction helps your team DPS a lot, so staying alive as much as possible contributes to that. When manual revive is not the fastest option in the downed state, make sure you tag as many nearby mobs as possible, and be prepared to call and hit a target for a quick rally. Don’t spam your skills in the downed state — sometimes you will slow down your ability to rally if you do so (i.e. triggering Kholer to spin and kill you if you use an interrupt in the downed state). Sometimes your auto attack is a channeling skill and you may be hitting the wrong target. You may want to quickly cancel it and switch to the correct target so you can tag it.

Dungeons and Rushing/Exploiting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Are you speaking of this after the recent patch? The patch notes claimed they had been fixed. I, for one, hated having fractal groups that wanted to cheese boss fights.

Don't eliminate "Res-Rushing"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Then it’s more of a people issue than dungeon mechanics issue. Dungeon mechanics shouldn’t be used to compensate for people problem. Kick them and move on. Rule number one of running is to never outpace everyone. Running ahead alone when the entire group has to make a dash for it is plainly selfish.

THAT, is a people problem. You just got stuck with some really terribly selfish people, let them solo the boss.

This is the conclusion I have reached from most of the complaints about the the new wp system. While it’s the developers’ responsibility to listen to the players and design the content, I really don’t think they can control ALL the poor decisions that some players make. It’s the internet, and people are just unpredictable.

The open world content facilitates playing with strangers better because there is barely anything at stake. On a team of 5, everyone has the power to influence the success of the run — choices and actions matter more. Not every open world PvE player can translate the difference between the two.

Don't eliminate "Res-Rushing"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


From their dungeon philosophy on the official website:

“Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 reward players who enjoy organized parties, epic challenges, and delving deeper into the secrets of Tyria.”

Well, there will be bad players and if they don’t want to learn how to cooperate then, they don’t deserve the reward, wouldn’t you agree? Groups are supposed to coordinate to overcome an obstacle, not mash the attack buttons. Players should only random PuG when they don’t know anyone. Over time, players that want to have a better dungeon experience should make friends and/or join an organized team/guild for dungeons because that facilitates cooperation.

Whether or not the wp system is in effect does not change the fact that there will be ignorant, uncooperative players out there. If wp zerg rushing is going to be allowed, then you’re encouraging success for people that don’t deserve it. A dungeon might as well be one hallway that leads to a chest that you can loot freely.

If lack of cooperative players is really the problem, please enlighten me on why some people that want to improve their dungeon experience have not moved on to develop friendships or find good guilds/teams. Why do they punish themselves by dice rolling for random strangers day by day doing the same old thing and hitting the same brick wall? Not everyone out there is selfish and ignorant. There are plenty out there who are looking for other cooperative players and want to improve their dungeon experience.

invite to party - my opinion of this system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I could have sworn you can right click to join/invite. I invite my friends with right click every day. I’m not sure if it’s lacking on whisper, but I’ll try that later.

Please make the trashmobs not skippeable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I have to agree with increasing the leash distance on trash mobs. Sure, if the group has stealth and uses it skillfully then they should be allowed to skip trash packs, but for the most part just running through is a little lame.

Dungeons are supposed to be a thematic experience, they should be challenging, fun, and epic. What we have now boils down to the following.

Boss: “Muahhaha you will never stop me”
Group: “Hi we’re here”
Boss: “WTF, how did you get past my army?”
Group: “Oh those guys? yeah we totally just ran at normal speed through your stronghold till the guards got bored and went back to their posts.”
Bos: “…”

I like to think that about the dungeons, but the novelty wears off once you repeat the dungeon enough for the sake of generating income or collecting tokens. You already know the layout by heart and you know how to beat the mobs easily. The reality is they have high HP pools, do not block progress, and do not drop anything really worth the time. Also if stealth idea was the only way to skip, everyone would only take thieves.

Like the others have said, make your own group or join others that share your playstyle. Many of us are at different stages of our GW2 lifespan. Some of us want to earn money/tokens. Some of us want to savor the novelty of exploration. There is nothing wrong with either and it’s our own personal pursuit.

Solution to the rez-rushing dilemma.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


From the official website’s description of dungeons:

“Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 reward players who enjoy organized parties, epic challenges, and delving deeper into the secrets of Tyria.”

From this, their philosophy seems that dungeons aren’t meant to cater the casuals at all. That’s why I think that the current mini dungeons (forsaken halls/vexa’s lab) are the best design for players that don’t want more depth in 5-man PvE team play like the current dungeon content. If you play those mini dungeons yourself, you’ll probably agree to some extent.

Solution to the rez-rushing dilemma.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


how come then we slay dragons in 50+ mobs? buff the bosses and mobs to account for more players… its easier to modify the boss stats than to rework the balance system

Open world design isn’t intended to teach you focused team play the way a dungeon does. In the open world, you’re mostly winning through overwhelming numbers and stuff like dodging or checking for cues are meaningless. In dungeons, you’re limited to five players, so you have to manage skill use, utilize team synergy, keep your allies up, etc.

Don't eliminate "Res-Rushing"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


No, please do eliminate it.

Using Kohler as an example like you did, if 2-3 players are downed, you use onw of the two remaining players to grab kohlers attention, pull him away from the downed ones and the other one helps res them, if you all die due to kohlers AoE, you don’t deserve to kill him until you learn the mechanic, and adapt.

Many classes have abilities that can be used to Resurrect a player instantly without being near them, if you can’t use this properly, then again, you don’t deserve to win the fight, if you use it, and then the player it was used on instantly gets downed again by another of Kohlers AoE, then he needs to Improve, Res rushing isn’t a tactic, it’s a zerg, it basically enables the most brain-dead of groups to get content done that they shouldn’t be able to do in the first place.

I am a Guardian, and my Instant-Resurrect skill (Sigent of Mercy), has a 4 minute cool down which means I can’t always revive everyone . I dodge Kohler’s attack, but my teammates never do, so I always end up trying to revive them while someone else fight’s Kohler. If they remove this, then I’ll end up doing much more healing than I already do, which is waaay more than my share.

I’m not writing this as an unskilled player who can’t dodge an attack, but as the guy who CAN dodge and get’s stuck healing. I’ve seen all 4 of my party members get sucked into the attack and die and I can’t distract Kohler and revive a teammate when my Signet is still on cool down from the last time he attacked.

Since you stated you’re a guardian, you realize you have the power to stop kholer from pulling any of your party members? Ask your team members to stand within range of you and activate retreat, stand your ground, or virtue of courage. All three negate the pull (stability/block) without having to dodge roll. This is how I teach some of our new players how to dodge Kholer. When they learn his cues, I cease to cover the pull to test their dodge ability. Waypoint rushing won’t teach them this.

Solution to the rez-rushing dilemma.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I think they should make more dungeons with mechanics like the mini dungeons for casual players and leave current dungeons for players looking for heavily coordinated groups. The mini dungeons don’t have a player limit and involve more non-combat interactions (i.e. a special torch that lets you see in a very dark dungeon and scares away mobs). However, their rewards are pretty much the chests you get at the end of a jumping puzzle.

CoF p2, Mag door

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I don’t understand why people have to kite the Magg room pre-patch. Killing them is much faster.

It is IF you have a proper DPS party. I see alot of people say this but then they dont realize they either run with a steady dungeon group or/and had a high dps party. Sure, its doable with lesser dps but sometimes the effort isnt worth it when it’s easier to just kite as stated.

Not true at all, did a full clean with a full cleric ele, full zerker thief, full zerker warrior, and support guardian (me). We 4manned the whole defend magg event w/o a single person downing. It’s not a dps issue, its a learn to focus + stack mobs issue.

I two-manned it with a Ranger and Engineer. Oh you want proof? I don’t have proof.

I could care less if you believe me, I know i can do it, my party knows we can do it. Non-believers can shout and call blasphemy if thats what makes them feel better. Most of that encounter revolves around 2 aspects.

1. Party learns to dodge/mitigate smokelord lava font burst.
2. Stacking mobs for maximizing damage.

Having “super duper uber dps” is an alternative to getting around idea #2. Knowing when to use CC’s and on what target makes that fight very very easy. Every class has knockdowns/knockbacks. Should try using them instead of mashing dps skills all day.

I’ve done this encounter with some of the less popular setups myself as well. My group’s main thing was stacking mobs, using anti projectiles if available, spiking down called targets, calling low HP targets for kill rally if downed, and avoiding lava font bombs. It’s a fun accomplishment to have done this myself and to have taught a few PuGs that it can be done.

I’ll miss the old encounter, but at least the new one still encourages target calling. The assassin stability was an interesting touch, but my team quickly adapted to using snares to help us spike the assassins.

Bosses and mobs with ridiculous HP/Damage.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I think the mechanic of beating on a stationary boss with a large HP pool to be a step backwards. If I wanted to do that, I would go back to GW1 or some other old MMO where combat was more stationary.

We have a dynamic combat system, so we should have bosses that move around or force us to move around more. Kholer makes for a decent introductory boss because he moves around a lot and has an ability that can be lethal if you’re caught in it. I believe stationary bosses are part of the reason why warriors are highly favored for many of the dungeon runs. They specialize in stationary damage via hundred blades.

GW1 had more interesting and memorable fights such as Shiro and Mallyx (assuming you fought them normally). The Shiro fight even gave you a special ability that would recharge instantly at various points of the fight. Shiro would teleport various times and his abilities would change based on how low his HP was. Mallyx would summon adds and displace you in so many different ways. I would really love it if some of these old fight mechanics were an inspiration to future dungeon boss fights.

Don't eliminate "Res-Rushing"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


its a good change. I think every class has an instant revive skill that were useless before this fix. Now people will use them! . Ash legion kits help too. I dont get why people are crying about this. Isnt it like this in every MMO?

It’s like this in more than just MMOs. I remember playing some multiplayer action adventure platformer games back in the day where you would be on your own until your team wiped. You’re supposed to do as much as you can until your team wipes, which is what this change is supposed to encourage.

At least if you do die in a boss fight, you get some time to observe how other players are staying alive and rethink your strategies. Not paying repair bills and not having to run back should be an accomplishment because you demonstrated that you took the time to learn the boss encounter.

I still laugh at the stupid stuff I tried on Kholer when I was new. As a guardian, I used to put up WoR and SoTA to negate his projectiles, while fighting at range with a scepter, since I was bad at dodging his pull. These days, I put stability on the team and face tank his spin with shelter for might stacks. We can dodge his pull, but it’s unnecessary downtime when we don’t need it. Res rushing would not have taught me that. Observing the fight the first few times I was defeated taught me how to play better.

Dungeon's 'Recommended Players: 5' opinions.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Scaling to party size would be nice. One of the things I liked about GW1 was that I could fill open slots with heroes (NPC players). I would sometimes be playing with 2-3 friends for an 8-person instance, and the heroes would be decent enough to help us through the content. Unfortunately, because GW2 has dynamic combat, heroes would be ineffective (dungeon NPC is bad enough).

Don't eliminate "Res-Rushing"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


There was a large thread a few months ago where MANY were in favor of the anti res-rush change, hence the incentive for the dev team to do so. If you really want to push to change it back get support by actually creating a post that contains concrete evidence on why it’s a bad feature. That was how this change happened in the first place. People got together and posted meaningful evidence on how it hinders people from realizing the value of surviving effectively.

Swearing in your posts and calling out Anet employees does not demand change nor is it going to get you anywhere. That is probably why your posts got deleted.

Don't eliminate "Res-Rushing"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Which means you actually have to dodge and work together which emphasizes teamwork.

You can do every single dungeon without dieing if you learn the encounters.

Other games don’t have rez rushing, how many raids or dungeons have you done where you beat bosses by endlessly dieing and rezing? Because I can’t think of any I’ve personally played.

Rez rushing is a crutch for bad players who don’t actually know how to play.

witch helps them learn the strats cause they will learn over time what to do. having to repair armor was bad enough but now this… not being able to get back into battle is bullkitten

You can get back to battle if your teammate(s) with aggro move the boss away, while your teammate(s) without aggro can start reviving the defeated. Even when res rushing was available, we still taught our members not to res rush and learn to adapt to the situation.

CoF Paths 2 and 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


My teammate did magmacyte run solo without doing anything different. I would assume doing it normally was made easier based on the patch notes, anyways.