Showing Posts For Lord Aargadon.4135:

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Thanks Dh for not being a craptard camping in puzzle, you iLL on the other hand, stop taking space up in WvW and go run bots for crying out loud if all you can do is camp people on the top of the well and so on.

Edit- also everyone, please report or just discourage anyone exploiting game, namely wall jump glitches, Im getting sick of overpowered shot-ing DH mestards off cliffs around garrison.


(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Keeping with Matts positive input, if any of you know any guilds that are tired of Ques, our night( or late day really, we NSP are starting to lack everywhere now) shift could really really really use some love.

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Score update, just add 8 hours of 500+ points for dh and thats what ya get in the morning


Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

NSP has lost a great amount of WvW players, SOH ARMA AA and maybe two or three WvW oriented guilds are all thats left that really plays and even then most only play during peak. Even when we do have players most of them aren’t real thinkers, or just don’t want to wait and defend stuff. We really lack orginization on NSP….

Are engineers "agro-grabers"?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I’ve had some issues with this, in AC story the very first boss would not stop chasing me, He went for me first and proceeded to chase as I ran to the locked doors then back to the starting chamber and repeat this twice, didn’t stop till I was dead.

I was running rifle with bomb kit, elixer B and flamethrower for utility with Elixer x for elite. The rest of my party had a war theif ele and ranger, the ele was a glass cannon and died in a single hit, so I wasn’t the squishiest, the thief and warr beat me in spike, but overall I had the highest survivablilty(perma swiftness and vigor, decent toughness) good damage through condititions(permanent burning and 3-5 stacks of bleeding at all times, with condi dmg maxed out through traits, all armor with condi dmg+) and about 40% chance to crit with 5 hits a second +33% to burn and bleed on crit.

Anyone doing research on builds reacting with aggro there ya go.

Let's rethink Magic Find (poll)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I really do love your view about WvW Dream (I wish many more played it) and thanks for refering to my post, but how do you view MF in armor sets and as an attribute?

Could friendly fire fix "The Eternal Zerg"

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Oh! And last and definitely not least, Anet has also stated many times before, There will be no way to damage allies in this game

Could friendly fire fix "The Eternal Zerg"

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Im sorry but our arguements do not stand on their own and I do agree with others arguements, You on the other hand are very alone on this thread. Reading through all the comments, I see yours, and two others that are partially alligned with friendly fire, but do not believe it would work without a redisign of the system.

Edit- agreeing to my every point? You don’t agree with a single one.

And Hawk, enough with the troll, I will no longer be responding to any of your comments until you can come up with a decent arguement for Friendly fire. As for fix the eternal zerg? No,again, friendly fire would not, zerg would simply become even more organized murder machines, dettering any less organized players.

Edit again..- also these now super zergs would greatly deter many players from WvW, since they would not stand a chance.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Could friendly fire fix "The Eternal Zerg"

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Well seeing as you obviously will not change your mind and do not listen to any of my suggestions and largely ignore the value of others, this will probably be my last post here. The only problem at the moment is you, you resort to taking small quotes out of other post to make yours look good and theirs bad. I try to keep the forums civil, but you’re just being a pathetic troll atm. ZERGS are aslo not the problem, the problem is also the PEOPLE, and the solution is also not FRIENDLY FIRE. Im sorry but thats just how it is. If you want to do something in WvW then get involved and get small groups to join you.

I have a fairly decent guild, about 50 people are on at any given time. We organize teams and attack individual points, then follow up with massive coordinated attack on a keep or anything important while the enemy zerg is wasting all of their numbers on reclaiming smaller structures. I don’t have to deal with zergs. My final suggestion to you is to stop wasting your time on the forum whining for a magic solution for everything you don’t like, and organize some people so you can have more fun playing.

Also you keep stating that “how effective are smaller groups compared to a zerg” immediately after another suggest small groups are very efficient then acting as if they aren’t efficient, but your whole post is against zergs.

And lastly, I enjoy how you cannot, or simply do not adress all of my arguements while I adress yours.

And if you run into a zerg and are completely helpless, Im not sorry you dont have your magical anti zerg weapons , thats just how its supposed to be.

Edit- also small groups are extremely effective at taking main objectives. I’ve broken into multiple keeps containing orbs while the enemy is occupied elsewhere, unfortunately never secured it, but Im very happy with being able to break into a fortified keep with 5 people.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Could friendly fire fix "The Eternal Zerg"

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Sorry but I still disagree, even if you can “grief” right back, its easy to start a blame game on who started it, and heck bad rep? Ever heard of a troll? Bad rep is their first last and middle name. Also not every game is Eve online.

Now theres also players that aren’t griefers, mainly spies, but also people that ragequit.
Server X has spy X on server Y. Spy X decides to lay down some “accidental” friendly fire on a crucial location in the heat of battle.

Now, so and so gets mad at a group for whatever reason so he decides to throw some damaging aoe at them( maybe killing them, but I seriously doubt that would be case) now invader X also happens to wonder by right in the middle of this, so he takes advantage of a few distracted and damaged players.

And friendly fire and player collision means that the server has to handle more info leading to more culling, o yay….

Honestly two people duking it out really isn’t that funny when they should be contributing to a team effort. Everything about friendly fire is anti cooperation, as a fan of the Halo series, the only time I enjoy friendly fire is when someone gets in the way or is a griefer (Aslo adding to that example many friendly fire griefers of that game wouldnt exist if friendly fire didnt), so I promptly shoot him with a shotgun

It would be nice to see Dual-Professions return again:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Although this isn’t dual professions, I think it would be sweet to see some group specific abilities (skills, special triats, and attributes), maybe tied to your Order that you choose or some other orginizations.

Second, this also isn’t dual professions, but closer to it. If at a certain level you gain access to a subproffesion, one for every profession. Each subclass would have abilities and skills similar to the selected profession, they would not be any of the skills available to that other primary profession and the variety would be much smaller, Also each one would be balanced for your primary. Last idea, it might be neat to also let you access one weapon you normally wouldn’t be able to use, but one the sub could.

Let's rethink Magic Find (poll)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I’d keep MF, people that are dying because they run it will quickly lose money through armor repairs.

I recently ran AC story with 3 other 30-40 lvl characters. The one lvl 80 character was running MF, to no suprise he also died the most, was the most selfish behaving player (he wouldn’t res or use party wide benefit skills), and pretty much just sucked as a player. It was slightly agrivating, but it was a clear sign that I need to stay away from this type of player, so it was also a learning expierence for me.

On the other hand removing MF means that skilled players that survive while running it limits there selection.

To sum my point up; let players run it if they want to, many of these players will find out its not worth the risk therefore theyll switch it out. And if you’re having trouble with anything, like finding a dungeon group, join a helpful guild.

Could friendly fire fix "The Eternal Zerg"

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

1. Unfortuately low level characters have no karma so no penalty there.

2. Even if they do recieve damage upon friendly fire, one accidental meteor storm would be chaos for any nearby ally, zerg or not.

3. multiple characters would attempt to grief the same person, negating the damage focused on a single character.

4. I could go on forever about the huge drawbacks of Friendly fire, so Ill end it with this; if friendly fire was implemented, not only would it be a bad idea to zerg, but it make it nearly impossible if you wanted to.

also everyone else remember this thread is on Friendly Fire!

Could friendly fire fix "The Eternal Zerg"

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Sorry to burst all of your bubbles, Friendly will never happen due to one thing: griefing. ’nuff said.

Edit-same goes for player collision, it would cause to much frustration and anger.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Disallow respawning within immediate player perimeter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I agree with the fact it is odd that enemies just pop out of nowhere, as for the no spawn radius, thats a bad idea. I would like better if they had a nearby spawn point and ran to there set area. as an example, Say you be slaying some flame legion like a boss, 3 minutes later, more pop out of a bush or drop down from over a cliff, thats my best idea.

Bring on the guilds.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

As for GvG, I believe Anet has stated that guildhalls will be in the future, so don’t be suprised if our beloved GvG pops up in a future blog post. All I can say for now is be patient, Anet has a lot on their plate.

As for capes, I would love to see them reintroduced. I wouldn’t mind seeing a cape or seperate cape like items and replacements being introduced( taking in consideration of the charrs different body structure).

Edit- Also Anet has difinetely stated they are considering adding more pvp modes, its just that they found the current gamemode the most enjoyable.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Elixer X bugged again....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I love Elixer X, its great for 1 on 1 against an unsuspecting openent, and the stability combined with heavy control effects make it easy to wade through zergs to get to your castle door. Unfortunately after using my ex-best friend elixer x, I failed to turn into a large charr brute, a tornado, or even slightly green ( hulk reference for you). Being serious now, Elixer X has failed more often than before, mainly while using my rifle, unlike how it failed when using kits. Anyone out there now any work arounds, and Anet, do pleaes fix this.

Increase Damage of All Siege Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

:D Yay a GW1 vet, you made my day with the FS reference.

Op and others do you think something like frozen soil could solve this issue with zergs nonstop rezzing and therefore indirectly help with siege damage?

Edit- Also if you do see this and like the idea of anti-res field/weapons, feel free to create a new thread about this if you feel the need to.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Increase Damage of All Siege Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Two suggestions. But first, don’t increase siege weapons damage, they are good as is.

1. Well what I think would be a cool idea is to have an “armory” upgrade that could be built making anti-zerg enviromental weapons available at so and so, such as portable mortars or some sort of Asuran hand-cannon, anything that gets good AoE or control effects for pushing people away from corpses.

2. This is pure crazy, but having a skill, effect, or defensive siege that prevents (permanently or temperarily) resurrection, in the form of of a anti-res field or condition.

Grenade engi tendinitis - autoshot with grenades?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

You can download a third party program that allows you to auto-cast grenades as long as you hold down “1”, other than that Ive found fast GT option to be somewhat helpful.

Going along with your suggestion, I think it would be nice if hitting control click on the grenade skill would change it to an auto attack that targets the players feet and follows their movement, although it would make it hard to hit due to grenades being so slow. OR! hitting control click automatically lets you hit 1 and trigger on and off an option to automatically throw grenades where you’re pointing until you hit one again.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Player Names & Hacking

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Ill just delete my other post since it now just takes space.

I wish I could help suggest or refine your idea, but Imhaving trouble understanding what you mean. Sorry : (

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I agree with OP, the cost is bit much although I’ve never minded paying completely with my own gold (Ive got plenty to spare). What I would like to see implemented is a box that pops up under the “upgrading x, defend the workers” asking for donations. As people donate a bar is filled until it is fully funded and the upgrade initiates. As for karma cost I don’t have any real answers, maybe remove as others have said or add a donation bar like the previous system I suggested, but for karma!

Edit- Others that suggested a keep bank, I didn’t fully realize (or read) what you meant at first, so if it seems as if I completely copied, I didn’t mean too. Still talking to you particular fellows, any comments on this similar suggestion.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)