Showing Posts For Lord Aargadon.4135:

Autokey Scripts for Instruments: Legal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Don’t take my word for it, but I believe it has been said that macros for player instruments are the only exception.

Pistol changes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

It’s not a full balance update and not all professions are being covered at this time.
Does this update substitute for a full balance update? No.

What you quoted only means they have made changes, at the least on their side, not that it got pushed into patch. That means we should see pistol(and maybe more rifle) changes next year after season is over.

If Taimi obtains a Elite Spec....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Druid obviously, since she lost Scruffy, she’s keeping the chak organ as a placekeeper.

Being serious, my bets on she end up with the new engi elite spec when next xpac drops or just before.

Engineer bomb kit animation bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

This happens regularly on my charr and has been doing so for a very long time and might be specific to us

No balance patch?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Mo stated there won’t be any discussion on balance this AMA as their is no one from the balance team at the AMA and this is a story patch, not a balance patch. Reddit been better place for discussion so they like it there. Environments just better and Reddit format is nicer.

No balance patch?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

This was never supposed to be a balance patch. I don’t know what you were expecting.


Threads like this are why devs don’t comment in the profession sections anymore. This isn’t productive in any way and doesn’t generate any real discussion. Its just"Grr Anet" or “Duh what’d ya expect”

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

It’s okay, there’s some definite hiccups and rough spots though. Overall its bland and forgettable, but not necessarily bad. 4 outta 10 Quaggans would approve.

I haven’t finished it yet, but managed to play for a bit through it all. The first mission…“insert what everyone else is saying”. Its okay, feels weird… Neatish to see our characters are trying to bond with the dragon. Lots of sitting down waiting for Npc’s to tell a story. Feels forced and fake.

The new map; Its decent, really plain and flat in some areas, gives a bit of a rushed feel. Event-wise, there is really really little to do, its just the same defend/kill ez champ at x-spot in 3 different areas. The icebrood kodan are annoying in groups, but manageable. The Jp’s are plain and just simple throw spaced out blocks on cliffsides. forgettable. The new maps in general are just so empty, this I’d rate below most core maps. The Hot Spring events come out of no where, along with the stunhappy mobile mobs that nuke and kill everything, pace out there spawns and give a ‘you are going to die warning’. Ember Bay has more to do. Little replay n’ stay value.

The sky coaster is nice… if you could reliably get to it, the updrafts don’t all bring you high enough to get to it easily, place them higher. Otherwise its a good addition and plus it doesn’t make the map look like Mario Kart invaded unlike the previous maps. The thermal tubes are kinda out of the way and unused.

The inventory. You already know what I’m thinking, there is absolutely no need to add another dozen of quest/map/crafting junk items that should be either in the collection panels, moved to vendor unlocks, or in the bank materials. It’s extremely annoying to have another half of a 20 slot pack ate by this. Stop for the love of the Six. I know you’re pushing new players to buy slots. Stop.

Sorry its over 50 words, couldn’t say anything I wanted with that little.

Rocket Boots still needs some love

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Once again, I don’t think there would be a single thing wrong with 1200 range and the evade baseline, I’m sure they could just throw blind and/or burn on overcharge, something to make the trait still useful. I’d still rather the speed scaling return, the fixed distance is what caused the clunky landing, as once you land you get stuck at unmodified combat speed, which is slower obviously than w/swift or superspeed.

As for balancing, its a combo, old stuff has been lacking since start, and needs brought up, new HoT stuff has been needing to be brought down since release. The middle ground needs to be met. I’m not going to get into the debate about similar skills for other professions and HoT rage, that’s not the point of this thread and there is hardly ever a good discussion when you start throwing those things in.

PS we’ll never see RB get a ground target unless the animation is changed, the reason they can do that with skills like AG is because the animation is…lazy, you just turn into a ball of light and revert, also the part of the arbitrary reason Rifle jump is slow is because the animation looks weird if you don’t have that landing phase.

Fang of the Serpent in Hoelbrak

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

ANet is pretty bad/slow/doesn’t at updating home cities and instances. Rytlock is apparently still on leave to LA, even though in reality he’s been detained by the Imperator, and isn’t even a Tribune anymore(so who’s the new one?). If they are to do it, it’ll be in an instance only, that way new players won’t pop up into a world with a twisted time line.

New Trailer [discussion]

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135


You’re wrong again, we provide magic, zhaitan lived in arah because of the bountiful source of magical artifacts created by mortals and the Six were there. It was actually a big point of the LW2 storyline where dragon minions were targeting waypoints. Why? Because our mortal creations provide abundant concentrated easy magic. Mordremoth is very capable of making minions through us. Most of it’s most powerful Champions are modeled after mortals he collected. The other reason why Primordious attacks is in the following paragraphs, and the same for all dragons.

Mordy also needed a kickstarter to come out of hibernation. Being a ‘slumbering’ dragon he had a slow start, who has easily accessible magic in large quantities? We do! That’s why Scarlet attacked LA, to get too a magic source big enough, and in the appropriate form for Mordy’s awakening. We have our butts on plenty of magic and we don’t even know.

Saying other dragons=magic is an ignorant way of looking at it. A better way of looking at it from a dragons point of view is other dragons=magic + potential death and major injury to self Vs. stay away from other dragons=avoid quick fatal situations while also gaining magic from easy prey and other resources.
Nor can you just disregard the fact we are a completely different enemy than other dragons. We’re deadly left alone, other dragons haven’t made moves on other dragons lives. We have. Other dragons consume magic from an area making it less favorable because there is less free magic and more chances for loss. We don’t consume it, rather we package it neatly in boxes all over Tyria without much protection. We don’t even necessarily become more powerful because we have more magic in our possession. That’s why we are prime targets.
We are by far the most aggressive/volatile, have more land, and more magic(even if we don’t realize it) than any other single Elder Dragon.

Discounting all of that, you try to make it seem like attacking another Elder Dragon is favorable thing, when you contradict yourself by saying it would be opportune for us to attack after that? That sounds really unfavorable to me. Shouldn’t there only be 1 elder dragon then, because logically the last awakening 1 should have gone on a rampage and killed all the others.

Alright, imagine this, I’m Kralkatorrik, I just ‘felt’ Primordious magic(and therefor Primordy itself) flow to Jormag. Using your logic, the best thing to do would be go there too, twiddle my thumb-claws, wait for the battle be over and kill the wounded victor, claiming a whopping 4 Elder Dragons worth of magic for myself. Hey what’s this? Stupid pact Commander thinks he’s the greatest thing of all time is coming my way nicely bringing more magic? Wow it must be Wintersday.

From a imaginary Primordious standpoint. "Hmm what will I do today… oh I know just the thing! I’m going to ask Queen Jennah for permission to absorb all the magic (yum so much magic) from the Temple of the Ages! Yes! There is no reason for them to be upset that I want to desecrate one of their most sacred landmarks, not like they’d go so far to kill me even if they did get upset. Nope, no need to wage war for magic against any race or ED. Like Mordy’s seedlings said, ‘More violets, less violence!’ "

The real question is why isn’t Rata Sum targeted with all the magic the Asura neatly bottle up, and just because a ED is arrogant doesn’t make them idiots.

Rocket Boots still needs some love

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135


With Gadgeteer, that’d give RB a 12s CD! That’s low for soft cc clear and extra evades. Starting to compete with thief mobility with that, which might be a bit much.

That is a fantastic idea regarding Rocket Kick, as it is the RB and tool belt RK don’t synergize at all, but fill completely different roles. Using it as a gap closer would provide synergy with all the close range attacks and potential combos we have. Way better than our other offensive stunbreak >.> goggles.
I don’t really think there is much more to discuss past this point, anyone else have input?

New Trailer [discussion]

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

3. This will be our first map with all 3 parts of mobility, land, water, and air/gliding!

did you forget Tangled Depths?

Yes I did actually. I’d still discount TD since you do diddly squat in the water, its just….there… I’ve only been through the tunnels once to get exploration, the Skelk lake kills you, and the little bit beneath Rata Novus is…little. Asides from that it could be deleted and I wouldn’t notice. This map it looks like you’ll actually use the water for more than a random secret passage.

New Legendary Shield (Shooshadoo)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Oh Dwayna no! The new shield skill animations!!! How have we forgot?! The chronomancer shield wave will most likely transform into a water wave with a quaggan surfing it, the shield bubbles will have ghostly quaggans protecting you! Its too much to think of!

Rocket Boots still needs some love

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Oh I don’t think it’d be seriously Op with a stunbreak, but I think it would cause problems in PvP if scrappers tank build get an evade/stunbreak/soft cc condi clear on a 15s CD. If Anet did give it an evade, yeah I could see it going up in CD 0-5 seconds. Stunbreak + Evade, 5-15 second increased CD, and that’s something I don’t want. Not totally OP, but we don’t need more nigh immortals in conquest and we don’t need skills to be blanket nerfed because in one situation it gets out of hand. That’s my worry.

Premovement nerf, I was able to utilize Rocket Boots to get out of a lot of bad situations, PvP & WvW. Once upon a time I literally crossed 3/4 of Alpine BL with slickshoes+RB combo running from the SE supply camp all the way past the centaur camp with a war, necro, guard, and ele on my tail. Flippin wars and their mobility kept me in combat the whole time.
Sure another stunbreak was needed if I got stunned, but theirs nothing wrong with necessary synergy. I’d like that mobility and synergy to be restored.

My ideal version of RB would the same one a friend of mine constantly debated about with our guild since the kittening beginning of the game. The changes were to give a small evade frame (1/2-3/4s like discussed) but the game changer here is to make it directional like the warrior skill Whirlwind.

Even you agree the evade is a must, not the stunbreak. If a change is implemented, I don’t want to leap all the way to a stunbreak evade combo, let them just add an evade and take it from there.

To sum it up, I do not at all ever ever ever want more press 1 skill to get out of any bad situation ever skills, and that’s what I feel like this would turn into with your suggested change, frankly when you ask for that I am reminded of Anets terrible track record of randomly and arbitrarily bloating a skill with all the goods and stripping it all from another.

I would be more than content if the movement was reverted alone, the evade frame for HoT powr creep compensation would just be icing on the cake, the directional change would be iced cake, pancakes and waffles, on top of the iced cake already there.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

New Legendary Shield (Shooshadoo)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I’m more interested in the new gloves the charr has.

New Trailer [discussion]

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I’m feeling we can meet Braham.I play charr,however I’m happy we are going to the north.I don’t get one thing…..why our characters are called ’’Commander’’?.In episode 1 they’re leaving The Pact.Now time for Jormag….interesting.

That was already discussed and revealed in episode2 I believe? It’s revealed you keep the title, so we will always be known as commander. Nothing less nothing more.

New Trailer [discussion]

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

The reason we’re jumping around and not beating down one enemy is vecause we’re ocerwhelmed! If we beat one, the others carry out their plan. And while it feels weird, we NEED to continent jump

We should lure the 2 dragons together so they would fight against each other.

And let the victor gather ALL of the other dragons power instead? Compared to what we see from their gains of a long dead dragon, no thanks, we really don’t need a elder dragon at 200% strength. My bets are on the Order of Whispers and the Priory having a major role again, specifically back on their original theory that they can be put back to sleep. With all the talk of the device that was used to create the original bloodstones to remove the loose magic and put the dragons back into hibernation, we’ll likely see a new bloodstone(s) made. That is my guess how GW2 will end.

New Trailer [discussion]

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Did I see a flying mount in there?

Look at the video in .25 speed playback or pause. Its an icebrood gryphon just look before you post please! -_-

Soo no quarterly update??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Will it have a new zone again though? I certainly hope so.
It says it will continue the story in the northern shiverpeaks, but that could just as easily be Frostgorge.

If you look on reddit, massivelyop, several other forum post, the trailer and visit the NW corner of Frostgorge Sound, you can see testaments to a new map. Plus devs said every new LW will come packaged with a new map. I really doubt they’ll fit an entirely new Jormag statue and Kodan sanctuary in a new raid wing or into an updated Frostgorge, it just doesn’t make sense for any other explanation than a new map to be coming. Between the video and the massivelyop post there’s a kittenload of new pics.

New Outfits Overly Metallic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

The glossy look is annoying yes, it just screams ez gemstore $$$ to me.

New Legendary Shield (Shooshadoo)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Theres actually two other new skins shown in that post. The charr has frozen gloves(cough next map collection cough) and the kodan staff I believe is new?

I just wish legendaries weren’t jokes. Seriously, what is so legendary about a man running around in his quaggan pajamas.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

New Trailer [discussion]

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

There are several interesting things about the trailer no one else has pointed out yet here or reddit.

1. Bloodstone? In two of the scenes there are red crystalline structures, I can’t tell if its just lighting from something off-screen, or if its Bloodstone crystal. The odd part is that they share the Jormag Ice texture…but red? Each of the episodes so far have been release with Bloodstone lore, so I’m super curious about this more than anything else.

2. It seems as if other dragon magic has seeped all the way to the north, looks like we’ll see more unique icebrood variations but to a lesser extent since the great distance means less shared magic.

3. This will be our first map with all 3 parts of mobility, land, water, and air/gliding!

PS watching that video at .25 speed to catch the little bits is freaky.

Rocket Boots still needs some love

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

The most ironic fact about rocket boots not being an evade, is that its one of the few skills that evade things like Line of Warding, where’s the logic at?

It just needs a 1/2 or 3/4 second evade frame. Stun break would increase CD and I don’t want high CD mobility skills arbitrarily tied to Stun breaks. At that point it’d just be another copy paste Slick shoes and Bypass coating, we don’t need a third.
The CD is already balanced enough even traited to justify the evade. Now the dmg just needs to go. /thread

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Impact strike still invuln

in Thief

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

You could always check the patch notes instead of making a thread. Patch notes from the 18th say PvP only, so WvW should still have invuln frames.

The worst Mastery system Ever

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

True Immersion Track

T6: Character size is based on your food ate, frequency, diversity, and how much you run and swing your sword. You must sleep at least 6 hours a day. Automatically activated with the new sleeping schedule section in the hero panel. You must comfort you character and put them back to sleep manually if they suffer from nightmares, which will notify you via email. Sylvari PC’s going through the HoT storyline cannot sleep. Failure to sleep makes PC suffer the exhaustion debuff, causing permanent weakness, slow, and cripple conditions. Also makes PC grouchy and spam random chat in the /say channel, such as; “Make me waffles”,“I am your Commander, obey me.” and “Kittening kitten dragons….”. Comments based on race.

T7: Enhanced physics enabled; using skills with momentum transfer affects your character accordingly, e.g. Using swirling winds lifts and spins any PC and NPC with wings. Using weapons with ammunition requires reloading, as well as crafting and purchasing of respective ammo. All other weapons require maintenance. Damage, movement speed and general physics is based of your race now. Upon reaching T7 you cannot disable the Immersion Mastery.
Friendly Fire enabled.

[Discussion] Your Main Issues With The Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Lack of development for PvP. Stronghold was nice to have something new but meh(1 map? Can’t you start a new gametype with at least 2?), deathmatch was bleh with the way it was implemented. I really miss the Zaishen Isles with; RA with elimination and death-match, TA, HA, GvG, FA, JQ, and AB. And silly codex arena. Why don’t they put real effort into PvP like they used to?

Here we are 4 years later. PvP has 1 supported mode, conquest with two flops. WvW I just don’t enjoy zergwars anymore and roaming is just no fun since HoT specs. 2 new maps which both kinda flopped.

Masteries and Mastery Points. It’s not a good progression system. In general there is very little P2W aspects in GW2, but the free revive and 5+ AR is imo too close to the line. PvP is a different, every MMO needs xpacs for competitive play. Not ideal to me, but that’s what it is. GW1 handled that better.

Balance(Skills, Traitline, and E-specs); Their are so many skills and traits that are just simply trash that with simple updates to numbers would be at least subpar/mediocre. Too many times others are simply destroyed with balance patches. E-specs were blatantly obvious power creep when they first came out when Anet said that wouldn’t be the case. They’re getting better generally as they are steadily bringing them down.

Amor and weapon Design; I play a Medium Charr. Armor variety is low and design, Clipping general + Tail clipping is bad. Endgame skins used to be about having legendaries and now its human fem meta with the obnoxious wing/backpacks and particle effects. You didn’t have to go that route, but you did Gw2. Most fractal runs are 4 winged fem humans/norn and my charr.
Depending on the weapon type you either have a buttload of good skins to choose (conservative and flashy) or you don’t. Greatswords are ridiculous. Sizing.

Community interaction; This point I’m on both sides of the fence. At times, communication has been great, other times, especially lately, there’s hardly anything notable there. Aside from Gaile, I really feel like devs hide from the forums now and I don’t think it will change. I can understand that a lot of it is probably to avoid forum toxicity, but in turn I feel like that’s due to direction the game has taken, which back in turn could and should have been avoided or corrected. Where’s the transparency?

Gemshop outfits Vs. Armor and Weapon skins available through playing the game. They have the ability to make new armor skins, but they don’t. I understand they need to make money but its ridiculous how much is gemstore now. Tied into…
New content; Imo, the expansion was so small compared to GW1 xpacs. Getting into the engine controversy, I really feel like they just need to start working on GW3 if they are going to keep the same rate of progression with the game. Its really sad to hear so many projects get scrapped or delayed just because they have a so many issues with the engine.

I really like GW2, I enjoy my purchase from 4 years ago, just unfortunately disappointed with the lack of overall progression and direction of the game.

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

There’s nothing technical about it, a projectile acts and reacts like a normal projectile unless otherwise noted(usually). I’d support a colored elixir mist spray for them over the current state, at least I’d know who I’m getting with it, since the start of the game the toss has been a terrible way to share boons. Sometimes you’d completely miss and no one would get it :|

If anyone wants to, I’d advise starting a(nother, sigh) suggestion thread for this, as this is not the place to talk about it for dev support as the title and original post is incorrect as far as clear intentions and truth.

GW2 Animations, where we started to now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

ANet is definitely capable of implementing them, all the new emotes they added a few months ago have been in game since the start. They just need to take the time to write it in emote form.

Origin of the Giant Charr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I definitely agree that there is potential for some growth via magical means, I highly doubt this is the case. It is just over the top giant because its an over the top fight. It’d be lame if this guy was normal or even half his size.

Most Flame Legion that are vet+ rank are hardly any larger than normal Flame Legion nor is it likely that’s due to their magic. Their augmenting typically just involves twisting flesh into fire/flesh meshes.

Origin of the Giant Charr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Its just larger because its a legendary. Same reason for all Legends/Champs/Veterans/Elites that display abnormal size for characters that should and can not reach that size by natural growth for example champion/legendary Bandits that are randomly larger than max size Norn. Sorry, there is likely no reason other than that for its size.

Whats up with the jungle wurms

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Not spoiling anything but… they’re called

New Outfit coming to ONLY BL Chests!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

So what you’re telling me is I should save my BLK and tomes of knowledge each week. Gotcha.

Would permanent Gyros be op?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Lets also not forget if you left out bulwark you could actually be gimping yourself as you may enter combat with less health when you could of put it on CD and resummon it with full HP. Same goes for other gyros. In other words, no time limit gyros might/probably be even worse without extra management.

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

That is not being ‘fixed’. Projectiles are meant to be blocked/reflected. What you’re asking for is that they be made unblockable or trigger on block/reflect. Which would be a nice little touch.

The only thing that needs fixed is they don’t give any boons to the enemy when reflected.

ANET can't create good story final boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Their are good Storyline bosses out there and good non/secondary story bosses too.

While the quest/zone clear part of WoC in GW1 was tedious and dull, I enjoyed the storyline and Minister Reiko(she should be a stronghold champ) is one of my favorite storyline bosses of GW1. Dhuum, Mallynx and other low story/non storyline backed up Bosses are pretty great, they just aren’t in the main storyline. Same with GW2. They could be, but they’re not

With that said, I think they are very capable of making a good main storyline boss fight, they just screw up with execution and timeframes to complete their work.

Zhaitan wasn’t a completed fight and would have been much better if they had that time to make it versus, ermagaawsh its so freakin big, BOOOM, smashes through several airships “AAAHHHHH oh laser on switch” PHHZZZZ dead. We all know he should of just hugged the main ship and we’d be screwed. I kind of like the idea of being an undead Pact Commander. If the dragon order was the other way around, Mordy would of just taken the laser to his tree face and Zhaitan’s dragons would of flown from above and taken out the Pact.

PS its Magitech nonsense>stupid dragon staring down the barrel nonsense. Anything and anyone that’s remotely powerful in Tyria is backed by magic typically.

Buff Function Gyro

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

If it could move to a F6 or wep swap button when no kit equip, what would you want it to do and how would it function?

I’m all with you in regards to it needing a buff of some sorts outside of PvP. I’ve wanted it to have its own ‘Function Gyro’ slot with different skills to choose from, including existing ones, like the Rez/Stomp feature. This would allow that ability to be retained in PvP and other settings that it would be useful in AND be useful in other environments where rez/stomp is literally never used.

So imagine this; Function Gyro slot similar to pet slot, where you can choose its ability and activate with the ‘F’ key or other conditions.

Press ‘F’ key to activate function gyro, doing one of the following;
Remote Rez/Stomp target Ally/Foe (they should just make this a ranged channel)
Empower/Weaken target Ally Foe in AoE, granting or causing 5xMight/5sWeakness
Defend/Attack; When downed, preventing you from bleeding out and attacking foes that attack you while Downed
Enhance/Disenchant; Follow and Target Ally’s Boons are longer and Conditions shorter or Foes Boons are shorter and Conditions longer.

Maybe take it further to give it 1 or 2 slots of mentioned abilities, an active and auto-activate(passive) ability. And of course keep it balanced!

New Elite Spec weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

You’ll stow your MH shield as a hat. Could have some april fools potential there.
But Yup, no leak info on next spec wep. Bets on Mace or shortbow.

[Suggestion;Elite Spec] Bloodstone Technician

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Took me longer than I thought it would, obviously its not super engineery but I thought all the recent bloodstone and ley energy talk along with the inventions really deserve to have an engineer behind it. I wanted an emphasis on life siphon and a spec that would give engi a shot at support roles, giving a reason for engi to spec Heal Power(Yes I know hardly anyone likes that idea but Anet really needs to change coefficients and enemy/area mechanics to make it worth bringing at some point)

A lot of it is probably OP but this is just a rough sketch as I got tired of refining it. And yes their is one skill short of the usual 4 swappable utilities, throw a suggestion for that if you want I ran out of ideas. Traits are a pain to think of along with AA names. Anyways, Critique, 1+, give feedback in general.

In other words, you should you comment on this thread.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

[Suggestion;Elite Spec] Bloodstone Technician

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

While the council was being held, they decided to rework gadgets as well. Gadgets now behave similar to Mesmer’s Mantras. Each has a respective charge gadget tool belt skill, that the slotted gadget consumes to function. Upon reaching max 3 charges, a super-powered variant replaces the tool belt that consumes all charges. The idea is to have a skill that can be saved up to quickly use multiple powerful short term boost and attacks at the cost of multiple activations and balancing the cooldowns of the toolbelt charge and gadget or waiting out for the stronger max charge toolbelt variant.
Functional change to Gadgeteer; When struck gain Gadgeteer charge, at 5 charges, your next gadget tool belt activates 1/4s faster and recharges 20% faster (stacks w/traits) or your next gadget is boosted.

Other Gadgets
Rocket Boots; Launch in target direction, cleansing movement impairing conditions. (8s) Blast finisher. Boosted counts as evade.
TB; Rocket Fuel; Gain a Rocket Boots charge(60s). (12sR)
>Rocket Kick ; At max fuel, consume all fuel to launch at target and release a massive rocket powered kick, launching and burning enemies
Slick Shoes; Release Oil Slicks(4x) with each stop you take. Knocks down for 1s. (20cd)Boosted causes blinding oil slicks and removes cripple and chill.
TB; Oil Cartridge; Grants Slick Shoes Charge.
> Slick Slider ; Consume all charges to gain ‘Slick Slider’ buff and superspeed for 5 seconds. When you evade, you evade an extra 150u and drop slippery oil that launches targets 180u in the direction traveled across. Activation removes movement impairing conditions, evades while buffed remove cripple.
Goggles; Gain Fury(3s), Cleanses blind and weakness, also makes next strike unblockable. (10cd) Instant cast
Boosted Grants Aegis(1s) and target gains vulnerability(5x)
TB; Charge Goggles ; Grants Goggle Charge. (12sR)
>Analyze; At max charges, consume all to gain Fury, remove blind and weakness, and create the debuff “Exposed Weakness” on target. Exposed Weakness makes target suffer 10% more damage and condition damage, and generates endurance 25% slower. Unblockable.
Personal battering Ram; Launches Target 240u. (10cd)(120u)
Boosted range is increased to 210, launches farther, and strikes up to 3 opponents.
TB;Wind Springs ; Grants Personal Battering Ram Charge
>Fire Ram; At max charges, consumes all to launch a speeding Ram Head, launching all targets hit.
AED; Initialize AED, When your HP falls below 15% AED Heals for a massive amount and removes conditions.(18cd)
TB;Charge AED; Grants charge to AED
>Hyper AED;Consume all charges to Activate Hyper AED. Stuns and damages nearby foes after Hyper AED ends. Removes all conditions if you fall below 15%HP, damaging conditions and immobilize only if timer expires.

Minor Traits
Adept; Hybrid tech; Gain access to weapon mods and maces.
Master; Soul Battery; Steal health when you strike a target below 33%HP (1cd) Finishing foes Heals
Grandmaster; Soul Tether; Heal allies for 15% of the health you steal and 5% of your personal heals.

Major Traits
I. Potent Bloodstone; While Bloodstone gauntlets are equipped, gain 180 Healing power. Reduces its recharge by 20%
II. King of Madness; Deal 5% more damage to confused or tormented targets while receiving 5% less damage.
III. Weighted Maces; Mace attacks deal 10% more damage and recharge 20%faster
IV. Bloodstone Enthusiast; Activating your elite and heal skills grant might(8s), 8x/4x respectively.
V. Alternative Power; Your turrets attack faster and apply torment on destruction.
VI. More than a Cure: Cleansing allies’ conditions grants might(8s) and restores 4 points of endurance.
VII. Refined Modifications; Your Weapon Mod skills recharge 20% faster. Activating Weapon Mod grants quickness(2s) (30cd)
IIX. Stable Soul; Using Blooddrinker Vortex doesn’t remove Blood Elixir. Additionally, you start with 1 extra energy and gain stability(4s) every 4s seconds.
IX. Corruption Inverter; Using a heal skill grants 4s of Bloodstone Aura (40sR). Being struck while under the effects of Bloodstone Aura granted by you converts conditions to boons (1sR).

Bloodstone gyro; Direct a gyro to fly in a single direction. With a powerful large Bloodstone attached it taunts nearby enemies. Can fall off ledges and cliffs. Unblockable and Unevadeable. If used out of combat, 50% chance to taunt ally. If ally dies under effects, forces caster to /facepalm emote and Lazarus appears from the mist and performs /laugh emote on corpse, then proceeds to steal your remaining life force with the bloodstone. (Obviously this is a joke skill, but I did seriously consider the first portion of it before, as it would be great for pulling enemies off point for PvP and grouping them for aoe.)

[Suggestion;Elite Spec] Bloodstone Technician

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Mace Mod
(Insert random AA chain skill names); 1-2 strikes cause 2s confuse. Final 3s AoE confuse.
Givers Strike; Gain protection(2s) and transfer 1 condition each to struck targets.(12cd)(120u)
Bloodstone Eruption; Smash the ground and release a wave of Bloodstone energy that taints the struck area for 3s, pulsing(4x) medium damage, cripple(2s), and torment(3s). (15cd)(360u)
Synergy Block; Block for .75s. If you block an attack it reduces recharge of Mod skills by static 15% and grant nearby allies 1.5s of Bloodstone Aura.(20cd)(360u radius)
Crazed Flurry; Wildly strike targets in front of you(5x). Each hit causes torment and deals extra 2% damage for each stack of confusion.(25cd)(170u)

Utility & Heal Skills
Bloodstone Gauntlets(Heal/Kit)
Tool Belt(Heal); Bloodstone Draw; Draw power from your gauntlets, healing you and granting bloodstone aura for 4s (steal health when attacked, 1s cd). (25cd)
Kit skills; Vampiric punch, light damage, light siphon with high Healing power scaling. Final strike also steals a boon(120u)
Magic drain; Siphon magic from the immediate area, also siphons health from enemies. Heals per pulse and targets struck.(20cd)(360u radius)
Draw corruption; Siphon your conditions into the gauntlets, briefly inflicting weakness. Cleanses 2 conditions.(25cd)
Equalizing Drain; Grab you opponent and drain them per both of your health. Immobilizes(1s) and dazes(.5s) target at cast. Cannot move while channeling. Pulses 4 times. Siphon increase; target hp>80% 300hp, hp>50% 200, hp<50% 100. Caster HP<HP50% 300hp, HP>HP50% 200hp. (35cd)
Soul Battery; Strike a foe and drain their life, if downed you begin to channel and siphon the rest of their health, finishing the channel finishes the foe(3s channel). (40cd)(180u)

Bloodstone Turret, fires a beam of energy that torments(2x)(4s) targets and applies leaching, siphoning health healing allies that strike this target. Fires every 5s (40cd)(600u)
Over Charge; Releases a maddening orb of energy that fears enemies and grant fury to allies.(25cd)(180u radius)(600u)
>Bloodstone Core; Hurl a Bloodstone bomb that causes torment(3x)(3s) and low damage.(25cd)(180u radius)(900u)
Bloodstone Tether(Gadget); Fire a tether cable that ties you to your enemy, while tethered you siphon health and steal boons 2 times after each second has passed, no initial steal(2s). (10cd)(600u)
TB;Charge Tether; Prepares a Bloodstone Tether (max 3 prepared). 15s recharge.
>Vampires Web; Consume all 3 tethers to Fire a tether that bounces off enemies for a max of 3 targets. Tethered targets are immobilized, weakened, siphoned, and transfer boons to you. Targets that evade while tethered break tether. (900u)(180u bounce)
Turret Pack; Equip a turret mounted on you back that fires cyrobombs or napalm rockets at your enemy, every 4 seconds for 13seconds.(60cd)(180u radius)(900u)
>Ammo Switch; Switches cyrobomb for napalm rockets or vice versa.
TB; Pack Blast Off; Blast off using you backpack, burning foes at your takeoff point and chilling foes as you land. Fire Field & Ice Field. Blast Finisher (2x)

Elite; Blood Elixir; Drink an experimental mix of Elixirs and charged Bloodstone Dust, causing dangerous energies to flow through your body.(15s duration) Grants 2 Bloodstone Energy.(150cd)
TB; Throw Blood Elixir; Damages enemies, downed enemies and enemies with less than 33%hp suffer double damage.(60cd)(180u radius)(900u)
>(While under effect of Blood Elixir) Swig of Elixir; Grants 2 Bloodstone Energy. 1s Cast. Instant Recharge. 1/4s Aftercast.
Blood Lightning; Fire 2 Bolts of corrupt energy at your foe. Chains twice for 75/50% dmg to enemies 120u away from target. (900u)
Aura of Blood; Pulse deadly energy to nearby foes, dealing more damage at short range. Downed foes take extra damage. Consumes 2 energy.(450/360/180u radius)(8cd)
Blood Corruption; Let the influence of Bloodstone power reign. Gain quickness, might(8x), and fury for 3 seconds. Consumes 2 energy. Disables Swig of Elixer for 1.5s(8cd)
Mist Rend; Use the power of the Bloodstone to rend the mist and re-emerge violently, stunning foes at target location. 1second Cast, grants 1s invisibility upon cast. Consumes 3 energy.(8cd)(180u radius)(900u)
Blood-drinker Vortex; Pull the physical world and the Mist into you, pulling nearby foes. When the channel ends, a massive explosion occurs damaging and launching enemies. Ends Blood Elixir. Consumes 5 energy and disables all skills for 1 second. 2.25s Channel pulses pull. (25cd)(360u radius)

[Suggestion;Elite Spec] Bloodstone Technician

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

The Bloodstone Technician is what happens when you mix an already slightly crazy engineer and bloodstone. A whole lot of bloodstone. This resulting mad scientist of an engineer specializes in making his enemies even crazier than he is, dealing lots of confusion, torment, and with a little fear. To achieve this end, he’s gathered fellow engineers and minions to invent modified variants of weapons, gadgets, and elixirs utilizing the power of bloodstone. The result. A maddening masterpiece. No White Mantle were experimented upon in the production of these devices and elixirs.

Weapon Mods act as your weapon swap, granting access to a new set of skill based on your equipped weapon with similar uses.
Rifle Mod; Major power minor condi, AoE with focus target bonus, range; (170-600u)
1; Infused shot, 90u AoE, vulnerability(2x) (600u)
2; Load Shells, Channel to Load 2 Infused shotgun shells. 1.25sec cast.(12cd)
>Bloodstone Blast; Cone shot, (3,2,1) stacks of Torment, 5second recharge, reverts to Load shells after 15 seconds or consumed shells, Range (170,360,600u)
3; Fire and Bloodstone; Ignites gunpowder and bloodstone dust without a shell. Cone attack, heavy power dmg and causes 2 torment(x3) based on range (170,360,600u)
4; Harpoon Fragment; Fires a Bloodstone fragment as a harpoon, embedding in the enemy. Struck enemy is dazed(.5s) or stunned if already dazed. Range (600u)
5; Improvised Use; Throw a box of ammo at target and fire at it, causing an explosion. Explosion launches enemies(180u) and confuses(x3), target suffers doubled effects. (600u)

Pistol Mod: Minor condition with Siphon and boon. Average range (900)
1; Bullet Shard; single target, torments 1x(3s). (900u)
2; Red Mist; Rapidly fire 12 medium speed homing projectiles, for every 4 that find their target, an explosion occurs, causing confusion and extra damage. (9cd)(900u)
3; Volatile shot; Fire an unstable shot that bleeds and stuns your target, causes confusion if you interrupt. (20cd) (900u)
4; Siphoning fragment; Fire an uncharged bloodstone that siphons health(7x) and pulses weakness(2x), gains charge while embedded. (25cd) (900u)
>Yank and Partake; Pull the charging bloodstone and use its accumulated power for yourself, gaining might(7s) and healing(300hp) for each charge it had. Resets in 7 seconds. (130u)
5; Corrupting Shot; Fire a supercharged bloodstone shard, causing confusion and corrupting boons. (30cd) (900u)

Shield Mod; Sacrifice for gain and boon steal.
4; Power Converter; Block attacks. When struck gain might. (35cd)
?Discharge Power; discharge your shield and lose up to 10x might, for every 2 might lost a protective field is summoned for 1 second that blocks projectiles and pulses damage. Shrinks based on duration left. (360/180u max/min radius)
5; Beam Emitter; Fire a beam from a Bloodstone device embedded in your shield that siphons health and steals boons. If it strikes foes with no boons, the final strike inflicts fear. (35cd) (600u)

New Weapon, Duel Maces
Maces focus on mobility, and deception to punish your foe and give you the upper hand.
1.(Insert random AA chain skill names) – Final strike grants superspeed.
2. Potential Feint; Strongly swing twice at your opponent, dealing little damage, but storing kinetic energy.(15cd) (120u)
?Kinetic Takedown; Release some stored potential energy and swiftly maneuver around your target and take out their legs, dealing damage and knocking them down and inflicting vulnerability. (120u)
?Ground Demolition; Release the remaining energy and smash your baton into your enemy, dealing massive damage to enemies. Static opponents are struck critically.(180u radius)
3. Debilitating Storm; Jab your opponent multiple times at nerve points, slowing all movements. Inflicts slow(2.5s), cripple(5s), and immobilize(1s). (20cd)(120u)
4. Gyro sweep; Swing your mace in a circle to charge an internal gyro, making it artificially gain weight. Requires no target to chain. (25cd)
>Heavy swing; make a sluggish swing dealing large damage, charging the gyro further. Removes a Stability stack. Requires no target to chain.
>One-Ton-Toss; Toss your impossibly heavy mace forward, leveling anyone struck by it dealing heavy damage. If it strikes a blocking enemy or enemy with stability, the projectile stops and removes 3 stacks of stability and launches.
5. Baton-bounce; Hurl your electrified baton expertly at your opponent, stunning them and dealing damage, succeeded by a rapid dash towards them to catch the baton and follow up strike granting fury.(30cd) (600u)

Rifle as a power weapon kinda meh

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

You cannot strip more than one stack of Stability per .75 seconds, so such a change wouldn’t affect much. You’d have to open a whole new can of worms to get that effect.

Forgot about that case, well IF they had aegis, 1x stability, and overcharge shot hit 3 times…. then it would eat the aegis, stability, and still launch them. I think, unless their is some other silly rule against it…

Rifle as a power weapon kinda meh

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

The CD decrease on close hit would tremendously improve rifle, I like it. Its pretty much a chain skill the way you write it out though, just it chains to itself conditionally.

And overcharge shot needs to split into 4 hits, so it really mulches block and stability 3 or less, that would really feel like an overcharge shot these days.

Does shield need fixing?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I dont think any Shield skill roots you in place anymore, for a while.

They have long CD’s because engi can use kits to get even more reflects and blocks, and that is taken into account, on top of being done with the old (pre-HoT) game design in mind.
With the changes in HoT, I think just a small CD reduction would be already enough to make them very viable without making it superior to hammer defense.

OH Pistol would still be used for full condi dps or AoE soft CC (blind and immo/cripple) for kiting.

Personally, I think should be superior to hammer defensive abilities, but with a base CD reduction combined with traiting, it would probably achieve that, even with it being balanced for kits on the bar. Whether it should or shouldn’t because its not an HoT wep, that’s on the developers. As for the root, didn’t know, I took a 2 year and a half hiatus from the game, so I musta missed the upgrade.

As far as the OH pistol, I personally would chose shield over it with the changes in mind, especially for PvP, and yes people would still use it for min/max condi damage and niche situations, but imo just don’t feel like it would be very good in many other areas comparatively, but I don’t want that to be a focus of the topic. Simply put I don’t feel like OH pistol with static shot and glue shot would be a very good weapon, probably the bottom of the totem pole for OH pistol skillsets.

Pssst, Its shield 4 and 5. I want to know what this mystery shield skill 3 is though.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Screaming for no reason???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Ember Bay is a scary place. Covered in lava. Hybrid Destroyers. The other day, I picked up an egg. AN EGG! Needless to say, I screamed as I put it in my inventory. My heart is still pounding.

But you could just be yolking….


That’s an eggspecially bad joke.

Really? I thought it was eggcelent…

Serious and not. We’ll be fine when Taimi invents a device based off the Chak guts to remove the bloodstone corruption/taint/radiation(cough and dragon magic from the dragon corpses) eggspecially for you!

Does shield need fixing?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

If I remember correctly, S5(along with Oil Slicks) are one of the veeeerrrryyy few skills that hit through evades, like Blurred Frenzy, Pistol Whip, and Relentless Assault to name a few. So while it is a really long CD in terms of HoT skills and generally overall, it is extremely valuable for those abilities. I also agree that it sucks that unblockable skills end it, but that’s a necessary danger. If anything, it simply needs a small base cooldown reduction. 5-10 seconds per skill would put it in the ballpark of useable. Along with a change to S4 not rooting you I’d take it if MH pistol had more damage.

With that said, P4 and P3 swap would be great and make shield viable to slot in alone, but then who would use OH Pistol? And wouldn’t MH pistol be a little loaded with that much condi damage on one MH? If that did happened shouldn’t P5 change(cough it always has needed it)?

I’m really under the impression that not only Shield need a slight rework/touching up, its also the combo of Shield and MH Pistol that makes it really dismal compared to other options, like ILobo’s suggestion. Multiple things need fixing imo.

ARENA NET - why not response

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

The only weakness this class have, aside form some adjustments, is that you can easily wear off completely your keyboard or mouse lol.

You have no idea. I should tell you a story of the days of grenades and pre-fast cast, but those are painful memories I like to not think about. My hands cringe and twitch just thinking about it.

But anyways, engineer itself is mostly fine imo, and I’m not going to get into what needs changed. From what I’ve seen what makes it unpopular is that it takes a lot more button pushing to get the DPS that other classes provide when competing for the same role. And as far as healing and support goes, great projectile denial, but our fields last to long and get in the way, but the AoE heals themselves are pretty good.

So, Static Discharge, bug or not?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

It is most likely not a bug. It seems as if the traits current design is to use the triggering tool belt skill’s targeting. If you throw an elixir, it makes a straight path for the targeted point. No target skills like BoB and Minefield, it drops, just like the tool belt.

I am under the impression that it was never finished(as engineers were that last profession to be designed and were still unrefined on release), therefore, functions poorly and not an actual bug(behavior against intention). Similar to how some maps have holes that you can fall through or walls that you can slip through. Based off appearance, logically you shouldn’t be able to go there, but the actual design lets you.

To sum it up, its not that it behaves unintentionally, its that it never had finished definite intentions.

2nd Elite Specialization and Beyond

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I’ve been thinking it’ll be duel Mace, with the lack of current core options (1MH, 2OH, 1B), it would add a lot more diversity in weapon options. Otherwise it’ll probably be what most others are saying, a techy and/or explosive (Short)Bow. If not either of those, the moneys on Torch.
I’m actually finishing up a crafted elite spec(Cough edit, with maces) inspired from bloodstone and mad scientist vibes, I’ll probably post it tomorrow.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

New Legendary Weapon Expection!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Legendary shotgun


With a chainsaw bayonet. Or at least a laser bayonet (that makes sounds like a chainsaw on equip and finish…) Make it happen.