Showing Posts For Lord Aargadon.4135:

An old MUD feature I haven't seen for years

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Huge no, that would let botters learn how to better program their bots and make sophisticated patterns and hacks in this game.

how does chill affect skill recharge exactly?

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Yes thiefs are partially immune to it, seeing that they have initiative instead. Also chill affects ALL skill recharge, whether it be burst, a bundle, or siege skill.

Elixer U is too unreliable.

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Its also that it has a cast time, unlike the other 3 which are instant use. But yes, the unreliable effects, bugs, and fact that there is something else that we could use makes this skill fairly uncommon.

Elixer U is too unreliable.

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Personally, I would use it way more often if they got rid of the viel since I only use the toolbelt version for deflection/absorb and the viel is pretty useless for a ranged profession where as the other two would greatly complement the offensive utility skill.

I almost all ways use the toolbelt then elixer and unload whatever else, the wall takes the bullets n’ arrows and that +50% more dmg taken or endurance loss is completely forgotten. That is if I get the deflect or absorb field…
Casia here is a bit more lucky than I with the RNG part of it, I end up with viel about 75% of the time the other two are uncommon

Everlasting Tonics from Mystic Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

What I don’t understand is why they aren’t tradable like in GW1….

NEW reason for weapon swap/slot for Elem/Eng

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Just throwing this out there, but if the cooldown was larger AND an activation time was placed on Weapon Swapping (1-5 seconds for swap, 30 second recharge to avoid manipulation) would you consider it less Op? Right now ele’s are really good in any players hand if you have the right set up, so this is probably pushing some builds way past OP.

Hidden Gardens - Worth it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I just do JP for first time achievement points and just for the sake of exploring the wondrous world of Tyria, and when Im in LA waiting for a group, Ill do the 3 Jp there and get stuff instead of spamming “LFG for explorable……” the entire time.

Salvage Kit differences?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

If you are interested in making every copper count, at low levels some mats (specially the fabrics and fine quality mats) are worth quite a bit on the trading post.

Need help deciding

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Obviously, no one can just make the decision for you, but I have a small list of things to consider for you….

Legendaries do take a long time to get, where as cultural armor and other high end gear, may take less than a month for typical casual player that knows how to make decent money. So if you can make the money fairly quickly, go ahead and blow it on culture armor, but make sure you have the transmutation stones to put em on a exotic set, and eventually (when it finally rolls around) ascended armor.

Now for legendary. They are cool, I really like sunrise, even though I know we are both minority since most prefer twilight or a different weapon, but it does come with a perk; once ascended rolls around, you will automatically have it upgraded, which means that much less grinding for a new weapon and infusion upgrades. Also, don’t forget there will be more weapons in the future, so you may find that you like a new GS legendary or exotic better than it.

That is all.

Make sPVP to have a meaning

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

^ Another thing I really liked about Gw1 that they left out in Gw2. You could actually get something besides titles and armor that you can only display in sPvP. I would sPvP waaaay more if I actually got rewarded.

Salvage Kit differences?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

^ what this person said, I’d recommend only using master kits on rare or exotics, I haven’t done the math for it, but currently kits aren’t even worth buying except to make space in your inventory. Normally its more profitable to just sell the items at high levels, while salvaging is only beneficial for lowlevel materials.

Make sPVP to have a meaning

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

What he/she fails to realize is how harmful adding advantages to sPvP would be. Adding any sort of inequality alone completely destroys the s’ in sPvP.
Everyone here could go on and on, but lets just realize that this is another fail thread thats wasting time and space and move on.

Sigil of Air & Sigil of Fire - Shared CD?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

If you have a sigil that has a cooldown, such as sigil of air, when the effect activates, the cooldown prevents any other non passive sigil from activating for the duration.

If you have same sigils, two sigils of air, instead of 60% chance of activation on crit for each wep or 120/100% combined, the chance is seperate for each one.

E.G. 1# you have two weps both with sigil of air, you get crit, 60% for first weapon sigil fails, second one passes, sigil activates and both are put on 5 sec cooldown.

2&3# Sigil of energy and air, you switch weapons, activating sigil o energy, you gain 50% endurance and both sigils are put on sigil of energys 9 sec cooldown.
Air activates, putting both on airs 5 sec cooldown

4# Sigil of force and sigil of air, Air activates, is put on cooldown, but you will still benifit the 5% dmg increase even through cooldown.

tl;dr. Any sigil that has an activation will not activate while a cooldown is still up, but any passive effect will stay working, and any sigil on mainhand will trigger before offhand if both are activates.

Dec.7: DB v NSP v DH

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Stop Fpvp’ing here, save that for PM’s. No one cares about what ticks you off about JP, how you held off the huge zerg, or destroyed it.

We’ve heard it all several months ago. Save gloating for map (or guild preferably) chat once you actually do something.

I wish Super Elixirs were Water Fields...

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

If you are doing WvW, retaliation can help your buds greatly at a gate if someone makes the mistake of using multi-hit or AoE on them, very dangerous if you combine a guardian using area prot. Personally, SE is already really good with area heal, initial condi removal and the light field for occaisonal condi removal and retaliation.

But if you really think it needs even more buffing, having blast give you protection or aegis would be very nice, but water field would be great too, although OP. I fear that if it is changed to water field, the duration will be shortened to 5 seconds to compensate for all that regen on projectiles and healing blast. But if it does keep 10 second duration, thats permanent waterfield combined with kit refiniment, from one person.

Newish Engineer with a few questions

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Not sure if they still do, but smoke bomb, fire bomb, and glue bomb all heal for initial explosion and pulse. So if you are farming mobs in high level areas, all the combined healing and blind makes mobs go easy mode. If you want even more healing, take kit refinement and elixer gun, and you’ve got 1k+ healing a second and the condition removal from initial impact of elixer guns “super elixer”.

As for flamethower, try not to move when using #1, instead use other skills when changing positions as much as possible. Same goes for your target, if they move, especially into melee range and strafing out of the original cone hitbox, FT will have issues. Avoid strafing and moving in curves, only straight lines. Its a pain, and unless you have a good field to use it with, I recommend you use a different weapon.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

tier 4 armor?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I don’t support a new tier, but I support having exotic runed lvl 80 versions of each cultural armor, having only rares was a stupid idea to begin with. If there was a tier 4, it would have to have legendary looks, so expect 200g-1000g range if they ever add anything like that.

Coolest endgame armor for Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

I disagree. I really like all 3 medium armor sets of the Charr cultural armor, and the T3 in particular is one of my favorite armors in the game period. Except for maybe the hoodie on the T2, not a fan of that, though the overall design of the T2 is fine. But different strokes and all that.

I really like T3 too, and T2 is good also, the hoodie looks out of place, and T1 is very meh to me.
But my biggest problem, is that I am a charr engineer, sitting in the black citadel, the birth place of the engineer profession, the creator of the war machines making the iron legion the greatest and most technologically advanced group of people currently in Tyria and I can choose two armor sets I like, but scream ranger all over the bloody place. I just wish there was a set that looked mechanically advanced and not tribal like the other sets.

Coolest endgame armor for Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Unfortunately, charr medium armor is beyond pathetic at its current state, my favorite armor is currently inquest and heritage, hiding the helm of course, but there is noooooo outstanding set. :(

If you want looks, go heavy or light. T3 cultural heavy is probably one of the top3 armor sets currently, I love it personally. There are a few other good sets, but you will not have the diversity the other humanoid classes have.

Important note for heavy charr! Some of the chest pieces leave some your upper chest exposed, to the point where your furr color can clash with your armor color and make it look not quite right, keep this in mind and use the pvp locker to preview some sets. If it does look akward, also keep in mind that most of it is hidden by the higher camera angle, but not all.

Why does agony punish vitality builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Random question here, I noticed that one agony inflicting attack is a projectile, can these be reflected to inflict agony on the boss? Or are they immune to this?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

The highest Ive ever done is about 17k on the light training golem with killshot and eviscarate, fully traited equiped for crit damage with 13 stacks of might and 10% crit damage bonus from banner at the time. 14k in a pvp match against an engi.

Ill get that formula up in the next hour or two.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

The wiki has forumla but….

Ill work out the entire formula and give an extreme high crit example tomorrow so you can see how the whole thing works out. Huuuge edit then

Unfun Dredge Fractal Boss Mechanics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

He probably is, get a engi with grenades or anyone else with serious ranged damage and take out arrowcarts on sides, then oil, suprised most people aren’t smart enough to realise what is killing them.

As others have said, slows used when boss is under lava=fantastic
rupt when he starts to kneel and normally he stops the heal
if you have somone with reflect abilities, I believe you can hit him with his own bombs for massive damage.

Reward for WvW winners

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Also bigger reason to charge or lock server changes. And if more bandwagons happen, then your server will potentially fail more with less experienced players, deal with even more queing, which is a huge pain ,lessens fun and means these exp players that were winning aren’t going to get in, which means they will want to transfer or not play.

In other words. More server transfer for WvW rewards = fail on transferee part and destabalising the game for stupid reasons.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

New Race Idea List

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Found out a new point why some races won’t work while reading Nox’s post. A lot of races don’t even wear conventional armor. Ogres, centuar, and skritt are a few supposedly potential majors that don’t. Ogres wear rags and leather for the most part. Centuars wear sometimes armor on back and chest, but thats only two slots that would need total redesign for armor. Skritt mainly wear only ragged pants.

For those that do wear actual armor, Hylek do have full armor, and Tengu do also, Tengu needing more work for individual sets seeing that Hylek have similar size and body stance to Charr while Tengu have large amounts of feathers protruding from shoulders, arms, and head, and having reverse bi-ped legs rather than normal bi-ped legs like the current races.

So yet again, this leaves Hylek, Kodan, and Tengu at the top.

Split WvW and PvE traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Please no to the gem trait pages, make its a level 80 unlock. Im fine with bank and inventory slots being gems. But having a separate trait set for gems would shoot the gem cost through the roof, potentially to the point where it isn’t even cost effective throughout all the time you play this game. Its just too big of a conveniance for players that like spending real money and promotes Anet to do more stuff like it. Not to mention its a huge pain switching traits back and forth if you want a WvW and PvE dedicated trait set. I myself build my traits for use in both instead of dedicating to one or the other.

Edit- Also this would probably encourage elitism, since people like me that build for both don’t have this easy switch that others would, and therefore I would be shunned, being forced to change my traits for maximum potential everytime at the trainer, where everyone else is waiting on me.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Reward for WvW winners

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Well first off, I believe the three biggest things people want is better loot(duh), to feel like they win, and some other reward/bonus.

1&3. For winning, how about the next week awards you +25% influence and +50% BoH drop rate. Also I like Jacbo’s idea of that the more you play each week, you get an amount of a new (or BoH bonus) currency to trade in accountbound items.

2. The winning world needs to have its BL garrison and EB way more flashy the next week. Just owning (or capturing) something pretty gives a much better sense of winning than nothing besides fighting a more difficult enemy the next week.

Just my ideas on reward improvements, feel free to refer to themin future post if you like them and do comment on how you feel and think it could be improved.

Corpses = different nameplate color pls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

In GW 1 I believe names turned a paler gray version of your teams color upon death, so yet another good feature Gw2 is lacking that they got right in Gw1(and many other games). Good thinking, suprised I haven’t seen more of this. +1

New Race Idea List

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Haha, don’t get too down in the dumps, I would not be suprised to see a couple missions that let you play minor races, Tengu(only considered minor here if they don’t ever get implemented) Hylek, kodan, skritt, largos seem likely since they already have a decent amount of animations and potentially good story, with grawl, ogres, and maybe some mobs(risen/zombie and crytal corruption mini-games?) having their own spotlight.

NEW reason for weapon swap/slot for Elem/Eng

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

1. Its not new, this has been mentioned since launch.

2. 1 slot being lost isn’t anything to complain about.

3. We have very limited weapon selection, which also means we aren’t paying as much as other proffessions, especially compared to those people that have multiple weapons of the same type with different stats for different builds. <— that right there, is very rarely brougth up and much more “new” compared to your complaint.

4. Yes it would be nice, and devs are looking into this and have been for awhile. So please, stop reposting what everyone has already said.

Leave my horns alone plz

in Charr

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Luckily, being an engineer, my charr doesn’t have this issue.
(Because he will never, ever stop wearing that awesome monocle.)

Quick, make a Sophisticated (Charr) meme around this!

seriously, do it, such great potential!

Doooo it! 5 gold if someone can pull it off proffesionally.

Maybe I'm a little frustrated....

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

NOOOOOOOO, what we really need is a “Imma gonna take off my coat revealing a demolition warbands worth of explosives duct-taped all over my body and run kamikaze in to the middle of your zerg” skill. Just yes.

Defiance for players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Your title is very misleading and confused me at first. I don’t know if you can but I suggest you change it immediately. The current system is fine, if you want to grab aggro, figure out how their aggro works, and then have a jolly time dancing with whatever npc you want to run around with. Having an easy way to have guarenteed aggro pretty much brings back trinity, and really dumbs down the fight for every other player when its already very dumbed down to maintain vigor, evade, and kite.

If you were saying replace stability boon for defiant, I would +1 you, but sadly you are not.

New Race Idea List

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

^Never thought about that but he/she does have a point. Unfortunately we still have Bubbles/DSD and the remaining Risen navy still in the way.

New Race Idea List

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Problem with Kodan is that they have no variation, so until we see some black bear kodan, I seriously doubt them being playable. Tengu are currently the only race with as much variety as current playable races, and they have a major city right next to the current starter zones. Skritt are just a plain no, too unintelligent.

Traveling in WvW is tedious.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Traveling is going to be a bit tedious, and honestly it needs to take time to get back to the fight. Its bad enough with zergs just rerezzing the dead over and over, but giving them these tools to get back at you even faster is a terrible idea. How would you like it if the enemy that outnumbers you, that you worked hard to get rid of, came back smashing at your door even faster? Sure I wouldn’t mind if traveling was more “fun” but adding vehicles that “protect” you, just means they can use them against you.

Your best defense here is having a good offense, which also means travel with zergs or a party, its more fun with other players that you know anyways. Just make sure you are protected against people that take advantage of culling and other exploits too, that just ruins the fun when you get solo’d.

Charr tank and racer questions...

in Charr

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Snap, Im at lvl 70 storyline, but I haven’t seen them being used yet. Now I gotta finish it But does anyone know for sure if these are nameless or have a name? Second, the charr talks about racing in the smaller cars that you see in the war wagon assembly area in the BC, but yeah, operating one of those things would be a delight as a mini-game too.

Charr tank and racer questions...

in Charr

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Step one. Enter Black Citadel.
Step two. Behold the destructive beauty of the Charr tanks
Step three. Weep.

Anyways, what exactly are these “tanks” called, do they even have a name? And more importantly, do we ever get to see them in action?

Surely these monstruous vehicles should be included in the game eventually, for they are without a doubt the most amazing vehicle in the game, waaay more interesting than any omega golem or vigil airship. If anyone knows what they are called, I’d appreciate it, Ive hunted down almost every charr npc throughout the game that may contain knoledge about their name, but to only to learn that one charr calls his tank “Miss Claws”

Second, there is a single Charr in the Black Citadel that talks about being a race car driver. I’d sure fancy some death race action in steam-powered cars with black powder being used in place of Nitro. Anyone else seeing this as a possible mini-game?

Questions on some skills / traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

3. If you have it out for full duration it stops at 6 stacks, 7-8 if you have the runes and traits that increase boon and might durations.

4. Give or take 100hp for all of these
Light has about 10726 hp,
Medium 11655
heavy 13700
-Obviously the heavier they are the higher the armor is, but not sure if you care about that part, I can go back and test dmg if you want

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

How do you stop escaping thieves?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Ive nabbed a lot of thiefs in WvW with the 1200 range buff to magnet. I just use magnet, prybar, net shot, shotFUN blast, overcharge shot and grenade barrage. Most theifs are too brittle(it is called a GLASScannon afterall, not a squishycannon) to handle that and maybe a little more.

If preparing to take one on, use Big ’ol bomb or glue bomb combo with smoke bomb, either stealths you or roots em in place inside a blindfield, then magnet them inside of your bombs radius. This can be pretty difficult to pull off as you can imagine, so practice it a few times on mobs to get a feel for it.

The Big 'Ol WvWvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Badges need turned into currency, not held item. Also autoloot badges at least.

Portal needs cap and timer to space out enemy invaders coming through, personally though I don’t think anyone should be able to go through but the caster.

Some of you are saying lake is useless, maybe we should be able to build siege boats/platforms in water? Comes with four cannons and trebuchet, but super spendy or a capturable objective/event.

I think it would be a nice addition for a armory and barracks upgrade. Armory would provide player-held anti-siege/zerg weaponry only usable within keep. Barracks would simply spawn a small anti-zerg army once the enemies attack a keep.

Currently, npc defenders are very weak and… dumb. Your castle lord is being killed, get off the wall! All remaining defenders need to organize and run into interior walls once outer wall is breached. Also could they have a organized targeting system? And one last thing for defending npcs…. Stealth demolitionist. I think it would be cool if an upgrade could spawn these fellows that stealth and attempt to drop bombs on siege within borders.

Sentries need to show when enemies pass nearby on map, right now they are currently pretty useless besides showing, “hey, they are probably going to take this camp, which is going to fall as fast as that sentry.” Also be nice if you could purchase watchtower or some other sort of similar functioning upgrade.

Keeps/Towers fall to fast- That part is really all your fault if it falls. If they took longer, then that would be an incredibly boring siege of invaders blow up defenders with AoE for twice as long. I really just think walls need redesigned to benefit the defender and not invader. Murder holes and other sorts of stuff need added.

Lions Arch PvE Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Theres the arena in Black Citadel, that would be freakin awesome if we could watch live fights in there.

Pants, pls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Yeah unfortunately most of the light female human, norn, and sylvari is all boobs n’ legs armor. In some cases med armor have even worse coverage(…not even going to comment on that…) than light and some heavy is pretty revealing too. Please do add some some real ARMOR and not more of what every single MMO in existence has done before.

Another bad part is that all the high-end armor is boobs n’ legs, leaving us with poor looking covering armor or the revealing stuff.

But if you want to see non-revealing clothing, check out the charr trench coat, currently they are the only thing seen acceptable by them.

Flame Jet Range

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Flamethrower is capped at 3 targets
Range needs slightly increased to reflect the animation or vice versa.

Damage needs slight increase, but already does decent damage when hitting 2-3 targets. Along with dmg, the burning needs to last a tad longer and be inflicted multiple times.

Hitbox needs…tweaking to say the least, Ive had it hit enemies behind me while missing the target at point blank. This is a huge issue when fighting melee, the enemies get too close, then my flamethrower decides to make the ground toasty instead of their hides extra crispy. Also a pain when the last hit misses, since we lose out on that burning… Sorry about this becoming a general bug and suggestion list.

Change culture armor to transmutable skins.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Oh once your getting full ascended you’re going to spend another 6 stones, but thats fairly cheap, Ive already stock piled 25 of those. The problem is that you’re forced to deal with it and the waste of multiple exotic armor sets, a lot of time put into grinding, and a lot of gold, just for the sake of keeping the skin. Not to mention ascended armor will probably already have awesome skins, so you are more than likely going to have to choose between the culture skin and the ascended one or having to grind for two sets just so you transmute the culture skin, again. Its a pain to deal with is the only reason Im holding back from buying the set right now.

Old Dungeons/Content obsolete?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Yeah, unfortunately Im going to agree with you two on several points. Rumor is really unreliably, no duh. Second, its not just stats that are calling people to fractals, its the great drop rates, skins, AND easier mob mechanics. No tedious mobs with garguntuan health pools besides bosses, which is how it should be anyways. Also I think I would rather have infusion act like GW1 or how GummiBear stated, no stats bonus only infusion extra slot, but Im not quite 100% sure where I stand yet on this matter.

Turns out WvW will be getting ascended gear, as answered by Chris on the AMA yesterday, so my hearings of rumor, weren’t right, but FotM won’t be he only place to get ascended quality gear anymore.

Change culture armor to transmutable skins.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Currently cultural armor is probably the most expensive high end item in game considering what you’re getting out of it. 120g for rare quality armor that has one set of stats and no preloaded runes. Since you aren’t getting exotic quality stats, you can’t even reach full potential wearing these without transmuting them to begin with, so from the start you are basically purchasing an armor skin alone.

What I would like to see: Instead of buying armor, you would buy access to armorsmith that gives infinite amount of transmutation skins that behave like skins from Hall of monuments rewards.
1. This way every time I need to switch armor sets I can still wear my badkitten armor.
2. When Ascended armor rolls around, I don’t have to transmute my same armor again to keep the skin and stats, preventing wasting that exotic if I still like its different stats set compared to the new ascended stat set.
3. Crap, maybe I just accidently transmuted the old skin on top of the culture skin, essentially instantly wasting 12-30g on a single piece, when all I bought the armor for in the first place was for the skin.

Those of you who have cultural armor or plan on getting it, comment please. I would want to know if I’m asking for to much with this or if its reasonable.

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Charr Engi, currently Aargadon Steelclaw, plan on changing last to steelpaw for one of my paws were blown off and I had it replaced with a mechanical steel one.

Sir Meowalot – 3/10 lets be honest, sir is a human meat title and charr don’t meow, they’re way to beastly for that.

Artillery Barrage or Warband Support?

in Charr

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Artillery Barrage is probably the worst elite in game currently. Less damage than Meteor shower for 8x recharge, terrible range, and wasted elite slot. Never tried Warband actually. Don’t forget Charrzooka, it has rediculous amount of knockback, a point blank AoE knockdown/retreat leap, and #5 deals considerable damage with decent hits and long burning. Unfortunately Charrzooka suffers the same problem as engi kits, you forfeit your weapon stats and sigil while you weild it. But I have also noticed I get rediculous amounts of crits with it, so may have a passive crit chance bonus that isn’t related or shown under precision and stats on hero panel.

Anyways, back on topic, even though I haven’t even used warband support, Im saying its better. Artillery is just so awful in every way possible, the only use for it is if your a tank and you cast it on yourself, then it is almost on par with MS.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Fix Legendary Defenders in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

They just need to add a small ridge so that players can’t jump up into other bases. So once you’re out, you have to WP to get back to spawn. Although Im not sure why stealth works against legendary defenders to begin with. Also, aren’t you invincible in spawn?