“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
I think the reason can can be summed up in one line from GW1 from a Asura. I don’t recall the exact wording but it was something like this
“Get three asura in a room and you’ll have four opinions.”
“What is this?”
“Typical Asura meeting. You get three Asura together, you get four opinions.”
In any case, the usage of elementals, I don’t believe, is tied to necromancers at all. Probably meaning that nor Verata nor his apprentices are Isgarren. I could be wrong though, since I haven’t reached that part in GW1 since I bought it yet.
You know there are simmilar problems – elementalist can’t summon everlasting elemental yes?
so maybe after many many years of trying and not achieving “holy goal of the cult”some next follower could think something like that: “these are similar problems, I cannot solve one, but maybe If I solve the second, that would give me knowledge etc. to solve my main problem”
so he invented no-dying elemental
one thing get me interesting…
watchknights are some-kind-of-golem yes?
thay have a HEADS
(quoting professor Snaff “nobody is making golems with a head – except me”)
Zaxares interesting theory, but we cannot check it – stuff transport in Tyria is actually made in the way that….
just put everythinng on dolyak.
survival in extremal situations
It’s not allowed in WvW or sPvP.
Also to be clear, the recipe is exotic and tradeable, but the output of said recipe is not.
I would love it, if you could use it in WvW…
But as a pure PvE item, its only use is JP’s really isn’t it? So doesn’t really have much appeal…
cof p1 with no fear to be crusher by the fbig flamy balls
just let it not be too expensive
crap I must lvl up my artficier quickly
ArenaNet please – don’t make this RECIPE to require 80 lvl – I have some characters that by now only use of them is crafting…
and that is rather sad that every “new” recipe require lvl 80 to use (learn) – in that way I don’t have another choice and lvl up characters that I don’t see any need to lvl up to 80… or to do it too quick – and if this will require 80 to just learn recipe I would consider myself forced to make lvl 80 out from 17 as quick as possible + 400 crafting lvl in artificier….
I don’t wanna know how much gold people will unnecessarily lose because of this new “feature”.
They’ll lose gold through their stupidity, laziness or because they’re in a rush, NOT because of this great new feature.
I have a broken mouse…
I sometimes send random multiclick instead of standard one click
am I stupid?
(heh so many times when I wanted to set some searches (I want see all the exotic swords) I doubleclicked and was telling me I clicked some legendary from “most expensive” list – fortunatey I don’t have so much gold)
An what about currencies stored in bank?
There is said that upon first login of every character on the account all the currencies that character wield will be stored into wallet – so I’m asking when – if – will be stored currencies form the bank?
do I need to take all the tokens on the one of character from the bank before the update?It’s already been answered that all currencies stored in the bank (tokens, etc.) will automatically be transferred to the wallet with the update, so you’ll basically log in and have all that space available and a fat, happy wallet singing show tunes.
ok thanks I was reading and searching for that but I’ve only seen about chars not ban itself so I wasn’t sure
You did not read my post properly. It is not an option. It is not possible without touching core systems. Which will have other consequences. An MMO is a very complex thing.
So what your telling us is: Removing a key feature from the personal bank doesn’t touch any core systems, but adding a completely new feature while leaving the bank as is would require you to alter core systems.
I may not be a programmer, but something about that statement just seems backwards to me.
actually they are not adding new feature, but changing an old one – now bank storage for gold would be accesible for every character and they money will be automatically sent there.
also It expanded this feature with karma/laurel/all possible currencies.
but to have both vallet and bank gold storage after that…
they need to make a whole new bank because old one was just revamped to new wallet (In meaning of gold storage changed into all-currency-storage etc. etc.)
thats how I see this.
actually I think that all the structures added in game would be permanent (unless after two weeks all will not collapse again ^.^)
also I think that that arena 1 player vs 1 champion could be permanent
Explorer stats could become Power, Precision, and Vitality (Main stat).
Wayfarer stats could become Toughness, Vitality, Healing Power (Main stat).
Traveler stats could become Power, Condition Damage, Toughness (Main stat).
I think.. not quite sure if those stat combinations exist yet.
actually If I understood You well is already in game known as “Sentinel’s” (Vitality as a main stat + power + prec as those secondary
funny thing would be if some time after Queens Jubilee we could have been given Pact Invasion on Elona (Island of Istan) through living story content (You know to get rid of Palawa Yoko, have a pretext to make new legendaries (I want tormented shield!) and lastly atack Kralkatorrik Form the unespected side (south or both)
Queen Jennah will be personally present on the opening of that Arena.
after some matches of gladiators the queens tribune will collapse….
in the last moment something will teleport-out the queen (and only queen) saving her from death in the remains of old great collapse.
assisting Shining Blade, would have not such “luck” and will die…
assisting WatchKnight’s would just fell down there and will notice no problem except “where-is-the-queen” and “how-to-go-back-upthere”
From a concerned Asuran
A furry or a bookah, really? Me and my krewe arent planning to vote for either, this election is very one sided, neither of these two can be trusted to deliver or stimulate our superior intellects. You might as well enter a sleepy into this rat race. Evon recently stole some Banker Golem plans and secretly has the Inquest building them and reaping the rewards financially from the Asuran inguinity. Ellen Kiel on the other hand has been acting strange, a detective gone politician? From honor and justice to deceitfulness and lying out right, something is surely amiss.
At least with an Asuran Candidate, it would be guaranteed to be explosive.
With that being said, know this, the Asuran are always watching you.
[nice sound of heavy bag of coins] actually Kiel wants to give You more resources to continue important researches about Thamanova Reactor…
You know bookah or not, but free resources boost just because some little tokens, You will have anyway dropped into the right box in the right place…
You cannot say that would not be a good thing – Bookah remains Bookah, but it becames usefull Bookah, when she is trying to help You with Your researches with actually little efford from You side… maybe she isn’t as smart as We asurans but some coins will always be usefull when it comes to researches
[writed while roleplaying asura engineer]
Stuff like this is par for the course in Charr warbands. If you’re legionnaire is being stupid and inefficient, someone else steps in, takes them out, and assumes command. It’s may be “villainous” by human standards, but from the Charr perspective its commonplace and completely acceptable, encouraged even. Its what keeps the legions running efficiently. Heck, a Charr player even does this himself if you choose Blood Legion during character creation. Your first personal story mission is a fight to the death against your Legionnaire because your Legionnaire is a poor leader, and at the end you become Legionnaire. And Rytlock commends you for it.
actually this is the way Rytlock himself became a Tribune
at the ending part of Destiny’s Edge book this is nicely told
actually when looking on complete map Istan isle is just in the center of the way from tyria to cantha – so yes yoko’s fleet is also obstruction – If You want to avoid them You would have to sail around keeping long distance from it.
Zhaitan fleet is no more problem – as we defeated him his fleet will die – same with his land army (from lore perspective)
I hope that we will recreate Sunspear Order and definitelly tke a rid of Palawa
anyway as I though how Elona would be “released” from Yoko’s tyranny I realised that It would have been done perfectly without need of expansion – just through living world. with long-long progress to it:
Firstly that would be some “two-week” preparation of fleet,
Then the fleet would sail to the Istan Isle and land in the nothern part of Jarrin, – and within next two week it would be many events with objective would be fortify our new position on the Island. in next patch we could for example recapture Sunspear Great Hall, and the send the word to the whole world that Sunspear’s are back again (and that New order never fight alone) and so on within next patches, we could recapture next parts of the Island and fortify Pact positions on parts already released from Yoko’s Tyranny.
af course Island wasn’t that small and making it all through “two-weeks-patches” would take much time, but after retaking it we can have some options:
1. We can invade Gandara the moon Fortress (I doubt If Palawa Yoko have destroyed it – It was a great startegic point anyway) and slowly start retaking rest of Elona:
or eventually we can use just opened path to send some scouts to cantha to check how it works there
Although it Might not be Verata (since he’s believed to have died in gw1) We did see that he had followers. So there is a possibility one of his followers is trying to finish what Verata started and create a minion that never dies!
that was my point all the time
It’s annoying they covered up the Great Collapse for this, as that was a place where the Shining Blade was snooping around suspiciously.
I suppose now they can say they were investigating the site for the new building.
Maybe under that colloseum is manufacture that will be producing watchknights so that why Shining Blades are snooping around
(or they just keep and eye on workers to not let the colloseum collapsed when queen will be in)
I don’t agree with that abou spiritual weapons
most of their traits is not just “random throwed” – a Fire inside trait have much sense as it gives burning to spiritual weapons and many more traits in that line are burning-related – so I don’t understand why burning trait should not to be in burning trait tree.
Zeal is have spiritual weaps traits that are afecting direct damage aspect of them, and Virtues have just longer duration – as for me it seems legit.
and You DON’T have to have all the spirit weapons traits toa have it effective – I use only two of them and they are making it good enough – at fractals I AM using it and nobody have problems with that.
PS. and seriously I don’t want trait that these weapons are not dissapearing upon command – actually I could be vary glad if it woud dissapear properly when I ask for it
PS2. @TriggerSad Yeah I agree with You but I’m rather glad that these trait line I’m using are boosting those stats that they are – for example I have 20 point in radiance to “a fire inside” trait and I am glad that it grants me additional 200 condition damage for those burning be better and 200 precision to have better that perma vigor :P
Short version of healing in ten seconds:
With 1k healing power, you can…
- Regenerate for 2550 total
- Dodge twice for 2258 total
- Virtue of Resolve for 2375 (Twice in a row with Renewed Focus)
- Empower for 2500
- Two Mighty Blow blast finishes for 3040 total
- Merciful Intervention for 2560
Naturally, circumstance and your build determine how many of these you can actually pull off in sequence. But that’s just off the top of my head. Everything listed is AOE.
with vigor You can even make more dodge rolls
and with good boon duration and well crit chance You actually have perma-vigor
actually If I understood well It would be 1v1 fights with a champion….
so survival should be important in some way.
the only problem as for me is if that champions would have defiant or not… (33% to blind works is not very good build)
I would use my actuall standard support-burning build and if it could land in heavy situation for melee because of boss hard-hitting in melee I would use something like that:
dodge backwards – Ray of Judgement – focus 5 – zealot defense and quickly flashing blade to proc a AoE dmg on boss – dodge backward – repeat in the way that cd’s will allow
and let the hammer nad sword hit them in the middle time
actually i have no or very little problem with that skill.
I’m using it mostly in “nearly melee range” what means that if I use it on the range instead of melee so that is only abou one dodge from enemy and is followed by zealots defense and/or flashing blade…
I don’t agree with that proposition of bouncing only for enemies – when I’m running orr I have nice profits whe castnig it in melee (actually I can be nearly sure that it will return to me)
I’m actually running something like this:
radiance: 20 [whatever depends on utilities] + [Fire inside]
honor: 20 [symbols greater] + [Pure of heart (heal on taking off aegis)]
Virtues: 30 [50%longer duration of spiritual weapons] + [absolute resolution] + [permeathing wrath]
weapons: something with easy acces to symbol (whatever You like that You can place a symbol on demand)+
offensive version: sword+focus
deffensive version shield+mace/scepter
heal – whatever
utilities: You want at least one spiritual weapon (mostly sword but sometimes hammer is also good) and “Stand You Ground” as third skill You can chose whatever ou want and first trait in radiance is dependand on it
If You want to take some signet (and maybe healing signet) so You could take lower recharges on signets. in every other situation retaliation on heal would be viable trait
and using it is a little tricky – in sword+focus version even funnier:
blinds are fun and in sword+focus version they are half of Your survivability
some persons would say that with permeating wrath trait You will not want use active Virtue of Justice – with that traits – nothing more wrong – You WANT use it as this are 3 stacks of might and blind and You have easy possibility to recharge this
the trick is when to pop up this – use it in a little while before some of nearbymobs that You have sure that You will take credit for kill die – so it will give your allies might, blind Your enemies, proc funny burn and just a phew seconds later that mob would die and then You have You passive back again.
in both using to early or too late You are loosing some burning damage becase until you kill something/virtue doesn’t recharge (whetever will be first) You won’t AoE burn foes
about stats: You want high healing power, You want nice crit chance, You want 2 runes of water and 2 runes of the monk (for 30% if I remember well additional boon duration) last two gives You fairly perma vigor and that mean many dodges with AoE healing.
You want fairly condition damage (that’s all about)
and some vitality.
build is focused upon support+burning pressure actually I will test it more deeply and make some tweaks and I will make thread with all the build (not just skeleton) and some “tutorial” (and maybe some vid?) how to actually use it properly
Personally I don’t find guardians needing more conditions. I think we need more interrupts.
Bane Signet, GS5, Hammer4, Shield5, and Staff5/Hammer5 for area denial/potential interrupt. Guardians have a pretty solid selection of abilities for interrupts. Most might be melee range but they also come with a good bonus effect.
Hammer of Wisdom every 3rd atack + on demand with “command” skill
So 1vs1 isn’t one players verus one player? It’s just like Random Arena in Guild Wars 2? And pug vs pug, not like today, where you can get a guild to fight?
Yes, solo queue is the RA of GW2.
fixed for ya
An what about currencies stored in bank?
There is said that upon first login of every character on the account all the currencies that character wield will be stored into wallet – so I’m asking when – if – will be stored currencies form the bank?
do I need to take all the tokens on the one of character from the bank before the update?
He’s good-talking – give him some beer
I wish, but I don’t think she is going to die. It would be interesting, of course, mainly because of Logan. We need her for the treaty between charr and human, though. Her death would be a tragedy for the newly found peace between them, and she has no heirs (that we know of, but I guess they could always go with an Eir-Braham kind of thing).
or emperror Uriel Septim VII-Martin kind of things :P
Don’t forget about Asuran gate beneath Camadan City
For Palawa We know only that he used to gather undead armies on the Desolation, and atacked south.
if it comes to living – yes I’m sure that there are many living survivors – according to some offical texts about “what was next” he mades some kind of own empire of living and undead.
and actually after defeating Zhaitan we should be able to sail to Elona – or at least Istan :P – If Yoko Fleet would let us there :P
actually Yoko’s Fleet is that thing that at least for me is reason why Cantha as first expansion would not be possible – Istan and undead fleet of Palawa Yoko are on the way – so first we need to netralise them – and that would mean military expadition to Elona – after releasing elona from Yoko’s tyranny and reinstitute Sunspear Order whole situation would evolve into “two side atack on Kralkatorrik”
@Rainbow Actually every NPC confirms that this war will be for long NOT over.
ok, we are pushing them back out of Harathi Hinterlands (and other regions) but they are retaking those positions – because simpy they don’t have a place to go out there….
and for technological advancement….
this is nice If You asks me :P
@Erruk and what some fantasy wise character named “Halt” said – “good Idea is good idea – no matter who invented it”
don’t forget that Shining Blade is more than personal guard – maybe whatchknights are to replenish “bodyguard” ranks after some Blades was reassembled to more secretly and important tasks?
actually I’m glad with situation as is…
I picked 20 points in radiance to have a burn on spiritual weapons atack, and actually that 200 condition damage is helpfull for that (since spiritual weapons uses OUR condition dmg) and 200 in precision is actually for greater survivability (that may sound funny) because I have 8 seconds of Vigor (thanks to the +60% boon duration) on each crit with 5 seconds cooldown… so I can dodge n’roll with nice AoE healing in the middle time
with that duration I agree – its something like 100% or nothing – every other option is just waste of stat…
I ran TA the other day, and our guardian used staff for the ENTIRE run, sitting comfortably at the back spamming #1 with the occasional might pumping. I was wondering wth he was doing back there.
Now I know.actually on TA staff is preatty good when it comes to clear the way out of that voyatile blossoms
Yes, but you usually unequip or swap to a melee weapon after you clear the blossoms. That guy used it literally the whole time, from the nightmare vine boss in the beginning to Malrona, Fyonna and all the way to the nightmare tree boss in the end. I didn’t mind too much since it’s the easy path, but even so.
actually for me Candidate trials would be awesome…..
If plunderers and the whole treasure thing would be removed – just killing massive amount of difficult to defeat enemies…
and maybe that control circle…
or 3 of control circles – everything would be better than those plunderers…
guys through 5 pages of thread We are just repeating same scheme of discution….
@lupercaleb trolling, or maybe You will tell us why do You think that?
@Artemis actually for some moment there is better to pack condi (but that is much lower thatn 2k condi dmg) and after that packing into duration MIGHT be better (to have next tick from VoJ Passive You need to have 100% condi (burning) duration)
@Dand and it only applicate to You so whatever You will set if enemy will set “always” he will see always :P
in that way I agree with that.
Actually for Guardians there is possibility of rather viable damage-support hybrid
I ran TA the other day, and our guardian used staff for the ENTIRE run, sitting comfortably at the back spamming #1 with the occasional might pumping. I was wondering wth he was doing back there.
Now I know.
actually on TA staff is preatty good when it comes to clear the way out of that voyatile blossoms
Again, he didn’t save the world. He prevented pirates from getting bullied by Ash Legion troops because that’s not the Ash Legion way. He’s still doing what he went to Lion’s Arch for, which is to take money from pirates.
I thougt, that it was obvious, that i was exaggerating, but anyway. It doesnt change anything. If it wasnt for Evon, lion arch would have been in ruins, and he even showed different aspect of war for chars. You dont have to fight to live good. Even though he getting money – he gives smth, that we all need. And it is good for both.
or just gnash warband would be wiped form the surface of the earth by Lions Guard and citizens of LA – who outnumbered them very much….
Wow. U know exact numbers? Would be sweet, if u showed it to us.
and citizens of the Lions Arch + Lion Guard are much mure numerous
Yes it need – because wht You are swarmed by enemies one point blanc shot with such cooldown is not enough. and cripple from barrage still is not enough to keep enemies away.
there is only one skill which is “rooting” while chanelling – barrage – while channeling rapid fire, you can move unles your move make your target being behind You. actually You can’t only dodge while it.
of course longbow is not a shield – and thats why “defenses” are: criplle knockback stealth.
also I don’t feel longbow ruined after those patch :P
yeah yeah actually all things in this topic are specullation doesn’t it?
and Aegis :P
I’m surprised nobody mentioned it yet
@akamon Probably but I don’t think so but he is able to talk about his build veeery long
(with added some philosophical things like “people are arguing that condi guardian is weak but he isn’t for example I have…..” and many more something like that
I didn’t say that I want new damaging condition, but that additional one to my burning-support build would be always welcome
@Pleurodesed Torment still suit us more than poison :P
actually that could be some way of balancing some things if tha slowest class will be given something that punish enemy for mobility :P
@darkace I don’t state that rangers cannot do it without stealth – but fact that I can achieve something without some sources doesn’t mean that would not be usefull?
also You could also say with that logic that “If an elementalist which is weaker armor and lower health pool, can solo some dungeons I see no reason a ranger can’t do the same”
as for now I’ve seen many movies on Youtube with elementalist soloing AC explo – and I see no vids for ranger soloing it.
anyway thiefs on certain build also “could” do dungeons with no use of stealth – is that mean that stealth is useless ffor them too?
for me that is new interesting thing that is usefull in matters to grant survive to a longbow ranger, and that also seems reasonable for me
of course that we can life without that – but after arenanet destroyed safespot on cof p1 acolytes, stealth on the hunter’s shot is the thing that made me again considering ranger better for doing it than my guardian….
And Anet, please don’t ever ever ever make something like this again. Especially not something that you have to complete twice. This is the epitome of UN fun.
You don’t have
I am surprised that they even allowed to get achiements for both of candidates
the problem I see here is that everybody are forgeting about one thing….
both will be FRACTALS
point me just one fractal that have more that little storytelling,
point me those who are most wanted to be in “todays rotation”
If You want “epic god battle” in the fractals there are no way to have it done properly:
1. do you want see fall of the abaddon oversimplified as ascalon fractal was about fall of the ascalon?
2. Do you want to make Fall of the abaddon the fractal that after some time no one will want to have picked for rotation, because it will be long, to tell the story properly – and by that rather annoying because ppl that are doing fractal want to have done them quick….
in both cases BOTH fractals are loosing. just pick thaumanova reactor instead of Fall of Abaddon – same problem.
so that’s why fractal isn’t really reason to vote anybody….
but after some though… reactor would be easier to achieve third option “short enough and have some lore hints about thaumanova and dragons and some storytelling”
examplewe are inquest.. we are defending NPC that is calibrating reactor from the waves of something - with good party maks 5 minutes - after he ends we have "get out of there it's gonna blow" we have 40 secs to run out of explosion radius and after that chaos ending boss to defeat - tadaam we have fractal that is short and also have some story telling and some windows to lore - if somebody cares to read all NPC's dialogues
WoodenPotatoes, the man he is talking about is the one we are talking about and we are stating that the PC’s get plenty of chances to KILL the evil necromancer in GW1. I find it highly unlikely that Verata has anything to do with the movement of the castle or the creation of the elementals protecting the city. The creation of elementals is only seen as possible through Elementalists, which we believe uses a different division of magic than necromancers.
he is not, but apprentice of the aprentice of his aprentice who were cultist and “by the rules of the cult” was chosen to continue “sacred” way to invent everlasting necromantic minion after so many problems with accidentally met adventurers who was making too many casualties, could discover how he can move to the castle and placed all the cult there and later – when garenhoff was founded his apprentice moved castle to be closer to it because that was “free” source of both experimental rabbit and chosen to have a chance to continue “sacred researches”.
and in many years after that method was changing, and in the way to achieve sacred goal they managed to make something that is half of things he have to make… everlasting elemental minion (no elementalist can summon lesser elemental for unending time yes? so clutist have made it :P) and used it to convince garenhoff people to peacefully giving them youngs they needed
and now we have aprentice of the aprentice of the aprentice [blah blah blah] of the Verata who are following “sacred goal” that he (verata) ordered and now is the master of the castle….
actually I though that Asura gates works somekind like Stargates in the seril which the same title – with that exception that You are not chosing “adress” upon each activation, but You are tuning gate one to another and they are open as long as you won’t tune them to not being connected… also in gw1 only way to close asuran gate was destroy it
and in named before serial there was some explanation about that “air and other” problem – there was some episods when that was conection between for example stargate that was under the water and some that won’t and that was explained there I think why that water didn’t flood all the base
with the air and asuran gates would be same
btw. about climates… I had today similar effect when going out of home as going between some asuran gates that is in different climates…
I home there was nice, perfect I could say…
when I leaved first though I’ve got…
immediate incineration….
I don’t agree with idea of totally removing crafting station – If I had to wait some time in the queue to my borderland and I have to craft something (for example I just dropped from my enemy last material I need to make new armorpiece that I will need here) I don’t want to leave borderland just to craft it and have to wait for queue.
also for now that is only “always up” acces to bank – of course we can have it in every keep/tower – but to have it we need to keep that structure long enough to get those upgrades, and then people have to defend it – and while i’m on server that have much difficulties with defending structures…. (when It comes to defending we are overwhelmed – we need to be on offensive to have a chance to keep our ground while fighting in that higher part of our enemy range)
the only thing I can find against shield as a guardian I can type…
shield is meant to use it to block attacks… no matter what profession am I that is the first thing for which shield was invented.
so why being guardian means that I cannot “just block” the incoming atack?
I know, I know that we have many other blocks but that’s the only really problem I see in shield for guardians…
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