“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Of course I will buy it. I don’t understand people who think 30$+ for an expansion is expensive. WoW:WoD is 44.95$ and that game has a freaking sub fee on top.
And EvE Online gives them away for absolutely free.
Whodathunk there were otehr MMO’s than WoW?
I’d not call anything free in frakkin subscription based game :P
aaand I’m gonna buy it
and consider buying another copies for guildmates that could not afford it just to make sure that they will be able to get into guild hall
and I’m gonna finally bring back from the mist one of my old gw1 chars – cause revenant :P
Revenant not Reavent…..
also most probably stuff you have on guardy is soul binded to the guardy
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809
..ok..I just purchased a second copy/acct of gw2 and activated it…all is well…purchased gems through the gem store/ BLT for my new characters…all is well….now I try to exchange gems for gold to spend in the store…and it says “this feature is disabled, pls come back later”….is it me, or something wrong at Anet? Or just a temporary down thing?
last time I checked eula multiaccs where forbiden and permabannable…..
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809
- No new weapon types (per class yes, but overall to the game no)
Did you not see Rytlock slash at that mordrem with a spear. On land?
That’s a new weapon – even if it’s a cheat so Anet doesn’t have to add new models to old sets (they can just take the underwater version and make it on land too; like they do for some tridents sharing models with spears).
If I had spear I’d not be likely to SLASH using it
also as for me weapon he used there was more greataxe-y that spearlike…
I’m still not understanding the similarities people see with the dervish class. I can see the relationship to the ritualist as it’s wearing a blindfold and the description of “Channel legendary and otherwordly powers.” Plus it looks as though it’s holding some sort of scepter, although it may be a sword.
rytlock was using mostly on trailer his madgaer (human crafted ancient very powerfull sword)
It’ll be my 16th character. One of my six tier-2 mains, probably.
will be 6th (7th if we count deleted characters) of mine and probably one of my “main” mains
I’m gonna bring one of mine GW characters back to GW2 :P
[as I keep fanlore for all my chars, I have one closely related to the mists which “just never came back from one of journeys” so as it way yourney into the void….
hey who said it cannot find her way to tyria 250 years later? :P]
PS. yeah yeah she was ritualist PvP character
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809
actually I understood they are createing guild query on sPvP with guild teams and guild leaderborad “to show off who’s the best PvP guild”
this mean specialisation and mastery system
Colin answered the question about “when” if I recall stream correctly
I believe he said something like “When its ready”……
gliders in WvW anyone?
srsly if it could work there it would totaly break the system :P
trailer suggest somekind of a dragon as there is part when rytlock uses somekind of chanel-like skill and a dragin shows up above him….
but the only dragons from the legends of GW I can think about are Glint and that one from cantha that I don’t remember the name of…
and that one looked like neither
shiro tagachi maybe?
also the lichguy from prop comes in mind – if they confirmed one bad guy why not more of them….
dont get on the hype train, you will just be sadly disappointed.. I think that if their gna make a expansion they would tell us.. instead of just a “trailer”
actually trailer sounds like an announcement of somekind-of-expansion – it may not be expansion in meanings we know though….
I think thats because you have done this stuff when already dc’ed and it stays all local so when yo ureconnect you have status from the last point of being connected (thats also why often you are moved back from the place where you noticed DC
funny part that it take very long for game to judge you as being disconnected from the server – once I’ve run throught half of a map and started a fight with the mob after game lost connection but the game “catched it” only 5 seconds after I started trying to use any skills
btw phew notes here about cave thing – we have gold city sealed by forgoten (at least looks like so)
what race we know that used to live in “golden city”? Mursaat (which we exterminated though)
also phew spot on the plot – we recreated trials that were required to try to ascend – so considering divine flame working quite well against the dragons shadow and that we were able to freely use it without harm while ogden was insinuating that it may be deadly for none ascended folks – in theory there are two thingsit may tip:
first: human gods are still somewhere there and does well
second: PC have managed to fullify ascention after all
also phew other stuff:
in lore of white mantle we know that they guy who created it (forgot dudes name) have found “golden city” DEEP IN THE MAGUUMA JUNGLE which according to the GW1 map was covering all area currently known as silverwastes at that time
also our GW1 characters needed to ascend to see mursaat and mursaat stuff – and we see these buildings quite clearly
from this I think we may got phew observations:
again it may be somekind of proove for thing that we are ascended right now OR that may just mean that spells covering mursaat buildings died with mursaat race
but also we can quite safely assume that we have found part of the city the guy of white mantle found looooong time ago
about caithe and the egg
lets not forget that pale tree said DIRECTLY that we were supposed to have an egg – not caithe.
what would we do with it? probably something we are destinied to do with it similarily as our characters in GW:prop were destinied to defeat the titans
at this point of time caithe represent stance of “I know better than anyone else who should keep an egg”
honestly after seeing the last ep of living story I’m wondering if caithe is not going to turn into mordremoth champion (especially considering that dragons shadow have showed up just a moment after she came there)
about mentioned here Treaherne:
He clearly srewed up his job in a way that I nearly don’t recognise him from the personal stroy arc.
I mean – during fight with zhaitan all the time he was trying to make sure that he knows as much on his enemy as possible and when commencing to do something he was at least trying to get safety countermeasures for everything that could gone wrong
and when atacking the dragon himself we had ship equipped with special anti-zhaitan power canon.
now next dragon we take on: he rushes campain don’t even gather much intel about dragon and send a massive pect fleet to their doom.. counting on what- on air superiority? on dragon not being yet fully awaken? counting that bombarding area where dragon MAY be will really kill it?
these mean mean only two things: after defeating zhaitan either treaherne got overconfident or he is under some influence of the dragon – maybe even not knowing it
last time I checked legendary weaponry had exacly same stat as ascended (highest tier of weps) – they just had their “unique” skin with some additional unique animations (footsteps and crap) and ability to swap stats outside of a fight…….
so yeah I’m ok with legendary armor as long as they are gonna look AWESOME!
@Demarca second from teh right of your pic is ascalonian medium or at least 99% looks like it :P
never used fe mvariant though so cannot be 100% sure.
I have one but its actually for WvW and I haven’t tested it on PvE.
its somekind of beastmaster power bunker and probably need some adjustements to work in PvE
traits: 2 in wilderness survi 6 in natural magic 6 in beastmastery
key traits are new grandmasters for those lines (the one that makes your wild survi skills taking of conditions and the one that makes your pet AoE heals on F2)winderness knowledgeshorter cd on F2 + dual drakes + that trait that makes drakes bleed on crit – just because of no idea what to fit there better.
weapons are longbow+whatever close ranherd you like – sword, gs axes – choice is yours
skills: quickening zephyr and lightning reflexes for sure third is “according-to-need”
elite and heal: “according -to-need”
gl and hf with experimenting around that sceleton
@Simon actually I found two of them interesting: the one that makes your wilderness survival skills removing 2 conditions and heals a little and second – that adds to your pet F2 AoE heal
actually my drakes have no issues in case of survivability – its just about me remembering that my heal skill is not only to keep “me” alive but also for my “partner”
(in dungeons)
in wvw I had some time ago developped some actuall working build based on the statement that folks will usually ignore my pet and I had a tanky build which dps was mostly developped via pet – so I could focus more on suviving while my enemies faced their doom from the side that haven’t expected.
but this is about PvE so forget about pet not being atacked
for me build seems ok. not surely my style and I’ve noticed that lastly folks either forget about second pet or this build tool is broken in that case…..
although I’d be cautious with going full celestial ascended – would consider exotics for checking but ascended are just too costy for such stuff :/
btw @OP just ignore Zaw’s post – I’m not sure what he’s actually on maybe he means sth around shortbow and its condition based dps which is not so usefull on PvE where most bosses are vitality tanks but I’m running with LB on dungeons and my ranger have never met with zerker gear and not a once and not a twice I was the person whoa actually saved the run.
and also I’d say that advicing newbies to go full zerker is actually waste of time of theirs and everyone elses in long run – this is why so many folks still believe that rangers are weak – because so many new inexperienced players were adviced to go full zerker and the effect is: so much hated longbow+bear ranger that each runs is proving that there is no limit how much times a run you can die……
my ranger is eldest of my chars and as I had round over other classes lastly I just don’t understand folks stating that I’d be more usefull in something else :/
lets say such wvw – ok I understand zerg meta etc. but actually I simply don’t care about going so much pro to try to min/max everything – and as I’m taking down in reasonable amount of time camp with ranger – I haven’t yet EVER managed to do same with such f.e. guardian. I’m just dying befoer will kill all the stuff and with same weapon on ranger (greatsword) I can not only take it but also withstand a way longer so common
(yeah yeah in theory I have worse dps on ranger gs than guard gs but numbers are telling everything for themselves – I’ve taken alone innumerable amounts of camps with ranger alone (with no support) while can’t manage to take even one no matter of builds with guardian.
btw. in theory well developped ranger team of 5 outnumbers greatly team of other classes :P (10 hostiles to deal with instead of 5…. :P)
so nice to hear here finally some positive stuff about ranger instead of tears of folks that seems to not like this class same as me.
(PS. and in 75% of situations I WILL be more usefull with my ranger than with any other my toon)
have you considered to swap SotH for Sharpening stones?
I know it’d be just somekind of trolling but then you have actually full belt of wilderness survival skills so whatever skill that is not weaponskill you’ll use you’ll drop 2 condi’s and heal a little :P
also I could possibly consider swapping heal for spring if condition removal is your issue – with both changes you’ve reached actually maximum in that case that ranger has (unless there are some runes/sigils I’ve never heard of :P)
I agree with this
as far as I recall there was an animal called something around that and in some places its great abuse for someone if you will tell on him “he is Llama” somekind of much more abusive verison of “he is nooooooooob”
At first I hope you are aware that with this build You have nearly no place in “pro” zergs of guilds that are focused on baing as much “poffesional” as possible – but don’t worry You’d have hard to get into such just because of ranger.
I can see your aims here thought and you should be good enought in pug zergs against “not-so-pro” zergs.
Just need to warn you that it will be quite tricky to make it out alive.
I will not duplicate all good advices above will just add something from me:
at first I have no idea what all folks that are baobling about slow arrows mean – I have never had any issue with hitting targets at 1500 with eagle eye trait. So I’d take it instead of Read the Winds….
but honestly I’d kick out those 2 trait points out of there and would try to find for them better place.
also I’d consider in your place another approach to topic: new grandmaster trait from nature magic seems great for me and would totally fix your lack of condi removal issue on this skill setup (each wilderness survival removes 2 condis and heals a little) while also giving some space for such traits like evasive purity that will for sure help alot with at least poison and blindness.
but honestly I will not agree with Zenos in case of frontline ranger – ofc that build will have hard times to survive that – there are plenty of gs based bunker builds that will make this just right (over 3k armor great hp average dps and tons of evades) – and remember – everyone becomes dps when stacked 25 stacks of might and in every more organised zerg you should have that easylyy by just sticking to commander and being in good place while stacking takes place.
but the greatest advice I can give you is to make that toon, lvl it up and experiment with it yourself – you will get some tough lessons but you will get from them much more than anyone here on forum can teach you.
except the issues with sigils/runes your gear here for WvW is quite good actually imo one of the best you can have on ranger (don’t forget to bring master maintenance oils for greater dps) so going with gear full knights will not hurt too much unless you will decide to go regen bunker – then you will need clerics instead.
and since refunding traits is free issues here are also mininal – only issue with experimenting atm I can see its sp/gold that is rather issue with current trait system but I hope you will not encounter too much issues here……
capped tower on eternal battleground SOLO on ranger :P
phew times saved the team on AC bossed (last man standing ressing all the team this kind of stuff stuff)
We killed three champions and Zhaitan. None of the other airships or dragons are shown to be taken out.
NOW, that doesn’t mean they didn’t lose more airships in the airal battle (Obviously at least 3 went down around the starting ground zone that you salvage, and the humble was lost) or that more dragons were killed.
BUT, the dragons are capable of downing airships, and if they fled after Zhaitan was defeated and took to the air again afterwards… I don’t see it being an easy cleanup.
as for me it seems like hunting down scatterred single hostiles with zergs in wvw :P
still as for my understoodement also those shot down ships were “old-class” ships while at this point of history vigil should have already developped full fleet of newest ones – and as far as I recall that “new design” one was damaged only by zhaitan himself…..
and hey middle time we’ve had full scale incursion by scarlet battle for lions arch quite much time passed so the Pact had plenty of time to build full fleet not only of same models – improved one even more…..
actually about WvW and ranger lastly I’ve got some nasty idea how good squad of rangers could easilly counter current wvw meta
only issue with that is that this ranger squad need to be greatly skilled for perfectly timed dodges etc.
while current meta zerg needs only average level of skill
also such fight would be more about “lets keep them busy for prolonged period of time” than “lets kill them” but would be funny and would actually defeat in any tactical meanings current “wvw-meta-zergs” I will schedule some experiments with folks and will try to make something out of this idea so maybe in some time you will see what do I mean – before that – I’d advice experimenting yourself and try to break out of current thinking box and try to look upon it from greater perspective than just “how it would be looking within current zerg fight”
my opinion about the ranger?
good but need greatly better skill to operate on same level as rest of classes – and because of that it may seems to be worse
(also sth about 75% of current rangers are freakin-no-skill-noobs :P)
It is hard to have a mixed server system without problems or some types of conflicts. Hence, it is easier to have all one type.
I don’t find any issues at all with the megaservers at all – it is nice empty areas brimming with people. There is always good and bad to everything and you can’t please everyone. On my server, TC, the sense of community has not diminished at all.
I think he mean that stuff that would be good for some will be bad for others and becauseof that there is no way to please everyone…..
about topic and my opinion on that – I don’t feel anything like bad because of that – for my experience its like “no one cared about wvw earlier at cities and only city with people was LA – still on one cares about wvw at cities – just there are folks out there”
and also that eliminated possibility of very sad situations like we’ve seen before when at LA where very bad arguments when one of WvW guilds that once left our server sent back a squad to “farm a little at wvw and recruit new players” which was actually stealing our potential wvw fighters for them – and ruining our wvw experience because they were ignoring everyone in field – and some of them was also abusing folks that were normally there – and there were many very bad arguments in cities with them – and with megaserver such people cannot perfomr such things so its on + for me….
Honestly curious here. You say that you dont find any issues at all with the megaserver system, but also say there is good and bad in everything. What would you consider to be the bad in the megaserver system and, assuming that bad means adversely affecting the gam and/or players in some way, why dont you consider it to be an issue, at all ?
Does that mean we can’t shoot ideas and debate possibilities? No. I regularly participate in brainstorming sessions in design school, you know what never happens in those design sessions? Shooting down ideas because of previous experience, there are rules of design by which an idea can be inherently flawed, but no idea is dismissed entirely unexplored because of prior experience or context.
shoting down at the beginning is forbiden but after all ideas are listed team sit up upon the list and actually are SHOTING DOWN ideas that in later discussion seems to just have no right to work
That is mathematically impossible, no number divided in two can result in two division both lesser than the other.
actually statement of that guy is not only mathematically possible but also true:
because – and you are forgting about this – actually there is third group of players – those who simply doesn’t care about it.
those probably are also a minority but for sure there are numerous enought to make both groups – pro-mounts and against-mounst minorities.
if you ask about mounts – I’m against that idea.
I’ll not tell you anything about how opinions are or will not comment debate above (really childish one tbh and actually not on topic imo – its sugestion to bring mounts so discussion should be “why they should or should not be implemented” and you are actually here screaming why they will not be implemented and why that statement cannot be true)
I’ll also not quote anything nor go to deep into that – its just my opinion and in my opinion there should not be any mounts in GW2 – period
everything else in great overality doesn’t matter – ok I may have based that opinion on experience how that game looks lika and imaginations about how implementing mounts would affect this (and that was what mate above named “educational quesses” – at least I understood him this way) but still in great image all of this doesn;t matter – for ArenaNet in case of mounts only thing that matters if if players want them or does not want them. and if they were ever to giving mounts into GW2 – at first they would be sure as hell that the great majority of players wants this – and that this decicion will make increase of players willing to play greater.
all from me – TL:DR I’m against the idea.
Travel time would still perhaps be an issue.
Also considering how many dragons were in the air at the final battle of Arah (a LOT,… probably 20 or more), those may cause issues for air travel as well straight past Orr.
I mean, YES, they could likely make the trip, but I’m unsure if you could find a crew for it. Romke was the last known captain to try to reach Cantha as far as I know… and look at what happened to him :P.
edit: Interesting fact I found while going through the wiki, on the Prince Edair page.
Commander Steamshroud viewed him as barely better than a mercenary. He notes that Black Citadel was forging a peace with Ebonhawke until Edair was assigned the captaincy there. After that, the southern fields ran with blood—both charr and human—just so a human boy could play with real soldiers instead of wooden ones. He goes on to speculate that those “victories on the field of battle” earned him his father’s approval…or made Beade believe that Edair would be able to defend Kryta.
I don’t have the book so I can’t check on it, but if that passage is true then the Charr and humans were naturally going toward a peace treaty (or working on one) even before the brand.
As far as I recall in Destiny’s Edge novel such treaty was already under diplomathic engineery and actually that book ends with creating dragonbrand…..
and LA control “some” land: for instance these land that city itself occupy!
and also I’d consider naming great amout of southern gendarran field as under ruleship of LA.
while traveling through such difference can be easily spotted -suddenly seraph posts dissapear and same with centaurs and instead of that you have great bunch of pirates everywhere and no seraph nearby – and if you’ll find there any “officials” they will be Lion Guardmens.
PS. about dragons in Arah story – haven’t we killed them there?
also death of zhaitan means that they will be with time only decreasing in numbers so after maybe a month of vigil airships’ hunt over the orr there would be actually no possible danger for airship south from LA so such expedition (quick check on Elona – no rush for all – Istan Island should be enough and check on Cantha – it would be better imo to not show up there at least: not show up that this airship have in crew any non-humans – everyone knows that canthans didn’t liked such before dragon rise – and back to Tyria – no real risk and much great intel for the pact about situation there)
hmm that would be great and already answering for a question how it should be judged: by freaking achievements
most of those skins are achievement-rewarded (reward for getting specific achievement) so I don’t think that simple run check for achievements and unlock per account every skin that was a reward for achievement that account have unlocked would be great issue for ArenaNet.
also If we are on currently unobtainable skinns that everyone once had – maybe its just my opinion but devs should do something about guild defender set that was once default pvp set and now its not possible to get if someone accidentaly seems to not played some classes or happened to just not have some items of set anymore…..
(maybe guild armorers should be selling now all set not just chest-piece?)
The humans still have Kryta, Elona, Cantha, and 10% of Ascalon
I’m seriously amazed why no one have pointed that great mistake already:
at first human dos NOT have elona anymore – last news from Elona that folks in tyria received sounded “Palawa yoko conquered all elona” so at this moment if there are living humans in elona they are slaves of Yoko’s undead army.
and also we do know NOTHING about current situation at Cantha
it may be either still strong under human reign or destroyed by a dragon we haven’t met yet.
so the only fact from quoted statement we can tell for sure that human keep Kryta (arguable if all kryta – lets not forget how big part of it is under LA rule while LA used to be part of kryta and now its not actually “human” land) and ebonhawke in Ascalon,
question is how situation at cantha looks like.
PS. main reason that ANet gave why there is no communication with cantha and elona is Zhaitan that blocked the way with its minions but now zhaitan is actually quite dead so whats keeping anyone go just go check how the stuff is doing there?
not mentioning the fact that vigil have air fleet and we can be nearly sure that Palawa Yoko don’t have any viable anti air weaponry so some vigil troops should be able with ease to just run scouting check about hows those lands are doing………
(new potentiall allies etc. sending just one airship shoudn’t hurt too much current vigil warfare with dragons in tyria – and intel they could’ve gather would be just invaluable)
surprisingly I haven’t spotted the issue you mention with heritage armor…..
only clip I’ve spotted on my newly born warriorness are armguards clipping with body while performing “idle emote”…..
Instead of asking Anet to spend the money to implement it, it would be more practical to just go play Archeage. (full collision, huge seamless world, mounts, gliders, naval battles, sandbox, etc…)
actually I’m not sure if we can say about spending “money” on implementing that – rather human resources…..
and I don’t like Archeage :P
I want to see real armies in wvw of gw2
and what would that give actually?
seen much folks that just ignored defeated player lying nearby and passed through…. :/
@Blasino I’ve got situation descripted above with my roamer build adapted to suite little more group fights (exchanged meditations for shouts and messed with traits to reflect it to be precise) and picked tome of wrath just because just a while earlier we were ordered to atack from distance and I had no viable ranged AoE
condi dmg is some but not so great – remnants of old time in meaning of some ascended trinkets with condi dmg no idea what those “others” had but still that atackers melted quite rapidly
hmm I think I’ll run some more experiments on case of burning pressure – since retraiting doesn’t cost
I just don’t get you guys – as for me you are making it grinding willfully and by thus in some cases destroying your own feeling of game :/
as for me: I don’t have much issues with gold – I’m just having fun while playing some stuff (like wvw) sometimes I’m just roaming pve and “by the way” collecting some stuff or just salvage loot from wvw – I get bunch of good mats from those.
and I used to stock all those materials ores etc. into my bank – cause for the heck of it.
and from time to time I have some wild idea and to get it done – if its gold needed I’m just seeling out some of those – and whoah so much gold :P
also I really like AC explo actually atm my fav dungeon so from time to time I’m checking it out.
also from time to time I’m checking out if cof p1/p2 is still so easy and fast to do
I think that grind or not grind is actually matter of how we approach topic – if one is running everyday cof p1/p2 he is actually grinding – still more fun than mining in eve but ok its somekind of grind.
but some are doing it daily (rare breed tho) cause they just can’t stand the temptation of beating yet more flame legion guys to kill another searing effigy or once again forbid the leader of flame legion to come back to life.
or just never get bored of trying to kill thay boss yet faster :P
@lonut I have no idea what your point is.
no power gain from grind=no forcement into it
you don’t have to have all ascended stuff – exotics are currently cheapy and are in most cases good aswell – the only matter where I can see the point of going full ascended are extremely high level of fractals
and also again the question: are they really do it against themselves just to get some shiny weapon or maybe big part of them seems it funny to rush with other players to kill a bosses do events etc.?
grind is bad when you are forced to do it without no fun involved (mentioned by me above mining for plexing account in eve online – srsly if you want to not have pay the subscription fee then time-efficient methods to do it that also provide some fun are not only very limited but also requires you to play for longer amount of time (phew month at least) to get proper ships modules skills for all of it – actually the best option in that case requires you nearly a year to get into it – and then you have to somehow last so long amount of time don’t you? this is real grind my firend :P – or if sample of eve online seems to asbractional for you closer to gw2 – have you even tried get any tormented weapon from Domain of Anguish (epicly well suited name for it seriously) back in gw nightfall? you have nothing like that in gw2 – even getting legendary as surely takes more time is far more interesting)
EDIT: cause some folks answered while I was typing lol
@Dark Catalyst and now we are in quite opposition – I’ll never understand whats so “fun” in WoW but I found many fun while playing guild wars 2 – maybe difference into approach or maybe we just like other kind of stuff – I’ll never get bored of WvW… unless it will go too deep into mindless zerging but shoosh :P
@Aenesthesia I think your point need to define what do you mean by “high end content” f.e. in some definitions I’ve seen WvW warfare can count as such – but you are ok with cheapy exotic set there – crap even more! I’ve already seen thousands of folks that were yet leveling their chars while having fun with wvw so it does not require any “grind” to play but can be counted as “high end content” and keyphrase of your sentecne mentioning grind is “if you want it”. “If you want it” you can find extreme amount of grind in any freakin game (I still remember one of reviews where reviewer staded that gw2 is “all about grind” because “xp drop from killing mobs is so low” yeah he tried to lvl up char with just killing random mobs on the map)
and tbh if you ask me then I’ll tell you thatlegendaries are overadvertised – not so great looking with only one thing I’ve heard they were to implement – just don’t know if they did – and only thing that would make me rush or sth toward any legendary is that they’re told to have possibility of swapping stats while out of combat – period no more reason for me to get one – since they gave me tormented shield :P
(edited by Lord Trejgon.2809)
@Rozbuska noone in gw2 even had bodyblocking so I’m not quite sure if we can say “but have them is simply worse” – cause we cannot tell for sure how it would be if some feature have been implemented or not – cause we are lacking precedence.
Haven’t played WAR but I’ve played some games where bodyblocking existed and it was very important to position yourself right.
btw who said that our allies had to block our projectiles? they already doesn’t so I’m not quite sure why not letting an character passing through another character had to change that.
I personaly like tactical options what it can bring on table especialy on WvW but here is one thing and its trinity. In games like WAR you can make tank wall in doors because tanks was simply incredibly tanky and there was dedicated healers who kept them alive fo looong time. But in GW2 even most tanky spec dont survive on one place more than 10s under preassure.
It will end up on bunch of ppl who died stuck on place because someone acciedently bodyblock them and they cant run out and heal themselfs. It will need to change whole game mechanic to make it work. Bodyblock in GW2 is simply bad idea.
and here I see wholes in what you see there – thats why I said that hostile bodyblock is not enought.
tankiest of tankiest guardians can withstand with 5 allies in shout range extremely long agains “rational” amount of enemies – point is that in situation right now if you want to withstand a firepower of zerg then you are aiming in baing able to tank at least 50+ combined aoe’s thats why right now it may seem to be bad idea in case of balance
also thats the point with “certain restriction”
and lets be more optimistic in topic – we know about CPU related issue of that idea but we can’t do anything in that case – so that fully within power of devs.
so instead of disputing “why it will not be implemented” lets talk about why should/shouldn’t and if implemented how it should look like to be good stuff:
so as for now basing on this topic i can develop such restrictions: all are to be discussed and I encourage to suggest more:
1. downed/knockdowned enemies still bodyblocks – reason: simplifing system – players in such conditions that would not bodyblock leads to problem like "what to do if they’ll rally/knockdown will end and someone will stand “on” them
2. NPC of anykind does not bodyblock reason: simplifing system to acheve the goal but not make it ultra-difficult to make
3. you can freely dodge through allies reason: mostly for cases with allied griefers – haven’t got better idea to deal with them and in combat it may seems legit – if your friend behind you see that you want to dodge out of fireball or sth in most cases he will make some room for you to do it succesfully (example roman formations when after some fight first line goes on the back and second line stands to fight)
4. certain skills like shadow form riding on the crack or stealth makes user not bodyblocking reason: why you are aetheral you obviously does not block anyone while you are stealthed yousee the oponent while he does not see you and that gives you bunch of possibilities to avoid “contact” with him while he passes through narrow corridor you are hiding at
5. everyone bodyblock you while under effect of pull or “normal” knockback reason: pulling folks out of formation just in the middle of your formation in not good stuff no matter what – and would also make much less viable for some battleformations to develop cause of bunch of necros somewhere there pulling you. also just knocking you back or fear you is not powerfull enought to get you through your mate behind you – but some extra powerfull skills that “launches” would (in theory) rock you above him
thats all suggestion for “restrictions” I have at this moments – what do you think about them? should some of them be changes for whole system making sense? maybe some should be added?
the more stuff we will work out here the less will be left for devs and it will make more likely that devs will somewhen implement good bodyblocking that will make wvw better place to fight
Most of my characters are descendants of my GW characters – so human – sorry quite difficult to make a plant descendant of human – norn would be possible my characters in gw1 was to big for even trying with asura and I’m quite sure that humans are not “compatible” with overgrown cats……
and atm the only character on my account that is not human is my asuran engineer – at first idea he was supposed to be a charr but I’ve decided that I like asuran technobuble more interesting than anything that char could give me.
had for a time also norn female but that was char of my sister not exacly mine so…. :P
and actually tbh only “logical” reason for that is as I said – being descendants of my gw1 characters – If I had more character slots I’d propably create norn warrior, char engineer and probably sylvari necro? just for the heck of it :P
IIRC ArenaNet clearly stated that before flame legion rule charrs was strictly nomadic tribes – so actually comparision with native americans seems be quite good – but only for nothern parts cause in suth america they are remnants of quite solid structures.
but also how would one define “homeland” for a tribe which just wanders from place to place?
tribes that were native to north america (not sure of the translation “indians” – in my native language we name them with word liek that) seemed to actually have developped which terrain belong to which tribe – and we cannot say if chars have such. Only thing that ArenaNet provided to us “for sure” is that they were nomadic tribes and they quite slaughtered whatever lived in lands that was later claimed by ascalonians. and that they were wandering in that region – but not only there – and now the question – so charrs homeland was everywhere that they’ve wandered in their long history or maybe place where they started? if that second that its clearly stated that they wandered to ascalon from the north
of course there nothing that could angry nomads more than big wall that don’t let them go were they used to go for years for f.e. hunting – so now we can see why they were atacking ascalonians making their kingdom actually be “constantly under siege”
about topic question – lets say that we would need to ask our characters and to be honest – both my guardian and ranger are descendants of elonian sunspears so actually – as ranger will support ebonhawke – cause his part of bloodline manage to get out of elona in time right through it and some generation lived there – as none of them would actually fight with chars to reclaim ascalon – of course they would do anything in political way to convince chars to not destroy madly everything that was left from beautifull ascalonian architecture and would try to reverse foefire to send all those spirits for well earned rest and then again through diplomacy not war try to convince them to let the human rebuild that beautifull – back in times city and f.e. make it city open for all races – just like lions arch used to be.
and honestly also I’m quite ok with charrs living there – of course I understand ascalonians feeling it being their homeland and would try to make some treaties wich charrs to let ascalonians live there in peace – but in case of ruling the land – they critically failed to defend ascalon city – so as cruel this can sound – they should deal with it and try to rebuild their kindgom around what they managed to keep – ebonhawke.
in wvw the meta is -40% condition duration for melee classes and shouts which remove conditions. thus burning can tick 1 seconds hence you need to be able to proc burning constantly
the back line is wide open to conditions unless its guild group who stick togetherbut as i can proc burning constantly i can do nice aoe dmg better than condi/power necro
so aoe spam of 1s burning is doing a job well enough huh?
1) this: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Sugestion-Body-blocking/
2)more blue flames for guardian
screw blu flames I want build templates
(edited by Lord Trejgon.2809)
@Caedmon yeah I remeber that: but actually I was playing a build that was quite similar in role to turret – heavily tanked ranged – so in many cases I was able to just tank those MM long enought to bring down the necromancer itself :P
then MM was spreading atacking everyone.
@Advent Leader I just don’t get why illusions should bodyblock – they are illusions right? we see them but they are not there – so problem – as maybe not completely solved is little lower :P
and as I understand that it may require some work in optimisation stuff but I’m not quite sure if it requires reverting to gw1 engine :P
and actually I’m not sure if NPC’s actually break consistence of my idea – tbh never though about their role there – but NPC’s does not exploit lack of bodyblocking in any way and my pointwith it was that:
1. Simply hostile bodyblocking does not change anything in mater of current wvw meta of stacking and blobing
2. bodyblocking only with allies disrupt only matter of stacking – but still does not makes most of serious battle formation viable – cause hostiles will still just run throught you
@Rozbuska noone in gw2 even had bodyblocking so I’m not quite sure if we can say “but have them is simply worse” – cause we cannot tell for sure how it would be if some feature have been implemented or not – cause we are lacking precedence.
Haven’t played WAR but I’ve played some games where bodyblocking existed and it was very important to position yourself right.
btw who said that our allies had to block our projectiles? they already doesn’t so I’m not quite sure why not letting an character passing through another character had to change that.
hmm I like this idea – would safe me alot of issues while managing backpack
The TLDR of it all is that PC collision detection can lead to immense griefing and what amounts to kitten-blocking in WvW. Which is something you conveniently overlooked.
This. No matter what positive effects might be there, they’ll be annihilated by all the griefers.
I’ve already related to this – there is plenty of tools that were stated that needs to be taken as “some restrictions required it to be working properly” that would in WvW eliminate issue of allied griefers – unless you have sth else in mind than me by “griefers”
hostile folks trying to grief by bodyblocking are not great issue – cause they can be always either killed pushed pulled knoched back launched…….
about getting WvW folks angry with introducing bodyblocking to wvw – I have no idea – and surely some will agree with that – whats so great in idea of mindless running with 50+ folks packed in one place spamming AoE all around and also – so important to life of “professional” zergs – “waterfield+blasts” spam
but it may be only me can’t stand a though that so huge legacy of art of war from all the history of battles are quite wasted in case of WvW warfare – cause when all those briliant tactics and strategies were invented in times when noone could even imagine that enemy army can just run through your lines as you were no here (and I do not mean here total anihilation of your army – just the fact that they are like “ghosts” to your enemy in case of passing through)
but seriously: do you really enjoy running in such blobs?
and would you anjoy more if such blobs would no longer be possible and your battle formation is actually important? when mistake of phew people can break your lines and lead to disaster (while atm in 50+ blobs mistake of phew folks mean nearly nothing unless one of them was commander)
I’d really love to see real epic sieges on SM instead of what we have now – when running to a broken wall or gate to keep enemies there from entering the castle would have actually sense.
and finally I want to really see armies! not the blob of zipped folks that are packed so tight that I can’t even see nametags.
do you really think that current meta of wvw warfare is more anjoying than that?
so atm imo the greatest issue that may be impossible to overcome is engine optimisation and case of players CPU not holding the wvw game with bodyblocking injected :/
PS. and you two seems be conveniently overlooking the part with “ofc there are needed some restriction” and my later post relating issue of griefers :P
or do we have another definition of “bodyblocking griefers”?
there is notification: “a noble soul is healing you”
I know ause actually I was in situation when I was defeated and when looking on map for wp that message popped
but also in some cases folks just ignore – like me upon first login after ancient karka event – I logged out on the battlefield of ancient karka and next login was when they reomved lvl upscaling on tha location – so login looked like “boom downed→boom defeated” and there was no way to get outta there alive when revived so I ignored folke ressing me and wp’ed to LA – there is only an example of situation when you don’t want to be ressed in that current place – but there is an info that someone is reviving you.
oh my goooooood when is this bullkitten crying going to end
Seriously people. So we have a lesbian couple (a cutesy one no less) Big. Freaking. Deal. It’s fairly low key, if you want something shoved in your face, go play mass effect with a same sex love interest.. shep is such a ho -_-… ANYKITTENWAY. Its a game, please get off your social justice high horse, and go cry in a blog or such where you can find other bigots to agree with your inanity.
It’s about how the in game reaction to that fit in the setting.
Humanity is in a REALLY bad spot right now, and usually we see “bigotry” rising, for unity reasons and similar. This is not Star Trek bright and progressive world, where everything is granted. Or, at least, it shouldn’t be. Societies whith this kind of tolerance are usually highly developed and in a really peaceful situations. I don’t find the Krytan kingdom to be peaceful. It might be developed and in decadence. And in decadent cultures who used to be in a position of power there is more focus on the individual.
From what I got, for example, it looks like nobility only cares for themselves and for their inner games of power.
Nobody says it’s right or wrong, but just saying “oh, whateva, nobody cares” might end up being a bit contrived. Especially within a monarchy with a rigid social scale.
You know, just so that this relationship means something more than cute fanservice/character developement going nowhere. It might actually tell us more on that kingdom.
If someona wants to see real boring grind he should try to plex character in eve online by mining….. I assure you after the first month you will have a whole new picture of topic here.
(and as long as you are not willing to pay monthly fee plexing account in eve IS nececity – and most tools for thatyou will have gets you bored after a day of grind without much progress)
still convinced that gw2 is most grindy?
I don’t think so :P
btw. I just screw on legendaries cause by cosmethic way i’m satisfied right now. also don’t like most legendaries. was going to flameseeker prophecy (and except precursor I was halfway to it with very little of actuall grind) but then I’ve got tormented shield into my hands….
Hi there again,
I’m so glad that the topic brough so much interest – actually from all my “sugestion” topics that the first one that have any responses in amount more than one.
Thank you for pointing some stuff I totaly forgot about – like trolls sitting in choke-points blocking it for allies.
while typing this topic I was nearly sure that there have to be something I haven’t got into mind with it.
but the thing that concern me most is the part with how it’d influence cpu-need of the game – and someone here brought that devs said time ago that this is not so fun from optimising point of view. That actually can be the point blocking this feature – blocking more than griefers – which could make no problem with just some additional restrictions – f.e. again dodging – it could have somekind of sense to let the dodge pass through allies.
and yeah just “hostile bodyblock” is not quite point here – ofc i’d make such stuff like blocking the gate after breaching it somewhat possible but still tactics like that would have no right to be – because such phalanx would melts very fast under the combined fire of 50+ 25might dual axe warriors – or even gs – sligtly lesser dps per character but I still rest my case – we want to break current zerg meta to bring more epic clashes of armies where proper positioning of men is crucial to win.
so its both sided bodyblock or none at all – everything between will not make the point.
ofc I agree that this kind of stuff would make battles last longer and will change managing great armies much more difficult – but imo that cost would be acceptable if bodyblocking was implemented properly.
also someone mentioned banks in great cities – thats why I’ve said that this is only for PvP purposes – I’m aware that it has no chances to work in PvE.
I still encourage to share with opinions cause no matter the difficult of making it right – if much enought players will want it I think devs will try to do it – the matter is only how much players is “enought” to force them to do something difficult
(unless it will be impossible to implement with still having anything that may be called optimisation but if much enought players will want it I think they’ll at least try – and if optimisation would be to great issue they’ll tell us “sorry we tried but we can’t do it in a way that would not cost you to much cpu”)
PS. lets not forget that gw1 had bodyblocking anywhere outside cities and it worked right – and gw1 is working stable and nice on my netbook with atom inside :P (but ok I think party limitations had a point there)
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