[vT] Violent Tendencies
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I run full Nomads in WvW and GvG on my guardian. Its good at sustaining your front line team during fights, if you know how to use it properly. However that is the only place for it in the game aside from a splash stat in some builds.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Soooo i saw this thread and i had to post on it.
Mace + Shield is not a good combo for wvw. You are much better off with hammer and CCing other players. I also play a similar build, same 0/0/2/6/6 however the traits are way different. Remember poison beats healing and you dont have a lot of condi clear.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Thank you for taking the time to write and post this. I havent read it yet, but clearly you have put a lot of thought, time amd effort onto it. Certainy good for any new thieves out there.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Its nice to see someone else going outside the box. I’ve been using P/P as my main WvW build for a while now. Totally different trait setup though as I use it for running in guild groups and GvG. Just pick on anything remotely squish and its GG. keep the vids coming.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Honestly, I’m kind of looking forward to it. Birthday boosters etc and a new mini but the thing I would really really like is 1 lvl 80 scroll or some 20lv scrolls that can be used at any level. As an avid WvW player, I dont really like to level characters or involve myself in PvE too much. it certainly would save some time and effort.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Honestly ive been dabbling with a nomads guardian in my WvW team. Its actually very effective since you have the tankiness from the toughness and vitality. Yes the healing power doesnt scale great but once you get to 900-1000 its the optimal level. Boon duration also really helps. Perma regen and high protection up time, long might stacks with empower. Selfless daring and sigil of renewal give quite a chunk of sustain for your front line.
What is suprising is that because of the very long stability up time you can run healing breeze and heal 5 allies for 9k hp on a 40 sec CD and not worry about getting interupted.
Just wanted to post this video of my Monk guardian, front line sustain in WvW is crazy. It can be done.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Honestly ive been dabbling with a nomads guardian in my WvW team. Its actually very effective since you have the tankiness from the toughness and vitality. Yes the healing power doesnt scale great but once you get to 900-1000 its the optimal level. Boon duration also really helps. Perma regen and high protection up time, long might stacks with empower. Selfless daring and sigil of renewal give quite a chunk of sustain for your front line.
What is suprising is that because of the very long stability up time you can run healing breeze and heal 5 allies for 9k hp on a 40 sec CD and not worry about getting interupted.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Update WvW.
Revamp commander system/squads
Ability to see squad members hp bars
Nerf bannering of keep lords
Review condition duration food
Revamp server rating system
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Sounds like a resounding vote for option A.
Honestly they wont change much, most likely some tool tips and “Support Focus” they might change shield and mace to make them more viable but even so they will remain as support weapons that no one will use outside of bad players in WvW
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Why hasn’t this been fixed yet? its been a known bug forever
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Why hasn’t this been fixed yet? its been a known bug forever
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I actually play P/P with my WvW guild raids. Its fantastic at eliminating key targets without having to comit. That combined with improvision and icebow makes for a super high mid ranged DPS. Its got good utility with BP/body shot/headshot the build only works if you utilize your utility skills for mobility and disengage I.E roll for initiative, shadow step, withdraw
[vT] Violent Tendencies
So all that being said, what are some good benchmarks to have for all 3 stats to optimized damage
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Hey guys,
I dont typically like to ask for builds however I am struggling to find one that I like when it comes to larger group play in WvW (10-25man). Right now I run a full zerk D/D 5/6/3/0/0 build with a ton +% damage mods which I enjoy but fighting in a 10-25 man I get CC’d and focused really fast after killing my first target. I TRY to avoid using “meta” builds as they typically are boring to fight with. But I want to be able to assassinate those primary targets and be able to get out…
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I think your best bet is NSP honestly. They have some good roamers and they will be in Bronze tier soon. I can honestly say i havent seen a huge NSP zerg in the 3 weeks GoM has been up against them. Dont jump on the DR bandwagon
[vT] Violent Tendencies
For WvW big group play I run a boon duration build also. I use sentinels armor and weapons, superior runes of the water and soldiers exotic trinkets with platinum doubloons. You end up with 22k hp 3k armor and 94% duration. Lors of condi clear and group support and ok damage since you can maintain 25 stacks of might easy. It sucks for 1v1 and PvE
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I personally like that the set is no longer available. It feels like my character has some exclusivity to it and makes my Thief very recognizable. Especially in WvW i get tells all the time and people run when they see me coming. Granted im only using the shoulders, chest, boots and gloves with aviators and rascal pants. But i love that sense of uniqueness.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Imo this needs to be implemented very soon. The game needs some significantly harder challenges. I would love to see all the dungeons have level 80 paths with drastically increased rewards. I love some of the mechanics in the story dungeons and it would be nice to see new ones introduced. For example the lovers in AC was a great mechanic and it required skill to beat those fights when the game was launched.
Ascended weapon chests and 5-7g for the daily will make hard mode dungeons worth running. Aether path of TA is a great example of this. Its a much more challening path to run, however the reward is the same as any other TA path. There is no reason to run the path once you have completed all the achievements.
As a long time Gw1 and Gw2 player it would be refreshing to bring back some of those challenging Gw1 moments into gw2
[vT] Violent Tendencies
It depends on your build. If your running a sustain build with cleric or celestial, energy is a must have because dodge = mitigation + good heals. If your running a high DPS build battle/fire/air/force/bloodlust are also good choices.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I guess the decision behind the condi dmg is to enhance the burn a bit, its the strongest scaling condi in the game and you’ll proc it on every sword auto attack combo. Its basically a bunch of free damage. Just another bonus from celestial.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Hey guys,
I was wondering if i could get some feedback on my roaming build for wvw. I play a lot of WvW but mostly as a front liner and i am not very experianced using meditations. However ive recently got into roaming and have been testing out a few different builds. Ive recently decided to run this…
I was wondering if I could get some feedback on it. Ive been hitting thr optimal numbers (40% crit chance, 3k armor, 20k hp etc.) But i still seem to sruggle in 2v1 situations. Any advice?
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Hey guys,
Ive seen a lot of posts around asking for people to rate their build. I was wondring if there is a site that has a consolidated list of popular builds to run. It would be handy for those people trying out new classes or just wanting something fresh. Currently its challening to look up a new build and find good information. I also dont want to invest time and money grinding gear for a build thats flawes.
For those of you that played Guildwars, you might know this as pvx.wikia. players would post their builds and others would try them and rate them. Heres a link.
I tried googling it but found a bunch of different community sites with differing feedback, tweeks, and variations on builds.
Tl:dr is there a site i can go to to find popular gw2 builds.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Its simple. The uber rich in game such as my self bought up a ton of the dusk/dawn precursors knowing that the demand will go up when Anet made eternity awesome. Just set the price to whatever I want and sit back and let the money roll in. The only way this will ever change is if pre cursors are easier to get or you take the money away from the uber rich. Which isnt going to happen.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
(edited by Lucente.5071)
I actually had this happen to me also. Needed 3 more for my last piece of ascended celestial and it took me a week to get it because of this bug.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I personally prefer runes of the water instead.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
What you just describes is almost max counter-conditional set-up. The only other thing you could add would be Signet of Stamina if you wanted.
Warriors have it easy against heavy conditions, think about other professions and what they have to deal with. Even escaping 2 heavy Condi-builds is good for them, but in answer there is nothing you can do other than kill/down one of them during your Zerker stance is active to make it a 1v1 with 1 guy downed.
Run away/kite until help arrives would be my suggestion. You don’t have to take every fight you come across, just ask a thief.
I mean coming from Main Guard for almost 2 years, my condi cleanse is great but it has no damage. Guess ill have to consider my fight or flight options better. I can win pretty much win and 1v1 or 2-3v1 if theyre power builds but the condi meta is pretty sucky.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Hey guys.
Been playing my warrior a lot lately instead of my guardian. I love everything it brings to the table but I cant seem to find an effective way to deal with condi’s. Any recommendations? I would prefer not to use a warhorn if I dont have too as I run a tanky roaming build and do not want to invest points into the vitality line.
My current method is to use dogged march/cleansing ire with melandru runes and food. However if I run into more than 1 condi user it doesnt seem to cut it. I also user zerker stance but it isnt enough. Thoughts?
[vT] Violent Tendencies
First of all dont die. That makes commanding much harder and your group has nowhere to rally. Popular build comps for commanders are
0/0/6/6/2 or 0/0/2/6/6
Usually Soldiers or Sentinels armor for the toughness and vitality. It is possible to run other options depending on your skill level
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I have to agree. Lower tier servers have better small man fights. That being said its not impossible for a small group to kill a zerg. Here are some examples. Just look how many people come up the stairs in the 2nd video…
Needs more warriors, guardians and arrow carts…
And hookers, don’t forget the hookers.
Theres a few eles and other classes in there too. Its hard to see them because its from the perspective of a warrior. Theres really only 10-12 heavies there which isnt much against that many people
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I have to agree. Lower tier servers have better small man fights. That being said its not impossible for a small group to kill a zerg. Here are some examples. Just look how many people come up the stairs in the 2nd video…
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Anyone else notice that the infused versions of Solaria and Lunaria are giving lower stats that the basic versions? I recently up graded mine to the infused versions and it is giving me the stats Pre April 15th patch. Really sucks for the very few celestial players out there., just one more reason not to run it right now.
Please see attached screenshot
[vT] Violent Tendencies
K show me your 3k power build and ill pick holes in for days
[vT] Violent Tendencies
So much about 2k power with the celestial junk …
And concerning DPS, the hammer meta will deal about double damage with the same food. No more word on “great dps”.
Might want to take another look bud bloodlust puts you at 2k power. I really dont understand the point your trying to make this is about as good as your going to get.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
(edited by Lucente.5071)
If you dont know why its good then you dont know kitten about guardian. The dps vs tanky is about as good as you will get. 21k hp 3k armor 2000 power (no might) 203% crit dam 40% crit chance and 800 healing. Cant ask for more than that. Obv full zerk is better but thats not what the OP asked for..
Funny numbers – build or it didn’t happen (especially the power value). But anyway, such a build’s DPS still sucks massively.
I have a build with those exact stats but the traits are 0/0/30/30/10. The power is 1800 though, not 2k. I don’t know how he’d get 2k power, I spent quite a bit of time rebalancing stats and what not to try to find the perfect balance.
Hi guys. Here is my build that I was referring to. You can change the food if you prefer something more offensive. I use this for roaming in WvW, its decent in PvE too but obv zerk is the way to go for that.
My guildy Kag and I spent a good amount of time putting this together.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Great DPS? Compared to what? A baby throwing cotton balls?
If you dont know why its good then you dont know kitten about guardian. The dps vs tanky is about as good as you will get. 21k hp 3k armor 2000 power (no might) 203% crit dam 40% crit chance and 800 healing. Cant ask for more than that. Obv full zerk is better but thats not what the OP asked for..
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Try running Celestial gear with a 0/0/6/6/2 setup and exuberance runes. It basically Min/Maxes all the stats a guard needs while being tanky and having great dps.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Theres a couple things you can do to improve it. 1 change the amulet to clerics and dont use the precision buff. With only 170 crit dam and 20% crit chance you will get virtually no benefitt from those stats at all.
2 change retributive armor for strength in numbers. Same reasons as above.
3 sigils. I love luck personally but its much more viable with a boon duration build. Try heal on wep swap or energy sigils. Sigil of purity is also good for a free condi cleanse.
4. Change force of will to pure of voice. Much more condi removal.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Celestial is great for a 1 size fits all build. I personally run celestial and I love it. The extra healing power is great for upping the heal on dodge roll. Combo’d with sigil of energy it makes great sustain. The condi damage is nice to as your passive burn hits much harder. A free dps boost with very little effort.
It all comes down to the runes after that. Strength, exuberance and worm are some options that i would recommend.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
This effects outgoing heals to allies and does not affect the caster. For example if battle presence heals you for 200hp it will heal allies for 220hp.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Still possible, you lose some stats on the jewlery but still very viable. I actually like some of the changes to water runes. Cant complain about passive condi removal!
[vT] Violent Tendencies
My new Commander boon duration build post april 15th. You can use whatever secondary weapon you want i recommend hammer or greatsword. Also can change sigil or luck for energy on both weps for more healing. But bare in mind luck has a chance to proc stability.
I will also post the backline healer version later
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I can theory craft you a really nice build I used before the 15th patch. Will have about 25k hp 3k armor and almost 100% boon duration to help support your allies. Great stability and condi cleanse 0 DPS though. Ill post it later once I figure out where I put it….
[vT] Violent Tendencies
This drastically nerfed my guardian too. It is still possible to get up to 90% or higher but you have to sacrifice sooo much to do it that its not even worth it any more. I.e change all your gem slots in jewelery to platinum doubloons. The amount of stats you lose is crazy compared to before.
Statements like " we want to encourage a support playstyle" and " we feel guardian is in a good place right now" from the devs before the patch dont help this nerf go over too well because its clearly not true.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Sooooooo the reason I say invulnetable is that the weapons themselves do not do anything withis suggestion. They do not attack, they simply follow you as an indicator that you have the buff on. Thats it. It would be pointless if you were able to remove the buff by destroying the weapon. Think of it like the charges on FGS. Once theyre 0 the weapon disappears, utilizing the same principle here. Its a new way of applying different buffs and more interesting gameplay.
As of right now if you run a spirit weapon build in pve or wvw you have virtually 0 condi cleanse, not much damage and not much health. On top of that your only source of damage can be destroyed very easily. Going this route provides more utility and support which is what the guardian was built for.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
I was thinking more along the lines of them being invulnerable. With this idea theyre a buff, the weapon itself doesnt do damage, its just there as a symbol that the player has the effect on and is destroyed when the charges are used. Think of it like Icebow or FGS without changing the weapon skills. I agree if they were destructable it doesnt matter what you do with them theyre not viable. Thanks for the comment!
[vT] Violent Tendencies
We all know that nothing is going to change because Anet doesnt care about WvW. Period.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Come on guys we dont need 3 threads about this. They are not going to cater to casuals that only play in prime time, its not fair to everyone else in other time zones.
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Hey guys,
I was thinking about how many skills guardians have that are actually used in builds and it hit me. Only 50% of our utility skills are actually viable as part of an effective build. Therefore i put together a few suggestions on how to improve spirit weapons.
I wanted to bring in some GW1 influance here from the ritualist since this is what spirit weapons were based on.
Sword of Justice – the next 3 attacks for you and your allies steal health (300 hp base + scales at 0.2 ratio with healing power)
Hammer of Wisdom – the next 3 attacks for you and your allies deal 10% more damage.
Bow of Truth – Your next 3 attacks remove a condition from you and your allies.
Master trait – your spirit weapons have increased effectiveness (2 additional strikes)
Here is where i drew some of my inspiration from:
I want these to basically be a buff, keep the same animations but while the weapon is active the players get the buff, once the charges are used the wepon disappears. Also all weps have a cap of 5 players
Im sure similar suggestions have been put out there before but I would love to hear your thoughts
[vT] Violent Tendencies
Interesting idea but I think its in everyones best interest not to open this can of worms again.
[vT] Violent Tendencies