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If it was 8v1 the GW1 players MIGHT stand a chance, but they still probably wouldn’t put out enough damage to be able to overcome the GW2 player’s heal.
The heal could be interrupted pretty easily. It’s just passive healing that isn’t regeneration boon that would be a problem.
Oh right, I forgot about interrupts.
Also, btw guys, even without conditions a Flamethrower engineer would trash a 55 monk.
And, well, everything else too. Only PS combined with Spirit Bond would have a chance at stopping it, and SB would have to be recast constantly.blinding flash/surge says hello.
Stances say hi
price of failure/ any other skill says heyGw1 blind is much more deadly than gw2 blind. And it can be applied seconds later thanks to somewhat short cool downs
signet of midnight hello
how could I forget signet of midnight + plague sending :p
We also have anti time warps like shared burden, migraine, arcane conundrum, and the annoying Faintheartedness
Don’t forget Psychic Instability for that 3s KD
I’m probably beating a dead horse here since I know that if this battle were not scaled, gw2 would be a clear winner
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If it was 8v1 the GW1 players MIGHT stand a chance, but they still probably wouldn’t put out enough damage to be able to overcome the GW2 player’s heal.
The heal could be interrupted pretty easily. It’s just passive healing that isn’t regeneration boon that would be a problem.
Oh right, I forgot about interrupts.
Also, btw guys, even without conditions a Flamethrower engineer would trash a 55 monk.
And, well, everything else too. Only PS combined with Spirit Bond would have a chance at stopping it, and SB would have to be recast constantly.
blinding flash/surge says hello.
Stances say hi
price of failure/ any other skill says hey
Gw1 blind is much more deadly than gw2 blind. And it can be applied seconds later thanks to somewhat short cool downs
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Well yeah, if it was scaled closer to each other’s HP’s, it would be GW1. Hexes would blow up anyone and condition removal (PnH/RC ring a bell?) would blow any condition you could pull off if they we’re scaled.
But if they are what they are right now…. then it’s obvious…
also don’t forget, unlike here, Mesmers/Rangers have very frustrating interrupts (Mesmer also have Migraine and Frustration, which really does cause a head ache….{
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(edited by LumAnth.5124)
I’m making it a long term goal. Over 2 months I have 36 clovers and, even though I’m moving at a snails pace, I get to enjoy the game.
So far I have ~30 of each t6 materials and 250 ori ingots and 1 charged lodestone (lol)
I got the gift of battle (I wvw a lot and felt like it just came to me instead of me.trying to grab it)
And exploration. I have 200+ points for the bloodstone thing.
I think that’s all. Trying to get Bolt since I use swords a lot on my mesmer and its very electric
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(edited by LumAnth.5124)
The karma one was worth it for me. a lot of people say they have tons of karma they don’t need but you’ll never know what they have in store!
Karma infusion + karma booster + guild buff + karma liquid gives lot of karma
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I have a necro (lvl 25lol) guardian (lvl 54) and an ele (lvl 30) for alt and surprisingly my necro zipped way past ahead of zerg.
It felt really good not relying on centaur runes or a weapon to catch up okittenero. I actually had to wait since I was too fast. And when combat was near, all I had to do was replace signet of Xx with corrupt boon or something.
Guardian was also fast. Save Yourself is probably a staple to guardian utilities much like decoy is to us. Staff isn’t that bad of a weapon. They have a skill that makes an imaginary wall, swiftness symbol, and I use orb of light on occasion to pump my (albeit) minuscule heal.
Also @ the person above me. I have a thief (70) and they have stealth, teleport (shortbow/shadow return), swiftness from dodge (although the signet works just as fine). The only thing missing are clones, and most of the time, they are shatter fodder.
I’m not complaining at all. I’m just saying it felt really nice not being the last one to the battle since I missed the swiftness train
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(edited by LumAnth.5124)
Yeah through poison is a big killer,especially since those levels don’t really introduce condition control.
What I did was ressed the npc (Logan is very important) and you can hide behind them while she shoots the poison volley.
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That one fear where you don’t want to be humiliated and deals with Syska.
At first I was like… So I killed risen? Right? That Mesmer just made the dead bodies look like allies? Oh no. I really did kill allies. Right? Or was it ALL just a mesmer trick.
I was left to wonder for 20 mins straight if I killed risen or not. It was all just a bunch of confusion to me.
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This probably sounds totally “uncreative” but the female MESMER obsidian armor was my favorite armor in all of gw. Sadly, I chose to give my assassin obsidian armor :/.
Also wouldn’t mind light armor with less man skirts (I can only think of ~3 pants that don’t give a man skirt)
Some assassin skins to break the trench coat closet. Also most Ranger armor didn’t include trench coats (if you go to guild wiki you’ll see a lot of Ranger armor with no trenchies)
Heavy armor looks fine (especially the HoM one) but I could go for a little less bulky for guys and opposite for females
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So you want other peoples screen to get clogged up by dolyak? Or even other “mounts”? My computer can perfectly handle dragon events but think of the lag and cloggage everyone will be causing….
Please no. And please use the search function.
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What the hell are you guys talking about? Does nobody know what fine transmutation stones actually do? You CANNOT change stats by transmution UNLESS you already have a piece of armor with those stats, in which case you already have what you want. The way GW2 is set up makes it stupidly hard to change builds since you need multiple different sets of equipment with different stats. This is being made even worse with the introduction of ascended items, which completely lock you into builds since it’s very time consuming to get more than one set of them (hell you need a full month for the amulet, and that’s IF you play every day).
Yeah… Let me elaborate….
In gw1 there were upgrade prefixes you could use to change the weapon stats. I’ll put it in gw2 terms for those unfamiliar with how it worked in gw1:
I have a Knight’s Staff. I want to change it to a Giver’s Staff. I can grab a “Giver’s” prefix and change the Knight’s Staff into a Giver’s Staff.
also, don’t quote me but iirc, some weapons in gw1 were already upgradeable like a"staff heads" or “sword handles”
what other people are thinking about are inscriptions, which are much similar but were added later in the game
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The thing that scares me is that laurels look as if they are getting more necessary as time passes.
I know this isn’t GW1 anymore, but I would really like to take some (months) off some time later (like I did with GW1) but it would feel like I’m utterly behind on everything.
In GW1 you could take the longest break and all you would need to do is research some.skill changes and maybe change your runes.
In this game, you’re probably going to want to do fractals, get laurels, do guild missions, and many more as they progress through for ascended items in the future.
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I use names from people that I think struck really important to me in the past/(or presently) and then mix it up
Alex Shepherd (Silent Hill)
Cole McGrath (infamous)
Zak (Ghost Adventures)
Ellis (left 4 dead 2)
Lockhart (a dancer in real life)
And I name my characters like “Alex Cole” or “Zak Cole” and “Lockhart Ellis”
But I don’t mind “stupid names.”
I remember while waiting for Fort Aspenwood (in gw1) I would see a lot of characters with humorous names since they were mostly disposable PvP characters like a monk named “I cannot heal ur idiocy” or something like that. Gave me some giggles
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Kurzick Monk 15k/normal would be great!! The pants and the body to that set is just excellent!
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Can we PLEASE have hoodies with sleeves ! It seems kind of weird wearing hoodies without them !
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Easiest would be most classes (depending on their spec), but my build can outlast and even kill D/D Ele, Tank Guardian… etc.
The HARDEST would be a Necromancer. Yes, lol one of the most “broken” classes beats me.
My weakness is probably condition, since I don’t really have any condition removal. (I only really have Mender’s Purity lol)
Most smart necro’s “hide” their bleed/poison behind other conditions (like vulnerability, weakness…others) and I basically wilt to death unless I kill them first. But then again, they have death shroud to last a little longer.
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Hi, I don’t know if this was a bug or if it was just my computer but my clone’s (and some other mesmer’s clones) are missing their weapons!
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I do the same. I can’t stand playing other races for some reason. All of my Humans even look exactly the same. I tried to play an Asura at one point, but the falling over and floating attacks annoyed me.
I have the exact same… “problem”….
I tried playing an Asura (mostly cause some of those NPC asuras are pretty cool like Zrii and Zott) but I couldn’t stand being a rat
I tried playing a Norn, that just failed horribly (also, the character’s voice doesn’t help)
What about Charr? Nope, somehow, it’s either I can’t find a good name, or I find them pretty awkward for some reason (some NPCs are also pretty cool Charr like Tybalt)
Sylvari? Well, I only have 1 Sylvari, and that’s because I was nagged at for having almost no other race but human. Although, the Cultural armor is pretty neat on him
Not only that, I only have 2 characters that are female… and one of them is a bank “mule” while the other is collecting dust while I level my Guardian.
Oh, and my characters look identical, to the point where some of them look like clones. 4/5 have the same face, 3/5 have the same hair. The only other difference is hair color and eye color (and maybe some facial hair, but even then, it’s the same hair “model”)
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My character looks as if he doesn’t care when Logan talks to him in this scene…
I want to put a caption under it and put “Shiny….. oh what? Queen who now?”
ALSO, suddenly grawls are Quaggans
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I’ve played Guild Wars (1) A LOT.
But I guess this I’ve missed this the whole time.
(they are the first songs a.k.a Guild Wars “Theme”)
That’s pretty mind blowing lol
P.S- This is probably the first game (excluding the original) that I’ve had the music on while playing! Thanks for the tunes!
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Fort Aspenwood
the REAL mesmer with their more dangerous hexes
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Confusion is probably the few remnants of the GW1 Mesmer. Retaliation was more monk-ish.
But really, if you played in the previous game, you would know that Mesmers there were much more controlling then they are now
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His great great grandpa
then a horrible picture (it was my first screen shot, sadly he’s already level 80)
Finally, currently what he looks like with a clothing glitch, the clone is the normal one
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There is an asura named Meme somewhere in Kessex Hills
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I personally think the Assassin skin with the daggers everywhere is one of the worst armor skins I’ve seen this side of WoW (where almost all armor skins are terrible). On a slightly related note, I miss class-specific runes.
My assassin begs to differ. The only knives in his armor are probably those needle things and the pants
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I’d like Alex Shepherd’s hair from Silent Hill Homecoming. He has NICE hair
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I did PvP in GW1 every so often. When I did, it was pretty boring. GW1 game play just can’t compare to how action-orientated this game is. So PvP is a lot more fun, imo.
Battles in pvp were always predicable in gw1. You pretty much knew if you were going to win within the first 10s of a match. If one player died on someone’s team, that was a clear single that the other team had the advantage and would win.
With GW2 there’s actually more variation to how one can overcome their foe. So even though someone went down during a match, that doesn’t mean the other team is going to win. It’s awesome to how it works now.
Then you were not using GW1’s combat system to the fullest…
-Okay, how about weapon swapping? It’s not stale trying to learn how to weapon swap 40/40 -> Defense set while trying to keep your group’s HP up (if you ran monk). -Neither is it stale to try and predict skills for interruption
-Nor is it stale to have diversion on you, Will you use your skill or be useless for 6 seconds?
-Not just diversion, the other hexes also. Backfire? Cast and lose MANY hp. Empathy? bye bye health bar on you’re physicals. Lingering Curse? Oh, did you just use Word of Healing, I thought it was an Orison. Shame? well kiss you’re energy goodbye unless you either wait it out or you pre-veiled.
-Oh I see (amber/flag) runners! I better cripple them with (X)! OR maybe I should just spike them down?
-Hmm… Siege Turtle using Siege Attack on Green Gate…
-That ranger… I better blind her with Blinding Fla-- (DISTRACTING SHOT!)
Now some of my “exciting” encounters in GW2?
Distortion + Blink = failed backstab…
lol you killed by clone, 5 times….
It was also mentioned here that the lack of builds is what keeps many away.
Keep in mind, builds =/= skills on your skill bar
Builds = Skills/weapon(swapping)/appropriate runes(superior vs major vs minor, and yes they have consequences as you go higher tier)/strategy
I remember, even back in factions, that I would spend around 30 minutes to make a build work totally against a player…. just to have that same exact player switch their build. I would also spend hours trying to make a “perfect” and “balanced” build, just to have it countered by a very simple “cookie cutter”
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(edited by LumAnth.5124)
For the record, there are other methods of vertical progression, including in GW1.
Titles were used as a mechanism of gaining PvE only skills and also determined their strength based on the title’s tier. Many farming groups required people to have a title of a certain level.
This could be reintroduced in future expansions as a way of maintaining the level cap AND adding meaningful vertical progression to the game. Title tiers could afford greater defense towards certain enemies and greater damage toward others. And it would be as simple as associating statistical benefits to specific titles in the future.
Going off topic here, but I loved your signature so much that I bookmarked the page that shows people’s emotions to Guild Wars (1) launch
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No! Please no!.
Instead, why don’t they update maps, and make it so you can put new content into old stuff !
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I’m male, and I have 1 female out of the 7(?) character slots I have….
Anyway, while running around, I saw my female’s mirror image of the opposite gender…
I’m the female in the background
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To all you GW1 players out there, do you remember MM Necros? They would go around with hordes of undead, healing them with monk spells, they were powerful, viable, but balanced. Does GW2 have that? Nope, the minions are a novelty, a gimmick if you like
The way I see it each profession in GW2 is a “Jack-of-all-trades” and master of none. I too remember how much fun it was to play a necro. Another one that’s changed so dramatically is the mesmer. In gw, mesmers really did use trickery to kill foes. I remember all those conditions, degen skills, interrupts, etc. You could use the opponents stats against them; so they’d end up damaging themselves instead of you. Mesmer was one of my favorite classes to play. I don’t find GW2 mesmers as much fun.
I agree with many of the above posters …. gw gameplay/pvp was more fun. I see potential in GW2 though. So I hope devs will read these posts and bring back the things we loved.
FINALLY someone who understands my “Mesmer” dilemma!.
Again, I like GW2, but as stated above, it gets kind of stale real fast.
GW2 is still a new game though, but there are many things in GW that made it a complex PvP system…
Weapon Swapping (for more armor/(40/40) set/ 20% enchant staff)
Hexes (and Hex Degeneration) (Diversion, Spiteful Spirit, Backfire, Blurred Vision, Corrupt Enchantment)
Enchantments [somewhat replaced by boons] (although there are ones that are pretty unique such as Holy Veil, Healing Seed, and Reversal of Fortune)
Interrupts (Mesmers and Rangers….)
Guild Wars “Daze” (easily interrupted, very dangerous condition)
Different kinds of Stances/Shouts/Chants
Most of the things listed will probably never be a part of GW2, and I accept that.
Overall I’m happy with the PvP in GW2, but sometimes it gets kind of boring facing someone with the same build ( I do try to explore my options and try out different builds! )
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WvW somewhat fits my needs, but then again I was a Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry/Alliance Battles kind of pvp-er. Never took interest in some of the higher tier ones . I really do miss a Fort Aspenwood type of gameplay though!
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Hi all.
I found this neat article that somewhat explains the evolution of the mesmer, if you didn’t get a chance to see what they were from the original game. Thought I’d share it here.
He does have somethings wrong like only the target sees the phantasm but it’s really interesting to see how we came from Dominators to trickster duelists
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Well it’s that one mission where you protect the Durmand Priory base from the Risen attack.
Anyway, it was the basement part and things got really rough, and it lead to me being downed, Trahearne dying, and several NPCs getting killed.
After killing the group of risen, I tried to ress Trahearne but his body just… vanished lol
I found it funny, but thank god it was the last part where you face a Champion Risen but you have many (water) ele allies to heal you.
Edit: I mean it literally VANISHED. I was ressing him and his Life bar hadn’t even went to 10%, and poof gone.
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I don’t know if this is a bug (and I seriously think it is) but when I was doing this personal story quest where the Risen attack the Durmand Priory base, Trahearne died.
Then after some of the Risen was clear, I went to his body and tried to ress him, but his body just disappeared…. like poof! gone. I saw him in the next cinematics but he never really reappeared again.
I mean, Trahearne is probably disliked by most, but he makes a good decoy/tank in these missions.
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I ever tell you about the one timetime my buddy Engie and I, and we were on top of a burning Nerf Bat and we had to fight our way down like 5 floors of Risen and….. wait a second…. I guess that was you guys*, ahhh shi#% man, I can’t WAIT to tell Engie about this one!" ~Ellis L4D2 One of my favorite video game characters
*guys refers to warriors, who somehow always escape the nerf bat.
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The second I read the word “monk” and saw the picture of the mountain, I though to my self…
" Monk Anchorwind is using Orison of Healing! "
Here’s the skill icon for Orison for non-Guild Wars (1) players
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(edited by LumAnth.5124)
Not to sound like a complete @ hole, but Mesmers were never meant to be “Bards” in Guild Wars (1) or 2… Ever….
As stated above in a previous post, the only thing close to bard in the Guild Wars universe were Paragons, using chants/songs to support the group.
I have no idea where you got this bard idea from in Guild Wars (1). Mesmers are suppose to be “Mental Mages”, not singers. I never had the feeling of singing in GW1, and still don’t in GW2. And I’ve been playing Guild Wars 1 (and still do sometimes) for more than 5 years.
Sure there was the “preview” of the Minstrel, but that’s just way too random.
If you played City of Heroes, Controllers/Dominators were basically the “mesmer” (especially if you used mental/psionic powers )
If you played Aion, then there really isn’t a mesmer counterpart, unless you count annoyance as a factor, then that goes to the Spiritmaster (but their more necro-like).
Sorry there is no “bard” class, but Mesmers should definetly NOT be the “bard” class, and more of a Mental Magician
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THE REAL MESMER ! Enough of this illusion trickster! I want my real mesmer!
Fort Aspenwood and a lot more but FA and Mesmers are what I really miss the most :-))
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Watch, this will be like the Ranger Crossfire “fix.”
When this thread is long gone, the devs won’t give a kitten about it and keep the GCD on shatters.
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Not just Mind Wrack… lol, think how long the invuln from Distortion would be, or how huge the heal from Ether Feast would be.
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To be straight up honest, I’ve had the most difficult time making a build for my ranger in GW1 that was NOT about Barrage (+ Splinter weapon)/ BHA + Epidemic, and in some cases Traps.
^ PvE Wise
But in GW1 PvP, Rangers we’re almost ALWAYS a staple for GvG (Unless running some coordinated spike). Their own interrupts mostly overshadowed Mesmer interrupts, and had great survivability (even alone). They were an excellent “control” character, meaning, if you had good reflexes, you could shut down spells that would otherwise prove malicious to your team (such as gw1 Diversion, Lingering Curse etc…)
But aside from that, I had a lot of fun playing with my Rainbow Phoenix and making a dedicated Beastmastery build for it! (although it wasn’t really viable with Human players, because they think pet = bad in PvE there. But who cares, I mostly played with Heroes for PvE and I loved seeing my pet deal immense damage with Enraged Lunge followed by Epidemic from my Hero Mesmer! )
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Anise, obviously.
Think of it, she’s a master Mesmer. Clones & Phantasms …
Definitely Anise
Lol, just think of having a Mesmer as a partner….
Menage a tr—-….
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Ever since Christmas (Dec. 25), my computer has been a little different to Guild Wars 2.
Prior to Dec. 25, everything’s been fine since the release, but now it’s just acting weird.
Nothing is downloading, I have an almost constant 25-30ms for ping, but when I start up GW2, it’s all fine until an hour or so.
After that, I get disconnected and my computer’s ping rises to around 300-1000ms.
I can confirm that the problem IS GW2 because, I tested 2 days of no playing GW2, and all was fine, but when I play GW2, my connection just… dies.
Any help is appreciated! And please remember everything was fine up until around Christmas time (from Release ~ Dec. 25 was “normal” )
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I use Centaur Runes (Superior of course) and an Endless Tonic.
The “get out of Tonic Form” counts as a heal! In case anyone didn’t know!
(I know Centaur Runes are kind of…., but I use it to get around)
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my paragon vanished without a trace. being only level 2, she probably got swallowed up by the plant things outside Sunspear great hall trying to be friends with it. the world will never know.
I like to think that my [Main] characters were the only protagonist (My assassin cured the Plague in Cantha and saved Nightfall while doing Winds of Change, while my Monk did all that EoTN/Prophecies stuff including War in Kryta. Even though they finished all campaigns / GW: Beyond.)
My characters would eventually meet in the last Wintersday of Guild Wars 1 (Which is, the last Wintersday before A-net eventually shuts down GW1 servers) in Lion’s Arch and shared each other’s stories.
They would then collect everything they have and put it in one single Hall of Monuments.
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There was this funny comic scene where Kormir was talking to Dwayna.
Dwayna said something like “We are a bit worried that you would favor your Sunspears instead of the other people.”
Kormir responded with “Never heard of ’em.”
Made me seriously laugh. But anyway, at first, I had a (small) hatred for Kormir. It wasn’t until like 2 years after Nightfall released that I finally saw her as a true and kind leader.
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I JUST GOT THIS (Sorry for caps)
If you go to the Durmand Priory, and go to the “central” area, you will see a Hall of Monuments style room.
there will be a huge thing on the center that glows and there will be 5 tablets surrounding the center.
The 5 tablets are placed almost exactly like the Guild Wars (1) Hall of Monuments, and the glowing center could be referencing the Scrying Pool.
Coincidence? I have no clue but it was VERY interesting to have just found out (sorry if someone else found out!)
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Oh, one more thing. GW1’s story felt like YOU were awesome, doing amazing things.
GW2’s story (human/whispers) seems to be me taking part in OTHER PEOPLE’s stories. Am I the only person who thinks this? That the NPCs are the main characters in this grand story and I’m kinda just “there”?
This is exactly what I was thinking. Suddenly we are all just playing background characters and [x] (mainly Trahearn) is the main protagonist.
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