Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
If they could at least bump up the loot from them i’d be fine with it. Right now i just don’t think they are worth the effort for what you get in the end.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
I think there is a massive disparity between the amount of effort it takes to kill the new zone’s mobs versus the reward you get.
That is a problem indeed.
I got to the top of the big JP then went across for the other small chest and took out the champion (me and 2 others), i got a level 76 blue weapon as a reward.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Just to let you know Grump, a Guardian has the same base HP as the Thief and the extra defence from heavy armor isn’t that much. The mobs hit full toughness/glass specced guardians hard aswell and can infact 2 shot us just the same (the bleeds hurt a lot).
I get your point though.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
I think it’s nice that it’s harder, but some things are just overboard – i mean some things hit with conditions that hit HARD! and if your toughness specced it wipes loads of your HP really fast – plus watching a big karka wipe out an entire 20+ group within seconds is just insane for an open area. When i was there a group of us (around 20 to 30) went up to take one out and it just did a big attack (the roll), it just killed everyone in one go.
In orr i can wander through it with no real issue at all with my setup, here i’d hate to see 2 drakes slap 3x bleeds on me at the same time.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
Any vid of it yet?, i’m terrible at these and just like to see how they go.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
I’m hoping it’s not finished yet, so for now it’s just been setup by players (making the roads etc), then tomorrow we’ll fight off the karka in phase 3 and after that the map will open proper with more DEs, skill points, vistas etc (all the usual stuff).
Again, this is just a hope.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Yeah the new drakes bleed something shocking, i have over 3400 armor when using a shield and over 3200 when using a GS etc. I attacked a drake and it landed a 3 stack bleed on me and my HP just went way down so fast.
Time for a Vit/Power/Prec (i used knights in PvE) set i recon.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Can’t seem to find it.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
There doesn’t seem to be anything at all loot wise, we had around 30 of us doing the big “build/clear everything chain” and no one of us got anything.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Ours just vanished, no one could hit it and then it just walked a bit and then was gone.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Same as above, it started on our overflow, we killed 1 big thing and then the giant boss spawned, walked a bit and then vanished.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Same, killed quite a few now and not one has dropped anything – been attacking them from full to zero and easily reaching damage quota.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
He is talking about the backs from token vendor in Fractal waiting room thingy.
In that case the answer is easy, they aren’t Ascended items – those ones are exotic back items.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Linsey said that EVENTUALLY Ascended gear will be available through various methods. Though, currently, it seems like they’re limited to the dungeon.
It’s just strange there is no timeframe given, i mean do we have to wait until the next set of dungeons go in with 2 new items , at which point the 1st 2 items become available via other means?.
I mean i just don’t get it, resticting a teir of item that is infact a stats increase to one aspect of the game, it’s just so strange. I have no issue if it’s a long haul to get it outside of the dungeon BUT it should at least be available to get without them now.
Currently you can get any stat type via nearly (i actully think every) all aspects of the game, all except the 2 new stat items which have been made dungeon exclusive (at least for now), frankly – it just isnt’t fair to anyone who doesn’t like/do dungeons.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
Thanks a lot! But the t2 cultural weapons are just the verdant weapons. They’re not unique. And the t1 are ‘glyphic’ skin which you can get at lvl 1-15 zones or buy from tp for a few copper.
I know that, that’s why i listed only tier 3 weapons in brackets (saying that, i do plan on getting the tier 1’s cheap off the TP).
So, seeing as the sword is fixed, can you post a shot of it?.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
It uses a checkpoint based system, haven’t you gotten the option to go to the last one?.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
No way should they stop 1 time events, they just need to make it so the main event part (the opening part) is city wide (zone wide etc) and then the actual fighting/group part of the event is placed into group clock tower style events.
Something along the lines of how the clock tower was done, after the main opening there would be a warp point in trhe near area, you enter it and are grouped with say 20/30/40/50 people etc (depends on event size) and then you do the main action part of the event.
This way allows the 1 time events BUT should cut way back on the issue we had today.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
I’m actully kinda glad if they take so long, until they are available outside of the dungeon i recon they should take quite a lot of time inside the dungeon (they should be faster than what you said though due to the leveling system).
Remember, Anet said these are supposed to be between exotic and legendary items. As such, consider how long it takes to get a single exotic dungeon item (from a standard dungeon) and how long it takes to get a legendary (100% world, mats etc) – now put the FOTM items inbetween those 2 timeframes and it doesn’t actully seem all that unfair (more so when anyone who doesn’t like dungeons have no other way to get them).
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Lag is getting better, Can hit things now lol
That could be because people are leaving the area to get away from the lag.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Sorry but i’m out, the event is just to frustrating you die instantly because of lag, skills won’t work, there is loads of rubberbanding and it’s just a pain to watch.
I hope to god there is no majr reward at the end of this part of the event as it’s just to much to do it.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
This is just broken, i was in an overflow and we had like 5% left to kill and then a 30 second freeze and disconnect, rejoin a server and i’m not in one that is basically just started. Then as soon as i start attacking another 30 seconds freeze and all of a sudden i’m dead.
This needs to be halted now, it’s just to broken to play it.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Yeah it’s next to impossible where i am, you can’t even res people it’s so laggy.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
I really think the change to the max people that can be healed is very bad, it’s gone from one extreme to the other (from to many, and now to few).
If they are going to have such a small amount of people be healed (5) then they need to put in smart healing ASAP, IMO it certainly should never have been unlimited but at worst it should have been lowered to 10 people when no smart healing system is in place.
Also not a fan of how selfless daring got its healing power reduced and then on top of that a 50% PvP reduction aswell. I mean at it’s base level (level 80 and 15 points to get it) in PvP it will heal 139.5 per dodge, that’s borderline useless.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
Anyone have pictures of the dagger, staff, and scepter?
My current collection.
Picture order – Staff, Mace, Greatsword, Hammer, Scepter & Shield. I’ll have the focus in 40k Karma (sorry i don’t have the dagger). Also picutured – Tier 2 cultural heavy armor.
I plan on getting every unique Asura cultural item (Teir 1/2/3 armor and all Tier 3 weapons).
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
Please note, this isn’t my thoughts on Ascened gear, this is a question regarding them.
Hi, as of late i have read a lot about the new Ascended gear etc and as i’m sure most are aware the back piece will be made via the forge, however the Acended rings and Exotic back pieces are in the Dungeons only (at least it appears so).
Now it has been stated that the Acended items will be made available via other means later, is there any idea on how much later (this has never been clarified)?.
I ask as i just find it a bit strange to have certain items that have stats increases locked off to certain content (dungeons), i mean me personally i don’t like dungeons and much prefer WvWvW and standard PvE (area exploring, DEs and Hearts). So it’s kind of annoying that if i want to earn a stats increase (however minor/major) i have to do it via dungeons or else i have to wait until they are added to other aspects of the game.
As such i ask a simple question.
When will the items be made available outside of the dungeons? – will it be in days/weeks or not until you add the next set of Ascended dungeon items in the next dungeon?.
Please don’t turn this into an anti Ascended gear thread or an argument about how big/small the stats are, this is a genuine question regarding when these items will be made available outside of the dungeons as i do want to get them BUT i don’t want to do the dungeon.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
Problem is the extra duration doesn’t exist. In fact, it was actually nerfed by 1 second from what I tested.
Yeah the might duration increase is broken at the moment, instead of going up to 10 seconds like the patch and tooltip state, it seems to have gone down to around 7 seconds instead.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Yeah i’m pretty sure my have gone down and haven’t changed after the new patch aswell.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
So are no other guardians getting this?, it’s easy yo test it out to see (i was kinda expecting more guardians to notice it).
Just start empower when not in combat and hover over the might buff icon and you can see it never goes over 8 seconds (sometimes 7), same goes if you get any allies near you to do the same test.
It may not seem like much, but considering it was in the patch notes as a buff and it doesn’t actully work it is something that needs fixing.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
Thanks for the post Jason, i have to ask though.
At some point, will you program in a way to make the vertical character position so the characters aren’t so towards the middle of the screen? – perhaps in a similar way in which we can adjust the horizontal position now.
I ask, as apart from the FOV (which for me is now fine) this is perhaps my biggest issue with the camera, on Asura (my chosen race) we are just to high up in the screen area.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
sshh my staff guard loves his faster orb.
I actully just tried it out and it is indeed really good, kinda hard to time the heal at short ranges BUT the speed boost is great – no way will people run away from it (it’s so fast!).
So i’ll change what i said, keep the staff orb as it is AND make the scepter orb the same speed .
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Well the might from empower on the guardian hasn’t been increased to 10 seconds like the patch notes state, the tooltip does state 10 seconds now (just like the patch notes) however the actual duration is still as it was before the patch (8 seconds).
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Legendary weapons won’t be updated to ascended stats until ascended weapons are added to the game in the far future.
(Edit follow up: Looks like they got updated early by accident, we’re going to fix this now they should be the same as exotic)
IT’s just been shown that they have already been updated to the ascended stats, was that not ment to happen?.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Empower is not bugged, it show 7sec but the cast time is ~3s and the tick reset until the end of the cast, so it’s 10s.
It did that before the patch aswell, (each tick refreshed the 8 seconds timer) – your not supposed to count the cast time just the might time (they’re seperate).
Basically the might buff is ment to last 10 seconds on each tick and refreshes to 10 seconds on each tick of the cast.
It seems like they’ve changed the tooltip only ansd the skill hasn’t changed at all from what it was before the patch.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042) There you go.
Wow, from how it read i assumed this woudn’t happen until the Ascended weapons got put in.
That’s pretty bad as legendary owner now have a damage advantage over everyone until we either do some seriuos farming (for a legendary) or until the ascended weapons arrive.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
Regarding the new patch change to Empower.
Empower: This skill’s might duration increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.
The tooltip does indeed state the might lasts 10 seconds, however it doesn’t actully give you 10 seconds of might, it only gives 8 (possibly even 7 on the last tick).
So the tooltip got changed but the skill didn’t – this can be reproduced very easily – simply activate empower and hover over the might icon (on yourself or other allies) and you can see it only lasts 8 (or 7) seconds.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
Empower actually didn’t get buffed. Tested and it actually lasts 7, not 10 seconds.
Correct (well for me it lasts eight), the patch notes state 10 seconds & the tooltip now also states 10 seconds BUT it doesn’t last 10 seconds.
Please everyone report this bug ingame – i’ve create a bug thread in the games bug section already (here).
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
It really seems like they fixed the wrong Orb on the Guardian, people wanted the scepter Orb speed increased and we instead got the staff Orb speed fixed.
All in all my biggest issue is – they didn’t adjust the capping system at all.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
I think we really need to get on the scepter orb fix again, maybe get a new thread going requesting it be changed like Orb of Light?.
I’d start one, but i’m not making any new threads at the moment.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Yeah i was kinda shocked at the warrior changes, no nerf – all buffs!. For me i recon it’s time to roll a warrior, i want a class that doesn’t get nerfs all the time and it seems the warrior is that class.
The main one that shocked me though is the Guardian Orb or Light change, most orb complaints are about the orb speed on the scepter (as you can avoid it so easily due to its slow speed) and hardly anyone complains about the orb speed on the staff, – so it’s kinda strange that the speed was fixed on the staff and not the scepter.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
Orb of Light is Staff, not Scepter.
Aww, i had my hopes up so much and now they’ve been slain.
To be frank, the staff orb was kinda ok at it’s speed IMO (as t will be harder now to time the heal), but even if it was to slow, why on earth fix that one and not also fix the one with the major issue (the scepter one).
Man, i was so happy about tha fix until you broke my heart /cries.
Surely they can’t think the scepter orb speed is ok, can they?.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
I’m wondering this aswell, i have a standard GW2 account and had to disable the email authentication due to not receiving them, i now notice that we can re-enable it via “my account” but i would like to change my email address incase it was that which was blocking the authentication emails.
Edit, seems it was answered while i typed (i need to support to do it).
Thanks Kumu.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
If so, these backpieces are still only exotic level, and not Ascended. I believe you still have to get it via the mystic forge.
Hmm, true never thought of that. So you get the Exotic version via the FOTM and then get the Ascended version via the Forge with some extra items (most likely from FOTM aswell).
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
We also do not know the Prototype Fractal Capacitor is even a back piece.
I’m pretty sure it is, i did this on another section.
Rare 5 gold Guild back item – with an Exquisite Opal Jewel.
14 toughness.
14 vitality.
20 power.
15 power.
15 precision.
4% magic find.
Prototype Fractal Capacitors (the one we have a pic of).
16 toughness.
16 vitality.
32 power.
18 toughness.
18 vitality.
5% magic find.
Look at the layout of the stats (yes the bottom couple are different but the number layout is the same). The PFC is clearly (IMO) an exotic back piece as it’s the only way the stats make any sort of sence.
The thing is, wasn’t it said the back piece would be a forge item?.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Yeah i just did some checking, they are indeed exotic back items (the stats layout matches).
Rare 5 gold Guild back item – with an Exquisite Opal Jewel.
14 toughness.
14 vitality.
20 power.
15 power.
15 precision.
4% magic find.
Prototype Fractal Capacitors (the one we have a pic of).
16 toughness.
16 vitality.
32 power.
18 toughness.
18 vitality.
5% magic find.
A little bit annoyed now really, i just spent 5 gold on my backpiece only a few days ago and then spent a bit on a transmutation stone to make it look like the mad king book. But at least it should take people some time to earn the exotic back piece which kinda makes up for it.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
I’d say as long as an updgrade (gem) is made for exotics the base versions (the ones for stats and not looks) would still be worth getting as a go between.
You’d have 2 choices.
1.You could then hit 80 and go strait from say rare to ascended and not bother with exotics stats items at all (and then go for exotic/ascended look items afterwards).
2. You could hit 80 and go from rare to exotic stats items and then put in an upgrade gem to make your exotic stats items have the stats of an ascended item (and then go for exotic/ascended looks items).
You’d have a choice of sticking with lower tier gear (rare etc) longer until you get your ascended pieces, or you can have an exotic set inbetween until you can upgrade them.
If it’s not like this i’ll be annoyed, i have a full exotic set of everything (armor & items) and 7 exotic knights weapons all skinned with Tier 3 cultural looks.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
You get 5 a run on the lowest level, you get more the higher you go – i have no idea how many more get per level BUT it’s not always 5 – it could be 5 at level 1, 10 at level 2 and so on, which would greatly reduce the time to get them.
Anyways, it was just a thought: as the item can’t be a standard exotic item as the stats aren’t good enough, and it can’t be an acended item upgrade as we’ve been told they only have infusion slots – so the only thing i can think they can be is a new gem for the current exotics.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Well regarding the new gear and recent info on various sites, it seems to me that the Prototype Fractal Capacitors are a new gem item for current exotics (to give current exotics ascended item stats).
I wonder how they will do this with armor and weapons, with gem items it’s easy enough as there is only a few kind of gems, but with armor and weapons they’d need to make a number of new sets of each sigil and rune type (beserker sigil of bloodlust, knights sigil of bloodlust etc).
I’m really interested in these new Prototype Fractal Capacitors items, as these to me seems like they would be a craftable item at some point (if infact they are a new gem for exotic items) – but i wonder how much they will go for?,. Currently a top of the line gem is around 40 silver (last i checked) but considering the fractals required for the dungeon version i have to wonder how much a craftable version of the new gem (if that’s what it is) would cost.
If these are a new gem, then at least it would mean current exotics would have a place – if there was just Ascended items a fresh 80 would manybe skip the exotic and just go from rare to ascended, but if you can buy a gem for an exotic and upgrade it to ascended stats then it it would be tempting to go from rare to exotic to upgrading exotic.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
I logged on to give away all my stuff but nobody in my guild was online. Coincidence?
I wish i’d have been in your guild then (and online), you may come back at some point though.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)
I can’t even log in. Until we either have official word or official patch implementation, I am simply biding my time.
No. Interest. Whatsoever.
It’s the same with me, i was going to play today a bit, but in the end i just couldn’t bring myself to bother. The new info has really put me off playing at the moment – i’m not quitting (as i think “whining” is better than just leaving) but this change has certainly stopped me logging in since it was 1st announced.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.