Showing Posts For Malkavian.4516:

Season 1 recap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


The one thing I consider a flaw in the recap provided is the character that dealt the final blow towards Scarlet. By default, it seems that the Pact Commander portrayed here is a Norn female. Can be quite contradictory to those who do not main a norn female. Still, this moment was just a couple of seconds, but still, it’s just a flaw I thought I should point out.


Where it say Warrior not magic user?

in Lore

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Warriors are dedicated physical fighters or probably but that does not mean that they can never use magic in any way, shape, or form.


Is anyone still seriously playing Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Yes I do in all game modes. To me, it doesn’t really matter if they have the highest DPS or not. I just like the skills and the motif they have.


Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Personal feedback towards the changes so far.

In the Attack on Fort Trinity cutscene which plays after defeating the Risen, I noticed that the music differed from haunting to uplifting (plus the added speech of Trahearne) which in my opinion feels more out of place. Other than that, I had little problems with it. And I noticed from one of the posts here that the Romke quest still hasn’t been rectified yet, which I think does merit some attention while you are working on fixing the rewards for the Personal Story bits.


Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


While I honestly am not concerned with the loot, I think it should be deemed appropriate that players get something beyond bags of loot.


Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Hmmmm….. so far, I am still at the Greatest Fear stages of the Personal Story. Good thing I took a look at the forums regarding problems with the last few pieces of the story.


Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Yep. The patch notes mentioned the fixes. So it’s all good now. Though I am still angry at the fact that it took almost 10 months to get it fixed. I hope you guys don’t alter the original story in the future without serious playtesting.


HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I understand you wish to know what you are paying for. The best thing you should do right now is be patient as there has been no set release date yet. As time goes on, you will see more content pieces that may or may not convince you to buy the expansion. Until then, wait and see.


The Ult Ed will not be an upgrade

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


No way to be sure about that. Though basing off the offer of upgrading to Digital Deluxe if you have the standard game available via gems, I think having an upgrade to the expansion that way is possible but it might take a year from release to actually see that being offered.


"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I believe that there are 2 ways to be fair here:

1. Lower the prices to the existing packages to 30, 50 and 75 euros respectively.

2. Leave the prices as they are but Standard Edition should give you at least character slot and a character customization kit, Deluxe Edition should give you also extra bang space and maybe a special head skin, and finally the Ultimate Edition all that and the Gems.

This way I could feel that the purchase is worthy.

If I may,

3. For existing players, they can receive an actual code of the base game so that they can give the code to a friend or use it however they wish (i.e create an account for a different region)


How to make the Pre-Purchase attractive.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I agree in that Ultimate is one such edition that’s actually the most attractive and reasonably priced.

@Behellagh yeah the value is more pronounced for new buyers than it is for existing players outside of beta access/title. I am just saying that the offer could have been made more attractive for both parties.


How to make the Pre-Purchase attractive.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Yeah, that can be tempting as well. I myself am not too concerned with the extra character slot though I am buying the Ultimate for the other bonuses that come with it. Still, by going with this strategy, I can guarantee GW2’s publicity will skyrocket even higher.


How to make the Pre-Purchase attractive.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I acknowledge that the prices for the expansion are on the steep side yet I intend to buy Heart of Thorns via pre-order. I just wish to voice my feedback on how to make a Pre-purchase offer like this more attractive regardless of price.

Now, the prices do make it seem like new buyers can get the core game along with the expansion free of charge but for those who already own the game, they don’t seem to get the same kind of value. So, why not make the duplicate copy of the core game be made into a gift code for them to give to a friend. This way, the value remains intact and it helps spread the word even more. If said friend likes it and wants to get the expansion, he/she can fork over fifty bucks and give to his/her friend, and then the chain will keep on going and going.

In my opinion, nothing spells excellent advertisement than word of mouth. Arenanet, I like you and all, but I think had you gone for this angle, you will most certainly get less haters and whiners.

And I don’t expect you guys to make changes to your offer for HoT but I hope you factor this piece of feedback for another expansion.


To those who are complaining about price

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Yeah, I understand that the price can be a tad steep. Still, I know I’d save up for it since there is no set release date yet.


Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I just recently finished “forging the pact” on my theif (like, less than a week ago) , and it started her immediately on the battle. I thought this was supposed to be fixed now? Help!

The re-organization has yet to be released. I’m sure there will be much fanfare when the patch is ready. =)

A part of me should be excited, but another part of me is something that Anet should have done much much earlier. Regardless, the fact that they got around to it after almost a year does mean that they are working kitten it alongside other problems and the creating of new content for Heart of Thorns. I just wish they would be more efficient with their fixes in the near future.


Necro suitable weapon skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


The Crossing is my personal favorite followed by the Mordrem skin and the Scientist staff just for that dangling lantern. With that staff, I can guide lost souls to their resting place.


Crafted Mawdrey II, why did I bother?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Yeah, I bothered making Mawdrey simply because I felt compelled to go for it.


No New Personal Story for Revenants

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Actually it’s clear from the rest of the NPC’s reactions in the HoT beta that none of them have any idea what the hell Rytlock is. He shows up and uses Revenant Magic and gets questioned about it and told he’ll explain later.

To me, that may be a major flaw in the story.


No New Personal Story for Revenants

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I don’t mind it being kept intact. I mean, sure it can leave some plotholes in that how can I be a Revenant if the class wouldn’t be made available until much later in the story, but I see my characters as the kind in which that their class does not define what they are.


Dont Nerf Zerk Meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Well my two cents on this is that even if zerker does get nerfed, I wouldn’t mind since I am not one for rushing content by killing people as fast as possible. I mean, I know that there are those who deal damage more than others, but if my reason for playing is making it through the dungeon as opposed to making it through in record time, I am not worried.


Which parts of the lore annoy or depress you?

in Lore

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


If there is one thing that annoys me the most out of this lore is Faolain herself. From what I understood in the TA story, she didn’t start out evil. Yet, in the Living Story, it seems that she was rotten from the start. Granted, she does care about the saplings that were captured by the asura at the time, but that doesn’t seem to be enough to warrant some likeability. I keep questioning myself: “What does Caithe see in Faolain that makes her girlfriend material?”


Why is Anet so protective?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Yeah, from what I have read, it seems that the idea of a less hostile community in an MMO is foreign to you.Yeah, I do agree that Anet’s design for GW2 is more on the protective side, but that’s their design in that they wish to encourage players working together without the occasional kitten ganking someone. Not every MMO has to adhere to a design format.

When it comes to GvGs, the closest that comes to mind are tournaments made by the players themselves in that guilds from different servers would fight against each other in the Obsidian Sanctum. So taking part in such matches would all boil down to forming up your own guild and interacting with others to organize fights.

When it comes to easy levelling, yeah no arguments there. Though before the September patch, the levelling process is significantly faster. At least, last I remembered.

As for open-world PvP, look no further than joining the Battle for the Mists.


Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


So it’s safe to assume that it will be after the Lion’s Arch restoration update? Whether it is definitely the case or not, I do appreciate the updates.


Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


If I were to take a guess, it would be around the same time as Lion’s Arch getting fixed completely.


Ever tried a Settler Engineer for PvE?

in Engineer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Actually, I was gonna use elixir infused bombs, a wrench and rocket boots/elixir s


Your Charr Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I always love to go for the classic charr look. So I went with full Flame legion armor, shield and a Legionnaire sidearm. He is definitely and example of a proud Iron Legionnaire. Using the enemies’ resources against them.



Ever tried a Settler Engineer for PvE?

in Engineer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I was wondering if you have ever tried that in dungeons. Say…. Settler gear with perplexity stats. How does it fare out?


Help- Dying a lot as an engineer in dungeon.

in Engineer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Hmmmm….. it does have some effect on Fractals for me at least plus a bit of a boost in health doesn’t hurt.


Post your favorite moment in-game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Hmmm….. favorite moment? Well, I always loved the chapter of the Asura storyline, the Infinity Ball. Where the final boss of that chapter is…… myself!


Help- Dying a lot as an engineer in dungeon.

in Engineer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Hmmmm I honestly don’t like using 66002 just for the lack of survivability alone (at least for me). Just the fact that I max 6 on Explosives should give me enough damage as is. I usually go somewhere along the lines of 62042 with my engineer as it gives me a good balance between damage and survivability through Projection Injection.


Why is Double Daily Fractal still happening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I know its a topic that keeps coming up, but there is no reason double daily fractal should be coded anymore. I don’t mind doing a fractal for my daily, but for Kitten sake we don’t need to be required to do both a fractal and level based fractal for a daily
(Especially a high level one) cut specific levels fractal and just leave the daily fractal please.

Because you have other dailies you can complete. You arent forced to do dailies, and you certainly arent forced to do fractals which you may or may not even be properly geared for.

It’s a non-issue for the majority, so it aint being changed. If you dont like it, just search custom arenas for open arenas advertising slackerpvp to finish your daily. Others do.

This is the Oh Kitten it attitude at its finest, just because you can say find something else to do, doesn’t make it right, A double of the same isn’t Diversity that should be in place for dailies, we all should have 4 diverse options for all categories of the play style we like period.

How does it not make it right though? I mean, a Daily Fractal only credits you for beating the first fractal and the Daily level fractal credits you for completing the fractal til the end. That kind of implies that if you are capable enough to do those specific dailies you will be rewarded accordingly, right? And last I checked, there is enough diversity to go around.


Objectives Upgrade Automatically

in WvW

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


We shall wait and see how the meta will shift from there.


Objectives Upgrade Automatically

in WvW

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I like this update to the upgrades. Makes the game more enjoyable without taking anything strategic away.

What? Deciding when and in what order to upgrade structures is always a strategic decision.

A strategy that could easily not be executed at the right time if a fellow player does not listen to you and takes supply/spends supply.


Fractal Skins? Why not Fractal Chests?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Alright, I suppose charging relics for skins may be a bit much. Still, the idea behind Fractal gear boxes would be most welcome. I am not sure why Anet didn’t follow through with improving upon Fractals upon checking that there was a Fractal Gear Box available, my guess is that we might see such a thing happening before the expansion hits. And considering that I am seeing Consortium guys popping when they weren’t before….


Fractal Skins? Why not Fractal Chests?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


This is something I think Anet may need to revise when it comes to reward givings. I can understand the RNG it would take to get these fractal skins. What I don’t like, however is that the RNG dictates what skin you will get. I think it’s only fair to either offer those fractal skins much like ascended armor/weapon pieces in that you get a Fractal Skin chest and you get to choose which skin you want.

Another piece of feedback I wish to give towards Fractal skin rewards is to perhaps offer them up for a cost of several Fractal relics, say a thousand per skin?


Human personal story

in Lore

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Here’s how I see things, the bandits from the human Personal Story seem to express a great deal of discontent with the current monarchy. And the 2nd chapter depending on what you chose could show you hints of possible futures for Tyria like the White Mantle becoming a major threat once again, Seperatists will acquire power, etc.


Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Still, I would appreciate at least some kind of update as to the progress of the patch development. Just a general idea of how close they are to finishing it.


Calling All Minion Masters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Bone Minion – active should blow up the minion closest to your targeted enemy, and they should stand directly to the sides of your feet when not aggro’d (like a dog that is heeling) to allow better blasting

What would be even better is to have those minions go directly to the target and then blow up just like the mesmer clones.


Server browser not working.

in PvP

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I have been constantly getting this screen whenever I load up a custom match. It’s been going on for weeks and I tried resetting the game and my modem but to little or no avail. I was wondering if you have any ideas on how I can fix this? Much appreciated.



Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Yeah, I wouldn’t hold my breath on that yet. Still, I got more reason to just focus on map completion first. That way I can get the bags of loot that come with the Personal Story in one big bulk.


Am I the only one that likes the name?

in Guardian

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I thought the term “Dragonknight” would be more fitting since the base class is a Guardian, which is kind of more knightly in terms of the theme. Otherwise, I thought the name is okay. Not creative. Just okay.


Dragonhunter revealed... meh

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I don’t know… the Dragonhunter name is cliche, but it’s still a cool sounding name. Besides, people have kind of asked for a petless ranger, and this is the closest we can think of.

From how I can see this, this spec is almost a combination of the ranger, and the Frost Bow user in that it provides support for allies as he fires his energy arrows plus the fact that DHs have traps. I can’t be certain about the Frost Bow part though but that would be kind of awesome.


Opinions on fan focus skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


It’s a start. Though I hope they can bring in a war fan skin for scepters or staves.


Naming my Sylvari Ranger

in Lore

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


While it is true that Sylvari don’t use surnames (save for Scarlet Briar), it’s possible that they use titles (i.e. Laranthir of the Wild), something that is usually common among sylvari with very knightly personalities.

If you want a suggestion for a good name to try out, I might suggest this for a sylvari ranger: Gillecomgain.

I leave it to you to guess where I got that name from.


2 accounts 2 different loot experiences

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Hmmm….. that is way too many coincidences. That’s for sure. My guess is that from a new player’s perspective, if they get good loot early on, they may be even more incentivized to play. With that said, I don’t know why even bother with magic find increases at all if more experienced accounts are just not going to see it actually bear good results. It’s just the same old greens and blues waiting to be melted.


Diminishing Returns in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


From personal experience, Mordrem mobs drop little to no loot. You just get the bags of loot from the event chests awarded, as well as successful Breaches and Vinewrath battles. The one juicy piece of gear I got was a Dire shield which works wonders with my engineer thus far.


Alts of the same class. Your reasons why.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I got 3 characters in my roster, 2 of them are both engineers. Some people ask me why I am rolling another identical class when I can just get different gear for the one I have. I suppose I got a couple of reasons thinking back on it.

1) My engineers are both asura and charr. If anything, I am a lore nut and I thought these guys fit the role best. And it’s fun seeing them lob grenades and fire their ordnance at the enemy.

2) This reason of mine may sound silly but I honestly wanted each class to have a unique fighting style to them. My asura engineer for instance would use pistol/shield and skills that compliment that weapon set while my charr would go rifle.

3) I suppose my third reason has something to do with returning back to basics where I would level my 2nd engineer from the ground up to relearn what it can do.

What about you, guys? Do you have multiple characters of the same class? If so, what are your reasons?


Dire Zerg Grenadier. Will it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Hmmmm… there’s that.


Dire Zerg Grenadier. Will it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I got a roaming build established. The issue I have is if it will serve me well for zerging.


Dire Zerg Grenadier. Will it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I know. I am just a bit torn. And the reason I wanted to go for Dire is because I got a Mathilde’s Bastion and it would be a shame to let that precious shield go to waste