Just the WvW
gl and full inventory to everyone!
and to every deso player: if u see [VAR] tag at piken pls call us. we have arrows and blades for them :p
guardian heal in zergs wooooot!
if i play with my guardian i see the numbers… passive of the f2, regen, dodge, staff… i use the sigils whats recharge my endurance if somebody die! perma dodge ftw!
too much traits what we need to be a good archer. i hope next patch give us some good skill merge. other classes can trait on 2-3 different things. longbow-shortbow combo doesnt count becaus thats a boring and useless set.
not bad damage but its a glass cannon with condi. 0 def skills, just the stealth.
i like it when a dev say something fast and usefull. iu like when somebody explain something why or why not work something, do something.
i think ranger need just a little more patching. trait merge/ move, a sniper shoot, something to do with pets/summons. after that i never play anything else. (sometimes maybe my guardian because thats something totaly different, i think perfectly the opposite of ranger)
ahha! this is why pets cant hit moving targets! too much job for the graphic team to re-animate the hit effect on every single pet
show me that build pls!
hehe i think that guy is a nab. with my guardian i nearly never use wand.
i think is an excelent second step! (first was the aftercast remove) 4-5 more like this and we will be ok.
i hope next time they give us some trait merge
4th: make something with pets or replace
5th: utility and elite skill update
and eveey time a little more weapon update
we cant hide pets in combat, but i play wvw and pets useless in tower attacks or deffens, zerg fights etc.. i just dont care about it. no point on beast master, no trait for pet etc. i wont care about a mechanism what not working in my favourite game mode (wvw)
i dont want to farm a pvp title. i dont want roll with vizu zerg 18 hours a day with my guardian spamming staff#1
i think 500-600 hours must be enough on a better server.
i want play for it, not work for it.
deso prime time between 7-10 (gmt+1)
rapid shot deal the same damage if u use remors first use hunter as allways, it stack the 5 vul from the opening, but your open recharg so just shoot your rapid it stacks again the opening. at the begining of the rapid you have 10 stacks but the end you have 20 stacks! (10+20)/2=15 your good old damage. but after rapid fire you deal more damage! tadaam! (and we have stealth)
if u want to use longbow, yyou are forced to put 30 on marks and min 20 on skirmish. and still to much traits what we need. i hope they merge traits. opening strikes, signet traits, bow traits. we need to much to be in line. (and this is only one weapon. what about pet and other weapon? ) as a guardian i can trait on 2 handeds, shouts, heal and 1 trait my pick.
oh, and dont forget the +10% dmg if endurance is full, thats a must be. without that ranger dmg sck :p
i think it was a good step in the right direction. only a little, but good one. i hope the will give us something like kill shot just we need stealth and it replaces the auto attack while we hide. name it sniper’s shot!
only the oldest field count. btw its a wvw update on warhorn. befor the zerg roll, everybody use blasts to stack might and/or haste from static and fire field. so its perfect for it, but nothing extra.
i think guardian is nearly perfectly balanced. maybe a little too much heal. i played wvw at the last 2 weeks with my shout-heal guardian. i have the refresh endurance on kill mod in my weapons → perma dodge → perma aoe heal + aoe heal from virtu + aoe regen + heals from staff.
or its OK and just my main ranger was too weak
conclusion : guardian rulz in zergs. damage, buff and heal in a can! and to whos cry about mobility: i give perma haste to a whole team.
on thief forum one thief cry because we can stay in stealthed 50% of the fight. i think he missed us with hisself
T+30 mins already
hey thieves!
i dont realy like this stealth thing, because i dont like that mechanism. but finaly we got something. but dont worry, u still have more damage and invisibility as us.
AND we need 3 trait in 2 lines to use it with full powe (or 4 in 3 lines if u use it with maul)
long range shot, rapid fire, point blank, hunter, swap to gs, maul, stun, evaid, block, maul, change back, point blank, rapid, hunter… sounds good
move the call of the wild blast finisher to maul, make something with pets and spirits (or remove/change them), do something with sword1, axe 1-4(thief short bow is better from 900 range) and we will happy
i think its not working right, just too much job to fix it.
in wvw soldier=invaider
i use 30/20/20 with invaider armor, divinity runes and zerk juwels and weapons (lb/gs) signet of stone/hunting/wild, troll, rao. traits: 1/10/11 1/10 3/10
26 sec stability, +25% dmg, invulnerability, +25% speed.
~50% crit chance and ~80% crit dmg unbuffed
good damage and nearly undestroyable. if u want to go somewhere, u will. get through a zerg and get in a tower? no problem. swing your sword side by side with your buddy in the zerg or shoot down the escaping enemy? you can do it.
auto attack is a great evaid spam and swoop is one of the best get in/out mechanism. are u in trouble? use stone and stability and swoop to safety!
i dont have warrior, just a ranger annd a guardian but allways funny when the tanky zerg kitten a duble, triple sized zerk zerg. team play > solo rampaging and i like this
and one more thing: i love you warris for your shouts and ressing banners in wvw!
thief shortbow is muchmuch better. more damage, range, 2aoe, perfect to escape etc. the offhand axe 5 is the only good skill in the asura fractal to reflect harpy and in the grawl fractal when the end boss use bubble.
i think our real problem is the pet. we need a totaly different build and armor in dungeons, wvw, pve. first problem: need to learn 3 different play style. second: retrait, change skills, armor befor and after wvw.
in wvw pets useless no matter what you do. in dungeon we need trait kitten them or my little wolfie melt down in the first fight.
i think the lockdown is not a good idea. i played a tps name global agenda. they have something similar to wvw and time zone based mapps. after a time, a zone closes and an other opens.
i remember the first hours of the actual matchup. most of us used the f word frequent because your numbers :p
and im sad. finaly a cycle without vizu and i cant play
maybe not the servercursed just i. (ranger from deso)
10% after a year :p cu 10 years later
im not QQing. but think. i will be happy if somebody change my spirits, traps, pets for stealths. now ask thieves do they want change stealth for pets? :p
the stelth is an ultimate deffense AND offens. thats the problem. if a thief want kill somebody? go invis and make 10k backstab, evaid with death blossom, go stealth again… and what if they need to escape? go invis, gain regen and speed! …
i think we all know the Predator movies. they are not totaly invisible and if you hit them, they are flashing. i think thats a possible solution for the problem.
the stelth is an ultimate deffense AND offens. thats the problem. if a thief want kill somebody? go invis and make 10k backstab, evaid with death blossom, go stealth again… and what if they need to escape? go invis, gain regen and speed! …
i think we all know the Predator movies. they are not totaly invisible and if you hit them, they are flashing. i think thats a possible solution for the problem.
i like when a thief cry most of us is not 1v1 specced and dont want to be free loot bag. deal with it, your job: hunt down us, our job: survive your attempt and roll with the dudes
i use a 0/0/20/30/20 with shouts, staff. invaider armor/weapon, 4 altruism runes 2 monks and cleric jewels. traited for f2, everybody healed just because close to me, spam f1, use staff 4 for heal and might, dodge for heal spam shouts for buffs etc. tons of heal, buffs and u are nearby undestroyable.
My guild is deserted from piken. good to fight against the motherland
btw now i have a little vizu-deso feeling, but now we are on the other side of the gun :P
easiest in general pve. your pets tank you just press auto attack on longbow. BUT!
after a level must be much much better as anybody in your party or any of your enemy.
the real problem is a lot of things useless. spirits, any weapon except sw in pvp, pets ai and attack, in most situations we cant keep distance etc… our profession mechanism, everything what make us different.
image the thief forum if the invisibility and the backstab not working :p
Save yourself is a good buff befor the 2 zergs give a friendly hug for each other. stand your ground is a real must be! retreat also a good one, or hold the line if u not go anywhere.
staff is essencial, i prefer shield for second choice
my main is a ranger, and have an alt guardian. if i use barrage with my ranger in wvw on a zerg, that nearly kill me because of the retaliation. i think thats one of the best buff in wvw and not bad in pve. u cant win a fight just with one buff.
i think the problem is not the leakitten was a necessary nerf
u wont do half of the damage of a thief or a warrior, pets or not. thieves make 15k+ warriors… pf… LOT your best is ~7k and others make it more often
Pathetic action from some guild mates of the guild “Souls Of The Warhorn [War]”. jumping on dead bodies and laughs if anyone died, really sad.
For the thief on the second picture:
After attacking me with 3+ you finally got me and if there is a 1vs1 you ALWAYS run away – Mate please contact me for an REAL 1vs1.
My sons! im sooo pride!
this is the game… u kitten us, we kitten u.
and u playd a hit and run for 10 mins. not my guildie wanted that fight
pet: useless in pvp
Weapons: ranger=short sword
gw1 pet system was much better. if u want the pet. u must to equick a skill. no forcing to do that! btw nearly nobody did that in serious games. only one good build used that, the bunny thumper (ranger with hammer! whohaaa! i want a hammer!)
yeah, ranger is op… \o/ we cant dmg, we cant cc, all we want is the 2nd best heal in the game. or third.
troll is an easy to be trolled heal skill. because it have a long time period, while it heal you, easy to put a poison on the user. or easy to spike down…
LB push back skill is good for SB, but not a real cc what we need at this weapon
this idea wont solve any problem. pets cant hit moving targets, just runing up and down… and they die within 2 seconds in most situations.
– gw1 like spirit system, or aura/preparation like spirits
– we have the less and useless cc skills. roots have long cooldown, easy to destroy, dodge, get out. if we have the recent amount of range dmg output, we need to stay away from melee for a while and shoot
– new trait: shoot backward. old archer trick, my nation used it for 1200 years and we can stay out of range, but we still need to manouver
– new kind of pets: they cant attack, cant deal dammage and cant be dammaged. they make passive buff for the ranger, or for f2 they make party buffs. little like guardians virtues.
– no pets! able to not equick pet for a lone wolf mode. new f1-f4 skills (survive mode, sniper mode etc…)
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