Nobody likes underwater combat. I’d be perfectly fine if I never had to fight underwater again. I despise the PS missions that force you to spend 90% of the mission underwater.
Is not it a bit too bravely to speak on behalf of all?
I like it, for example.
In most MMOs character can’t swim at all. In some of them – can not fight in the water. And in this one a whole unique system(!) created for water combat.
I do not understand what reason could exist to dislike it.
Did dev-s realy decided to forget about underwater weapon? First and only underwater skins that was added after the release was a chaos weapon, if I’m not mistaken. Of course, I understand that the underwater battles much less than terrestrial ones. But it’s still remain one of the unique key features of the game. Such an attitude of dev-s makes me sad a little.
I can not understand, still: what’s wrong about mounts?
Sad. And I liked them, regardless of the purpose (
HoT is going to have adventures, which will be, hopefully, a better version of hearts.
Tell more in detail, please
Hey, all!
Is there any information about realization of renown hearts in the new add-on?
You can not believe dead(!) and half-rotten(!) dragon(!) can fly? O_o
But it’s obvious! He is empty inside. And filled with helium.
you may want to change your Thread Title to " [Suggestion] recipe scroll account unlock " to better grab developer attention, and to better describe the contents of the thread topic.
Did it. Ty
For example, I have 500 armorsmith on my norn guardian, which I never really play anymore. I want to delete her to make room for a new character, but then I would have to get 500 armorsmith again – which sort of defeats the purpose and leaves me in a bit of a dilemma. I really don’t want to have to spend any more money getting 500 armorsmith again just so I can free up that one character slot.
Many people have to do it. However, it will be an oversimplification already. The main part of “total mass” of crafting resources expended on craft leveling. If you save people from this need – resources that no more needed will rush to the TP. And, accordingly, will depreciate. This significantly undermine the economy. Better not to risk with it.
Shared recipes will be enough, i think.
the ‘extra mats’ can be fixed if there were an additional use for them. last year there was the festival of the four winds which merchants took the mats in exchange for something else. if something like that returned it would diminish the extra supply.
Then there is the risk of creating shortages, making everything extremely expensive. It is better not to interfere with something that concerns economic balance.
you may want to change your Thread Title to " [Suggestion] recipe scroll account unlock " to better grab developer attention, and to better describe the contents of the thread topic.
Did it. Ty
For example, I have 500 armorsmith on my norn guardian, which I never really play anymore. I want to delete her to make room for a new character, but then I would have to get 500 armorsmith again – which sort of defeats the purpose and leaves me in a bit of a dilemma. I really don’t want to have to spend any more money getting 500 armorsmith again just so I can free up that one character slot.
Many people have to do it. However, it will be an oversimplification already. The main part of “total mass” of crafting resources expended on craft leveling. If you save people from this need – resources that no more needed will rush to the TP. And, accordingly, will depreciate. This significantly undermine the economy. Better not to risk with it.
Shared recipes will be enough, i think.
I had to create a character specially for storing recipes. And the bank in my personal guild completely clogged.
The problem is even not in storage. The problem begins when the regular alt trying to learn all this recipes. It’s really difficult to remember everything you need to learn.
Sorry I didn’t understand a word. Are you suggesting making recipes shared amongst all your characters when you unlock them? So you don’t have to remember which character has said recipe unlocked etc.?
Not sure if that’s what you meant, but if so yeah I think that would be nice. Also I giggled a little when I heard twink. I like twinks ;-P and otters. Not so much bears.
I apologize for the bad english. Have no practice for a rather long time.
But yes, this is exactly what I meant.
I liked that it is not always “stretching”. It’s not only a whip, after all, but a sword too. And I like the fact that it’s not look grotesque and giant in the hands of my norn (at last). Totally love this piece.
(But sick of ranger’s sword autoattack howbeit)
Hm… when you put it that way…
Then why not prohibit the use only skills with movement while jumping, but allow simple offensive skills?
Oh my God … I think you exaggerate calling the flaws of the game mechanics as tactical necessity. A jump after the start of casting does not require any special skills.
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
Hey all.
In fact, I’m convinced alt-creator and I believe that mix progress between them is wrong (people often required to share map and craft levels, you know). Because interested in the process, not the result. However, I was faced with a moral dilemma in the form of time-limited craft recipes.
As an avid collector, I love when the character is fully… hm… maxed?. Simply put: it’s nice when character have all the possible recipes. Some people will understand me here . However, when number of my alts exceeded 15, and number of stored recipes exceeded 100 slots, I realized that such a commitment (under the current system) brings nothing but a headache. It’s impossible to find some recipes already. Some has fabulous cost on TP.
So it might be worth to share all crafting recipes (learned from scrolls, I mean) between all characters in account? After all, no one will pay 400-700 gold for rare recipe that he already has for alt only “for show”, right?
What do you think about it, friends?
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
Short but very important request: as cast can continue while jumping, please make so that it will be possible to START cast in jump.
After all, there are some encounters, in which you need to jump in the battle. This feature is quite significant, I think.
It is illogical and impossible. Imagine that in some ordinary MMO all quests will share at account. Simply put: creating of twinks will be meaningless, leveling will become a “grind-only”, and the lion’s share of the gameplay will be unavailable forever.
Nothing is displayed in gems purchase window 2 days already.
Is it a game error or some other problems? Could it be fixed?
I am sad that they don’t make underwater 3 anymore
How about… your know…. use bank slots too?
Hey all!
Hey, dev-s!
Since it came to the add-on, don’t you ever thought about the update and refinement of some character’s animation? I mean exactly an animation, not effects. After all, a weighty proportion of game impressions we get visually. And some animation, let’s face it, beginning to bore over three years…
Therefore, I had such a request.
For example: guardian’s “wave of wrath” (you know what I mean ) – couldn’t you make some attack chain for it or just a couple of random animations, like other staff-users have?
Or, for other example, a sword. All female characters (but Asuras) of all professions use absolutely the same animation of the sword. This is (I do not want to dramatize but…) repels from its use already. Replacement of warrior’s “final thrust” by “hamstring” seemed a breath of fresh air. However, the timing wasn’t corrected and the final blow in AA chain looks too fast and crooked (would be good to improve it too).
Many emotions in need of improvement. Still not fixed the problem of disappearing weapons and cloak. Very annoying at story script-scenes.
Norn’s female nimation of running with greatsword still not fixed after it’s change.
Well, in general, it would be just wonderfull if you’ll pay some attention and resources to the animation update.
Norn female is same Claudia Christian <3
Give warriors a main hand shield and treat it like a massive katar. Yes, this is a “wierd dilusion” of mine, but it would be pretty cool and unique.
Eles can conjure main hand shields. Therefore it won’t be that wierd. But, nevertheless, it would be ridiculous. So better not to do this.
For the people who feel the need to have some sort of mount – How many of you would still want one if there was only one model, and it was given to everyone for free?
Well… If to be honest – ~90% of this game is “decorative only” stuff. Most of the time playing GW2 we spend on collecting of beautiful models for ourselves. And what model could be more impressive than the horse under our character? And if you give to this horse five fun skills that can somehow beat the mob, for exampe, it will satisfy people who thirst of the atmosphere and give the meaning to those who do not need mounts.
I am almost sure that it will be a pistol. Earlier Rytlock was one of main characters who used a pistol. He was warrior. And now he’s revenant. Warriors will have to take over the baton.
one of the things that make gw2 different and special that it doesnt have mounts ,go play WoW if you want to ride some dragon or kitten :S
So… no one knows any games with mounts except WoW? Someone even managed to say that “WoW invented” mounts O_____o .
No, seriously. I’m almost sure that most of mount haters do not hate mounts but just WoW itself.
And mounts – is a kind of scapegoat, because for them it seems “similar” to WoW, apparently?
So let’s, perhaps, be objective? Many people want to mount. Some of them strongly want it. Many could leave GW and go to other games for this reason (BDO will come soon, for example, where the half of the game is mounts system). Someone might benefit from this? Certainly not GW. Do we have worthy arguments against mounts exept the fact that someone “do not need them”? I think not.
So why would not they be? Empty carts and horses images are exist in the game, after all.
Personally, I want a mounted fights. I do not care about speed and other aspects. I think many people, besides myself, interested only of the question of the atmosphere too.
Therefore pls protest not against mounts but different ideas of speed bonuses and individuals who request them.
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
Race: Norn
Gender: Both
Class: All
Problem: too large 1-h weapon scale.
Most of one-handed weapons at norn’s hands are so huge that even sinks into the ground when stowed. In the hands it looks bizarre. The handle sometimes thicker then norn’s fist holding it (Braham’s mace in female hands).
Could you correct some (or even all) sizes?
Race: All
Gender: All
Class: All
Outfit: Nightmare Shortbow
Problem: Broken model
Bowstring of nightmare shortbow always bent at an angle.
Hello, Dev-s.
I have a little request.
Rather long time ago I bought a set of “minion” gathering tools. And I still can not stand the character animation of it. Could you change it please? For now the character just “eaten up” by tool’s effect. Maybe something like pointing, like “mine-r-tron” has, will be better?
5868 hrs. No drop. No mystic forge drop. Made and sold 12 legendaryes in former times. Bought all precursors for it.
Games where it takes you several minutes by mount to get somewhere is one thing, but GW2? It takes less than 1 min of running (or skritt tunnel in SW) from a WP to get anywhere. Mounts would just clutter up the screen and slow FPS.
I know the games where location scale even smaller (NWO for example). Nevertheless, monts there are still one of the most desirable acquisitions. Mount – more decoration than practical significance
I get such a laugh out of the anti-mount people. The amount of energy used to twist logic to use against mounts is mind boggling. Some players really want mounts, end of story. The issue should be simply choice. If a player wants a mount so they can traverse Tyria’s vast open world, great. If someone doesn’t want a mount and uses the way points, great. It’s ALL good if it keeps players entertained and invested in the game. Telling either side they are wrong and can’t have does nothing but lessen someones experience of the game.
The word for every anti-mount person to learn is tolerance. This isn’t YOUR game alone.
Its such a waste not to implement this and it shows a lack of vision, imagination and ability.
No it doesnt. Copying other mmo’s sounds more like a lack of vision.
Why did you decide that mounts is copying of other mmo? In reality people also used the mounts. By your logic all mmo – plagiarism of reality? And even if we assume that the implementation of the idea of mounts is copying – then what prevents to implement it so that it will be not like in other MMOs?
See? Lack of vision.Dont come with BS explanations please. People want mounts because they have in in their old MMO and/or RPG.
What makes you think that you know what and why all people want?
What makes you think that the rejection of ideas make mmo unique, and most importantly, better?
What makes you think that mounts is copying anything but reality? Perhaps you don’t like bows? They exist in ALL mmo. Let’s remove them. And big swords. This is so corny. Hey! May be remove a combat at all? Absolutely every MMO has a combat element. Plagiarism.
What exactly makes ideas which already introduced unique? Absolutely everything were somewhere already.
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
I get such a laugh out of the anti-mount people. The amount of energy used to twist logic to use against mounts is mind boggling. Some players really want mounts, end of story. The issue should be simply choice. If a player wants a mount so they can traverse Tyria’s vast open world, great. If someone doesn’t want a mount and uses the way points, great. It’s ALL good if it keeps players entertained and invested in the game. Telling either side they are wrong and can’t have does nothing but lessen someones experience of the game.
The word for every anti-mount person to learn is tolerance. This isn’t YOUR game alone.
Its such a waste not to implement this and it shows a lack of vision, imagination and ability.
No it doesnt. Copying other mmo’s sounds more like a lack of vision.
Why did you decide that mounts is copying of other mmo? In reality people also used the mounts. By your logic all mmo – plagiarism of reality? And even if we assume that the implementation of the idea of mounts is copying – then what prevents to implement it so that it will be not like in other MMOs?
See? Lack of vision.
I think the time has come (from the start of the game, I guess) to add a couple options to adjust particle effects details. It’s no secret that in battle of 4-5 players with single monster it turns into a glowing spot. The simplest solution (and joy for our delicate eyes) will be adding the option that lets us adjust the number of simultaneously displayed effects of “hit” other than those that player deals. Untill to completely disable of them. This gives not only a cosmetic effect but also a practical. Since many melee players simply can not see the animation of some bosses and mobs on massive battles, what follows the impossibility to undertake anything.
I believe that the speed of the mount must not exceed 33%. This kind of game, which GW2 is need higher standards. Simple cosmetics will not be enough. Therefore, I support the idea of “combat” mounts.
The problem (and advantage) is that the environment built with certain laws. Adds higher speeds = the whole system breaks down (mean puzzles, battles with mobs and so on). Adds cosmetic only mount, type of carpet – minimum of people are interested. Therefore a compromise is needed. In other words, speed buff should be but it should not exeed the maximum possible speed without mount (do not take into account the trait with which thieves can run in stealth with suppa speed, this is class only feature). Beautiful horse + permanent buff of speed will already attract many people and will eliminate the need to keep signet on panel or trait for speed where there is no practical need. However, many people are already good and well without it. So there is need to provide not just a decoration, but a kind of entertainment. Remember that in the game has such a thing as a tonics. So transfer the idea to mounts. Give several combat abilities without the benefit of a damage or convenience (make so that mounted player could kill the mob, but could not do it better than unmounted). Several unique and cute mounts with unique skills (like charges, long jumps, a couple of options for attacks and so on) will make them desirable acquisition for almost any player.
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
You just can not wait to find out what will happen next
Guys, seriously … Two years have passed. Fix her already
It’s not even funny x_x
I can not do anything in a dry top. Once 20-30 players get together, I get lag for ~twenty seconds and disconnect. Every time.
Please stop it! I can’t endure it anymore!
Maybe devs just forgot about them?
Probably not, they were in a heavy RNG bag, it took me like 80€ worth of gems to get all 4 minis. They probably wont bring them back because 1) The RNG boxes are unpopular (the minis were the only good thing in the chests) 2) They dont want to upset people who invested into the RNG boxes for the minis.
They think RNG boxes unpopular? Is that’s why they add this puppy mini on halloween? =P
Is it only me to whom sorts of things like “dread knight” and “death\shadow\dark\etc knight” seems ridiculous? Like all these “annihilators”, “ripper”, “devastator”, “reaver”. Come on! It’s pathos nonsense that will impress only 10 years old children… =_=
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
Maybe devs just forgot about them?
By difficult I meant very long with lots of ways to get lost. Having to fight something would certainly lose any situational awareness I might manage.
OR mob fights could become a kind of reference points….
Nothing is worse in a JP than stuff you have to fight. This one sounds very difficult so please NO.
It’s just big and tangled. Nothing difficult.
Perhaps this area, taking into account the mountains and several levels of it, occupies a larger area then surface part of this location. It is strange that it is empty, no?
I mean, most people will pass it only once or twice. Because there’s nothing there except the puzzle itself. Great work of designers and enviroment artists just wasted. Potentially.
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)
Really huge spaces. However, quite empty. Since this jumping puzzle not much about.. well, jumping, it might be worth to “settle” what with some mobs. Will be a little more fun to explore. For example there is new cute bugs appeared on the surface….
I am glad they are not back. It costed me a lot of gems to get them out of those RNG boxes.
Yeah… “I made an effort. Let no one else be able to make efforts and get it, so I can feel better than them”. The most disgusting of MMO player’s viewpoints. No offense.
Finally, the question arose again.
We already have fabric which correctly recognize surface. For example hemline of draconic helm. I think to get around difficulties like tails of charrs will not be so difficult for developers. If they would only want…
I vote for mounts. But even I already annoyed with so frequent occurrence of this topics
People asking for a challenge, and when they get it that’s what happens… Part of the blame, all the same, on the developers. They managed to accustom everyman for DPS-walls bosses, so as soon as something more or less “intelligent” appears, begins rejection.
This again? This has been going since before beta.
Is it clear to you now?