Edit: On top of that you get a black screen during the fight and have to restart the game to end up in an overflow…
I just got that in Bloodtide Coast.
I’m trying very, very hard not to swear.
Yeah.. same here… It went really well for us…
The story instance in LA was absolutely wonderful.
So many conversations to listen to and a big network where everyone talks to everyone.
Really well done.
The network-talking makes it feel much more believable than if they would just be talking to eachother 2 by 2.
The weird thing is that everyone was randomly gathered there and you didn’t really get an explanation for why.
But that said, really well done. More of those!
As someone said in another thread.
If you don’t wait in the map, you risk missing it.
So to do it, you have to wait in the map.
That means you can’t do anything but wait, which is kinda sad.
Edit: On top of that you get a black screen during the fight and have to restart the game to end up in an overflow…
I will have to second this I’m afraid.
Either wait in a map doing nothing or risk missing the event.
Not only that, but the boss can spawn as late as 2h after the last kill, perhaps even more if it’s a random timer.
That’s really a pretty bad way to do it.
Should make it like the invasions instead.
It happens the same time on all servers and you’re notified before it starts.
There is no way to learn, adjust and re-strategize when 80% of the people have left and the slots have been filled with new people that have no clue what to do and telling them to spread out doesn’t help.
I agree with that with living story events the timer could be shorter.
For other, permanent world bosses that have permanent rewards, then the time could be longer, sure. But that’s very different.
But the giant robot isn’t a dwarf with a staff and a gem in it’s hand that spews Green Flames… I call bs.
Primordus has his home under the shiverpeaks, close to the Central Transfer Chamber in GW1.
Scarlet happens to test her bot in the shiverpeaks… Just saying… Although she’s a bit further south.
Thinking of it…
Zojja – Omega Siege Golem…
Zojja’s apprentice…. – Alpha Siege Golem?
Theory supported by Rox having a relationship with Rytlock.
Braham is Eir’s son.
(edited by Mikuchan.7261)
The golem in the video has the model of an alpha siege golem, seen by it’s edgy model and that it has the round thing on it’s right shoulder (left if looking at it from the front).
As such, it is definitely not Mr. Sparkles.
But it could very much be the battle suit or a golem creation of the new asura. There only seems to be one on the battlefield too, which supports that theory.
*Extend the level cap to 999.
*This is for elitists.And for people who have to have pure vertical progression no matter how unimaginably grindy
Not necessarily “unimaginably grindy” because I got over 1000 levels (aka skill points) in GW1 with one character just trying to get 50/50 in HoM. I am sure my other characters are around 500-700
So I support this idea 100% even tho I am more then sure they will not implement it
Note: In GW1 you can only get skill point by leveling
Here is a screenshot to prove it
Not true, there’s the Star of Transference.
I thought the idea was ridiculous at first…
But honestly it seems like an ok additional feature.
The stat increase maybe needs to be balanced or removed..
But all in all, a system to gain stuff from “leveling up” above the normal lvl 80 would be interesting.
Unlocking pieces of class specific gear could be interesting.
But it should of course not be required for any other progress ingame.
And whatever you do in the game, except pvp, you level up.
But optional, extra bonuses. Not OP and not required. Maybe some gem and gold reward and perhaps laurels.
Major bonus points for working in Rooba and C.L.E.A.N.
. I strongly approve of building on our existing lore through these new journeys.
I think both Halloween events have shown ways “questing” can be delivered with a GW2 twist. Some of that tracking is managed through Achievements, and a few achievement points along the way is probably a plus.
I think we also need to consider something very important that hasn’t come up (that I saw)…
What about Alts?
Once I unlock a Mastery for my Guardian, do I have to repeat that journey on all of my Guardian alts before they can benefit? Because that throws up big “GRIND INCOMING!” warning lights and claxons in my mind.
I had hoped/expected/envisioned that advancing my Renown in an Order would be a shared process for all of my characters in that Order. I hope something similar can be done for class-based progressions.
Thanks! :P
And good point.
The achievement system has been used for similar things.
The biggest problem with using the achievement system is that you can’t repeat quests. This would be fixed by either making some achievements (like quests) character bound or by making some rewards (like recipe rewards from quests) infinitely copyable to all characters account wide.
The last part would solve the Alt issue.
But if it’s not repeatable, you can’t make a new character to re-live the story.
So I think it’s better to make a quest system of it’s own that’s is more streamlined. This would probably also make it easier for ANet devs to create the quests.
The quest log could utilize the personal story window to have a quest tab.
Achievements can obviously still be tied to doing quests, but as a reward for doing them rather than a system.
With it’s own system, you could for example fix the alt problem by having a feature that if you have completed the quest once and the character meets the requirements, you can unlock the reward by other means for example currency. This should be limited to certain rewards, like skills and traits and stuff. For getting items and gold etc you should still have to do the quest.
Basically having other ways to complete already completed content without having to redo it unless you want to.
As a side note, it’d be nice to be able to clear world completion by creating a map for a certain price on a completed character and using it on another character to get world completion, all waypoints unlocked, you get your legendary materials etc.
I think the biggest thing I was trying to get at with my question is: what should the journey towards an alternative system of horizontal progression really be like?-snip-
Say for example, we decided to allow your profession to gain an additional mastery as Nike and Chuggs in particular discussed above. I think we have a lot of fun ideas in here for the journey unlock specific aspects of that mastery, but what if you first had to unlock the core “mastery” track, which then allowed you collect the smaller components? What kind of experience do you think would be compelling here as an over-all journey?
Some of the ideas I’ve really enjoyed so far from this thread include ->
- Additional story lines with your orders that allow you complete or unlock new masteries/abilities.
- Adding new content to the existing maps (or re-using existing moments) that serves the purpose of being a bit like skill challenges, content on demand that allows you to overcome challenges to allow you unlock various abilities/masteries.
The acquisition of this is a perfect example where the “Personal quest arcs” I was talking about here really can work out.
The skill trainers from the other post of mine could also work out, but aren’t as adventurous and epic.
It’s not really outside the box for the MMORPG genre, but it’s sadly a bit outside the box for GW2.
-The backstory-
Say that you venture out in the world and find that you, as an Elementalist, really want to study a bit of chaos magic to use in your spells. It’s not in the normal doctrine of an Elementalist, but you hear of people who have done this. You ask around for where they could be and find that there is a hermit in the Mount Maelstrom area dedicated to this. He’s a former inquest researcher that decided to research the implementation of chaos magic in spells instead.
You seek him out and befriend him by doing some tasks for him (heart quest) and he starts talking to you about chaos magic in spells. And you’re sent on a quest to learn about it.
You travel to different to different parts of the world to seek understanding of what chaos magic means and how to incorporate it into your spells. An obvious location to visit is the Thaumanova Reactor. As a former Inquest, your mentor knows how to get into the main part of the reactor and lets you in on the secret. Inside of there while you try to seek out more knowledge, you find yourself tripping and falling into a pool of chaos energy. You quickly try to get out of it but you are limp and cannot move.
A time later you wake up to the face of an asura… You might recognize her. It’s Rooba, in charge of the cleaning of Thaumanova, that found you in the pool and dragged you out with the help of C.L.E.A.N. She did her best to clean up any chaos material on you with her golem and revive you, but you feel different.
You feel like you have unlocked the ability you sought.
You make it back to you mentor in Mount Maelstrom and tell him about your story. He starts to train you to control your newfound power and sends you on missions to do such.
Heart quest – Befriend the former inquest.
Personal quest arc – He gives you a chain of quests that progressively trains you and unlocks your new abilities.
In an instance in thaumanova, you receive the unlock of the new trait line “Chaos magic”.
When you later do the missions in the Personal quest arc for the former inquest, you unlock new mastery levels for the trait line progressively.
Again, as I mentioned earlier, epic quests are important and GW2 lacks them entirely. They shouldn’t be used like in WoW where you get quests thrown at you from every single person, but rather like in EverQuest where they are pretty scarce but actually mean something.
So used in moderation and with good storytelling, bring back the traditional quests chains and make them epic.
Unlocking skills:
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Contains references to the Repeatable Heart Quest, Personal Quest Arc and Factions system described a few posts up in this thread.
Basically stolen from a guy a few posts back and built upon.
Have trainers that teach you skills.
Learning by doing in an arena-like environment.
You ask a trainer to teach you some skills and he instructs you how to use them in an arena-like environment. You then have an exam in order to unlock them. Perhaps a small monetary loss if you fail the exam.
An important point here is that this could also teach players how you can combine different skills and traits (Signets cause auras which cause swiftness and fury on elementalist for example). And it could teach the player about combo fields and combo finishers.
All weapon skills could be taught this way, except for the auto-attack.
Teach dodge-rolling this way as well. This is something that it seems that alot of people have problems with and that would be important.
Later on, the trainer can have more advanced weapon skills that you can learn.
An interesting though. Not something that would necessarilly be good or bad.
More skills = more versatility, but also more complexity and especially so to balance the game. But it would be really nice if you could get rid of the useless bleeding skills on the elementalist scepter if you’re running a power build or get rid of the useless power skills if you’re running a condition build.
It could help for situational adaptation.
Unlockable through class trainers.
Said by many, doesn’t hurt to say it again.
Done in GW1, worked wonderfully in GW1.
Do it in GW2 as well, but not in the same massive scale as in GW1 perhaps.
But it would be very interesting to chase bosses to capture their skills even for GW2.
It’s a reason to go around and hunt bosses.
It gives you a form of interesting progression that works as a gold sink and achievement generator.
Building on the faction system, one thing you can gain out of that is factionspecific skills. You need to ally with a certain faction to learn them and once learnt, they can do stuff related to that faction.
Building on the personal quest arcs from my previous post, this could be a way of gaining legendary skills.
You learn about them as you go on an adventure, discovering different aspects of the skill, eventually learning it.
But do not litter the game with skills, like GW1. GW2 has quite few, but GW1 for sure had way too many in my opinion.
Getting people out in the world:
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Heart quests has much more potential than is currently used.
Make them repeatable and add functionality to them.
Make them progressive.
When you progress through the repeats of the heart quest, you’re allowed to do new tasks. These can span across several different heart quests as well, giving you credit to all of them at the same time.
They could give standing towards factions in the area and remove standing from their opponents.
Kind of the traditional quests, but more an EverQuest take on it rather than a WoW take on it… shudders… Scarce and storytelling and rewarding. Not a chore but something interesting and fun that makes it all feel epic. An adventure, not “go kill 10 spiders for me”.
These quests can help center the game around the player and they are lacking from GW2.
See the last second last part of the last spoiler section for how this can work and how it can include ways to get recipes for building legendary precursors or other superrare items. (I know such a method is already in the making and soon done, but this can be used for new or different legendaries or different items all together).
The traditional EverQuest style factions with different “tribes” that you can be more or less friends with depending on your actions. This unlocks more things to buy and do. (NOT The GW: Factions type of factions that failed since one faction grew too strong to be beaten by the other since strong faction grows and weak faction diminishes)
Assume that factions are included in the game.
Assume that personal quest arcs are included.
Also assume that progressive heart quests are included.
Say that you help out at the apple farm in Queensdale.
You clear the heart quest and begin repeating it.
Once you’ve repeated it and gained some standing with Eda, the farmer there, she lets you deliver her delicious apple pies to the monastery if you want. If you do that, you gain standing with both Eda and the monastery and perhaps more than if you stay at the farm and repeat it normally.
The monastery requires alot of pies to help feed the poor or whatever they do with them so you can go on and deliver pies as long as you want.
This could also give you some faction standing with Queensdale Farmers and Queensdale Aristocrats or whatever factions may be appropriate.
Once you get high enough standing with Eda, she may have a timegated quest for you that gives you even more standing and better rewards. This could be to deliver her famous Royal Delicious Pie to the guards at the royal palace in Divinity’s Reach withing a time limit. Of course it’s fragile and can’t handle waypointing or battle so you’ll have to run there, but carefully. If you succeed, you’ll be nicely rewarded with Divinity’s Reach faction standing and Queensdale Farmers faction standing as well as some nice gold and karma.
When the standing with the monastery is high enough, you may be granted to go on a personal quest arc. They have namely gotten information about a rare instrument from Elona that has been lost by some travellers some hundred years ago. You get some information to start your quest and it’s recorded in a quest log. You get some keywords you can ask the locals about to get some more information about where the instrument could be and how to obtain it.
And you set out to clear the quest and you’re awarded with the instrument.
Now an instrument might not be that interesting for everyone. So let’s take it to frostgorge.
Pact Explorer Erikk has found information about what seems to be an axe made entirely out of ice. As you’ve helped him so much and gotten a very good standing with him, he thinks you’re worthy of sharing his knowledge as it may help him find out more about the strange weapon that he’s interested in. You set out on a quest to find the weapon.
Sadly you soon realize that the weapon has been shattered.
However with some further investigation you find that it is actually possible to build a new one. So you continue your quest but refocused on instead finding out how you would go about building it. As you progress further, you gain recipes for weaponsmithing that lets you craft parts of the axe with rare ingredients found in the world. As you progress you have all the parts after a while and finally can put together the strange axe and identify it as the Tooth of Frostfang. (The quests would give the recipes and maybe help with some materials (that can be gained from other means) and as you craft it, you can progress the quests).
(edited by Mikuchan.7261)
Or just go to Ebonhawke.
Bank and TP right beside eachother and crafting stations on a row right beside them.
Well, the arguments are for open world housing, as that is what is most in line with the game in my opinion. For open world housing, decay is not optional. Otherwise you will end up with a lot of unused space.
And the force sell returns X% of your value you put into your house to you. So you do end up with practically what you had when you left. Except you need to find a new plot because you didn’t maintain your old.The reasoning for the building fund is… How the cat do you pay for a house and a plot except with materials and money? Sure you can require karma as well and perhaps that you have a character of a certain race and some other criteria.. But a house should cost supplies or it makes no sense really.
No matter if it’s instanced or not.The reasoning for having open world housing is that Guild Wars 2 is a living, breathing and ever-changing world.
Having instanced housing i weird when the housing can be used to create a more living and breathing world with player villages that collaborate to do stuff and what-not.
I think open world housing definitely is the way for GW2, if it’s made in a good way.
But as Dev said, that’s not easy.I don’t think there is any possible way open world housing could work in GW2. The areas weren’t created with that in mind, and it would require enormous revamps of places like Queensdale or Wayfarer’s Foothills or similar areas. It’s just not going to happen. I can almost guarantee you that if/when ArenaNet implements player housing and guild halls, it’ll be through instances. It’s just a necessity at this point, but one advantage that instanced personal housing has is that it allows for a lot more expansion and customization than an open-world system would, as ArenaNet would have a lot more control over what they can implement within the instances for us to be able to customize.
Quite correct. The world wasn’t built with that in mind.
But if you take a look at Kessex Hills, ANet has hinted that anything can happen anywhere.
It was probably not on the scale required, but what happened was on a large scale.
Open world housing is not impossible, but as said, it will require a lot of thinking and work.
In the end, if it turns out good, the thinking and work will have been worth it.
And I do want to keep pointing at “A living, breathing and everchanging world” which open world housing certainly would help building.
EDIT: There will also be new areas in the future. We will not always be stuck with only what we have.
(edited by Mikuchan.7261)
If not, one solution could be to have claimable land plots that you can only claim (buy) when you can afford to place a house there (to prevent people from stacking up on plots without building anything). You may need to place money and materials in a building fund. When the building fund is large enough for a basic house, you’re allowed to claim a lot and build on it.
Probably limited to 1 per account.Important is to have a decay system so that the game clears up plots that are unused.
It wouldn’t be desirable to have a rent.
Instead I think that having a timer of perhaps a month or two would be better.
Each time you visit the house, the timer resets.
When the timer reaches it’s target, the game force-sells the house and plot to clear it up so that someone else can use it.These are two things I want them to avoid no matter what if they add housing,
having lots of gold but having actually done nothing but flipped or farmed should not earn you a house. It can be part of it and unavoidably will be but you should have to achieve some things within the game to get it.Avoiding decay systems is partially why I want instanced If I leave this game for 5 years and then come back I expect all my stuff, gear ,land etc to be untouched. This would be horrific for people who want to take a break.
Well, the arguments are for open world housing, as that is what is most in line with the game in my opinion. For open world housing, decay is not optional. Otherwise you will end up with a lot of unused space.
And the force sell returns X% of your value you put into your house to you. So you do end up with practically what you had when you left. Except you need to find a new plot because you didn’t maintain your old.
The reasoning for the building fund is… How the cat do you pay for a house and a plot except with materials and money? Sure you can require karma as well and perhaps that you have a character of a certain race and some other criteria.. But a house should cost supplies to build or it makes no sense really.
No matter if it’s instanced or not.
The reasoning for having open world housing is that Guild Wars 2 is a living, breathing and ever-changing world.
Having instanced housing i weird when the housing can be used to create a more living and breathing world with player villages that collaborate to do stuff and what-not.
I think open world housing definitely is the way for GW2, if it’s made in a good way.
But as Dev said, that’s not easy.
EDIT: Furthermore I don’t see the problem in how you get your gold. A house is not a legendary item, it’s simply a house. What achievements do you need to get a house irl? Money.
And I don’t see needing money as a problem. It’s not about having -the most- money. It’s about having -enough- money.
(edited by Mikuchan.7261)
While I think that the gear progression is currently the largest problem and most important to fix I have already reasoned about that here .
So I’ll go on and argue about hosing and some stuff below.
I personally think that more progression around orders would be interesting.
Factions would also be nice, but don’t make the Luxon vs Kurzick mistake again where players join factions and one become large because it becomes powerful and it all gets imbalanced. Factions like EverQuest has would be interesting. Players can help different “tribes” of creatures or player race people and gain or lose faction with them by doing different actions. But there has to be some reward to it.
For the housing question I think that open world housing would be most in line with the game. I also think that it would be the most interesting concept. However I do wonder where all those houses should be placed.
The lack of space may however make people populate less populated servers, which is a nice pro.
I’m not very informed about how many players each server has.
But I do realize that it’s not realistic to give each player a house in the world. At least not in Tyria only (please give me a house in cantha <3).
So the question is… Should everyone be able to have a house? Then instanced is likely the only way?
If not, one solution could be to have claimable land plots that you can only claim (buy) when you can afford to place a house there (to prevent people from stacking up on plots without building anything). You may need to place money and materials in a building fund. When the building fund is large enough for a basic house, you’re allowed to claim a lot and build on it.
Probably limited to 1 per account.
So if we have order progression and factions as mentioned above. We can also have housing provided by them. So to be able to get certain plots, you need a certain rank in a certain order or you need to have a certain faction standing towards some tribe.
For factions, if you lose your faction with that people due to your actions, your plot and house will be force reclaimed as explained in the second last section of the post.
Then you build the house – carpentry skill. Maybe include masonry for the foundation. Masonry could also be used for creating details in the house or making stone houses and small stone walls around the house to create a yard.
But I think it’s important to have houses that you build and customize yourself.
I realize you can’t go all out EverQuest Next Landmark on this, but you can make modules and details that you can connect in different ways.
Do not limit expansion to only 2 dimensions but include the z-axis as well.
Should have styles that are in line with the local area you are in of course.
You should also be able to reclaim the building materials for the whole house and parts of it, sell the plot and move to another place if you wish. X % of the materials go back to the building fund, perhaps 70-90%. And Y % of the plot price goes back to the player when sold. This should also go for furniture you place in the house.
Important is to have a decay system so that the game clears up plots that are unused.
It wouldn’t be desirable to have a rent.
Instead I think that having a timer of perhaps a month or two would be better.
Each time you visit the house, the timer resets.
When the timer reaches it’s target, the game force-sells the house and plot to clear it up so that someone else can use it.
It would be very nice if we could get unlockable armor stats and unlockable upgrade components as well as unlockable armor skins.
We could have a platform, perhaps the cultural armor, that lets you progress horizontally by unlocking several different stats and upgrade components you could switch between the same way you switch between stats on a legendary.
The same could work for the skins on the platform.
This would also work for vertical progression since you could allow a vertical “upgrade” to the skins that you horizontally unlock.
For example you might be able to horizontally unlock Flamekissed T3, Frostkissed T3, Windkissed T3 and Earthkissed T3 and those could each have a vertical line of progression as well. For example Flamekissed, Firekissed, Infernal and Hellblazed which would be different vertical tiers of skins.
The same could work for the upgrade components.
You first unlock horizontally the fine upgrade components and then you unlock them vertically.
After an unlock you are free to switch between them as you like.
This lets the players be more versatile and useful. You don’t have to go out of a dungeon, go to your bank, switch gear and come back… If you even have several different sets of gear.
You can just get out of combat and switch around the stats and upgrade components and have your build ready in seconds.
What I gathered, ANet has always said they never wanted to lock players into a certain role. But that’s what the current idea of progression does. This idea of horizontal and vertical unlocks lets you choose the role you want and need on the fly.
This also has the bonus that players never lose what they have once gained.
Currently if you want to upgrade to a new armor, horizontally or vertically, you have to transmute and lose the old one if you want the skins on the new one. You can get new skins for the new one, but the old one will still demand storage somewhere and if it’s ascended tier, it will likely be too expensive to make several sets anyways so you’re locked into the armor you once chose.
Instead with this idea, you can switch to what you want, when you want.
The platform also doesn’t need to come with all skins and upgrades at once, it can be updated by ANet as time goes on and they make new skins, stats and upgrade components. So it’s never final but always updateable. And that is fine since players never lose anything in it.
Read more about it in the old CDI progression thread:
Unlock platform
Unlockable upgrades
More arguments
Shadow Form (pre nerf)
But seriously, the Avatar skills from the Dervish. I would love to have those back. They may not have been the best skills out there, but kitten they were cool.
You mean like http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Avatar_of_Melandru?
There’s only one though.
…….. Cantha
I have a traveler’s rune currently stuck in an un-salvageable item. Anyone know whether these things will remove the rune?
I’ve already tried transmuting it onto salvageable equipment. Twice.
This item should do the job.
But why spend 20g on using it instead of buying a new traveler rune for much less?
I mean… If I had a +10 Ascended infusion and would like to get a +11 I would for sure buy it to do it… But that’s probably never going to happen for me because I will probably never need to upgrade a high lvl infusion to a higher one.
Anything other than that and it costs less to just buy a new instance of the item.
So yes.
The upgrade extractor.
It costs 250 gems.
If you buy gold with 250 gems you currently get 14 gold.
If you buy 250 gems with gold it costs roughly 20 gold.
Personally I don’t know of any upgrade slot item that’s worth that much money except for high tier ascended infusions.
So isn’t that a bit costly?
Or is it only meant to be worth it if you want to use it for high tier ascended infusions?
In my experience, the reason people have wanted an item like this was to not have to spend 8 gold on a sigil of bloodlust for their new weapon…
But the cost of this item doesn’t really help for that.
Or have I missed something?
Does anyone have anymore comments on the proposal above based on our discussions?
No unlockable additions to gears as many has suggested, including me, has been added to the proposal.
Sure, you stated that you didn’t want to comment on them, which I can accept and understand.
But they have been suggested quite a few times from several different people and if they can be implemented they would be quite intersting and a nice way to progress.
Therefore I think they should be added to the proposal even if you do or don’t comment on them.
TLDR section of my part of that discussion:
- Platform for unlocking skins, stats and upgrades for certain gears, ascended and/or cultural. Cultural was my focus to make it more interesting.
- Allows for vertical and horizontal progression at the same time both in terms of stats and skins.
- Also allows for easy change of builds to make a player more useful in a team.
- Takes away value loss.
- Can make Ascended not a detour but a slot in between Legendary and Exotic.
There were some nice suggestions in the thread.
Links to my posts about it can be found here:
More arguments and explanations
There has been a clearly communicated game plan. Our focus is on Horizontal progression and I felt that Ascended was a necessary step. However as many have pointed out this gear was designed to sit between Exotic and Legendary and thus be a better bridge. Personally i feel like it could be made more accessible through playing different parts of the game. Once we have concluded the discussion on the tightening up of Vertical Progression we will move onto Horizontal discussion. Huzzah (-:
If ascended actually was a slot between legendary and ascended, I think it would be much less of a problem.
But the thing is that it’s not a slot in between, it’s a detour.
If you go for ascended gear, that eats up your wallet and you can’t go Legendary as fast because you can’t use your Ascended gear to get Legendary.
The fractal backslot and my idea,
described here
and partly here
in this thread, gives you an actual slot between and not a detour.
I think those ideas is what you really should use instead of making detours.
That is progression through upgrading gear instead of making new gear.
Especially if you can “unlock” parts so you can go back and use the skin from the old gear for example.
Because currently when you create ascended, you completely throw away the exotic. When you make legendary, you completely throw away the ascended. Everything is a big waste of value. If you instead had a platform where you add on to your gear and make it perhaps customizable and where you can change skins and stats as you like among the unlocked ones, then you have an infinitely upgradable platform where you will never lose anything.
You may argue that “ok but if you never lose anything, how is value thrown out of the game so that there’s no inflation?”.
There is a value sink in the platform in that it allows for upgrading.
The current system however forces the player to not waste any more money because once you have your ascended that’s it. You will stick to that in 9 cases out of 10. And it will most likely be berzerker stats too. If you make another set, you don’t have the skins you want and if you transmute them you lose the old items so you don’t want that since they’re ascended and expensive. You can have dual sets but that takes up inventory slots and I would guess that most people finds 400 gems per bag slot qute expensive so not alot of people will have the slots or even the energy to run around and switch gears all the time.
I think an upgradable platform with changeable stats, skins etc is the solution.
Gets rid of detours.
Gets rid of value loss.
Allows for both vertical and horizontal progression both in skins and in stats.
Edit: For altaholics, you can also have the option to mirror the progression onto your alts for X amount of value.
(edited by Mikuchan.7261)
Mark my words: legendary armors are coming.
Not going to bother with the ascended when if I get the legendaries I can change stats thus not need multiple sets of gears.
Mark my words, this has already been comfirmed long ago.
There will be new legendary weapons early next year and soon after that, one new gear type except armor will receive legendary tier. Later on, armor will also receive legendary tier. This is however not vertical progression from ascended but horizontal.
Legendary doesn’t have higher stats, just more convenience in that you don’t have to change weapon to change stats.
Another type of horizontal progression would be the possibility to save certain upgrade components in certain kinds of gear. And perhaps save different kinds of stats in gear.
A good item for that would be the earlier described cultural armor platform but it should work for all ascended gear and legendary gear (the upgrade components part).
Basically you should be able to “save” or “unlock” different upgrade components for a certain piece of gear.
This means that after unlocking it, you will be able to change upgrade components on the fly between the ones you have unlocked when you’re out of combat.
Upgrade components are expensive and nobody will remove their 5 gold rune to place another rune there for the moment and then go back to the 5 gold rune because that’s a waste of money. So that basically locks a player into a certain path.
Making it possible to unlock upgrade components in a piece of gear gives the player the possibility to change builds to fit what’s needed at the moment and could be an incentive to craft ascended gear.
So no wasted money and easier to change builds.
Legendary gear could come with all those components already unlocked.
It could also be possible to unlock stats for gear by combining ascended gear.
Basically if you craft a berzerker ascended staff and a cleric ascended staff, there could be a way to combine those two into one single item that can change between their stats like a legendary item can. Except that a legendary item can change between all stats and ascended can only change between the stats you have combined.
It makes it easy to change build completely on the fly and it makes bigger use of the possibility to change upgrade components on the fly. It would also give the earlier mentioned cultural armor platform a way to change stats without losing anything.
I think other people have said pretty much what I agree on.
No level cap increase
Ascended is fine as a final tier, although make infusions go up to ascended tier as well
One thing that you could really make very nice both as vertical and horizontal progression is Cultural armor.
Just like the fractal backpiece, Cultural armor should be upgradeable.
Cultural armor is the gear that should be desired according to the game but it’s not of the highest tier, it’s not even of the second highest tier.
And given new skins that are put into the game cultural armor feels very outdated.
A simple solution that also gives players something to work with is the possibility to be able to make cultural armor ascended just like you can do with the fractal backpiece. This gives you a very fair and optional, vertical progression.
When cultural armor is on the ascended tier, you can make it able to switch skins just like legendary items can switch stats. That lets you include different ways to unlock new permanent skins for the cultural armor, of which one should be the flamekissed armor for the humans and armor of equal quality for the other races.
Then you can make different versions for the flamekissed with different color gems and flames and they could all be unlockable through some means. This gives you a horizontal progression that lets the player change skins on the fly, outside of combat.
You can introduce a new skin for it now and then that people can get for it.
There could even be a skin progression tree with different base skins that can have different upgraded versions of the skins.
Cultural armor will then be a sort of platform for progression in different ways and will regain it’s status as the most desireable armor to get, as it should be.
When legendary armor comes out, cultural armor could be used as a precursor for the legendary armor keeping all the things you already got for it and adding the legendary tier and legendary skin branch in the skin tree to it.
I would really really like this kind of progression and it won’t make anyone feel that they throw away what they have acomplished, since they will always keep it and be able to switch to it without losing anything.
Horizontal and vertical, completely optional, skin progression without any loss on the way.
And the perfect way to introduce a gold, gems and material sink.
This is one thing that I think progression should be about.
This can be combined with the idea to unlock upgrade components and stats described further down in the thread.
(edited by Mikuchan.7261)
The Ascended armors aren’t to my tastes either, but the people saying the armor is hideous or that the person(s) who designed it need to be fired are overreacting. The amount of detail in each of the armors is incredible. The embroidery/embossing on the armor pieces actually has depth; it’s not just a texture painted onto a surface like some of the existing armors. It’s obvious to me that a LOT of effort has gone into the armors. If you don’t like it, that’s fine; personal taste is a subjective thing. Just keep in mind that your opinion is just that.
True, but they could at least have made light armor actually light armor and not some roman leather gear. It’s too heavy for my poor caster’s frail body and she gets very disturbed by how thick and stiff the armor is.
Marjory and Kasmeer are worth their weights in gems.
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
This beholder that thinks that the armors doesn’t meet the standards is pretty huge. It could easilly one-shot an entire lvl 20 party with it’s ray and no 10-foot-poles in the world will help them.
The light (female) armor looks like medium / heavy depending on how you color it.
Looks nothing like a light armor.
The complaints were there ever since the skins were datamined but ANet sticks to their skins. Not sure if they lack the manpower to change them or if they actually like them.
But I want my light armor to be light armor and not medium / heavy and I want my ascended armor, which I am supposed to want, to look waaaaay better than most exotics.
Only reason I’m getting them is because I’m stupid and I have too much money and they can hold infusions.
The stats aren’t that much better so they’re not worth it for pve and not really worth it for wvw either despite people’s complaints.
I lost all hope with gw2, I went back to WoW/gw1 until something comes out that interest myself and my other loyal gw1 fans.
The scarlet stuff is apparently bigger than guild features to keep players together, let alone the guild systems allows you to be in multiple guilds.
I want to like this game but it’s so hard. It has the potential…
Guild features are made by programmers. Scarlet is made by living story teams and story writers… That don’t do that much of a good job tbh.
Point is company structure. Different people do different things.
A group who paid money on an item (Virtual or otherwise) should always out weigh a group that feels their prestige was ruined, no matter what the sizes of the groups are..
Honestly the Armor should stay in game and the prestige complainers should take a good long look at themselves, its a game you play for fun.
Money is real no matter what it buys, these people paid for a service that was systematically taken from them.
I personally feel they should take it to court, these companies cannot keep getting away with these illegal practices..immoral too.
The fact people continue to play after this really is a worry to me.
even if u wanted to take this to court u have to jump thought hoops its 10 dollars people need to seriously just get over it and move on.
I am so tired of seeing it compared to everything under the sun here’s a reality check for you guys
It was 10 dollar item <— Reality
It was a Virtual item that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.If the worse thing in your entire life that happens is you wasted 10 dollars on some virtual non existent armor. Then may we all be blessed with such fortune and good luck.
Cultural armor:
It’s a120 in-game currency set <— Reality
It is a Virtual item set that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.
Your complaining over something that you could have easily applied to yourself doesn’t ruin it for ANet, it ruins it for the honest players who saw something and bought something that made them happy. <— Realityat this point regardless of what decision they would have made I felt the same way. They made there decision good or bad so why people keep harping on it like there going to change there minds I dont understand
Because people like to complain… /shrug
The decision has been made. Nothing is going to change that now.No decision is ever final.
Because of that, complaining (for whatever reason, justified or not) may actually change the decision, for better or for worse.
With your logic ANet made their decision already when they put their armor out. But now that decision has changed so you’re proven wrong.At this point, you can be pretty sure this one is final. Anet is not going to change their mind because a very small number of players do not like their decision. Let it rest.
They changed their mind in the first place because of a “small number of people”.
But the reason they changed their mind isn’t because of the size of the group that complains. It’s because they saw that they had made a mistake.
A group who paid money on an item (Virtual or otherwise) should always out weigh a group that feels their prestige was ruined, no matter what the sizes of the groups are..
Honestly the Armor should stay in game and the prestige complainers should take a good long look at themselves, its a game you play for fun.
Money is real no matter what it buys, these people paid for a service that was systematically taken from them.
I personally feel they should take it to court, these companies cannot keep getting away with these illegal practices..immoral too.
The fact people continue to play after this really is a worry to me.
even if u wanted to take this to court u have to jump thought hoops its 10 dollars people need to seriously just get over it and move on.
I am so tired of seeing it compared to everything under the sun here’s a reality check for you guys
It was 10 dollar item <— Reality
It was a Virtual item that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.If the worse thing in your entire life that happens is you wasted 10 dollars on some virtual non existent armor. Then may we all be blessed with such fortune and good luck.
Cultural armor:
It’s a120 in-game currency set <— Reality
It is a Virtual item set that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.
Your complaining over something that you could have easily applied to yourself doesn’t ruin it for ANet, it ruins it for the honest players who saw something and bought something that made them happy. <— Realityat this point regardless of what decision they would have made I felt the same way. They made there decision good or bad so why people keep harping on it like there going to change there minds I dont understand
Because people like to complain… /shrug
The decision has been made. Nothing is going to change that now.
No decision is ever final.
Because of that, complaining (for whatever reason, justified or not) may actually change the decision, for better or for worse.
With your logic ANet made their decision already when they put their armor out. But now that decision has changed so you’re proven wrong.
4) What did I miss on this list
Add the commander tag (of the color the commander is) in front of the chat the commander says so that the followers can see what’s said by a commander and what is said by normal mortals.
Commander can control this by toggling it on and off with a command.
/chattag on
/chattag off
Or if he just wants a single tagged message while being untagged in chat
/tagwrite “Message”
Because i don t have option 1…..
And i m stuck with a temporary skin until they decide what the new will be.
If they will release it after ascended armors will be even more painful
Why do you not have option 1? It’s a perfectly reasonable way to keep your armor and runes that you have said you do not want to lose.
If it’s because support will ask you to delete the old skin, have you bothered to ask if overwriting it with a new skin would be accepted as destroying it?
This is not reasonable if the person will have to pay for the skin and transmutation method.
But it would most likely be an accepted way of “deleting” the skin.
However the customer should receive the old skin as a replacement, with transmutation stones if needed, from support for free.
Or simply have support rollback the item themselves.
No material value should be lost by the customer because ANet made a mistake.
Furthermore I believe, and hope, that the “no eta” is because they made a rushed response to try to calm the community and they are reading this thread and many of the others in the meantime to try to figure out what to really do about the issue, because they should know that they should handle this with a whole bunch of care to not upset any of the parts (too much).
All decisions are subject to change, no decisions are ever final until they’re executed.
Because the current state of the matter really isn’t fair and will and are cause alot of negativity. And ANet should, and probably does, not want that.
So I hope and believe that they are discussing this among themselves, trying to come up with solutions.
So I will not rush my contacting of support until the skin is redone and it’s completely clear what’s going to happen.
In the meantime I guess I will continue preaching about that the result should be fair and that they should rolback and refund everything that can be proven related to the skin or keep the skin as it is.
Otherwise the customers will have lost value because of their mistake and that is not fair and as stated earlier, they will lose alot of reputation.
It doesn’t cost ANet anything to make things right except for administrative fees and the loss of gem income. But it will likely cost them alot of money if they make it unfair for their customers.
Colour coding shouldn’t be problem as there are over 400 dyes and if commanders get RBG slider amount of possible colours is bigger than screens can produce.
Sorry, I wasn’t clear with my idea. If there are too many colours, there is more chance of not being able to distinguish between certain ones at a glance. With limited colours, they can each be a distinct one that is impossible to confuse with others. It’s a user interface design issue.
That problem is really up to the commanders themselves though.
If commanders want to have 5 different red colors to show a chain of command for a certain group, let them.
If they want indistinguishable colors, let them.
If they want to have 5 different standard colors, let them.
I mean.. It’s in their interest to make it so that people can see them.
So there is no reason to limit what they can do when it’s easy to implement a system where they can do anything.
That is… Don’t make a problem out of something that isn’t a problem.
I can’t remember what the devs said (it was either on the forums or during the Fractals live stream), so if someone can refresh my memory I’d appreciate it.
Did the devs say that ascended armor will be obtainable through fractals when it’s introduced? (I think they said yes, but I can’t remember). And a secondary question/wishful thinking, did they mention how? (like with fractal relics instead of pure chance from a random drop).
Ascended armor will be available in fractals in the same way weapons are.
I’m assuming the same will hold for all other places too, but they only mentioned fractals since it was in a fractals thread I read it.
But having a limited amount of Precursors drop is a statistic. Asking that something extremely rare to drop commonly because you want it badly is borderline Entitlement. Then the item in question is no longer rare. So if that’s the case, why have anything rare or unique going forward?
One of the reason why certain items are highly desirable is because it’s rare. Take away the rarity, you take away the desire to have the item.
It can be “rare” and still be possible to get with more consistency than it is now.
Ways of doing that has been describe some posts up.
Besides it’s not the actual precursor that is desired.
It’s the legendary weapon that comes from it.
And that still requires an immense effort to get.
You need to do 100% world exploration, you need to do quite a bit of WvW, you need to do dungeons, you need to get quite alot of karma.
All of that in itself makes it quite “rare” apart from the precursor itself.
A few other ideas that may or may not have been mentioned before (sorry for not reading the thread beforehand):
It would be nice if the supplycheck command had an optional variable range.
/supplyinfo [(optional) range]
Without specified range, it goes on the normal range but if you say
/supplyinfo 1200
it would count the supplies in a 1200 range.
The range would naturally have a maximum range allowed to avoid using it on the whole map and potentially causing smaller havocs to the server.
Custom color for the commandner tag
Make the tag white with changeable hue.
Have some standard colors predefined, but allow for the input of RGB values so that a group of commanders can customize their colors as they wish to allow for a visible chain of command.
For example
/color 255 153 153
would make the tag some light red color
/color standard
would make the tag the standard blue color
/color red
would make the tag a preset red color.
The chain of command idea is to perhaps have a light red, a red and a dark red to show that the dark red is the commander of the commanders and the red is under his rank and the light red are under the red rank.
Chat will have a commander tag of the commander color infront of the text.
When the tag is active and you are talking on a certain channel, perhaps with a suffix to the channel or by a certain command, the text will have a commander tag infront of it in the chat or the text itself.
This way, people can more easilly see if it’s a commander writing the text and which commander it is that is writing the text. This way they can more easilly decide what chat is meant for them and what chat is meant for other people. You can also see if it’s a player trolling with commands or if it’s a commander saying the commands.
The channel suffix could be like this:
instead of
c stands for “commander” and the command would put the tag infront of the chat message in the channel “map” if the player is a commander and writing to this channel.
Thus the commander can still be a commander and writing without a tag if he wants.
This would work like the usual channels and let the commander continously write to the channel with the suffix without having to type it every time.
The same could work for
To stop the siege trolling, you could give commanders a command like “/build [number] [(optional) superior?] [siege]” which stacks on itself and disallows building of siege other than the specified type and number in the area (say range 900 maybe?) for a certain time (5 minutes maybe?).
The command also tells everyone in the area that the commander wants those sieges built there.
So say that the commander zergs to Durios and says the command
/build 3 rams
This would allow the building of 3 rams or superior rams in a 900 radius of the commander.
Everything else is disallowed and can’t be placed.
If the command was
/build 3 sup rams
Then only 3 superior rams, no ordinary, would be allowed.
Say that the commander wants to siege Wildcreek, but it’s defended by siege.
He may then say
/build 4 catapult
/build 4 arrow cart
/build 2 ballista
Which allows for the building of 4 catapults, 4 arrow carts and 2 ballistas in the area since the command stacks on itself.
The command could also have multiple inputs, but it would be important that you can give the command multiple times and have it stack.
Like “/build [number] [(optional) superior?] [siege], [number] [(optional) superior?] [siege], [number] [(optional) superior?] [siege], …”
So the last command sequence could also be said like
/build 4 catapult
/build 4 arrow cart, 2 ballista
Which allows the building of 4 catapults, 4 arrow carts and 2 ballistas.
/build 2 catapult
/build 3 catapult
would allow for building 5 catapults.
Useful if you notice the old number wasn’t enough.
And if the commander doesn’t want, he doesn’t have to use it since not using it wouldn’t limit anything and everything stays buildable. He can then use the chat as normal to communicate what he want and people can do as he says or not do as he says.
However if the commander wants to stop trolling or specifically tell the zerg what to build, he may feel free to use it.
It also stops people from missclicking siege, unintentionally placing a siege of the wrong type. But that probably doesn’t happen very often.
Edit: This command also stacks between commanders to disallow troll commanders using the command to troll so that no siege can be built
For the people who are saying that ANet hasn’t said anything about Cantha…
That’s not something they would reveal before like the earliest one month before.
They might hint for it earlier, but that is definately something that they will try to take us by surprise with.
That’s at least what I would do if I were them.
“We’re here to do a factory recall on your couch.”
“Why? What’s wrong with it?”
“…Your neighbours don’t like it.”
“You’re taking the couch I brought because my neighbours don’t like it?”
“Yes, you can have store credit, or some other couch. We can’t tell you what the other couch will look like.”
“I don’t want another couch. I don’t want store credit either, because I can’t see there is any promise you won’t take any other couches I buy. I brought a bunch of accessories to match this new couch. I’m going to be out of pocket.”
“Yeah, sorry, but your neighbour doesn’t like your couch. We can’t be unfair to them.”
While I agree that it was completely wrong for them in the first place to use the HLT3 armor as a mesh for a gem store skin available to all races and regardless if they own the HLT3 or not, this sadly describes the situation quite well.
Except you missed the people who had transmuted their old couch to fit the new one on top of it… Who, as far as ANet has said and not said, so far will be without a couch at all if they don’t want the new couch.
I am an owner of the skin, yes, but I was totally for the reskin and refund at first (given that it would be a complete reroll of everything that can be proven related). But now seeing quotes from ANet that may or may not be true and seeing ANet’s comments on it I think it’s being handled badly.
Being handled the way it is now, if it is true, where people only get gems back and have to delete the skin by themselves, that causes alot of problems and loss of value for them. They can’t delete the skin without deleting their items or buy additional items to transmute on the existing ones.
Some people may or may not be exaggerating, but it is quite possible to assume that people have created entirely new styles and characters just for this armor. It is quite unique and well-made even though it’s a reskin. And it is also the HLT3 mesh.
They will lose alot of value through ANet’s decisions.
Yes, the “legal” way is to say that anything purchased that’s not part of the armor set aren’t covered by the refund.
That is “legally” a correct way to do it.
It is also “legally” correct to let the armor stay in the game.
But ANet should be concerned about morals rather than “legal” stuff.
They are making decisions without thinking things through.
This will damage their reputation alot if not handled properly and currently it isn’t.
Morally the thing to do is to give players a full refund and reroll on everything regarding the armor skin. That way they at least get all their “material” value back.
If ANet on top of that would give the new skin out to those players as a compensation, people would look up to them and they would gain reputition and it would be a nice bonus for both the customers and ANet.
Even without the compensation, it would be hard to complain because they got all their “material” value back.
Time spent is not a “material” value and can’t be reimbrused. That is why a compensation would be a good thing. Then people would get something for their time spent as well.
The only way to truly “refund” the time would be to let the armor stay. However this is probably not a solution that many people will like. It is however still a “legally” fair decision.
In short:
Complete reroll and refund of everything proven related to the armor (possibly with a bonus compensation to lighten up the mood).
Let people keep the armor.
Otherwise none of the customers will be satisfied at all and ANet will lose alot of reputation on it.
This is important especially because it is the gem store that is giving ANet their salary and if they lose reputition this way, the gem store will suffer from it.
Also… RIP my beloved skin…
This is the case for all ascended items.
I’t fun getting my 55 AR lowered to 20 because I change gear to maximize my usefullness during different parts of the run… And ironically end up less useful.
There is one large itch…
She wants weapons and airships.
She also wants something with the dragons.
Does she want the weapons and airships to fight the dragons?
Does she want to enslave the dragons?
Since she knows everything worth knowing she should know that they can’t be enslaved.
Does she want to “awaken” the dragons so that they attack the player races?
She has her list of insignificant people.
Is that a side quest from her main quest army creation and dragon something-ing?
I recently started a notepad to try to figure this out…
This is how far I’ve gotten so far, in it’s raw form.
- Knowledge
- No rules
She can use their knowledge and research something she wants to know without being bound by rules.
Dragon energy.
Molten Alliance
- Dredge
- Flame legion
Creates new types of weaponry fused of dredge sonic tech and charr tech and fire magic.
Invades Shiverpeaks and Ascalon to take prisoners and try their weapons on live targets.
- Inquest
- Pirates
- Holograms
Threatened and paid to work for Scarlet.
From the future?
Got part of twilight arbor for an airship factory as a deal made by Scarlet.
Builds airships for Scarlet.
Twisted Watchwork
- Watchwork
Corrupted from Queen Jennah’s Watchwork
Morphs and rebuilds itself.
Cheap and recyclable
Toxic Alliance
- Nightmare court
- Krait
Nightmare made deal with for part of twilight arbor (against a nice spot to cause havoc at in Kessex Hills?)
Krait priests (Oratuss) “fooled”, but still not, into thinking that one of their prophets would be (re)incarnated. Used obsidian shards. Priests manipulated the krait.
Her Life.. kinda
Born Sylvari
- Bound by the dream
- Dragon fighter
The Grove
- Studying
- Study metalurgy
Black Citadel
- Study firearms and artillery
Arcane Council
- Study Dynamics, Statics and Synergetics
- Study Eternal Alchemy
- Study without being bound by rules
Michoan Marsh
- Study the Hylek alchemy
Omadd (inquest?)
- Study Eternal Alchemy
- See the Eternal Alchemy
- Pale tree tried to stop her
- She lost sanity
- Killed Omadd
- Knowledge about dragon energy
- Thaumanova Reactor
— Research dragon energy
Creates Molten Alliance
- Weaponry
Threatens Aetherblade
- Airships
- Hologram Tech
Aetherblade in Lion’s Arch
- Place Mai Trin in the council
— Multi-racial hub
— Dragon fighting professionals
— Make Lion’s Arch do something
—- Funding?
—- Manpower?
—- Corruption?
Corrupts Watchwork
- A meatwall of metal that can rebuild itself
- Kidnap Queen Jennah
— Dislike?
— Destroy Charr-Human treaty?
— “Show how frail human society is”
— List of people that needs to be shown how insignificant they are
- Seem to know everything about everyone – should know the queen was a decoy
— Use the decoy just to cause drama
- No points of strategiacal interest, away from racial cities
- Field test?
Aetherblades in twilight arbor
- Build airships
- Capture Caithe
— List of insignificant people?
— Caithe’s secret?
Toxic Alliance
- Seal the deal for Twilight arbor
- Hallucinogenic poison
- Lifeform engineering
- Disturb dragon energy leylines?
— Irritate/taunt dragon(s)?
— Cause magical chaos?
(edited by Mikuchan.7261)
There might be something that people might be overlooking.
This happened in the past.
The players aren’t there when Scarlet is talking.
What she is talking to is a team of asura, inquest or not, that is trying to save the reactor.
Yet, people seem to refer to it as if she’s talking to the player.
But in this case she is talking to people that she isn’t an enemy with.
People that hasn’t made it to her “list”.
So she has no reason to say “Haha, f you, I destroyed your thing!”.
Rather the other way around.
I think she’s actually apologizing for what’s happening, but in her own Scarlet way that is not that sincere, partially because she thinks the inquest is to blame because they didn’t listen to her. And she’s saying “Yeah, this is f-ed up, I’d better salvage what I can and leave before this thing blows up” as other people have gathered.
That’s my take on it.