Showing Posts For MithranArkanere.8957:

Lower the price of Character Slots

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If they do lower the cost I expect to be compensated for the three slots I’ve already purchased.

That’s naïve to say the least.

Prices go up and down all the time for all sorts of things. When you buy something at a price, you are paying to have it at that moment.
If the price goes down or up later, then that’ll be the price for having at that other moment.

One of the maximum exponents of that is “now vs cheap” in game prices.

For example, getting TF2 on release was about how much? Ten dollars? Less as part of the orange box. Getting it now is free. And getting ‘buyer’ status is as cheap as the cheapest item in the in-game store, which can be less than 1$ in some cases.

No exceptions!

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If you want to go in-depth with targeting, that’s ok. But an option to disable right-click targeting would be a greatly appreciated ‘quick and dirty’ fix to this issue that affects quite some people while they ‘review play’.

How hard can that be? Just another boolean value saved in the options in the gw2.dat, a small change to the general options panel’s layout, a single line of localization, and a simple change in the client to make it ignore right click over entities, so it works just for camera, and ding, no more problems with right click targeting solved in a week or less.

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Skills that are random

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


It’s impossible to remove randomness from PvP as long as things like critical and damage ranges in weapons exist.

But the fact is that people tend to avoide these skills since they are unpredictable.

Skills that have only random effects should have at least one fixed effect.

No exceptions!

Make 'flying' creatures actually fly

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Yeah. At least some enemies should be able to jump, and fliers should be able to go straight to you without going around stuff in the floor.

No exceptions!

Lower the price of Character Slots

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


You could buy a new game account, but they won’t share anything account bound. Also, you can get gems with gold. And the price considers that too.

I won’t be against a decrease in price of anything in the gem store, but that doesn’t mean they will decrease the price just because someone suggests it.
They probably have an economic looking into such things, determining the ‘sweet spot’ at which the most people buy things with the highest possible price.

Nothing we do will probably change that, unless you conviced the entire playerbase to go on ‘strike’ and never buy anything until they decrease the prices, and believe me, you will NEVER do that, because every single game community in hat has been, is and will ever be are the very epitome of chaos.

No exceptions!

Never do a "one time only" event again.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


In GW1 you could “see past events” in instances.

They should definitely consider making instances to replicate these ‘one time only’ events for those who want to see them exactly as they happened. Camera movements and all.

No exceptions!

Making Vendors Infalible

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


When you use a Golem Banker, they get a countdown. When it ends, the item expires and can’t be used.

It’ll be nice if souldbound items purchased from karma vendors, cultural vendors and dungeon vendors were replaced by a version that have a similar 15-minute timer. During that time, you can use them and try them out, but if you change them in any way excepting dye (e.g: Runes, transmutation) or if the time expires, they turn into the currently existent items and can’t be sold back to the vendor.

But if you don’t alter them, you have 15 minutes to give them back.

No exceptions!

How to make legendary weapon practical but not OP

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I though this would another of those silly ‘change skills’ suggestions, but instead it was actually a decent proposal.

Being able to switch between base stats is actually a good idea, since it gives legendary weapons something else other than mere raw power, that players will definitely find useful, but that isn’t something that players without legendary weapons can’t get.
Instead having to keep multiple weapons of the same type on a character to costumize their build, you just get a legendary, and switch its stats when setting your build.

If anyone thinks it’s too ‘easy’ (get a weapon, get all variants), some progress could be added to the idea, turning it into another item sink, by making legendary weapons unlock possible prefixes by ‘eating’ exotic weapons.
Want your legendary to have a Carrion-type base stats? Feed it a carrion exotic, and now it can switch to carrion-type stats. Want it to be Cleric? Feed it a Cleric-type exotic.

The idea is so good, that it could be used also for hypothetical legendary armor.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Thieves Guild (under water)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Not just that.

All skills should have underwater versions.

For example, traps should look like those krait nets underwater. Invisible until someone hits them, elementals should change into underwater versions, like the fire one turning into a pillow lava elemental underwater, the water into iceberg elemental, and air into seafoam elemental, and the earth one into bedrock elemental.
And so on.

No exceptions!

Mesmer clones should sometimes be projectiles

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If they are not going to teach them how to jump, at least they should make them fly.

Preferably with the same pose as superman flying That’ll be awesome.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

The "Trading Post" fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


With player-to-player trades also come spamming and third-party auction sites that alter the experience for the rest of the players.
Filling the chat with repetitive lines no one really wants to read and creating elitist micro-economies in which prices artificially raise.

With a player-to-player trading feature would have to come a trading chat channel and strict rules about spamming trades in any other channel.
Also, the trading panel would have to have a view of the price of the items traded in the trading system and still the taxes, and a warning when you are going to pay more for the stuff than what you’ll have to pay in the trading post, and also register the transactions just as if they were done in the trading post…
It’ll have to be effectively like trading with the trading post, you’ll just choose with whom you are trading.

And it’ll all be a hassle for something that would be used mostly by a few greedy guys who want to powertrade by becoming middlemen who intercept items to sell them at higher prices by auctioning them in third-party sites.

If you want something, it doesn’t mater where it came from, it’ll be the same item when you just get the cheapest one. And that’ll ensure that prices stay controlled and reasonably low for most items, while rare items stay high, while keeping things controlled as trying to create wealth by trading is much harder thanks to taxation. Buying to sell is affected, while buying to use is not.

If you want to give stuff to friends, you can still do so.

If buying to use and giving to friends is not affected, what’s left?

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Hm… I tried to make a post to fix this thread looking empty, but it didn’t work.

The link in the list of threads shows 2 pages, but there’s only 1, so people will see it empty unless they edit the path to repalce the /page/2 with /page/1.


No exceptions!

First game to give me this much trouble

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Yeah. Disk installers are not as reliable as the GW2.exe itself.

Often its better just to get the installer from the official site, or even just gw2.exe itself if you can get it from a safe a reliable source like another installation of the game in another computer in your household.

Quite the smart piece of software that Gw2.exe is. It’ll create the gw2.dat and download all that it needs if it can’t find it.

No exceptions!

Map Completions and Alt's

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I would not go as far as making it completely account wide, but at least partially.
And not just maps. All sorts of stuff.

Reveal an area in the map? The rest get the name greyed in their maps, but the area stays unrevealed until they get there themselves.
Get a point of the map with a character? The rest get it greyed, so they can see where it is but it won’t be active until they get there themselves.
Get a recipe with a character? The rest get it in their list, but colored purple, so they will be able to see it, but won’t be able to use it until they discover or unlock it themselves.
Get commander with a character? The rest have to pay less to unlock it too.
And so on.

Not fully account wide, but small changes to ease playing with more than one character.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Lack of LIGHT RAYS in GW2...

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I see them all over the place.

Get underwater. Poof. Sunrays all over the place under the surface.
Get inside a forest? Paf. Sunrays all over the place between the branches.
Get inside some ruins? Zap. Sunrays all over the place from almost every crack.

As long as there’s enough light, and the ambient is one that would have particles to reflect them (dusty, foggy, murky, etc), sunrays are always visible.

No exceptions!

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



I meant my thread. I believe I was the first one in these forums who made a thread to complain about right click targeting and activation.

No exceptions!

Faction Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


What annoys me is that you can’t mix them, since you are limited to one.

There should be optional secondary personal story quests you can take anytime after you complete a step, two of them should unlock the armors of the other orders for you after you complete those instanced quests.

No exceptions!

Disable unusable dungeon armor/weapon purchases

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If you have a mindlip o you cat steps in your mouse or something and inadvertedly buy something you can’t use, it’ll get soulbound and will be usable only for the mystic forge.

They should either split the types if armor in different tabs in the vendors or split the vendors in three altogether. One for each type of armor.

They should not remove the option to see other types of armor, as that allows you o preview them.

No exceptions!

Wv3 suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I’m all for changes that focus WvW’s gameplay into actually fighting the other factions.

But that in no way should mean removing the PvE aspects altogether.

It should only mean that if you don’t want to go to do WvW, you should not be forced to do so, and you won’t lose anything compared to those that do both PvE and WvW.

WvW sould get its own rewards, not be mingled with PvE stuffs.

No exceptions!

The multi-guild system & why guilds are pointless.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


When you are not representing a guild, mechanically it’s as if you were not part of that guild at all.
It’s more like having permission to auto-invite yourself.

So you can’t actually be in more than one guild at the same time.

They should note clearly that you are not actually in the guilds you are not representing to make people aware of that fact.
They should also add a ‘last online’ column and a ‘influence gained’ column, so guilds who want to kick leechers can do so.

No exceptions!

Raise, or remove, the minimum price on TP

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Orders for items must be higher than vendor value.

Those orders are there from before.
They should simply remove them, as people can’t sell at those prices anyways and they only add confusion to the trading post.

They should also have a couple of links to display the entire list of current offers and orders when you put to sell or buy, instead just showing the current highest order and lowest offer.

And you should stop using ‘carebear’ for systems that prevent unfair exploitation of others.

“Carebear” should be used for things that are overprotective, with no risk at all, corny, tacky and too colorful.

When something is fair and logical, it’s not ‘carebear’ its proper.

No exceptions!

Logging Out to Avoid PVP Death

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If they leave WvW like that to avoid having their equipment broken, that’s just a symptom of another problem: for them, repair costs are higher that what they earn playing in WvW.
That’ll be solved by doing things replacing repair costs in WvW with something else, like a stacking effect that may kick you out WvW for some time if you die too often and there’s people waiting in to enter.

If that’s not their reason, but ‘griefing’ another player, that’s also a symptom of other problems, like, for example, explorers going around the map using up slots that actual WvW payers could be using, being caught by point lurkers and opportunists that gang up on those lone explorers.
I saw once a thief that was hiding behind some rocks near a vista, and every time a player used it, he’ll quickly move behind and stab them to death, which took him like 2 hits.
I’ve seen that done some other times, but when it’s not a thief it isn’t as silly and people may have time to run away or even disconnect to get away from the coward opportunist who will only hunt explorers as he can’t fight real WvW battles.
That would be solved by not counting any of the WvW points towards exploration achievements, so they do not go there, and those coward explorer hunters must either fight for real or leave, and actual WvW players can use those slots.

Still, leaving like that has a cost, if you leave WvW like that, you might not be able to go back if your slot is taken.
And if your server has always free slots, then well, take it as a part of the outmanned effect. Heh.

But it’s what causes people to leave like that what should be addressed first.

Leaving sPvP is simply silly, as you lose nothing if you lose in PvP. There’s no repair costs and no losing stats. Only your victories are recorded. So if the problem persists, maybe they should bring dishonorable back from the past to PvP.

No exceptions!

Please add salvage kits for runes like in gw1

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The main reason GW1 has that was the same as the reason for rune traders in PvP outposts: so you could make quick changes to your gear.

Since PvP has its own gear, there’s no need to safely remove runes from gear.

Instead, PvE gear has several related item sinks.
Since you can’t reuse both the rune or the piece of equipment, that leaves room for new drops.

Now, what about those who want to have several sets and change them?
Well, for that there should be several armor slots you can switch like you can switch between armor and town clothes, so you can make yourself several armors and keep them ready to use and equippable quickly.

2 initial free slots should be fine, plus another 3 you can unlock with gems.

No exceptions!

A In-game Macro option.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


“Macro” s a broad term, and different players from different games use it in different ways.

The main two types of macros are text macros (also called aliases in some environments) and command macros.
Text macros are ok, since they only affect chat. They allow things like quick /me commands or fast typing some emotes with a single key.

Command macros are not ok, since they automatize gameplay and give advantages to those who use them.

No exceptions!

temp ban people who misuse report function

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I believe there’s already measures against misuse of the report function.

I think that repeated misbehavior will get you a warning, then it may get even worse.

No exceptions!

First Ten levels free?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


A trial, eh? Interesting.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to hook some friends, but I’ll least I’ll show them around a little.
Who knows?

why does everyone think this game is dead? there’s people everywhere…

I depends on the world.

In mine there’s always people, but some worlds had kitten players that were expecting something like WoW or Diablo or the original GW, and left after a while, unable to farm like they are used to.

No exceptions!

please return herbs to karma vendors end game

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They are not incredibly hard. They simply are limited to a region.

You have to gather plants in Maguuma areas, specially the lower level ones.

I have so many from clearing metrica and caledon with all my characters that now I’m selling all the beans I get, since I always have 250 already.

No exceptions!

"-50% falling damage-type" Traits at level 40.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


In any case, at least all professions should have it as an option. And it’s insane that elementalists won’t have it, when they can turn themselves into elements. They are the most obvious profession that should have some kind of floaty fall option.

No exceptions!

Cooking created components storable

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I have all slots and it’s a problem, unless you have a guide in front of you so you know exactly what to craft.

If you do not have guides you’ll save anything that you get that may be used in discovery, and until I had 400 in cooking, that was up to 3 bank tabs.

I don’t mind having to buy them with gems. I just want a collection for the stackable intermediate craftig components and ingredients, and for rare materials. That way I’ll have more room for the stuff I want to put in my bank, like consumables and gear for my other characters.

No exceptions!

How you prevent players from buying gold to goldsellers ?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This is like saying you wouldn’t illegally download music if the companies just lowered their prices.

Exactly. You’ll sell more and earn more, but there will be still people that won’t buy, because they won’t pay for something they can get for free, or because they don’t have budget for it but still want to hear what other hear, or because they are lazy and it’s way easier to click a download link than registering in all the stuff required to pay online, or to ripthe music from CDs (is anyone still using that?).

The thing is, you simply cant solve such a problem, so the only thing you can do is go around it, by offering a service instead charging for stuff as individual items.
When you get people hooked on the service, they’ll pay.

Look at Steam! They are offering a service, and boom! They are in the money!

No exceptions!

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I still think they should make these visual one-time events so they can be replayed inside an instance by talking to an NPC and asking about what happened there.

It’ll solve the problem altogether, and also make sense lorewise. If you miss something, you can ask those who were around at that moment.

And since the event is already made, they ‘only’ have to create a way to replay it inside an instance.

It may not be a big deal for many people (the king thorn kept appearing every now and then) but others want to see the cinematic with the camera movements and the letterbox, and for them it’s not the same without that.

While the amount of complaints in this thread with which I don’t agree is significant, I find it curious what will become of this one-time special event chain if it becomes bugged in the middle…

Considering how many and how often events get bugged in Baruch Bay (I haven’t seen the Behemoth in over a month, and many events that update notes say are supposedly fixed are still bugged in Baruch) It also worries me how highly probable that is. In Baruch we had the Pumkin doors bugged hours before the first one bugged in another world.

No exceptions!

Opinions about Orr [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


There should have been a series of events to create safe corridors for players to travel faster, setting perimeters and clearing pathways and such, and then stay like that for some hours before being overrun again.
I actually though it’ll be like that, advancing and taking enemy territory from their hands, making Orr safer and stuff.

But I’m yet to see anything like that.

No exceptions!

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


By the way, this has been around since a month ago:

But no one noticed it. Maybe the title was too long and people do not like that?

No exceptions!

PvE: make it so mobs can't CC you constantly.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The thing is, enemies can permanently deadlock you, stability or not. They should not be able to do that, because that leaves no room to strategic retreat if you are overrun, and simply being hit once and then repeatedly mauled to death without being able to do anything at all is not fun.

Because of that, players should get something similar to the champion’s Indignant when they are spiked with countless crowd control skills, but not getting it as easy as champions, of course.

For example, each effect that disables your ability to move and/or use skills should give you a certain number of stacks of an “Aggravated” effect, the number of stacks would depend on effect, ‘worse’ effects (like those that disable both movement and skills) give more stacks.
When you gather enough stacks of “Aggravated”, they all are removed and you get a version of Indignant that makes you immune to all effects that disable skills and alter movement in any way and that lasts for a few seconds, enough to get away, but not enough to keep fighting under their attacks.

That would solve the problem altogether. I believe they did that in a number of other games, an it worked every single time. It also makes sense lore-wise, as it’ll represent you getting pissed off, having a rush of adrenaline and getting away with sheer will.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Economics versus gameplay

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


A currency requires exchange.

You can’t directly exchange karma with other players. Only with NPCs, and you can’t get karma back, only use it to acquire things.

It’s like travel points or a gift card. It goes only in one direction. That’s not currency.

No exceptions!

How you prevent players from buying gold to goldsellers ?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Gold sellers are only a choice because they are.

They rely in gold sellers because gold sellers exist. If they didn’t exist, they’ll have to play the way it was meant to be played, and a legendary will truly take ‘ages’ as it should.

No exceptions!

Fix the targetting system

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


One issue many people is getting comes from right-click target and activation.

Those who move the camera a lot experience this often, as moving the camera quickly will make you target and activate stuff.

I keep losing targets when I move the camera, and I do that a lot.
I keep picking my turrets when I don’t want to pick them.
The last time I did Twilight Armor, I inadvertently opened countless buds.

I simply can’t understand why they won’t add such an option, as many people are only annoyed by the right mouse activating stuff, since they never, ever activate anything with right click.

No exceptions!

Endurance v2.0 - Parry, Sprint & More

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Timing would be great, if this wasn’t an MMO.
In MMO you are very vulnerable to lag, specially in competitive environment.
So “timing” based mechanics need to be forgiving, or it will fail completely.


Both GW1 and GW2 have timing already. Timed interruptions are crucial for vitory. Same with timed dodges.

But one thing is timing like a Bemani game or Squaresoft’s Vagrant Story, and another timing in GW.

I believe GW works on ‘ticks’ of time, and that each one is 1/4 seconds. So that’s the minimum time you have to respond to something.

To make timing for parry fair, the number of ticks within you’ll get maximum effectiveness would have to be balanced properly, if it can’t be done with 1/4 seconds, then 1/2, if not with 1/2, then 3/4. but I believe it could be done.

No exceptions!

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I could see a Prismatic dye that changes with skill or special ability usage:
- Warrior: Starts black and gets brighter like hot metal as adrenaline builds up.
- Guardian: Starts bright white. When each of the virtues is recharging, it loses parts of the basic colors corresponding to a virtue. Justice would be red, courage blue and resolve green. Use justice and courage, but not resolve, and the dye looks green. Use them all, and the dye looks pitch black.
- Ranger: Linked to the health and type of your pet. Healthier pet means brighter colors. Equip a pink ma, and you get pink. Equip a pig and you get lighter pink. Your pig is knocked out, you get dark pink. Your moa gets knocked out, you get darker pink.
- Thief: Linked to steal. Color changes depending on what you’ve stolen.
- Engineer: Liked tothe toolbelt.
- Elementalist: Linked to the attunements. Fire is orange, water is blue, air is lilac and earth is brown.
- Necromancer: Linked to the Death’s Shroud health bar. A darker armor means less shroud left.
- Mesmer: Linked to the number of illusions and recharging skills.

No exceptions!

What's with the Inspect hate?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The other day I practically completed Sorrow’s Furnace on my own while the rest of the team kept dying over and over because they… well, let’s just say they didn’t heed my words.

I had just Fine gear, and I’m sure they didn’t as I recognized the exotic skins.

I’d like to be able to still do things like that.

An inspect would prevent me from that, as there’s lots of guys that would judge me by my gear instead by my performance.

No exceptions!

Dying underwear

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This has been mentioned several times by players, and I’m with them.

Now that there’s Diving Goggles all over the world, more than ever, there’s reason to get naked. And it’s bland when everyone has the very same model and color of ‘bathing suits’.

But not just underwear. Also the hair accessory if your character’s hair has one should be dynamically dyable with your unlocked dyes.

Squares to dye them should ‘pop’ in the equipment panel when no gear is occupying the slot that corresponds that part of the body.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

My mesmer mask...gone FOREVER!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I have a similar problem with my elementalist aura.
I never deleted it, but it glitched when transmuting before they required unequipping items, and now when I equip the item with the skin it appears in the selection screen, but not in-game.

That’s why made this suggestion some time ago:

It’ll solve not just the problem of lost initial items, but also lost deluxe items, lost pre-order items and also give a decent reason to re-visit home, and call the home instance ‘home’; because, as the wise once said: “Home is where all your old crap is”.

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Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


That sounds nice.

Much like with the bonus exp in creatures that have been alive for a long time, events that go without being successfully completed for a long time should ‘build up’ rewards.

And showing it on screen would make focus more people in the even, so that’ll increase the chances of it being completed.

It may also be a reason to fight in those group events with a champion that have no chest and crappy rewards so people end up simple avoiding them altogether.

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Endurance v2.0 - Parry, Sprint & More

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Hm… parry (and also sprint) could be nice additions. I’d like to see them at least try if they can implement it.

The main problem I see is the extra control needed.
Could it be the same button as dodge, so it’ll parry instead dodge when you don’t press a direction?

It’ll be even better if parry required timing. Time the parry well, and you may reduce damage from a single attack up to 66% and it’ll take less endurance.
Time it too soon, and you’ll take the entire hit.
Parry it too late, and you’ll reduce the hit only up to 33% (like a 1-time Protection boon).

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Give female Asura Breast.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


“There isn’t ‘female armors’ in real life because there were not many female warriors.”

This statement is incorrect. Joan of Arc and Elizabeth I are two I can think of off the top of my head who were real women who definitely did not wear chainmail bikinis. Ok, so you said “not many female warriors” and that part is true but there is real female armor worn by real women.

Also, a fantasy character I can think of who did not wear skimpy armor was Eowyn.

I have 4 female asura characters that I love but I did make 2 female humans so I can wear ‘pretty" clothes. This doesn’t mean I want skimpy armor, I just want feminine armor. Wish my asura could look a little more girly. Heck, I’d settle for girly town clothes!

One is not many. A few is not many. And well, even though in most cultures ‘many’ can be as little as 4 depending on context, in this case, with ‘many’ I mean at least a ratio of 30 female to 70 male or so in fighting forces, which never happened.

Joan of Arc used male armor, because in the absence of other female warriors nobody was making female armors, so she had to make do with whatever was already made, much like the first women who wore trousers wore male trousers, until someone started making trousers for them.

Eowyn also lived in a culture where warriors were mainly male, so she’s as bad an example as Joan of Arc.

And I never talked about skimpy. Only shaped to fit the average female human body, which is undeniably different to the average male body.

I find hard know if an Asura is Female or Male, also Happens with Sylvari. I mean, Err, it’s really hard! Even Humans with all armor set, bah I will call them “Hey Human”, and it’s done.

That’s something you learn to see overtime. It’s very hard to see when they don’t move or if you can’t see their ears and face, but if they move, or you can see their face and ears, you’ll see the differences.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Can we get a separate chat filter for item pickup?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Yes, please. I don’t want to miss the other system messages, but pickup messages can be annoying.

This is specially annoying when crafting. Since you won’t get the numbers in bulk, but one by one, sometimes getting more than a hundred chat lines.

It’s also rather annoying to get ‘pickup’ messages when you simply switch weapons. I’ not picking that. I already had that.

No exceptions!

Allow players to change his/her character's voice.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Voice packs in the gem store would be great.

Even better would be tone and pitch distortion options that lets us slightly modify already existing voices.

I’d like to give one of my engineer asura a higher pitch voice, while I want a deeper, husky voice for the necromancer.
And I’d like to make my human thief sound like whispering, but my human guardian sound like singing.

No exceptions!

Toy Mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Hm… I could see more stuff like the witch’s broom working. Or mounts that give skills for costume brawl.

Stuff that changes only town clothes appearance.

But if any ‘mount’ is going to enter battle, it better be something like a siege devourer or ridable golem, something temporary, limited to an area, that is more a transform than a mount, and meant for combat, not to show off, or I’ll be against that.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Stats should directly affect weapon skills/character (in a minor way).

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They already do:
- Power increases direct damage.
- Precision increases critical chance.
- Toughness increases armor.
- Vitality increases maximum health.

No exceptions!

Dungeons way overpowered.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I’m yet to play single time without everyone going bananas at some point, running around like ants when you put their anthill on fire, and dying on me, forcing me to run away until they revive or regroup. The last time I did Sorrow’s Furnace, I practically had to defeat the golems and the forgeman alone, as they were dead most of the time.

Sometimes I feel that I’d rather have enemies with more health and trickier skills instead mindless enemies that can 1-hit-kill anyone in the party, sometimes even bypassing evades, dodges, blocks or any other kind of protection, excepting immunity.

Running from the waypoint can’t be fun, and waiting for people while they com from the waypoint sure isn’t. I’d rather play with friends and strangers than wait, even if that meant getting less rewards.

It’ll be also great if each dungeon had several grades of difficulty. Even better if they were as many as rarity types, using the same colors to indicate the difficulty settings when you enter a Dungeon:
- White: Sightseeing. Lesser drops and rewards, and no achievements or tokens. Mainly there to see the story, ‘learn’ the dungeon, and try out stuff.
- Blue: Casual. Minimum required to get achievements. Still bad drops.
- Green: Normal. Minimum required to get Tokens. Average drops.
- Yellow: Hard. Current difficulty. Same as now.
- Orange: Extreme. Harder than now. Better drops and more tokens.
- Red: Suicidal. Hard and time-consuming enough that doing it once is enough to pay for a piece of armor or a weapon from the first list.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)