Showing Posts For MithranArkanere.8957:

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Finally a proper skeleton undead.
It might be just a miniature, but at least is there.

Having only zombies among the undead and not skeletons and mummies was an aberration, as if this was The Walking Dead and all undead had to be “sci-fi zombie style” or something.

Let’s hope they eventually add more animated skeletons as undead foes instead more ‘infected corpses’.

No exceptions!

Halloween costumes worth it?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Nah. They are not worth it.

To put them on, you have to remove town clothes. So you’ll needs bank space for the town clothes, and also for the costume once you take it out. As there’s no collectible slots for them and no way to recover them if lost.

And to use them with several characters either you buy them multiple times, or juggle them with the bank again.

And if something happens and you forget a character had it and delete it with it or your 5 years old niece fiddles with your character while you have to hurry to open the door and deletes them, they are gone forever, unless you pay again, the next year, if they even become available again.

Too many headaches.

No exceptions!

A small story about gambling odds

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



Randomness is actually pretty predictable.

If a random system is meant to give you something 33% of the time, it should give you something 33% of the time with fairly low deviations.

In GW1, all gifts worked pretty much like that.

You got 100 people opening 100 gifts each, and they’ll get pretty much the same things.

No exceptions!

Opinion: Costumes as Town Clothes = disappointing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Costumes should be unlocked instead bought as units, and wearable in combat, just like in GW1.

Each Town clothes slot should have a checkbox in the lower-right corner. Activate it, and it’ll replace the corresponding armor piece when showing armor.

And once you buy them and unlock them once, an NPC should have them in their list available for you for a small fee.

As they are, it’s not worth paying for them.
It’s already bad not being able to use Rytlock’s miniature because there’s no way to re-create it, although I already suggested the perfect way to solve that.

No exceptions!

WvW uses Red and Green as team colors? Really?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


It should have been like in GW1’s PvP.

When you in red team, your name is red, your party health bars are red, and your look dyed red for your enemies.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Endgame: Increase Meta-Event rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I would agree with increasing rewards, but only for those that do the previous events, instead arriving for the final one just to hit the boss a little and open the chest.

The more you helped in the previous events, the bigger the reward should be in the final one, and when you open the chest.

No exceptions!

Idea on how to defuse Nightcapping

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Hm…that would not stop them, but at least might slow them down.

Add one or two NPCs for each each player slot, and remove them when that slot is used by a player.

It’ll work not just during night, but every time players are outmanned.

No exceptions!

Why can't i take my hard-earned PvE gear into sPvP?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Both skills and gear have different values in PvP.

It feels like a different game because it mostly is. You are not supposed to win 100% of the time, only 50%, and how good you are makes the only difference, while in PvE gear counts way more.

The difference between fine and legendary gear can be needed 4 hits to defeat a certain monster and just a one or two.

No exceptions!

Stop TP flipping by applying a selling cooldown

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


When a few take advantage of a system to gain an unfair advantage over others, that’s a problem to be fixed.

Are you insinuating that market flipping is taking advantage of something? If so, how? Where’s the exploit?

To that effect, wouldn’t you say that a Mesmer’s Illusions are an exploit of the system. They give off a mirror image of the character and is easily exploitable toward combat.

My point is this, just because you’re not willing to put in the time to make a profit TP flipping, there’s no reason that others can’t. Just as someone said, its another form of PvP. That may be so, but you can catch some really good steals if you’re willing to keep an eye on the market.

No. It’s not the same. One is designed to work like that, while the other one is people taking advantage of the faults in the system.

How so?

When you put something to sell, you only get two prices:
- The current highest request.
- The current lowest offer.

You can put request WAY under the possible sell price. An item that can be sold to a trader for 1gold can be put on request for 1 copper.
Yet people can’t sell at that price anyways. Why are there requests so low?
First, because they can.
And second, smarty pants do that on purpose to reduce the ‘feel’ of worth of things.

You can put to sell an item way under the average price people offer. And some people will simply follow that price without checking the list that appears when you select “Buy more like this”.
Item has average price of 10s, put one on 1s, wait for people to fall for that, buy all of them and put them on sale for 9s.
And no one will be none the wiser.

This creates false data and false pricing.
It’s like going to a remote village and selling something they want or need for 10$, when it’s actually worth less than 1$. Like bottles of water.
You may say it’s business. I say it’s unethical. We have enough unethical business practices in reality. No need to bring any to a game in which characters are supposed to be heroes that won’t do evil on purpose.

So,this is what must happen:
- All existing requests under sale value must be removed, and any request under sale value must be prevented at all. They only clutter the system and serve no purpose, since you can’t sell at those prices anyways.
- The ‘match lowest offer’ section must be replaced with a list list just like the list you see when you buy, showing all the offers. That way you can see directly in that panel if there’s a single offer for 1s, and the next starts at 10s.
- Either you can’t sell back something you just bought for some time, by getting a cooldown for that item, or a cap on how many items of each type you can sell at he same time, or anything you buy becomes account-bound, so you can’t sell things you buy, and only buy stuff to use it, not to sell it back ( excepting collectible stuff, as those keep being added constantly in big bulks and flipping them is much harder, and making them account bound would be pointless, as you’ll just have to store them and them take them out of the collector tab).

THEN you can say it’s fair, because the info is clear, accurate, in the open and directly there without having to do ‘tricks’ like checking buy prices before selling that not everyone knows, so people can’t take advantage of unknowing newbies and people who doesn’t check forums and wiki.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Iphone App - Character View

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I believe they are working on a smartphone App, and I see why not something like that could be added to it, along things like maps, chat, trading post and authentication.

But ‘smartphone’ in general.

Not everyone falls for Apple’s scams, and therefore you should not assume everyone has one of those overpriced iGizmos.

No exceptions!

Town Clothing [Auto-equip]

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


It’ll be nice if there was a checkbox in the Town Clohes view you can enable to automatically activate town clothes, but i should not be something that gets activated without the player’s consent, specially when there’s such a limited variety of town clothes.

No exceptions!

Too many "filler" npcs that don't do anything

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If you read the ArenaNet blog, you’ll see that they are planning more content in already existing areas.

When a chunk of a map has nothing going on there, it becomes a good candidate for a new event or even a new heart.

No exceptions!

Racial Skins for Necro minions and Engineer Turrets

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This would be actually something quite nice.

The Gem Store could have a a series of alternate skills that can be equipped instead the originals, but not along them, that give racial touches to the professions, but can’t be used in sPvP.

I always found kind of strange how asura turrets look the same as other race’s instead like other asura devices and structures.

No exceptions!

Steam Workshop content

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Perhaps, but this is not the kind of thing that any matter of suggestions would increase the chances of being added.

If they had resources to make it, they would have done so by now.
And if they ever consider it and do it, people will almost certainly use it.
User-generated content is the kind of thing that doesn’t need anyone suggesting it for them to consider it, because it’s always welcomed and heavily used.
If you give people tools to make stuff, people WILL make stuff, and people WILL try out that stuff.

The problem with user-generated content is always in management and resources.

No exceptions!

Steam Workshop content

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


We know. But as an MMO, managing user generated content is hardly worth it. StarTrek online got it quite fine, but it isn’t still good enough.

They’ll have to provide the tools for users to make content, the systems to filter them and rate them, the support to prevent exploitation…

They simply don’t have the resources for that kind of thing.

No exceptions!

Let me mine non-empty resource nodes

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I think the mining animation should be a set of random cycles of a few mining animations instead 3 consecutive minings.

It doesn’t look good when you mine three times and get only one item.

I’d rather have them be like gathering plants one by one, but individual cycling would be even better.

No exceptions!

.... of Grawl Slaying, really? Here's a better idea.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Grouping racial damage would work much better. As they are, those sigils are only used in the mystic forge for recipes, hoping to get a better one like Bloodlust.

No exceptions!

What about mines? (engineer)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The landmine skill was like that. It’ll give you 5 mine skills you could place around, and the belt skill would make them explode at the same time.

It was considered overpowered and they replaced it with a single sequence skill with a big mine, and a single belt skill with several mini-mines.

No exceptions!

The Dead End of Level 80 [My Thoughts]

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Reaching level 80 only means that you will stop earning trait points. It’s not an end to anything. You will keep earning skill points.
Reaching the current end of your personal story only means that you reached the current end of your personal story. It isn’t really the end of the game.
The rest of the world is still there. You don’t have to so something different. You simply completed your training as a hero, and you character base stats can’t get any better, and can go on doing all the stuff in the world, you can get better at making builds and using your skills, and you can also get better gear.

In other games you’d expect end-game after that. You are done with the game, and so you do the New Game+ and challengs, and achievements and other ‘endgame’ stuff.

That does not happen here. Everything in the world is available to you all the time.

There’s big bosses of all sizes both in dungeons and the world. Why putting them only in dungeons? And why in all dungeons?
Games like D&D have taught us that size does not matter. When you fight against god-like demilich whose body is nothing but as tiny skull, the battle can be as epic as when you fight against the tarrasque.

It’s true that there’s things that would make the game better, but copying some cutomary game template left by previous games won’t be one of those things.

The problem here is approaching the game with a mindset developed by playing other games.
And it’s not a problem ArenaNet can really fix, since the game is designed precisely not to follow that mindset.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Gold ticker included in loot pickups

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


We already have that.

Seethe icons on the right? Hove over them before they disappear, and they’ll show the the amount.
You can also enable System Messages to see all the stuff you pick up in the chat panel.

No exceptions!

Envoy Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



You know what?

I could see Envoy weapons unlocked individually like the GWAMM title instead following the HoM rank.
Getting one of them and showing it to some NPC, could get that one (or all of them) unlocked in Kimmes’ shop in GW2.

They were quite the late addition, and those who got them barely enjoyed them in GW1. It would be nice if at least those would be transferred directly, after all the effort it might have taken for them.

No exceptions!

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Centaurs are a sentient race.
They are rather tribal, but sentient.
For a centaur in most fantasy settings, having someone riding them or using them as beast of burden is humiliating.
And centaurs in Guild Wars are a very, very proud and dignified race, which makes them more indignant about humiliating things.

Put those things together, and… how could I put it…

Imagine the most humiliating thing you can do to a human being.
Well, for a centaur, having someone riding them is about a bazillion and a half times more humiliating than that.
As a reference, that’s a bazillion times more humiliating than forcing a charr to play with a ball of yarn, and half a bazillion times more humilliating that failing at basic arithmetics as an asura.

Even if you found friendly descendants of the Veldrunner tribe and became allies with them, there’s no slim chance in the underworld they’ll let you ride them no matter who you are, or what you do.
Not even if they had something like a life-long debt of gratitude and honor to you, or you were their sworn blood brothers after some ritual or something like that; not even if you were dying and carrying you was the only way to save you.
They’ll probably use something like an improvised stretcher, or carry you in their arms or shoulders instead letting you ride them.
The only possible way the would carry you in their backs would be unconscious and sideways, like saddlebags or a bundle.
They would rather die. Or kill you. Or both.

And even if that wasn’t the case, try to imagine a charr riding a centaur.
Now try to do that without laughing.
See the problem? You can’t. It’s so ridiculous that it simply can’t be done…

unless you are the Mongols .
You know… because they like horses and are the exception to almost everything…


Anyways… No riding centaurs!

No exceptions!

Choosing a Class

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I loved the Final Fantasy games in which you could learn all professions.
Races share models across professions, as we can see in the preview panels.
And when you get racial skills, you also get the engineer ones, so I’m guessing that profession changes should be possible.
You go to a profession trainer, pay for profession change, and if there’s enough room in your inventory, all items are unequipped, you go back to that profession’s level (1 if you never leveled it up) and must learn both trait and skill points – and pay for the training books- again.

As for ‘starting’ skill, they could have been a set of common ‘unarmed’ skills you get for your initial 5 slots of no weapon is equipped, or if the current weapon doesn’t use them all up:
- Punch: a skill that simply deals damage.
- Kick: a skill that deals a bit more damage, but with a cooldown.
- Leap: a skill to jump to a foe, knocking them down and dealing little damage.
- Push: a skill to push the enemy away, knocking them back and dealing also little damage..
- Grapple: a skill that deals no damage, and that immobilizes both you and the foe.
These skills could show up whenever you equip a single 1h weapon, or when you get an environmental weapon that does not replace all 5 of your weapon skills.
To put it simply, they’ll replace the empty skill slots you get with single 1h weapons and many environmental weapons.

But even if ‘common skills’ and profession changes should be possible, as the game is right now, it’s a bit too late to add exactly what you suggest.

No exceptions!

An option to remove all voice acting.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


- You can disable all voices without disabling other sounds in the sounds options.
- You can disable chat bubbles in the chat options.

Look for the gears.

No exceptions!

Please for the love of God change the Free Transfer policy

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Here’s how I would restrict it:

  • Transferring to a server your current server is currently at war with will result is restriction from WvW participation until the current battle is over.

If you want to run to the winning side, go ahead, but you don’t get to fight with them until the next battle.

In addition

  • World Transfers are limited to once every 3 days.

ANet needs to start making people be more decisive about WvW. Server transfers were never this common in other games, it’s ridiculous.

I would go even further:
- Transferrin to ANY world would restrict WvW access until their current WvW cycle is over, regardless of them being at war with yours or not.
Why? Altough it’s aasier to see the maps you share with your current enemies, it’s also very easy to contact people from other worlds and ask about their maps.
I get sometimes random whipers from strangers asking me about my WvW map status.
- World transfers would be limited once per WvW cycle.

Which means that if you go to another world, you’ll have to wait until the next cycle starts to do WvW or go back to your own world. And because of that, you’ll never be able to be participate during one cycle for two different worlds.

No exceptions!

people like to farm?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Hm… parsing this post is extremely difficulty.

From what I can hardly understand, you are saying that Pact Operation Southern Advancement even chain is the only ‘farmable’ event chain, and because of that, too many people congregate to participate in it, and as a result of that, it’s too hard to get credit for it.

You are also suggesting to make more event chains ‘farmable’ like this one.

Looks to me that the solution is very simple. And it’s just the opposite:
- Whatever makes this event chain ‘farmable’ or more desirable than the rest must be stopped or toned down to put it more in line with the rest.

No exceptions!

Disallow respawning within immediate player perimeter

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



I’d agree to this after a certain amount of time – say, if you hang around somewhere for more than four minutes, the field starts decreasing. That would prevent camping, but mean if you were trying to move through a cave, you could safely backtrack a little for kiting without running into mobs you’ve just killed.

4 minutes would be too much.
GW2’s combat is rather fast. 1 or 2 minutes without moving should be enough so your ‘anti-spaw’ AoE starts shrinking in most areas,, As moving is as simple as pressing W once.

Denser areas in higher-level maps could have more time, though.

No exceptions!

More bank tabs please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Not just that.

PvP vaults need at least one tab so we can put PvP stuff like surplus gear, PvP consumables: kits, boosters, finishers…
There should also be a collection tab for all stackable stuff you can craft or use to craft, like ingredients, crafting components, rare materials…

I don’t mind having to pay for them, but I do need them, as I have 15 characters and I can’t store all the gear I’d like to save for them, since it’s all filled with cooking and crafting materials.

No exceptions!

Stop TP flipping by applying a selling cooldown

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


When a few take advantage of a system to gain an unfair advantage over others, that’s a problem to be fixed.

No exceptions!

Limit stealth to out of combat only

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


You can’t be stealthed permanently.
- First, if you attack, you get Revealed and become Immune to stealth while it lasts so you can’t re-stealth.
- Second, no matter what you do, even if you bring all stealth skills available to a thief, they will simply not last enough time to remain cloaked permanently.
- Third, stealth doesn’t really protect you from anything. It only makes it easier to avoid being killed by inexperienced players. I can’t count how many times I’ve killed a silly thief who though they could get away from me with a bit of snaring, some AoE and just a pinch of guessing where they are. They never get far.

Anyone who says a thief can maintain permanent stealth either lags badly and don’t see the thief while it’s revealed, or never ever played as, with, or against a thief.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Why is GW2 combat sooooo BORING???

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I would have prefered a combat more like Blades of time, based on commands you link to skills and playable with a gamepad, but for a skill-bar based combat style, it’s quite better than any other I’ve seen.

No exceptions!

mounted fighting

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Just look at the beast of burden we have:
- Dolyak
- Bull
- Marmox
- Mosshearts.

Do you really want to ride one of those?
What else is there that is big enough for a character to ride?
Moas? A human could ride one, but not a Norn.

In Tyria there’s no horses. The closest thing are the kirin, which are draconic unicorns with scales and dragon-like wiskers and all, but those are found only in Cantha.

If there was ever horses and ponies in Tyria (so people can say that centaurs are half-horses), they are now either extinct or extremely rare.

My personal theory is that charr ate them all.

Then we have things like siege golems, which are already used for combat. And things like the Charr vehicles, which are huge and not viable for normal combat, they would only be usable in areas designed with them in mind.

No exceptions!

Let us save our armor skins!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They could add an ‘costume tab’ between the armor and town clothes tabs, each of those slots would have a show/hide checkbox, equipping a cstume piece in there would cover the armor piece when armor is shown, and won’t affect town clothes.
and when a costume piece is hidden by unchecking it, the armor equipped in that slot is shown instead the costume piece, allowing players to make quick appearance changes, like hiding/showing a hood or hiding/showing a different chest piece.

Then a Mystic Forge recipe that requires a stack of several transnsmutation stones (fine ones if the item is level 80) to create a diffrent type of transmutation stone that strips an armor piece of its stats to turn it into an armor piece item into a ‘costume piece’ that can be equipped in a costume slot.
These ‘costume pieces’ would be still usable to transmute their skin back to armor pieces.

Then add a PvE collection tab in the bank, and allow storing PvE costume pieces as collectibles, and ding, people would be able to get and collect all armors, if they get enough transmutation stones for it.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Disallow respawning within immediate player perimeter

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If the area is small enough, and spawns scripted to happen during events are not stopped or happen in some other spot within the event, it could work.
Otherwise a bunch of people would prevent more spawns altogether.

But it should quickly decrease in size until it disappears if the character stops moving, or someone AFK could stand anywhere with minimal risk.

No exceptions!

Full pvp server

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I will never agree with having words with special rules. No PvP, no RP, no starting level 80. Nothing like that.

If you want to fight others, you go to the competitive areas.
If you want to RP, you just do it.
If you want to be level 80, you just level up.

No exceptions!

Titles Need to be More Visible

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The only thing I’ll change is giving each title an icon.
Like the ‘start’ you get after getting 100%, you would also get an icon representing your title that would also appear next to your level.
If you had both a title selected and 100% map completion, the title icon could appear next to the 100% star, showing both.
Or maybe instead of it, only one icon would be shown, and the star icon would be shown if you select “Been there, done that” as your title.
Then if people is curious about what title is linked to that icon, they’ll click on you and read it.

Or maybe there could be up to 5 icons next to your level based on the things you do.
- PvP progres: Bunny, deer, dolyak, etc.
- Highest WvW title: Aggressor, besierger, chaperone, etc…
- Map exploration: Bronze star (60% e.g.: explored at least all in vanilla), silver star (80% map explored also one expansion), golden star (explored everything)
- Your selected title.
- Story progress: Valiant, Hero of Shaemoor, Savant, Warmaster, Lightbringer, etc…

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Notes/Goals of The Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If they ever have time to work in the LFG tool, this would be rather nice.

You set yourself as ‘LFG’ and chose from a certain listing divided in sections what you want to do. From a heart to a personal story, from a dungeon to a mere ‘kill skales’.
Then people can see in LFG panel a list of people and what they are planning to do and search both by names and by taks.

No exceptions!

Thieves & Rifles: Snipers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Thieves are the only profession with no ranged weapons attacks with 1200 range.

Of course they need it. And rifles fit their theme as much as pistols do.
Just make sure they can’t hit multiple targets with it (shortbows are for that) and they they get no snares with it, so they can only use it to hit faraway enemies until they get close, but not to stop them from getting close, and then they can switch to something more suited for closer ranges.

When would they be most useful? Some group events, and to attack key enemies from the walls in WvW.

A rifle for thieves should be very offensive. With very limited or even non-existant defensive capabilities, so one good Stealth skill for thieves with a rifle would be one that makes the thief shadow step to the target, not something to get away.

No exceptions!

Order vendors shoud sell equipment to all !

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They should have two prices.
A cheaper one for the order you choose, and after you have reached a certain point in your personal story, the rest would have the armor available, but for a much higher price.
Otherwise you won’t be able to mix their armors, and we’ll lose some nice combinations.

No exceptions!

Grenade engi tendinitis - autoshot with grenades?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Much like Ctrl+right click sets the autofire for a skill, Alt+Rigt click should set autotarget.
Then remove auto-target from the options. And people set it instead manually for each skill.

- Activate auto-target in a ground-targeted skill and it stops ground targeting, and instead centers itself automatically on target.
- Activate auto-target in other skills, and they work like activating auto-target in the options panel right now, but for each one separately.

It could show in the icon as a variation of the skill number:
- Red crosshair: Ground-targeted, auto-target disabled.
- Green crosshair: Ground-targeted, auto-target enabled.
- Blue crosshair: Ground-targeted. Skill not available (e.g.: Not enough initiative)
- Black circle, white number: Non-ground targeted, auto-target disabled.
- White circle, black number: Non-ground targeted, auto-target enabled.
- Dark gray circle, light gray number: Non-ground targeted. Skill not available.
This setting would be saved per-skill.

That way, you’ll be able to do things like freely disabling Auto-target for the flamethrower’s first skill while keeping it enabled on the rest, or activating it for the grenade kit’s first one, while keeping the rest ground-targeted.. Depending on your tastes.

No exceptions!

Nothing for level 30 above [FINE] in the Trading Post...

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Trading is global, and I just checked. There’s gear above level 30. Fine, masterwork and rare at least.

You be doing something wrong, or have some kind of bug.

No exceptions!

RP world yes or no?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If you want to RP, just RP.

There’s no need for worlds with separate rules to the rest.

No exceptions!

make lvl 80 servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I will always be against worlds with different rules.

No exceptions!

Ideas for the next Race

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


As of now, the only existing race that I see with the makings of a playable race is the Tengu.

Other races are either too tribal, or too hostile, or not enough humanoid to be able to fin in the same places, like a Siege Golem.

A centaur riding a siege golem… can you imagine?

The largos could do if they were less psychopaths.

Hm… maybe naga could do too.

No exceptions!

Eight Needed Game Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


  1. To do this, enemies would have to be able to jump or teleport next to you, otherwise you’ll be able to kill them without them being able to fight back at all.
    Reward with no risk is not acceptable.
  2. They need to be scaled, considering the level of both waypoints. And costing less within the same area than to another area. Teleporting to and between cities should be free too. This tweeking is needed so high level characters can play with low levels fluently, without having to run around after they run out of money or without having to go farmlevel 80 areas to go back and play in low level ones.
    But complete removal? No. They are a gold sink, ad gold sinks are fundamental.
  3. This is not such a bad idea. But +level/10 is too much. +level/20 or +level/20would be more acceptable. Of course, this would replace the current area level + 1. 4 levels above the enemies should be more than enough. Also, it should have less effect in higher areas.
    For example, if you are level 80, In level 1 areas you’ll be level 5, in level 20 areas 23, in level 40 42, level 60 61 and level 70 and more level 80.
  4. This is a must. They have a team finding bugs already. I suppose it’s a matter of time.
    Let’s just hope is sooner rather than later.
  5. This is not a bad idea. Mainly because many dragon encounters are practically guaranteed, to the point that people time their arrival just for the dragon, ignoring previous events. This would make them come and help with previous events, to ensure that the dragon appears. Any measure against the countless annoying “where’s the dragon coming” lines would be a good idea.
  6. Unlike waypoints, cost for reseting traits is reasonable. At level 80 it’s less than 3 silver. You get that in a couple of events or a few drops.
  7. I disagree. Creatures should respawn depending on how many people still standing. Not a fixed value, not defeated, not downed. People in fighting condition. Otherwise 20 defeated people will only make things worse for someone coming along to try and revive them.
  8. There’s lots of threads about camera issues, so I’m sure they are looking into that already.
No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

No target selecting with right mouse button!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This has been brought to attention several times already, if you use the search.
For example:

I could not agree more with that.
I NEVER select or activate anything with right click, excepting by accident when trying to move the camera.

I’ve been using F to activate stuff ever since I changed the ‘use’ key for Half Life ages ago.
Why use anything else than what works best?

I’d rather be able to disable that altogether.

No exceptions!

Bound to WHOM?!?!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Combat equipment, and combat equipment only should be soulbound, and soulbound items should say to whom they are soulbound.

No exceptions!

For "F": Prioritize reviving over looting, at least IN COMBAT

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Prioritizing looting over revival is only a problem if:
- You do not activate autoloot.
- You have your bags full.
Because then you get the loot panel instead quickly looting.

So for those cases it’ll be ok to prioritize revival over looting.

No exceptions!

Good and Evil

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Guild Wars characters are all Heroes of Good (within the context of their culture).

No evil characters.

And I hope that never, ever changes.

No exceptions!

User-generated content

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


User-generated content is the future… but creating a framework for it it’s a lot of work. Specially for MMOs.

It’ll have to be fully instanced content. And it’ll need a way to make sure people do not use them to generate easily farmable enemy encounters.

No exceptions!