1) You do relise the OP made no mention of skill being involved in WvW To get Map complition Right? Oh wait people like to make things up and CLAIM the OP stated something (Or other people)
2) You do need to have blind dumb luck to get the right cornor of the map to gain said thingsI Would have to agree with the OP WvW should be removed from Map Exploration and such.
is basicly known as free boating and such … its allready cause for alot of problems in WvW along with so many other things.WHY Should you have to swich servers or wait blindly to get the right cornor to get map completion?
Requiring you to get WvW 100% is inorder to make sure you have and understand WvW which obviously you do not by your “blind dumb luck” statement about corner spawn points in EB. It is all based on what place you are in rankings. Top server is green. 2nd is blue and 3rd is red.
lol that was funny
30-40 DB at FA BL bay gets wrecked by 1 arrow cart and like 20 of us
I wonder are post like this from people who WvW once a month or something? Because this type stuff can and does happen all time, yet your post makes it seem like you just stumbled on a unique situation. Try to get into WvW more than once a month to get your 50 kills and it will not be such a big deal.
You think this is a issue just at T8? In T3 Mag/DB are even matched but bottom T2 servers that fall down are 10x more WvW coverage. So basically Mag/DB get beat each week because of T2 servers bouncing up and down.
I’ll give you guys all a helpful tip:
If you have a crap ton of confusion stacked on you, don’t attack.
And don’t defend either. Don’t heal, don’t dodge roll (if you have a trait on dodge). Don’t use CC. Just don’t do anything.
How does that work out for you when you have a thief on you as well?
And here you go:
oh no someones mad we making fun of the 50 to 10 ratio of sf lol
Or as once someone gets past 5th grade known as a 5 to 1 ratio.
For one, I will say this post is in very bad taste. Second, it is a fabrication of the facts.
I was there(In fact I can see myself in the pics) and I saw lots of siege. To your guild’s credit you countered it all.
We had down two rams, you had a cata in place to focus them down.
We put up 4 to 6 catas through the fight. You had a treb take them out. Sure we PvDoored. We didn’t have much of a choice. Pat yourself on the back for that, not for the lie you want to tell here.
I also saw a lot more than 10 of you in there. These pictures don’t include the multiple allies you had join the defense later. I would say our numbers were roughly equal when we pushed in, and you had the high ground.
I’m not going to say you didn’t do a good job deflecting us, you did, but coming on the forums and openly mocking us for something we didn’t do? Not cool man.
“Sure we PvDoored” Well technically no you did not if they actually had siege destroying your siege. Unless it was automated siege.
Hey how about you win if you decide to not play fair lol
FYI that is 1 person and he was removed from the guild last night for his hacking crap.
If any Maguumans hack…please talk about it here..call out the guilds. Not so sure why DB is trying to keep things so hush hush.
WTF are you talking about we had one of your dam commanders come into our Teamspeak and cleared this up.
Forever United member here, whisper me in game if you want to talk about something, against the rules to do so on forum.
What would whispering you do? Even if it’s against the rules, more awareness comes from posting it here.
Well whispering us has taken care of issue and person has been guild kicked. And we provided the account name to one of your commanders.
(edited by Moddo.7105)
This reset will be rather hilarious for Maguuma and Dragonbrand as both Tier 3 servers (who are currently fighting Kaineg) will drop into last place or close to it. This means several weeks of completely crushing the other lower ranked servers.
Even if Mag and DB get put together, I feel bad for the 3rd server that will get railroaded by this recalculation.
If the calculations stay the same, it will be…. Eredon Terrace.
And if we both crush ET but tie each other, do we stay in tier 8?
Proably will not happen as Mag as of now is not really matched vs DB. DB has about or maybe slightly more NA coverage, but DB Oceanic time will probably cap all maps. And with a really low pop server like ET DB NA going to have to only focus on Mag.
Trying using GS#5 with this build. Hilt Bash : 30 Daze your foe with a hilt bash. Stun them if you hit from behind. Your pet’s next attack does 50% more damage.
The 50% extra seems to work even if don’t hit a opponent. My Jag macked someone for 6800 once using that.
Could anyone explain to me why every single person in the guild Duel has run away from me 1v1 like a little kitten? I really have to question their choice in guild name.
Because Duel is short for Dirty Underpants Eating League and not actual Duels?
i think what Jang meant was only noob sees zergball as people using multi-client, and noob never understand how zergball operate, and simply accuse people of botting…
Ahh ok that makes sense now. Now I can properly think of a rebuttal and “win a argument” as Darknicrofia.2604 was saying. BTW anyone know score for winning vs losing arguments in this thread? Darknicrofia.2604 you know what score is cause you seem to think people are actually trying to ""win a argument"/:)
trying to win an argument by picking apart the grammar of a non native speaker?
No trying to figure out what he said. He is using a english speaking website if I can not understand what he is trying to say am I suppose to not question it? And seriously are you posting in a thread on internt to “win argument” That is so silly you made my dog jump cause I snorted so loud reading that.
(edited by Moddo.7105)
It’s frustration that we’re still getting matchups decided by coverage this far into the games lifetime. WvW is a lot more fun when the battles mean something, and the keeps you take aren’t guaranteed to be lost every night through no fault of any of your players. Some players blame that on the server with more coverage because they are not very intelligent people.
Please explain… o.O
I’m saying that trashing a server for having timezone coverage is stupid, not that having timezone coverage is stupid.
It;s more fact that guilds bandwaggoned to Kain and messed up tiers that coverage trashing is going on.
You’re missing the point that these guys DO NOT REACT. We can’t take them head on, obviously, but a flank or any sort of moving to the side and they just run back and forth auto attacking ahead. This is not zerg busting.
Notice how NONE of them take any damage, and if they do it gets healed. If they receive a condition, boom its gone.
How does that happen? You stay on your commander AT ALL TIMES. You DO NOT run off EVER, EVER, EVER.
WM is just running a similar tactic, maybe not the same builds, but similar.
Wait so you are posting a video of Red Guard who if watch actually does play with alot of skill. You are posting this in defense of WM? I don’t get what you are saying here. Person you quoted said WM does not react, you post a video showing Red Guard. Um I am totally lost or you are. Watch both videos carefully Red guard warriors rush in and a few of them use leaps to attack first. Red guard you can see people stay tight but they don’t all look like they are following one person they spread out and fight in tight group not stacked 100% moving all at same time.
WM does none of this. The move in a line and all move in that line. They roll into a group and attack with 1 and then roll past. I have been caught in zerg ball and lived because it passed me by, allowing me to rez 3-4 others and kill 1/4 of zerg ball from behind. This is not even remotely what Red Guard does. And you really are insulting Red Guard comparing them to WM EB zergball.
Because I’ve never felt like I was locked into a kit. Even the popular builds you see on these forums: P/P, Static Discharge, 100nade, etc have flexibility inside their build to suit different playstyles.
Um if pick 100nades you are locked into having grandes equip hence the build. 100nades kinda does not work all that great with anything but grenades.
Where can I see the 100nades build? I keep seeing threads about it.
My thoughts:
Condition=pve only
Condition=pve/WvW only
there are enough people in WvW that do not run condition removal that Elixir P/P is very very viable.More people kill themselves off confusion than anything else It is my strongest build/class out of all my 80s(All except necro/guardian I have at 80).
Probably a lot of this is due to fact people do not have a clue what a Eng is going to pull out and use.
I offered in the ‘suggestion’ forum the idea of an ‘ignore’ button. Its worked wonders in many professional/technical forms.
There is a ignore feature if click on username it is under that. But It doesn’t work:) Person who codes website is also one doing class balance and is in charge of cleaning the men’s room so he does not have time to fix it.(last part was a joke:p)
The real reasons for the “queue bug” is that Elvis was kidnapped by Bigfoot and given to Aliens. Who performed a anal probe on him which gave birth to the wolfboy who went wild and stormed Anet office add pumped into a keyboard messing up Que code.
My theory has about as much fact to be real as yours does.
To the speedhacking rifle engi from an unnamed server on DB BL: Thanks for the badges, you suck so much you can’t even kill me with a cheat and yet you kept coming back for more.
How do you know he was speed hacking? Just curious is all.
1. jerky, laggy movement where he outran a character with swiftness while he had no swiftness
2. after dying he reappeared (literally he materialized in front of us) within ~15 seconds even though his server had no wp anywhere near that close
1st one is kinda iffy. Second one yea he was teleporting:). He was probably using the less advanced way to speed hack cause that one gives jerky movement. The other way is hard to visually see other than if you snare/immobilize them it has no effect because basically you lock your renspeed coefficient at X value,
yeah, i don’t understand why peeps continue to cheat. They must get caught in the end and banned. But still every match up has its cheaters.
Why pay for a game, then cheat to win some small victory, then get banned.I was just wondering the same thing. I guess they expect that they won’t get reported and therefore won’t get banned. Then again, I’ve met plenty of people who do something they know is against rules, yet they act as if they’re being completely maltreated when caught and punished… The idea of consequences for your actions seems to be sliding out of society, although I may just be getting old.
Reason is Anet has very little control over client as compared to any other MMO. Most other MMOs server is the be all end all authority of what/where/how fast you are. GW2 lacks this inorder to save on CPU cycles(on the server end). This is byproduct of being sub free MMO. Try and pinch pennies everywhere you can. Like culling. Only way to get caught is to be dump and make it obvious you are speedhacking to another player. If one plays smart there is no way Anet can tell unless they start having server distrust the client more.
To the speedhacking rifle engi from an unnamed server on DB BL: Thanks for the badges, you suck so much you can’t even kill me with a cheat and yet you kept coming back for more.
How do you know he was speed hacking? Just curious is all.
There’s a lot of frustration because the scoring system values timezone coverage above all else. A fair few people vent about this by raging at kaineng, but it really isn’t their fault and doesn’t say anything about the ability of kaineng players. Winning PvDoor doesn’t prove you have skill, but it also doesn’t prove you lack it.
People are raging against Kain because of posters from Kain who are mostly band wagooners that have been chest thumping in thread. More of fact that most people hate the way server balance was screwed up due to transfers. Mag/DB have been victims of this for 3 weeks now. And in fact you have a certian poster in this thread that was on YB then hopped to CD when they where winning. Then hopped agian when CD lost. Then hopped to Kain cause they where winning etc. And then same poster at same time was posting how it is not fair kitten transfers to beat CD.
So it is more of people raging against hypocrites and not Kain server in general. Anyone originally from Kain don’t take most of flames in here as to apply to you, they are more directed at the Server hoppers who have ruined the scoring system for last 6 months and have ended their happing on your server.
Now, let’s re-cap the question:
Brangien.7462: I don’t understand this logic. If (WM) they’re so bad, how is it that they’re holding the majority of their stationed map?
wads.5730: because of better coverage? how hard is this to understand?
Me: Doesn’t he imply that WM has better coverage than other two servers? They do station in EB around the clock, but the two worlds cannot stop a single guild capping the whole map and blame for coverage is a bit irrational. I’ve never seen them (WM) at any moment more than 40 ppl to outnumber both servers. If you say Kaineng has better coverage in general, I agree, then argument about WM is invalid. We all need to wake up, no?
Um WM is not only guild on EB. I have seen several different Kain Zergs in EB even when totally owning the map. So not sure what confusion of owning all EB has to do with WM and how they play. Their 30ish zerg is not one who took/hold map for them. because they don’t really defend they just zergball it. It is the 40+ other people doing actually work of defending.
So why are you trying to imply WM is only ones doing anything in EB from Kain server?
I’m thinking they may have decreased the pop limit on WvW maps to try and help their new culling system seem more efficient. Just my thoughts, but yes there is definitely something not right.
I starting to think same thing. Level of Dev to us communications is so low.(except in sPvP which has 10x more dev posts than all rest combined.). Anet is all about keeping stuff hidden. Just look at time stamp for chat/combat it does not have a seconds time stamp? Not really hard to add that. And all so fact there is no log feature making it even harder for customers to track down bugs and prove them.(ie some 1H range weapons firing rates are slow as 2H range)
You’re actually in the wrong class forum if you’re looking for sPvP “I Win” builds. most sPvP opponents know exactly how to counter thief burst by now.
What you want, sir, is a warrior or an ele. Those are the solid competitive builds.
Actually isn’t sPvP mostly hotjoins? Skill level is usually very low. tPvP is where you will find more organized and skilled players.
saiyr.3071I just hope we settle in whatever tier DB is in.
Same here. I love butting heads with you guys and your sarcastical and flamish posts make me giggle!!!
No one flames you. We love the salad updates. Willing to pay for you to come to Mag and be our full time Salad Updater.
We need more Char updates cause Steak>salads.
Well Kaineng at least got a bunch of server hoppers that all went to a lower tier so they could combine with a strong Oceanic time zone coverage. Then they exploded even more with band wagoners when people saw that they had decent coverage. And going to cost you now to move.
I am from CD and I transfered same week as FA went to ioj to unbalance all Tiers from T3 to T5 so I went to server T6 that had potential and we are just doing great now whatever people can say. CD strenght mostly moved to Kaineng so believe in skilled players the same that teach ioj and FA how to do better. Reminding ioj came from T2 to T3 against CD and FA claiming to learn us something while they get stomped 5weeks in a row. After double teaming CD with no success they just all transfer to FA to completely unbalance next match to win it because they were sore loosers bandwagonning in same tier to max ppt with ioj server empty. Completely breaking T3 and of course lower tiers while ioj server was falling. So many wvw guilds oriented from CD went to LOWER tier Kaineng like a land full of promised for wvw dedicated player base.
If I left CD it’s because I had to and well Kaineng is like I said the place to be (saw from T6 te risen power Asian-NA-EU).
So thanks to remind me but i can tell you I am fully happy to contribute in war on Kaineng side like everyone do here.Titan War.
Who cares. Good lord who asked this guy for his server hopping history? Please no one else start doing it going to bloat the thread.
Everyone have the culling problem… So if one raid was wiped because of culling, it’s because the other dealt with it in a better way… Culling isn’t a one-side issue. So i’d say your statement is flawed.
Actually culling favors the larger force. So it even further eliminates any tactics in WvW.
People do not stop WvWing because of a losing score they stop when objectives/fighting is just waste of time vs server that has 2-3x your number. When you are losing closely it means that you are actually having a good fight. Wen getting stomped you are getting rolled by larger force at every objective so people get sick of being useless. Even if there was zero score fact that 1 server controls the map will keep people from going into the BG.
Sadly, the forum kiddies did not learn from the closing of the first thread…and are aiming for a 2nd….I almost assumed most of you were adults…
Take it inside the game, but remember it’s a game.
You know by calling others in thread names is basically same thing they are doing? You are just adding to problem.
Exactly what Dual said… If you hit someone in stealth with auto you will do a combo.
L2P maybe ?
I have ever class at 80(except Guardian) and play them all, Thief/Eng more than others
I know how to play a thief. And maybe you should L2P other classes before you ever use L2P again. Because not all classes have a combo in the auto attack chain. So to you I say L2NotoveruseL2P replies like every other poser on the forums.
Black Desert is amazing. GW2 is not bad, but I don’t like many things in design, like too many ships onshore, whole design of WvW, and mishmash of styles. GW2 has no soul, it has something to every player, from laser swords and anime characters, to auto-guns and medieval elements. For me this is lack of good design. Instead design Anet tried to make the most mercantile game ever, or let say it honestly – game like WoW. (Pandas are the top of mercantile stupidity)
Bah you evil evil person. Saw you mention Black Desert so I went to look it up and first thing I looked at was trailer…it looks awsome. So then reading a article about it saw realse date was in about Aug-Sept 2013 not bad…But in Asia only:(Evil man you are for mentioning it disappointing me so.
SSI Gold Box D&D vs any other D&D game made is why graphics does not matter. SSI gold box captured the feel of what it was like to D&D better than any other game to date.
Because you are already downed, so you cant taste backstab:)
There will be a 9k dmg backstab waiting for you, trust me.
I enjoyed to oneshoot ppl in WvW and then saw them QQ in forum, so interesting.
I use to too then I switched to the least played Class in WvW my eng. So I could actually have a feeling of outplayed someone instead of playing my thief and have feeling that I(as Chuck Norris) just beat up a Christopher Reeves(post Equestrian accident)
You’re kind of bad at this.
It’s okay, I’m sure when we’re asleep some Koreans will get online and actually troll us.
kaineng won by a landslide but obviously they are the worst out of the three!!!!11
Think of it like this. Say Last night Super Bowl team was matched up against 500 pee-wee football players. Do think even the Ravens would have any chance in hell winning?
If the match up is not fair it is not our fault, nobody on Kain picked it
This only makes sense if you’ve been on the server since day 1.
Well not even then as he said nobody and nobody is defined as “: no person : not anybody” So it make zero since because we all know that a large number of T1 guilds/peeps transfered in last few weeks.
I think the players of Kain are happy that this week thus far has been a success. If the match up is not fair it is not our fault, nobody on Kain picked it and this reset made it worse because next weeks match up looks to be horrid.
After a few weeks I hope we are matched with a group of servers with equal numbers. Please try to be positive, most of us have no ill will towards any of you and just want to have a fun time.
" the match up is not fair it is not our fault, nobody on Kain picked it"
So nobody on Kain recently transfered exploding the population? How in hell did you all stay in lower tiers for so long with numbers I have seen if no one choose to transfer thus causing population imbalance in lower tiers?
I’ll be blunt here: The fact that this issue is as obvious as it is and goes continuously unnoticed and not commented on by Anet staff leaves me doubts about their competence to get this game as polished as it should be.
“I’ve always found if I ignore my problems they just magically fix themselves. Maybe Anet has Fairy Godparents watching over them also.”
Signed Timmy Turner.
I had no issues missing with the FT last night at all. All I had to do is aim even remotely in the targets direction. I disagree with that one
There is a bug that a radius is too small? on what? Which skills are bugged by this?
Pistol bugs I agree with. What I do not agree with is how you portray it as a issue unique to the profession. It is indicative of the weapon on all pistol professions, it is not an engineer bug. Stop trying to pretend it is unique to us.
Yeah turrets are as problematic as necro minions. No argument from me there.
LOL so you say that only leaves us with rifles…..Wow what a cheap straw mane argument. I have yet to see you prove pistols were unusable. If they are so broke, why do I see thieves and engineers using them all of the time. It is ridiculous claims like this that make it difficult for skilled players to take your argument seriously.
Pigeon holed, no. Not hardly. I think it is more and more apparent every day, that skill, adaptability, and the ability to think and play outside the box, effect how the profession works head and shoulders above how bugs do.
As far as your issue with the devs fixing Necros, Rangers, and what not, cry me a river. We are discussing engineers here. Secondly, does your family farm stray and bale it or something? Yous showing straw men at use like they are going out of style. Find me one MMO bug free after six months. As a mater of fact, find me an MMO that has this much content added and has so few bugs.
Thieves use pistols because mechanics are different and P/D condi for thief is ones best specs for downing players. Thief bleed stacking is 10x better than eng off pistols and lasts longer too. 4s vs 2s. Eng use pistols because of confusion and fire dmg really. If go for stright bleed killing someone pistols are lacking which is autoatack and that is where pistols are weak.
Speaking as someone in attendence at the Dragonbrand pre-reset server meeting, and who stays in contact with many of the guilds and leaders on Dragonbrand often, I can assure you there has never been any sort of alliance with Maguuma. I did musingly toy with the idea of reaching out to Maguuma but my own guildmates and various others were adamantly opposed to the idea(a lot of them really don’t like Maguuma).
I know the narrative put out on Kaineng is that there was double-teaming going on. But I think that shows a deep misunderstanding of basic WvW reset-night strategy. Whoever holds Stonemist will be attacked by both servers. On borderlands maps you do not attack laterally, you always attack north against the defending home server.
Dragonbrand attacked north on MAG bl, Dragonbrand attacked north on KAIN bl, Dragonbrand attacked the owner of Stonemist in EBG, Dragonbrand defended against both MAG and KAIN in its homeland.
This is basic strategy. No conspiracy theories needed.
Yup and reason you attack north is because of spawn locations, unless you someone cap both keeps. Make zero logic to attack Mag unless they are weak at that time. But Mag and DB are kinda evenly matched on reset night.
Blame the superbowl i see. lulz
I know silly huh. When we all know it is due to Kain getting a hugh influx of players and thus able to just run around with 2x numbers all over 24/7.
Im pretty sure it isnt a bug…….. its a lowering of the number of people that can be on a map. This, if so, is good news. Several of the top servers have overly populated their servers to ensure theyre always running on max 24/7—- and since most servers have at least 1 weak time frame—- it pretty much gurantees a win. By lowering the number on the field— it helps to even the playing field. Lower pop servers benefit from this change—— higher pop servers suffer…. in the end it should encourage players to transfer to the underpopulated servers, and the balance of power in the game should shift to being much more even over enough time.
If this was case then explain how Kain can have 2x number in BG than DB yet DB still had a Que. This was in DB BG early afternoon o Sunday DB BG only had like 20 people in it and Kain had a zerg of 60+ but DB had a 30min Que. Kain rolled over the map so hard.
Sad thing is well most likely will see very little change to commander function. Anert has barely enough Devs to even change tooltips for skills.
One hard counter to “stealth” in this game is suppose to be using auto attacks and AoE in your area. One problem with this is that if hit a stealth person you don’t get any indication of it. So basically person could be swinging in opposite direction of thief or even hitting him they will never know unless get lucky and down the thief. A “counter” to something is not really a counter if it is just you trying to get lucky. What needs to be done is that numbers should pop up when hitting a player in stealth just like when hit them out of stealth. Then maybe there would be less moaning about how stealth is overpowered.