Showing Posts For Moddo.7105:

Ranger Scaling issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


What is so stupid about this type of issue is dam MMO companies do not learn EVER. EQ had this so added pet focus. Then WoW had this and finally added pet scaling in. Common sense that it should be in game.
Don’t count on them adding it any time soon as this is a Hugh amount of work and Anet has such small staff they can not even make skins for all weapons in April Fools content.

WvW Rankings! Whats your current Rank?

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


A thief is the highest rank in WvW? Nowai!

Cluster bomb = many kills.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Why is it reading all class forums people mention tPvP balance like it is end all be all and most important thing to them. When in reality there are like less than 300 tPvP games going on at prime time. That is what 2500 people max across all servers.

I undertand devs place 1000% more into tPvP balance which makes even less since considering the numbers involved. And fact that tPvP generates zero income for them as a game model. PvE and WvW seems to be better focus.

Most fun dual sword class?

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


dude WvW isn’t pvp, it’s just bus vs bus. no offense

WvW is as much pvp as sPvP it is stand in circle vs stand in circle. You could win sPvP without killing a single person. Same with WvW. If sPvP had a Arean Death-match fight then you cold actually claim as such but with the stand in circle game play you can not.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Dear god is it getting old to see people in RvR thinking they’re hardcore without doing tournys to prove their point. Most people in RvR dont bring CC breaks so stupid crap like this actually works. Most burst builds work in RvR for this very simple reason alone. Doesnt mean Warriors are in a good place. Show me 5v5 against a solid team, before you present this crap.

What actually is getting old is lack of reading comprehension of some of you people. Can you show me where in OP he said that he was hardcore or even mentioned his skill level at all. Sad that most replies in here are from idiots who are slamming the OP for just posting a video of a build he uses for Solo roaming.

Condition Dmg worth it?

in Guardian

Posted by: Moddo.7105


In my opinion no. Mainly because going condition dmg for 1 type of condition unless confusion is not worth it. Condition removals are too prevalent in PvP and WvW and in PvE long burn duration is not as good as direct dmg. And since have Fiery Wrath I do not believe the 10% applies to condition dmg so more power would be better overall.

3.26 - The Day WvW Alts Died

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


This is one of the most pathetic things I have ever heard.

Then you have lived a really sheltered life. if someone posting on a game forum is one of the most pathetic things you have ever heard.

Bring Others "In Line" w/ Kitten Refinement!

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Kinda bad examples really as the things you mention are not a 10pt trait.
A better example would be 10pt Arcane Ele Trait Elemental Attument.

Break the zerg: Split WvW XP

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


This would further premote zergs either way. Because if player kill xp was split people would focus even more on capping and avoiding fights. Not that that does not happen now but it would make it wors.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


That’s part of what a QA team does. They look at changes to make sure they fix what was intended and not break other things.

Simply as an analogy, if Amazon’s QA team let as much get through as ArenaNet’s, customers would be griping left and right about being overcharged, receiving the wrong items, etc. simply because the site was made “more flashy” or new items were added to the site.

That isn’t really the most appropriate analogy, you can’t compare videogame development with website development. Of all the MMOs I’ve played, I’d say GW2 is one of the most bug-free at launch, and probably has the best class balance as well, if only because skill factors so highly into GW2 combat mechanics.

Don’t assume a website is just HTML. When a lot of major websites have own backend and not just using a basic LAMP server setup. I attend a seminar once where a rep from was talking about backend and they have around 30 million lines of code for the products the supply.

DO NOT post bugs or suggestions here

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Wait did OP forget to log into his Anet account or something? Really might want to be more careful as posting stuff like this from your “other account” Might get you a bad times.

Thank you so much for killing Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Take penetrating shot and you’ll get more kills than any other class, making it easier to level in WvW.

That’s not the issue with rangers, there are so many other issues though….

A Eng with piercing bullets can hit way more than any other class in game excluding siege. Only way penetrating shot can hit more is if everyone was lined up in straight line. Eng pierce works on explosion of explosive shoot. So it hits people next to and behind kinda like a chain reaction. In the Lords room of hills in that tunnel I have had my screen covered in popup numbers it is insane.

Edit : Correction when i said “Only way penetrating shot can hit more is if everyone was lined up in straight line.” that is not true as Eng will all so hit all people in line.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

Caltrops Animation Still 15s

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Gotta wonder what type QA testing goes into any changes.
1. Apply change
2 . og in to internal test serve use skill
did server crash?
No then it passes QA.

Thief forums are depressing (and a question!)

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Um isn’t making a thread QQing about QQing kinda compounding the problem?

KR was just holding me back!

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


One thing you are wrong about

“…and get this. Instead of a measly super elixir when switching to elixir gun, when I switch to water, I heal myself, give myself regeneration, give myself regenerate health (it’s like a second regeneration) and I cure a condition!!! All from pressing one button!”

If you are traited into common D/D ele build then you are not removing 1 condition on switching to water but 2. 1 from cleansing wave and another from combination of regeneration and cleansing Waters trait.

Promised Condition buffs missing

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


In WvW there is a lot of condi Engineers. PvP that’s a tough one.

By a lot you mean maybe 3-4 out of 100? At least on my server playing WvW I see maybe 5 engies tops and some running other than PP. Maybe it is different on other servers. Or has changed in last day since I staying out of game due to WvW being 100 man zergs of people farming Wxp.

Engineers only miss one thing about KR

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


they should have changed EG proc, that one was very strong.

It was no more powerful than traits a Ele has switching to water. Sure it cost 15pts for them to achieve same thing but it is also did not cost them a utility slot. And it could be on a 9sec CD.

Engineers only miss one thing about KR

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Having two condition removers for free – that is, having to use FT and EG and spend 10 points in traits – is too powerful!

So 2 condition removers every 20secs is OP for 10pts. Why is a condition removal every 9 secs not? Go look at Ele traits in water line. Also take a look a Guardian traits. 1 condition every 10secs passive..they don’t even have to devote a skill slot and switch to it to achieve this. And these are class that already have a much better condition removal system in place. Imagine if 10pt instead of kit refinement was a boon you could get for hitting tool-belt skill. That would be better than what we have now..And ele one is on a 9 secs


in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


As of melee, it doesn’t really matter with retaliation if it is melee attack or range. What does matter is a number of times particular skill hits.

And this is what needs to change with retaliation. My Thief can BS for 8K and take 350hp from ret, My Eng can shoot same person for 450 crit and get hit with same dmg. This is stupid mechanic IMO. It should reflect back a % of the hit.

[TC] Hidden Killer or Executioner?

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Executioner > Hidden Killer all time now. Hidden Killer is bugged and does not work at all. So until the bug gets fixed don’t use Hidden Killer.

how about this solution?

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Here, Anet, I will help you:


  • Stealth: The duration of Revealed has been increased to 4 seconds when coming out of stealth via an attack against human players or their pets/summons. It still remains at 3 seconds when coming out from attacking NPCs.

TAH DAH!!!!!


Well no duh. His first sentance said “Here, Anet, I will help you” This incase you don’t read english well is implying that he is helping Anet out by rewriting the patch notes for them and suggesting a more balanced change that effects PvE less and actually does fix issue in WvW.

"Revealed" Nerf is also a damage nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Cry more, you cant see how overpowered you are, you deserve it. Finally those poor defenseless classes who take 6k, 5k, 8k (and if manage to survive) go “what the heck” then they get another backstab and die.

This isn’t even a PvP discussion, and you’re bringing your incessant whining in to a place where it is not warranted.

You are the reason I hate the MMO community in general. Shoving your nose in areas of the game that you are clearly completely clueless about and pretending that you are even slightly knowledgeable. Your complaints are not even SLIGHTLY relevant here. Go cry in sPvP or WvW forums instead. People like YOU are the reason PvE elements fall to pieces.

You’re almost as bad as Columba. Please leave. Now.

You are the one who doesn’t see it. Thieves can’t do that sequence since their stealth is debuffed for once, and by the looks, you are unhappy that i am happy about being nerfed. Nah, im not sooking, im crying for joy that they got nerfed!!! You don’t understand how overpowered you thieves really are.
And yeah, I know you are a thief, any other class wouldn’t whine the way you did.
~Bye! I won’t be reading your next post because its just gonna contain more whining!

This changes nothing in pvp. You have no idea what you are talking about. This nerf effects pve far more than anything.

That was the intent as has been most nerfs for thieves. Devs don’t really want to fix the problem with thieves in WvW so they throw in a nerf that effects PvE more. Same with some of mesmer nerfs. They did not fix issue just appeased the whining/clueless masses. Devs will not fix OP nature of specs/class they actually play.

Revealed bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


if “Meld with shadows” is chosen – “revealed” lasts 5secs! (tooltip stil 3secs)

God, what? Another bug? O.o
How it can be possible? So many bugs in the just one class…

Not just one class a majority of class have very many bugs.

Kit Refinement (effects post patch)

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


See you all are looking at this from wrong prospective. All changes are good because from Dev point of view now that KR sucks monkey chunks less people will use it so therefore less reason to actually balance it since previous nerfs.

automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Yea they fix a bug on what I assume is a little used trait. They probably thought from all the data mining “oh people don’t use this let’s fix bugg” and since no dev actually plays a Eng enough to understand no one takes this trait due to Formula 409 being 20pt trait.

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Grenade Kit skill: Grenades no longer require the player to have line of sight of the target area to throw them.

that might be a good change for WvW depending on how it works. Can I now throw nades 1500 even if I can no see top of wall area.

More engineers are playing!

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


^ nice one!

This is both good and bad. Good that engineers are gaining recognition. Bad that now we won’t be as unique :P One reason I rolled Engineer instead of say, Ranger, is that I didn’t want to feel like I was just one out of a million others like me.

Go a support healing thief and you will be unique.

Why are turrets being buffed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Anywya I was bored this week end and tried a 3 turret static discharge build.

Not that bad, actually better then expected.

But once your turret are on cooldown, you are pretty much death.

I didn’t have any kits except med kit. I didn’t have any CC breaker. I had one condition removal.

I felt really naked.

Rifle Turret, Utility Goggles & Toolkit, perhaps? You’ll get 3 ranged static discharge procs, and the toolkit so you can magnet -> pry bar -> overcharge shot -> unload discharge. Not to mention the block for added survivability.

I’m not saying static discharge builds are competitive, they’re really not. But if you’re tenacious enough you might find them close to viable. The naked feeling won’t really go away, though

I disagree, they are quite viable if the build is appropriate. You can get a massive burst if you hit your chain correctly with anaylyze/magnet/prybar/rifle #4/netshot/throw wrench/jumpshot/rifle#3, if you don’t have your turret up you can have more damage with the surprise shot, if you do, it is shooting it the entire time, either way, more damage.

I think in a roundabout way we agreed with each other.

Don’t ever ever ever say something is viable. 100nades was gimmick viable every 30secs and look what they are doing to that..All it will take is one photoshopped picture of static shoot hitting for 10K

WvW Titles/Rank/Skills & Multiple Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I’m not really sure why Anet would preview anything. It could be that they’re previewing the less contraversial abilities instead of the ones they know are going to cause a stir. It could be they’re not on the same page as some people.

It could be that they used some examples loosely, without thinking about it. It could be the person who wrote the blog post thought those abilities were cool and other people think different abilities are cool.

Are you suggesting Anet has never stuff up a PR point before? lol

Anet’s goal is to get people interested in the game. Their best way to do this is to post something and go “hey, look how kitten COOL this is”.

I very strongly doubt that they’d make their releases without thinking about them, and if we’re going to assume Anet’s incompetent, then anything goes, really. They might be introducing the ability to attach roller skates to dolyaks.

…Y’know now that I think about it that’d be really cool.

Sure, but Anet hasn’t always read the public right and the list of PR gaffs is pretty long. In fact, one would think they’re thinking less about marketing and more about making the game, because they’re gamers, not salesmen. At least, all the evidence points to this.

And they have a certain way of seeing things based on actually usage, that might be very different when the game is released. Like the Guild Missions. Testers did these missions without ever prescouting the bounties. But most guilds do prescout, so the whole onus of the mission is changed.

No, I think it’s safe to say that waiting before we judge is better than making an assumption, at least when it comes to Anet and the way they present information.

How do you know how/when/where they tested the missions? Did you read a dev post talking about the testing of guild missions? If so can link it as I am interested in reading it.

WvW Titles/Rank/Skills & Multiple Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moddo.7105


A much better patch would have been giving WvW characters access to ascended items via badges. Same with commander tags. A better patch would have been rewarding special behaviors like escorting a dolyak in. Say 5 badges? Seems awfully fair compared to getting 10-15 badges in a single zerg vs zerg fight. All ANET had to do was unlock these abilities with badges and it would have greatly motivated people to get back to WvW. Instead we get another currency.

I dunno, I think badges are kinda flawed; they reward activities that might not really be in the best interests of winning the game. Over in sPvP land, you get Glory for doing things, anything at all, that helps your team. Over in WvWvW, you get badges for killing people and finishing JPs; the first is helpful most of the time, the second isn’t.

And new WX kitten ame as badges just stuck to one toon. It rewards me for playing a AoE class ikittenerg more than playing a Yak/camp stomping thief. And compounds the problem of taking a support build. For example why use EG eng build when to earn more WXP you should go nades. More people hit = more WXP.

WvW Titles/Rank/Skills & Multiple Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Actually if ask me whole thing is kinda not a issue because all of the WvW abilities are crap anyway except less dmg from siege and extra supply caring.

Boonhate will destroy engineer off builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I think this game deserve something to counter boon.

Not that engineer is such an issue, but Elem buner and guardian get crazy with boon. Most class can’t counter boon stacking, engineer only having mines as boon removal (and who use mines).

I think it’s a bit early to call out the end of boon engineer, as we don’t know yet about the change. And they said it would prolly be a traits, meaning that a boon haters would have to BUILD for it.

Just like a boon removal mesmer and necromancer, you don’t see them often. They hinted toward the warrior. And warrior right now need that help.

As I said there is a boon counter called Conditions. Problem is that ones Anet wants to nerf mainly D/D Ele also can trait to remove boons better than anyone else. And Anet wants to add a new mechanic to over come a broken mechanic to fix a OP mechanic.

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Wow it took 2 whole days till a Yak Bender did whole “we are so pro because we win a 2 hr period on reset night with a ppt 20-30 higher than other servers” post

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


TSYM a fun target?

In the first 5 days we were in T3 I wracked up an amazing 8300 kills. Both YB and DB threw everything they had at us. It was fun, it was exciting, and it was definitely challenging.

In the last 7 days we wracked up about 430 kills. Rather than face the first challenge your tier gets in who knows how long, you chose to avoid us, and hit our homeland whenever we left it. Any time we took the field you scattered like roaches with the kitchen light turned on, and hit us where we weren’t. The ONLY decent challenge we had last match week was when BP was hammering us with everything they had while YB hit our hills the instant crossed swords showed. It was about 3 hours of run, wiping golems, defending massively one sided fights, and seeing great combat movements. The instant they took bay they moved, and joined in with the “dodge TSYM like we owe them money” initiative.

You had a solid chance to improve your team by facing mine. So yes, you can go back to your talentless ZvZ brawls, and BP I’m sure can go back to farming uncoordinated masses like its zombie land. Well go in search of a higher caliber of competition, one that might actually stay and fight!

Ok so someone says fighting TYSM was fun and you get all “The bad man said my guild was fun ti fight” Ok how about this TYSM where just a bunch of 50+ zerging that was not fun to fight what so ever because all they did was autoattack you with 50 people.

Is that better because obviously you don’t approve of fun.

ANET Dev's that represent Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


The Ranger forums is the exception rather than the rule.

If only ANet had a dev like Robert for every class. =/

Ha he is not much help IMO. He is of the mind “pets are fine in wvw, just keep them on passive and at your side”

Please fix these stealth issues

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Infusion of shadow returns +2 init “using a skill that stealths you.” Meld with shadows, however, affects “stealth skills.” A clear semantic difference, and working as intended.

“working as intended” unless you are a developer you don’t know that I would like clarification from A net.

Do’t hold your breath on that one. Anet hasn’t posted in here in how long? Let alone answer 1 question

(edited by Moddo.7105)

Pet Selection - Which, When, Where, and Why.

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Actually, devouers dps is rather good, especially considering it’s easy to keep them on tagrget nearly 100% time.

Last night had devouer shooting at me and I was moving side to side totally avoiding the attacks. It is almost as easy to avoid as the Guardian Scepter auto attack.

Pet Selection - Which, When, Where, and Why.

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I tend to use ranged weapons in WvW so I hold my pet for the first 5 seconds of the Zerg clash, which gives the AOEs a moment to end and be in CD.

See and here in lies the issue. You are limiting your dps because of the way ranger is setup. If you where a ele your would go 100% at start of the fight not having to worry about your meteors kitting killed and you lose 30%+ dmg for 60secs.

Thieves and stealth stomp.

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Problem with stealth stomp is that it is almost a 0 cooldown. One C&D is all it takes. With other stomps like invul/haste/stability they are mostly on a >30sec cooldown using a utility. The exception being a ranger with zephyr’s speed. But since there is 1 Ranger to every 10 Thieves you don’t encounter that as much.

Boonhate will destroy engineer off builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Boon Hate is such a dump idea and shows that Devs do not even understand their own game mechanics/design. There already is a counter to the boon bunker in form of conditions. Problem is condition dmg is so crappy and poorly implemented. Since protection and Armor do not effect cond dmg. If they would make it harder to remove 8K condition dmg in 1 cond removal instead make cond removal a certain number of stacks and not whole stack of condition.

So instead of adding a new broken and buggy mechanic fix the ones in game first.

Engineer Farming?

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


what if thieves work like this

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Anet barely has workers to fix simple tooltip errors. 7 months now and is still listing power as stat it increases due to tooltip error.

If they an not take 30secs to change a DB entry for a item how do people who make posts like this expect them to hire programmers to radically change a class core code. If it does not involve changing a number somewhere don’t expect major balance changes.

The State of Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I don’t see much wrong with being hit for alot by a glass cannon. Isn’t that the point? There would be something seriously wrong with balance if a glass cannon build would glance off our defenses. Where would that leave anyone NOT glass cannon hitting us?

Very good point. Kinda like reading in the warrior forum where a bunch of warriors where kittening about Healing Sigent being too weak and need a buff. Reason being because it could not passively heal against Ranger or Necro conditions. Yup something is weak because it can not negate total another persons dmg passively.

My opinion on dev focus and Engineer.

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


If this thread same person who starte the “Class ain’t bad, you’re just lazy?”

Are you bi-polar or something? In that thread you claim Eng is best class out there and in this one saying we are most broken. I am so confused.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

Blood and Fire: A work in progress.

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Yea I think he linked wrong build as this build is a HGH build that I run myself. No FT traits picked at all so FT would be not as optimal.

Is There Something Wrong?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Answer is GS, it is a lower end dmg weapon because it is more of a defensive weapon. Try using a SB.

f1-f4 Ability Obvious and Ignored Imbalance

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I’ll give anyone 100g if they can hit me with the Drakes breath weapon.

Irrelevant. This thread is about how F abilities of Ranger are not instant and all other ones are. Wrong and silly comparision in this thread. I think everyone agrees that Pet F2 abilites are stupid long with animation cast times. What people are saying is the OP is a fool who lies and makes up false stats on other classes F abilities to prove a comparison that is illogical to began with.

abaddon's mouth teaming with Millersound

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


well yea i mean Anet must do something about these server alliances…

or what?

Are there any even tiers?

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


“Are there any even tiers?”

Yes T2,4,6,8 Are all even tiers. Where T1,3,5,7 are odd.

f1-f4 Ability Obvious and Ignored Imbalance

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Concerning F1-F4 abilities…

  • Engineer – instant cast toolbelt skills

These are all the classes F1-F4 abilities, and they’re ALL INSTANT CAST as they should be, very balanced overall don’t you all think?

Wait, what’s that? I forgot a class? OHHHHH that’s right. The Ranger…here

  • Ranger – pet paths to target, pet roots, pet begins 2 second cast.

There. I think I covered it all now. Still think it’s balanced? 7 months without a fix to this obvious imbalance rangers have…how nice it is to be ignored.

Please teach me MASTA how to instant cast my Bandage Self!


Bandage self is one of the MANY different tool belt abilities you get, most of which are instant cast…EVERY one of our pet abilities has a huge pet pathing/cast time besides jaguire which is useless anyways

When did instant become 1 second?

And again, this is a heal…and it’s the medkit toolbelt skill. Don’t like it then switch to the other healing abilities which DO give an instant heal through regen. Most engineer F abilities are instant, wish rangers could say the same.

F1,F3,F4 are all instant What ranger are you talking about surely not GW2 Ranger.