Showing Posts For Moddo.7105:

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Well couple things, I main a thief and can kill any ranger anytime 1v1. No chance. Same on my eng and my mesmer and warrior. SB too much dependent on Cond. Well cond suck because you will be dead before you can do 1/2hp to me. Is it because I am so much more skilled than all rangers I have ever fought? Don’t think so. It has too do with 45% of dmg following me around in form of a pet.

And second thing how do you get first in WvW? Makes me wonder if you ever have been in WvW.

I bet I can beat you ~40% of the time in WvWvW if you jump me on your thief main if you actually are a really good player. If I jump you then it goes up to about ~75-80% me beating you.

That’s just ballparking, but you are either playing bad rangers or always fighting in zergs (for that extra 3 second stealth lag) if you never lose to rangers.

Ok then I retract my comments. Nerf rangers they are OP as shown by this guy beating people 75-80% of the time. God forbid someone from outside comes in here and tries to help rangers actually get better by telling how rangers get beat all time. Then someone has to prove how l33t he is by claiming he can beat you 80% of time.

River Drake.

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


If your pet is hitting for 14K-16K as you say then rangers need a nerf. Did you mistype that?1.4-1.6K maybe?

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I main ranger and I just have to say, what happened to ranger forums, did it turn into WoW forums? No one should be fired just because you don’t have enough skill to kill people in a game.

I’ll say it and I’ll say it proudly, aside from bugs I’m happy and comfortable with my damage output, doesn’t stop me from coming first in WvW and SPvP.

The way in which you type at the forums ranger brethren makes me think many player from WoW came to GW2. Which is something I do not want.

Well couple things, I main a thief and can kill any ranger anytime 1v1. No chance. Same on my eng and my mesmer and warrior. SB too much dependent on Cond. Well cond suck because you will be dead before you can do 1/2hp to me. Is it because I am so much more skilled than all rangers I have ever fought? Don’t think so. It has too do with 45% of dmg following me around in form of a pet.

And second thing how do you get first in WvW? Makes me wonder if you ever have been in WvW.


in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Like I said before. Everyone is insisting on going glass cannon. I have 21K HP and over 2500 armor. I don’t even have to stunbreak but I still slot one. I eat Glass Cannon thieves, they are my favorite to kill.

I agree with you stiv, I dont want a tanky Ranger… Id rather have a tanky warrior, I try to counter thieves with traps. It works well sometimes. And its hard to think of an elementalist as a tank build.

People forget this MMO is different from others in that you can build each class as you want them, and that there are no dedicated healers. (I used to play EQ2)

Rangers in my humble opinion have the shortest end of the stick. I was looking forward to some good ranger buffs this last patch but oh well :/

If anyone has a right to complain about balance it’s rangers in general as I feel they are weak. Their burst builds aren’t as bursty as others and their tanky builds aren’t as tanky.

Honest question. How should rangers deal with Thieves? At best, I can entangle and run away, but that sucks.

That is a Ranger issue not a thief issue. Let’s nerf thieves down so a crappy class like ranger can kill them is not a good idea. Ranger needs serious work on pet. And when pets actually are viable rangers are going to be overpowered.


in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


You can’t knock back or pull something you have no target on. Unless you have ground targeted ae which few class have or use

Which class doesn’t have an AoE attack that doesn’t require a target?

I can’t think of one.

Dealing with stealth isn’t necessarily easy, but it isn’t all that hard either. Add to that, most players get tunnel vision and are easily baited. Just do something stupid looking, wait for the smoke puff near you, and dodge/pop a defensive cooldown.

If you see the little house icon AoE the crud out of it (this includes sword swings, etc.) You’ll usually see the thief dodge out the other side of his house and you can click on them again.


Ranger vs Thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Warrior. LOL dnt even need to kite sit thier pull 15 mobs and hundred blades yay i won…. >.>

Also to add onto this Warrior has better range in form of Rifle than Ranger or Thief.

Parked alts at the event chest for easy loot

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Have any of you complaining about this actually done a world event before that spawns a chest? If you do not get credit for event ie get bronze or above you will not be able to loot chest. I DCed on start of last step of the event and then when logged in was placed in a overflow server that had just completed the event. Was unable to loot the chest that was there because I did not get a precipitation of the event.

Why weren't Warriors nerfed?

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


19k-25k hundred blades is okay… yet they nerfed pistol whip… I’m genuinely confused. Both root the character, both are channelled attacks, yet the guy with the heavy armour and high health gets to keep that ridiculous damage.


Hundred blades does not root the target. It always needs to be preceded by a stun/disable. This is usually bull’s charge in most GS roaming builds.

Ever hear of strawman argument? Congrats you just made one :p. Read what person said “Both root the character” now read what you said "Hundred blades does not root the target. " congrats you won your argument over something he never said.

Excuse me but kill shot - inc 'moment.'

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


No i don’t think you’ve grasped the basic point there.

Someone claimed RS hits for 20K. It does not – they thought each damage figure was an individual one not the cumulative amount. RS is a 5-7k channeled damage ability.

Kil shot, singular, is a cast time – albeit a short cast time – shot that has been documented in the 15-20k plus range. This is far too much.

I’m not sure i can make it any simpler for you.

What he actually said was ‘rangers can do upwards of 20k in rapid shot [sic]’.

Now I don’t play a ranger anymore, but given that rapidfire has a higher total damage (and DPS) than killshot, and killshot can (albeit with a lot of coaxing) deal ~20k damage, I’m guessing it’s probably true.

Why you’ve assumed he meant per hit I have no idea.

Check out the ranger tooltip on live. What that means is 10 shots that do a total of 1320 damage – not 10 shots each of 1320 damage (on live mine says 3300). Which is why RF foes not do 20k.

In rapid shot rangers can do 20K? No. No they can’t.

Busy levelling my warrior. He’s so much better than a ranger. By miles. I’d go as far to say he’s a bit overpowered. Not as overpowered as thief but close.


I know that’s what it means.

The point is that he never said it did that with every single arrow it fired. The person you were replying to said, and I will quote it again: ‘rangers can do upwards of 20k in rapid shot [sic]’.

He’s saying the skill can do that much damage. Not that every single hit can reach that.

You are face palming someone and you are one that is not udnerstanding? RS does not due upwards of 20K. On my crappy thief with crap toughness I get hit for 5K max from RS. What person who said 20K is doing is looking at the floaty numbers that pop up from RS. 500,1000,1500,2000…5000 etc and adding them up. This just shows how little person understands how GW2 works, and yet still feels need to comment about about gameplay and instruct other people. The dmg popups are addiative ie the 2000 is first hit + 2n+3rd+4th etc. Not each hit is harder.

And at no point did anyone in this thread claim per hit…Go look up what a strawman argument is.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

LOS is now fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


AOE blinds shut a lot of things down lol. They have ways to remove conditions en masse in an area. They just have to clutch control it in combat, just like any other class when they are shut down.

Yea except other classes can use their urtilites still. When I am blind I can still use Deathbloosom to evade. Or on warrior still use whirlwind to evade away etc. The mesmer can not.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Maybe just maybe we mesmers were doing too much damage than what was intended?

This was the “anti-burst” patch…..Honestly I dunno but Dancing Dagger got the axe rightfully so, but that’s a -50% reduction vs the theory driven -50% on izerker etc.

We still absolutely pwn. Yes we can’t abuse LOS issues w/ the unintended bu….feature. Still tho I have zero problem taking out people 1v1 or 1v2-3….not a big deal fellas.

Yea if mesmer still own why is it on my thief I now destroy mesmers. And I am running a S/D healing build. Reason being is that I can put blind on mesmer and keep him from using his major abilites.

Mesmer blinking every second?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Has anyone else seen this since the patch?
I was in a 5v5 hot join and a mesmer was teleporting 10 feet every single second.

Of course the player that was doing it plays dumb and says “come on you guys 56k is outdated”….
{I had the most points on my team and we won, so I sure wasn’t lagging}

Player was using a speed hack. To you it looks like he is teleporting because his client speed is running faster than info sent back to server.

LOS is now fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Okay since people are talking about nonsense I did not ask about. Let me rephrase my question:

How did you beat a competent mesmer, at the henge in the Forest of Nifhel (NOT WVW, NOT PVE) prior to the LOS nerf.

I think your utility phantasms should be castable outside of LOS, IF AND ONLY IF they can do no physical damage to an enemy. Otherwise they are just offensive utility bots, ad we revisit the offensive LOS issue.

And you think this because of your vast experince of playing a mesmer? LEarn a bit about illusions the dmg illusions also have a untility function. Same as alot of abilites in game. Like thief #3 arrow, if my traget blocks/dodges/los/invul my shoot they do not take dmg or snare but I still get my evade and jump back. And this is same with many abilites that also provide a untility. Not so for mesmer thier whole ability is stoped. No range reflect on iWarden, no cond cure from illusions etc.

As a thief class I really feel sorry for mesmers now. What use to be a tuff class to kill is now easier than a ranger to shutdown. Atleast ranger cans till do dmg/abilites even if poor. My thief shuts a mesmer completely down with AE blinds on a stealth and blinds on attacks.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

Do devs understand how phantasms function?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


On my thief mesmers use to be a tuff fight, not anymore as I have a S/D build based around poping in and out of stealth a mesmer is so screwed by trait Cloaked in Shadow(Grants blind for 5 seconds in a 240 unit radius around you when entering stealth.)

Increasing Cooldowns Not Cool

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


The CD increase on portal was not due to WvW at all. It is all about sPvP. But unlike other classes mesmer nerfs where across the board in aspects of game. Portal was being used in sPvP to have means to quickly bring 5 man team to 1 spot if a node was threatened by other team. And I also belive that new sPvP map is made with alot of jumping to different lvls.

Dancing dagger and Bladetrail

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


What is funny is Was not bouncing abilities “fixed” in that the subsequent hits were hitting harder than first. So if this was fixed it seems that DD is now in line without a 50% nerf. How come noone is talking about that?

sPvP - My Ranger fellas , please stop crying

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Hmm never played my ranger in pvp but I know from fight them all I have to do is keep mobile and pet never hits me. So how is this a good build when birds are worst at hitting a moving target? And I have never lost a 1v1 vs ranger on my MesmerEmg/warrior or thief. I stop playing my ranger at lvl70 because I saw how crappy pet AI was and figured it would be a long time in the fixin.

Phantasms should not fail to spawn on dodge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Mesmer phantasms work like regular attacks. There is not really a logical reason for them to ignore dodging. The ‘double-standard’ examples are apples to oranges —

Once a regular attack lands successfully, that’s it. With phantasms atm we can fail entirely when we cast, but even after that the enemy can still dodge/block/reflect/blind the phantasm.

Also, phantasms dont get regular attack bonuses from sigils and stuff.

It’s all double standard against the mesmer.

Don’t forget kill it also. Be like Ele casting a Meteor Shower and then have each meteor be hit by another AE and die before doing dmg. Or a necro well being able to be hit and killed in 1-2hits Imagine the uproar.

Remove the Cool Down on failed skills.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


LOL you know other classes need to deal with these issues.

LOL it is amusing that you feel need to comment on a thread in MESMER forum when you are so clueless about the class play.
Let me educate you. On my thief I use a ability called infiltrator strike(Sword 1) this ports me ahead to my target and does a bit of dmg and roots person. If person is invul I am blind etc I still port forward but the dmg is not applied and so is my return portal I can use. So imagine if a blind/invul caused all 3 of these abilities of it to fail. That is what is happening with the mesmers.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

Feedback about making future events better [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Moddo.7105


To address the last point, there is simply no reason why the events can’t start during prime time in their respective timezones. I have not heard one compelling argument to convince me this isn’t a good idea.

Well there is money. That is what it is all about. Maximizing profits. Inorder for them to have events happen at different times they would need to have a staffer on to insure event went off at said time. Not that I agree with issue. Considering the sold over 1million last I read. They had 1 million preorder so that is 60million dollars. And they will not even spend money on a test server.

Thiefs need a nerf.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moddo.7105


A friend and I were in PvP and we came across a single Thief. We spent an entire hr fighting this guy, dieing once or twice and running back before the other one died. A whole kittening hr. No matter what we did he was constantly invisible and not taking any dmg. If we ever did any dmg to him he was stealth and appear with full health again. We fought him under water and above ground all over the freaking map and we couldn’t do one kitten thing to him.

At one point another 3 people joined the fight and we still couldn’t kill him. He effortlessly evaded every single attack and was invisible more than he was ever visible. If one of us went down he would also be invisible for the entire time he was finishing us and there was no way we could defend against this either. Our CC did absolutely nothing and it was all that we could to do take 1/4 of his HP off before he disappeared and came back with it all healed up.

Hate to call anyone bad but if you are getting beat 2v1 by a thief underwater then you really really need to go play some more pve or something to learn your class. Thieves have the worst underwater balance on any class and I have 4 lvl 80s and 2 70 atm. For 1 all the elite skills are unusable but basilik venom. and two only 1 stealth is possable works underwater which is the heal.

Your cries fall silent

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Mesmers still suffer from the world completion star problem after such a long time. There’s obviously not a team specialized on each class, or – sorry – whoever is in this team has no idea of the game, which is pretty much the only way to explain the portal change for example. Which is actually not a nerf or a change but just a case of “uh, let’s do something and see if it works out”. Nope.

it was stated in a post last night by a dev that there is 2 devs for class programming. So to restate yes that is 2 devs for all classes not 2 for each. You sir are correct.

Mesmer nerfs :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


What is your propuse around here exactly? Asking question to me?

Just trying to figure out why you think we should get special treatment against blinds.

Special treatment. Again, i’d like to see these change applyed over all class.

Be advise: I’m not saying that for real because Anet will lose ton of player, since the game will be completely broken at that point.

I don’t think you’ve identified any discrepancies between what happens for the Mesmer and what happens with other professions.

Simple is fact that not all mesmer builds rely on illusion for doing dmg but actually rely on the illusion being out and able to shatter. They way it worked before was if say someone evaded your illusion cast the dmg was negated but still had your illusion out(Which is way whole mesmer class was made to have illusion out for x number of abilities) So basically they just made it worse for use to realy on illusion shatter builds. It would be like someone casting blind on a necro and a minion would go poof on them. Or blind on a ranger and his pet went poof(if in a alternate reality and pets actually were useful in pvp)

PVP Changes in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


They really can not apply changes to WvW that they did because some are really overtop and would really cripple a class in PvE part of WvW.

Mesmer nerfs :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Well Deserved and Finaly , and i play mesmer can take on 2v1 easy mode , now it’s challenging at least

Man do you even play a mesmer or hell even GW2. None of these changes will really impact a 1v1 or 2v1 situation. It was all WvW whinning on forums that got nerfs. What this did is make mesmers even more useless than a Guardian on sieges.

I am mesmer, fix Phantasmal Berserker

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Moddo – You can’t fix one problem (Mesmer lack of siege pressure) by keeping or introducing another (Berserker LOS). I expect Arena Net will buff the class if they feel it has become too weak.

Sure so when is all other AE that does not need targeting getting nerfed too? I have been hit standing back away from leges all time in keeps. But people whine on forums about Izerk and that was one targeted for nerf.

I am mesmer, fix Phantasmal Berserker

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I’m glad they fixed it.

Maybe now we see Mesmers with different weapons on the battlefields, not just 99% of them running around with GS.

And you obviously have no clue about mesmer class yet fell inclinded to jump in and comment about a class you don’t know. What weapon dmg does a mesmer have that will be effective in a siege? Feedback and Into the void are only things now that can be used and neither does does dmg . A very good chunk of mesmer dmg is based on illusions. So basically mesmers are now just portal bots. And even less effective now.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


What I don’t see is a backstabb dmg nerf. The most used OP build barely got touched other than C&D yet nerfed hell out of S/D build when very few Thieves run it. C&D was a VERY large part of dmg for S/D build and at 3K ish for the build was not OP. What made C&D op was using it in combo with mug>C&D>baclstab all in a few secs.

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend v2

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


EDIT: This just in, TC is outmanned in EBG while holding the majority of the map. What is this I don’t even

Because outmanned buff is bugged and shows up randomly. What I think it is doing is that it is using all maps population together or something.

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend v2

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Peoples, of YB, TC, CD decent, for the love of all things WvW stop with the petty crap please.

This match up has some wonderful 3 way action, some delightful 2 way action happening on an hourly basis.

I will say CD’s Oceanic / Asian / Euro crew does seem alot smaller this match up to when we last faced them (as I am from YB), but those that are there in WvW are sill putting up some good fights.

TC today, it seems, have been able to get some more numbers out in the park during NA prime time to give them selves a little buffer, not a matching winning one but enough for a little breathing space, but I know from YB’s perspective, and from what I saw from CD last time we faced them, both will come and continue to hit you hard for the rest of this match up.

Let the wars continue in the BL’s and EB and lets not bring them back here eh?

It is not the people from server derailing this thread. It is 1(one) person from CD trying to appease a bruised ego by saying other two servers are double teaming him. And he also thinks that for some reason his server randomly got better pvpers that TC did. So don’t point finger at the whole server(s) when it is just one person talking.

Can Mesmers pass through walls?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


So, I was just in a WvW situation where an enemy mesmer was able to pass through the gate of our tower. She somehow got through the gate, layed a portal, jumped out of the tower, and then there comes 20+ enemy through the portal. The tower was free. I was aiming an arrow cart at the very spot she entered the gate. There is no mistake she passed through the gate somehow.

I want to know. Is there an exploit that allows mesmer to pass through walls maybe with blink? That was some bull kitten.

They might not even be passing threw anything. With simple editing of memory you can change value of gravity and jump over tower wall no problem. do it using invis and no one would know.

How do you 2vs2 two thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


If they get the jump on you you won’t have much of a chance.

The key is to jump them….while avoid being jumped yourself. If you can catch them off guard, preferably with CC/stuns…then it should be a pretty easy win.

We caught them once while they killed a lone guardian. They did not try to fight just stealthed and ran. As we could see them again they were already out of range. We chased them for a while but there is no way we could catch them with 25% runspeed +shortbow.

About 3 minutes later they found us again and instant killed me and killed the engineer with the 6 seconds of fear they stole from me.

Point is :

We get the jump: They escape
They get the jump: We die without a chance to fight back


In WvW main objective is to take and hold keeps. As a thief the two players are pretty much useless for their team. Now you and Eng would be able to hit people and siege inside keep with AoE and grenades while two thieves shoot a little cluster bomb every 3secs. Is that balanced? WvW is not going to be balanced in every situation.

What is wrong with thieves in a nutshell

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I would love to have this culling affect me more. Everytime I pop out of stealth I get unloaded on and have to use sword 2 to get hell out of the middle of zerg.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


And people from FA that “claim” you have outmanned buff might want to go find out how it is suppose to work. So unles ET server is hiding a big zerg well there is no way you should have outmanned buff in a BG.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


While messaging someone with accusations is never a good thing to do both of you obviously have no idea what is actually happening. It has nothing to do with class skills or exploits but with the rendering problems. Im sorry to tell you this but you are probably not as good a player as you think you are, what is going on is whenever you come out of invis you are in fact still invisible to your opponent because you have not rendered, by the time they can see you then you go invisible again and repeat, thus the illusion that you have perma invis.

So many thieves are going to get a rude awakening when this is fixed, it is a huge advantage in WvW for them at the moment.

Yea another person who knows so much didn’t even go read link and thinks he knows all. See the skill called infiltrator strike allows you to charge someone and leaves a point on ground you activated it. This then you can use later to telport back. So rendering has nothing to do with it. Stealth was not issue because I was not in stealth I was behind them. So please like person who whispered me please learn something. And please don’t comment on a situation you have no clue about as you were not even there. And no one said anything about my skill level. I tried to help person out with instructing them in use of a skill when they thought it was stealth, and they were not able to understand it seems just like you who think Infiltrator strike = stealth.

I dont think you get it, based on what you said the person was obviously complaining about you having perma stealth, he was complaining about more than just 1 skill. The issue is that you may not have been stealthed and to you everything is going fine, but to him there is a really high possibility that you simply had not rendered properly from the last time you used a stealth skill and he could not see you not matter what skill you used.

The issue has nothing to do with what skills you used, it is entirely about the rendering and the fact that he could not see you, no matter how much you try and argue against that by saying you were using certain skills it does not change the fact that it is a well known issue that thieves will often appear to be stealthed almost permanently

Well if a 3 vs 1 and no one around and it goes on for 2mins and I don’t render then they have issues more than the culling, See you are commenting and kinda tried to insult me without even knowing the situation. The 3 people were mad about not being able to kill a Thief made to not be killed, but I did not kill them either as my dmg is rather low in the build. They died when two other people rolled in and killed them.

Badges of Honor Question

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Reason you are not getting many badges is drop rate for them is balanced around fact that Anet figures players will get loads of bags using AE. Mesmers have crap AE ability so they get less bags therefore less badges.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


While messaging someone with accusations is never a good thing to do both of you obviously have no idea what is actually happening. It has nothing to do with class skills or exploits but with the rendering problems. Im sorry to tell you this but you are probably not as good a player as you think you are, what is going on is whenever you come out of invis you are in fact still invisible to your opponent because you have not rendered, by the time they can see you then you go invisible again and repeat, thus the illusion that you have perma invis.

So many thieves are going to get a rude awakening when this is fixed, it is a huge advantage in WvW for them at the moment.

Yea another person who knows so much didn’t even go read link and thinks he knows all. See the skill called infiltrator strike allows you to charge someone and leaves a point on ground you activated it. This then you can use later to telport back. So rendering has nothing to do with it. Stealth was not issue because I was not in stealth I was behind them. So please like person who whispered me please learn something. And please don’t comment on a situation you have no clue about as you were not even there. And no one said anything about my skill level. I tried to help person out with instructing them in use of a skill when they thought it was stealth, and they were not able to understand it seems just like you who think Infiltrator strike = stealth.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

A Little Warning before shutdown please.

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


It really is insane that you give a 2sec warning only to shutdown WvW. So people waste money on siege and other stuff that de-spawns on shutdown.

Thief | Proof of Concept: Permanent Stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


And who in hell cares about 1v1 build in WvW? Can 1 person take a keep or hold it in this game? Nope. Oh no you might get ganked while solo around. pveing. I personally think killing 1 person every 45secs is not a very good use of spot in WvW. My build I rarely solo kill people, but I sure can cause alot of confusion and break a zerg up so rest of people on my server in area can push them back. And when 15-20 of the enemy chases me away from a keep they are sieging I consider that a big win. 1 person draws a large group away from siege for 5mins if more effective than kill 1 person who will get rezed back up in 10secs.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


FA is only server that has sent me mass whispers over me killing them. Obviously not all of you but never had a whisper from anyone on another server till Friday. And as of now I have blocked 20 of you FAers because of repeated whispers over and over. And this forum post kinda mirrors what whispers represent. If I was most of you or EU server looking to transfer I’d pick another server. Playing along side people like that giving the impression that FA are immature whiners is not good.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


So I have a question why does everyone hate Yak’s Bend so much.

Because Yak Bend is actually a “nice” Server and everyone poopoo on nice people. A server that let’s another server take orbs back contested when they got hacked m must be hated. Dam goody two shoes.

Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


The best is when they are doing it and they get rolled by people from your server. Then it is mandatory that you tea bag them 5 times.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


So did you lose enthusiasm because you just wanted to run in a zerg and press autoattack to win all day in WvW? Next time try thinking up a counter instead of complaining on the forums.
Edit: /wiki Area of Effect before complaining also. It sounds like you don’t get how it works.


“you just wanted to run a zerg and press autoattack” – this statement assumes you knew my exact motivation and exactly what i was doing at the time this event occurred, specifically

1. “you wanted” – you knew exactly what I was thinking.
2. “to run a zerg” – you knew that i was leading a zerg at that moment.
3. “press autoattack” – you knew exactly how I was playing the game at that moment, ie. autoattacking and doing nothing else.
4. “you don’t get how (Area of effect) works” – seems to me like I saw exactly how it works.

So what I hear you saying is that you can in fact read my mind and see through my eyes when I am playing GW2 and that AoE tactics are legitimate tactics in GW2 even when they give one side an insurmountable advantage over another in WvWvW.

In case you don’t know but when a sentence(Like one you are quoting)ends in a “?” which is called a question mark it turns that sentence into a question. So that person was asking you a question and not just making a statement. Please go and get a 1st grade English book and read a bit about this amassing punctuation device before you go on a rant about person reading your mind and all that silly woohaaa.

10/19 Gates of Madness vs Yaks Bend vs Sorrows Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


At least Yak is not exploiting invulnerable area to build siege in so it is untouchable. Not going to say which server but it is not GoM or Yak:p

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


@Waterbear, Thank you so much for killing the bots!!!!

Tried to kill some of bots in SoR but a toon called White Rogue with accent on o and few others came to protect me. He was working with bots to protect them as he said he is making money off them.

Forging the pact,

in Personal Story

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Why in hell is this quest still left in game. It is preventing me from completing my story on a bunch of toons. If can’t fix bug get dam quest completed for people who can’t and have been waiting since launch of dam game to actually you know play the game hey paid for.

Badges of honour drop nerf?

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


From what I have seen to get a bag and hence a chance to get badges you need to either get the Killing Blow or be one to F-stomp someone.