Showing Posts For Moddo.7105:

Good news? - Rangers.

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Should probably create a thread for each bug to help them out more. And keep them all on front page so they can see them better….. We just want to help.

New ranger skill to make us "special" in WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


“Necro’s are the only ones who can help their team kill a buffed claimer”.

Not anymore claimers are now immune to condition dmg also.

Oh and on another thought Anet does not even keep enough staff to fix simple tool tip bugs how do people think they can add new skills like this. Unless someone can copy/paste code or change a number we will not be seeing any class additions like this. Took them 6 months to make 1 change to programming of Ele grasp skill, and that might of been a copy and paste job too.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

A dear Jon letter

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


They will not rely because it is a defensive maneuver

iZerker damage nerf?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I am wondering if they did something to “pets” ie non player entities dmg. My ranger pet is also not hitting as hard.

Why not let us loot bags after we die?

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Imagine looting a bag and inventory is full and loot window pops up showing a Sunrise and before you can dump something to make room you die and it is lost forever.

Feb. 26 stealth nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


And this is why Anet does not have a combat log to text file function in this game like every other MMO ever made. It keep people guessing and harder for us to show bugs therefore they don’t have to worry about people seeing more bugs.

pet damage is not even in the combat log…

Yup and that is another way they hide the numbers so people can’t call them out on changes. Less informed customer is the less they will notice bugs/changes. Then less staff you have to pay to fix items.

Feb. 26 stealth nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


And this is why Anet does not have a combat log to text file function in this game like every other MMO ever made. It keep people guessing and harder for us to show bugs therefore they don’t have to worry about people seeing more bugs.

Feb 26. Pet and Thief Tracking

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


All this really does is make it easier for the good thieves to have a C&D target close at hand if they are trying to run and no other mob is around.

Good news? - Rangers.

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


That was just the Mod trying to lock a thread in nice way. In no way shape or form does that post mean anything than we are locking a thread.

Dear Jon peters and other "balance" devs

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I am more surprise that they haven’t closed this thread and the numerous other complaint threads, perhaps proof that even the moderators have abandoned this section of the Forum.

Naw I am under the impression that mods are outsourced and have a “moderation like made” attitude so they can justify having the job.

Undocumented Ranger changes 2/27

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Anyone else also notice with 1sec out of combat CD they took away the stow out of combat giving haste when entering combat and bring pet out of stow.

Eagle and Hawk F2 bugs

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


tested again. Cooldown 6 sec. (don’t know why it was 10 before??)

But they still share the same cooldown.

Your pet was most likely Chilled. 66% of 6sec = 9.96 rounded to 10sec.

Pet chasing me to the end of the world

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Ranger pets don’t while thieves are stealthed. Only when they leave stealth.

He probably meant under the effects of culling stealth. Pets now attack when the “stealth” drops and not when it rendered and ranger could sick the pet on them again.

Enemies are expert trackers now? (stealth)

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


you have to use stealth to make distance between you and mobs if you want to lose agro. bad.
downed skill useless. again the worst down mode

No way eng have it way worse

Feb. 26 stealth nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


critical damage 0
Healing Power 0
Condition Damage 0

Have been in Since launch. Agony resistance 0 is new. Funny that from start of game they have had first 3 showing but never has anything ever effected them. 6months after game launch and still a obviously planned feature is not yet done.

Feb. 26 stealth nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Yup it was nerfed some how. I spent morning in WvW and never got above a 3K off crit with Jag. Use ti hit for 5-7K I guess BM was too viable and was killing people 1v1 we can’t have that.

Debunking the Ranger rage.

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Just joining the thread, seeing someone who actually knows the ranger in most aspects. Ain’t that nice. I don’t wish for a debunk, I’m main ranger myself (since beta) and very happy with the ranger. But I always stick to one build that I really like. If you wouldn’t mind I would love to hear if there are any alternatives you can recommend.

I 100% want a glass cannon build like the one I run, but you might have an alternative. I’d be very interested in hearing what it could be.

My build – Everything is Berserker:

Shortbow(Sigil of Air) | Sword+Warhorn(Sigil of Air, Sigil of Force)

Traits: 30/30/0/5/5
+10% dmg on full endurance
+70 precision to me and allies
Piercing attacks
Chance to cause bleeding on crit
+30% critdamage to pets
-20% cooldown on shortbow skills

Healing skill: Healing Spring(PvE), Heal as One (PvP)
Utility: Quickening Zephyr, Protect Me, Search and Rescue(Dungeons), Signet of the Hunt(Everything else)
Elite: Rampage as One(PvE) or Entangle(PvE, PvP)

Is there ANY way you can produce a build dishing out more damage than this as a ranger? Not considering survivability? It must not include spirits, and I do not want Sharpening Stone as utility skill. I want a ranged and a meelee weapon.

would love to hear ideas This is the build I found to be best for actually everything.

I don’t think “Spotter” gives you +70 precision, only your allies benefit from it. I’d swap it out for “Signet of the Beastmaster” so that you’d gain the benefit from activated signets as well.

Try “Signet of the Wild”, see if you like it better than “Signet of the Hunt”. Even though it has a ridiculously long cooldown (120sec), once activated, it provides 12 seconds of 25%+ attack and stability. Whereas activating “Signet of the Hunt” only boosts the next single attack by 50%.

Search and Rescue… Hate it, even in dungeons. 85 seconds cooldown for a single slow res is not viable. You have only 5 BM, your pets will aggro mobs, it might die before it can res the player.

Red Moa for bonus 20% crit rate and wolf for fear (used to interrupt opponent heals, or survivability) are also a great combo for berserker builds. Keep them around you since they won’t be able to damage/survive with only 5BM. This will also allow more 2sec “Quickening Zepher” from pet swaps if they don’t die. So you won’t need “Pet Prowess” (+30% pet crit damage), you could instead go for “Primal reflex” (for more dodge).

Spotter does affect you, at least last time I checked. It just only works for everyone in combat. no idea why it works like that as it basically does not effect your first hit, and what is big deal if it was out of combat.

Debunking the Ranger rage.

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Here is my take on needs for the Ranger class from a WvW perspective:

-Pet bar needs more commands, i need to be to able to trigger, with an appropriate cooldown, things like:
damage shield

These would never happen at least for a year or more. Anet can not even fix dam little bugs like tooltips not registering dmg properly. No way we would get such a radical addition that might take a programmer a few weeks to do.

The last resort.

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


wait what?

your video just shows the pet standing on a balcony and when you try you get ported back into the room..

thats not a reason to say rangers are bugged thats the most absurd reason i’ve ever seen..

this does not affect our class in any way..

I think he was being funny. At least I hope so.

Less Talk & Moar Pew Pew - Ranger Videos

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


It does not matter what anyone posts as what Anet uses to balance anything is stats that they pull from the server. Ie if 99.9% of rangers are using X skill all time they will either nerf it or buff another. They don’t base any balancing around actual game play. You can see this by some of the Eng nerfs in the past patches. If someone from Anet would actual play the game in right context they would of never done the changes.

I thought Ranger was fine, then I switched...

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105



Yea, I’m in the same boat with you. I’ve played a ranger since beta and while I still think a lot of ranger QQ comes from people not knowing how to manage their pets effectively, the profession is in a very weak spot in terms of PvE dungeons.

Agreed, alot of bads play a class and think they are good, then when they fail at it the class is automatically bad. But Im not bad, and I know many fantastic rangers who share my opinion. Unless you are traps, ranger isnt really viable.

So true I have 80 of ever class but a necro and it amases how anyone can play a Warrior/guardian/mesmer/ele and then post on Eng/Necro/Ranger forums and tell everyone else how Ranger are just as good as others. In Open World PvE sure, hence why 90% of bots run rangers, but in other areas another class is better.

I thought Ranger was fine, then I switched...

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105



Ranger has the same ‘incidentals’ but unfortunately they all affect our pet instead.

And the pet is already dead after 2 sec in battle or from AoE on the way to the target!

Honestly, Anet, did you guys make ranger pet just to be on passive mode in dungeons?

I use my pet and it usually never dies if it does i simply exchange it for the other. Pick good skills extend beast mastery and you will have a god pet. It is always sad to see someone who cannot master their pet, but if you take the time to learn it anything is possible with them.

Sorry have to call BS on this one. Your pet never dies? maybe on passive

He probably means farming in Orr or something. Most people who talk like him play 1 hr a week and really do not understand mechanics of game. They roll another class and play to lvl10 and think OMG this class is not as good as my lvl80 ranger so Rangers are best ever.

Dear Jon peters and other "balance" devs

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


This is par for the course. The Devs are very out of touch when it comes to ranger. Pets are still utterly broken. Necros got a TON of love, and even the overpowered theif and warrior classes got significant buffs. My build got a WvW nerf for the guard skill which was our only “cool” or “special” thing we could do in WvW (while mesmer clones still get to pop up on walls). None of the other patch notes affect any ranger playing a reasonable build.

Devs are out of touch with Eng class too. One buffs they got was increase in healing that wrench does to turrents. I mean how lacking in basic eng game play can they be to think oh if we make wrench 100% beter at healing people will use turrent more. Like that was issue with turrent eng not being able to heal them enough.

Idea: Remove DS, add LF skills.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


On all class forums people make these post on how to fix X class and all big changes. Anet can barely fix 2 bugs a month from all classes and people think they can total rework is not even possiable.

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Change is perfectly fine.

Patch ensures you have to leave scouts at high value objectives rather then relying on simply pressing M, it also splits up the usual 50 man roaming zerg into smaller groups to attack and defend respectively.

If your having trouble with the new system, you need to work on your guild or server coordination…

It also makes it more effective that as a lone thief I can cause white swords on a keep forcing the scouts to waste time checking ever little objective that 1 person caused. Why was Orange sword limit increased but white swords not? Both should be same.

Feb 26 - Engineer Patch Notes discussion

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


What cracks me up is ele similar ability Evasive Arcana only got a nerf to healing and it is only in PvP. Yet they nerf Eng ability across the board.

So let me get this straight.

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Maybe the change in the trait is a way the devs tell us to not use 100 Nades build, because it a lame build that show no true skill r use of what the engineer can really do

Like my warrior who sits at back of crowd and pops frenzy + Kill shoot 3+ people at once for 12K is why we are suppose to play

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moddo.7105


The cost is and will remain the same due to fact that Anet wants to make money. This move is aimed at having smaller guilds (which are probably made up of more casual players) to buy gold from gems. I highly doubt a dev came up with idea it comes from the suits who just want to nickel-dime the casuals that will want to do this.

If rangers get nerfed this patch....

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Im pretty sure that there is a thread titled " Ranger Update " posted on the first page of the forums addressing some concerns and raising some speculation. It may be a bit premature, but I am not fully understanding the reason for this post…

Haha you mean post started October 23, 2011 by a Dev and then ignored. It was a PR thing as nothing in that thread has really came to light. 4 Month old “we are aware of issues and are fixing them” Just does not make we fell all warm and fuzzy as you seem to take it.

[State of WVW] Snowball Matches

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


If a match was made out of snowballs it would not light very well so what good would it be. It would fall apart as tried to strike light them. And pack of matches would get soggy if they melted.

Why do ppl hate the Engineer?!

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I was fighting a champion abomination yesterday with two other players, all ranged. Two of us were medium armour (me as engi and the other as ranger). My higher damage drew the champ on me the entire encounter. The other two went down due to his charge attack, which got me a couple of times as well. Overall I was surviving longer and dealing more damage than the other players and I was the last to go down in the end. In fact I had been running circles around this champ, and other spawns, trying to slowly res one of the downed rangers a bit at a time, for a quite a while before I slipped up and got hit by its charge.

You realize that dealing damage is only a small portion of aggro mechanics in this game right? You should probably read up:

I do realise that yes, so no need for me to re-read up thanks. As I was not the one who initiated combat on the champion and was moving constantly, so was never nearer or further from it than other players for any long amount of time, the only factors that would account for my agro would be damage output or toughness (of which I have none). So, eiher it was picking on me because I had no toughness, which is testiment to the engineer’s capability to survive without it, or I was doing more damage, dismissing the idea that engi’s lack dps.

This example aside though, I am very satisfied with my damage output as an engi and once I get full berserker gear for him I will be even happier.

If this was the Caer Shadowfain event that mob locks on 1 target at random and will not switch till player is downed then switches to another.

[Wvw] Cat or Bird?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


With Jag vs Raven you also need to take into consideration the attacks. A Jag’s attacks are just better overall. More damage and more vulnerability.

How to crit for 100k?

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Or you could just eviscerate/kill shot a bunny and potentially break 1 million.

That is what I said:p

Near Invincible warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


As other people said, the secret is Omnomberry. Veery OP food for crit warriors. He wouldn’t stand a chance in proper PvP

Cracks me up when people think sPvP is “proper Pvp”. It is not, it is keep other team off a point. Proper pvp would be a team deathwatch type event.

You don’t even really need to kill anyone in sPvP to “win” just have to keep them out of circle so as not to turn it.

How to crit for 100k?

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Easy to get 100K

Just have to <see attachment>


All the complaints about thief burst but...

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


What I find amusing about this thread is that it has not been moderated and like other one in this sub forum.

Other one mod said all Thief gameplay issues go here

Videos of Thieves losing fights?

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I don’t understand why the op is asking for video of a thief losing in fights. If the people making arguments against thieves don’t believe that any thief dies then they have bigger issues like common sense.

Um not real complicated. He wants to watch some videos other than kill montages.

Hell he even states it in his post “How about making a video featuring fights you’ve lost to give other players an idea of what it takes to beat a thief?”

What is issue?

Oh I see in your deep fear of balancing that you know our class needs you are paranoid and think he is saying that thieves never die.

Maguuma/Dragonbrand/Fort Espenwood 2-15

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


How many FA does it take to kill one mesmer in the water?

This many

How long did I survive?

My path was a lot longer as well since I started getting chased from the back of the keep. Did you really need to send that many to take out one tiny Asura? That’s just mean.

These types of post crack me up. Kinda like in HS when someone calls another out for “polishing his rod” like we all don’t do it.

Thieves rule W3 :-)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Threads like these show just how lazy some are. The easiest thing to say is this class or that class is so OP nerf now. Instead got to sPvP and roll that class see it’s mechanics then you will be better suited to fight them. I must agree that if they could get culling solved in WvW you will hopefully see less people complain….but again that’s a hope, because kids will still get all but hurt because they were rolling around in zerk gear and got spiked before they could spike.

You saying everything is fine with thieves based on the smallest sampling of the game in terms of player activity as apposed to one of the largest being wv3. Culling and invisibility are broken this is indisputible and until they can fix either and or what do you think the fix should be?

Heres a hint in wv3 there was another issue with orbs what did they do to fix that?

He also tries to say thieves are fine in WvW because they suck in sPvP. That kinda silly. Or maybe he can’t read title of thread that said “Thieves-rule-W3”

Thieves rule W3 :-)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Moddo.7105


1) It’s culling dude. Again, roll a thief in sPVP where there is no culling. I promise you it’s nowhere near as easy for them to kill you (also there’s the issue of 50% less maximum crit damage in sPVP but still)

2) You didn’t lose, you just didn’t win. The only way you would lose is if you died, but you didn’t. Again, roll a thief and learn how the mechanics of the thief work.

in case you missed it thread title was “Thieves-rule-W3” So saying sPvP blah blah blah sure makes a valid argument over WvW.

Thieves rule W3 :-)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Moddo.7105


as a thief against 5 players would have less of a fighting chance if multiple people DoT them up).

no other class can handle 5 players at once. no player should have a chance vs 5 players at once. only thieves can do it, and they can do it in full berserker gear no less. it’s total trash.

wtf were you thinking when you wrote this?

Yea person you quoted said DoT them up. Amassing that some people in here defending thief class barely know their own class. Probably due to 222222222 is only thing they know. Hide in Shadows prevents a thief from ever having to worry about being DoTed to death. And if trait properly you don’t even have to worry about any condition while stealth.

Why do ppl hate the Engineer?!

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


But at least we can revive as effectively as everyone else. I guess that’s as egalitarian as it’s going to get for Engineers.

Haha not true a warrior can heal better if they spend 15 points in tactics 10% revive speed.

Why do ppl hate the Engineer?!

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Engineers start off as a more difficult, less straight-forward class with some awkward mechanics, reducing the number of players that try them. Then they get hit with severe nerfs, further reducing their population. This means fewer people understand what they can really do and just go by the rumors and by the complaints (which are not all unjustified). It is essentially an unfinished class still very much in development, making it hard for players to get comfortable with them. No finished class should ever see a 30% hit to an ability; that’s just wrong for something post-beta.

Maybe if a few decision makers at ANet got off their facerolling Warriors for a few hours and tried the other professions, they’d get a clue as to how much disparity exists between them. Instead, they continue to buff the over-powered and strip viability from weaker.

Been same in every MMO?Population size determines balance. In Other MMOs with sub IE WoW they saw ne class being played more they nerfed it because then add in buffs to weak class in Expansions(or add a new OP class) this allowed them to sell more.
Number crunches at Anet see out of 10000 players 1500 are warriors and 10 are engies why waste resources on Engies. Plan to see any new buffs to class only in a paid for expansion.

Thief and Mesmer stealth duo vs keep.

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Are you claiming that all these other games have inferior game design and that their game designers were not as smart as the geniuses of Arenanet?

Probably the dumbest straw-man I’ve ever seen on this board xD.

That is not a straw-man as it is not a argument but a question. See in english language the “?” denotes a question. Well using it at end of his group of words now makes that sentence a question. So it really can not be a argument. So all you do is say No I did not blah blah blah and his question is answered.

Trapper ranger overpowered

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Thiefs can be beaten with aoe, knockbacks and cc. eles can be beaten with condition or high burst, so far im yet to find a counter for that ranger build, if u do know plz let me know, since its not op as u say then there must be a way 2 counter them? if so i would like 2 know it. rangers may need buffs in some builds i agree, however the trap/condition/evade combo is a nasty one and should be nerfed

All good thieves are running with condition removal + regen on stealth, so conditions alone won’t kill them. If a thief ever gets too low on hp he always has the option of completely escaping and resetting the fight (something that no other class has except maybe an ele).

A good bunker ele will not be beaten by a thief either due to their insane healing and condition removal. Eles also have excellent mobility and CC, so they can also easily get away if needed.

Really you just listed 2 classes that should have very little problem killing a ranger and are considered the most OP duelers in the game… I don’t mean to be nasty but I think an L2P is in order.

am willing 2 duel u in spvp anytime, show u it isnt about skill, come duel me then say l2p after

How exactly will that prove it “isn’t about skill”?

You will either win or lose, which proves…nothing. Just because someone beats you doesn’t mean they have a build that needs to be nerfed. You just proved the Ranger side of the argument and made your own point ****ing moot.

See above comment on how to deal with this kind of build. Either a) take out the pet, negating a LOT of dmg or b) force the Ranger to move, negating dmg, screwing up their trap placement, etc.

Really isn’t that hard OP. Only thing that might be tricky is if they have mastered the sword reverse jump trick and kite you like a boss. If that happens: just stealth and run off like you normally do.

His ego>his whine.

Please fix invulnerability in WvW BL

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Yes, we all understand that…but players should not be purposely using this exploit for an advantage.

The advantage of not capturing a camp?

The advantage of not having to walk around a mountain to get invulnerability. Regardless of how you look at it, no matter how easy it is to ignore them, this isn’t intended by AN and is an exploit.

Since you rare on the inside of Anet can you also tell me when they plan to launch the WvW map in March? And also tell us what types of "Abilities they are adding for WvW ranking system.

New Pistol GMaster Trait: Double Tap

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I wonder how many times the devs face palm when they read these forums.

No kidding. And after they read this thread more they facepalmed and slammer thier head into desk seeing a Thief try and justify anything by saying a Eng skill is more powerful. People have hard time putting everything together and seeing a thief is a lot better off in whole than Eng is. Otherwise why is Eng least player profession in WvW by a long shoot.

Pet combat log & Pet condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Whole purpose of GW2 UI is to provide just enough info that they can get away with and still keep stuff hidden so less bugs are discovered by the players. Why eles would they not have Seconds in timestamp or a way to log to text file.

Maguuma/Dragonbrand/Fort Espenwood 2-15

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


I am not making excuses. I really don’t care if we’re losing. Just like you are sick of excuses, I am sick of people from your server pretending you’re “above” the “underhanded tactics” from other servers. So let me flip your question back at you, why would Drgn resort to spying on us?

Edit: I also wouldn’t have said anything if you weren’t being so self-righteous, because we actually don’t care that much either.

All I did was point out the obvious of FA not needing to resort to such tactics and also that I’ve personally never come across any these exploits being used by FA. If you took offense to that, I don’t know what to say.

As for an answer to your question:

As a regular commander in Drgn, I can tell you that if we have people spying on your mumble it’s for their own humor, not for tactical purposes. Or possibly for our humor. I’ve heard people talk about this, but we haven’t had active spies since Pending was around. Even then, it was because Pending enjoyed the social aspect of the game… recruiting/spying/guild amalgamation.

We all good now buddy?

As much as you claim there is no one on your server that would resort to spying, I have a hard time believing that. When we moved our golems from our spawn to behind the windmill (you guys owned the south camp btw) 5-10 Drgn came running at us. If you didnt resort to spying, i would love to know what kind of scouting you guys have so we can also use that on Mag.

I am a Drgn commander and i can tell you we do not resort to spying on your voip, as strange as it may seem, i would say you guys were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Do you really think you saying “we are not spying” Is going to convince him? If you are spying would you admit it or would you try and get people to think you were not so it would still work. Just saying is all.

Culling videos, same fight, different servers

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


If you can you should post the specs of the two different computers running it, Otherwise people are going to come into this thread and claim 2nd video was Rendering because a vast majority of people don’t understand difference of culling vs rendering.