I had a 5+ min fight vs a warrior the other day and it was a blast. I had a 5 + min fight vs a thief it was horrid.
More and more thieves are specing for stealth now and I don’t blame them. It’s the same reason why I spec bunker as ele. But I bet it’s more fun to fight a bunker ele you can’t catch than a thief you can’t see.
somewhat pointless. good luck try to transfer. Server full all the time. My freinds have been trying for weeks.
I played Scepter full time. The biggest problem I have with it is that most skills are too slow. For a med range weapon we need more targeted spells rather than ground target spells. Arc lighting is my bread and butter but it starts out way to low on damage and ramps up to way too much damage. It would be nicer if the damage was normalized rather than ramping up from 200ish to over 2.5k.
I used earth a lot , now I use water . The slow is enough and extra condition cure is great since the only class I fear are necros. But I play bunker build to wear people down not sure if you play the same way.
We have regen more or less on perma if you use any bunker build. This signet is very nice it basically add to the constant regen you are having already. And you can pop it for og kitten moments. Combine that with mist form and lighing flash you get a heal from nothing to full and get away unharmed card.
SoS did a great job. We’ll see what happens next week. What I really enjoyed most this match up are all the 1 v 1 and 2 v2s I was able to find . I won some lost some, learned a lot and improved my spec, Great fun out there.
Before I start I just like to state the fact that I like my ele. I do very well in WvW and pvp. This is not a we need buffs to skill thread.
The problem with eles is that you are either hero or you are zero. It is extremely unfriendly to new players. There isn’t a nice progression . If you don’t have the right build right gear and the skill to manage all the skills in all the attuments you are most likely the easiest thing to kill. On the other hand the ones who played the class a lot, who tried all the builds and found what they like (mostly bunker build of one kind or another) become god like in WvW and more than hold their own in pvp.
We need to make the class a bit more friendly to new players , if not we’ll end up having the smallest player base and that = lowest on the ladder to have anything done to the class. Things like bug fixes .
I use a mix of knights and clerics. I have 30%ish crit and good enough heal that it takes more than 2 to kill me in wvw.
I duno, I fought a few Warriors who does amazing job at killing ppl fast. Seems the tactic is to jump in CC and lay a tone of damage on you very fast. If they don’t kill you they put up a shield turtle until the CDs are up and they do it again. I play a pretty tanky ele and they are the only toons I really have to watch out for.
like to add elemetalists can be one of the hardest thing to kill in wvw.
happened to me a few times when I won 1 v 1 . Not a big deal tbh since you get nothing from the stomp other than maybe 2 crests. Kinda made it more fun knowing the other guy was so pissed.
scepter dmg is from air not fire. I use scepter to avoid getting in melee range of others. Which is more or less all toons other than a few rangers and pistol thieves. S/D is a better tanky build you wear down the other guy not spike him/her.
The 5% crit and 5% damage sigil works with active ones. I have yet to test the bloodlust sigil with active ones. I imaging it would work as well.
You are pretty much right on.
I think Anet did A LOT of things right. But they also dropped ball on a few things. pvp conquest is not fun. pvp not gp friendly. pve is ok but I don’t pve. Did Fotm a few times and I will most likely never do it again. WvW is pretty good, not DAoC good but pretty good.
I think all the problems can be fixed. There is a good core that is the combat . And the idea of same gear for everyone in pvp is also a good one. At this pt they really need to make pvp MORE FUN. imo balance and esport should take a back seat. Make the game fun and you’ll get more players , esport will follow.
I have tested tones seems all active proc type of sigils share cool down. I think maybe it’s be design so people who duel wield wouldn’t have a huge advatage over people who use two hand weapons. So you are kind of forced to use 1 passive sigil 1 active one.
I dps in water atunement all the time. I use Scepter/Focus with 20/30/0/20/0.
In fire I get burning on crit and damage against burning, in air i get glyph boosts. In water get Piercing Shards and Shard of Ice.
Get ful beserker gear and arcane ultilities. Enjoy.
I am very interested in your build. Do you spvp tpvp with this? How do you deal with engies thieves?
It is not DAoC for sure. The map isn’t big enough and everyone moves faster. So you are much less likely to find small action.
That being said it is still possible. You need to do the same thing as above poster said strike out and go to places like supply camps out of the way or the tail end of a zerg and you will find some small man action. But you really need to be prepared to be kitten jamed any moment by a large group.
hotjoin is not the same. Because people end up all over the place so it’s a random draw to see if you end up on right or wrong side of 5 v 2. It’s no fun wining a 5 v 2 and no fun losing a 2 v 5. 10 ppl hotjoin is better but then people are doing it for the win, you end up playing the bunker vs bunker game a lot.
I know Anet wants esport. Conquest is the way they want it . Blah blah blah. Well I have come to the conclusion that I am not cut out for esport. I don’t care about winning. I just want to have fun and to me having fun is killing players.
I have won a lot of matches and felt meh.. afterwards and I have lost a lot of matches and felt great afterwards. I thought about it and it came to me, I like killing players!!! So please please give me a map where you just kill stuff. No conquest no gimmicks like trebs or lords or pve mobs for pts. I don’t care about esport I want to have fun!!
Who’s with me?
The first 10 pts is needed in Arcane. The next 5 is almost a must but not as important and the first 10. Sure you can run without, but you are doing it wrong. Trust me I have tried so hard not to use arcane, the extra heal + def is just too much to not use.
Well, thats because your most likely playing the class wrong. Arcana is a very well put together traitline and it is very powerful, but it is not necessarily our best line, nor is it necessary to spec into it to do well with this class.
So in one hand you are saying Arcana is powerful then right away you as saying we shouldn’t spec into it. Name another line that have better traits than Arcana. Sure if you don’t want to use the best line we have all the more power to you. I can see that you are glass cannon spec. I have never meet an effective glass cannon ele in pvp or wvw. I have never read one post by any one saying glass cannon eles are tough or effective. I have never saw any video of glass cannon eles that’s any good period.
problem is he dodges or hit you with a knock down you are toast. unlike a thief ppl WILL see you coming.
The first 10 pts is needed in Arcane. The next 5 is almost a must but not as important and the first 10. Sure you can run without, but you are doing it wrong. Trust me I have tried so hard not to use arcane, the extra heal + def is just too much to not use. I don’t see how you can justify not spend 10 pts to get the huge heal on swap to water (it stacks with regen) and the next 5 pts give you 5 sec protection on swap to earth that’s 33% dmg reduction you can have up almost 1/3 of the time. Nothings give you that kind of return on pts spent.
Most DD guys don’t run 39 earth so if you time your burst well it will be hard for them to deal with it. Other than that the one down side to DD is that almost all off their attack are very short ranged. If you have ranged attack and stay away from them they can’t hurt you. I play secpter/dagger and I almost never lose to DD because they can’t really hurt me.
Right now the maps are designed so that the attack servers end up fighting each other more than the home server. For example I play on SBI, if I want to fight SoS I am better off going to JQ broader lands rather than SoS home . I think the map should be reworked just a bit, make it more like a real triangle , where it is easy for the home server players to get into the mix of things.
I watched about 1/3 of the vid. I’m really confused where the burst is? You spend the whole time trying to kill a bunker Necro and he never even dropped below 1/3. This is with other people helping you…
cleric amulet with high toughness . I do plenty of damage with not even might stacking gear. I ply s/d trick is to place your ae where people WILL be rather than where they are.
I would say tough heal power and power. you want to be good at pvp you pretty much need a lot of heal power. The only thing we do better than other class is long kitten regen health and boon duration.
0 0 30 30 10
written in stone, toughness when channel and earth armor at 50%
Cond remove on regen, cleansing wave and regen on cantrips
arcane V
cleric amulet
healing runes
Signet of restore
mist form
arcane wave
signet of stone
Enjoy. you are as tough as the old arcane build. you eat DD elementalists pretty easy. Only class that can hurt you is a well played Mesmer.
I didn’t want to share this cause I don’t want it nerfed but now I don’t care.
You very explicitly said that CnD spam was unfair. I gave ways around it. SERIOUSLY, If a thief is stealth “half the fight” its your fault. Without hitting you, he can’t stop spamming a stealth combo which involves pistol/SB and leaves him vulnerable every time he fires it off. There is no sure-fire safe way to perma stealth and if you think there is .. do what we’ve all said. go play a thief for 30 levels and figure it out
Also, if he keeps “running away and coming back” then you clearly are alone, which isn’t the intention of wvw anyway. If your in a group, he will take fire ANY time he gets close enough to attack and then run away.
Seriously how many times do you think I can dodge in a fight? I have to save dodge for when he try to backstab me. CND is just one skill that have no real delay in animation how in the hell do you think people can time dodge for when a thief uses cnd? CND has no cooldown as long as the thief have ini he can use it. Even if I manage to dodge one he can use it again .
As for alone in WvW , yes I was alone. I like to roam by myself. If WvW was all zerg then you have never played a real rvr game and most likely you have no idea what I’m talking about anyway. Guards can be soloed and supply camps can be soloed why would I zerg when I can have way more fun solo? Roaming wvw is the hardest part of the game you have to deal with bad odds all the time which requires a lot of planing and gear and skill. Other roamer in wvw are some of the best players you’ll ever see anywhere.
I don’t suppose you’ve ever heard of the ‘dodge’ button? Or perhaps the ‘blind’, ‘immobilize’, ‘cripple’, or ‘chill’ effects? How about ‘blowback’? Surely you have a couple of these available to you? Seriously, do you not know anything about how thief works? If they are stealthing for “1/2 the fight” then you’re clearly doing something wrong and if your not, that means they burnt a LOT of their trait points and select-skills on stealthing, which means they will probably not be able to kill you.
Holes; Your argument has a lot of them.
The whole post isn’t about how I was killed. I wasn’t killed. I was fighting a thief that CAN’T kill me but I can’t kill him cause he isn’t visible long enough for me to finish him. Since he is more mobile than me he kept coming back and we fought this endless fight over and over. If you let one class have the ability to never lose I don’t care how kittened you think they are. BTW he wasn’t hitting like wet noodles by a long shot.
There are very few thieves who play this way and I’m thankful for that. Judging by the replies most of you are burst berserk build thieves which require no skill and easy to deal with. It’s funny how many thieves tell people to dodge when most of them don’t dodge themselves . That is another topic for another day.
Just to add a bit of info. All my fights are in the open , no one around and rendering is NOT an issue. You can still target the thieve even if he doesn’t render , tab target will pick an circle and you can attack the red circle . As for use auto target, it’s a terrible idea. Auto target is so bad you end up targeting mob or clones or pets mid fight. Anyone who does any real roaming would not use auto target. I tab target and I have no problem with rendering, I use aes as soon as they stealth . I use burning. In my experience vs a good thief the only way you can catch him with an ae is a fast insta point blank ae. I have just one of those and it’s on a long kitten timer vs the thief who can hit me with dagger 5 and stealth any time. Not enough.
I have no problem with thief burst, this is about stealth, it’s just plain dumb to fight someone you can’t target 1/2 of the fight.
Morgar, First of yes I did read your OP and all your following posts. There is a saying I think you should take to heart. “It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.”
All your arguments and armchair game development attempts are only coming across as whiny and very often ignorant. Quite a few of your claims are just flat out untrue as well. Most of the time the chain stealth thieves are very very predictable. While not being able to keep them targeted is annoying nearly every ability in the game is able to be fired off without a target and will still hit the stealthed player if you are facing the right way. If this was WoW type stealth sure vanish is bad because it just interupted your skill but its not. Your skill finished casting anyway and unless the thief teleported at the same time as stealthing (burning more resources) then you just smacked him with it despite being invisible. While damage itself cant disrupt stealth the only really long term stealth cd (shadow refuge) is very easy to defeat. Wail around in the area as they can not leave that circle even for a few seconds after it vanishes. Additionally quite a few professions have untargeted attacks that can blow back any nearby thieves out of the circle revealing them.The only issue I see with thief stealth has more to do with the culling issue. If the player appeared as soon as stealth broke to their opponent peekaboo thieves wouldn’t even remotely be a challenge to any build that isn’t a glass cannon. Better that they fix that problem as it impacts far more than just thief stealth than to listen to an armchair developer wannabe and nerf thieves only to have to rebuff them later when they fix the root problem.
Are you saying because the one ability I casted as they stealth will land somehow makes stealth not an issue? Or are you saying you are a thief who doesn’t know better to weapon swap and port as soon as you stealth so you don’t get hit by an ae? Or is it that you are saying thieve use their utility to re stealth rather than any time attack? So who is fool here? I like the line about how “Most of the time the chain stealth thieves are very very predictable”. I would say any one with iq of more than 1 would think a visible thief is 100x more predictable than one you can’t see or target…..
ok fine they can have burst, they can have speed. But can we please put a 10 sec stealth timer? I’m getting sick of fighting an opponent that you can’t target for 1/2 of the fight.
I can see how you might think a 10 second revealed debuff on a thief wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but in reality 10 seconds out of stealth is a death sentence. What would we do after our 3 dodges are gone? We’d have to reserve stealthing for running away which is great for you but goes against the professions design.
It would make all melee builds garbage and pistol/pistol, our weakest spec, would become the only marginally viable spec because it relies more on blinds and evades.
Ok , I was wrong to think 10 sec timer was not a big deal. I would say I rather they give you guys more hp, more armor , more healing. What it come down to is that I much rather fight someone then fight with air. I can’t be the only one who feels that way.
I’m not going in that thief debate, but I just want to say this :
Re-read OP post.
He isn’t complaining about losing to thief.
He is complaining about not being able to target the ennemy during 1/2 of the fight.
That’s two different thing, and most reply were answering with the wrong argument. What ever build you get, it won’t make you see the thief any more then before.
I don’t think Thief are OP, I think they are good but not OP. But I hate to fight them. All fight, I have to drum on my tab button to catch them, and at the same I have to throw my camera in every direction.
It’s only my opinion, but that’s why I hate fighting thief.
Well, that I get. Stealth is annoying. If given the option, usually I’d just not fight them at all. But I don’t really get that option, so I have to focus on winning/surviving when they decide to fight me.
On more than one occasion I’ve pretended to lose track of them when they go into their refuge just so I could do something else. But that’s just my preference. It doesn’t mean the class should be broken because I don’t like fighting it.
Isn’t he asking for a bunch of changes to the stealth mechanic because he finds it annoying? Or is he just complaining? Complaining I’m ok with. It’s everyone’s right to whine about stuff as long as they don’t expect anyone else to really care.
Really you think that 10 second re stealth timer would break the class? Also you can’t pretend to lose track of them. They are faster than you , the fight is over only when THEY chose it is over.
I give Anet pts for try to redesign stealth . As it reads stealth is meant to be part of combat, an extra dodge roll for thieves and combined with speed and port a way to get away from a fight. What people are doing now is using a combo of skills to effectively turn the 3 second stealth into a semi perma stealth. This combined with the fact that you can’t stop them from stealth and you can’t knock them out of stealth
make it way too hard to counter. This combined with random mobs all over the map in wvw and no gear limit only makes things worse. If s/tpvp maps aren’t so small and pts from conquest rather than kills only you’d have the same problem in s/tpvp.
I’m not going in that thief debate, but I just want to say this :
Re-read OP post.
He isn’t complaining about losing to thief.
He is complaining about not being able to target the ennemy during 1/2 of the fight.
That’s two different thing, and most reply were answering with the wrong argument. What ever build you get, it won’t make you see the thief any more then before.
I don’t think Thief are OP, I think they are good but not OP. But I hate to fight them. For the duraton of the fight, I have to drum on my tab button to catch them, and at the same I have to throw my camera in every direction. How annoying is that?
It’s only my opinion, but that’s why I hate fighting thief.
Finally someone read my post.
Funny thing you have no idea who I am what I play and I don’t think you even read my post. All I read from you is that OP must be a bad player who plays glass cannon . I don’t play glass cannon, I’m not qqing about dying to thief. All I’m saying is that it is not fun to fight someone whom you can’t target for 1/2 of the fight. It’s a design flaw that should be addressed.
Thats the thing, it isn’t a design flaw. This is how a thief is intended to be played. They are not supposed to stand there and trade blows with you. Once the rendering problem is fixed, you’ll find the “half the fight” thing trickles down to a more acceptable rate. Also, if you’re letting the thief stay stealthed then… well that’s your fault. Its not like they have an ability called “stealth” with a 3 second cooldown. They can either stock up on high-CD moves like refuge (easy as heck to counter), or spam you with C/D which again, is your fault. Its pretty simple to time your dodges so that they miss on C/D sometimes which, guess what, uses up a large chunk of init and = no stealth.
Seriously, if you HAVE to rely on targets for a “fun” fight then you simply need to get over that. Part of the tactics of fighting human players is dealing with their abilities.
There are plenty of ways to counter thief stealth and if you choose not to spec to defeat them then you will lose and/or they will mess with you and get away.
Really why are you so scared of a 10 sec timer? I’m not asking for removing stealth , you really need to stealth more than once every 10 seconds?
I often wonder if I’m playing the same game as everyone else.
Thieves aren’t really that big a deal to me. If they spot me at low health they usually kill me. If not, they usually skip over me or fail their opener. If they land their opener I usually can get away or heal or CC them out of the fight. Either way, win or lose, they usually get creamed by someone that noticed them beating on me. If they’re really good they can occasionally get away, but their builds don’t tend to leave a lot of escapes in. Most of the time they’ve blown all their cooldowns on that one gank, and are hoping they can shortbow away.
That’s your basic glass-cannon setup that I see all over the place.
There are other builds that use stealth more, are more resilient, maybe more mobile. They’re harder to fight against, and can basically leave the fight whenever they want to. They also do way less damage. Good for them. They designed the build to be mobile and durable, and sacrificed damage to do it.
Do I, personally, find stealth to be an annoying mechanic? Yes, but that’s because it keeps me from getting easy kills. Do I think it should be nerfed/removed? No! I don’t even play a thief and I see no problems with it. It’s got sufficient limits to make it a royal PITA to use, and other players can usually do stuff to negate how effective it is.
You are playing the same game. It’s just that Anet balances around people like you and not people like the OP. They want their sPvP and tPvP to be successful so professions are balanced around the idea everyone knows how to play and knows how to counter everything else. In tPvP this is pretty much the case. In WvW, not so much, you got people like the OP running around everywhere. They think they are good but they are not. They don’t even bother to educate themselves on the abilities of other classes and choose to QQ on the forums instead.
The only legit complaint that I completely agree with that the PvP rule set should apply to WvW.
Funny thing you have no idea who I am what I play and I don’t think you even read my post. All I read from you is that OP must be a bad player who plays glass cannon . I don’t play glass cannon, I’m not qqing about dying to thief. All I’m saying is that it is not fun to fight someone whom you can’t target for 1/2 of the fight. It’s a design flaw that should be addressed.
It is exactly the design of the profession! That’s why there is only 3 seconds of revealed. Anet stated it’s part of the thief design that they are slippery and just barely slip through your fingers. You aren’t complain about a flaw, you are just complaining. No matter what class you play you have counters you are refusing to use.
If Anet meant to have a class that you can only target 1/2 of the time in a fight then they are the worst game designer ever. If stealth every 10 seconds + shadow step still isn’t enough ‘slipperiness’ for you then you are not cut out for pvp.
You know the sad part about this whole post is that, if I break down the mechanics more I would only educate more thieves. So I’ll just go back to what I posted.
It is NOT FUN to fight someone whom you can’t target 1/2 of the time. please do something about it.
You know what is sadder, you act all big but don’t listen to advice on how to counter.
The kind of thief people moan about:Thief = Squishy
Thief = High damage
Thief = Low amount of stealth’s
Thief = Low initiative regenerationCounter with
Dodge roll
Then face roll when they’re out of initiativeI could just as easily, as you have about stealth, say most classes in the game aren’t fun to fight:
Warrior: Omg it’s totally no fun to fight someone who is about to die but goes huehuehue invulnerability. Worse yet, when you down them they get up again. What BS is that. Not fun.
Mesmer: Geez guys, the Mesmer not only has stealth so I can’t see them sometimes but also Mesmer’s get loads of clones so I don’t know what to target. I might as well not even try, no fun.
Thief is fine
Rendering is not fineOddly enough I rarely have trouble verses Thieves… must be something to do with having played that class. See the most stupid things posted about Thieves sometimes such as shortbow 5 being spammable being one of my favourite examples.
I highly recommend reading my posts first before replying.
I often wonder if I’m playing the same game as everyone else.
Thieves aren’t really that big a deal to me. If they spot me at low health they usually kill me. If not, they usually skip over me or fail their opener. If they land their opener I usually can get away or heal or CC them out of the fight. Either way, win or lose, they usually get creamed by someone that noticed them beating on me. If they’re really good they can occasionally get away, but their builds don’t tend to leave a lot of escapes in. Most of the time they’ve blown all their cooldowns on that one gank, and are hoping they can shortbow away.
That’s your basic glass-cannon setup that I see all over the place.
There are other builds that use stealth more, are more resilient, maybe more mobile. They’re harder to fight against, and can basically leave the fight whenever they want to. They also do way less damage. Good for them. They designed the build to be mobile and durable, and sacrificed damage to do it.
Do I, personally, find stealth to be an annoying mechanic? Yes, but that’s because it keeps me from getting easy kills. Do I think it should be nerfed/removed? No! I don’t even play a thief and I see no problems with it. It’s got sufficient limits to make it a royal PITA to use, and other players can usually do stuff to negate how effective it is.
You are playing the same game. It’s just that Anet balances around people like you and not people like the OP. They want their sPvP and tPvP to be successful so professions are balanced around the idea everyone knows how to play and knows how to counter everything else. In tPvP this is pretty much the case. In WvW, not so much, you got people like the OP running around everywhere. They think they are good but they are not. They don’t even bother to educate themselves on the abilities of other classes and choose to QQ on the forums instead.
The only legit complaint that I completely agree with that the PvP rule set should apply to WvW.
Funny thing you have no idea who I am what I play and I don’t think you even read my post. All I read from you is that OP must be a bad player who plays glass cannon . I don’t play glass cannon, I’m not qqing about dying to thief. All I’m saying is that it is not fun to fight someone whom you can’t target for 1/2 of the fight. It’s a design flaw that should be addressed.
You know the sad part about this whole post is that, if I break down the mechanics more I would only educate more thieves. So I’ll just go back to what I posted.
It is NOT FUN to fight someone whom you can’t target 1/2 of the time. please do something about it.
“No timer, you can stealth anytime”
- false, 3 second debuff that prevents stealth on attack from stealth. If you are dying to someone who is attacking you with no stealth opener then you are hopeless.
3 second debuff = no debuff. If you read my post at all you’ll know this is about thieves getting away. I’m not saying anything about die stealth.
“nothing knock people out of stealth”
false, any knock back or pull can pull us out of Shadow Refuge within the first 4 seconds. These also effect people in stealth, look at guardians dropping the field keeping stealthers in place.
You can’t knock back or pull something you have no target on. Unless you have ground targeted ae which few class have or use
“you and get invulnerable for 3 secs”
false, stealth is not equal to invulnerability. They can be hit like anyone else.
learn to read I’m saying I rather fight someone who gets invulnerable but visible than someone whom I can’t target . You can’t hit someone you can’t target, I have to save my long kitten timer insta pt blank ae just to hope to get the hit in before a thief is gone when he stealth. My ae timer is on 20 secs your stealth is 3 secs that really helps.
I’m going to refer to the wonderful “I used to QQ until I rolled a thief” post above.
I used to have some issues with thieves… I now have a lvl 56 thief and well…. I rarely lose to other thieves anymore, unless I"m playing my own thief and they outplay and outgear me due to my being a much lower level.
ANYONE will be hard as hell to beat if they are really good, thieves are no exception. You can’t complain that “90% of thieves suck and you can deal with them”…. so, you’re saying you should be able to beat everyone, but since 10% of them are good and beat you, they need nerfed? I hate to play this card but it sounds like a L2P issue.
The only thing that needs ‘changed’ at all is that the rendering issues need fixed.
Read my post man I’m saying stealth is dumb. A thief can lose a fight stealth away and come back . So I’m forced to fight the same fight over and over and over again. Since he is faster than me I can’t even walk away from the fight. That is dumb. I’m saying buff the thief if they have to but fix stealth.
I got killed by a thief 5 times in a roll today in wvw but I’m not pissed at all cause he out played me and it was kinda fun. What made me write this post was an encounter with another thief that I had no problem at all but every time he was about to die he ran off , then came back again . It was just dumb. I basically fought the same fight 5 times maybe 6 times in the end I just gave up and let him kill me cause I didn’t feel like wasting time anymore.
Sure you do that. Stealth in this game is just dumb. No timer, you can stealth anytime, nothing stop stealth , nothing knock people out of stealth . Imaging if warrior had an ability that let them hit you and get invulnerable for 3 secs with no cool down. Even if that was the case I still rather fight a warrior. In that case I can at least keep my target on him and chase him down or back away.
This is a typical post from a typical player who doesn’t understand the game mechanics. Play a Thief to ~ level 30 and get your learn on, it will help you fight them.
If you aren’t willing to learn the mechanics of the other professions to PvP against them, then you honestly don’t have anything to complain about.
You are a typical player who plays a typical thief who doesn’t know the potential of your own class. I have no problem with 90% of the thieves out there thank god they are bad like you. But the few who does know the class and ‘abuse’ stealth is just dumb. But you would have a clue what I’m talking about anyway.
So you are complaining about someone being skilled with there class and you didn’t like it/or got owned? I can say the same about every class when the player is very skilled with it.
I’m saying stealth is dumb. It’s NOT FUN to fight someone you can’t target for 1/2 the fight. I’m saying give thieve more stuff if they have to but fix stealth. I just want 10 secs of fight time between each stealth , heck give me 5 I’d be happy.
Sure you do that. Stealth in this game is just dumb. No timer, you can stealth anytime, nothing stop stealth , nothing knock people out of stealth . Imaging if warrior had an ability that let them hit you and get invulnerable for 3 secs with no cool down. Even if that was the case I still rather fight a warrior. In that case I can at least keep my target on him and chase him down or back away.
This is a typical post from a typical player who doesn’t understand the game mechanics. Play a Thief to ~ level 30 and get your learn on, it will help you fight them.
If you aren’t willing to learn the mechanics of the other professions to PvP against them, then you honestly don’t have anything to complain about.
You are a typical player who plays a typical thief who doesn’t know the potential of your own class. I have no problem with 90% of the thieves out there thank god they are bad like you. But the few who does know the class and ‘abuse’ stealth is just dumb. But you would have a clue what I’m talking about anyway.
Sure you do that. Stealth in this game is just dumb. No timer, you can stealth anytime, nothing stop stealth , nothing knock people out of stealth . Imaging if warrior had an ability that let them hit you and get invulnerable for 3 secs with no cool down. Even if that was the case I still rather fight a warrior. In that case I can at least keep my target on him and chase him down or back away.
ok fine they can have burst, they can have speed. But can we please put a 10 sec stealth timer? I’m getting sick of fighting an opponent that you can’t target for 1/2 of the fight.
open with air cage, then air 2, pop elite and circle strafe watch every thing die.
if elite isn’t up , start with air , close in arcane blast switch to water , water 3 to blast back then follow with water 5 . Switch to fire 1 to 5 then back to air . Just circle strafe the whole time. I rarely lose 1 v1 under water. I don’t gt why ppl say we have weak under water skills.
Yet another one of these threads. I play a thief, I play other classes. By knowing their weaknesses, you simply destroy them.
Ill give you this, yes they can escape if they use their tools that way. But they will not get you down and stomp you unless the people around you are stupid.
Sorry if that is harsh, but two aoe dmg skills on a downed person will kill the glass cannon thief. Period..
It’s funny to read people like you. Just because you play a thief doesn’t make you a good thief. I fight a lot of thieves in wvw and pvp. 90% of them are not problem at all. But once in a while I bump into one that’s just insane. Now I’m not saying the thief isn’t a better player than me. I bump into other class that’s played very well and just wtfpwns my face as well. But the difference is that with other classes I feel like I had a way to win if I just get better. Vs a well played and better geared thief in wvw you are left feeling “well there is no pt, I just don’t see any way I could have won that fight”.
devs don’t consider wvw as pvp so there won’t be any balancing for it. Which is sad because it forces everyone to zerg. Which is also bad for the thief who wants small scale fights.