Showing Posts For Mojo Gris Gris.5941:

Cloth harvesting nodes wont change prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

“Cloth harvesting nodes wont change prices”

Wanze, is that really you?

I dont really have a lack of gold in game and I play wvw several hours a day.

Yeah, it’s you.

Never expected that declaration to come from you, but since you’re on the subject…

As we all know, wood nodes are scattered all over tyria and can be directly farmed.
But if people dont go out to farm the more expensive wood directly, why do people expect them to go out and farm cloth directly?

I wouldn’t care what the price of cloth would be if we had this, because I can reliably go and harvest it myself and have no need to check the prices the smae as I don’t for wood or ore.

Bearing these two things in mind, I find myself agreeing with kratan. I don’t so much care about the price, as I do about being able to go get it myself. So, if it wouldn’t lower prices to have them in game, would it break anything to add them? Keep in mind, I don’t want to see the economy thrown out of whack more than it already may be. I’m curious about your analysis though. (also curious about the opinion of one JS)

Aside from the argument of resource allocation from the dev team, what do you think?

tl;dr cloth nodes are demonstrably not a simple fix to a perceived cloth-supply issue

There probably is really no simple fix, but would it help?

Hero points on the map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Well while we are at it, change the colour of PoI’s too as they are realy hard to see. And merchants also btw.

I was actually thinking this same thing last night after I saw another thread on this. The neutral tones of the Hero Point icon, the outline for POIs, and the merchant icon, do blend a lot with the other map colors. It would really help if they stood out a little more. Regardless of the icon used or the name, it’s the colors that make them blend in.

[HELP] We don t want guild mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Allowing for small groups to complete this would devalue the accomplishments of everyone, including the small group. If a small group can do it, then whoopy do. I’ll just PuG it for my bank guild and call it a night. Going against the odds and accomplishing what you shouldn’t be able to, though, doesn’t devalue anything.

This argument is mind boggling. What I get from it is, “We want some tough challenging content for big groups, but if that content is easier to do with a smaller group then we’ll not go for the more challenging route that we’re asking for and just take the path of least resistance.”


The entire game was built with the intention of scaling. Granted, it’s been done poorly, and needs a bit of an overhaul, but there is no reason why things like dungeons, fractal, and yes the claiming mission couldn’t be made to scale while still offering the same challenge.

This. I agree with DevilLordLaser.8619 that scaling has not been ideal (sucked hard sometimes) in any sense for most content, but I think most players would rather they fix the scaling issues anyway. That said, and maybe this is just crazy talk, why can’t they design a system to do both. One scenario designed to scale for large groups and another to scale for small groups. In the end, if the systems could handle it and scale properly to make the content challenging enough for either, would that satisfy you?

Edit: When it comes down to it, I will be satisfied as long as my small guild can get a hall and keep upgrading (or really just keep upgrading) even if that means we have to recruit help to get the hall. I really don’t want to have to grow the guild just to keep progressing after the removal of influence.

(edited by Mojo Gris Gris.5941)

Exclusive items should stay exclusive.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I disagree with OP because:

1) RNG
2) RL > GW2
3) Collections

Just keeping it short and succinct. Also:

Rarity yes, exclusivity no. Seasonal items should always come back at least once a year.

I don’t want to be the coolest looking kid on the block, I want us all to look awesome. There are more than enough cosmetic items in game that even if everything was readily available, we’d still have dozens of ways to create unique and interesting looking characters. And that’s what really matters, imo.

[HELP] We don t want guild mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I really don’t understand the “all or nothing” type of philosophy I’m seeing from the “big guild” proponents. Why can there not be both? Why cannot scaling handle both scenarios? My guild is small and we have many of our own reasons to keep it small. I don’t understand how it cheapens one guild’s experience to take a large group through an epic fight that they desire to have, just because a smaller group or a solo player can make it through (not to be read faceroll) the same content, only downscaled.

If I could solo it, after your guild had their fun, how would that affect your guild? We both get the experience we sought, and neither of us would even know the other did anything.

Useful NPCs in LA too spread out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Totally agree with OP. I would also add that while the broken down LA felt like it had most conveniences in all corners, there was still only one Guild Bank, and even with the new construction, LA now remains the only city to possess a Guild Bank with no bank right next to it. I might be mistaken, but doesn’t every other city have a bank, guild bank, and merchant within 1000 range of one another?

Yeah, I know Airship/Terrace pass…bleh.

LA does look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING though.

Impressive Communication lately

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

My appreciation is only exceeded by my hope that the communication continues at this pace. Frankly, I feel that silence is sometimes much worse than bad news. Thanks to all Anet staff for the communication, and please keep it up!

New Training system questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

It would be a lot to type, so I think you should start here:

Welcome back.

Edit: Er… wrong post… Try this one too:

I am so confused! How do I reset traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

i agree anet should definitly
1) reset the points spent for unlocking
2) introduce some way to let players reset those points 1x (so that players who just spent all points on all of their chars dont have to redo that..)

I wholeheartedly agree with this for all <80 characters, and I encourage anyone affected by this issue to submit a support ticket. If your 80 cannot unlock what it should be able to, also contact support. On one hand, I’m surprised at these results, but on the other, it is patch day, and that tends to come with many unexpected happenings.

As usual on patch day, so far, I can only read about the experiences of others for hours, so I have no horror stories yet. Good luck to all.

ToN Fractal confirmed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

You were able to get keys for about a month and a half after ToN ended (while “The Nightmare Is Over” achievements were available), but not anymore.

I noticed the return of that chest, and its lootability.

But we know that Anet intends to bring back Season 1 as permanent content styled like Season 2 ‘eventually’. Perhaps this is a hint to show that they’re serious about it/making progress on it?

That was my initial thought too. I hope that is indeed the case.

Skill points and Spirit Shards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Aaaaaand my level 80s do not have everything unlocked, despite the announcement. Fail.

Are you sure you don’t just have to spend Hero Points to unlock them? I won’t get a chance to check it out for another 5 1/2 hours… So bug or oversight?

Do we get compensated for Antitoxin Spray?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

For real, though… I had it unlocked on 8 characters, and I know that’s not even a lot compared to some players. 25 × 8 = 200 shards.

Not happy with that, but it won’t be that big a loss, in the long run.

Thanks for adding the soulbound name!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I’ve been pensive about today’s update, but so far, this has been a week of good news for GW2.

Thank you so much for this!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I played with it a bit last night, and you can resize the window vertically and horizontally to make it long enough to show all currency, but smaller than the default. I like it so far (hated it before I saw the resize tab), but I agree that the hover wallet “tooltip” should be returned to the inventory panel.

[Change 23/06/2015] Ascended Attention

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I think the biggest benefit of this change will come to those who get Ascended drops with the “wrong” stats. Now they can be changed into something useful. Love this change. Thank you again, Anet.

Skill points and Spirit Shards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I’m happy and I’m not, at the same time, because I just spent all of my scrolls and tomes of knowledge over the past week or two to make sure the characters I play most wouldn’t be gated out of the new content too much, as per previous announcements on the matter. Now at the last minute they announce the change and I find out I just robbed myself of a “significant amount” of spirit shards.

Thanks Anet. Color me unimpressed.

You haven’t robbed yourself of anything. All the skill points you have in excess of being lvl 80 and “Hero Challenges” will be turned into spirit shards and placed in your wallet. You may have robbed an alt of some levels by using the Tomes, but those come regularly anyway, so probably not a big loss. All skill point scrolls would have turned into spirit shards anyway, so no loss there.

Wallet Hover

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Did not notice the lack of a hover list last night when I saw the new wallet, but if it’s gone that is really a misstep. I did notice that the wallet is resizable though. So you can make it a lot smaller than the default. It would definitely be nice to have the hover list back, though. Please and thank you, Anet.

QoL re: the tooltips of items in collections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Thanks to the help of your incredible graphical skills, I went ahead and made this improvement for a future release, so keep an eye out for it.

Enjoy your improved quality of life!

I have been wishing this was the case for close to 3 years now. Thank you, Zach! And thank you OP for voicing your request. Anet can’t respond to something they don’t know is a concern.

What do you do with "extra" character slots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

You could level a character to a specific point to grab lower tier crafting mats by getting level specific gear from containers (loot bags, champ bags, etc)… been wanting to do this for awhile.

Thanks ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Thanks ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Skill points and Spirit Shards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

“Tomes of knowledge will level you up if you are under level 80 and give one spirit shard if you’ve reached level 80.”

ANET is the best :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I’m going to jump on at least as many of these “Thank you” threads as I jumped on complaint threads… granted I expect to see less of them than I saw complaint threads…

Thanks again, guys.

I'd call this a win.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Thats nice of A-net~

One question, how does this impact people who pre-ordered the other version because the original standard version did NOT include a character slot?

I’d be willing to bet support would try to accommodate them, but I’m certain it would be a case by case basis.

Thanks ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I'd call this a win.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Ascended Gear - Anet please fix this.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

This thread is a little TL;DR by now, but I’m jumping on to say that I think this is the best news I’ve heard since HoT was announced. Thank you so much for this!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Current players are not paying for the base game twice. They are paying for the expansion. New players are paying for the expansion and getting the base game for free to attract new customers.

But that is the problem. New players are getting more for the same amount of money that vets will be paying. And vets have already paid for the game once (at least). I’m not saying the price is too steep, but the value is unequal.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I fully understand that they give the GW2 and HOT together so everybody’s friend can play together… Nice!

Why don’t they give the veterans rewards is beyond my understanding… A free char slot, a title and some extra XP-WXP boosters AT LEAST?

How can I play the Revenant without a free slot? Do you want to FORCE me to spend another 8 pounds on gems only to play what I have bought?

Getting the new players is always a good thing… for ANET and for us players too… But currently a new starter gets:

-HoT expansion
-5 character slots
-the Revenant profession
-a 20 slot bag
-a bank tab
-a mini
-an unique skin
-a crapload of XP and WXP boosters
-a guild recommendation letter

For exactly the same money as I pay!

And I get:

-Hot expansion
-the Revenant profession (if I buy a slot for it…)


Absolutely bullkitten!

Bold and italics are mine, but I don’t see how I could put it any better. I don’t mind the price, but I DO mind getting less than if I hadn’t been giving Anet my money over the past 3 years. An additional character slot would be comparable to the core game, at a sale price of $10. I just want equal value.

EDIT: There are some messy merges in this mammoth thread.

(edited by Mojo Gris Gris.5941)

So let me get this straight.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I might be posting this comment on plenty of these threads.

I don’t have a problem with the price, but I have a serious problem with the fact that new customers will be getting more value, for the same price as veterans. It’s quite simply a slap in the face for veterans who have been supporting them by buying the core game (in some cases, more than one account), and purchasing gems throughout the game’s life. The bare minimum that should be included with the standard version, for any current owners, is one or two extra character slots. I get the marketing tactic, but it appears tone deaf and sleazy.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I don’t have a problem with the price, but I have a serious problem with the fact that new customers will be getting more value, for the same price as veterans. It’s quite simply a slap in the face for veterans who have been supporting them by buying the core game (in some cases, more than one account), and purchasing gems throughout the game’s life. The bare minimum that should be included with the standard version, for any current owners, is one or two extra character slots. I get the marketing tactic, but it appears tone deaf and sleazy.

So let me get this straight.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

It’s definitely bad form. If the price includes the core game, I want a second basic account. I mean, how can you fault anyone for wanting what is included in the price?

Movement speed adjustments...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I don’t think leaps will be immune to immobilize, but the others, yes.

Annoying minipet sounds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Forum bug is buggy.

Annoying minipet sounds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I love this idea. I would also, like a few other posters, love to be able to turn off the job-o-tron backpack sounds.

Which one do you like more though? Number one or number two?

Definitely number two. I’m all for more customization and not shoehorning one set of players to benefit another.

15% from 10th World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Theres no way they can tell which of your skill points are from skill challenges or through other means. So pretty sure they will all go to spirit shards. And you will get hero points based on the number of skill challenges you have done. So yes you can profit by doing skill challenges before the patch.

Unless they make it so hero challenges give a hero point + a spirit shard (quite likely i think). Then theres no reason to do them early.

The specializations part 2 blog post definitely implies that there is a way to tell where your skill points came from:

“Hero Points will be limited, and they’ll be earned strictly through what are currently called skill challenges (these will become known as hero challenges) and leveling up. A level 80 character that’s done none of the hero challenges should be able to unlock more than enough skills, specializations, and traits to make several unique full builds. A single character who’s done a fair amount of the hero challenges should be able to unlock all of the core specializations, skills, and traits. PvP players won’t have to worry about unlocking anything, as all skills and traits will be automatically unlocked upon entering the Heart of the Mists.

Old skill points in excess of those earned by leveling and skill challenges will be converted into crafting materials for the Mystic Forge. Items and activities that were previously repeatable sources of skill points will now also provide that same crafting material.
There will be three categories of profession reward tracks, covering core specializations, core skills, and elite specializations."

Even if I’m wrong, this is what people have been basing their conclusions on.

Annoying minipet sounds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Would a mini sound slider be such a bad option though? I see two different ways to do it too.

1.) affects all mini sounds, the further you slide it to the right the louder they get, the further left they get quieter till nothing.

2.) Does a few different things, from left to right of course. The furthest left option plays no mini sound. The middle option only plays your mini sounds. The furthest right plays all mini sounds.

Would either of those work?

I love this idea. I would also, like a few other posters, love to be able to turn off the job-o-tron backpack sounds.

Let us change the cursor color!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

You are not the first to ask, but yes, please. I’d like to change color and size for better visibility.

Jumping puzzles: yuck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I totally understand the OP’s frustration with the camera, and as others have said, that’s why I have more asura than any other race. I mostly like jumping puzzles with 3 big exceptions: Mad King’s Clock Tower, Winter Wonderland, and Not So Secret. Those were designed for complete masochists.

no its not for masochists
just for people who are really used to the GW2 controlls and know how their characters jump and seek extra challenge…

clocktower i failed hard the first time … was still on my main fat norn then

second year it was suddenly sooo easy!

its mostly a matter of practice
like basically everything in life

Winter Wonderland isn’t even hard. There are plenty of standard Jumping Puzzles much more difficult than WW. The most difficult thing about it is the present part, and that is only because of changes they had to implement for it to function the way it does now, and didn’t the first year.

I managed to get up the clocktower one time the first year. Now I compete with myself to get the maximum number of completions in a single match.

Not So Secret is challenging, but there are still more difficult ones out there. It is downright cruel, though, if you’re going for the goggles.

They all 3 make me rage so hard. I’ve done all the rest, and Not So Secret is the only pair of goggles I still need for the diver achievement. Honestly, the amount of frustration I’ve felt from those 3 puzzles is the reason I view it as masochism to complete them. I give mad kudos to those who can get through them.

Jumping puzzles: yuck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I totally understand the OP’s frustration with the camera, and as others have said, that’s why I have more asura than any other race. I mostly like jumping puzzles with 3 big exceptions: Mad King’s Clock Tower, Winter Wonderland, and Not So Secret. Those were designed for complete masochists.

[Suggestion] Let US allocate the extra stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

That sounds good to me. However, I’m also thinking that a possible reason for adding the stats to armor is that legendary armor would actually make some sense from a stat swapping standpoint.

If we still had the option of adding things like 300 power, 300 precision, 300 ferocity as easily as we can change trait lines now, then I don’t see where legendary armor stat swapping would be worth much. Keep in mind that an ascended set currently gives stats of: primary 329, secondary 235. Example 329 power, 235 precision, 235 ferocity.

So, one can adjust their stats more now (in raw numbers) by trait lines than one can by swapping to a different set of armor if you leave runes out of the picture.

I got the ascended armor stats from the wiki, I hope they’re correct

No offense, but I find the idea of Legendary Armor repulsive, mainly because I can only imagine the grind…

[Suggestion] Let US allocate the extra stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

+1 to allocating stats where the player chooses. I wouldn’t even have a problem with keeping the same system already used for trait lines, just separating the traits from the stat system entirely. Point caps are already there, stat clusters already there, boon duration and profession skill recharge already there for those concerned, and people who feel they would need to change their equipment because of the stat changes have less reason for concern.

Jormag fight - why is this so annoying?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I’m kinda surprised nobody here mentioned this one (maybe because it’s kinda quirky to use), but in phase one, when everyone is standing damaging the wall, if you toggle walk, your character won’t move as far when hit by fear. Of course, you have to remember to toggle back to run when the wall comes down or when you get knocked back…

New character stealth change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I experienced this too. No waypoints at all in Divinity’s Reach after intro. I’d really like to know if it’s a bug or by design. I’ve also experienced a strange behavior for a few weeks now in starting zones. Whether a new character or old, and regardless of how much actual time spent in the zone, I have found that if I log out or go to character select, when I log in as that character again, instead of being where I was when I logged out, I’m just outside the city gates. I’ve experienced this in Queensdale and Metrica. What is happening?

Mabon Market event: Please tweak it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I don’t think the event is as much of a problem as the “shutdown” of access to crafting and bank while the event is going on. If the crafting tables weren’t disabled during the event, there would be no real issue.

Then the crafters would be scaling up the event without lifting a finger to end it. I don’t think that would end well…

…you got me there. Hadn’t considered scaling.

Maybe they could change the event so we dance for the experiments instead? </sarc>

Mabon Market event: Please tweak it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I don’t think the event is as much of a problem as the “shutdown” of access to crafting and bank while the event is going on. If the crafting tables weren’t disabled during the event, there would be no real issue.

Pet Battles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

I’m sure that those are intended to be future features much like the shooting gallery in Divinity’s Reach and elsewhere.

The what?!? Is this another feature that was supposed to be, but never was, or did I miss this all this time?

Heavy Zerk Armor: Runes of Speed or Traveler?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

The other benefit is that if you are a class with a utility slot speed boost, a rune set frees up the slot for something else that is useful (e.g. a slot for shadowstep on a thief).

^That is the primary reason for only considering these 2 rune sets. Well, that and the fact that guardian just doesn’t have one.

I’m definitely going to wait to craft the set until after the changes go through for traits, and maybe even until after HoT is released. Thanks to all for your input.

Heavy Zerk Armor: Runes of Speed or Traveler?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Yeah, I don’t expect to actually have the armor before HoT drops anyway, but I’ve been mulling over the decision between the 2 rune sets because I gotta have my speed.

Heavy Zerk Armor: Runes of Speed or Traveler?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Mojo Gris Gris.5941

Well it depends on what you’ll be playing with that armor

I’m shooting for best versatility between guard/war/revenant, and I know I’ll be sacrificing some dps by choosing either rune set. Whatever build I run will have to spec around that. We’ll see what happens with trait stats when they change. My main reasoning is guard’s lack of access to +25% speed boost.

So swiftness plus the +25% movement speed would give you a plus 58% to counteract cripple’s minus 50% or chill’s minus 66%.

Is that really how it works? I was under the impression that the two bonuses never stack, even when movement speed is impaired.