Showing Posts For Nikkinella.8254:

patch of earth

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


dunno if we need stealth, but how useful is the adept minor in air?
they could add an at-location burst to that [nerve damage cloud]
yes, that’d be a new condition for elems.. ‘causes damage along with 60% chance of knockdown every 3 seconds for 6 seconds’

I love this. Really hope they would do that. They’ve already proven they can add in new status effects like torment to certain classes. If we had a status effect that did continuous knockdown it would make a lot of our crappier, long cast spells a hell of a lot better. Be easier to nail someone with dragon’s tooth if they keep falling on their face. And why they hell am I calling it status effects? I mean conditions. Been playing too much Phantasy Star lately.

patch of earth

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I really, really wish they would fix the fire trait line. I decided right away when I first made an ele in beta that I wanted to be a fire mage. But it’s just SO bad. It’s not that the other traits are too good, fire sucks HORRIBLY. Knowing Anet though, they will most likely nerf all the other traitlines until fire is the best one we have rather than actually fixing fire to make it good. I even picked the fire jewel as part of my character’s story. Still wear it too after transmuting it. sigh

People on here have made tons of suggestions on how to improve our lesser used traits like fire and earth, but they don’t seem to even notice or care. I hope they see this though. Moving around and combining a lot of our crappy traits would help a lot.

All these new topics about Achievements

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I love how all these new topics have suddenly started popping up now ever since they announced that achievement points would unlock new content. And they all basically say the same thing. They want to limit the achievement points you get from doing certain things, some even suggest removing points already gained from doing dailies and such to “make it more fair for newer players”. Such BS. Do they really think we’re that stupid? All are thinly veiled attempts for the “leet” players to stay top dog and prevent more people from getting the same shinies they have so they can feel special. You aren’t fooling anyone. If achievement points were really that important to you, you would have made these topics months ago BEFORE they announced you’d get exclusive rewards for it. You all just want to wave your kitten at everyone in town and say “i’m better than you because I have something you don’t!” And I love how all of them try to make some excuse at how it will “balance things out”. It’s fine the way it is now.

Most of the things they are suggesting are ridiculous and would actually prevent a lot of people from getting anything. I spend maybe 6 hours a day playing, most of that time spent in WvW and occasionally do a dungeon with some friends. I don’t have like 10k points like some of the people who are suggesting these asinine changes. I think i’m about 100 shy of 5k. Which is maybe 2 to 3 times more than what a lot of people I’ve seen have in WvW. Anyone can tell you the amount of points you get from doing mostly just PvP related stuff is small. You’re welcome by the way for all the bonuses you get in PvE from crap we capture in WvW.

Not only would your foolish, selfish suggestions screw over PvPers, but screw over newer players as well, even though you claim the changes you want are for the benefit of newer players who missed out on dailies. In conclusion, don’t fix what isn’t broken!

Why do commanders ask us to stack...

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Removing the AoE cap or at the very least increasing it to say 20 or 30 would stop this stacking nonsense, but I don’t see that happening. It’s pretty stupid in my opinion. If they did that, people would actually have to form strategies instead of just running into 1 giant ball to abuse the AoE cap.

Boon duration for DPS: Worth it?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Am I the only one who likes runes of Rage? They seem to be working pretty good for me so far and they’re pretty cheap.

so tried the s/d build but

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Personally I prefer 0/30/10/20/10 for S/D. Soldier’s and Knight’s armor with a few Cavalier and Berserker trinkets. Celestial trinkets aren’t bad either, but the zerker and cav stuff will give more damage. I swap things out depending on the situation. I just wish the stone splinters trait wasn’t currently bugged. I’ll probably just move those 10 points into water until they fix it, if they ever fix it.

[How To] FIX WvW Thief Stealth

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


The thing is, all other class mechanics of other classes have a way of countering them. Stealth does not. It’s not thieves that are OP, stealth is just a broken mechanic the way it was implemented in this game. Just about every other game that has some sort of stealthing class has some way of countering it. And no, all you people saying just AoE or swing where they vanished, that is NOT a counter. Pick up a kitten dictionary and look up the word counter. Countering would be a way to outright stop them from doing it or a way of removing it from them after they do it. All other class mechanics have a way to stop them from doing it. Stealth does not. And that is what makes it unbalanced. They don’t need to nerf thieves. They just need to give other classes a way of revealing them. Hitting someone who’s stealthed should reveal them. that’s never made any sense to me. in other games when you take damage while stealthed,, you get revealed. That actually requires skill to stay permanently stealthed and not get hit and thus being revealed, unlike in this game where its just a reset button for people to troll with. It has far too many advantages and far too few drawbacks.

my current PVP burst build, lot of fun!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Actually, you really don’t need EA in a good burst build. The whole point is to kill them as quickly as possible by doing as much damage as possible. So the healing from EA isn’t important. Kill them before they get the chance to even hit you.

Reporting a hacker on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


This sort of stuff seems to be happening more and more lately and Anet seems to be content with sitting around with their thumbs up their butt doing nothing about it. I’ve seen a lot of guardians who can stealth and fly across the map, people who hide under the floor and attack doors to keep stuff contested and you can’t do a thing about it since they’re beneath the floor. I’ve also seen warriors who can teleport and jump over walls.

patch of earth

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I really wish they would actually read some of the suggestions people make on the forums of how to balance the class. most of the time it seems like they just have a monkey throwing darts at something on the wall to pick out what to screw up on us next. Good idea, but most likely they wont see it. they tend to go to the thief forum for suggestions on how to balance us, which is usually “i’m a noob playing a godmode class who can’t win by spamming 22222, stealth, 2222. Please fix this. Nerf ele some more!” And that’s how they balance us.

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


They should just change the name of this game of Thief Wars 2 and be done with it. Anything that a thief player has a problem with is going to be nerfed into the ground. Guess we should all just reroll thief and faceroll everything since the devs are hellbent on making everything stupidly easy for them.

Elementalist Live Stream

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Oddly enough after this patch Necro is the new jack of all trades class. Was testing some stuff out with it, and holy crap its so much better at EVERYTHING than Ele is. It can support the group with healing them, debuff enemies, CC enemies, do huge DPS, it can tank. It can basically do everything the supposed jack of all trades class can do, but do it a crapload better. If you don’t fix Ele then can I atleast request putting in a way to unsoulbind ascended gear so I can just give everything to the Necro and just delete my ele? I love my ele and have played it since the first beta weekend, but with every single patch you keep systematically destroying everything that I found enjoyable about it.

Not a Thief? Reroll.

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


That’s a lot of damage even if the thief was glass. How the hell did that happen? Oh wait, it’s Maguuma you were fighting. No surprise there. I’ve seen some odd things happen when going against them. Being one shotted for 24k damage from a warrior with a rifle against one of my characters with over 3k armor, warriors teleporting, guardians who can stealth, and engineers who can walk through walls. I don’t even bother reporting them anymore, just don’t go in wvw when we’re up against them.

What annoys me the most about Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


^I think he mainly plays Mesmer now so I wouldn’t hold my breath.

What annoys me the most about Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


And that will stop 5 or 6 people who can run circles around you with their mobility skills even if they’re crippled? I don’t think so. You must have been running from some really bad players then who don’t have any condition removal of their own. they usually just cleanse it then all pounce on you while all your stuff is still on cooldown.

What annoys me the most about Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


We can’t even run from guardians anymore. If a guardian has a 1 handed sword, or Judge’s Intervention, he will catch you. I miss being able to roam all over the place freely. You absolutely have to fight anyone you see now because you can’t escape. I feel like one of the slower classes in Everquest with no Spirit of the Wolf buff when every single thing can outrun you and if you don’t stop and fight, you’ll eventually have a huge train following you and you’ll die. I find myself just doing PvE stuff more and more now because WvW is basically suicide especially when you’re fighting a huge zerg server, unless you roam with a group. I miss being able to roam alone. It’s just not fun anymore. I’m at a point now where I just log in less and less or hang in LA . It was fun for awhile after the patch trying out new builds, but that wore off quickly.

Seriously how is this being ignored

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If ele can’t vapor form through doors than thief shouldn’t be able to go into doors while stealthed. Oh and just so you know, you can get inside a door when you’re downed as a thief if you’re close enough. go try it. Shadow Escape will teleport you inside the door if you’re close enough.

Just tested. You are wrong, thief cannot port through door while downed

Then that is something new. Must have stealth nerfed it in the last patch. Hehe kinda funny they did it in stealth

Fastest Class in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Necro can easily outrun in pure speed both of them if you slot the right skills

That’s an unfair comparison – Guardians can slot [Save Yourselves] and [Retreat] for lots of swiftness too (in addition to probably having a jump of some sort)

Those 2 plus Leap of Faith from GS. But no, if we’re talking pure out of combat running, I cant outrun a Necro. I can keep up with an ele though cuz I can spam Leap of Faith more than they can RTL, and eles no longer can maintain perma swiftness but I still can with my shouts and a staff. When i’m chasing someone though and not just roaming I’ll swap out my staff with a 1 handed sword and focus. That teleport is awesome. Sucks that it needs a target though. The list of mobility changes depending on whether or not you’re in combat.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Fastest Class in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


^I think he was referring to non combat running. in which case he’s right.

Fastest Class in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Well if we’re talking purely out of combat running then yeah Guardian would be lower in that case.

Fastest Class in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Guardian if he’s chasing someone is a lot faster. A teleport and a skill with 1 handed sword. 2 shouts that give swiftness as well. No Ele, Mesmer, or Necro has ever outrun me recently. Those 3 are at the bottom. Maybe all of them equally suck in the mobility department now, But guardian is definitely above them.

Seriously how is this being ignored

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If ele can’t vapor form through doors than thief shouldn’t be able to go into doors while stealthed. Oh and just so you know, you can get inside a door when you’re downed as a thief if you’re close enough. go try it. Shadow Escape will teleport you inside the door if you’re close enough.

Elementalist Live Stream

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


After The patch that nerfed RTL and Mist form I knew we’d just keep getting screwed further and further till we couldn’t do anything and they would never give us an significant buffs because we can supposedly do everything. Seriously Anet, just reverse all the changes since beta that have screwed up the class an we’ll still be not as good as all the other classes. But atleast we won’t be totally useless like we are now. I tried to give them the benefit of doubt with this patch and wasted lots of gold trying out different builds. There’s a few fun new ones, but nothing really useful. We’re still horribly mediocre. Theyre afraid of buffing us and making us too strong. Yet look at how stupidly OP thief is. yet they’ve done nothing to address how overpowered stealth is. We used to be able to do mediocre damage then disengage and heal up and come back to do more meaningless amounts of damage. At the very least me could make a nuisance of ourselves before, but we cant even do that anymore as healing, mobility, and condition removal has been nerfed into oblivion. Yet thief can indefinitely reset a fight, heal up and cure all their conditions (they had better condition removal than we did even before we got nerfed), come back and burst down their opponent with insane dps. And they can keep trying over and over again till they get what they want. How is that ok yet we aren’t even allowed to run away and be a minor nuisance? Its not like we were even a threat before. Now we cant even get away from Guardians if we try to run. We can maybe get away from Necros if they don’t destroy us with conditions first.

Seriously how is this being ignored

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


^True. When my engineer gets downed I don’t even bother trying to rally, just wait for them to spike me so I can res at a wp. That booby trap thing doesn’t help one bit and the rest of the skills are laughable.

Fastest Class in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Warrior >>> Thief, Engineer, Ele, Ranger > Guardian > Necro >>> Mesmer

Just running from A to B without external help (other people buffing swiftness, runes, sigils) or something to target for things like guardians JI.

Wrong! After all the changes it goes Thief>Warrior>Ranger>Engineer>Guardian>Ele>Mesmer>Necro

Elementalist Live Stream

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Its really sad. Ele is still the most fun class for me to play as, but it’s completely useless outside of spvp, which I hate and never bother with anyway. Cant you guys revert all the nerfs for PvE only? Even people who I’ve been running dungeons with regularly since the start of the game, who know that I know what i’m doing have been asking me to just use my guardian instead. Guardian can do everything ele can do except way better, and do a ton more damage and have better survivability as well. The only time I ever really feel useful is in AC when someone needs an ice bow to kill graveling burrows.

Elementalist Live Stream

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


^And they have an Elite that’s worth using.

Elementalist Live Stream

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


^I have a dog that can understand basic commands like sit and fetch. I think he could do a better job at fixing the ele.

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Meaning the terribad thieves have plenty of time to drop a needle trap on us and guarantee a kill.

Elementalist Live Stream

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


This makes me wonder if The people who make this game have ever actually played the elementalist or just throw a bunch of random crap out and make stupid changes to the class and just ASSUME everything works fine.

Infamy, not honor

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I think that would encourage better even battles and less mindless zerging. You only get badges if you fight honorably.

Seriously how is this being ignored

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


It’s a thief who started this ridiculous thread. Why would you be surprised? Don’t worry they’ll troll Necro forums soon too and try to get you guys nerfed the same way they trolled ele forums till we got nerfed into oblivion.

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


That’s because every single thief and their mother uses Shadow Refuge, Shadowstep, and one of their signets, and absolutely refuses to change any of those utilities for one of their many CC abilities so they want to remove any means we have of escaping so they don’t have to adapt. Typical thief mentality. Here I’ll make it easy for you. If you know you’re fighting an ele, take needle trap with you. Plant it on their body just as you down them. They will become immobilized as they are downed and they won’t be able to get away. And yes it does work because I’ve tried it. Learn to adapt. Every single other class has to bring some sort of ability with them when they know they are going up against thieves to deal with their BS stealthing and running away, so why should thieves be the only ones who don’t have to adapt?

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Why do guards/veterans have [spikes]?

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Why do creatures you kill drop armor and weapons or money for that matter? It’s a game, doesn’t have to make sense. I don’t know why a Moa would have an axe or a helmet, but they do sometimes.

Warriors, how are we meant to survive?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I just want it mainly to hear my warrior say “stop hiding coward!” the human female voice is kinda funny on warrior. I can just imagine what that would sound like.

Warriors, how are we meant to survive?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Warrior is extremely mobile OUTSIDE OF COMBAT, using Sword/Warhorn + GS.

Hammer, Mace, Shield, Rifle, Longbow, Shield, Axe? No mobility.

And in combat? Your mobility drops to slightly above average, which is still solid but not super incredible OP like everyone claims.

You’re not going to catch that thief.
Or get away from him, for that matter.

Isn’t that true for everyone who isn’t another thief though? No one is going to catch a thief unless they mess up. Warrior doesn’t have enough CC abilities to hold them down and make them sit in one spot long enough to kill them. We can burst them down if they mess up and we nail them before they stealth and run away. But for the most part, you’re never gonna catch one who knows what he’s doing. He’ll either run off and bring another thief back with him so they can both gank you, or he’ll run and hide somewhere till he’s healed up, then try to kill you over and over again till he gets the result he wants. We need a shout called “stop hiding coward!” that will do an AoE reveal for 10s.

Warriors, how are we meant to survive?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Pop Signet of Rage, Rush, Whirlwind attack, swap weapons to sword, Savage Leap, swap back to GS, repeat. You can get around the map faster than almost anyone if you spec for it. You can almost, almost catch thieves. You can catch some of the ones who don’t pay attention. You can outrun Ranger. They have swiftness and can just spam Swoop every 12 seconds.

Warriors, how are we meant to survive?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


The only thing we need to be honest is better condition removal. Aside from that, I don’t really have a problem. Oh and we do have some of the highest mobility in game so guy who said we don’t you’re dead wrong. Thief is first, they can run circles around everyone, then warrior, then ranger, and after that everyone is about equal. Ele used to be after ranger, but got nerfed in the ground and can barely outrun guardians now. If the guardian has a 1 handed sword and that teleport skill, forget it then it’s guardian> ele. Anyway, on topic, we just need much better condition removal. I tried that new trait, fought a necro, and kitten is it useless. It would have worked a lot better if it removed conditions AS you gained adrenaline. What were they thinking seriously? Sure i’ll land one of my obvious telegraphed burst skills and wipe all my conditions out. Not! Remove a condition for each bar of adrenaline you gain. One simple change and that trait will be amazing. And we can spec to be super tanky if we want. You just won’t do as much damage as if you went glass cannon. Which is how it should be. You want to have insane survivability and 1 shot everything too? Might as well roll a thief. I’d rather be balanced rather than see thieves cry more than they do already about every single other class and end up seeing tons of “Nerf Warrior” threads pop up on the thief forum. You want to see us get shafted like rangers were? Warrior is one of 3 classes I still enjoy playing as and I don’t want it to be screwed over because of those faceroll, godmode thieves who think anyone they can’t kill by spamming 2 is OP and cry till it’s nerfed into the ground.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Not a Thief? Reroll.

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Before I got bored with and deleted my thief I used to use a mixture of Valkyrie’s and Cavalier’s. You can occasionally get Cavalier armor from fractals, I don’t know if there’s any other place you can get it from. Is there? Really wish it just stayed account bound and didn’t soulbind when you equipped it. Anyway, it makes you a lot more tanky on the rare occasions you do actually get hit without sacrificing crit damage. As the guy above me said you don’t really need zerkers since you can stay in stealth and get that 100% crit chance, so precision is kinda unnecessary.

Elementalist Live Stream

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Will we ever get an elite that’s actually good? I mean Engineers get the supply drop which is basically an instant win button if you drop it on someone squishy, which is most people in WvW since its all damage and zerker gear and everyone just runs in a giant blob. But the horrible state of WvW is another subject entirely. Mesmers can turn people into a Moa which completely shuts down anyone and makes them an easy kill. Warriors have that amazing signet of rage. I’d kill for that on Ele. Thieves have that dagger storm thing which tears groups of people to shreds. Thieves’ guild is amazing too. I could go on with how good other classes elites are and how horrid ours are by comparison, but I think you get the point. Where’s our “oh crap button” that completely changes the tide of battle?

The elementals are weak and only occasionally use their specials, most of the time when you don’t need them to do it, but won’t do it when you do need them to do it. It would be nice if when we summoned them another bar would pop up similar to the Ranger’s pet bar and we could control them and make them use their abilities and command them. That alone would make them suck slightly less.

The fire greatsword is decent, but the time for summoning it is horrible. all other conjures come out instantly. you’ll get killed trying to summon this thing. especially since the mist form nerf, since we can no longer mist form then summon it while protected.

The tornado is completely useless. Just make it function the same way as Thief’s dagger storm and it will actually be worth using. Right now it’s just a big bullseye that barely does any damage, while locking you out of any of your other skills. You’re basically turning yourself into a Moa when you use this. You’re about as effective as you are when a Mesmer nails you with their elite.

Are we ever going to get a buff to our stats? we desperately need it. Other classes can go glass cannon and actually do great damage but have the drawback of dying easily. We go glass, do mediocre damage, and still die easily.

Staff needs a boost in damage. It was great back in beta. What I would expect of a mage. Staff is horrible now unless you’re in a group to protect you. I always go after the staff ele first when I see one. They are a guaranteed free kill. This needs to be changed.

The patch did help somewhat, they’re more useful in a group now. But they’re still very easy to kill, which is a shame because I loved playing staff ele before. It’s just not worth it anymore though. Right now it’s not like someone sees a staff ele roaming alone and goes “oh i’d better be careful and plan out what i’m going to do to take this guy down.” Right now it’s just “rush up to them, MAYBE get hit by 1 meteor, which has horrible accuracy at hitting anything even if it’s standing still, then kill them in 1 or 2 hits and laugh off any pathetic damage they do if they actually manage to hit you”.

With my warrior with mobile strikes on I can just rush through any CC they put out IF they actually manage to hit me with it in the first place, then rush up and kill them in a couple hits.

Staff needs a significant damage buff to make up for how squishy you are when wielding one. If people are too foolish not to stand in the obvious giant red circle and they die from it, they deserve to die. Let them whine.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Seriously how is this being ignored

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Anyone who says they can’t immobilize or block it doesn’t know what they’re talking about. It can be stopped. Just because you’re too inept to stop it yourself doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

Solo Player = No Badge?

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Actually to make it perfectly fair, whenever you kill a person you should get all their gear. I mean…you killed them right?

If that happened I’d always go right for the dudes I see with legendary weapons…..even more than I do already. Those are kind of like a “HI I spent most of my time in PvE so i’m a free loot bag” sign. I know, I’m a horrible person. but I feel no shame. Loot is loot.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Best build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


That’s what was actually good about the patch. there is no best build anymore. Everyone was using the exact same build save a few of us who were bored with it, but now we actually have a ton of viable options. People have posted several builds already on here. I’d suggest you just go to the mists where it’s free to change your traits around and test all of them to see what you like best. Its not the same as regular pve since everyone’s stats are balanced out there and crit and healing are a lot less. There’s a limit to how high you can pump things in spvp, but it will give you a general idea. Just test stuff out on the practice golems to get a general feel of each build.

Seriously how is this being ignored

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Ok I just found out that thief can in fact port into a tower while downed. you just have to be very stupidly close to do it.

D/D Builds??? (Sky Pirates Patch)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


when you swap attunements it procs.

D/D Builds??? (Sky Pirates Patch)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


You can always go to the mists and try out different things. its not quite the same, but it will give you a general idea without you having to waste gold.

D/D Builds??? (Sky Pirates Patch)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Well if you’re just starting out i’d suggest getting soldiers daggers, knights armor and maybe a few pieces of cleric too if you feel you need more healing , cleric amulet with cleric jewel, knight’s earings and cavalier rings with berserker jewels. It will be relatively easy and you have lots of room for error till you get a hang of things. And just go with the 0/10/10/20/30 build or 0/10/0/30/30. Then start changing things and experimenting after you get more comfortable with it and discover what you can do without and what you want more of. I’d also suggest picking up a staff with berserker stats on it. You’ll need it for dungeons and for dropping stuff on people in wvw when you’re behind a wall defending it from the enemy forces. And you’ll need a sigil of battle on the staff and on one of your daggers. What you put on the other dagger is up to you, just don’t put another weapon swapping one or “on crit” ones on the other dagger as it wont work with the battle one. For runes i’d suggest 2 superior water, 2 superior monk, and either 2 superior melandru, or 2 major water. This is just standard stuff to get you started and make it easy for you. You’ll want to change things later on as you get better with it to fit your personal playstyle better. But this should do for now.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

D/D Builds??? (Sky Pirates Patch)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If you still want to stay D/D, i’d suggest taking some points out of water and putting them in earth and maybe taking stone splinters since bountiful power is nerfed now. You’ll have some extra toughness and get back most of the damage you lost. You could replace a piece of your gear with something with healing to make up for the healing you lose. It will basically be the same as it was before the nerf, you just need to move some stuff around. All this patch really did was cost me some gold for new gear and make my burst spec better. 0/10/10/20/30 works decently with knight’s and some clerics gear. Having a few cavaliers and knights trinkets with berserker jewels or all stats gear if you can get ascended stuff doesn’t hurt either.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Fresh Air-A new Eles Generation is Born?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I never roam with more than 2 other people. And we only use siege out on the field when we see the wave of red headed towards us that is usually Mag. Atleast we take a few of them down with us before we get rolled over.

Fresh Air-A new Eles Generation is Born?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


No problem. Hope you find a server that you like better. Too bad it wont let you guest and just try out wvw on another server. I mean I understand why, but they could make it so you wont get wxp or something like that while guesting just so you could get a feel of how the server acts before you decide to switch.