Showing Posts For Nikkinella.8254:

Healing Signet needs to be toned down

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I will trade this for protection anytime.

No you wont because you can get protection from teammates and become truly unkillable.
Btw why is resto signet weaker (and heavily nered) for ele??Last time i checked d/d elementalist needs to be in close range as well and i dont see anywhere a berserkers stance..You know using your heals requires having control of your character..a d/d elementalist will probably end up stun locked or feared with almost half warriors health less armor and active defences that cant match up of the new toys warrior got..and protection wont mean a thing when you die to bleeding and burning
(offtopic but i wanted to get it out of my system :P )

So you are an elementalist having healing problems?… i think i have seen everything right now.

And i will trade healing signet for protection… I WILL.

Yeah im an elementalist having healing problems..Its not my fault you are stuck 2 metas back and cant notice how warrior is A+ tier now and ele bottom.
And no you dont want to give up that healing skill..Its simply that good and i hope they buff resto signet to that level.

You are right about that. Eles are bottom of the barrel now. Nerfed heavily and definitely the weakest class in the game now. Mobility, healing, and condition cleansing have been nerfed to laughable levels at this point, while still having the lowest hp and armor as well and dealing crap damage. But I don’t agree with you about the warrior’s signet being nerfed. Like other people have pointed out, poison will make it useless. Unless you’re running a shout heal build like I am and wearing mostly clerics gear, its really nothing that special. I actually prefer healing surge anyway as it heals me almost to full with my healing power. My adrenal health and shouts are all the healing I really need most of the time. But if I decide to use one of my more dps oriented builds, the healing signet actually makes it more viable. I don’t want to go back to being kited around till I die while I wait for my heal, which doesn’t do enough to be back off cooldown.

Healing Signet Outhealing 2 WvW cannons

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If I had the power to ban one person from the forums and sacrifice my ability to post in the process, it would be Excalibur.9748. And I would do it in a heartbeat.

That’s cute. All I see in your post history is you trying to get thieves nerfed. Now that someone is doing the exactly same thing you’ve been doing you call foul. How ironic.

Go back to your thief forums where you can brag about highest burst or something. You claimed this signet is most OP heal in game, okay, why dont you roll a necromancer and use the blood fiend on a half-healing build? It is on par if not better per/s health regen, as Dae has said. Secondly, if you burst a Warrior with it – their done. If you wish for Thieves to have stealth, their regen ability, AND be on par with open-field fighting of a Warrior then you should quit.

There is a huge reason why I never complained about necros even when most thieves were doing so. (or mesmers)They actually have really bad survivability in a roaming situation. Their mobility is probably the worst in the game or something. Completely different story here.

I think that Cogburn is trying to nerf thief stealth on the pretense that it’s annoying because it’s a guessing game which is true. Warrior mobility makes them annoying to catch as well. One of the most annoying thing is chasing warriors around the map. Furthermore, dying to skull crack+hundred blades is annoying because you know it takes literally no skill to land that combo in certain situations and is a kitten to get out of it. Warrior is basically as annoying as thieves now. So does being annoying and no fun to fight against equate to a broken mechanic and need a nerf?

If I roll anything, it would definately be warrior though!

Don’t compare warrior’s healing to stealth. Everything a warrior can do can be countered. Stealth cannot. Other classes don’t have an ability to remove stealth. And if you’re dying to skull crack + hundred blades, you need to learn to dodge the warrior’s very obvious, telegraphed attacks, or bring a stunbreaker. Thieves have access to poison, use it if the regen bothers you. And it’s a lot harder to nail someone with 100b than it is to spam 5 then 2 over and over again and permastealth with that cheesy d/p build. A good thief will never die to that build anyway. he’ll either kill him, or stealth and run away.

Healing Signet Outhealing 2 WvW cannons

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


shhh! Don’t say stuff like this. They’ll nerf it if they realize how insane it is right now.

As a scepter/focus ele....

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


^Sad but true. Whatever we can do, other classes can do it exponentially better with a fraction of the effort.

Healing/Support dungeon/pve build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Apothecary gear is kinda useless IMO. Especially if he’s going to be doing this mostly in pve in dungeons. If you have anyone else in your party who isn’t an ele and actually can apply a decent amount of conditions and do good damage with it, like a necro, the little bit you do will be meaningless. You’re better off using cleric’s armor and zerker accessories. You’ll heal decently and still atleast be able to do some damage. There’s a limit to how many stacks you can throw on things, and if you’ve got anyone else in the party who is a condition build, you’re next to useless. I’m pretty sure a necro can easily cap 25 bleeds on a target alone, making our earth useless. Unless you just plan on spamming burns on things.

As a scepter/focus ele....

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’ve actually managed to kill one of them. Poison seems to help a lot. Do enough burst and then pop reaper of grenth and keep the pressure on them. That seems to work, but they’re still a pain. It kind of irritates me that so many warriors are using this build now actually. Months ago I was using basically the same build and posted it on a thread where warriors where whining as usual about not having enough sustain even though they have way more than enough if they spec for something besides being zerkers. And I was basically mocked and told the build sucked and i’d never kill anyone with a crappy bleed/regen build and it’s zerker or gtfo. Now everyone is using something similar. Idiots.

As a scepter/focus ele....

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Don’t you love how we were considered OP in the past for our healing even though we could never kill anyone in that spec and only run away, and now warriors do it better than we did in the past and inflict exponentially more damage than we can as well? I still think they just have a big wheel with nerfs written on it that they spin around and throw darts at it while blindfolded. That’s how they balance classes in this game.

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


i’m hoping for a decent amount on this. Probably wont happen, but oh well. Maybe they’ll just remove that one stat and boost all the others up without adding anything new. That would be just as good.

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If by some miracle they remove the MF stat from Celestial and add boon duration, I will be using this.

Elementalist or Thief?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Right now I would recommend thief. Ele has seen so many nerfs in every single patch and is quickly becoming unplayable and useless in most areas of the game. Thief on the other hand is extremely OP and has a very low skill cap to get good at it. Until they hire someone with some semblance of intelligence on the class balancing team, I can’t in good conscience recommend this class to anyone.

Ninja nerf in this patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


posted something about it in the bug forums. Hopefully you’re right and it isn’t intentional. the way it is now it’s just a “kill me faster” button since it locks you out of all your skills and no longer protects you.

Bug with Mist Form

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Atleast I hope it’s a bug and not a secret nerf. You can now be stunned, feared, immobilized, crippled, chilled, while in mistform. Same applies to vapor form. You are no longer an invulnerable mist as the description says. You can be CCed and have new conditions applied to you, including torment and poison. The skill is totally useless now since it no longer protects you and just locks you out of using your other skills.

And i’m not the only one experiencing this.

Ninja nerf in this patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I didn’t mean previously applied conditions. You can have new conditions applied to you in vapor form. Being nailed by torment and fear while in vapor form just about to go back into a keep and then dropping dead an inch away from the portal sucks balls.

Ninja nerf in this patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Well I just found out that vapor form, our only useful downstate skill, has been nerfed even worse than mistform. You are vulnerable to ALL conditions while in vapor form. Looks like the whining thieves who refuse to bring any utilities that wont stealth them or do tons of damage finally go their way. This class has become a total joke at this point. We always had the lowest survivability of all the classes, yet they keep making it worse and worse to appease the morons who refuse to use all the abilities available to their classes to bring us down even though we’ve always been forced to use everything at our disposal just to be sub par and survive. As crappy as mistform is now, they might as well put it on a 20 sec cooldown. Because the way it is now, its not worth taking over any of our other utilities unless it was somewhat spammable. I wonder what ability of ours they’ll complain about next when we all stop using mistform. I can just see it now. “when I spam 2 over and over I keep dying on arcane shield! nerf it please, it’s OP!”

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Ninja nerf in this patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Maybe its just a bug then? WvW is buggy as hell anyway so I wouldn’t be surprised if they messed something up there. It’s happened to me on more than one occasion too, so it isn’t just an isolated incident.

New rune from patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Better off just using divinity if you want to boost more than a couple stats with runes. Atleast then you’d also get some crit.

Ninja nerf in this patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


It’s not just scepter. our overall damage in general was reduced by 60%.

Ninja nerf in this patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I hope its just a bug. because right now its pointless to even have it equipped.

Ninja nerf in this patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


well its a totally useless skil now. you’re no longer an invulnerable mist. You can still have status effects applied to you while in mist form. Time to ditch it for good and use arcane shield now I guess

Ninja nerf in this patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


So has anyone else noticed it? You can now be feared, immobilized, and stunned while in mist form. As if they hadn’t nerfed mist form enough already. Nice job Anet.

Dear Anet: Insane Balloon

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Haha! you really have too much time on your hands.

The guys that say war is OP are describing:

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


This just makes me realize warriors need gunblades. And we should be able to dual wield them and the burst move would be Omnislash combined with Lionheart and would hit 5 people 30 times for 9999 and then summon Knights of the Round afterwards just to make sure they died.

Patch notes...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


So just changing the wording of stuff. No nerfs? Color me shocked. As an Ele main, I dread all patch notes. It always means nerfs.

Those left over support tokens...

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


kitten it! I had stacks of those from wvw and tossed them because they were unsellable before. GRRR!

How much celestial gear is best?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


going full ascended is bad. really bad. Your power and armor will be stupidly low. I’d recommend either going full celestial armor and using cavalier accessories or something else, or a mixture of celestial and cavalier accessories and some celestial armor and knight’s or soldier gear. So far I’ve used celestial amulet, 1 ring, 1 earring, and the rest cavalier with knight’s armor and soldier daggers. It seems pretty decently balanced. I may eventually try full armor when we get ascended armor. I don’t see a point in wasting charged quartz on the exotics when we’ll need it for the ascended as well considering how much time it takes to get enough for a whole set.

Why wouldn’t you go full ascended trinkets? Unless you need to mix stats (in a combination not available in ascended) doing something like soldiers with ruby jewels, ascended is better. Going full ascended will get you more power than going full exotic assuming equivalent stat distributions.

I assume you meant don’t go full celestial.

yeah I didn’t even realize that till now. I meant full celestial. Of course you’d want full ascended haha.

8/2 GoM/Kain/Yak

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


So far I’ve had a great time in this matchup. a lot of really decent small skirmishes all over all the maps, aside from the huge zerg action generally going on around SM.
Oh and sorry again to that Mesmer I met near SM. I wish I could have just kept talking to you but the other people on my server seemed intent on killing you. Hopefully we’ll run into eachother again without so many hostile people around.

Remove Enemy Server Party Invites

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Why would you want this removed? I’ve made a lot of friends on other servers we’ve gone against partying up with random people I duel. If you don’t want to talk to the people you’re fighting, you could just not talk to them. Why take it away for people who do want to talk to people on the other servers?

Enough with the long Queue's!!!!!!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


What’s a queue? We don’t have these things where I come from. All joking aside, maybe you should consider moving to a less stacked server.

Burning Speed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If you don’t understand how losing the ability to go through multiple targets and hit them with how it is now without homing would be a nerf, then there is just no help for you. If it homed in, it would stop at the target it hits, it would no longer go through it and hit multiple targets. you would be significantly lowering its offensive capabilities. If you’re so inept that you can’t hit a target without training wheels, then maybe this isn’t the right class for you. Thief may be more your style, you’ll only need to press 2 buttons to win 90% of all fights.

How much celestial gear is best?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’m also just waiting till they remove the MF stat. If they boost up all the stats in exchange for removing it and don’t add something else to it that would make it a lot better. If they add boon duration, even better. I can remove my boon duration runes and put in either full melandru or full hoelbrak runes to make up for the loss in power or toughness and still get a decent boost to other stats and have some decent defense against conditions on top of that from the runes. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for boon duration. Then a full armor set will be worth it. right now it’s not worth it. I do better with a mixture of knight’s, soldier’s and cleric’s armor with a few celestial and cavalier trinkets. Personally I wish you could remove a stat in order to make all the others higher. I’d gladly drop the condition damage stat to make the others slightly higher.

Burning Speed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


It’s perfectly fine how it is. Making it ground targeting or homing would be a massive nerf. And haven’t we already had enough of our decent abilities nerfed already? let’s not ruin one of the few decent abilities we still have left.

For 5-mans

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I actually like the idea of something like this. I hate going up against zergs and usually roam alone or with a few friends. I hate spvp because the maps are so small and you’re extremely limited in how you can customize yourself and I like using weird builds and I can’t use any of them in spvp. I don’t really mind the tower capturing and stuff. I would actually like that to stay. its kinda fun grabbing one by myself for the challenge.

Why solo roam on anything besides a thief?

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


^The thing is you don’t NEED to wear full zerker. I don’t anyway, that’s just foolish. You have a trait that gives you 100% crit chance when attacking from stealth. And when you practically stealth everytime you fart, you don’t need that precision. I use cavalier’s and valk on my thief. Tanky, huge damage, 100% crit chance, can always get away. Conditions mean nothing either and your regen for a decent amount when stealthed as well. You will NOT kill a thief unless he’s horrible. You can only die to him or he will escape. THAT’s why you roam thief. It’s like using a game genie and giving yourself the god mode cheat.

Burning Speed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’m glad it doesn’t home in. I always keep autotarget turned off in options anyway because it’s annoying enough when RTL smacks something I don’t want to attack. It’s much more useful not having a targeting ability especially if you turn that melee attack assist thing off as well. you have a lot of control over it and can slam through targets with it.

best gear for s/d fresh air ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


You don’t have to go zerker to get high damage. being glass with ele in general is foolish given our low base survivability. You can make a tanky burst build with a bit of experimenting. If you want to test it out and not spend a ton of money, try full soldier or mixture of soldier and knight armor with ruby orbs, zerker scepter, soldier or valk dagger, cavalier accessories (which you can get for karma easily from Balthazar temple) and put exquisite ruby jewels in those. And go for 0/30/10/20/10 for your traits. this will work decently until you get ascended gear at which point you may want to use some zerker accessories. rings are easy enough to get anyway.

How much celestial gear is best?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


going full ascended is bad. really bad. Your power and armor will be stupidly low. I’d recommend either going full celestial armor and using cavalier accessories or something else, or a mixture of celestial and cavalier accessories and some celestial armor and knight’s or soldier gear. So far I’ve used celestial amulet, 1 ring, 1 earring, and the rest cavalier with knight’s armor and soldier daggers. It seems pretty decently balanced. I may eventually try full armor when we get ascended armor. I don’t see a point in wasting charged quartz on the exotics when we’ll need it for the ascended as well considering how much time it takes to get enough for a whole set.


in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


The way retaliation is calculated is what makes it seem overpowered. If you have a ton of people in zerk gear, like the majority of zergs have, all with 25 stacks of might, of course it will deal a ton of damage. Retal deals damage based on the power of the person who has the boon on them. It should deal damage proportional to how much damage you inflict. If they changed it that way, doing something like blasting someone with a flamethrower wouldn’t kill you since it doesn’t hit that hard. and thieves would actually have to think twice about spamming backstab since they would take more damage for their bigger hits.

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


This is what I planned on using after I got all the required materials.
I’m still on the fence about celestial items though and don’t want to waste time and money on them at the moment. I’m going to wait until after the patch they’re eventually going to do that removes magic find as a stat from gear. I’m hoping once they take the mf off of celestial they’ll boost its other stats. I’m still saving up charged quartz though. I can just craft it all in one shot if I need to when the time comes. Maybe the celestial gear will be the first armor and weapons we can ascend once we are allowed to do that. In that case, it would be superior to the other gear.
I’ve also been playing around with cavalier armor which you sometimes get in fractals. and none of those build sites have cavalier armor on it so I cant really figure things out without testing it in game and wasting money.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

best gear for s/d fresh air ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


You’ll need lots of power, crit chance, and crit damage. Those are most important. But you don’t want to be squishy so i’d advise against going full zerker. so toughness and vit are also important. Soldier’s and knight’s gear for armor are great, i’ll leave it up to you to find the combination that suits you best. For trinkets, you have a choice of celestial (don’t use too many of these as your power and def will suffer from it as a result), zerker, cavalier. Mix pieces and see what you’re comfortable with.

Hacking/Cheating back in full force, again

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I have a thief, I’m aware that they can steal abilities. If you had read all of what I typed before, there was no one else around except him. I was on my ele. No possible way he could have gotten fear from anything to use it against me. And he had already used steal from me during the fight. so he definitely didn’t have a fear saved up from before.

Nerf Black Powder + Heartseeker

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I have a thief that’s why. I still dislike how the stealth works in this game.

Hacking/Cheating back in full force, again

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


WvW hacks? Where do we start?
Cross profession skills hack (eg. Elementalist who uses death shroud, warr who uses ele skills.)

Saw that today, an SOS warrior (had two warrior signets showing) using Mist Form.

That’s nothing, I got feared off a cliff by a thief from SoS. Since when can thieves use fear? There was no one else around except him. Also saw a necro yesterday who could use mesmer’s blink.

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Yeah that’s why I didn’t really like them. your crit and healing goes up, but power and defense go down. A few celestial trinkets is ok for balancing stuff out, but it seems really bad for armor. I still kept my clerics stuff for when I want to use a supportive build for dungeons and stuff like that which works great with celestial to add a little bit of damage to it. But for damaging burst builds, they aren’t so good if you use too many. They do plan on removing magic find as a stat, and who knows maybe they will replace the mf on celestial with something that makes it a viable option. till then its uses are limited for me.

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’m surprised you posted your build on here. You realize you’re going to have a lot of people copying you now and asking you for advice right? I thought you didn’t’ want that?

Anyway, really impressive stats. I run something similar. I have a bit more crit damage and toughness than you, but my power isn’t quite as high. I’m happy with my traits where they are now, but I keep changing my gear, not quite satisfied yet with where that is and I’ve started experimenting a bit with celestial gear now. don’t really like it that much though, I think what I had previously was better.

Nerf Black Powder + Heartseeker

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


And yet they STILL haven’t fixed stealth. Traps are not a counter for thieves. Stealth is broken, period. Normally in a MMO stealth is permanent until you enter combat, at which point it is dropped. Only in some situations can you restealth during combat, you usually need to break combat to reastealth again. It’s supposed to be as an opening move for assassination attempts. That’s what stealth is. It’s not stealth in this game. It’s invisibility. If a character is stealthed, they should have reduced movement speed since they are sneaking around. And stealth should last until the one using it engages in combat, at which point stealth is broken. It is supposed to be used as a tool for an opening strike, not a get out of jail free card that lets people troll and reset fights indefinitely until they get the desired outcome. If other classes F up with their attacks, they die. Thief gets to try over and over again until they get it right. They don’t die unless they are bad. Either they kill you, or they get away, then come back and try over and over until they do kill you, or get bored and go after an easier target. This is the worst version of stealth introduced in any MMO in the history of the internet. Anet implemented it very horribly in this game. And the way it is now, since it’s tied into so many of the thief’s skills, they can’t really nerf it too much without hurting the thief overall. Stealth and the thief class in general needs to be completely reworked from the ground up. Because the way it is now, it’s stupidly overpowered and if they attempt to balance it around the way it currently works, thief will become too weak.


in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


You don’t really have much choice but to rely on someone else for that. And i’m not sure about corrupt boon as the only class I haven’t played yet is necro, so can’t help ya there. It was a lot better before all the nerfs to ele, You could nuke groups down with meteor before they became a problem. They would die before the retaliation hurt you much. But the geniuses decided to make the AoE cap only 5, and cut elementalist’s overall damage output by 60%. Now everyone complains about zerging. Eles were perfect zerg punishers before, had they left them as they were in beta it wouldn’t be so bad. But now you kind of need to rely on other people. From what you’ve said so far I guess you aren’t doing anything wrong. it’s your teammates who need to get their act together. You’re less effective by yourself now.

Lag in WvW is Horrid

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Well this IS only a problem on super stacked servers, whether you want to accept that or not. The maps simply can’t handle that many people at once on them, all in one spot, firing off skills. They need to get heavy handed with this and force transfer people or reduce the population cap per map.


in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


You don’t have teammates who can strip/corrupt boons? Sounds like you guys just aren’t very organized. You should have people backing you, either by removing boons or healing you, ready to deal with stuff like that so you can nuke safely. You can’t mindlessly shoot everywhere into a zerg. that’s what arrow carts are for. You’re there to CC the zerg and nuke them down, but your team needs to support you in that.

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If it’s boon duration that would make it worth using a few pieces of it, depending on how high the boon duration is. Maybe I could afford to lose the boon duration runes on my armor then and put something like scholar runes or divinity, or something with a nice effect that gives me a crapload of toughness or healing.

mist forum

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Mist form is kinda crappy now IMO now that you can’t heal while using it. you’ve just delaying the inevitable by a few seconds now. Arcane shield, now that it’s a stunbreak, is FAR superior. Mist form is still useful if I want to run into a tower that’s under siege past a zerg, but that’s about it. If i’m fighting 1 on 1, Arcane shield is more useful. It will block while I heal, and with my high crit damage it does a nice chunk of damage when it explodes. Most thieves I encounter kill themselves on it. When i’m roaming I always have that instead of mist form.