Showing Posts For Ok I Did It.2854:

Are you a flavour of the month player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

My main was a Ranger, I no longer play it, for me I stopped when I was trying to kill something and I seen a Guardian running in and wrecking the same enemy in like 5 seconds, the Ranger was so vastly underpowered it wasn’t funny, ( im sure changes have been made since, but it got ignored for to long, I lost interest in it )

Then Guardian became my primary char, but as Anet continued to nerf zone after zone, and FotM became boring with no loot etc, I moved towards WvW, I then noticed in there that Mesmers where destroying the place, so I thought I don’t have a Mesmer so ill roll one, about 3 weeks later, anet hit mesmers with the confusion NERF, ( wasn’t really needed but hey ) but I didn’t change out, I would say now my Mesmer is my primary char,

All in all I think its good to play different chars etc as they each bring a different play style to the same battle.

Any plans to bring players back to Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I totally see what the Dev is saying that they are going to revamp ORR to make temple chains better rewards etc, and that’s great I guess if you are online in time for when a temple event is occurring, if you are at school/work to bad you miss out,

They have acknowledged the problem that ORR had but completely side stepped the situation about NO LOOT dropping at all, its all well and good to say that these changes are coming in the 2nd half of the year, but your players are leaving the game NOW because they cannot farm/get the mats/gear they want from your so called end game zones,

There is no point in trying to fix the rewards for events, if everywhere else is no drops at all, its beyond stupid,

I understand that you do not want it to go back to the old way but for the love of god, put the loot back into normal enemies in ORR,

Me and a guild mate cleared all of Straights, Mal’s Leap and Shore 2 days ago, ( on new toons ) we did events etc as we came across them, other than the zone completion rewards I got 1 RARE drop and 5 T6 mats out of the 3 zones, we also did frostgorge sound last night and I got 1 rare, 0 T6 mats, this was even with about 150% MF, its beyond a joke, where is my incentive to tell my friends etc to go pick this game up and play it.

Infact a few friends that I got into the game from the trails etc, have no left the game because they cannot farm the mats they need for there gear they want, friends take other friends with them, its not all about $$$ u know.

Orr DEs.. what the heck happened?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Why cannot people just learn this,

Anet do not want you FARMING ORR

The drops where removed along time ago.

Infact they don’t want you farming full stop, me and a guild mate on new char’s, cleared, Straights, Mals leap and Shore yesterday, and not a single rare dropped out of all 3 zones, we even cleared events along the way etc, at the end of it I had 5 T6 crafting materials, ( in 4 hours ) and this is supposed to be end game.

Sadly you will never get a reply from Anet to the topic you have raised, they have no interest in sorting it to be fair.

If you want to make quick gold, go farm CoF path 1 200 times a day until they nerf it in a few months.

Reset WvW abilities 4 weekly

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Not sure if I should have put this in here for suggestions or in WvW because its a WvW suggestion but anyway.

For those who play WvW, im sure you’ve all starting getting the Abilities unlocked that we get from WxP etc, Anet recently reset these for a 1 time only as they updated a few things,

I personally changed what I had invested my points into, as having them in AC got boring, as I wanted to be out in the battle not sitting back behind a wall with an AC,

Anet should add a monthly reset, or every 4th Saturday as a monthly reset may occur mid week, this would allow us to change up our play style etc, and maybe keep WvW fresh for us, for those who wish to reinvest in the same abilities they are free to do so, this is for the rest of us to try something new.

Why Dynamic events are dead?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

They are dead because they do not give rewards for time taken, some dynamic event chains take upwards of 30 mins+ the mobs spawned in these events have had all there loot removed, espically in ORR, the end reward for your time is like 1 silver and 2 or 3 blue weapons which you will either salvage or instantly sell for 2 silver ( for all of them )

Take dragons Jormag and Teq, I did both dragons everyday for the last week, Teq’s main chest gave me blues everyday, ( the daily chest always a rare ) Jormag, takes about 30 mins to fight depending on time of day, again chest dropped only blues and greens, 1 day I did a rare from it, and a rare from the daily chest ) they are no longer worth my time doing them.

Its all over these forums that the time invested doesn’t not rewarded, this is from PvE including dungeons and FotM.

Sadly, if you want any loot or gold just create a zerker warrior and go farm COF path 1 1000 times, its the only area of the game that hasn’t been nerfed in months, yet yields the fastest rewards, cant beat 1 gold every 8 mins now can you………….

CoF is boring to me, I prefer WvW but you don’t get any loot there either.

Is Abyssal Scepter recipe still bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Mystic Wand

Abyssal Scepter

You should get the Abyssel with your recipe.

Party Glitch is back

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

This bug seemed to be fixed when you did the final part of flame and frost, but this latest update seems to have re-introduced to the game,

Parties are again broken, you cannot enter dungeons together, as it breaks the instance, you can see each other in party chat, but not the UI window, this makes it near to impossible to do stuff as a team.

This bug is game breaking, and really does need a proper response from Anet do acknowledge thakittens being looked into.

6/7 Yaks vs CD vs Kain

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Well it was a great match up until about 2 hours ago when WvW kicked everyone, me and my friends couldn’t gain access to WvW but we could watch CD pretty much run threw the entire 3 maps capping, and nothing we could do about it, shame the final day was ruined because of that.

Good luck in your match ups next week.

Error 7 = account rolled back?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Yea that topic is 8 months old, and the last reply 3 weeks ago, I can see how active that is, but thanks for adding to this topic, bravo, you will get a im a star badge im sure.

Error 7 = account rolled back?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Logged on this morning, started doing dailies, decided to head into WvW, was in there for about an hour, completed dailies etc, went to click on the daily chest and got an error 7, ok happens, logged back in, and its like I was never in WvW, all the loot that dropped in there is gone, and the dailies are rolled back to like I never done them today at all,

And now WvW is giving an error 19 cannot connect to server??

T6 Dust Crisis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I see some people saying that the dust was way to high a price for what it is, its simple marketing there,

Supply lower than Demand = Prices go way up
Demand lower than Supply = Prices go down

Anet brought this nightmare on themselves, time and time again they have ignored users on here with issues that are affecting the game ( bar the $$ players )

Ectos where going up in price along with rares ( because none where dropping ) so they altered the world events to make at least 1 rare drop, supply goes way up, price falls, this also increased the number of Ectos on the market, so the price fell, over the course of the last few months, they have nerfed all loot across Orr to death, so C/Dust which drops in Orr has sky rocketed because hey ho IT DOESNT DROP ANYMORE, so someone starts a thread about it, and Anet apparently read feedback, funny because I didn’t see loads of people saying,

HEY, make Ecto salvage into Dust, I did however see thread and topic after topic from people saying, PLEASE fix the LOOT in your END GAME area’s

Everywhere is being nerfed,

FoTM – nerfed drops are no where near what they used to be
WvW – where its not designed for farming, you get no loot from other players, yaya for spikes
Orr – nuff said, look at all the topics on it
Dungeons – this one is shocking really everywhere gets nerfed yet you can still do 8 min CoF runs, WHY IS THAT THEN….
SSCove – went there today, dead zone again, no one there..

Its truly sad as I played GW1 for 7 years, but its clear that GW2 is moving fast into a P2P game, where in you best be buying gems to covert to gold to get anything.

I don’t want them to make it that I can farm a stack of T6 materials every hour, but the fact I can run threw Orr and get no T6 materials at all in 2 hours its beyond a joke.

The supposed update that is going to revamp loot across the game, im thinking is going to head towards world events that reward it, which is going to make it,

*look at timer website for world events
*log in tap boss 4 times, get chest
*log out

They are killing there own game, im kinda disappointed I got the CE now.

I said it before and ill say it again, they are trying to push new content into a game where the community is crying out for simple fixes and changes, yet we go unheard, the only thing that is keeping me and most of my friends playing is WvW, and even that’s starting to fade, some think your just 1 person, thing is, 1 person leaves for a new game, 3 friends follow, and 3 of there friends and so fourth.

Fact is, ANET you have a brilliant game here, it is hands down the best MMO out there at the moment, don’t destroy it, get your act together and fix it, and fix it fast.

(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)

T6 Dust Crisis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

“Globs of Ectoplasm can now be salvaged into Piles of Crystalline Dust. This change should help Globs of Ectoplasm maintain a strong value in the economy and lower the cost of Crystalline Dust.”

Thank you. Now if we could have a solution for lodestones that would be awesome!

Additional ways for other items like lodestones will arrive later this summer, there part of a much larger reward overhaul (outlined in very high level detail here) we’ll go into more low level detail when we update the status of this blog:

The dust solution was a quicker low hanging fruit change outside of the larger reward system overhauls, so we figured we’d get it out quickly based on all of your feedback.

As always, thanks again for feedback folks!

Where I do commend Anet for “trying” to solve this issue, its not really solved, the loot in your end game 80 zones is still no where to be seen, all you did here was move the attention away from 1 T6 mat for a few days, some weapons requires a lot of dust and ecto, but now we have to salvage the ecto to get the dust,

Why could you not just FIX THE LOOT in your level 80 end game zones, this is poor.

6/7 Yaks vs CD vs Kain

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

AWESOME battles in SM earlier, was in the lord room trying to defend, and we had CD zerg to the north and the Kain zerg to the south, CD did push 3 or 4 times, and wiped, so many kills, was great battles, hopefully this continues all week.

Good Job to everyone who took part in the SM battles.

6/7 Yaks vs CD vs Kain

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I was part of that fight, there have been some great ZvZ battles last week, with no server retreating, ( well in the battles I was in ) and it actually made WvW a lot more fun.

Best one was on EBG last night at Orges, that narrow gate is lethal for AoE, and the Kain Zerg ( well 1st one ) got slaughtered coming threw it, never seen so many loot bags,

Good Battles..

End of the day - Closing time.

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Is this thread for real or just like 100% troll,

If ANET restrict there WvW it will kill it, not everyone has a 9-5 job, some people work nightshift, some people work split shift, some people even have 2 jobs, this is a GAME, people log on to have FUN, end of story, if Anet start telling people who play there game GLOBALLY when they can play it, the game is dead in a week.

And what about the people who play only WvW or sPvP, surely its unfair for them that they can only play certain hours of the day, just because your on a world that has less pop at certain times of day…if that’s the case, I want every PvE zone closed at the same times the WvW zones are closed, why should you beable to farm/play in PvE if I cannot play in WvW……..

What if your up against a world that has a bigger ZERG than you and does a quick push 30 mins before “close” time and caps everything, they hold a lead that they may not beable to lose, I hope to god Anet do not read this topic or follow the OP’s suggestion.

Maybe you should be looking at how to make your world more interested in WvW during those hours when players from overseas are dominating.

NULL bugged?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

So we went in to try and kill NULL everything was ok until that debuff went onto us, and the NULL would put the shield up we would remove it, and instantly it would go back on, then none of the mines would load, as soon as they became available he would instantly destroy them all, thus meaning we could never remove the shield and the debuff killed us, this happened 4 times then we gave up……

Game always crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I get the same error, only since that update also, sometimes the game can run fine for hours on end, ( usually WvW ) I jump out change toons to go kill jormag or teq etc and WHAM crash with that above error you mentioned,

Make sure everything is uptodate on your system, as they are going to tell you its everything on your computer before they admit to it being a bug on the client/server side.

Question about SSD installation

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Go to the folder that you installed GW2 onto, on your SSD, there should be a file called gw2.dat this is your game file, are you sure its linking to the old one.

Loot nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

There are several topics on this forum already about the nerf to drops, pretty much everywhere across ORR got nerfed into the ground, I guess that was there response to the Mals Leap farm, event chains in Cursed Shore are a waste of time, I did several the other day including a temple and got about 18P/Bones, 3 blues, and a rare from the daily chest, ( which doesn’t count as its guaranteed )

Its not much better in SunSouth cove where they actually want everyone to be at the moment, hours of farming to get nothing back,

WvW ( you don’t really go here for loot ) but several hours in there capping, and killing etc etc, lets just say if Spikes go up in value, im a guild wars billionaire.

WvW invincibility

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

The buff extends just down that outer edge, if they had been a little further out you could have hit them, you see the same thing at the SE camps on the BL maps.

GW2 Problems.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854


1. If you went to the farm in Mals leap it would have been very difficult for someone to successfully use a bot, the wells the necro put out would kill you in 3 seconds, this was brought up in another topic and it was overlooked, but lets say it was for 1 second bots, why are all the drops in Orr turned down to near nothing, also CoF path 1 is ran over and over, could someone not get a bot to farm this path for them??? it was a weak excuse at best.

2. The outmanned buff is broken, its completely random, I have seen us on EBG with 20 people trying to defend against an 60+ man zerg and they where outmanned not us, how does that work?

3. You are right, they cannot change recipes but given the vast number of NA players look at the market for lodestones, they range from 50 silver ( 1000’s available ) to 3gold ( few hundred available )…..massive imbalance, yes some weapons should be expensive to make, not impossible, lodestones you have to farm for hours to get, but all the farming locations get nerfed to death…….

4. Needs its own discussion, I made a topic along time ago about HM vanquishing and it never went anywhere as do 99.9% of suggestions.

5. Maybe it could be looked at, it cant do anymore damage to the market than turning all the drops off, T6 dust went up 10s in 6 DAYS, if the drops continue to be so bad, it will be up another 10s before the weekend as demand vastly vastly outstrips supply.

Party/guild Bug?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Gaile, I know this is not your area of expertise but this is not a local issue to this player, there are several threads in the bug section that have not been acknowledged, here is just a small number of them.

I first reported this bug with screen shots back in January, several guild mates have done the same since, this is still a bug ingame today, its game breaking, you cannot enter dungeons/fotm/any instances, as some people cannot see some other people in the parties etc,

Again I understand this is not your area or expertise, but maybe you can personally relay this to someone who can post an official response to this major bug.


this link has a list of all the reports on the forums with the party glitches, this is not a local problem.

(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)

New Update 28/5 BUGS GALORE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

The Party glitch has been in game since January, Anet know about it, yet 6-8 patches later there is no fix, the game is due to be renamed next patch to Solo Wars.

can't drop sieges in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Ok apparently this doesn’t affect all people or servers, on EBG right now, Yaks Bend can only build golems, but the Mags zerg have Arrow carts, how are you meant to defend against that,

This is a crippling WvW issue and any server with massive zergs can easily dominate, as smaller numbers with no siege stand no chance, you should have disabled WvW, and put this bug on your highest fix list you have.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

You should all get used to this, this bug has been ingame since January, it has been reported 100’s of times with screenshots and other examples, and it still goes unfixed, so they either know about it ( pretty hard for them not to ) and don’t know how to fix it, or are not interested, as they have another farming location and drops to nerf,

Its amazing how game breaking bugs like this can be ignored for months, without even a dev acknowledging it.

Ridiculous WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Why do people cry about Zerging in WvW, its natural that people will band together, it offers protection from an enemy attack etc, if you do not want to Zerg go create your 5 man party and run around capping camps etc, we did a 4man run around the server this morning and capped several camps and guess what not a zerg in site, yet we where out manned on the map.

You clearly do not know how the commander tag works, or you have not ran with a decent commander, but going on your post im guess you do not like to listen to others anyway, so maybe your own little 5 man party is best for you,

We wiped a Mag’s Zerg not even an hour ago while they tried to take a keep, it was great fun.

If you still do not enjoy the zergs go play sPvP.

(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)

05/24 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Big shout out to the Mags Zerg that just got wiped trying to take Cliffside on YBBL good games :o)

Crate drop rate nerfed?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Im not sure about this, I ran 362% MF down here the last few days, farming for an hour then going else where, ( WvW, dungeons, etc etc ) not a single crate, infact hardly a drop full stop, this tells me that MF is either broken, or only certain accounts can use it,

Guild mate running 100% MF got 3 crates in the first 20 minutes, so yea, its clear that the RnG machine is in full swing and some people no matter how much you farm/grind you will never get it.

World Transfer

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I am in the UK but play on a NA server, all my friends from GW1 are on the NA, there are other euros on the server, I seen Kaineng have good coverage as do DragonBrand.

World Transfer

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Queues on reset times don’t bother me so much, due to work commitments I tend to miss them anyway, most of my WvW play time is from 4am-6pm ( server time ) (7am-9pm EST ) so aslong as the server as good coverage in them times its all good.

I was considering the wait until the update, but really that wont change anything, the server just doesn’t have the population when we cannot even muster 20 people on a Saturday/sunday lunchtime to play its time to seek a new server.

Okay, any excuse for removing loot in CS?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Its counter productive, they put items in the game that require a stupid amount of farming to get, they then nerf every where you can farm, they remove drops from enemies in MAJOR world events, what exactly do they want us to do,

Where is the incentive to spend 30 mins trying to kill a champ/world boss if none of the hundreds of mods they spawn drop loot, and the end reward is worthless too,

Do they really have to ask why these zones are dead zones now, farming is a big big part of any MMO, I will stick to my prior statement, I will absolutely not recommend this game to any of my friends who play other MMO’s because other than GW2 awesome GFX I think they will be gutted at not being able to farm and play as they want.

I know the dev’s don’t really take notice of these posts, that’s why nothing has changed in months, others have stated it, the game is on a slow downwards spiral, I do commend them for trying to add new content, but new content is useless if your older players are leaving for other games, and where not even a year into the game.

(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)

World Transfer

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Seeing as im getting more and more into WvW, im looking to change to a more active server, the one im on just doesn’t seem to have any population for 22hours of the day, right now we have about 8 players on EBG, and its just depressing,

Any decent servers out there that have moderate coverage all day, but do not have the 2 hour queue times to get into them,

Also for those who have moved worlds during the week, where you able to join WvW or did you have to wait until reset.


Yaks bend v kaineng v maguma

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

That update goes live on May 28th, so the new system should be in place for reset at the end of the week.

Okay, any excuse for removing loot in CS?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Thank god someone else posted this, I thought it was just me, I just did an hour in CS doing events and getting no loot, (170% MF) out of the first 3 events I walked away with 9 porous bones, and a random crappy blue, we did the temple of mel in CS aswell there 10 mins ago, and I got more bones, a few blues, NONE not a single DROP came from any of the 100+ vets that spawned in wave 2, the champ didn’t even drop anything, the final chest dropped 3 blues, 3 greens, WTF anet,

I now firmly believe that they have turned the drops all the way down to combat the loot that dropped in Mal’s Leap, so id advise anyone doing dungeons do them now because when they eventually get around to nerfing CoF expect all drops to disappear, I enjoyed GW for 7 years, not even a year into GW2, Anet have all but killed the game for me,

I wont advise any of my friends to pick this game up.

Very Disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I 100% agree with the OP, GW2 will not last the test of time like GW did, I played GW for 7 years and there was always something to do, hell you could even farm the Vaettirs and get gold drops right up to the day of GW2 launch, you could farm with 100s in MF and get squat,

On the first page of this topic someone said that anet are not against farming as in SS cove they give you a 200% MF boost, you are wrong, they just want you to farm SS cove because that’s where the content is atm, as soon as they are done with this story that area will get nerfed to all hell again, I had 362% MF down there for an hour and I didn’t get squat from enemies,

They are killing out there farming areas etc,

If you want to farm, go create a Warrior, gear it out for zerker, and go run CoF path 1 60 times a day, its the only massive farming area in the game that hasn’t taken a hit at all in months of it being done, but be prepared because when it getkitten with the nerf bat, NO ONE will go in there again, as it will either be insanely hard or no loot will be dropped……..

I personally wish that Anet would just delete entire events from the game rather than nerf them, Plinx is not farmed anymore, the beach in cursed shore it no longer farmed etc, just delete these events and put some better content in that we can actually farm so we can “grind” for the legendary pre cursors that are pretty much non existent.

But long story short, they don’t care, aslong as someone else is putting $$$’s into the game, they are worth more than the rest of us who want to farm, that the cold hard truth.

(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)

Farming vs RnG rage machine

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

So anyone who farmed the Mals Leap farm over the last week or so will know it dropped decent loot for some T6 mats and Heavy Bags, it was stealth nerfed last night, in the last month they nerfed 2 farms in Orr now,

The beach in the cursed shore, was changed that there is no loot at all dropped now.
Mals Leap farm was nerfed that there are close to no drops now,

YET we still have 8 min runs threw CoF, so if your a zerker warrior or a Mesmer/guardian you are set, as you can just run this 60 times a day, im sure some people have made 100’s of gold from CoF in the last 2 months, yet everywhere else getkitten in a week,

The drops in the game are poor, the Anet RnG machine is in full swing, and it seems only a few selected accounts will ever get anything decent, in Sunsouth cove you can grab the MF boost from the NPC, when testing this I had 362% MF and farmed for an hour, the best I got was 2 powerful bloods, everything else was crap, no chests, no rares, no exotics, nothing.

If you are so against farming, and will continue to nerf the crap out of it, can you be up front, im not prepared to spend $$$$$ to convert into gold to play this game.

Corpses "sparkling" but can't be looted

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Sometimes you have to step back from it, this happens mostly when the enemy seems to die under the map itself, rather than lying on the ground, if you walk around the area it should pop up, you see this issue a lot across Orr itself.

Malchor Leap's exploit (union waypoint)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

So I take it you’ve made threads crying about the CoF 8 min runs, or the 46 seconds it takes to kill Lupi in Arah too then, or the guys in the WvW jumping puzzle killing each other over and over for drops, the list goes on and on……..Anet are making it harder and harder to get drops/ loot in this game because the RnG crap that is in use, makes it near impossible to get anything decent, Sunsouth cove 360% MF no drops ring a bell.

Like I stated, the event was completed 3 times on my server yesterday, so instead of coming on here crying because you cant farm it, why not just go and destroy the walls yourself,

Will look forward to your post next week when most of Orr drops no loot at all when after the anet nerf train runs threw it, have fun farming queensdale.

(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)

Wasnt retal nerfed?

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I believe retal was left alone, I think they just made it more visible affect so you can see it now did they not.

Precursor Drop in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Guild mate got the Dusk in cursed shore 2 days ago from a random enemy. So they do drop, but id say unless your account has been flagged get rich, you will never see one.

Malchor Leap's exploit (union waypoint)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Its not an exploit, I love the way people shout about this, im sure the OP has never done an 8 min CoF run huh,

The event was completed 3 times yesterday on my server so wheres the exploit, problem now is Anet will nerf this to within an inch of its life, my guess is they will do what they did with the beach nerf in cursed shore, where enemies now DROP NO loot at all, in which case id doubt well see the temple uncontested again.

Can we PLEASE get a fix for hints achiev

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Its been bugged since the pre release of the game, like 8-9 months now, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

Temporal Curtain not stacking swiftness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Ok so to stop that, just make it thakitten can only grant you 1 stack of swiftness, meaning if you run threw it again it does not, the Guardians staff skill 3 stacks swiftness when you run threw several of them, but the Mesmer one doesn’t, its a glitch.

Party UI bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Its been an ongoing issue for months now, I report it like once a week via the ingame bug system, yet Anet don’t even acknowledge it on there forums as a bug, this bug also affects entering dungeons/ fractals aswell as it can make you enter your own instance as you don’t get the pop up window.

Crabtacular achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

One person likely did not get killed. There will probably be a nerf to that achievement on Tuesday to make it easier to get.

Normally id say this could be the case, but there was only 3 of us in the arena, and the other 2 people got flattened,

Crabtacular achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Is this bugged, I got crab, everyone else died/got flattened by Karka, and nothing, I was also the last person to be holding it at the end of the round, and nothing, so what exactly has one got to do to get this achievement then?

Well, it looks to me that traps have failed

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

The fact that they made it the only way to reveal the perma invis thief’s was to use a trap that cost 10 supplies and 4 seconds to cast, not to mention the cost of buying them, and then you have to relay on the thief running threw it was a joke in the first place, they should have just stated, we are happy with the perma invis thief’s and left it at that.

Thoughts on Mesmer's skill Portal

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Do any other profession have mass transport skills? I think they should have so that the team is not reliant on mesmers (again balance around all the professions in the game).
Please share your opinions on this.

You can only move I think 18-20 people threw a portal now, and it auto stops, this was to stop mass zergs being teleported into a lord room,

Each class should have an ability that others cannot, the Mesmer can move groups of people via portal, that’s a unique thing they can do,

Ele’s when in downed state can use MF to teleport themselves threw a portal to a keep etc and then res themselves, to my knowledge no one else can do this,

Thief’s, can run up behind you invis, hit you and nearly 1 hit kill you to downed state, they can start a fight, get stacks of conditions on them, go invis run off heal up, and come back to kill you, because you cannot go invis,

Ive ran a Mesmer in WvW with my guild, and ive found that the portal skill really doesn’t appear on my bar that often, as there are better skills that have more use for a team, the ability to port into a keep is usually stopped now because people have gotten real good and searching the entire place for mesmers etc.

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Ok while you all fight with each other on an online forum about whos E-kitten is bigger,

Just wanna say good fight earlier on YBBL against Mags, you took Bay from us, with someone clearly using the camera glitch to get the AC shots way inside the wall, but none the less, your vast numbers would have eventually taken it,

We did get redemption at Hills though, when the Mag Zerg failed to get over the bridge into the lord room, I will admit we did have time to build the siege to fend off the wave upon wave of attacks, but it was good battle none the less.

Enjoy the rest of the week :o)

Mesmers in Obsidian Sanctum Entrance

in WvW

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Its a jumping puzzle that is no longer part of WvW there should be no combat at all, all the combat you need to do to get access to this area is in EBG, why should you have to fight a server for control of a keep to get access to this area only to have the other group sitting sniping you before you log in,

The nodes where also removed from this map I see, there was no Ori in there last night.