What’s going to happen when Anet revamps all the world bosses? Does anyone really think their server will be able provide the number of players needed to fight 2 or 3 world bosses?
Anet will have to make Tequatl easier. As new revamped world bosses are realized.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Not me. A one week event for a holiday should be enough time. A month long event means the quests would require more content to extend the playability. And more content in ANet’s eyes means more grinding. “Go get 10,000 of this item, go defeat 1000 of this enemy.”
We don’t need more of that, so no thanks.
Actually giving players more than one week for halloween. Will give players more flexible time to do the event.
And I want more content for this holiday event!
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Surely other people want a longer Halloween too?
I would apply this idea to the minimap too.
I understand the turrets are the reason. But how can you even have room to wield your sword?
This event does not work well for players who try to move and use dodge.
If you watch the videos of players who defeated Tequatl or come close. The zerg are all grouped up into a tight ball in front of Tequatl. Even on Anet’s live stream.
Is this really good boss design? Requiring players to be in a tight zerg to win.
Yes the zerg needs to peal off to defend turrets and other objectives. But attacking the dragon requires a zerg so tight you can’t see you character easily.
1. Not every piece of content is for you.
I’m a bit worn out from seeing so many people complain that the content is not easy enough, not casual enough, not long enough, too frequent (wtf?), etc. The world does not revolve around you. There are other players who enjoy other types of content, such as content with a challenge, content that takes coordination and effort.
This also applies to you. Tequatl was not changed to fit just your needs or any guilds. It’s a attempt to fix a broken dragon fight. Not to add new elite raid for guilds to the game.
Longer Halloween This Year
Last year: October 22 to November 1, 10 days
My suggestion is to make Halloween 20 to 30 days this year!
Bad idea! This would just make it another dungeon.
5 min AFK kick to non event overflow is too short.
10 min AFK is long eighth to do things like go to restroom. But is still 2/3 of the dragon fight and won’t make a difference.
Anyone has right to play other content on the map. Anet should not expect everyone to participate in the dragon fight.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
It’s not great for TC players if they are always in overflow.
This event is requires teamwork from 3 types of players to defeat Tequatl.
*Turret users
*Support to rezz and protect turrets
All three should be given credit for the event!
I’ve noticed that many turret users are trying to do too much. By this I mean they are trying to play the whole battlefield. They need to stick to using turrets in say a 30 degree cone towards the dragon.
Many Commanders are not good leaders and would use this ability to put guildmates on the turrets.
Nerf it or expect very few players to want to play this content in the future. Anet game tester only beat it because they play in the same room with voice chat.
There is a difference between a challenge and a complete waste of time!
This is an idea for Anet. It not in the game. My bad for not specifying this is a suggestion.
A “turret trainer npc” is a npc with voice dialogue that explains the basics how to us the turret of Tequatl. All players have to do is click on the NPC. To get voice dialogue instructions on how to use turret skills on Tequatl.
30 mins so I can have a greater chance of getting a disconnect?
I haven’t played the Tequatl event yet. But after reading the forum complaints about it. I came to the conclusion that there needs to be good players manning the Turrets.
My suggestion is to have Turret training quests. It would work much like a renown heart. Players would have to complete the training before they can man a turret in the Tequatl fight.
I was the first to realize this would be a problem.
There is ONE – I repeat ONE – viable farm in this game and you want to nerf it? Why? Seriously. Why? Everybody in this game should be free to do, whatever they want to do. If people want to spend their time farming, they should be able to. If you don’t want to farm, then don’t. Farming champs is by far NOT the best or fastest way to make money, so the common argument that it gives certain people a financial advantage is just false. Beyond that…why?
Train farming are destroying this game for new players. Champ farmers in queensdale MUST be slowed down and spread out into other zones! For the future of this game.
After killing 3 champs within 15 minutes. DR on champ loot bags kicks in until the player completes other DE’s to remove it.
so the second a casual does scarlet or joins the zerg for a few mins just for the heck of it they get hit by DR ? that hardy seems fair
Champ DR would have to be suspended during invasions.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
The Skritt could have a bigger role in the game. By making their culture more in depth and them a more serious race.
But I still think the Skritt should remain NPC only. The game would be boring if all good NPC races are playable.
DR needs to be on champ loot bags. Not to stop champ farming. But make it so players have to do other content also.
After killing 3 champs within 15 minutes. DR on champ loot bags kicks in until the player completes other DE’s to remove it.
I didn’t make this post to criticize champ trains. I just would like them spread around all the game world. Instead of staying in just one zone.
Teens do not need to be protected from this kind of content. As they already know the difference between what’s real, fantasy, and adult content.
No law will ever stop teens from wanting to have access to these things!
Speak for yourself, I had no interest in blood or gore when I was a teenager and nobody I knew did either.
No one said they teens had a interest in blood and gore! But all teens will want access to the things adults have. No amount of censorship will change that.
I made a post suggesting that champ farmers spread out into other zones.
If farmers want easy champs to kill. There are 3 other beginner zones. Anet just needs to increase the number to 6 champs in three zones.
*Queensdale 6 champs
*Wayfarer Foothills 3 champs
*Caledon Forest 5 champs
*Plains of Ashford 6 champs
*adding Metrica Province 4 champs (3 if no one has key for Steam Orge)
Some higher level zones are lacking in the number of champions. Anet should put 8 to 10 champs in those zones.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
I think less useful cooking recipes could have better stats.
There are champions in other zones besides Queensdale. Go get them farmers.
I think the farmers need to work around everyone else.
All spawned champs are fair game.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Everyone seems to think they know what is a hardcore gamer and a casual gamer. But everyone have very different ideas of what is hardcore and casual.
There are more than two types of gamers!
Anet can you make Black Lion Weapons in the vendor the same cost the in Black Lion Tickets?
For example 4 tickets each for any weapon.
I’m thinking about using gold to buy keys now. Because they have LB ticket scraps in the chests. But I will never buy keys with real money.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Rated T for teen. And you want blood and gore in the game. Hah! k. No, Anet will not do this because it limits the age range of GW2. If a mom walks in on a kid playing a gory, bloody video game, she’s not going to let him continue playing that. I mean, Anet doesn’t want to take those chances, and it’s a valid concern that parents would not let their children play it if it had that kind of gore.
Teens do not need to be protected from this kind of content. As they already know the difference between what’s real, fantasy, and adult content.
No law will ever stop teens from wanting to have access to these things!
What gives you the idea that the ratings are about what the teens want?
Age of Conan has gore splashing all over your screen when you get a critical kill using a combo. It has an M for Mature rating. GW2 is rated T for Teen.
I’ll make no judgments about this either way, but it sounds like the rating issue is the “why not.”
My point is rating products for teens does nothing to limit their exposure to teens. So why should society even try censoring anything.
Bleeding could have a mist like particle effect.
Rated T for teen. And you want blood and gore in the game. Hah! k. No, Anet will not do this because it limits the age range of GW2. If a mom walks in on a kid playing a gory, bloody video game, she’s not going to let him continue playing that. I mean, Anet doesn’t want to take those chances, and it’s a valid concern that parents would not let their children play it if it had that kind of gore.
Teens do not need to be protected from this kind of content. As they already know the difference between what’s real, fantasy, and adult content.
No law will ever stop teens from wanting to have access to these things!
Doesn’t anyone want to know what these White items are for? Some of them seem to have a clear use. But they waste too much time and inventory space to find where to take these items.
GW2 Wiki says they are all junk. But I find it hard to belive all white items are junk. Maybe they need better descriptions or it’s a unfinnished part of the game.
50% now playing casually.
These white trophies that enemies drop are things like battle plans. That need to be delivered to specific NPC. The problem with many of these quest items is the description does not have much detail.
Players need better hints on these items.
I often delete these items because I don’t feel like running around the whole zone looking for a random NPC.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Because the game was released unfinished.
So these redesigned bosses are not going to require players doing event chains in the zone for them to spawn?
How is Anet going to get players to play normal DE’s? If those DE’s are not part of a boss chain.
No it’s a complete scam. Your luck was probably a rigged chest by Anet. To lure you into buying keys later.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Halloween is coming soon
Last year most players were Very disappointed with Anet’s decision to put all Halloween skins in gem store RNG boxes. It even made many players quite the game they just bought because they felt so ripped off.
I hope this year Anet will not make the same mistake again. By not putting Halloween skins in gem store RNG boxes!
Instead have the Halloween skins for purchase outright or easier to obtain in other ways.
Naruto is such a awful anime.
Basilisk, now that’s a good anime about ninjas.
This post also reminds me of this.
Yes there are. Some players only care about loot. Which is why we have things like speed runs in dungeons.
A good portion of the players using the dragon timer, only want their quick rares.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Tequatl Rising needs a lesser loot reward for failing the event. But it must still feel like good loot for time put in on event.
If Anet does not do this add a lesser failed loot to Tequatl. Many players will quit halfway through the event. And may decide that attempting the event is not worth the risk of failure.
If they made Bosses stronger (more time to kill) without additional rewards (example: more ectos) then this update will fail, even if Bosses would appear “more interesting”.
Why? People have specifically asked for harder bosses for months. Its been one of the biggest shout outs to the devs. They drop ascended mats now too, so technically they have been given more rweards, but no extra work to obtain them. I can’t see how it could “fail”.
I’ve never asked for bosses to be harder. Please reference one of these threads in which the overall opinion is that bosses should be made harder.
Bosses should not die as fast as they are now! You just want easy loot!
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Bomb + Wallet + Candle + Torch???
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069
Congratulations, you’re now learning what was mandatory in older videogames!
Congratulations, you’re wrong.
That kind of stuff was not mandatory in older games. If I needed an item to progress, I had to go get it. That usually meant running a dungeon or completing puzzles or what-not. I didn’t have to go grind out money over and over.
I didn’t have to grind money to get my weapons in Zelda, or my keys in Adventure, or my power-ups in Mario. This is just dumb.
Some weapons you did have to grind for in LOZ. At Least in the SAB you don’t have to buy bombs, like you did in LOZ.