Many players like myself have been getting disconnects. While others are not getting achievements they should have received. For these reasons give the “Infinite Watchknight Tonic” to everyone. Or make it buyable in the gem store.
A lot of us are tired of them. At this point they’re considered mere nuisances and practically poses no threat anymore. Give us conflicts with old enemies like centaurs, renegades, separatists or maybe even new Flame Legion+Dredge style alliances or brand new enemies.
Just no Aetherblades.
You want old boring enemies?
Or do you just hate new steampunk/futuristic content?
How has map overflow killed the event?
Make invasions on all servers at the same time.
I too will never complete this living story due to random black screen crashes.
Add blog to a ingame news feed.
- Every map will be invaded at least once per day, probably twice. In some cases, three times.
- Builds do not affect the rotation.
- The rotation is the same across all servers.
- If you play at the same time every day, you will see all 13 maps by the end of the Clockwork Chaos release.
1/13 because of random disconnects. The problem is on YOUR end.
Router firewall is open and windows firewall is turned off. Didn’t start getting disconnected until Dragon Bash started.
It does not do this on other games.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Token system is better than RNG.
I just want to remind folks again, the features and content you’d traditionally find in an expansion will absolutely be added to Gw2. The thing we haven’t decided is what form the release of that content would be presented in, be it a traditional expansion, living world, or some other form.
Traditional expansion just divide the community. Some buy and some don’t.
Use the Living Story to add traditional expansion content. So everyone can play. You will also see more gem store sales that way.
If it’s still labeled as “Suggested: 5 players”, I won’t be running it.
Anyone could solo it before. It should of said 1-5 players.
This is how I saw it.
If your computer can handle it. You need to adjust the WvW character limits. You can set it to high number of players and the detail to low.
World bosses are much more fun now with more players doing Invasions.
I get random disconnects with blank screens. Started happening since dragon bash.
Scarlet is modeled after the Joker’s girlfriend Harley Quinn.
The live stream says they are permanent. But that they will be less frequent. It also says we may never catch Scarlet.
Anet we can see the events on the map. Fugue out how to put the extra information on the map itself.
For instance we know circles mean fighting. So the symbol in the middle could be something that has more relevant information.
Escort quest don’t need circles. Just Change the icon when it’s under attack.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
I understand that Lions Arch is the central point for all that is Tyria but the other major cities for each race are amazing, beautiful and… useless.
The main reason people hang out in LA is because of the Mystic Forge, Bank, Trading Post and WvW Portals (just before reset).
I think it’s because of free travel through the Mists to LA and then to other city gates. This makes players use LA bank, trading post because it’s faster to get to.
Anet should just let players travel to any home city from anywhere. Without having to waste time going through the Mists/LA/LA gates (3 loading screens).
If anyone disagrees, then you just want players in LA. So you can spam LFG in the chat .
Mounts are good in games like WoW because all the lower level zone are dead. And the player just wants to rush through it as fast a possible. To get to zones with players in them.
But in GW2 we have waypoints and downscaling. Making all zones still relevant and easy to get to.
Fast mounts would also be a exploit in GW2. Players will just rush through mobs without even a scratch.
If you want prestige mounts? Anet can create “prestige cosmetic mounts”. Nothing to over the top. Not everything should be ridable.
The only thing I would change about “cosmetic mounts” is make equal to player running speed.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
You need to take part in five of the major invasions to completion. Not the events that are part of the invasion (like it says) but the actual, region-wide, 45-minute invasion, and be there when it ends. Five times.
I tend to lose connection too often. I may never be able to complete this achievement.
Found out the “WvW character limit” was what I needed to change. It shows a few manes in really populated areas. But it looks a lot better now for me.
I still would like a simpler UI.
*Small health bar with %
*Small endurance bar with %
*Small rectangle shaped radar to replace map, icons only
*Event assistant turn off/on
*Smaller skill bar
Simple party UI means that you don’t see players portraits in you party
Skyrim style UI is what I want in GW. Looks clean and simple. Like playing a movie.
Just don’t make it sound like a lion. It should unique but cat like with depth. And male and female char versions.
I do not want to see players names unless I click mouse over a player! If you look at the option I clearly did not want this.
Give players the option to have a super simple UI.
She looks like bad copy of Joker.
She reminds me of the Joker’s girlfriend Harley Quinn.
What are you suggesting should be bought with these trophy tickets?
Skins? Gear? Titles? Cheese? something for your “Hoiuse” zone?
Ultimate Cosmic Power?
Cheese is must! But Anet would have to decide the rewards.
This idea promotes exploring in the game world and gives a new use to trophies.
Add Trophy Vendors
Maguuman Trophy Vendor in Rata Sum and The Grove
Krytan Trophy Vendor in Divinity’s Reach
Ascalon Trophy Vendor in Black Citadel
Shiverpeak Trophy Vendor in Hoelbrak
Orr Trophy Vendor in Lion’s Arch
Selling trophies to a normal vendor will give you gold plus Trophy Tickets.
Trophy Tickets:
Maguuman Trophy Ticket
Krytan Trophy Ticket
Ascalon Trophy Ticket
Shiverpeak Trophy Ticket
Orr Trophy Ticket
“Trophy Tickets” are given to the “Trophy Vendor” for rewards.
“Krytan Trophy Vendor” for example: Will except
trophies from Queensdale (1–17), Kessex Hills (15–25),
Gendarran Fields (25–35), Harathi Hinterlands (35–45),
Bloodtide Coast (45-55), Southsun Cove (80). But
higher level zones will reward more trophy tickets
than Queensdale and Kessex Hills.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Players who grind are less likely to buy gems with real money. Which means less money for new content.
People who trade gold for gems contribute just as much to Anet’s/NCSoft’s financial success for 2 reasons:
1) The gems in question are still being bought – just by another person. They aren’t getting free gems, they’re trading gold for gems that were bought for real money.
2) More players buying gems with gold (demand) leads to higher gem prices, which in turn leads to more players buying gems to sell for gold due to the higher prices.
I believe Anet fixes the price of gems. And just says it is based on a free market.
If you don’t fund the game. Then why should Anet take any of your suggestions?
Oh come on now. Really? I bought the game seems like funding to me. Also: In GW1 there was no gemshop and Anet listened to the community regardless. (And a lot of their success is based on that.)
To top it off: Don’t repeat the stupid argument that the gemshop would fund GW2. It does not! And thats been repeated and validated over and over…
Most of GW was co-op game. Anet did not have as much to do server side.
Open world MMO’s cost much more money to operate.
Players who grind are less likely to buy gems with real money. Which means less money for new content.
They are also the players who want a gear treadmill. Gear treadmills gate content and slowly kill mmo’s.
This made me laugh so hard I fell from my chair. Guess what: I am farming Deadeye. I used the gold I made to convert them to gems and upgrade to Digital Deluxe Edition and buy a character slot. But I woul never never ever buy gems with real money. Why? Because I am to poor to be able to afford only 10€ to put into something. So I actually am pretty grateful that farming right now is profitable and I could get those things now and don’t have to wait a year until I farmed enough…
And second: I hate gear treadmills. That’s why I played GW1 and it’s why I play GW2.
So don’t group people together. Thanks.
If you don’t fund the game. Then why should Anet take any of your suggestions?
The in game chat is most likely “Internet Relay Chat”. One of the oldest parts of the internet. Your idea isn’t possible.
Players who grind are less likely to buy gems with real money. Which means less money for new content.
They are also the players who want a gear treadmill. Gear treadmills gate content and slowly kill mmo’s.
If you’ve done your research, you would know that the money in buying gems doesn’t help fund the game directly for newer content. This has been brought up months ago.
It’s pooled together to fund more than one Ncsoft game. But some money form each of those games does go towards funding GW2.
Buy not buy gems, that player is only costing Anet/Ncsoft money for development.
Then you would understand that those players farming aren’t drastically changing it to that point where Anet wouldn’t get funds for their new projects/contents.
GW2 is the most profitable game for Ncsoft. They will make sure GW2 gets it’s share of the money. After they pay themselves of course.
Players who grind are less likely to buy gems with real money. Which means less money for new content.
They are also the players who want a gear treadmill. Gear treadmills gate content and slowly kill mmo’s.
If you’ve done your research, you would know that the money in buying gems doesn’t help fund the game directly for newer content. This has been brought up months ago.
It’s pooled together to fund more than one Ncsoft game. But some money form each of those games does go towards funding GW2.
Buy not buy gems, that player is only costing Anet/Ncsoft money for development.
So she would be barefoot AND pregnant?
What’s next, LSD or smoking pot?
Both are safer than driving drunk.
Players who grind are less likely to buy gems with real money. Which means less money for new content.
They are also the players who want a gear treadmill. Gear treadmills gate content and slowly kill mmo’s.
“Hardcore players” are not players who grind the same content only for a reward. They don’t play, it’s just work to them.
The REAL Hardcore players are the ones who have fun playing the game!
Hardcore players think casual players are unskilled.
Casual players think hardcore have no life.
I don’t have problem with either. But I do have a problem with players who only grind content for a reward. They are not playing the game for fun and will destroy the game. If Anet caters to them.
Lions Arch is makeshift shanty town for pirates. Not a real city like the others. And not the gateway to the world.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Make lower level crafting recipes useful!
*Improving buff on some crafted foods.
*Help supply the war effort with lower custom crafted items.
*Require crafting recipes to use more item for lower levels.
*No incentive to buy NPC food.
*More uses for top supplied crafting ingredients.
Some crafting materials need to be changed.
Beef-take the farm in queensdale attacked by bandits. Why are we killing her bulls? Expand the farm to include those bulls. Than have the farmer sell the beef. Beef should not be a cheap ingredient. She can also sell other basic ingredients found on farms for karma.
*Free asura gate in all cities, to access all cities!
*Free travel to home city from anywhere in world! Without the hassle of going through the Mists than LA gates. And having to wait through 2 extra loading screens.
*Make WvW and Mists portal lead to all cities!
Gold sink is not a excuse to not do this. Anet has already said they don’t care about gold sinks with the Crown Pavilion.
The Royal Terrace is not a excuse to not do this. As it does not help populate cities.
Players will still use waypoints to travel within or to other zones.
This idea will also spread players into more low level zones other than queensdale.
Other ideas for all cities.
*LA mini game NPC’s in all cities. When leaving mini game it takes you to LA. This way it still promotes LA.
So instead of down scaling how about upscaling the creatures to your level? This would also make creatures drop higher tier mats.
Have you walked in a level1 to15 zone lately? It is pretty much empty.
Upscaled zones for 80s only would segregating the community.
I think crafting recipies should be reworked to require more than higher tier mats. So players still have a need to farm lower and mid level zones.
On my server the 1-15 zones are over populated.
Instead how about a slider in the hero panel to adjust particle effects and armor glow.
Yes this game could definitely be darker.
Anet is making a nice censored chinese version of the game for you.
I don’t know if it’s the game engine. Or if Anet can do more to make the NPC’s actual feel like they have lives.
As it is now, NPC’s don’t do very much in this game. Some have scripts that repeat, but that’s it. There is little artificial intelligence for NPC. So it does not look like the NPC’s are performing everyday tasks.
Surly Anet can make more scripts for NPC’s and tie them together with better artificial intelligence.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Why would Anet want the best city, better than LA destroyed?
Wait, what’s happening to Rata Sum?
You mean that city for those rejected mini pets?
Why would Anet want the best city, better than LA destroyed?
They’re gonna destroy Hoelbrak?!
Hoelbrak? They all living together in same room. How can player housing even work there?
Why would Anet want the best city, better than LA destroyed?
Maybe in a future expansion. This area will be a entrance into anther zone.
As an altoholic with 8 characters (and wanting to create new ones when new professions/races appear), I hope you (ANET) think about us when you finally implement this.
I know, this is not GW1 (this is a new game, blah blah blah, I got it) but i miss a lot how easy was to change my build there and to dress up all my characters. Here, everytime some new content appears (as Liadri) I regret that I purchased this armor instead another one (for instance, applying new rune set implies destroying the old one or the armor). If we are so punished equipping and changing our characters with exotics, I can only be terrified of thinking about this same thing with ascended items (more expensive or – please don’t do this – time gated). And, since I have 8 characters, I feel punished x8.
I have 5 80’s and feel the same way. Hopefully they’ll take the players who paid extra gems to get extra character slots into consideration and make them more easily obtainable than the ascended jewelry (say through crafting).
STILL no ascended backs outside of fractals btw… other than the 1 karka back (one per account and has stats that few want)./
There are many back pieces that can be transmuted to ascended.
Orly, so the wiki is just out of date then?
Please tell me more
You can take a ascended back and have the stats transferred to say a quaggan back.
We have too many back skins released in a short time.
Playing as bad guys won’t work game.
But I would like to play a hero with a dark side (mercenary, real thief, spy, or letting us choose which factions to help in a LS).
Just wondering, wouldn’t the Order of Whispers fall under this category? They’re pretty suspicious, they keep a lot of secrets, sometimes they resort to dastardly tactics such as blackmail, and their motives aren’t always well known.
The personal story does not feel like the rest of the game.