Cool! I will certainly be looking to try this out a couple of times.
Wow people actually switch teams to try to win a hotjoin? That’s really sad…
I’m usually the one volunteering myself to go to the losing team. What’s life without a challenge?
Has anyone else noticed that torment just doesn’t work the way it’s intended to?
It simply doesn’t increase in damage if the afflicted is moving.
Why do you care? It’s your character, if you want to make a norn necro make one.
… Not really. The class is very strong in duels. Only thing we really have trouble with are Elementalists and kind of a difficult time with Mesmers.
A team is too much of a time commitment considering how casually I play this game but I was wondering if there are any casual PVP guilds on NA that occasionally get together to run tournaments?
I’d really like to hang out with some friendly peeps in this game while PVPing!
As much as I love my necro (before and after the patch) what we were given was entirely too much.
My main thing is fear, this game has a lot of CC but it’s in small doses, but now it’s very possible to chain fears for nearly 10 seconds and if they don’t have a stun break up (most are on fairly long CDs) they are probably going to die. First of all, the increased duration at <600 range for Doom was not needed a whole half a second makes the fear just that much longer when condi duration and stun duration are taken into the calculation. I’d just remove that additional duration all together.
Spectral wall is fine because it’s avoidable and short duration but what isn’t fine is how hard it is to see sometimes. It really has almost no difference between the other walls (Green smoke instead of blue or purple) and in a team fight it’s nearly impossible to spot. If it was made taller and more ominous looking it would stand out in fights and people would know to avoid it unless they were being feared into it.
Burning is fine, it’s hard to access for condition builds so it forces them to give up some valuable things (Like survivability and longer fear duration).
Axe is still awful and hence power builds are still relatively weak. We are still very vulnerable to CC (Necro 1v1s end up being decided by who gets hit by a fear train first) so I feel like a few minor adjustments to fear and we will be on track. I also think that the changes have caused a minor flurry of everyone wanting to try necro so there’s some leveling out that’ll happen once everyone goes back to playing their normal classes.
Though since the patch I’ve been getting stun locked for a long time by warriors. Honestly they didn’t do a lot of damage while that happened but it was REALLY annoying.
The amount it takes to take someone to 0 health while you still have some remaining.
Not sure what the point of this thread is.
Torment isn’t even working properly right now… there isn’t any increased damage on movement. It’s basically a weaker bleed.
It has to do with how the server recognizes conditions. Apparently there is a considerable amount of pressure put on the server whenever conditions are applied and creating individual stacks causes too much strain on them.
So as far as we know it’s a technical limitation and there’s no eta on a fix.
It was quite strong before so I understand why it needed some adjustment, but I hate the fact that they made it more RNG dependent. It was the only reliable way to get stability off so we could actually use our control abilities, now it’s anybodies guess if the target has more than 5 boons. I’d rather it ONLY removed stability than be random about what it removed.
What is this “After-cast” everyone is referring to?
Also I agree, it’s very frustrating to hit a few skills in a row and then look down a few seconds later and realize that one of them didn’t even go off. When you are relying on key abilities to gain the upper hand and they don’t even execute properly it’s very frustrating.
Heard it all before. Almost any game can be turned into something competitive. The game itself has very little bearing on if it will become a sport or not it’s really about who will watch it. As long as there is marketing to support it GW2 will become an esport.
Interesting but without all the changes it’s really hard to speculate how this’ll affect us. I can say that the increased access to the newly buffed weakness may make us a much more powerful attrition class. I think people are heavily underestimating how much that will help our sustaining power as well as team fight presence.
Staff without greater marks is pure masochism. Plain and simple. The AoE size is pathetic.
This. Why would you make things harder on yourself?
Sounds like you are either running full glass cannon or you just got outplayed. It happens. Though our window of opportunity is small to beat mesmers it’s still there and you just missed it.
Have ANY of you people read these leaked patch notes? It’s going to possibly be only on the mesmer’s scepter #2 (their counter) and the thief’s Skale Venom.
This. Context is everything and so many people on the forums are talking without having any of it.
Mesmer scepter is just about as bad as Ele staff is. I don’t know about Skale Venom since I’ve never played a Thief but I’ve never seen one running it before so I’m assuming it pretty bad too (And on a 45 sec cooldown so it’s not like they can stack it to a reasonable level).
because spike in this game is the use of 3 skills at most. Most often it’s as simple as a shatter or a backstab.
Actually a shatter combo has something like 5-6 chained weapon and utility skills+dodges…just saying…it’s really far from being a 1 key burst.
This is true. Setting up a really good shatter combo (6 clones for a Interrupt+Mind Wrack) requires quite a bit of forethought and some fairly long cooldowns. It just happens in less than a second so people think Mesmers are just suddenly pressing one button and winning.
But that’s kind of off topic.
Gold sinks are good for the economy, I’m just glad it’s not as harsh as WoW’s respecing costs were (Especially before dual spec, playing a Druid meant you were perpetually poor).
This discussion confuses me. They aren’t taking AWAY anything from Weakness so how could it possibly fail? It may not be meta shifting but it’ll certainly help those classes that had it a lot more than it previously had.
Take your minuta somewhere else.
A warrior is a direct damage class, we don’t have viable condi builds. Warriors such as myself are understandably worried after seeing there is a new condi Torment which will make kiting a warrior even easier (it hurts us when we move and it is already ez mode to kite warriors before Torment) and now Weakness will hurt our damage which is our only saving grace.
But it’s hurting every burst build not just warriors so it’ll balance itself out, and warriors arguable have the most access to weakness so they can reduce incoming damage more. Your beef seems to be more with Torment than with the weakness change.
This discussion confuses me. They aren’t taking AWAY anything from Weakness so how could it possibly fail? It may not be meta shifting but it’ll certainly help those classes that had it a lot more than it previously had.
Take your minuta somewhere else.
I think it basically has to, if not you get a lot of weird grey areas where things are “psuedo” teleports (Like leaps or charges) but aren’t instant, are those effected or not? Why would an instant teleport be immune but a near instant one wouldn’t. Plus it just goes against the developer’s ideas of forcing people to stay engaged instead of running away whenever things seem to tip out of their favor.
I’m under the impression that they intend to punish high mobility skills with this condition, that includes blinks.
Hehe – I can just see a sweet bursty rotation forming….
(while running in) Focus 5, Focus 4, Axe 3, Axe 2, DS5, WoC, WoS, Dagger 1
I see it synergizing with well power builds VERY well. Right now there’s not loss for stepping out of a well, but the new condition has potential to put people in a lose/lose situation.
I think necros are getting a well deserved buff in this upcoming patch, with Torment and access to burning now too. Pretty powerful imo.
What wat? Do you have a source for this?
NVM I found it:
First off, we’ve got a ton of trait changes coming up. Many traits that were less than desirable have been brought up in effectiveness, while others have been shuffled around and merged together to make room for new traits to be introduced. In doing this, we’ve created several new grandmaster traits for quite a few trait lines. For example: elementalists have a new grandmaster Air trait that allows them to recharge their air attunement, necromancers now have access to the burning condition, and warriors will have an option to remove conditions when using burst abilities.
Guys need to chill about it being accessible to other classes. For all we know it’s on a 30 point trait in a god forsaken trait line that no one will take anyways.
Devil is in the details for all of this and it’s not really worth getting angry over until we know more.
I just wonder why they gave it to thieves who is the most mobile of all (aka requiring the most chase)… Seems… not smart. It better not be on a FotM lolspam build. T_T
I’m guessing they’ll be putting it on a lesser used weapon or utility.
Interesting… It’s hard to say without seeing numbers. I wonder if this is triggered on distance moved (So if a thief teleports from 900 range are they going to take a bunch of damage?) or on simply walking/runnning around. If it’s the former it could be quite powerful at keeping people in the fight (Like they hinted at as Necro’s “role”).
While we may not be able to disengage ourselves we probably can keep others from disengaging from us. Seems like a decent way to give us more control over the battlefield.
Of course, cleanses are still really plentiful so I don’t know how this will address that.
Kind of a vague question. Are you looking to run a combo in sPVP with a friend? Or are you looking to do 2v2 death matches in custom arenas?
Most likely a Guardian Mesmer combo is going to be far stronger than Warrior/necro since both warrior and necro are considered the worst of the professions atm.
Broad statement is broad.
Guardians don’t really do that much damage if they aren’t running a damage spec. They are mainly their to help assists their teammates and soak up the other team’s resources. They just happen to do that the best and other professions “support” roles don’t really compare. That’s simply a balancing game and it can be achieved without drastic things like completely neutering “non damage” specs.
Yeah works for me too! Thanks all.
Same issue. Also one a mac. Really wanted to get my dad some dragon wings for fathers day :/.
Are you sure you’re deleting the correct folder.
Go to your user directory
Hold down Alt/Option and click “Go” in the menu bar, there should be a “Library” option, it will only show up while you’re holding Alt.
Inside the Library go into the Application Support Folder
Then inside that folder will be a Guild Wars 2 folder, delete it and restart your computer.
Then try restarting the GW2 client and leave it for an hour.Also, ignore the gamma. The GW2 client changes the gamma (I think it depends what you have the gamma set to in the GW2 Options menu) so you will notice it flick between the GW2 gamma and your screen’s gamma, that’s normal
I’m having the same issue but I cannot even find the GW2 folder in the Application Support.
I don’t know if it’s the same error but i’m geting a blank launcher every time I boot it up. In S Cali.
Honestly you can debate if we should be courteous or not forever but these are just designed for selfish play. Why weren’t these made individual like gathering nodes? Lets look at the factors in place:
*Player is incentivized by farming for items that will only be available for a small period of time thus farming as fast as possible is ideal.
*Content is not particularly challenging as to need other people so there’s no incentive to group up.
*Content is freely available to all and when it is eliminated it takes some time and effort to find the next one.
These things all add to turning players into selfish brats. If the path of least resistance is to be selfish the majority of players will go down that path.
The mechanics and design of these are at fault.
the no healer is part of the reason, but its probably also for balance reason. imagine a gw2 without down state but with shatter mesmers, backstab thief, s/d thief ?
If downed state went away there’d have to be some major balance changes (Probably along the lines of tuning up toughness and healing power) to accompany it, but I wouldn’t miss it one bit. Downed state just causes way more problems than it’s worth, I’d much rather continue fighting for 10 seconds with all my skills than sit around spamming 1 and trying to time 2 and hoping 3 comes up.
While it’s fun it doesn’t have a lot of depth. It’s essentially a FPS with auto target turned on. The RPG elements of the current system bring a lot of depth to the combat system.
Though I wouldn’t be mad at all if down state was just gone from PVP, lots of innate balance issues hing around this mechanic.
Hey all! Let’s make sure to remember that matchmaking is based off your rating and not your PvP rank. Players cannot currently see their ratings but our new matchmaking is much more efficient at pooling players together for matches. You should be experiencing much smaller rating deviations in games without a terrible sacrifice to queue time.
Be sure to give constructive feedback on how you feel the matchmaking is working for you.
While that’s understood by most who read these forums there is no way for us to give feedback outside of what we can understand (Which is what ranks are being matched up compared to the outcome of the match).
I know why Anet is hesitant to give players more information about their standings in games (To prevent the community turning against itself as is seen in other highly competitive games) there is a point where there is simply too little information being given to the players in game. I think it’s time to start showing our standings (Even if it’s just the % standings shown on the leaderboards) so we can be assured our matches are becoming more and more even.
Players don’t like to lose but they take it much better if they know that they lost because of mistakes they made and not because the matchmaking system gave them a brand new player who’s worse than a non-participating player.
(edited by Pandabro.8743)
Sure, but how much will you wait, 10 minutes, 20, 30 ?
What about a rank 1 that starts playing, will he wait 10 minutes ? Or will he stop queueing and go play something else ?
Sure, the devil’s in the details, but I’m pretty sure there is a system that finds a good balance and I was hoping this patch would make some progress on that.
Well, u can patch whatever u want, but if there is only 6 low skill level players queueing, you can either make them wait or put them in som games.
No match-making system can make up for a low playerbase.
I think I’d rather wait longer to have a more even match than get placed into a game instantly. Honestly que times seem very fast for the amount of miss matched games I’ve had.
:( that’s really disappointing.
We are stuck with this Conquer&Hold system for 10 months now. When I saw that map I was very disappointed cos they have the resources for making good things but they just don’t do anything new.
You’ll find no argument about that here. It’s pretty clear that PVE is heavily prioritized over PVP.
I am of the opinion that a split is NOT needed. HoN did a single que for both teams and solo players and it’s working just fine, it was rough at first but after the algorithms were ironed out you basically never get matched against another team unless it’s a partial in which case you probably have a partial on your team as well.
The real problem is the fact that this game relies so heavily on instant communication (voice) that a group of decent players can absolutely smash a group of random very skilled players purely through better communication.
They should be addressing that issue as well as continually tweaking the algorithms to make sure matches are as fair as possible.
Ehh… I don’t know. It seems like those bouncing things and the small corridors would make it really hard to actually kill anything. I feel like you need more open spaces with a few objects to LOS on otherwise people will just be running away and LOSing until their heals come up.
Updated the matchmaking algorithm to better match new players.
This was the most interesting part of the patch notes for me. Anyone seeing any better matchmaking since the patch? I’m at work so I can’t test it right now.
As long as there is a cap on players so they can actually design around having a set amount of players.
Just wondering if this burning on terror thing is something that may actually be happening or if it’s just speculation?
Dear Anet,
I don’t feel like this game takes skill here’s why:
[Insert oversimplification of popular specs to make it seem like I’ve played them all at an expert level and “noone” (Who’s noone anyways? why doesn’t he step in?) can tell him otherwise]
My solution:
[Insert very large sweeping change that alters the very core of combat in the game instead of small incremental changes to smooth out imbalances which allow the players to become more creative.]
_____________End Satire______________
Do you really think it’s a lack of ideas that hold Anet back? Companies like this are rarely at a miss for ideas. It’s the fact that they have a relatively small team that moves at an even slower pace to get things implemented (Probably due to a very cumbersome system of changing things).
The basics of gameplay here are pretty solid, those are not really the problem. It’s the specifics about how things balance out that are causing droves of people to go to one build or another (And human nature to seek the path of least resistance). Every game suffers from this and has to keep evolving to keep things interesting. The real issue is the frustratingly slow rate they fix real issues like bugs. Hell half the reason classes are the way they are is because some things still don’t work.
Having played over half my games as a Mesmer I can say that they are in a good spot right now and don’t need a ton of attention from devs. They have a very competitive spec and a lot of pretty good specs scattered around.
If anything I’d like to see Portal and Illusion of life nerfed slightly and some other unused utilities brought up a bit so that we can have some more variety than the very standard Portal/IoL/Blink/MoA.
But relative to other classes (War/Necro) Mesmers are in a VERY good spot. Trying to push for Mesmer changes when there are much larger issues to be addressed just shows ignorance.