most consumers are happy to fork out a small fortune for sweet f all and not complain.
No, they’re not. Most people complain if they have to pay anything beyond the purchase price, and a few complain about even that. The vast majority of consumers would rather get the shinies from actually playing the game, even if they themselves will never get it.
At 16.40 i get the wiff of lies going up my nostrils.
At pax south we were promised our best in slot armor would stay best in slot.
They launched hot with a new tier of armor and invalidated our ascended armor.
that is how i see it.they lied
And it’s still best in slot. Stop using this to support your “argument”, because it doesn’t.
Time gated crafting. I can see the reasoning if this was a subscription based game, but it’s not, and caused more frustration and burnout.
Wasn’t it planned to have 3 new legendaries every 3 months? I’m also waiting for the hammer before I go any further with the current and past legends.
SPIN IT HOW YOU LIKE LEGENDARY ARMOR IS A NEW TIER.and we were promised that would not happen by the top man himself.
some people will eat kitten if they told its chocolate.
im not one of them
The problem appears to be entirely with you and how you choose to perceive certain words. Legendary is not a new tier, and it’s statistically identical to ascended.
i play a warrior with 2 sets ascended Armour 2 legendary that i crafted but payed for the mats and fully upgrade bank and inventory .plus various skins off the gem store and around 12k i was promised just before the launch of hot that my best in slot gear would always be the best in slot gear.that was a downright lie since they added a new armor tier LEGENDARY.And locked it behind a wall they know full well most players wont be able to get past.
You seem to be extremely confused about what legendary means in this game. Which is weird since you have legendaries.
The fact you can’t straight out buy them is one of the best things going for them.
I love how everyone is still telling people “If you are in the wrong guild/guilds to raid you should go get a new one.”
It’s the same thing as saying, "If the people you’ve built up a loyalty with and they you aren’t good enough for this content you just abandon all integrity and go in it for yourself. "
Please do humanity a favor and reconsider priorities, all of you that think that way. You’re disgusting.
Who said anything about abandoning them? You can join multiple guilds for multiple purposes.
When the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Good effort, but ultimately missed the mark.
God forbid you have to put in effort for the shiny stuff. “Play how you want” doesn’t mean you can get everything doing whatever you want. Don’t like dungeons? No dungeon armor for you. Don’t like raids? No raid rewards. Why should you be able to get raid rewards without doing the raid?
What’s this “no dungeon loot without dungeons” biz?
Now you’re forcing me to PVP? Where does the madness end?
Dungeon armor is exotic and exotic armor can be gotten from pretty much every activity in the game.i would have no problem if it were just skins locked behind raids,but this is not the case.
Legendary armor will be ascended level, ascended armor can be acquired outside of raids. Legendary armor is purely a shiny skin.
(edited by Phy.2913)
If a group of players yelled at me, for seemingly no reason other than being there, I’d kill that mob out of spite. Manners go a long way.
God forbid you have to put in effort for the shiny stuff. “Play how you want” doesn’t mean you can get everything doing whatever you want. Don’t like dungeons? No dungeon armor for you. Don’t like raids? No raid rewards. Why should you be able to get raid rewards without doing the raid?
Charr say “Hi”.
Its only super expensive now,
1, because everyone is crafting
2, you are buying all the matsIn a month it will start to settle down, as supply catches up with the demand.
And then the next raid wing and 3 more legendaries are introduced, increasing demand even further.
You either run zerk or condi for “meta”. Or, you could use whatever you want and live your own life, like a man.
The old precursors are not legendary, they’re exotics, and using a large amount of ascended mats to make an exotic tends to rub people the wrong way. Add in a seemingly arbitrary time gate and people start asking if it’s worth it, and start looking at other games.
They should add more categories to LFG AND let us choose which server to play on, thus removing the need for “taxis”.
A guildy said he got one from a green once. I’ve had better luck getting precursors.
Or vendor them O.o
I find virtually all pre-meta events on even unorganized maps are done 20+ minutes before the meta starts. There’s plenty of time to taxi in players and get organized before the 5 minute countdown starts. It’s just that players hate the map/meta and leave once the pre-events are done or they finish their HPs.
All the events are usually pushed and done 30 minutes after the last attempt ends. It is then an hour and a half of afk. Thats why nobody does it.
This. The map sits at T4 for about an hour, just repeating the few events after the chains complete. It’s boring.
It was never meant to make legendaries cheaper anyway. Don’t know what gave everyone that impression. They’re still legendaries, meant to be a highly sought after long-term goal that’s difficult to achieve, and quite frankly they’re already common enough as it is, any cheaper and literally everyone would have one. It was simply meant to give players a “quest” to work towards their legendary rather than just mystic forging thousands of weapons and praying for the best.
And the precursors for the new legendaries aren’t going to drop at all, so even if you’d argue they’re “pointless” for old ones because its just as cheap to buy the precursor, they have a definite purpose for the new ones.
People were hoping “time” had some kind of monetary value. Turns out it doesn’t. We also don’t like using ascended mats to craft an exotic.
Time does have monetary value. It’s just people forego that value to have it all now.
Crafting the precursor takes longer than buying it off the TP. They have relatively the same monetary cost, therefore time has no value.
It was never meant to make legendaries cheaper anyway. Don’t know what gave everyone that impression. They’re still legendaries, meant to be a highly sought after long-term goal that’s difficult to achieve, and quite frankly they’re already common enough as it is, any cheaper and literally everyone would have one. It was simply meant to give players a “quest” to work towards their legendary rather than just mystic forging thousands of weapons and praying for the best.
And the precursors for the new legendaries aren’t going to drop at all, so even if you’d argue they’re “pointless” for old ones because its just as cheap to buy the precursor, they have a definite purpose for the new ones.
People were hoping “time” had some kind of monetary value. Turns out it doesn’t. We also don’t like using ascended mats to craft an exotic.
This is just one symptom of a bigger problem. We need the ability to choose a specific map instance/server.
They will I bet. It’ll be in the gemstore.
How many giant eyes can you really get in an hour?
I don’t know if map rewards are set rewards or random, since i’ve gotten things other than what was listed as “next”. That said you could get 1-2 an hour.
Malchors leap. Giant eye’s sell for 5~ish gold.
Yes, it is very good. However, crafting 250 staffs which require around 7000 elder wood (plus, you need 11 000 elder wood logs for 53 spirit wood planks) is a bit stupid… I refuse to buy it through TP, so now I am going to park all my characters to Malchor’s Leap, guest german and spanish server, and farm the kitten out of those trees.
Dear Linsey, my bank is full of all the kinds of materials which I was saving up for years. You had a chance to give them a purpose…now they will stay there collecting dust… farming 18 000 elder wood logs + other thousands of lower tier logs is not fun at all.
I could have built a wooden castle from such amount of wood planks… not one stick with few glowy crystals.
they needed to give a reason for crafting mats that were diminishing in value… now they just need to do that for silver ore, maybe when the new legends drop.
Maybe let us craft silver doubloons…
“Only a few days”
I’m annoyed that it takes A LOT of ascended materials to craft an exotic.
It is so the market doesn’t get flooded. Or for people to RUSH through everything, and then complain there’s nothing to do.
Markets still get flooded, and people still complain about having nothing to do. Time gates only achieve the slowing down aspect, barely.
what features were taken out of core and moved to hot?
Gliding is not the reason maps seem “empty”. The reason, is the maps are just so much larger than any Tyria map. If we had indefinite flying like burning crusade, then you might have a point, but gliding means you will be on the ground again very quickly.
If it says “only has use as part of a collection” it’s usually safe to vendor them.
Precursor crafting once per account? Terrible implementation…even though I won’t be making one myself.
Legendaries are for skins, once you get the skin you don’t need to craft another one.
You can do multiple collections at the same time. I was working on colossus and the spear at the same time, no problem. You can only craft the pre once per account, but that’s not what OP was asking.
Its supposed to make your character stronger…
According to… who?
According to its name?? ELITE specialization. ELITE, E L I T E .
You’re trying to imply something that was never said or intended.
My guard is full kitted in knights, including a few ascended. Around 2200 toughness, and the wyvern matriarch in VB can still hit me for 13k on a fly by.
Probably going to switch out my runes for vitality.
How is this game anti-social? mobs, loot, chests, even resource nodes are all shared. There’s no tagging mobs or stealing nodes from other players. You’re not forced to group with people, you can just run in and start hitting things and get the same rewards.
What am I missing?
is this sarcasm? you are basically talking about anti social tools. Im not saying it should be social, but those other systems in those games you spoke of, tend to force cooperation, teamwork and sociall structures.
No, those other systems force you to go off by yourself and shun other people.
What is “this” specifically?
I’d like to see a glider skin from each map, acquired with each maps currency. Kind of like a rep grind.
I have yet to get one either. Was starting to think it would only drop after starting some collection somewhere.
Buy it again from the legendary vendor.
How is this game anti-social? mobs, loot, chests, even resource nodes are all shared. There’s no tagging mobs or stealing nodes from other players. You’re not forced to group with people, you can just run in and start hitting things and get the same rewards.
What am I missing?
Not forced to group with people.
You are forced for certain content, and currently a lot of open world content.
They’ll probably add it to the gemstore.
Stop this god awful whining. It’s not supposed to be easy, and in fact, maybe it SHOULD cost more than a precursor drop because you don’t have to get it outright. You’re complaining about an economy/expense issue a week into the expansion. Whatever they change right now is going to be subject to change again because of the fluctuation in the economy, the worst of which we probably haven’t even seen yet. You don’t even have the official list of mats required for the rest of it. The people who complain about this stuff just don’t understand what the point of a legendary is. If I could have made my legendaries harder to get, I would have.
They could have made it harder AND cheaper. They did neither.
That’s almost always a hardware issue.
Daredevil with hexed outfit=pax jax…………. they are also focused around dodging around a lot, even temple jax has hexed customs necklace. I don’t think this is a coincidence are na net cant think of their own concepts….
And pax jax was stolen from somewhere else, which was stolen from somewhere else, which was stolen from somewhere else…
How is this game anti-social? mobs, loot, chests, even resource nodes are all shared. There’s no tagging mobs or stealing nodes from other players. You’re not forced to group with people, you can just run in and start hitting things and get the same rewards.
What am I missing?
If I had to guess, it’s because you don’t need people… or grouping. There’s very few reasons to join a guild and actually interact with people beyond “I need bodies to do this event.”
I’m pretty anti-social in GW2, but that’s because I’ve had too many poor experiences with people in this game, and it left me super jaded.
Having the ability to be anti-social doesn’t make the game anti-social. If anything, it’s more social than traditional MMO’s because you aren’t fighting over resources/enemies.
Remember that warehouse at the end of Indian Jones? I’ve got enough crowbars to wreck that place. It’d be nice if I could exchange crowbars for chak acid, or exalted keys, or even give the airship containers a chance to drop them, anything would help.
But…Charr….and the clipping issues…