Showing Posts For Pifil.5193:

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


You missed my point.
I simple stated why it would be more or less impossible to scale it down to solo, since it requires team-work.
You seemed to imply that you would want it to scale in group-size, but if it does REQUIRE team-work scaling it will be impossible. That was what I was trying to say.

I don’t get that it requires any more teamwork than any other story mode dungeon.

We worked hard to ensure that the dungeon experience we have crafted is not simply possible to complete by groups of all different skill levels and compositions, but more importantly that it is lots of fun and rewarding for everyone.

Now I think some people have misinterpreted that sentence. In that context “not simply” is the same as saying “not only”. Some people seem to think that this means that the dungeon is impossible without some special highly skilled group when he’s trying to say the exact opposite. That it’s accessible to everyone.

I understand the concerns about jumping into a 5-man instance if you’re more accustomed to solo play – in fact as a player I typically share those feelings, so rest assured that such concerns have been and continue to be addressed firsthand by our team!

How exactly they are addressing those concerns when they introduce another 5-man instance to end a story arc remains to be seen but you can be sure it’s not by introducing a dungeon that will require “teamwork” to complete.

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Why would you even play a MMO in that case?

So that I can play on my own when I want to, and I can play with others when I want to, in the same game. The majority of the time in GW2 you can even do that within the same content.

Playing a multiplayer game =/= wanting to cuddle up with everyone 24/7.

That is ultimately the case and something that a lot of people on this forum need to realise. Not everyone is a 24/7 extroverted social machine. Some of us require down-time. Some me-time to recharge.

The belief that we don’t belong in a MMO because of that is ridiculous and one that, thankfully, ArenaNet don’t share.

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So you are simply assuming/demanding/wanting to be able to do every single thing in a MMO on your own, without ever having to talk or cooperate with other people?
Why would you even play a MMO in that case?

That’s not what’s being said. Not even remotely.

We’re talking about Personal Story and the Living Story not “every single thing”. Both of those stories were designed to be soloed up right until the very end. When you’re suddenly required to find a 5 man dungeon group because that’s somehow more “epic”.

Now I enjoy group content, I enjoy dungeon runs, guild activities, WvW, dynamic events but not everyone wants to do group content all the time. I also like to be able to work on content of my own at my own pace, the Personal and Living Story especially allow and encourage that at least up until the final steps occur and you have to group, the enjoyable pace is no longer an option.

From a story-telling perspective so far it’s been about you, you are the hero, helping people out and getting things done then in the end in order to finish the story you need four other people to come out of the blue. They said the personal story was “all about you”, that last step ruined that illusion for me.

Think of every movie you’ve watched or book you’ve read, the final chapter doesn’t introduce four new characters one of whom just says “hurry” or “quick” every two seconds.

Now, I will play through this with friends and guildies but I would prefer the option of soloing it some day when I have the time as I soloed the rest of the Living Story.

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’ll hold out about this one as I have yet to experience it. If it does help this issue, I really hope they decide to revamp all of the other story dungeons to have a stronger and more engaging focus/emphasis on both the story and dungeon aspects. Honestly though, I feel it would have been better to make story modes solo-able and keep explorable to 5-man/group play. The whole personal story experience would have had much better pacing and flow to it that way. That’s just my personal opinion anyways.

Not just your opinion, I agree completely and I hope that they do just that in the future. Story mode dungeons should have been scaled from the start in my opinion. They can make them challenging single player experiences as well as multi-player ones too.

I’m disappointed that they’ve decided to put the finale in as a 5 man instance, requiring 4 other people doesn’t make it feel more epic to me. I just hope you’ve added improvements to your LFG system too so that people aren’t standing around looking for groups.

Does anyone else hate SAB?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pifil.5193


If you took SAB back in time to the late 80’s and released it as a game in its own right what would it score/review be like?

Probably 6-7 out of 10, medicore to average…

If you took SAB back to the late eighties it would have got 10/10 and you would have been hailed as a god: a real 3D platformer? Primitive 80’s man would be astounded by your futuristic technology.

Lack of an LFG Tool Has It's Downside

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Let’s put the facts together …
1/ on multiple occasion has confirmed to be working on this
2/ in the meanwhile, we do have a functional lfg tool
3/ trolling always happens, trolls will adapt to the official tool, they won’t stop

Personally, I’m very much against wasting resources on something that already exists. For some reason, reinventing the wheel seems to be top priority for most of the community. They can have their way … eventually. Until then, I don’t care in the slightest.

What functional LFG tool are you talking about? I presume you’re not talking about a 3rd-party website that not everyone knows about?

They do need an in-game LFG tool. The lack of one really hurts this game.

Suggestion: Town clothes inside SAB

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I would love to have this work. It’s on my list of things to investigate. I want to see a walk-through vid of 5 girls in princess gowns rescuing the the princess.

Then I urge you, sir, to make sure that morning suits, top hats and monocles are made available before that occurs, we gentlemen cannot appear before the princess dressed like common ragamuffins!

So what's the deal?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Yeah I know the “Princess” looks like Moto wearing a dress lol.

And a blonde wig, you can see his black hair poking out underneath it :-)

Really happy with ArenaNet team and work

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Curse me for making a swamp with poison water. Curse Lisa for spawning the monkey there. Curse Jeff for building the Monkey. Curse Trevor for animating him. Curse Jerry for giving him such an annoying/cute scream. Curse Byron for not making a “this monkey is too annoying” bug.

Hmmm. That is a lot of people to curse. Fortunately*, the run from the checkpoint will give me more than enough time to fit it all in and still leave time to roundly curse at the monkey too, you really have thought of everything.

*not fortunately at all.

Really happy with ArenaNet team and work

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Thanks to you all, the SAB is a fantastic addition to a fantastic game!

Now who’s name should I be cursing when a monkey knocks me off a leaf into poison water miles from dry land? At the moment I’m just cursing the monkey but it’s not the monkeys fault.

Will the old quests go way?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Don’t worry about getting the flame and frost done before April 30th, it’s very unlikely that they will remove it before the end of May (they haven’t removed any thing from flame and frost so far) but it will be removed eventually

Fantastic Story Content!

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Wooden Potatoes commented on this shallowness. Many places to explore, but not much substance to be had..

Yes I saw that, it’s well worth watching, Wooden Potatoes is a massive GW fan who is so passionate about it. I find it interesting that he was talking about “traditional” quests (and he was not really talking about NPCs with an exclamation mark over their heads) and how the game could benefit from them in addition to the dynamic events and how ArenaNet stated they wanted nothing to do with “traditional” quests.

Now, here we have the Living Story, which basically does just that. Sure it adds new dynamic events to the game. It also adds “traditional” quests to the game. Now, they are slightly disguised in the same way that your personal story and renown hearts are thinly disguised “traditional” quests but that’s exactly what they are.

Each of the achievement trackers is basically a “traditional” quest.

  • “Refugee Volunteer” is a single long quest requiring you to do 75 helpful things, help the wounded, repair signs, recover possessions.
  • The “Lost and Found” and “Secret Contact” achievements are the basic “find stuff and bring it back to someone” quests you see in just about every MMO.
  • The Rox and Braham story arcs are themselves a couple of, fairly brief, quest chains. A couple of the steps in those chains happen in instances that were created for them sure but it is a pretty “traditional” quest (albeit repeatable). These are marked with a gold star but they could be an exclamation mark.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with this. I find this type of content fun. I personally believe that these kind of quests (as in something that you start when you are ready) are the only coherent way to tell a story and are a good way to make the character feel like they’re truly involved in the world. As a counter example imagine arriving in step 3 of a 5 part dynamic event, you generally just go with the flow and that’s fine but you have no idea what went before. Why are you there? How did you get there? What’s really going on? You’re not really a part of it you just stumbled onto it. With a “traditional” quest you are part of it from from the beginning to the end.

I think this kind of content is a great addition but, let’s be honest here, they are just “traditional” quests with a different name (and are only available for a limited time). The only things missing are the steps where you go to an NPC to start the quest and then head back to hand it in when you’re done.

Actually, now that I think of it it’s not missing those steps, they are just handled through in game mail here.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

So what's the deal?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Everything said applies to the winter and halloween stuff.

Sorry friends, but you’ll have to get over it.

Life is full of surprises and disappointments.

What? You mean the winter and halloween stuff that will probably be back this winter and halloween?

Cheaterboard - Leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So you’re saying, Jon is lying?


They’re saying he’s incorrect. It’s not the same thing, lying is a deliberate attempt to mislead, he’s saying what he believes to be the truth. It’s just apparently not the case.

What he said is what’s intended to happen but for whatever reason (a bug, a misunderstanding/miscommunication on the part of one or more of the development team or a simple transaction failure when trying to update the database) it’s not what actually happens.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Flame and Frost: Retribution

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Let’s hope for more info soon.

Guessing new dungeon

Hopefully not, especially not unless they add a decent in-game LFG tool too. Hopefully it’s more instances like the current one but with less reliance on holding an area until X waves are defeated.

No updates on F&F in 2 weeks

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Ive been in support of the Living Story so far, jan and feb were acceptable, because they were teasers. But March wasnt meant to be a teaser. Initially I really did like the content. New weapon vendors, braham and rox msisions, agent of whispers missions. Its awesome. But if they really wanted to keep to their word of the great majesty of the living story, they should have updated it weekly. New missions each week woulda been great. But it hasnt. Its pretty disappointing.

I’d go so far to say that spreading the content they released out over the month would have been better. I’d obviously like more, I mean, who wouldn’t? Two or three times as many missions (they don’t all have to be in brand new, custom crafted areas, after all), a follow up from Brandubh maybe including an extraction mission and so on. But if that’s all you have then you should probably release it over the course of the month.

Maybe they put it all out at the same time because they didn’t want to take away from the SAB or maybe they’ve had problems creating/finishing the intended content. Who knows?

So what's the deal?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I don’t know, I like the idea of semi-exclusivity for the skins.

They’d probably bring the current skins back at some point down the road, but having a completely different set next time seems cool.

It will also keep the saturation of the Super Weapons down a bit. They’re awesome skins and all, but it would get a little tiring if those were just about the only weapons anyone was wielding.

I think rotating them might be a nice idea/compromise, this year set 1, next year set 2 third year set 3, then set 1 and so on.

No matter what, these won’t be the only weapons everyone is wielding, most people will be wielding set 2, when it comes out because they will be new and different. They’ll wield them for a while, then they’ll wield the skins from the “Attack of the Dog People” event that occurs through Living World, then the skins from the new Dungeon, then they’ll wield the skins from the “Revenge of the Dog People” expansion and eventually practically no-one will be wielding these and yes, it will be rare to see someone with one, but why is that good in itself? It’s just a loss of content?

In my experience people tend to wear the latest trend because they’re tired of their old clothes/weapons.

Not a great idea for such a young MMO

in Living World

Posted by: Pifil.5193


WoW was released in November of 2004. Burning Crusades came out in 2007. In that 3 year period, what new content was released? Any? Other than new gear, what new events, missions, dungeons, etc.?

Burning crusade came out in January 2007, 26 months or so after WoW released, much closer to two years than three and they introduced so, so very much in that time! They added 3 battlegrounds (the game launched with none), 4 dungeons, 5 raids, numerous world bosses (the dragons), a new zone, new quests, world events like the gates of Ahn’Qiraj, and countless tweaks and improvements (like dynamic weather, cross realm battlegrounds and so on). You can criticise them for many things (and people will) but your implication that they added nothing is just flat-out incorrect.

As for the OPs point I agree, I don’t think that making these one time only is such a great idea, they should make it accessible through some means after the fact, in GW1 Winds of Change allowed us to take a quest that let us “remember” the world as it was. It would be nice if they found a way to do that something like that in GW2 too, they have the technology, they could keep a single “overflow” server instance for both Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau and have it running Frost and Flame for people who want to relive the content in the future.

That way they could change the world whenever and however they wanted but people could, for example, talk to a Durmand Priory historian and live through the timeline whenever they join (or rejoin) the game.

Actually, it’d be a shame if the magnificent tower of light that contains all those tablets and scrolls at the heart of the Durmand Priory didn’t serve a purpose like that:

(edited by Pifil.5193)

So what's the deal?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It also appears that the majority wish for the SAB not to be removed at the end of April. I presume this is due to players not being fond of having deadlines in their fun (gaming), since deadlines drive the rest of their lives (work, school, etc.)

Yeah, that really speaks to me, I obviously don’t know the amount of people that want to leave it in or remove it but I’d rather the content and skins were left there as a reward for those who want to put the time in to get them rather than removed in order to create some sense of “specialness” especially, as in my opinion, GW2 is a bit light on enjoyable, readily accessible content at the moment.

Maybe it should be moved from where it is to Moto’s lab for a while but it should still be accessible and playable.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

So what's the deal?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I don’t know how you got that out of what I said. We will certainly (as much certainty as the continuation of SAB) be making at least one Super Skin for every weapon in the game. But in order to make each release somewhat special I’m pretty sure we are going to retire the current set after April. I don’t think we will have the same set of Super Skins at our next release. Does that make sense?

No, it does not. I mean I fully understand what you’re saying it’s just that retiring content never made much sense to me and certainly doesn’t make it feel any more “special” to me. Retire them until April next year if you want but why remove them and at the same time remove the chance of people getting a set of these weapons?

For me, I’ve been busy so I haven’t had as much time as I’d hoped to enjoy this content, I’ll be lucky to get a sword or shield this time I was hoping to get the other and a matching mace next time it came around (if maces are added). Now that’s unlikely and it’s a pity… maybe don’t retire the set next time next time, instead complete it by adding pistols, rifles, maces and so on, then retire it the time after that?

(edited by Pifil.5193)

No updates on F&F in 2 weeks

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Yeah, I must say I think Flame and Frost has been a bit underwhelming. January was marked as a “Prelude” or prologue so fair enough, I thought, it would kick off properly in February. Then February came along and “The Gathering Storm” had very little new content either, but that was apparently just a teaser as well. Then "The Razing " started and it was very promising but as the OP points out there has been no new F&F content in the two weeks since. I was expecting F&F to have taken off by now and to be rising to a climax that would end in something spectacular when the series ends next month. That doesn’t seem to be happening.

I have to say with this kind of plodding pacing and the resulting lack of any sense of urgency I’m now expecting the story to simply stumble to an end and fizzle out in an unsatisfying way.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Make our personality matter!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pifil.5193


There are a few personality decisions in GW2, but I haven’t found many. There is one I distinctly remember:

When my scoundrel thief (50/50 ferocity and charm) got the option to kill Captain Tervelan after he was captured, in the Dead Sister storyline. Logan Thackery even said to her, "remind me not to get on your bad side." Hehe, big brave Logan is wary of my thief.

I seem to recall that my noble character (all charm and dignity) was offered the same choice so I don’t think your characters personality actually affects the options that are presented, choosing one tweaks your characters personality a bit in the direction of the option but I still get the same options.

Eir walks out before you can speak to her.

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


From what I remember of the book “Edge of Destiny” Eir especially doesn’t believe in unprepared people going on suicide missions. She was sick of carving statues for the young, drunken idiots so eager to take on (and die to) Jormag’s champion.

Running headlong into battle against a largely unknown, organised and powerful force is stupid. Eir ain’t stupid.

Catching up

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So i’ve been gone since before the start of the Flame and Frost and i’m wondering is there anything I need to know to start the event/participate? Or items/achievements I can obtain before this is over?

There’s nothing you need to know or do before you start the Flame and Frost content, you will get in game mails that point you in the right direction and if you click on the Flame and Frost it will bring you to a list of Achievements you can obtain in the Flame and Frost (there are currently 10 but I would guess they will be adding more).

Possible to play the beginning of the story?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I was away from the game for a couple of months. Is it possible for me to start the Flame and Frost storyline from the beginning?

Yes, all the content has been left in the game since the start of the Flame and Frost (the first couple of months content was really just helping refugees, finding some lost items and dealing with the invader events).

You haven’t missed your chance to experience anything.

Why is Meatoberfest still active?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I know the charr love meat…but I’m pretty sure they love living and fighting more.

Surely they only live and fight because of meat and beer? Remove those and the Molten Alliance would march right into the Black Citadel.

On a practical basis I suppose it’s because of the renown heart, replacing it and removing that content would serve no real purpose beyond making a bit more sense for a month or two.

Legendary Weapon Stats

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’m Commander Pifil and this is my favourite thread on the Black Cita – I mean on the subject of changing Legendary Weapon Stats.

I think these weapons should have a benefit outside of the skin/effects; they cost an absolute mint to craft and this is not a power advantage just a versatility/quality of life improvement (even if you had to visit an NPC it would be great).

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Buy Laurels with Guild Commendations.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I did a search and couldn’t see this anywhere in the suggestions forum.

From looking at the Guild Commendation Trader and the Laurel Merchants I can see that a Guild Commendation seems to have a value of about 2.5 Laurels so why not remove the Ascended items and all the boxes of class Gear (i.e. the Warrior Gear, Ranger Gear and so on) from the Guild Commendation Trader and allow us to just buy 5 Laurels for 2 Guild Commendations?

This would cut down on the duplication of items between the two and allow us a source of Laurels outside of the dailies and monthlies.

(PS I do know that the Ascended accessories are actually cheaper if you buy them from the Guild Commendations Trader but the price from the Laurel Merchants could be altered to compensate for that.)

Changing Legendary Stats

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I think a really nice thing that would make Legendaries even more special without unbalancing the game would be to add a drop-down menu to the weapon out of combat that allows you to choose the desired stat combination.
That would be a very cool feature.

it would be a legendary feature! love it

It would indeed! Please make a full thread for it Mungrul! I don’t think anyone would complain that the weapon that cost you more time effort and money than making all possible Exotic weapons could be made into any Exotic weapon.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


10g a day? lol your so full of kitten.

I assume HannaDeFreitas is referring to an 8 hour “workday” of play? I know I don’t get 10g in the hour or two I get to play some days.

Can't read my personal story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This is happening to me as well, does it happen to everyone? I would like to be able to read my personal story especially when playing alts through it.

Comfirmed- Nothing being done re: conditions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Actually this is not true and is something we are actively looking at. We have a number of solutions that we are talking about and when we are able to figure out which one will have the least impact on balance, performance, and testing we will put that solution in place as soon as possible.


While I really, really look forward to this and I thank you for speaking here I really hope that as soon as possible is actually soon and not in another 6 months.

This has been a known problem since the beta and so far nothing has been done to address it. We hear a lot about how you’re talking about these kind of issues and that’s great but you guys don’t seem to be focusing on and solving them.

Comfirmed- Nothing being done re: conditions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’m surprised that this is an actual issue in a modern game running on modern equipment (the bandwidth Colin mentioned is, I assume, referring more to server processing bandwidth rather than network bandwidth).

Realistically speaking, how many mobs will actually have large bleed stacks (as an example as more classes do bleed than say confusion) on them at any given time on any given server? Take the open world PVE servers as an example (although I think it would also apply to WvW), at any time there must be are dozens of individual mobs being attacked throughout the server. Surely as normal and veteran mobs die quicker under larger loads of bleed/confusion this means that any server resources required to keep track of the bleed stacks on those mobs would also be freed up just as quickly. Champs and dragons stick around longer but surely each servers could handle one or two champs or dragons with a couple of hundred stacks on them as the players applying those stacks wouldn’t be applying them to other mobs?

If they can’t remove the limit (or move it to be per character) then I think there’s at least a case to be made for increasing the stack limits for mobs based on their rank, so veterans and elites would allow twice the number of stacks, champions and legendaries by x5 and epics would be x10 at least. (Note: Vulnerability should probably stay at max 25).

That way the dragon you’re all fighting would take at most 10 times the resources to track as the boar being killed in the next valley. After all, if the 20 of you weren’t all fighting the dragon you’d probably all be killing at least 10 boars.

If they can’t do that – and assuming they’ve exhausted all other reasonable options – then I’d be more than happy if they calculated the damage that my bleed stack should have done when it is either applied (or removed to make space for someone else’s more powerful bleed stack) and then convert it into a direct-damage hit (call it Haemorrhage for the sake of argument) and apply that instantly, so if for example if my attack should do 1000 damage over 3 seconds but there’s no space for it then bam, 1000 Haemorrhage damage!

Now our condition spec builds would do the damage they should do (just a bit faster) and I don’t really see an issue with that in PVE at least (I haven’t noticed many mobs removing conditions at least).

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Asura Heavy Armour skins

in Asura

Posted by: Pifil.5193


How do you put up with the massive clipping?

Or more importantly: How do you put up with looking like this in cutscenes?

“Finally, a friendly face.”

I’d hate to see who he was dealing with before your character came along.

That is one unhappy Asura.

Ranger laurel box giving non-ranger gear [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Don’t start bashing and trashing right away, bug is a bug and they will fix it. Props to the guy who reported it. Meanwhile warn your guildies or rangers browsing Laurel Vendor about the bug.

Is it just rangers though? They should just remove the boxes until a fix is put in place.

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Just wanted to give a quick update on this topic. We’ve completed verifying every update from the november release, and there were zero changes to anything what so ever that would have negatively affected loot in any way/shape/form. We can officially confirm this as an X-files level conspiracy at this point.

An odd statement for two reasons, the first one is that you seem to be directly insulting your players (or at least the ones who complained of this), the second is that – at least according to my recollection of the X-Files – a lot of those conspiracies turned out to be true. Should we keep an eye out for posts from the ArenaNet employee called The Smoking Man? :-P

Either way, I’m glad that you managed to rule out a bug but I have to remain sceptical given the bugs that (presumably) the same people miss in each new release. This includes the loot bugs introduced in the latest patch (ranger laurel boxes giving out rifles, the loot chests containing the wrong rarity loot and so on) and especially after killing a number of veterans and champions that definitely did not drop any loot today.

We’re in the midst of evaluating every loot table in the game and running massive random roll evaluations table by table, as well as evaluating every system game wide that causes a player to qualify for items to determine if any issues exist in those systems from launch.

Will update again when we have another round of concrete information.

I hope your testing is done under the exact same conditions as on the actual game servers, as in massive concurrent loot rolling and assignment, including any database transactions required and also including simulations of, for example, what happens when a group of people down a champ. The problem may lie outside of the actual “rolling” after all.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Daily Vet Kills - No Vet Counts?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


LOL, not sure if serious.

Our system time/date can effect in game events???

No. It can cause a bug which affects the dailies you SEE but it does not affect not the ones that you have to DO.

So if your system clock is wrong the game may be telling you the wrong tasks for the dailies, but that’s a display bug, you can’t complete those incorrect tasks.

Changing home worlds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


How annoying would it be if the player who created the guild switched servers and took the guild’s upgrades (incl. the bank) and influence with them?

Why are guilds tied to a server at all? Our characters have universally unique names so why not do the same with guilds? Unique names, unique guilds that are tied to the people in them and not to any server.

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


At least you could give us an official answer here!!!

I suspect that we will have to go to the prelude thread to get any answers, I think they’ve decided that this thread is ignorable as Colin Johanson has already posted several times in the “official” thread but no one has posted here.

I suspect that any posts there will be rerouted back here or deleted though.

I only hope that the storm grows once this patch hits and people realise that guesting is going to split up their international groups permanently.

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


That Zam article is an eye-opener.

“We definitely knew that was coming and we knew that is something that people really want to do. Unfortunately the way our server architecture is set up and the way our back end data structure is set up, it’s just not something that is feasible for us from a standpoint of providing a top quality experience."

This is despite the fact that a lot of us are already quite happily playing on servers on another continent already. If you’re in New Zealand or Australia, for example, then you can’t help but play on another continents servers and that’s apparently fine, because, you know, that suits them. It’s also quite fine to be in EU playing on NA servers if you transfer to them but guesting from EU to NA servers somehow crosses some kind of imaginary line where it’s no longer the “best possible experience”?

If that’s the case then why allow people from the EU servers to transfer to the NA ones at all? If the problem is that your systems are set up poorly (which is what they’re saying but without actually saying it) then why not fix that? It seems to me that it’s not the problem, it’s the solution that’s at fault here. I’ve been working in a number of sectors through the software industry for almost 20 years now and I have to say that whenever I read an article like this it just sounds like “yeah, we could do it but we don’t want to so we’re going to make it sound like we’re doing you a favour by preventing you from doing it.”

If ArenaNet are really interested in “trying to provide the best possible experiences for people that we can” then they should let people play with their friends as they promised and let those people worry if it’s the best possible experience or not because the best possible experience in an MMO is not purely about network responsiveness it’s about community and playing with your friends. Let us decide if the lag is too much but don’t try to make it sound like you’re doing us a favour by stopping us.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

January 2013: Flame and Frost prelude [Merged Discussion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


A big war between Jormag(Frost) and Primordius(Flame)!! :o

Why assume it’s a war?

We know very little about the Elder Dragons, perhaps Jormag and Primordius have just turned the lights down low, put some Barry White on and…

There’s not a huge amount of detail there, I’m looking forward to finding out what’s going on but mostly to the “ton of other improvements” they’ve alluded to.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I see no break in promises on this. At no point did ANet say that guesting would be available between European and American servers, just that guesting would be an available option. It may be nitpicking on specifics, but at no point did they go into exact details on exactly what guesting would entail.

They said we would be able to play on any world we had friends in:

That article also covers the regions and transferring between regions if they didn’t intend to let people guest between regions they should have said it then.

This is not an insurmountable problem, there are many different ways they could implement this (synchronising the servers like Medarr.7193 says is the most obvious, ham-fisted way but not the only way) but they’re unwilling (or unable) to put the effort into exploring those different options so they’ve chosen to just say it can’t be done and wait for the complaints to die down.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Developer Livestream Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I wish they’d talked more specifically about their story plans in the forthcoming updates.

Was anything said about this? I missed the stream and only the first part seems to be up at the moment.

From what I’ve seen recently their focus seems to be on open world and dungeons PvE/sPvP and WvW with no plans for developing or adding to the story at all.

The Personal Story was a major feature and a major selling point and it seems like nothing is planned for it (for the first half of 2013 at least).

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


When you do a world transfer from the US to the EU (and vice versa) your player data is transferred from one datacenter to the other. This is not the case with guesting, as you are still “registered” on your home world.

I understand that some of you are disappointed that you cannot guest on worlds in another region, but considering the complexity of internet routing, our main priority is to ensure that players have as much of an uninterrupted game experience as possible, which is the reason why we have two datacenters.

The complexity of internet routing? Surely the problems caused by the complexity of internet routing has already been solved otherwise the internet wouldn’t work between the NA and EU continents?

When I transfer to a NA server from a EU server then you transfer my data to the NA datacentre, that apparently is no problem. So if I guest on a NA server then why can’t you copy/transfer my data to the US datacentre temporarily with flagged so that the NA servers know not to let me participate in WvW because I’m guesting and just copy/transfer my updated data back to the EU datacentre when I return to my EU home server?

This would have a similar effect and impact on your system as allowing me to transfer to a US server and then back to my own server an hour or two later. I don’t think that the volume of people guesting would place that much of a burden on your systems.

This has nothing to do with routing and everything to do with your implementation of the guesting feature. If you haven’t the time to implement a “full” guesting feature then that’s ok but blaming the “complexity of internet routing” makes it sound like nonsense.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Colin Johanson Video: GW2 2013 Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I wish they could implement dungeons exclusively for guilds that can accommodate 20 players (or more) (so these dungeons operate like an open world). This could be game breakingly awesome. It will put value to joining guilds and having guilds to enjoy guild activity.

I’m hoping that Missions include those.

Colin Johanson Video: GW2 2013 Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Nothing on “Personal Story” I see (for me the personal story was the greatest draw and also the greatest disappointment in GW2) but I’m not surprised at that, there is no way they can deliver on the pre-release hype at this stage (“when you save a village it stays saved”, yeah, sure). I suspect that “Personal Story” is done now as there are definitely areas they can get greater returns for less effort and as development in the game seems to be moving at a slow pace I can’t see them putting the effort into it.

I’m particularly looking forward to see more about WvW, how they’re going to add “new motivation to the WvW domain” and especially if they can somehow remove the “Zerg vs Zerg” from WvW.

Anti-ascended gear: What do you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I don’t know why they didn’t just leave the concepts of Ascension and Infusion the same as they were in GW1.

There your character Ascended, not his/her armour and the armour you wore became Infused by the Seers. There was no stat increase it was just a property that was applied to the armour that enabled you to resist Spectral Agony.

Why not simply handle it the same way in GW2? Too late now I suppose but that’s how I’d like them to handle it.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Mithril armor set aesthetics

in Crafting

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So, I got to 80 recently on my female human guardian and immediately decided to go craft my first level 80 set of armour.

I made a bunch of insignias, and the various components required to discover a full set and started making it. Barbaric boots of what? I thought, that was probably the insignia and carried on.

I made the full set, equipped it from the inventory, closed the inventory window and took a my first look at my character in her new mithril armor. I had gone through chain, scale, splint and reinforced scale so I was looking forward to mithril, the logical progression there indicates it will be plate armour, instead I’m wearing what appears to be a battle-bra and fishnets.

A couple of minutes later, when I had confirmed that there was no secret mithril armour I could craft instead (or is there?), I was wearing a full set of level 80 banded armour bought from the trading post. I couldn’t bring myself to wear that nonsense.

Anyway just wanted to give a little feedback: it’s a terrible waste of a classic fantasy metal.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Is this Light armor available?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I would guess they will be added but as town clothes (mind you light armour is pretty close to “town clothes” already so who knows).

Chris Whiteside on the Lost Shores and Beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Hi All,

Thanks for your feedback we really appreciate it. I would like to take the opportunity to answer your questions in an AMA on Reddit on Monday 26th (12pm PST- More details to follow) to talk about recent updates to the game and our philosophy for Guild Wars 2 moving forward.

Please keep in mind that there we are about to begin the Thanksgiving holiday in the US and are out of the office (and likely in game) until Monday. Happy Holidays everyone!


Erm… just a quick question here: most Oceanic players were not able to participate in the weekends events because they started at 12pm PST which was, well in the middle of the night where they live so can they participate in this AMA?

I don’t know how these things work. Can the questions be posted over the course of a day or so?