Showing Posts For Pifil.5193:

Will there be a Thanksgiving event?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


We’re going to be fighting a Risen, Frozen, Branded Ancient Karka. . . .

Stuffed in a turkey.

Oh noes! What part of Lion’s Arch will be destroyed this time?

Chris Whiteside on the Lost Shores and Beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It was nice, but I do think that saying there were “certain aspects of the event that could have worked better than they did” was a massive understatement.

“We’ve seen people saying that they really liked the principle of using events to unveil new content, but we need to tighten up the methods by which they are deployed.”

I think that the principle of using events is more than fine, but not one-time, missable events. I just hope that their next events are a bit more inclusive, enabling all their players to partake on their own, varied schedules rather than three one-time only events over three days. I think improving accessibility of these events will be hugely important. As ArenaNet themselves said about night-capping, no players time should be more important than anyone else.

(For the record, I played on all three nights because in the time-zone I’m in I could, but many couldn’t).

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Well, my feedback in another thread was destroyed by the merge. So I’ll go again.

Phase 1 was almost unplayable due to lag and went on too long IMO. The lack of any reward apart from the event reward (at least that I could see on my overflow) was a let down.

Phase 2 was a mess, on the overflow server I was on the ancient karka never appeared, the trebuchet was finished then… the boat became available. After a 30 or so minute build-up that was both confusing and a massive let down: people were reluctant to go to the new zone in case they missed something and reluctant to stay in case they missed something. In the end we went to the zone and joined the big push inland that again just stopped at Captain’s Retreat. People were unsure if it’d kick off again or if that was it.

Phase 3 was a lot more fun with a lot less lag but again went on too long (it was about 2 hours 40 minutes long, fine for the most part but the reinforcement phases were painful and bordered on tedious). The rewards here were nice. I especially like the 20 slot bag, it’s something nice that’s not going to overpower any character and is something I’ll be keeping for the foreseeable future!

For the one-time nature of the events I have to ask, why are they one time events? Who is that for? Do your customers actually want these to be once-only events or to be accessible at other times? Personally, I would prefer they were accessible/repeatable throughout the event I suspect most of your players would agree (and almost certainly those who missed out on them would).

I can understand that you might want it to be this grand event that only occurs once so that the players have this feeling that they just have to be there or they’re missing out on something special but as you must know that just means that a lot of people miss out on the content and having content that everyone cannot experience seems to be a waste of effort. Fridays start event for example, must have been missed by most of your players on the North American servers.

Why not have the events repeat as they do in other MMOs (and as your own Dynamic events do in the game)? This would mean that more people get to see them and would even have made sense in the context of the invasion of Lion’s Arch, I was expecting this to turn Lion’s Arch into a warzone where you have this tug-of-war over the city, hourly attacks would make the threat more “real” instead they attacked once then retreated for the day. Nice of them.

An NPC/golem who could show the cutscenes people missed would also be a nice idea, some Asura widget, they’re clever people I’m sure they have some quantum temporal receivers that detect and record it.

Perhaps a better solution in general would be to have these kind of grand events repeat every hour or two in a special set of instance overflows for people who missed them? Have a story instance marker or NPC appear at the event start 15 minutes before the event begins and allow people to enter these instance overflows. That way the event occurs in the “real” world at the time it actually occurs but people who missed it are allowed to play through the “historical” event (through magic or the mists or whatever) after the fact.

For the parts of the event outside of the three set-pieces. Having them handled like the personal story, a sub-plot that you can tackle at your own pace, would be far better in my opinion (a few sub-plot gold story markers on the map instead of just the green ones would help flesh out the personal story line). For example, the “beat up NPCs for information” parts of the scavenger hunt should occur in separate story instance like your personal story does, this would be a far better experience than standing in a camp for five minutes waiting for the flurry of activity where an NPC is hammered to pieces and then you get a mail. You could have more detailed build up and allow the possibility of actually convincing the NPC to give you the information through talking rather than just beating it out of them. It would also hopefully prevent the reoccurrence of the stuck NPC bugs.

Please don’t cram so much missable content into such a short time frame again. For a lot of your players it is a strain to make it to everything which for permanently missable content means we feel like we’re missing out.

Finally, why isn’t the new zone a full zone? No Skill Challenges, no Vistas, just a scattering of POIs?

(edited by Pifil.5193)

I am frustrated and not finding this fun

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I agree with many of the other posters criticising the bugginess of this event. The quality level of the game just isn’t good enough, the lag and pop-up yesterday was terrible, Noll was completely bugged and tonight the ancient karka never semed to show up in the overflow server I was on, the trebuchet was built then the boat appeared. If the karka showed up there was no indication of it where I was standing.

I really hope you reconsider these kind of one-off events. They’re too messy and far to easily missed. I think that events that kick off every hour or two over the course of a few days would be far more enjoyable and accessible to more of your players.

I also hope that your next update is better tested.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Pifil.5193


The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Ancient Karka shows up
  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka
  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

We understand that this was not clear in the way the event unfolded, and this feedback will be relayed to the development team (thank you to those who have provided feedback about this and all the other events). We apologize at the frustration you all experienced due to this event being stuck.

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

That’s the sequence I encountered on the overflow server I was on. We were all standing around the trebuchets as they slowly got built and then… nothing. We just stood there waiting for something to happen when someone noticed the boat icon on the map. I have to say that this has been a disappointment, terrible lag on the drawn out brawl yesterday, a broken scavenger hunt and tonight another broken sequence. I don’t have high hopes that this will end any better tomorrow.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

The Lost Shores: phase 1, update

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This event could have been designed to be far more accessible. You have fantastic instancing technology used throughout the personal story so why not use that?
It could have simply added a piece of wreckage to Lions Arch, and inspecting that wreckage could have kicked off the whole “invasion of Lions Arch” and the subsequent quest chain at any time (completable once per character), the only difficulty with this would be the broken lighthouse (which, in fairness, is not that huge a deal). Just have these kind of events/mini-stories appear as a side story in your personal story.

As an aside I love how the NPC in the now broken lighthouse still tells us that its the only surviving structure from the old Lions Arch… erm, do yourself a favour, don’t go upstairs.

The invasion was awfully disappointing due to the culling, action-lag and pop-up. Was that not known that that would be an issue? My friend (on the mac client) disconnected about 6 times during it.

In summation, thank you sincerely for the new content and I appreciate that you want to create a sense of a world changing event but the apparently inevitable bugs just strip the joy out of it completely. I really hope you learn from this and rethink/redesign any future “one-time” events so they are “one-time when you decide to start them” like the personal story rather than server/game-experience killing events we have now.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Moa destroys all minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I am pretty sure it is working as indended because when you transform you lose your equipped utility skills and when you unequip minion skills the minions die, that is the same reason why you loose your minions when you use Lich Form, Plague or a tonic.
I can’t say that it is a mechanic I like though.

If that’s the case then the bug is that getting transformed should disable your utility skills and not unequip them. This would be the “standard” UI convention after all: you grey out a button when the functionality is unavailable you don’t remove/blank/disconnect it as that just leads to other problems.

Either way I don’t think this is desired functionality, I think it’s another side effect of the bug fix mentioned by Jonathan Sharp here:

2) I agree that minions being killed when you go into an elite form is not good. We’re going to find ways to fix it. It feels bad to lose your minions (utility skills) just because you use your elite. We did that change to fix skills being unslotted by going above/below water (which WAS a bug), but we’ll need to find a different way to fix it so that minions, if you just use your elite above water, remain.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It could be done similar to the PVP lockers where you can just drop them in there and such. That would be a good idea there. I know it wouldn’t hurt my feelings any =)

That’d be nice, they could even have the locker available in the home instance, it’d be nice to have something there.

As it is I don’t know how many seasonal bits I will get due to bank space being at such a premium and them taking up so much space (4-5 pieces per set).

Miniature Slots

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’d love to have quick access to my entire miniature collection without having to take them out of the bank.

That’s the solution I’d like. It’s a minor thing and would hardly break anything.

I’d love to see an icon added to the hero panel (the same like any other icon in the panel) which remembers the last pet used and displays that pets icon, left-click it to summon/dismiss, right-click to bring up a panel displaying all your pets so you can select the next one.

As it is I bought the halloween pets and brought out my ghost, loved it but then as I was playing I selected “deposit all collectibles” and bam, no pets. It really limits the desirability of pets for me. (I find the invisible bags to be kinda annoying).

Putting in an option to not deposit pets when you hit “deposit all collectibles” would also do (you could still right-click on individual pets and deposit them).

Will the LA Lion Statue come back or something new?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I worked way too hard on that thing to throw it away! That would make me cry. Haha… spent a lot of my free time on it actually. You know it has 4,000 frames of animation, and I had to hand track every single frame that a splash happened on every single fish for the audio guys to sync it up. Not that we will never permanently destroy anything. In fact… well, I can’t say more than that. But NOT the lion statue. It’s the symbol of LA. Like the Statue of Liberty is for New York or the Eiffel Tower is for Paris.

It is absolutely gorgeous, very rarely I feel the need to share something game related with my non-gamer girlfriend (who normally just politely nods and smiles while edging for the door) but I had to show her that statue during sunset. She said it was “very pretty” which may not sound like much but – trust me – given the source it’s the equivalent of 20 pages of enthusiastic raving (and possibly in character fanfic) from a fan.

I can’t wait for the new, improved 8,000 hand-tracked frame lion statue where the fish eat one another and the lion spits the fish back out again into the correct position with individual particle and sound effects for each fish and and and…

Is a +5% burning duration duration useful for 4 seconds of burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Thanks very much for your help guys.

Is a +5% burning duration duration useful for 4 seconds of burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I strongly suspect the short answer is “no” but I just want to confirm it: if burning (or bleeding or whatever) ticks every second then a 5% increase over 4 seconds would have no effect (as it’s just 0.2 of a second), right?

I presume the intention is to stack several of these bonuses (from runes, traits or sigils) so that they are useful? Or is there some magic I’m missing here?

Event finale on Europe

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Why can’t they realise it at different times for EU and US and stop it at different times? So a different time zone gets and event before, big deal…

According to AnthonyOrden in the sticky:

“For those of you wondering, having the event at separate times for separate zones is actually one of the worst options. Whatever happens is going to be on livestreams instantly and then on YouTube about five minutes later. At least this way, everyone has a chance to experience it in the game, without having it spoiled by the rapid availability of video on the Internet.”

Worst options? For who exactly? Personally, I couldn’t care less about people putting it up on YouTube: although I watch YouTube quite often I can easily avoid seeing something on YouTube. Not seeing something on YouTube is in fact a lot easier than actually seeing something on YouTube: you simply don’t watch something on YouTube.

Event finale on Europe

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193


“If you want to discuss short sticks, how about the fact that every Stress Test was done during business hours in the US so we couldn’t actually play any of them? Oh you didn’t hear us complaining about that did you?”

Actually, facebook was full of complaints about that. Those tests were at those times for ArenaNets convenience not for European players. You didn’t miss much BTW, the servers were very unreliable because of the nature of the stress tests.

In the interest of clarity the BWEs started at 8PM GMT (when taking into account daylight savings time), 9PM CEST, the finale events for the BWEs occurred on Monday morning about 8-9 AM.

I think it’s fair to say we Europeans got less practical playing time (i.e. most of us were asleep for more time during the BWEs because of the timezones).

The BWE’s are history now of course but it looks like it’s a pattern that’s going to repeat with this and future events.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

22nd October patch notes

in Engineer

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Again, if there’s 49 posts in a thread I can’t see it. (This post will of course make it 50).

When you transform or get morphed what happens to your turrets?

in Engineer

Posted by: Pifil.5193



just a quick question: when an engineer is Moa Morphed or transforms by using Elixir X what happens to his/her turrets?

Thank you.

Forum threads content seen as empty

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’m getting the same issue, I thought it was just me, here for example:

It was fine earlier but now it comes up as a blank thread.

It’s possibly something to do with the post count? 49 posts, I noticed another thread with (I believe) 149 or 249 posts where the same happened.

Actually, I just added a 50th post to the thread I linked and it rendered correctly again.

My spectral walk doesn't like water anymore.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This post is currently showing up as a mostly blank thread for me, so I’m posting this to see if it makes it appear properly again. If so it might be a bug caused by the post count (49 posts). Lets see.

Edit: It did. Carry on.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Commander needs to be on more then 1 Character

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Pifil likes speaking in the third person.

Pifil would like to see commander (and ranks in general) be earned in WvW. Pifil thinks players should be promoted from private/trooper upwards due to doing well and (more slowly) demoted due to poor performance or prolonged inactivity.

Pifil thinks this would be an additional incentive for WvWvW.

Pifil knows that changes to this would result in an ungodly uproar due to the fact that current commanders have spent gems on buying the gold for the book. Either way Pifil doesn’t think that the ability to create a “raid” sized groups should be purchasable.

When can we expect bug resolutions for this class?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Not soon. In this patch Necro elites Plague and Lich Form got their descriptions changed such a way that they state changing forms will kill minions, a bug that has been reported multiple times was swept under the rug by ANet calling it a feature.

Wow, that’s just amazingly, amazingly bad. Can’t fix the problem with the abilities? Just change the way they work so that the broken implementation is the “correct” one.

Heck, why not just stick the following on all the tool tips “Disclaimer: this skill is not guaranteed to work as advertised” there, I’ve “fixed” every skill bug in the game.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Well, I’m glad I read this thread before buying keys for the 40 or so chests in my bank, I was fully willing to buy keys just for the fun but if the drop rate is so low for these seasonal (which I won’t really be using after Halloween), cosmetic skins then I don’t think I’ll bother: it won’t be fun to spend ~€20 to open the chests and get nothing.

I want to give you even more money ArenaNet but you really have to make it worth my while. Why have the rates so low? It’s like you don’t want us to buy keys.

[EMAIL] Missing Guild Wars 2 Halloween emails

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Not sure where to put this as it isn’t a forum or website bug but there seems to be nowhere more appropriate to report it.

I never received the Halloween email sent yesterday or the day before, there’s nothing in my spam folder and according to the last mail I received from Guild Wars 2 (on October 1st) my “Optin Status” is “Opted In”.

Have I been unsubscribed somehow? There seems to be nothing in the account settings that lets us change any email preferences.

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193



Again, the reply function seems to disappear at times.

ArenaNet promised everyone access to the Beta Weekend Events, not to the stress tests. The stress tests were scheduled at a time that suited ArenaNet: they were scheduled at that time to enable ArenaNet staff to tweak and modify the servers as they were being used during the ArenaNet work day not because it suited European players. That was just a happy coincidence that ArenaNet could get a bunch of players during their work hours (for European players, but apparently it annoyed you).

What’s happened here is that they’ve built up a load of anticipation for a patch that they said would be released on the 22nd of October and we find out on the 22nd of October that roughly half the players won’t get it until the 23rd of October.

The obvious solution is to release it earlier in the day (say about 11 am PST) so that most of their players will get to play it on the same day. If they did that then both you and I would be able to play it when we got home from our jobs.

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193


No email here either, my understanding was that it would be live on the 22nd, clearly not..

Maybe they’re planning on posting the email to European players on the 23rd as well.

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Patch times are exactly the same as they have always been, as in midnight Monday/Tuesday and the email even said 23rd for europeans.

Why are so many people confused? This is clear as day.

What email? I’ve received no email yet. Nothing in my spam folders. Maybe that has something to do with the confusion? The fact that their communication is spotty and not everyone has received the mails.

Oh and I don’t think it’s correct to say that patch times have always been midnight: I’ve updated some times in the morning and some times in the evening since the game launched (and by that I mean I’ve logged in in the morning and nothing updated and it patched when I logged in in the evening).

Besides, this is the first content patch we’ve had, there’s a difference between this and a bug fix patch.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193



No, it didn’t give a start time, but it did give a start date. Over half their servers are in Europe so if they say something will start on the 22nd it’s not unreasonable to expect it to actually start on the 22nd in Europe, is it?

All I’m asking is that they communicate the fact that the events will start a day later in Europe CLEARLY in the future. (I’m assuming there won’t be a missable launch event that runs on empty European servers.)

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pifil.5193



I can’t actually quote your post because the forum software is broken.

Can you please make sure that ArenaNet post actual times in the future, so us European players will know that we’ll get it a day later.

As it is I and several of my guild have arranged to meet up and play through this content tonight, juggling our personal lives to make that arrangement and we find out (indirectly, in a forum post as the actual webpage still does not have any time information on it) that the content will be launched on the 23rd for us.

Yes, I am quite irritated at the lack of information and the round about/haphazard communication from ArenaNet, why the hell it wasn’t released at noon (like when the BWEs used to start) I don’t know.

Anyway, please learn from this and start to communicate this kind of information in a timely manner in the future.

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Jeffrey Vaughn’s comment in other topic: Unfortunately, the next content update isn’t until 10/22, so it will be a while before the fix hits the live servers.

So don’t expect a ninja fix for this.

The next content update is the 22nd of October. If this was fixed between now and then I feel sure they’ll release a patch for it before then. It must be one of their top priority because it’s breaking the game for everyone in WvWvW.

For those wanting updates, what updates do you want? “We’re looking for the cause and once we’ve found it we hope to produce a fix for it sometime soon”?

It would be nice to know if they’ve found to root cause, if it’s client-side or server-side but updates would only annoy people further if they’re just “we’re still looking but still don’t know what’s causing it” because that’s just repeating the same information they’ve already given (fixing the problem is usually easier than finding it so that’s probably the stage they’re at).

Anyway I’m not saying don’t be annoyed about this, you’re fully entitled to be annoyed that the product you’ve poured money into is not working but just don’t ask for regular updates; until there’s an actual fix it’ll just be repeating the same information again and again and taking away from time they could be spending looking for (and fixing) the root cause.

Tell my why my necro build makes me an idiot :)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Xavori I’ve not got any useful tips for you but I’ve put your skills in a builder like the one Aga was asking for (I used Guildhead because the company behind it runs my favourite search engine for… another game I no longer play).

I did this not as a kind of “OMG ur noob wai no link” criticism but just in case you’re not aware these sites exist, they’re very handy for planning and visualising builds.

(Edit: Oh yeah, I just shoved five random minions into the skill bar).

Forum Search Bar

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It doesn’t seem to be working properly in Chrome either. Looking for words in the OPs post, if I try searching for “forum”, “firefox” or “explorer” it comes back with 0 results, “engine” gets 1 result.

Actually checking again “engine” now gets 0 results so does “eng”. Its a bit… erratic.

Give our love to the website devs!

Why we necros are feeling so down about our class.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I have been playing necro since launch and dabbled in a few other classes, but I see one distinct difference between a necro and everyone else. It’s that a necro is not that satisfying to play. Playing a worrier with a a 2h sword is immensely satisfying, knowing you’re a wrecking ball. A Mesmer has so many fun and interesting ways to play it. Thieves can wreck you in a pvp 1v1 and provide awesome utility. Guardians can be decked out for attack, and still be able to soak up most incoming damage. and so on and so forth. However where is that “Fun” aspect in the necro? for most, unless you spec exactly right, it’s not there.

Now, I’m not going to talk about power or our strengths or weakness compared to what some other profession can do. I’m going to talk about the feel of the necromancer and this touches on how I feel about it.

For me the “lack of fun” can be attributed in large to our weapon skills, they do the job but the abilities feel very similar. Lets take the staff as a case in point, sure the marks are very useful but you have one weapon with 4 similar feeling abilities with completely identical mechanics. While elementalist and mesmer weapon skills have them leaping in and rolling out of action it feels like necromancers are left plodding about saying, “hey guys! Wait for me!” (That mental image is probably not helped by the fact that my charr necromancer looks slightly out of shape )

Now, I know we have access to cripples and immobilisation and in some situations they’re superior to the flashier leaps and rolls, but it all seems very workmanlike compared to the other classes.

Some people are no doubt reading that thinking “if that’s how you feel then why not just play an elementalist or mesmer?” I already do play them and while I do enjoy necromancer (and want to love it) despite the plodding pace, I do feel the profession lacks flair and I’d like to see them add some… pizazz to the profession.

And allow us to wield an off-hand axe.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Death Shroud Lacking in Fun Factor?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pifil.5193


DS could be pretty interesting if each weapon had different abilities in that form.

Yeah, that would make Death Shroud fantastic and it’s how I thought it would work when I first heard of the Necromancers profession mechanic. It’d be nice if they gave us a Death Shroud set for each of our weapons and off-hands but if that’s too much (I don’t think it would be but hey, I’ve been wrong before) then just change the 1 and 2 ability based on your weapon.

(BTW, I love Life Transfer, so much fun, drop a couple of wells and then kick that off in the middle of a horde and you feel truly powerful as Necromancer).

When is the patch coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Yes, they’re in a different time-zone but it is getting rather close to prime-time in eastern Europe, I’d hope it was patched before prime-time (or even afterwards) and not during it.

(Yeah, I know it’s always prime-time in some zone but there are European servers so you would think they’d take prime-time in Europe into consideration).

Broken Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Pifil.5193


They can’t reset servers every day because they need us to report what is and is not working. Read the dev’s post again.

The dev didn’t mention resets at all. A skill point challenge or event doesn’t need to be broken for a week before they get reports. The servers resetting every night won’t stop the events bugging out during that day and so they’ll still get reports about broken events. Not resetting just results in more duplicate reports they’ll get so leaving it broken for days just results in more “noise” in their system.

Resetting the servers seems to be the only thing that ArenaNet can currently do in game to fix this (rather amazingly they don’t seem to have the ability to have GMs affect things in game at all).

Regardless, you don’t need to reset the entire server, a system like the one CHunterX proposes above would work well and could replace dozens of bug reports with one concise, automatically-generated event error report with exactly the information they need to detect and hopefully fix the error.

For example, if a skill point challenge NPC falls through the world and disappears for 15 minutes the server will detect that, reset the event and forward on all relevant information to the devs such as the precise coordinates of the NPCs involved just before being reset, a list of the last few abilities that the NPCs used and that were used on the NPC, and any other information at hand (other events occurring in the zone, characters/professions involved and so on).

That kind of automatic information would be far more useful than a hundred bug reports that are variants on “skillpoint/event X is broke! Fix plz!” that will go unanswered and maybe even unnoticed in the pile.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Broken Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’ve posted this suggestion a few times, but I’m not sure I ever got a reply as to why it wouldn’t work, so here it goes again…

Add a timer that complete restarts dynamic events and skillpoints if no progress has been made for the past 15 minutes, progress being:
a) Damage being done to target(s )
b) Damage taken by players or friendly NPCs
c) Skillpoint challenge being accepted by a player

I was just coming here to suggest this exact thing, I’ve seen a number of “stuck” events where (I assume) skill point challenge or event mobs didn’t spawn, have somehow fallen through the world/been knocked into the geometry or were killed without credit being given.

Surely this would be a sensible and relatively simple solution? You know when the skill point challenge/event kicked off and the last time it progressed (where a player managed to contribute to it in some way, a mob took damage or the NPCs made some progress their own). If nothing happens to an event in 15 or so minutes then it must be bugged.

Until they’re reliable it seems like a very practical way of working around these issues and is a lot better than just waiting for server restarts or switching servers.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Think we got some fixes.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pifil.5193


First Anet’s reaction for our legit complains was “you all just don’t know how to use DS”. So yeah, sorry for not being an unreasonable funboy.

Actually, no, and the “Death Shroud” thing you’re misquoting was clarified shortly afterwards.

What they said near the top of the bug thread you linked was “I would encourage other profession forums to do the same thing so that we can iron out all of the kinks in skills & traits so that we can more easily figure out which aspects require balance updates and which are just a matter of bugs.” They want to see how Necros work when their bugs have been fixed before reworking the class.

They’re fixing thekittenbugs in preparation for the balance updates and they apparently still don’t deserve a break or any credit for doing what people are asking them to do.

You may not be an “unreasonable funboy” but you are definitely unreasonable so apology accepted.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Think we got some fixes.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Halo, those people may have reported bugs but you can be sure they didn’t find a way to reproduce them in-house, investigate the causes in the code/server infrastructure, come up with an actual way of fixing them or put in the week or so of time if took to test those fixes to make sure that they don’t make things worse for Necromancers or people playing other classes.

It took 10 days for the first of these fixes to make its way through that process we can expect more fixes to come.

Yes, it’s important to acknowledge the people who reported the bugs, they’re the people who are feeling the pain and we should appreciate the effort they put in but to take away from ArenaNet here is not just wrong it’s also bloody rude to people who are putting in serious effort to try to fix the problems we’re having.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Some threads have no edit/quote/report options

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I think that if you edit a post you made then the options disappear. Creating a new post makes them reappear. I’ll test that theory here.

Edit: editing for science!

Edit: nope, bad science! Bad! It seems to be fairly random so but logging out and in does seem to be a reliable workaround.

Land Shark

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’m looking forward to Land-Shark 2
Just when you thought it was safe to get out of the water…

An awful lot of missing VO in story cutscenes...

in Audio

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Today’s patch notes say that missing female VO lines were restored. I’m assuming the males are still on the way.

Is anyone noticing a problem with missing male lines?

I have, at the start of the human Vigil storyline in Lion’s Arch and Ebonhawk some of Warmaster Forgal Kernsson’s lines were missing (I’ve only just started it and it was before the patch so it may have resolved it or it may resolve itself later on).

RUIN Keeping it Classy

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


At first I didn’t want to get involved in this thread, I am neutral on the ordeal of ET players coming over to SoS to recruit. It is a very viable strategy in war. War is not an ethical thing, and people doing anything to win is to be expected and this is why I love WvW so much.

It’s not war. It’s just a game. You should hopefully be aware of the differences between the two. This kind of “all’s fair in love and war” argument is nonsense. It’s a game, played for enjoyment it and should be fair and balanced.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Hey all,

For those of you that tired to use the -perfdebug command last night, can you confirm that the .dat file that should be found in the profiles folder is not there for me please.

I have no subfolders in my GW2 directory and none of the command line parameters work for me. Are they perhaps disabled in the build you guys release?

Should there be a profiles folder? If so where should it be? In the game folder or a sub-folder of the users folder?

Weapons clipping into sides but only when wearing pants

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pifil.5193


That looks painful. I have the same problem on my characters too.

It’s especially noticeable on my Asura thief and elementalist, (for example the Heavenly Bracers from the HoM are “rotated” so they clip through the characters hands).

I’ve noticed clipping even on NPCs like Hiroki from the Vigil whose thighs show through her hip-guards in cut-scenes. I do hope they sort this, it’s kinda immersion breaking.