Showing Posts For Rayya.2591:

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


if you fight a fully bunker druid ,he won;t be able to kill you unless you are bad
no.1 WvW kills

dying mode

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


I hope you realize they have added more content in a few months than they have in the past few years. .

what they added?
tactivators, hammer cannon, we haven’t asked for that
siege chase players away not atract them
no.1 WvW kills

Dragonhunter fights back agnst cheese builds

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


@ Op
your stats would be much better with cele trinkets and maruderer / crusader armor /waepon – power stone
you would gain 100 power /armor /vitality and some ferocity
i see no point to mix cleric with bersek and precision oil , just bad combo
no.1 WvW kills

(edited by Rayya.2591)

Ranger discrimination.. lol

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


why they allow rangers in wvw anyway ?
nobody like them
even rangers hate eachother
no.1 WvW kills

Ranger discrimination.. lol

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Play what you want and focus on getting good at

no.1 WvW kills

Siege Repair Hammer - Feedback

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


i can finaly repair my arrow cart
Thx a-net !!!
no.1 WvW kills

Ranger discrimination.. lol

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


i would also kick you from squad
i don’t like rangers
go make your own squad, with other rangers and thieves
no.1 WvW kills

WvW issues

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


1 . WvW population is up to players since transfers are posible
you don’t like your server, switch
no.1 WvW kills

My view on WvW and suggestions

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


hello, i read your post till the point :1. A bigger world.
wich is kinda imposible for a-net servers that are lagging in a 50 vs 50 battle with 20 seconds skill delay.
no.1 WvW kills

How do you counter bandwaggoners?

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


where our mainly pug groups are being run over by well organised band wagon guild groups

no.1 WvW kills

How do you counter bandwaggoners?

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Why are you worried by " bandwaggoners " when there are no servers that can queue 4 maps even at reset (Eu) . Most of T1 servers got arround 2 active commanders at prime time , and 1 map jump for the rest of 20 hours.
that beeing saiyed , wvw need more active players, not force the active ones to play on certain servers.
no.1 WvW kills

Suggestion for more balanced matchups (NA) [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


well if you want to have fun, best ideea is to spend some gems for transfer
there will never be population balance
no.1 WvW kills

Recent WvW changes

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


sadly arena net never supported gvg . In a game called guild wars with all the respect you have no option to fight against another guild.
Dear A-net. after 4 years of gw2 , could we have some kind of support in fights betwen guilds?
no.1 WvW kills

WvW Poll 18 July: Cannon Blueprints (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


good news my friends
i was waiting for this cannon blueprinters
Can we have a pool about tanks now please?
no.1 WvW kills

What if we removed arrowcarts for a week?

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


why dont we just remove the gates too?

That’s actualy a verry good ideea
Any decent scout would be able to give reports in time before enemy arrive at the objective , and you need over 30 seconds to kill the lord.
The terrain advantage is more than enough for defenders and close respawn
They need to fight if they want to defend not afk behind a dor
no.1 WvW kills

WvW Poll 18 July: Cannon Blueprints (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


it would be really cool to have sniper riffle with 10 k range, as siege weapon.
I also can’t understand why we don’t have tanks already, and why not airplanes
Imagine how much would help an tank or airplane when you are outnumbered. Population balance woudn’t be an issue anymore, and we really need more siege to counter blobs
no.1 WvW kills

Improving WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


So – why not consider a debuff for having too many players from the same server in close proximity to each other. Say, anything over 25 gets an “overcrowded” or a “constricted” condition that reduces offensive stats.

This would force commanders to separate and deploy forces strategically around the maps so as not to gain the condition.

And what would you do if 3 randoms would decide to follow your 23 man raid, wait you would be 26. Can you force them not to ? or you accept to play against the enemy with the debuff ?

So an alert commander would see that his/her crew was getting the condition for being too large and take appropriate steps according to the situation.

The commander could:

  • split the team into two 10 – 15 player groups and assault different parts of the map,
  • assign a small squad to go flip camps and intercept enemy players who have died and are running back to their squads,
  • instruct the new players to go scout the enemy, refresh siege, kill yaks, tap keeps and towers, or supplement forces on a different map,
  • create a “bait squad” to draw the enemy out / lead the enemy into traps,

and on and on…

To me this sounds a lot more interesting than just rolling the blob around the bag farm.

And I’ve witnessed some very talented commanders playing this game. I think they’re up to it.

i am talking about a guild raid
guild has 23 members online that joined a guild to play with a guild, in a game called guild wars2. 3 random players decide to follow that raid of 23 players. That would unavoidable force the players to play with an handicap in your version
no.1 WvW kills

Proposal: Transfer Costs by Rank

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Problem: The linked worlds have to low transfer costs, such that now a hord of bandwaggoners move around between them based on the rank they are linked to..

Solution: Base Transfer-Costs on the rank a world/set of linked worlds currently have, e.g.

Tier 1 (rank 1-3): 3000gems
Tier 2 (rank 4-6): 2500gems
Tier 3 (rank 7-9): 2000gems
Tier 4 (rank 10-12): 1500gems
Tier 1 (rank 13-15): 1000gems
Tier 1 (rank 16-18): 500gems

Do you belive somebody would play www mode if they don’t enjoy the current comunity, just because is to expensive to transfer out ?.
no.1 WvW kills

Improving WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


So 80 players in a zerg taking a camp, would get 1/80 of the normal progress on reward track, and wxp, and silver (I mean coppers…) etc. I imagine the karma-trains would deflate quickly.

what happens when 70 ppls share the reward with a roaming group that assaulted an objective for few hours?
They get 1 wxp for that ? ok
what happens if 20 ppls enter a camp you are capping and share reward with you ?
no.1 WvW kills

Improving WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


So – why not consider a debuff for having too many players from the same server in close proximity to each other. Say, anything over 25 gets an “overcrowded” or a “constricted” condition that reduces offensive stats.

This would force commanders to separate and deploy forces strategically around the maps so as not to gain the condition.

And what would you do if 3 randoms would decide to follow your 23 man raid, wait you would be 26. Can you force them not to ? or you accept to play against the enemy with the debuff ? Maybe invite them in your guild)
no.1 WvW kills

Improving WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


woudn’t be better to try to atract players in 1 outnumbered server than punish a healthy server ?
i am not sure what you actualy try to achive with punishing the side that is outnumbering, is not their fault in the end .
Yet if all 3 servers will have similar population , problem would be solved:)
no.1 WvW kills

Improving WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


no no no
if somebody is outnumbered should not have any kind of stats privilege
this would just make guilds go agressive against pugs and eachother so they can steamroll a map with 20 vs 80. Ofc you have not considered how this will affect guilds or roammers /duellers .
using siege will also not atract players on your server. Make your server more atractive , and you will gather the players you need to fight: )
no.1 WvW kills

WvW Poll 12 July: Repair Hammers (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Why not try a week without any tactivators ? all objectives down to paper and ppk worth 3 more times ? check the numbers of the players logging in and having fun on the game… cause that’s it in the end, a game where you should have fun, and yet is no fun to sit in front of every tower with 40 ppls just cause 1 guy decide to have fun with1 treb behind gate/cannon etc… he may have fun, the rest of 40 will just log out from wvw, and go pve or w/e.

What you are suggesting is removing everything about WvW that makes it WvW instead of just a large PvP deathmatch map.

I think the bigger issue here is there are (apparently) a large number of people who would like a large, terrainless map devoid of objects to wage 50×50 man zerg PvP matches, and because these don’t exist, they instead do this in WvW.

more or less , yes
that was the www 3 years ago, yet last time i’ve tried 3 months ago i could only had this feeling at reset, where everything is tier 0 and you meet new enemyes
no.1 WvW kills

(edited by Rayya.2591)

WvW Poll 12 July: Repair Hammers (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


It is quite dissapointing to see that you head on this dirrection. You still haven’t understood what players want from the wvw. If my post will be considered offending , i can mention is at least honnest oppinion of majority of EU players
Even if i decided to stop gw2 months ago my feedback comes after 12k+hours of www with over 100k captured objectives and 700.000 wvw kills.
We want players interaction in wvw , we do not want more sieges, tactivators or fortified /invulnerable gates and walls. Yet you try to please the scouts that come on forums and complain they could not defend keep with5 players vs 50.
Dear A -net , do you realise how much you ruin the fun of the 50 attackers to make the 5 QQ’ers on forums happy ?
Why not try a week without any tactivators ? all objectives down to paper and ppk worth 3 more times ? check the numbers of the players logging in and having fun on the game… cause that’s it in the end, a game where you should have fun, and yet is no fun to sit in front of every tower with 40 ppls just cause 1 guy decide to have fun with1 treb behind gate/cannon etc… he may have fun, the rest of 40 will just log out from wvw, and go pve or w/e.
no.1 WvW kills

wvw kills count

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


I just noticed that i can see my total ammount of kills in www with API key
Since i don’t play that much anymore , i am curious if anybody have more ?
Current count 680k

no.1 WvW kills

Official Feedback Thread: WvW Stability

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


The stability changes are defenetly more pug friendly .
That doesen’t mean that they are actualy good.
In my oppinion it advantages the larger group who can overrun smaller groups without beeing punished.
On a guardian point of view – Longbow 5 rarely does more then 2 intrerupts
Line of warding rarely does more then 1-2 intrerupts . Players usualy run over Aoe CC without beeing punished consdiering that you can have over 15 seconds stability from 1 single gurdian .
I vote for change : remove on stack every 0.4 seconds so you can basicaly remove 5 stacks ( SYG ) in 2 seconds in the perfect situation . While currently you can remove 5 stacks in 4 seconds.
no.1 WvW kills

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


1. improve comunication with players ( let us know what you do before you do it)
2. promote the players interactions – fights – ( lower hp of tower /keep lord // remove tier 3 upgrades /// decrease arrow cart – cannons – mokittenamage vs players )
3. increase www rewards overall ( add www specific rewards – legendaryes ? )
4. reballance matching in order to improve balance
5. remake desert borderlands ( remove lords specific mechanisms // baricades // radom spawning walls on north side of the map ) in order to promote players interaction and remove pve mechanisms from the map
no.1 WvW kills

WvW on the right path - Thank you devs

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Patch notes add so much for www
World vs. World
Trebuchet: “Fire Rotting Cow” attacks now display a red ring at their impact site where the poison field is active.
Lowlands Keep: Increased the size of the Guild Objective Aura radius to at least slightly extend past all of the walls.
Valley Keep: Increased the size of the Guild Objective Aura radius to at least slightly extend past all of the walls.
no.1 WvW kills

Tired of banging down doors and gates

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Dors are strong, i play www to hit dors and log off when i see other players
no.1 WvW kills

Overlook INNER can be trebbed from Anz Cliff

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Sm can treb 6 diferent towers
no.1 WvW kills

Guilds Invited to test new things

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


A- net should invite some PPT super heroes , so we can have more defensive tactics
They should also invite PvE friends so We can skip pve content…. we go inside WWW to PvE…

For real…. A-net just make WWW game mode : Realm Vs Realm not Realm vs Siege vs Pve tactics
no.1 WvW kills

What i hate at new maps

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


actualy ppls that complain about population imbalance, blobs, nightcap do not understand the others.
95% of www population play for fun /bags /karma. A-net made a huge mistake to listen to the minority, and now we confront with massive exodus from WWW, because they made WWW unconfortable for majority .
capturing a keeep shoudn’t be easy ? WWW is the most casual game posible… non competitive . Despite the fact that a lot of “comunityes” use TS / voice , they still need a lot of effort to capture that keep . And in the end they attack keep /tower cause enemy don’t want to fight outside of the objective . So in the end they have to take the simple decision …. stay 2 hours under an arrow cart or log off . As you can see most of the players decide to log off , because is just so exciting….
Population imbalance…. – _-. As long as there is a decent commander leading, providing fun karma and bags there will always be players to follow it.
When A-net will understand that we will have WWW populated again.
Don’t need superman tactics, we need bags and fun … that’s why we play a game.
While any incompetent can stay on top of an wall on an arrowcart to ruin the fun of other 20 ppls , players will not return to WWW. Before HoT you could just counter the "|supreme Siege " with omega golems…. but let’s boost the defence , untill maps will be empty
And no i do not QQ cause i cannot take any objective i want, i QQ because there are less and less enemyes every day, cause www is just not entertaining at the moment…. Tactics supperior upgrades , just make it worse
no.1 WvW kills

What i hate at new maps

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


-keeps designs are very bad….
in order to reach new “hills inner” …. you need to run on 1 stair, where you are forced to eat damage…. and 50 enemy /10 arrow carts can freecast on you for 10 seconds.
New garrison " lord is just amazing with his pve mechanism,
Same goes for the fire keep , in order to reach at lord,….. you have to pass a small bridge where you can eat aoe from 10 diferent arrow carts……
New lord " abilities " are just bad, no comment, It should be not pve mechanisms in WWW
When you actualy meet enemy zerg/blob /group " in open field "
1. half of maps are tunnels where you will not be able to move left or right, and the entire tunel can be covered by aoe’s -promote pirateship
2.when you actualy kill or lose to enemy , need to run 10 minutes to find them again , because map design is just awsome
3. baricades can be instant repaired to full hp by 1 guy and they got over 10k hp
4. mortar can kill 50 guys just because condi spam
5. Omega golems nerf is just awsome ,. now you cannot clean arrow carts above walls and gates, but gates can be upgraded to tier 3
6. The guild claiming buffs are just awsome… 75% reduced damage from players ? who want to sit 1 minute under a cannon /mortar with an guild raid ? So 1 random pug can troll them …. awsome
For all the reasons mentioned above and many others :
-Most of the guilds dislike the changes after HoT
-Nobody want to play on new maps , and they are happy to kill eachother near Stonemist …. they don’t want to attack EBG keeps either….
Result > On the weekends players will play WWW on ebg, in rest www will be dead, because if enemy will refuse to " fight " nobody will be kitten d to attack an upgraded objective . It is simple not rewarding to cap 1 tier 3 keep after 4 hours of asaulting.
It is frustrating to stay over 1h under 1 arrow cart , speciality as a light armor user ….
Defense buffs just killed the WWW

My feedback comes after over 8k ranks " No EOTM " //10 k +H in WWWW // UD since 2 years …
no.1 WvW kills

How do you explain this matchmaking?

in PvP

Posted by: Rayya.2591


is horrible
the random chance is too high
Lot of ppls cba to rotate and fight off points
you either win at huge diference or lose at huge diference

no.1 WvW kills

so is this the first stonemist claim ?

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Good job:)
High investment:)
no.1 WvW kills

Heavy Supply Bag update

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


we can farm 5/ pvp reward track
Wait , is this www upgrade
He He
no.1 WvW kills

Guild Claiming Auras Bugged?

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


same i consider it 100% unfair specialy for ppls that rush auras
I’ve rushed aura lvl 4 power and i would upgrade lvl 5 precision, but there is no point to invest insane ammounts of gold for bugged auras.
Really Dissapointing could ugprade something else more usefull
no.1 WvW kills

WvW after HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


i can say i spent too much time in the game and i had over 10 k hour on WvW .
And my point of view is from EU tier 1
However after HoT, WvW game mode die for following reasons .
There is no motivation :
- The reward is too small in order to spend – X ammount of gold / time to destroy 1 fortified gate , considering there will be -0 defence .
- as long as 1 upgraded objective is defended is nearly imposible to capture it . majority will just avoid atack defended objectives , as long as they are upgraded.
For the reasons mentioned above , the remaining WvW population play mostly for fights..
However loot bags value in WWW constantly decrease , since there are same rewards since 3 years, wich are no longer demanded on the market
The new maps are nice, but again, there is no motivation for players to play them constantly, and the tier 3 upgrades demotivate players to try havoc groups.
Compared with 2 weeks ago , when you could at least find fights betwen guilds on prime time, after HoT on the new borderlands you need to run 10-20 minutes to find an enemy guild for 1 minute of fight.
The achivements nerf is also kinda sad . I would personally prefer to be able to track kills after ultimate dominator, since i finished it nearly 2 years ago , but cannot track any achivement related to www .
As well you cannot invite players outisde from your guild in arena to fight against them (unless you stay in same party) … so at the moment except spvp , you cannot fight any enemy

So in order to motivate players to join WvW again please :
Increase rewards / add new rewards, / add new achivements / remove tier 3 dors /walls upgrades , add new masteries
no.1 WvW kills

You know the mode is dying when..

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Prime time start at 3 Am on SFR
And even if SFR die cause of transfer lock … they don’t represent the entire gold league
no.1 WvW kills

Which EU server for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


The facts are : SFR is number 1
Best commanders
Best pugs
Best comunity
There is no reason to consider any other Eu server, SFR dominate tier 1 since troma left vizunah
no.1 WvW kills

WvW Map Cap 10% lower

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Kresh and Ins ( SFR And Deso ) wanna blob more… GG
wonder why they complain FSP outnumber them always
no.1 WvW kills

click on zhe link ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rayya.2591


I do not consider that legit , however
A-net ?

no.1 WvW kills

Ideas on developing your WvW community.

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Commanders : in order to atract commanders, make sure you got enough decent players, that would like to play www outside prime time
team speak server
Scouts > in order to have scouts , you need to provide them some support " i will scout /upgrade this keep if you will come defend when i ask for Help "
" If i scout /upgrade this keep, i will need a replacement in 2 hours ( new scout ) "
Roamers > they will usualy play , on the maps where at least 2 sides got upgraded structures . Not funny to roam on map where you have everything or nothing.
no.1 WvW kills

WvW Supply Info User Interface

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


why would you count on the supply’s from players that cannot stick on commander ?
no.1 WvW kills

Balance in WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Mobility is your friend, , do not trade blow for blow
Bait your enemy, to use his cooldowns, then attack him
you got no skill cooldown, while they do ^^
no.1 WvW kills

Commander sniping

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


i like this topic, continue pls

ranger > wall of reflection
Magnet> good stability rotation in comm party
Corrupt boon > is hard to counter but you can ask in special case for Hallowed Ground

But why to bother with all those if you can have an veil or smoke field ?
Enemys will need 3 seconds in order to re-target you, wich is more that enough for a push, if you are organized
Best regards,
no.1 WvW kills

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Random disconects and massive lag last 2 weeks
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 R-PC []
1 []
4 []
5 []
6 []
7 * * []
8 * * []
10 []
11 []

Computing statistics for 68 seconds…
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 R-PC []
0/ 25 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
2 —- 25/ 25 =100% 25/ 25 =100%
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 —- 25/ 25 =100% 25/ 25 =100%
0/ 25 = 0% |
4 3ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
5 6ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
1/ 25 = 4% |
6 18ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0% []
1/ 25 = 4% |
7 34ms 4/ 25 = 16% 2/ 25 = 8% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
8 37ms 3/ 25 = 12% 1/ 25 = 4% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
9 39ms 2/ 25 = 8% 0/ 25 = 0%
1/ 25 = 4% |
10 —- 25/ 25 =100% 22/ 25 = 88% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
11 44ms 3/ 25 = 12% 0/ 25 = 0% []

Trace complete.

  • pathping -w 500 -q 25 -4 <--*

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 R-PC []
1 []
4 []
5 []
6 []
7 * * *
Computing statistics for 37 seconds…
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 R-PC []
0/ 25 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
2 —- 25/ 25 =100% 25/ 25 =100%
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 —- 25/ 25 =100% 25/ 25 =100%
0/ 25 = 0% |
4 3ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
1/ 25 = 4% |
5 6ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
6 15ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0% []

Trace complete.
Section completed in 101.54 seconds
no.1 WvW kills

Looking for good EU Server

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


25 + 3 + guests, pugs near you , you getting close to 35 :P
no.1 WvW kills

Looking for good EU Server

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


And desolation have the most guilds. Zoneblobing on borders only on friday

GoD raid with 40 (Since they always got gt with them ) GH raid with 35 roam with 15 ….
Don’t call deso guild bassed:)
no.1 WvW kills

PPT is a joke. WvW is about fights.

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


We all realize this and have for a while, its just time for the devs to. In terms of coverage, there are rarely any balanced matchups that give each server a fighting chance. For this reason, long ago did people learn to enjoy fights more than get worked up over hours of ppt herding that never was going to pay off anyway.

I think WvW should be redesigned around fights. People who wins fights gain PPT, instead of capping points. If this were true, and you could measure server skill by how well they fought, Blackgate would be mid-tier, Mag and PS would be #1, and things would feel a whole lot better.

I don’t know about you, but the devs have been eerily silent on the actual status of WvW. The entire game mode is more about fights now. Anyone who has gone to WvW know prime-time is littered with open field fights between pugs or guilds.

Even though the high tier guilds are getting burnt out because of the lack of WvW change or GvG addition and are beginning to leave the game because of this(bless you all, you have pioneered the meta of gw2 skill groups for so long, we understand).

Even amongst servers themselves, they all know who has the strongest fighting force. Blackgate and SFR know they arn’t collectively the most skilled fighters out there, they just have a lot of coverage. Actually, a lot of Tier 1 servers are like this and all know this. Guilds themselves represent their servers with their fierce fighting power.

If the dev’s take the time to read this, I figure you probably won’t want to remove WvW ppt but you have to understand that the ability to win Open Field fights, in some situations against forces 3 times your skill, is a better test of skill than PPT because of how unfair coverage is. You seriously have to take this into account if you want there to be any hope for WvW.

Well , your point is not valid at all
How you define wich is the real : prime time : bassed on the country you live in ?
Russian guilds : end raids at 8 GTM -9 GTM MAX
Spain /PT guilds start raids at 9GTM -10 GTM
Actualy the T1 servers are in T1 because an organized comunity.
Claiming things regarding 1 of other server without any clue what is happening is lame wich makes your post even more invalid :
As an example would be
Desolation : Top sPvP /tPvP server .Should have most skilled players on Europe or am i wrong ?
SFR : Bandwagoner bloby / unskilled server, Pvdor
attached screen from thursday ( last in season 2)

So , wich is the real prime time, when www should end? Should players that work at your prime time, or sleep at your prime time not play this game?
Should guilds be limited to 20 players, or maps should be limited to 20 players.
Should others log on same time with you , or log off same time ? Meh i am confused

no.1 WvW kills