Eh, I’m too lazy to search the data and type it here; instead I’ll just post the promotional video for the computer I’m using:
And no, I don’t intend to brag in any way (even though the video looks kinda… well… epic? and thus could give you that feeling). Actually, I had to buy a new computer when my old one was struck by a lightning. And well, I wanted to get a really good one, so I don’t have to buy another one for the next 5-10 years or so… haha. ^^
Lol wait; does that arena actually look like ArenaNet’s logo? I’ve never noticed! Actually; when I saw it yesterday, I didn’t even notice it was red… o.o
Oh and; nice to hear you’re having fun!
Cause I’m having fun too. ^^
To much tin foil hat here.
The reason ascended gear has infusions is for agony resist correct, you may also notice ascended pieces have essentially what would be the gem slot , baked into the stats.
In addition to this the back piece could not be utility as no other back piece does and putting a utility infusion on a limited time item and it being the only one doesnt sound to good.
Because it is ascended it has to allow agony resist to be added into a infusion slot , such is the rule of ascended pieces. No one got their tin foil hats for the ascneded backpieces you can make in the mystic forge.
So why is it defensive? Simply for these
I’m not sure if you’ve understood that this thread is a discussion about a rare and an exotic backpiece having an infusion slot instead of a normal upgrade-slot.
Basically saying, all effects which makes it stronger, depend on the source, all which makes them weaker, depend on the target.
Hm, okay. I’ll believe you that then. Meh; too bad swiftness duration from runes doesn’t affect the swiftness I get from other people (and neither does my boon duration). Oh well. ^^
I’ve tried a phantasm build for hotjoin once and then I’ve changed back to my condition build. I’ve found that (even in hotjoin) it would be hard enough to even land the phantasm-cast properly (obstructed), and if I did land it, people wouldn’t care that much. Even with two phantasms (if able to get up two; usually my phantasms would get killed after getting their first hit off), the damage didn’t seem to be enough to make them break a sweat. That’s with a phantasm build and zerker amulet. Maybe I just was unlucky and I happened to land in a hotjoin match with pr0’s, though. To me, conditions are MUCH more reliable. Right; conditions. On a Mesmer. In PvP. Go figure how impressed I was by the phantasm build (maybe I’m just friggin pr0 with condi-mesmer, though… who knows! XD ).
It’s a shame focus sucks for roaming, solo and small groups unless you’re using a shatter build. The phantasm just doesn’t do enough damage otherwise due to it being stationary.
Well, I think with a bit of practice it should be possible to immobilize people next to your phantasm by properly timing sword 3. Not easy; but should be possible I guess.
Funny video.
But you won’t be able to pull this off forever; or at least not to this extent. You’ll run out of badges and/or karma at some point.
You sir, are completely missing the point of this thread.
I rarely use external websites, so no, I have never used that “dulfy” site, never heard of it, no idea what it is and not really interested. Besides, there have been MANY other websites for games, you don’t call someone who runs a website famous, LOL!
As I read the forums often, I couldn’t help but stumbling over links to dulfy’s website several times… even though I would otherwise not have known that website even existed. Again; apparently you don’t read the forums very often.
Sub forums are just other players posting, why would anyone there be famous? The concept of a famous player in an MMO is pretty ludicrous and REALLY stretching it.
Famous is defined as 1. Well known; and 2. In the public eye. So since this thread is about being famous in GW2, you could indeed say that those people are kinda famous. Unless you call a person that is known and appreciated by thousands of players not famous.
Oh and to use your words… Angelina Jolie is just a normal woman working as an actress. Why would she be famous? Michael Jackson was just a normal human (some believe he was an alien, but I don’t think so) whose music is loved by millions of people all over the world. Why would he be famous? He’s just human after all. Osicat’s/Nemesis’/Pyroatheist’s guides are known and appreciated by thousands of players. Why would they be famous? They are just players after all…
If you don’t know who Gaile Gray and the frog are, then your not a true Guild Wars player….. …..2 of the most visible Anet employees in the original game
The guy I’m quoting below kinda got it:
And I’ve never heard of Gaile Gray, or a frog
Then you never played GW1.
But he also seems to not understand that this thread is about being “famous” in Guild Wars 2. Not Guild Wars 1. TWO! And yes, I’ve never played GW1. I’m not a “true Guild Wars player”. I’m not a Guild Wars player at all. I’m a Guild Wars 2 player. And again; this thread IS about Guild Wars 2. Not one. Two.
and you obviously don’t read these forums very well yourself.
Says the guy who never saw a link to dulfy’s website… which is almost impossible if you read these forums.
(edited by Saturn.6591)
Proof: If A has Poison, it makes no difference on the healing that B gets.
This would actually imply that B’s healing power is used.
If B has Poison, B gets 33% less heals from A.
(Therefore B’s HealPow never comes into play unless B heals).
B heals less if B is poisoned. Again; obviously B’s healing power is reduced and not A’s, thus A’s healing power doesn’t have any effect.
I might add that it’s still possible that it IS affected by A’s healing power… but I think poison might be the wrong example. As far as I understand it, poison doesn’t reduce healing power, but the amount your heals heal… what I mean is, the number gets calculated normally and then (if the person that’s to be healed) has poison, 33% are subtracted.
The easiest way to actually test it would be to have two characters with a different healing power applying renegeration to eachother (obviously not at the same time).
The boon duration applied to B(by A) is dependent on A’s BoonDur (same as above, B’s BoonDur never comes into play unless B boons up).
I think I’ll have to test that at some point, because I always thought it’s different. And after your contradictory example above, I don’t really feel like just believing you. ^^
I feel for you man I really do. Let us know which server you’re on. You’re definitely not alone.
Tarnished Coast. He already said so. Oh, and a quick look at his posting history would provide the same information. ^^
@Nuage: Don’t give up. I can only (try to) imagine how much it must hurt to be treated like that from the woman you loved… or maybe still love. The woman of who you thought she loves you as much as you love her. I’ll stop with details now, because I don’t want to make you feel even worse.
Again, don’t give up. You said the judge didn’t believe her… so, was there an official judgement already? If the judge didn’t believe your wife, it shouldn’t turn out so bad for you… unless there’s a jury who believes her (I assume you live in the US?) (if there’s a jury, that is). Hm well; either way: Don’t give up. At the very least, always remember that you still are you, no matter what. She can’t take that away. You’re a nice guy. A good guy, like you said. You are smart. Some people can be very cruel, and that includes women. Don’t let her destroy you. You deserve to be happy, and eventually you’ll be happy again. Even though you’ll probably find it hard to believe right now.
You suffer and it hurts badly. But even though you’re feeling very sad, angry and hopeless right now… wounds can heal over time. Important is, that you don’t push yourself too hard. Accept those feelings, but don’t let them completely overtake you. Don’t do something desperate. Stay calm when it’s important. Show the judge that you’re not the monster that your wife claims you are. It may take a while (even a long while), but eventually you’ll be able to smile again. Believe in yourself!
(edited by Saturn.6591)
I thought they’ve maybe added an infusion slot, so you don’t need to get an ascended backpack for getting agony resistance with it… of course with the tradeoff that you’ll lose out on a normal upgrade-slot.
Nobody stops you from taking it off first.
In real life or in-game?
I doubt he’s wearing full plate mail irl. But who knows!
It was a joke.
Wasn’t 100% sure about it. ^^
Brb, going for a dip in my full plate mail.
Nobody stops you from taking it off first. For immersion/rp-ing purposes.
Famous? None of the names being posted mean a thing to me. Never heard of any of them and no reason they would be “famous” .
I did see Gaile Gray. As far as I am concerned, Gail and the frog are the 2 most famous GW players (just Gail now in GW2), the rest are just names that show up on screen.
And I’ve never heard of Gaile Gray, or a frog. Also, I take it that you’ve never heard or used the dulfy-website and also you don’t read the class-subforums for Ele, Necro or Mesmer.
I would also put Dontain forward for being memorably hilarious! I think the reason I like WP and Dontain specifically is that they were making great videos about GW2 before GW2 even came out. If anyone has not seen Dontain’s video “Skyrim is NOT Guild Wars 2” or WoodenPotatoes’ Lore videos, go check them out! Those two kept me well fed on GW2 during the time between BWEs.
I’ve never heard about such videos… o.o
F5 spam the dev tracker for patch notes!
Pretty much this. ^^ (though, not all the time… but I’ll sure check from time to time, haha)
Didn’t know Dulfy is a player. =0
Well… famous… I guess the most “famous” players are mostly famous in the subforums of the classes they play. For Mesmers, Osicat and Pyroatheist are pretty much the most known; followed by kylia, I guess. Eles have daphoenix, and for the Necros it would probably be Nemesis. Though, there are other players very active as well… Bas, Bhawb and Rennoko for example.
Btw, I always smile a bit when I see MrPrometheus mentioned. His videos about the Mesmer-class are great (probably not 100% up to date anymore by now), and also the reason why I’ve eventually made a conditon Mesmer… which is my main ever since then, even though I’ve changed the build a couple times (still condition, though) after I’ve hit lvl 80.
You get (free) confusion on shatters. You get the extra-bounce for staff (and some other weapon skills). How does that not fit with condition-damage?
Or you can do what I usually do with alts, explore your “home” city to 100%, the open world to about 40%, then go to another starter zone and do the same, by the time you’re ready to go back you should be level 15 or so.
I sure as hell hope by the time your world completion is at 40%, you’re higher than level 15.
He meant 40% of the starting zone of the race you’ve chosen.
Actually, it’s easily possible to exceed the level requirement for your story just by working on completing your starting zone and doing the events you run into… also don’t forget to gather the mats from the nodes you find.
People also like to organize and discuss WvW-tactics and stuff in their server-forums… things that the opposing servers shouldn’t see. So either they need their own (external) forum anyway, or Anet would have to find a way to only allow those people access to those parts of the forum, which actually play on the server. And I’m not even talking about different rights for different players from the server. Also, different servers might have different needs for their forum. All in all, it would be a huge effort for Anet.
Imo, the way it is now, it’s just fine. If a server wants their own forum, they can make one. Not like it’s complicated. Hence, many servers already have their own complete website (not just the forum).
Maybe we should make a thread somewhere where every server can post the URL of their forum/website, so people don’t have to ask other people ingame.
I remember how I once couldn’t finish a Ranger underwater (hotjoin PvP)… playing a condition Mesmer with trident and three clones up. Killing the pet didn’t help (that’s actually a known bug according to the wiki) and for some reason my bleeding stacks were getting outhealed. Bug aside; it seems like either that heal is able to outheal 2x stacks of bleeding, or one of my clones was attacking some shark. To be honest, that was a while ago, so I don’t remember exactly.
Holy smokes; that’s one smexy bunny! =0
Also, funny idea. ^^
Hmmmhmmm; looks nice and interesting.
What I wonder is… does it also work outside of zergs? Like, in smaller groups or even solo? Or is it zerg-only?
I’m playing with a condition build since I’ve created my Mesmer. And I love it. The staff is the ultimate weapon to kite with a Mesmer; especially with a conditon build. However, I usually only use it at max range if I have to (but I’m still using the staff; not the greatsword). As Crossplay already said, it’s much more effective to be at maybe a range of 200-600.
I’ve never really liked the greatsword for Mesmer. It just doesn’t feel right (for me). Also, shooting laser beams with a sword… wtf? xD
And I’ve still not even found Keg Brawl… all I know is it’s somewhere (hidden?) in Hoelbrak. I really should look it up in the wiki at some point. After all, I’m playing since october, haha.
@topic: Yes, trying to get an achievement like this certainly is bad behaviour and shouldn’t be tolerated. I hope they can implement something that automatically kicks people out after a certain amount of time without doing any action that you’d normally do frequently while playing keg brawl. (not defining it more specific, since I’ve got no idea about keg brawl (yet))
(edited by Saturn.6591)
Many servers already have their own forums; sometimes they even have their own website as well. You’ll probably find a link in their recruitment posts, or you can ask people from your server if they know about a forum.
Shatters are more reliable than phantasms. I also do believe his burst while shattering is much higher than a single attack of a phantasm. Also, the playstyle is very different. Last but not least, he’d have to rename “shattercat” to “phantasmkittie” or “phantakitten”. ^^
Of course phantasm builds can be very strong as well; but that’s a matter of personal preference and also of what you want to do with this build.
Just be aware that if you go full berserker, you will die VERY fast if you are the target of multiple attacks… which is often the case in WvW; especially in group-fights… even more in zergs. And if you die, every downed opponent that did hit you at some point will get an instant-rally, which can turn the tide in the fight in their favor.
Not worth it imo unless they rework the trait system. You have to give up so much good stuff in traits in order to get a proper glam build going that it really leaves you weak.
He’s NOT asking about glamour builds. ^^
And uhm, I think worth is what feels like fun for you. I myself am still playing my condition Mesmer in WvW, and I really like it a lot. Of course confusion now does much less damage… but then again; stupid people will still proc it often, while decently skilled players still will mostly avoid taking damage from it. Thus you’ll still take around the same amount of time to kill good players (if you’re good enough to kill them at all, that is), and you’ll take a bit longer to kill the bad players than before. Imo, just don’t try to solely rely on confusion… it already wasn’t the best thing to do pre-nerf, and now it’s even less recommended.
…wtf did I just watch.
The Mesmer video already was… lame and not funny at all. The tuna-video was even worse. Probably can’t get any more random. How is that funny? It’s just… wtf?
Sometimes I think there are people who would laugh like crazy if I would tell them “you are stupid and I’m not or maybe I am and you’re not or maybe we don’t even exist anyway”. Like, something that doesn’t make any sense and isn’t funny in any way… I’m sure there would be people considering it the funniest thing that they’ve ever heard. At least I think so after watching videos like the ones that were posted in this thread…
At this rate, I’m honestly getting a bit concerned about the future of this planet. Reminds me of a movie I’ve never watched… but saying it’s name would probably be considered an insult, so I won’t do it.
Pretty sure it has to do with the arrows in wvw, it was a tactic to protect siege from arrow cart fire.
I think the main reason might be that people blocked trebuchet-attacks. Also, blocking agony probably was never intended to be possible.
Oh, so that’s probably why Mass Invisibility sometimes didn’t stealth me at all (not even for a second)… though I didn’t see any revealed-icon. But then again; I was running away and probably too busy to notice… though… I was running for a few seconds already; so how was I attacking? Maybe I dropped a Chaos Storm before? Hmmmm… that may be. Ugh. -_-
(edited by Saturn.6591)
Well, it happened and it’s worse than we could ever have imagined. 50% dam nerf and blinding befuddlement gutted.
As I already said in the other thread: Aside from getting the damage of confusion halfed, Glamour builds got buffed. Glamours only blind people once anyway; thus the change doesn’t matter. What DOES matter is, that the confusion from that blind now lasts 4 times longer.
Of course that doesn’t negate the 50%-dmg nerf; but the new blinding befuddlement actually HELPS glamour builds.
Yes. Phantasms get your power, your precision, your crit-dmg and your toughness. Oh, and also your condition-dmg.
A bit worried how the inability to block certain projectiles will effect FoTM game play but I guess we will find out soon enough.
I guess people won’t block the agony-inflicting spheres of that crazy Asura anymore with the help of Guardian skills.
Blinding Befuddlement trait:
Increased duration of applied confusion from 1 second to 4 seconds.
Can now trigger only once every 5 seconds on any target that is blinded by the mesmer.WvW: Updated confusion and retaliation effects to do the same damage as they do in sPvP
I saw the damage nerf coming which is way too huge according to most people. But the change of blinding befuddlement is just …. wooow.
ANET this is not a nerf, this is genocide :>
Yeah people thought the glamor builds might still be somewhat viable, after today…well, good luck killing pigeons and rabbits with that.
Hm well, Glamours only blind someone once anyway, or not? Didn’t the most confusion of glamour builds come from people entering and leaving your fields? This means, glamour builds actually got a buff there (aside from confusion damage being halfed, of course). What’s really affected by this change is samski’s build… you won’t be able to increase the confusion-stacks as much by using the trait with chaos armor. Though; since the inflicted confusion lacks longer… hmm… someone needs to calculate that (or just test it), I guess.
(edited by Saturn.6591)
Looks pretty good. Still not happy about the confusion nerf, but the rest of the patch looks nice.
What confusion nerf? i dont see it stated anywhere…..
It’s in the part with the changes to WvW.
It was actually stated that it will come with a future patch. The only thing that was (supposed to be; I didn’t check yet) added is an empty skill 5 slot in Death Shroud… as said before, in SotG.
As I already mentioned in your shattercat thread… I’m playing Mesmer for a long time already (it’s my main and until now my only lvl 80 char), and it’s also a condition build. Still, I think I’ve just seen some stuff I didn’t do that way yet, and I can’t wait to put it into practice!
Thanks! ^^
Oh wow; that’s a really cool video, Osicat! I’m playing Mesmer for a long while already, but I just got some new ideas which I didn’t think of yet. Not everything was new to me; but enough things were to make me like the video a lot. Thanks!
I am also curious about this new condition that is introducing. I hope it’s not just only for necros. There seems to be possible trait moving/changing as well as skill function changes (at least, that’s what I’m getting the impression of from the video).
If what was written in the summary (I didn’t watch the video myself) is true, then they are probably going to add an unique condition to the Necromancer’s Death Shroud at some point in the future. It’s gonna be their fifth DS-skill. Clearly, other classes (including Mesmers) won’t have any access to this condition. At least that’s how it looks like. I actually like that; it might make DS more useful for condition Necromancers. I just hope that they give Mesmers something good in exchange for that (imo unnecessary) nerf to confusion-damage… be it a shorter cooldown on our confusion-applying skills, increasing the duration of our confusion or improving our ability to stack other damaging conditions.
So that means you can trigger a lifesteal-on-crit-sigil with marks?
The arguement that it shouldn’t be nerfed because if the player doesn’t attack he doesn’t receive damage is weak.
So what okay you stack confusion on him he cant attack without killing himself. So instead of attacking he turns to run while being gunned down instead lol.
Fail logic imo.
This I agree, Im starting to think some Mesmer players don’t want to be knocked off their pedestal.
Here’s the thing: If a Mesmer’s confusion hurts, it means that he can’t “gun you down” in those few seconds that the confusion actually lasts.
The funny thing is, that Engineers on the other hand are much better at applying conditons other than confusion than Mesmers. They even are better at keeping confusion on you in a 1vs1 fight. Yet, I’ve never seen anyone complaining about Engineer confusion. How comes? Oh wait; Engineers are not Mesmers. If it’s a Mesmer doing it, it’s OP; even though other professions do it much better than Mesmers. Fail logic? I agree; but it’s you guys having a fail logic here.
As for confusion in general, I myself never died due to being confused. Also, the highest confusion-tick I’ve seen so far was around 2k… most are between 300 and 1000. That’s actually less than most powerbuilds do with their autoattacks; not even mentioning their other attacks which also have a much shorter cooldown than Mesmer’s confusion and can’t be avoided by just dodging (have fun trying to dodge autoattacks constantly XD) and/or stop smashing buttons like a madman for a few seconds and/or just use a condition removal.
As far as the nerf goes; I really hope that they give us something to compensate. Like, increase the duration and/or reduce the cooldown of our confusion-skills. Or give us the ability to stack other conditions better and faster than we can do it now. The best solution would have been to just decrease the cap for confusion-stacks to 15 or even 10 and leave the damage unaffected.
Doesn’t change the fact that this phantasm is on a ridiculously long cooldown. Even traited the cooldown is longer than the cooldown of any other of our phantasms untraited. Add to this that it might as well do (almost) zero damage if your opponent decides to wait out the confusion, and you know why most people can’t get to like it.
I just have to mention…
It seems that I’m relying a lot on sword3 +swap to land my full burst accurately and moderately good players know this and will break stun as soon as they see it.
Stunbreakers won’t help anyone to escape Sword 3, as it doesn’t stun. It immobilizes. I really wish stunbreak would help against immobilize haha… I died so many times just because of it, it’s not even funny.
On top of that, I don’t see myself getting stunned very often… or maybe I just don’t really notice. Seriously, immobilize is what bothers me. I don’t care about stun; I’ve never (at least not intentionally) used a stunbreaker to break stun.
I actually sometimes like the fact that my clones get targetted too. It can happen that there aren’t so many crystals around, or that the situation for some reason is a bit chaotic. Clones dieing instead of players getting downed can give you a bit of a free room to breathe. Of course, it may take a little bit longer to kill Maw. So what? Fractals speed-farming now? Anything longer than 20 minutes for 4 fractals is bad? xD I doubt that clones or pets getting targetted delays victory for more than 2-3 minutes… if at all.
As for the dodging part; yeah I’ve also been struck down a couple of times before without seeing the beam. Quite annoying if it happens, but well… sh…kittiecat… happens. ^^
Chaos Armor appears if you use the power or if you have a null field or any type of pre exsisting field out when you summon a clone on that field a chaos armor appears
1. The question was not how to get Chaos Armor.
2. Your answer isn’t entirely correct. You can get Chaos Armor from Staff 4. You can also get it through leap or blast finishers in ethereal combo fields. The leap finishers of a Mesmer are Staff 2 and Sword 3; the only blast finisher we have is Torch 4 (however, you may also be affected from blast finishers of other people). Our ethereal combo fields are Chaos Storm (Staff 5), Feedback, Null Field and Time Warp. What you are saying is, that you get Chaos Armor from any clone summon on any combo field, which is (at least partly) wrong.