Showing Posts For Saturn.6591:

Gain adrenaline out of combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saturn.6591


What Khisanth said. After I played with it, it does indeed work until you get into combat (both for Healing Surge and Signet of Fury); once you’re in combat, it goes back to normal.

Does that mean adrenaline will be empty when you enter combat? Or could it be abused to start a fight with full adrenaline? While not much of a problem in PvE, it would certainly uhm, not be liked as much by anyone who isn’t a Warrior in PvP or (even moreso) WvW.


in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Also I’ve only see courtyard come up about twice and it’s never been picked. I really want to play the map but it never gets rolled :/

Kinda funny; in my experience, in 8 out of 10 cases where the map is on the list, at least 5-7 players will vote for it. I think I’ve once had three games on courtyard in a row.

On the other hand, a map like Battle of Khylo is very rarely chosen, which kinda makes me sad. Spiritwatch is even more rare, though. I actually get to play Skyhammer way more often than Khylo, lol.

daily [profession] winner

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I’m more uhm… well, unhappy about the fact that not all professions seem to have an equal chance to be part of the daily. According to wiki-research, there’s two PvP class-winner slots. Slot 1 is shared between Guardian, Mesmer, Ranger and Thief; and slot 2 between Elementalist, Engineer, Necromancer and Warrior. So, from december 12th to february 20th, we’ve had the following professions chosen:

Slot 1:
Guardian: 24
Thief: 20
Ranger: 11
Mesmer: 9

Slot 2:
Engineer: 21
Elementalist: 20
Warrior: 15
Necromancer: 8

Looks like RNG is kinda biased here. Although of course it MIGHT equal out in the next year or two or so, but still…

[GvG] OMFG such SwAg!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


^ Kinda funny actually; seeing as Condi Necros normally should have high chances of defeating anything that isn’t a skilled interrupt Mesmer... especially if you consider that many Mesmers don’t even run any condition removal. Yet, it seems that most people expect Mesmers to be utterly defeating Necros with ease... *scratches head*

[GvG] OMFG such SwAg!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I hope this will be recorded!

Quality of Life, or Useful Utility?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Though.. First person may make landing certain blink spots easier (looking at you kyhlo)

Funny that I’ve just practiced some Phase Retreat locations on that map today (and well, also shortly looked into Foefire). I’ve found that two of the clocktower screenshots at metabattle are a little bit off… won’t work if you stand exactly where the Mesmer in the picture is standing.

As for first person… oh well. I’ll probably (almost) never use it. And I hope there will be an option to return to default settings in the 3rd person perspective; since you will be able to mess around with the camera there as well, and I like it how it is currently (but might try changing it a bit in some cases; for example in tight spots).

First person camera coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saturn.6591


But how can I appreciate the art if I’m allowed to use first person?!

And what if I use it in wvw and then suck at wvw?

I think these are important issues that Anet need to address.

Nobody forces you to use first person view, obviously. Especially not all the time.

As for me, I hope they’ll have an option “reset to default settings” which should be what we have currently.

Ascended Rings?

in Thief

Posted by: Saturn.6591


You cant equip 2 same rings but if you infuse one in MF with fractal essences, you can equip 2 zerker rings.

You can also do that if you take one with a defensive infusion slot, which in this case would be Crystalline Band.

Perspective: How Other Classes View Us

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Rangers really think we’re easy? They’re my favorite class to fight because I just throw my reflect over them and they kill themselves.

The problem is, that you usually could kill bad Rangers even without Feedback (which is what I guess you’re talking about primarily, since you say “throw my reflect over them”). And the good (or even just halfway decent) Rangers will just step out of the bubble before shooting you. Not to mention that you give up an utility slot that you could use in better ways.

Mass crash reports today 19/2/2015

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Crashs can apparently be avoided by disabling map- and teamchat in WvW. Me and some guildies crashed as well, until we disabled those chats. Then we ran for like almost 3 hours without anyone crashing. After our raid ended, I’ve enabled teamchat again and was just clicking on the checkbox for mapchat when I crashed yet another time. When I logged back in, neither map- nor teamchat were enabled.

Small screenshot of the report (which Anet probably got since I’ve sent it):

All this hate

in Ranger

Posted by: Saturn.6591


That’s the problem, you have nice skill set, while ranger:
1. basic damage
2. your beloved rapid fire
3. nothing but stealth with ZERO damage
4. nothing but knock-back with ZERO damage
5. easily avoidable BARRAGE by any non 1 Digit IQ thief. it’s one dodge, or simply walk away.

The arrogance is strong in this one…

ZERO damage? Seriously? You call around 1-3k (depending on target) zero damage? And yes, you can even do that kind of damage with your autoattacks. And the problem with barrage isn’t what you’d think. The problem for a Backstab-Thief is more that Barrage denies yet another Backstab (and LB S/D Rangers already have many ways to do so), plus it kinda hurts them when they Shadow Refuge. But yeah, that’s working as intended imo.

Now, about the hate. Well, who doesn’t hate it if you’re fighting someone and suddenly you get bursted down from far away. Also, I’ve had it happen once when I was standing right in front of a tower, that within a matter of 1-2 seconds, I went from 17k HP down to 3k HP +20 stacks of vulnerability on me… from a single Ranger. That was while having 2,6k armor myself btw. I mean, at least Thieves have to get close and behind me if they want to achieve something similar (usually they do less damage in the same timeframe, though; and also you don’t get all that vulnerability). Rangers can do it from 1500 range. Don’t get me wrong… I know how to fight LB-Rangers. I’ve killed quite a few of them, and it makes me grin every time. BUT sometimes I just go wtf, because you’re dead or almost-dead before you know it. I guess those must be the more skilled ones… or maybe just those that use PvE-builds and would die if you would actually manage to retaliate. Don’t worry… I’m not asking for nerfs or anything. Because while it baffles me that some Rangers are like Thieves on steroids, it just means that it’s even more fun to kill them. Looking forward to practicing more.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Mesmer names

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I called my mesmer Lo Bridge. I bet you can’t guess why =D

At least in my case, you’ve already won that bet. I seriously have no idea. He looks kinda uhm… special, though. ^^

Sword Auto attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Didn’t “Kick” use to knock back the target a bit during early beta?

According to the history of the corresponding wiki-article, yes.

Mesmer names

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Hm, my Mesmer (which is my main character) is a human female, and according to the story I’ve chosen, of noble descent. So I wanted a name that sounds like it could belong to a human noble, but also has the Mesmer-theme in it. Eventually, I’ve found two words: “Alusia”, which according to the dictionary is another term for “mental delusion” or even things like “phantasm”, “hallucination” or “illusion”. And then “alate”, which, again according to the dictionary, is another word for “winged”. Thus, I called her Alusia Alate, which I do not pronounce like the original english words I guess… but it’s a name after all. ^^ Also, most of the armor and weapon-skins I use with her have some feather/wing-theme… that’s partly a coincidence, though.

The Second Sylvari Tree ?

in Living World

Posted by: Saturn.6591


In reviewing my sylvari’s personal story, it mentions how “there is no coming back from the Nightmare”. Using the knowledge that sylvari are supposed to be dragon minions, I interpret that as the Nightmare succumbing to Mordremoth,

I don’t think that the Nightmare is directly related to Mordremoth, though. The Nightmare Court mainly wants to get rid of Ventari’s teachings and most likely well… turn the dream into a nightmare. It’s probably not their goal at all to make Sylvari mindless minions of an elder dragon. Thus, I don’t think the Nightmare and Mordremoth are directly related to eachother.

What we haven’t learned, though, is why the Tree is somehow protecting the sylvari from instantly being minions.

The Pale Tree grew mostly outside of the influence of Mordremoth, and was instead influenced by Ronan and Ventari and their view of things. So while the seed probably was originally intended to become a dragon-minion producer, it instead learned about the values of life, peace, friendship, love, loyalty, wisdom and all those things.

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Why do you presume I will get protection from myself? Maybe I get it from guardian or ele ect. Even half a second can save your life though. I still think the little stat upgrades are better than 1.4k more HP compared to traveler, you don’t. Let’s leave it at that..

Yeah; let’s leave it at that. Though I do have to mention that your boon duration does absolutely nothing for boons that you get from someone else. Those are only affected by their boon-duration; and not by yours. That’s why “I presumed” that you get protection from yourself… because no amount of boon duration will have any effect on boons you get from others.

Phase retreat thing -> There is a bind called about face which you can use to turn you 180 instantly, turning with your mouse is slow as hell of course. With about face you can instantly teleport forward and continue walking forwards after like 20 minutes practice. In a period of 30 seconds it’ll get you almost double than what you’d go by blink.

Well yeah, I know about this keybind and use it for a long time already. Works very well with Withdraw (Thief heal) for example. Or with the second skill of Ranger sword (started to level my Ranger again a bit recently). Not so much with Phase Retreat. I really tried, but either you stand still or you keep moving while turning, and due to the low distance covered, it just didn’t seem to make me any faster overall. Maybe I didn’t practice enough? Though it DOES work perfectly fine with the other skills I’ve mentioned…

You don’t have to have a player targeted to use phase retreat so it doesn’t have to put you into combat. It will if you have autoatargeting on, which if you do, you should slap yourself and turn it off.

I have autotarget turned off for around 2 years now. I did so back when I leveled my D/D-Ele for the first time (for the sake of ride the lightning) and never turned it back on for obvious reasons. And if you do not target a player/mob, you run into the problem I’ve explained above, in that the distance covered is just too small to make up for you turning around twice… even with about face. With a target you can phase retreat forward, but then you’d obviously get put into combat; that’s why I’ve mentioned that in my previous post.

Kiting thing -> Why would I use blink to get myself out of a few autoattacks when by using traveler I can outrun the autoattacks and have blink still of CD when thieves gang me with basilisk or I get damage heading my way that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to avoid?

Well, you always have other means too. For getting out of stuns as well as for avoiding autoattacks. And as I said… it’s not me who said Mesmers have amazing in-combat mobility. Go complain to all the pr0s who keep saying it. And to all the other people who always said so when there was a thread about Mesmer speed. ^^

Nope, not when u’re far away enough.

Might try that at some point.

Sometimes, when I am for instance running as double ranged shatter mesmer in WvW, I use blink and phase retreat (with wild life as target, or some foe, who is following me) to boost my speed. The low cool down of Phase Retreat combined with blink makes it very easy to get away from some1.

Well yeah, I use phase retreat to run away from people all the time when needed (if I’m using staff). But then I’m usually in combat anyway, so there’s absolutely no harm in spawning a clone at those chasing me to phase retreat forward.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


How can in combat be better than out of combat if when you’re out of combat you by default are faster than in combat?

Blink, Phase Retreat, iLeap, stealth-skills for repositioning… such things. And it’s not me who made that up. It was said by many Mesmers over and over again, including many of the most well known ones too.

If you mean blink and phase retreat, it can also be done out of combat.

Well yes, but in combat you don’t need to cover the same distances as you need out of combat. Also, Phase Retreat (almost) slows you down out of combat, and surely does not help your traveling speed at all. That’s because travel distance is super-short without a target (doesn’t make up for having to turn 180 degrees twice), and with a target you would get into combat.

For kiting which is very hard to do without extra speed.

Hm well. In that regard, the permanent speed-boost might be a little bit better, although you’ve got plenty of skills to assist you in that, and you also get swiftness frequently with centaur runes. Unless you never get hit and don’t need to heal, in which case kiting shouldn’t be/probably wasn’t a problem anyway.

I like traveler runes. The boon duration means that you get 15% more protection for example which isn’t a small thing on a mesmer,

Hold on. 3 seconds, multiplied by 1.15 gives… 3.45; meaning the runes provide you with (almost) a whopping half second more of protection every once in a while… if you go 3 points into Chaos, that is. Or if you go for a PU build (there it MIGHT add up a bit if you get really lucky with the boons you get). Otherwise, no protection for you whatsoever, assuming you neither use runes that give it (can’t; you use traveler runes) nor do you slot signet of inspiration. Edit: Forgot the 5 seconds base from Chaos Armor. Most people don’t hit you while you have it up anyway, though. And if they do, then because you’re at such low HP already, that the protection won’t make a difference anymore anyway. At least that’s in my experience. Oh, and you also need to be kinda lucky to even GET protection from it in the first place.

also 36 to all stats gives you more healing, more defense, a bit more crit chance(1%) and crit damage(2%),

Yeah… you heal like 36-40 HP more, assuming you use Ether Feast. 36 toughness doesn’t really make a difference. 1% critchance… really? 2% crit-damage… you do 2% more damage with crits. Awesome. If you use your imagination, you might notice a very tiny difference iny our damage-output. 36 power… well yeah, that’s one stack of Might pre-nerf. 36 condition damage… don’t get me started on that, xD. So, what’s left? 360 HP… well, I’d take the 1750 HP instead. Thing is, traveler runes improve every stat, but by such a tiny amount, that it really does not make any noticeable difference.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


but I don’t really like it due to the constant hassle of having to do it mid combat as well

Why would you want to do that mid-combat? As stated before by others, our in-combat mobility is quite good anyway. And I don’t know about you, but I tend to need my healing skill from time to time during a fight, so I will get swiftness anyway.

EDIT: Just read Saturns post, Traveler runes are not bad at all..

Well… 36 points to every stat are really laughable in my opinion. I mean, the difference in damage/survivability they give almost equals zero. And since we normally neither spam a lot of boons (with a long base-duration), nor do 10% condi-duration make THAT big of a difference… the only thing traveler runes have going for them is the movement speed bonus, in which case runes of speed would already be a much better choice. At least those give you a meaningful amount of vitality.

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


There’s a reason for why I run centaur runes even with a condition build. Not optimal, but the only option if I want to get somewhere in time; especially in WvW. No need to acually use your heal-skill btw… just use some transformation tonic. Become a quaggan or a baby dolyak or whatever. Transforming back triggers the swiftness and you still have your heal.

That being said, traveler runes are just terrible imo. A little boon-duration, a little condi-duration and the speed…. the stats are just negligible. I’d rather use runes of speed, but those would be much more defensive (and provide less speed) than centaur runes. Not to mention that centaur runes also allow me to swiftness-buff other slow people around me.

Mesmers have by default the worst ooc-mobility out of all the classes. Phase Retreating forward never worked for me by the way… the distance covered without a target doesn’t make up for turning around twice, so you’re actually slower than with just running. Even Necros can easily have perma-swiftness if they want. And if not, they’ve got the signet. Hmmhmm. Oh well. Gotta love my centaur runes!

Edit: Another thing that could help are runes of the pack and/or a superior sigil of speed.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Final battle and trailer almost made me sick

in Living World

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I’ve done it solo on my Mesmer as well, in full zerker gear. I admit it took me a while and I died a couple of times because I somehow didn’t get the idea that you can kill the shadows while you have the fire-buff. I’ve only ever tried it without the buff and found they are invulnerable. But after complaining in guildchat about my allies not throwing the fire often enough to keep up with the shadows extinguishing the fires I’ve already lit, someone told me that you can actually onehit them as long as you have the fire-buff. As expected, this made it quite a bit easier and I’ve completed it without any major problems. Overall, it was kinda fun. I just hadn’t gotten the idea to try attacking them with the fire-buff yet, because I usually was too busy quickly lighting a new fire when I had the buff (in an attempt to keep up with the extinguishing…) xD. But ya… if nobody would have told me, I would just have looked it up online eventually.

The Second Sylvari Tree ?

in Living World

Posted by: Saturn.6591


What I do wonder is… during the announcement, when they were showing artwork of the expansion… they’ve shown the image of a big tree that looks similar to the pale tree. I instantly wondered if this might be another tree like the one in The Grove; just under the influence of Mordremoth (or maybe not).

Artwork shown during the announcement:

Artwork of the Pale Tree:

As for why some Sylvari get corrupted and others don’t… I do think it might have to do with the mental stability/strength of the individual. Maybe some can resist longer than others. Maybe the nature/strength of the bond to their mother also plays a role, like already mentioned.

Bounty: Warlord of Chaos (Bounty Raised!)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Just a quick update for everyone. I am, as of today, on EU for a couple of weeks. Main targets im going to fight: Holls, Vash, and Helseth. Anyone else is also invited to fight me.

Lol, I just saw this topic now and thought “oh well; you’re on NA anyway”. Then I went to the last page and you’re saying this! xD

Uhm… I might try my luck at some point during those couple weeks you’re on EU. Gonna need to practice some (actually: a lot) more first, though. Also, I’m probably kinda noob compared to all the pr0s out there… and I admit I’ve probably never fought a lockdown Mesmer either. So if we should fight, I’m prolly gonna lose (badly). But hey! You never know! Maybe that’s exactly what will confuse the heck out of you, leaving you so baffled that I win! ;D

Dungeons/fractals - capping precision?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


even though assassins is known to have slightly less dps than berserkers

That’s a common misconception. Assassins (edit: armor and weapons, trinkets are zerk) at full buffs is higher dps than Berserker.

I just was gonna say you dungeon addicts contradict eachother until I saw your edit; though that might still be true. Here’s how I get the idea:

By the way, post-patch makes Full Zerk w/ Scholar do 1,62% more damage than Assassin w/ Ranger due to Might being nerfed to 30 power per stack (currently 1,46%). Feel the nerf ~

Generally spoken though; for all I know, power adds way more to damage than precision; ESPECIALLY since the introduction of ferocity and thus decrease of crit-dmg. The only thing where assassins would be favorable is reflects, since they are calculated with your critchance (and crit-dmg I guess), but the power of the target. At least that’s what I got out of all the posts I’ve read, written by speedrunners and spreadsheet-heroes.

And well… the issue with the reflects is, that you can’t reflect everything. And even the things you CAN reflect, require you to actually know them all and also get the timing right. So I daresay for the normal, a bit more casual player, zerker is the way to go.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Condi Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


This is what I used to run recently, and I must say I’ve had some really nice results with it: *click*

I’m aware that it’s probably quite unusual, as it neither is a shatterbuild, nor is it a PU-build. The reason for the runes is, that there’s seriously nothing that makes more sense if you want to avoid being too slow for anything while not using a focus. At least the power isn’t competely wasted, seeing as iDuelists scale quite well on power... might even help against opponents with lots of condi-cleanse or immunities.

Fix Search Bar

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


1. Wrong subforum.

2. Yeah, the search-function is broken since forever. But the devs are aware of it, and they’ve just (very) recently made those (identical) threads about it: Thread 1 and Thread 2.

Just thought I'd mention...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saturn.6591


^ Lol; I also had no idea that this option exists. And I’m playing this game since the free trial with the Karka attack xD.

But gosh; this feature looks awesome! Totally gonna use it next time I encounter a bug, haha. Just recently had a partymember somehow glitch into a wall/crystal in the Maw-fractal without being able to get out anymore (he was really trapped inside; I could see him in there xD)... the only option was to relog. If only I had known this before; I’d have sent (or make him send) a report! =0

At least it wasn’t a very serious case... I mean, the possibility of it happening again is probably super-low. Otherwise I’d have started a thread in the forum.

Edit: On a sidenote... I see you can even report exploits that way. I only knew about the email before... but I guess if possible (and if it makes sense in the given case), the ingame-option would be preferable.

Edit 2: After taking a look ingame, I’ve noticed that it’s probably once again something I’ve just missed even though it should have been obvious. I only ever used the Esc-menu to access the options, or to log out or get back to char-select... never actually clicked or even really noticed the "Support"-button there. Bleh. Just like I’ve recently read some question about the doves that apparently appear when you send an ingame-mail... I’ve yet, to this day, never noticed/seen them. *facepalms because of myself for once*

(edited by Saturn.6591)

DPS guardian builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


1. How do you get Vulnerability from the mace?

2. The AA-chain of mace takes quite a bit longer to complete than the AA-chains of GS or sword, while the modifiers aren’t that much higher plus GS AA grants Might and sword AA 3rd skill has a higher modifier than mace 3d skill of the chain and also hits multiple times.

To me, it looks like a mace would only be kinda useful for a bunker Guardian, and certainly not in PvE.

I returned to GW2 from ESO...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Just this week I’ve heard from a friend that ArcheAge has huge problems with bots, and that the devs apparently do nothing about it. Also, there are quite a few gamebreaking exploits that apparently are around since launch and don’t get fixed. Like a license to print money.

Then again, I don’t really care. I like GW2 way too much to even think about playing another MMORPG.

Advise on this Meditation build

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


So I guess there’s a big difference in opinions here. Some people in this thread say 5 or 6 points into Radiance is viable. Others say you will die against anything that you can’t kill very quickly if you don’t trait into Honor and/or Virtues. Some say Sword is what you should bring, and some say you would be far better off bringing Scepter instead. And the best thing is, all of them seem to be experienced Guardians.

Whew! I dunno what to believe anymore.

Advise on this Meditation build

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


It does have a significant difference if you take the time to plan out your gear. Which is the nice part about WvW compared to PvP, you actually have a lot of choices. It’s much easier to trait for survivability and utility and then stack offensive stats. However, the opposite is not true, if you trait offensively and go for more defense stats, you’re not going to gain much as in survivability and utility. This is due to the way Guardian’s traits are set up.

For example I threw together this build, it’s probably not 100% optimize because I did it in a minute. However as you can see going into Honor is extremely beneficial. Gives you a nice hp pool to work with. 800 dodge roll heals and 900 when Aegis is removed. Yet you still have a very respectable amount of offensive pressure.

What I do wonder is though, why in the WvW guide in your signature (written by you), not even one of the “Solo Roamer” builds goes more than one point into Honor. In fact, two out of the three builds go 5 or even 6 points into Radiance. Is your guide outdated?

Edit: It probably is. Last edit 6 (or even 8) months ago. Glacial Heart’s cooldown was halved since then (your opinions about traits state it’s bad due to 30 seconds cooldown). Also, the new grandmaster traits are not included yet. Would be great if you could update it at some point, because as it is, it seems to be misleading people into thinking that going 5 or 6 points into Radiance is a good idea even if you’re not a glassy burst one-trick-pony.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Advise on this Meditation build

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


^ But how comes that most Meditation Guardian guides out there (be it for PvP or WvW) go 6 points into Radiance? There are a few others too, but most chose Radiance for some reason. Are you sure that you’re still able to kill stuff if you go 6 points into both defensive traitlines (since you mention the grandmaster minor trait in Honor)?

I’m just curious.

Guardian Videos - High DPS WVW

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Well then… consider me schooled.

THanks for that.

You’re welcome.

Advise on this Meditation build

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Greatsword is really bad damage in solo WvW roaming. It only deals damage if you have someone to keep the enemy in place. Also the blind, vuln, and extra 10% dmg to condition-afflicted enemies all in Radiance far outweighs the cooldown reduction.

That’s right, although I’ve heard people use Judge’s Intervention as soon as they start Whirling Wrath. Also, you can pull people with GS 5 and then use it. Or you can close the distance with the teleport on sword and then weapon swap for chill (if you use a Sigil of Hydromancy on GS) and then use Whirling Wrath. Mind you, I’ve not been able to test all this myself yet, but those are the general strategies I’ve read about. And they seem to work quite well for those players.

Guardian Videos - High DPS WVW

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


It appears to me, that you’ve got a few misconceptions regarding Mesmers, so let me try to clarify some things for you. It might even help you in dealing with them (if they run builds that usually give you trouble).

Mesmers – ug. OK, if they are PU shatter Im screwed..

A “PU shatter” build doesn’t exist. A Mesmer is either PU, or he is shatter. Or something else. But never PU shatter. Because for a shatter build, you’d want Deceptive Evasion (4 into Dueling) and then either Illusionary Persona or Maim the Disillusioned (if condi-shatter) (both 6 in Illusions), which would not leave enough points to go 6 into Chaos to also get PU (Prismatic Understanding). Of course every Mesmer can use shatters, although it normally isn’t advisable unless you go for a real shatterbuild (exceptions are situational, like avoiding damage with your F4 shatter for example). Especially PU builds normally do NOT want to shatter… power PU builds rely on phantasms for damage, and condition PU builds depend on you killing their clones to trigger on-death traits and maybe (sometimes) also on their phantasms. So naturally, they do not want to shatter.

I do WAY too much damage and when it gets refelcted onto me – with confusion bombs – then I am basically killing myself.

Ever since confusion damage got nerfed, it’s no longer the main damage source for condition Mesmers. However, against unexperienced players, it might still do some nice damage, and you seem to be one of them when it comes to Mesmers. First of all, confusion does NOT reflect damage. It does NOT make any difference how much damage you deal. Confusion deals damage to you every time you use a skill. So if you use one skill that deals 6000 damage, you will get way less damage from confusion than if you autoattack 4 times for 4000 damage. So if you have a couple stacks of confusion on you (hint: scepter 3 can actually easily be dodged unless they cast it from stealth so you don’t see the huge windup animation), just cleanse as soon as possible and/or don’t spam skills like a madman for a couple seconds.

They get it too easy – dodge roll clone, cast clone, teleports and stealths – then just shatter. I dont have enough CC or escape skills to make that a fair fight.

PU condi might be easy to play, but they will never kill anybody who knows how to deal with them. And if they shatter, they are not playing PU, for the reasons I’ve explained above. Last but not least, you don’t need superior escape skills if you want to escape from a PU Mesmer, since they usually lack any chasing skills. Most don’t even have access to any kind of increased movement speed.

Oh… one more thing. Well, two things. If a Mesmer is condi PU, avoid killing the clones unless you can do it from range. If a Mesmer shatters, dodge into the clones that are running towards you as soon as they get into melee-range.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

How to work it - mtd [VIDEO]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


And what exactly is there to contribute? This is such an aids/crutch build for players who need the assist in pvp. It’s self explanatory and it’s as simple as just breathing.

Yeah… aids, cancer and possibly also ebola. >_> Also, are you suggesting that everyone that needs a crutch has aids, or that everyone who has aids needs a crutch? o_O

Now on a more serious note, there’s absolutely no need for that attitude of yours. We get it, you are super-pro and fight either with glassy powerbuilds or completely naked, like all real salads do. Everyone else is a vegetable at best. Still, vegetables have their place too, and they are also healthy. So there’s really no need to start attacking everyone that likes to play with those builds.

So I can only second what Pyro just said about builds and stuff. Also, I learned a funny “new” word… “semi-incompetent”. I guess this word applies to all of us sometimes. But there’s always room to improve and get better, which can be quite fun when you start seeing the results.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

My necro makes me wanna cry

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I drop a Mark of Blood.. 2 stacks of bleeding/ 195 per tic and I just watch it tic..

195… 195… 195…. and I wanna cry….

You do know that you’ve got other attacks too, right? Even just autoattacking with your scepter would give you more stacks.

Does Anet have any clue how painful it is to play this class? Freaking guardians are running around ticking 900+ burning. They don’t have to worry about stacks. They don’t have to worry about cleansing. They reapply that burn every three hits of their sword…

Not gonna comment on that, as others already did and I am afraid I might facepalm too hard if I do.

Mages can’t even be crit, stack bleeds faster, and have insane burn duration from their signet….

That burn-duration from the signet is only really good if the opponent doesn’t use any condition cleanse, though. And Eles do NOT stack bleeds faster than a Necro… unless you just use Mark of Blood of course.

don’t even talk to me about mesmers. They are a superior condition class in every way.

Lmao; are you kidding me. When it comes to condis, nothing beats Necros. Especially not Mesmers. Engineers might come close.

I just don’t understand how this class got this bad.

It’s only “this bad” if you refuse to apply any common sense while playing it. I mean, I understand that some Warriors are tempted to hink that autoattacking is all you ever need to do. And that might even be true sometimes (for Warriors). But you don’t even do that. Because if you would autoattack with your scepter, you would already do more damage than if you just drop a single Mark of Blood and watch it tick.

Glint's lair

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


OK in that one you do the same thing. You don’t need to go into the middle to beat him down.
1. Kill the minion.
2. Get the shield.
3. Take the color buff to its color. This causes an attack on the champ.

No it doesn’t. You are talking about the last boss, which is a combination of the previous ones… you need to kill a minion to be able to walk into a crystal with a shield on, so you get the color and (in this fight more important) can switch over the “shield” to the crystal, which in turn lets you destroy it as soon as the boss comes near… which damages the boss, disables the damaging AoE for a while and lets you normally damage the boss again.

He on the other hand is talking about the second boss, which has the AoE-damage that you need the color-attunement for, but no shields that let you destroy the crystals (which would damage the champ if he’s in range). I also found this boss to be a bit annoying at first, but it’s certainly doable. What I did was, that I got the color attunement, walked in on the boss with greatsword (to attack him immediately) and then when I’m in melee-range, I would swap to sword/x and use Blurred Frenzy on it, which guaranteed me a couple more hits. Then I would try to stay behind it and just autoattack, until the timer is running out and I needed to run/double-dodge/blink out of the AoE. You don’t need to trait Blink btw, but of course you can do so if you want. What you can do to further improve this is, to take the mantra that provides stability and stunbreaks. You could even trait it to have 3 charges (and a shorter cooldown). That should be enough to get your attacks through without being interrupted by the boss.

You must rename your character...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Thank you for having me remember why I have turned all other players to standard model ;>


Okay; I was like "wtf" too when I saw it, but I guess that’s the intention behind it xD. ^^

Love seeing the other GW1 folks in this thread... :o)

so long Vizu!

Holy... wow! This looks beyond amazing! *-*


Sorry for off topic. Couldn’t help it, though.


Q&A: shadowstep and walls

in Thief

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Narkodx, youtube would like a word with you:

As was already said, that video is from Beta testing. They probably quickly found out that this shouldn’t be possible, so it was removed from all classes with similar skills.

Saturn —
1) I don’t see how it would make walls useless. That seems like saying that grappling hooks make walls obsolete in real life.

Now, if you really DO want to go with real life arguments here… in real life, you could just cut off the rope if you see grappling hooks being used. You can not prevent a shadowstep from happening. Also, in real life, a single arrow from a defending archer could kill you, and/or make you fall down. In GW2, this isn’t an issue for the attacker at all, since 1. shadowsteps are instant and 2. it needs way more to kill you. Also, did you ever try climbing up somewhere with a grappling hook? If the hook isn’t properly placed, it could lose its grip and you would fall down. It also is kinda taxing, especially with the weight of armor and weapons. If you fail once or twice, even if you wouldn’t have any injuries from falling and/or enemy attacks, you wouldn’t have the strength anymore to try again. But even if one shadowstep fails for whatever reason… you can try again and again and again and again and again…

Also, if this would be possible, nobody would bother with breaking through the walls or gates anymore. Just let a Mesmer blink up the wall and portal the zerg in. Tower/keep taken in 60 seconds on average. And without portal, people would just need to get up there on their own, which doesn’t really take any longer (it would just leave some classes out). Even IF there are enough defenders already for some reason (since there’s no way to get there in time otherwise), then it would be the same thing like zerg vs zerg or guild vs guild fights anywhere else on the map. Which in turn would make towers and keeps obsolete. And thus the whole mechanic with upgrading them. Supply would become almost obsolete too. You could just remove towers, keeps and siege, upgrade the sentrys to the strength of tower lords, the camp supervisors to the strength of keep lords and let them count for PPT like towers and keeps do now.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Advise on this Meditation build

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I would take scepter over sword because two melee weapons are pretty bad (for what I’m assuming to be a wvw roaming build?).

I thought most Meditation-Guards go GS SW/F, though. Since scepter won’t hit a good player that often. And yes, that doesn’t always include me (gosh that scepter AA can hurt over time), but that’s because I lack the practice. Don’t see many Guardians roaming in WvW… well, actually I see less and less people solo-roaming anyway, as most seem to be too scared to run around with less than 3-5 people at once.

I would replace fire sigil on your focus. Having a sigil with 5 seconds cooldown on both weaponsets is not really optimal.

What? Why that?

It does arround the same damage as fire, sometimes more, sometimes less since it’s ignoring armor and it doesn’t share the cooldown with fire sigil.

1. It does less damage than the fire-sigil.
2. It also has a 5 second cooldown, which is a bad thing according to you. Which isn’t the case of course, but you’re kinda contradicting yourself if you suggest to replace a 5 second cooldown sigil with another 5 second cooldown sigil because having a sigil with 5 seconds cooldown on both weaponsets is bad…

On a sidenote, I never was a fan of celestial gear; especially not on anything that isn’t an Elementalist or Engineer.

But yeah. This is my take on a Medi-Guard:

Q&A: shadowstep and walls

in Thief

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Seriously? o.o

Thieves (as well as any other class with similar mechanics) can’t do that because it would make walls pretty much useless. Imagine if a few Thieves could just jump over the walls and go kill the keeplord. It would seriously break WvW.

As for cliffs and other spots – some work, some don’t. It’s a matter of trial and error to find out where it works.

Shadowstep tricks

in Thief

Posted by: Saturn.6591


It’s many thieves only stunbreak, use it for that only. Or if you need to run. It should never be used for offense, much how like lightning flash on ele is. This is just my opinion.

To be fair, there are Elementalists who use Lightning Flash offensively, just like there’s Mesmers who use Blink for offense. But that’s obviously something you should only do if you’re positive that you won’t need it to survive in the next x seconds.

Oh, and you’re talking about the utility skill of course. The other shadowsteps that Thieves have, are almost always used offensively (except IA on Shortbow).

A key thing with using steps to create pressure is to NOT BE PREDICTABLE. These are things to have up your sleeve. BP+Heartseeker and stepping Shadowstep+Infil Signet+Steal won’t make you an MLG 1 shotter all day.

Lol, I’ve just looked up “MLG” on urbandictionary, and found that both definitions may fit sometimes. “Major League Gaming” or "Men Lacking Girlfriends, aka ‘pro’ gamers ".

Exposed - Fix this ability and balance

in Thief

Posted by: Saturn.6591


thief needs to do more damage, need to have more hp/armor and more dodges/CC/Stun


And lol at MOAR dodges…

Lol. A shining example of how to take things out of context.

If Revealed is to last 10+ seconds, thief needs to do more damage, need to have more hp/armor and more dodges/CC/Stun

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I would love to see such videos. You see, I main Mesmer for almost two years by now. But I only rarely do dungeons, and I only do fractals about 0-2 times a week (currently at personal reward level 39). Maybe I would run more dungeons if I would know them better. And I’m also quite sure that I don’t know everything yet about when and what to reflect in fractals… I mean I know some, but far from all.

Wait a minute… PvE needs a guide and/or narration for subtle tricks?

I mean, yes there’s a difference between an experienced Mesmer who’s been around the block, and a Mesmer who’s fresh off the MMO train, but this is PvE we’re talking about. It’s not exactly rocket science.

1. Get off your high horse.
2. I main Mesmer since (almost) two years… but you know… if nobody ever tells you, how are you supposed to learn something? There’s only so much you can learn yourself by trial and error, especially if you’re not playing that content very often and if you do, never with highly experienced parties or even other Mesmers or experienced Mesmers who would be able and willing to teach you some things. And then if someone actually offers to make video-guides (which is an awesome idea imo), he gets comments like “lol PvE so easy only noobs need a guide for it”. Don’t get me wrong… I’ve never had any serious problems in PvE. But I’m also well aware that I still could learn (potentially a lot) more.

Long story short: I’m looking forward to those guides!

PvE Zerk Flamethrower HGH ( Might Stack ) ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Your rifle AA will hit for around 3.5k per shot on this build, given that you just swap into FT to proc #4 and #2 mightblasts.
that are 7k/s just for the rifle AA.
now consider that adding #3 and #5 on the rifle to your rota increases the damage drastically again.

Hold on. How do you manage to get two rifle AA’s in each second, given that the attack rate of Hip Shot is once every 0.84 seconds? If I calculate with that (3500 : 0.84), I get 4166 dmg/s for the AA. Swapping to the flamethrower for the blast finisher would decrease that a bit because it provides 3k/s according to you, although you get 3 stacks of Might so it might make up for it. But how you get 7k/s just for the AA… please explain.

Sinister armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


From my tests, rabid actually gives you more dps than rampagers. I wouldn’t be surprised if rabid would outperform sinister as well but I can’t vouch for that just yet.

That’s actually nearly impossible imo, because the reason why Rabid apparently provides more dps than rampagers is, that the increased precision and the additional power just don’t make up for the loss in condition damage. But since Sinister is like Rabid, just with additional power, it would be very very, VERY weird if it would do less dps than Rabid. Even with something like Runes of the Undead… the additional power will provide more dps than a few hundred more condition damage (that you would get from the toughness with Runes of Undead). This might maybe be different for a Necro auto-attacking with scepter (because Necro scepter scales terribly with power afaik), but for Mesmers, that’s a whole different story.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

D/P Backstabs

in Thief

Posted by: Saturn.6591


It’s wvw, but what am I supposed to be getting on backstabs?

While I’m aware that this is not an_usual (edit: replaced space with _ because kitten xD) number, I was actually once backstabbed for more than 8k when I had 2,8k armor on my Mesmer (playing non-PU-condi with full Rabid and 5 (not 6) points into the Chaos-traitline). Must have been a Thief like Jayden Ennok is desciribing it in the first part of his post.

So I guess 5-6k on targets with high armor would be really nice already.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Mad King Says - When?

in Living World

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Seems to be around 90 minutes after all, as I’ve just managed to be there in time this time.

Mad King Says - When?

in Living World

Posted by: Saturn.6591


So I’m yet to participate in Mad King Says this Halloween. Unfortunately, I tend to only run into it when it’s already running for a while, and when I then try to be there an hour later (well, like 50min later cause it already was running), nothing happens at all. My current guess is, that it might happen every 90min, so I’ll try that… but others told me that it’s probably random or even different depending on which megaserver you happen to be at the time. So… does anybody know? I already have the meta-achievement, but I’d still like to play Mad King Says at least once this year.

I think I figured out who "E" is.

in Living World

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I doubt that Logan is “E”, because:

1. Why would he call himself “E”?
2. He was kinda upset that he didn’t know that Jennah is just an illusion when she was attacked by Scarlet during the ceremony for the Queen’s Gauntlet.