Showing Posts For Saturn.6591:

About mantra's chant (minor bug maybe?)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


MoD > Chuck Norris AND Mr.T

Hardly. I’ve tried it and found it quite useless most of the time. And those two Lockdown Mesmers I’ve actually encountered in PvP (or anywhere, for that matter; never saw one in WvW and obviously even less in PvE xD) so far, seemed to mainly look good because their Thief buddy has beaten the sh.. out of me while I couldn’t do much for a couple of seconds. Meaning they didn’t actually interrupt many skills or so, but mainly kept me dazed/stunned long enough to be stabbed to death.

Maybe it’s different for the really skilled Lockdown Mesmers out there, though. But I’ve yet to actually see one. (I do think some of you guys made videos, though… but how many are you again? 3? 4? Out of thousands of Mesmers…)

Vertical Teleports being removed?!?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Almost all teleport spots, yeah. For example on legacy graveyard you will be able to teleport to the tier 2 ledge but NOT the tier 3 ledge

Ehhh… which ones of those described in the following link would that be? xD

How often you don't play Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


To my humor, every guardian and their mothers are using Tage’s hammer build now. In SPVP where most players are uncoordinated with each other, the build doesn’t exactly perform all that great compared to 21614 GS variant; simply because, the Hammer is a higher risk weapon.

Funny that you say that, because I’ve only ever seen two Guardians using a Hammer so far; one of those was in Skyhammer and might have just been equipped for this map. All the other Guardians (and there are MANY of them) that I’ve seen, were using GS and scepter/focus… some might have been using sword instead of scepter.

Maybe you are playing in NA? I’m talking about EU Unranked here.

This is strictly NA. Right after WTS, every Guardian I saw was using hammer. Even the few unranked games that I played.
As a matter of fact the 3 Guardians in our 2v2 tournament were running hammer too. It’s a thing.

Lol okay. That reminds me; I think I might have seen a third Guardian with hammer. I mainly remember because one of my team once found it’s a good idea to Banish the person I was stomping for no apparent reason… or maybe it was a Longbow Ranger… I really don’t remember haha. But yeah. If I wouldn’t have seen it on metabattle a couple days ago, I would never have guessed that hammer is the actual meta for Guardians currently. And I also think the last time I’ve seen a Guardian using hammer was actually BEFORE the WTS finals.

Engi day.......Again?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


and actually had high burst/sustain in pve for speed runs

Actually, according to DnT, Engi is on place 3 in terms of DPS right after Elementalist and Thief, and can also bring a lot of utility to the party (might stacking, vulnerability, stealth, reflects, etc). Problem there is more, that it’s apparently also quite hard to actually get to that DPS; according to Brazil it has the highest skill cap of all classes in that regard.

Lions Arch workers on strike!!

in Lore

Posted by: Saturn.6591


(when they removed scavengers and added in the crafting stations again).

Hmmm… I don’t remember having ever seen any scavengers. o.o

With that being said; I seem to have no memory whatsoever of Lion’s Arch between the evacuation event and the return of the crafting stations and stuff…


The return of Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


then get rid off Skyhammer, wtf likes that anyway except for bloody rank farmers. ..

I like Skyhammer from time to time. Not too frequently, though. I also know there’s people who really love the map.

I dunno how you would farm ranks, though. Even less do I know how you would be able to do that better on Skyhammer than on any other map. After all, you get the most rank-points from winning a match… and you can’t know if you will win or not until you actually play. Sometimes you don’t even know it until the match is over.

How often you don't play Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


To my humor, every guardian and their mothers are using Tage’s hammer build now. In SPVP where most players are uncoordinated with each other, the build doesn’t exactly perform all that great compared to 21614 GS variant; simply because, the Hammer is a higher risk weapon.

Funny that you say that, because I’ve only ever seen two Guardians using a Hammer so far; one of those was in Skyhammer and might have just been equipped for this map. All the other Guardians (and there are MANY of them) that I’ve seen, were using GS and scepter/focus… some might have been using sword instead of scepter.

Maybe you are playing in NA? I’m talking about EU Unranked here.

Engi day.......Again?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I like how every other day, someone makes a new thread about the very same thing. And in every single one of those threads, at least one person will think it’s random.

There must be at least 5 threads about this by now. Possibly more. And that’s just the PvP-subforum.

Your Reasons for Not Taking Portal?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I’ve got to agree with some things that others already have said. If I would 1. be glassy shatter and 2. play in a coordinated team, then sure. I would take portal. But since I play MtD shatter and normally queue solo, I’d rather take that condi-removal. Whenever I’ve tried running without it, it would sometimes happen that I escaped a fight that I couldn’t win, but got downed by that burning and/or bleeding that was still ticking on me and which I couldn’t remove. It sucks to watch your character die slow and painfully without being able to do anything about it. :P

Edit: A lower cooldown would maybe also make me reconsider.

Mesmer discrimination

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


If you’re playing solely for the daily there’s faster ways to get it.

If you dont fall into the above category, then why bother ?

Well, it would be nice to be able to finish a daily every once in a while without switching to another profession or needing to go into WvW or PvE for the third one. But if your main is a Mesmer or Necro, you’ll almost never have that happen; while it happens almost all the time for some of the other classes, and quite frequently for the other ones.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Now, you say we do not want dailies that do not encourage any bad behaviour. Yet, you praise the posts of Shyio and Lopez, who both proposed “win x matches” as a daily. How would that be any different from what we have now? People will just afk as soon as they think the match will be lost, so they can get into another match more quickly.

We’ve had daily wins in the past. Did this occur often?

I can’t really speak about the past, since I didn’t play much PvP back then. But I do know that it happens nowadays, and I think there’s not much difference between “win x matches with profession y” and “win x matches with any profession” in that regard. Bout frequency… well; luckily it doesn’t happen super-often, but often enough. It’s hard to measure, because you do not always have those games that look like they might be lost. But it definitely has happened a few times that one or even two of my team decided to go afk. And today (well; yesterday by now) I’ve had a match where the opposing team suddenly only had 3 players remaining, because the other two apparently did not just go afk, but left the match for good.


That’s sort of what I’m getting from this thread. Any disagreement?

I agree.

I think a report-option would be good and probably be the only thing that could make people with no honor think twice about just going afk. I once was gonna report a guy who went afk and complained about the team and the match and everything else except himself of course. But I ended up not doing so, because what should I report for… botting? Not really. Verbal abuse? Well, as long as he doesn’t throw around insults and/or uses foul language, that’s not correct either. So yeah… a fitting report-option would be a good thing, I guess.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I think it’s an awful idea. Here’s why (copied from reddit):

The game gives a lot of points to your personal score for things that often aren’t actually helpful to your team. For example:

  • Destroy enemy trebuchet (15 pts): Only helps if the enemy are using the trebuchet in Battle of Kyhlo throughout the game.
  • Forest creature kill (25 pts): Time spent killing the mob on Forest of Niflhel is almost always better spent helping your allies with defending/attacking a capture point.
  • Guild Lord kill (25 pts): Killing the enemy guild lord on Legacy of the Foefire gives your team 150 points, but if you leave your team outnumbered you risk losing control of the map, and once that happens it may be impossible to fight your way back into the game.
  • Skirmisher (10 pts): If you are having fights away from capture points, you could simply be wasting your time while your opponents accumulate points from capture points that you aren’t contesting.
  • Objective Neutralized/Capture (10 pts): The time it takes to neutralize/capture a point is the same no matter how many players are standing on the spot. Only one person needs to do this, and anyone else standing on the same capture point will be a lot more useful going elsewhere on the map.
  • Kills (5 pts + bonuses): Joining in on a fight that your team is already winning isn’t really making a contribution, and as with the above your time will be better spent elsewhere.

I think 200 points specifically is an absurd marker, if you have a game that is a total stomp it’s not even possible because the match ends so quickly. I might top 200 points in a close game, but even then it’s not because I was MVP.

The problem is not really with the practicality of any particular point threshold, but with the reasons given above. PvP is a competitive game mode, you should be encouraging players to work with their team to win instead of completing some laundry list of side quests.

Hm yes, that’s right. But the question is, what could you do instead? I mean, as it is, many players still give killing Svanir/Utaheim a high priority at the start of a match. You still see 3 players cap close at the beginning. So what the daily point system would change is, that you might see it a bit more often, but in exchange you might see afk-ing players less often. I’m aware it is not optimal, though. But so far, no option seems to be optimal.

Let’s see…

Win x amount of matches: Same as win x matches with y profession; some people will go afk on matches that might be lost
Play x amount of matches: Some people will go afk on every match
Kill x players: Some people fight off point

As I see it, it’s not really possible to make a daily requirement that can in no way be completed through unwanted behaviour. Thus, the most optimal choice would be which “unwanted behaviour” would have the least amount of negative impact on the performance of your team in a match. Which I guess is part of what we are trying to figure out in this thread.

Mesmer discrimination

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I would imagine the dailies are on set schedules.

Yes they are.

You might think that mesmers get the daily less then other classes but that is almost certainly not the case,

It IS the case. While other classes get to have a daily almost every other day, Mesmer and Necro only have a daily 2-3 times a month or so.

How to enjoy Solo sPVP advices and video

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I wish more people would have your attitude.

What is ShoutBow Warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


WHo rolls a High HP Heavy Armored melee class to run around as a horn blower with a bow? Its a ridiculous premise and shameful that this is one of the only viable builds for Warrior class!

At least you have multiple viable builds (for high-level play even).

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


@Gates: pay no attention to Saturn if he can’t be bothered to read the rest of the thread.
Saying, “well, people already do [x bad behavior] anyway, so at least this other bad option isn’t quite as bad” completely undermines the entire point that we don’t want any dailies that encourage [bad behavior] in any way.

You sir, are an… no, I better don’t say the word. Because you know… I’ve actually read the entire thread, unlike you it seems. You seem to at the very least have skipped my posts and also the actual question at hand. And instead of DISCUSSING about my idea, you just tell people to not pay attention to it.

Nowhere did I say that none of the other ideas is any good and mine would be the best. I’ve merely thrown another idea into the pot of ideas. You know… for discussion. Brainstorming. Whatever you want to call it.

The reasoning behind my idea was, that it would be close to what we have now, just that it would NOT encourage bad behaviour (afk-ing and such). It would encourage active contribution no matter if you’re winning or losing, while still being able to be tied to a specific class.

Now, you say we do not want dailies that do not encourage any bad behaviour. Yet, you praise the posts of Shyio and Lopez, who both proposed “win x matches” as a daily. How would that be any different from what we have now? People will just afk as soon as they think the match will be lost, so they can get into another match more quickly. My idea on the other hand, would encourage them to still contribute. Now OF COURSE it might lead to people double-capping points and stuff. But guess what… THEY ALREADY DO THAT. And that’s WITHOUT my daily-idea. So they WILL keep doing it no matter what, unless you make it a daily “play x matches without double-capping any point”. My daily idea does NOT encourage any bad behaviour, unlike (part of) those you praised lol.

How often you don't play Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Well, as I said before, glassy power shatter Mesmer and portal are good in skilled and coordinated teams who play together all the time. Outside of this very specific scenario, they usually are more a liability than anything else (unless maybe the person who plays it outskills his opponents by a very high margin). So if I want to play Mesmer (it’s my main after all) in PvP, I rather play condi-shatter… helps my team so much more than if I’d play glassy shatter and die all the time cause my team doesn’t peel for me.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


The only issue I see with this is it encourages you do go for whatever grants you the most points, not helps you team the most. For example, the trebuchet grants a lot of points, as does getting lots of decaps. I could see players purposely standing on points together to cap it just so they get the personal points. This certainly happened when personal points gave you equal rank points. Going for the bosses on forest is 25 points, which is definitely not always the optimal thing to go for.

Well; (way too many) people already do that anyways. And it would still be better than just sitting at spawn (and possibly insulting the team and/or demanding to let the other team win quickly) because your team is 100 points behind (ignoring the fact that this very well can change).

Let’s say the daily was literally this:

  1. Daily Match Winner (Win 2 Practice, Unranked or Ranked Matches).
  2. Daily Map Player (Play on two distinct maps)
  3. Daily Kills (Kill 20 players)

This means you could probably get your dailies done in two matches and the effect on the gameplay itself would be minimal. Would you be okay with this as the daily every day?

Hmmm… doesn’t sound too bad I guess. Lacks a bit of the variation that’s kinda a main thing for the dailies, though.

How often you don't play Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


^You really seem to think that PU is the only condi-spec that Mesmers could possibly play, right? I assure you that MtD-shatter has enough condition pressure for most encounters.

So, let’s see. In a coordinated, pre-made team that is on the skill-level of the top teams, then yes. Shatter Mesmer might be the most viable choice due to what it can bring; especially since against coordinated top teams, condi Mesmer might not help a lot either.

But now you take a few steps down and think about queuing solo (or as a team that doesn’t always play in exactly the same constellation) against average players, with average players. Power shatter would be Thief-food, and that’s about it. They are also one-trick ponies and lack the sustain for prolonged fights. Totally unvaluable for this scenario. As condi-shatter, I can do so much more. I can quickly defeat many opponents 1vs1, and I can also often hold my own for a reasonable amount of time 1vs2 or 1vs3 even, until help arrives. I’ve actually even won 1vs2 before, although I have to admit those players must have been kinda bad (or I was just lucky). Then you also mention portal. Well; portal is really good in coordinated teams that know how to take advantage of it. But outside of that, it’s almost completely useless, and I’d rather take something that helps me and my team more.

How often you don't play Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Because how would you get worthless nonsense ppl running condi mesmers and zerk gs wars running around like headless chickens 24/7 while you soloq then?

I seriously do hope that the “worthless nonsense” part was directed at “running around like headless chickens”, and not at the builds.

That being said; the word “meta” is kinda amusing me sometimes. Yesterday, after defeating a turret Engineer (which some call super-cheesy nonetheless) with a CONDI Mesmer (MtD shatter)… he kept on raging in mapchat about me being a noskill-PU-n00b (I don’t even run 6 points into Chaos and only have one source of stealth…) who can only play noskill-metabuilds… right; that came from a turret Engineer defeated by a condi-Mesmer. If I wouldn’t have been busy killing his friends who rushed in on me one by one, I would probably have facepalmed so hard that I might have hurt myself in the process.

BROKEN - Reflect Consistency

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saturn.6591


…and then I thought it says “projectile reflection” for a reason. Nowhere does it say that grenades are considered to be projectiles.

Edit: According to definition, I guess grenades could be considered projectiles. However, since they are so different from what you’d normally consider a projectile (and they (luckily) do not act as a projectile finisher), this can easily be missed. I’d never have gotten the idea that you can actually reflect grenades. Good to know, I guess.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Mes, Nec, and Ranger need buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


1. Piercing Arrow + Quick Draw:
Ok, let’s face it, these 2 traits really have no reason to waste 2 MASTER traits just to get the function that every other classes have. Warrior gets both -CD AND piercing with one ADAPT TRAIT, yet ranger needs TWO MASTERS? How does that make any sense?
Engineer’s rifle only has -CD because rifle pierces on default. Mesmer’s GS -CD gives bonus stat, and also has piercing on default. Thief only has piercing trait because their weapon skills have no CD, thus -CD is meaningless. Ele scepter pierces on default too.
Why is Ranger the only class that need to sacrifice so much just to do the same thing every other classes got it for granted?

Because all those classes do not have skills like Rapid Fire.

BROKEN - Reflect Consistency

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Hold on; since when are grenades reflectable (as claimed by like, everyone in this thread)? o.o

They aren’t projectiles after all.

Always look at the minimap please

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Sadly the players that need to read this don’t bother with the forums. Most people that play seem to have tunnel vision and treat conquest as deathmatch, for example 3 people chasing 1 person off point while we get 2 capped

I’ve once had a match where my 4 teammembers were fighting a single Thief off-point for like 5 minutes, while I was desperately trying to cap a point… obviously, I didn’t really manage to do so xD.

[PvP] Guide with Phase Retreat Spots!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Lmao Rome; did you not see that this was like… mentioned and linked right above your post?

And well, I personally have no idea what might be affected and what not. What counts as a horizontal teleport, and what counts as a vertical one?

Making the best out of boring que waits...

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Hahahaha XD

Epic xD. ^^

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I didn’t actually get any comments to my previous idea, so I’m not sure if anyone has actually seen it. So, allow me to mention it again and elaborate on it:

My idea was/is, to make it “Gain 200 points personal score (with class xy).” You can tie this to a profession, or not. The reason why I think this might work better is:

1. You do have to actively play and thus contribute
2. The more you contribute, the faster you have your daily done
3. It’s not tied to win or loss, so it still helps your daily progress if you help in a match that might be lost (meaning players will not be encouraged to just go afk to make the match end faster)

What do you think?

Edit: And of course… please, if you tie it to a class, make all classes have an equal chance of being chosen. Put it on RNG at least.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

How often you don't play Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Why would you not play meta builds?

Because some meta-builds are less viable in uncoordinated teams than non-meta builds are.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


On question is it just perception or are some profession on the daily more often than others?

Scroll a bit up and you’ll find your answer. Sometimes, reading a topic before posting in it pays off.

As for how to improve the dailies… hmmm; what if you make it something like “earn 200 points personal score (with profession x)”. This would actually encourage players to at least go and contribute even if the match might be lost, instead of just afk-ing.

If You Want to Win...

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Thanks; that makes sense.

If You Want to Win...

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Not telling you don’t play condi mesmer btw. Just letting you know why it isn’t considered ‘optimal’.

Well, thanks.


10.) Never let your opponents escape nearly-dead

Uhm, following scenario: You fight 1vs1 to cap a point. Your opponent is nearly dead, but manages to start running away (GS-Warrior, Ele with Mistform or whatever)… you can try to chase and kill, or actually cap the point. What will you chose to do?

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Nvm the fact that the rotation for daily winner seems skewed. Is it just me or is warrior more regular than mesmer??

There’s already quite a few threads about that. Research has shown that the profession dailies are not based on rng, but fixed, as they repeat exactly the same way every month. Also, Mesmer and Necromancer are indeed super-rare. Other professions have dailies 2-4 times more often.

Who wins?

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


In the event of a tie, the team with higher total personal scores wins. If both teams have exactly the same personal score totals, the server crashes and deletes everyones accounts.

Lol XD

If You Want to Win...

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Problem with condi mesmer is mesmer is someone who takes nodes, not defends them, or that’s how it should work.

Burnguard has more than one condition when you factor in sigils and it is quite hard to keep burning cleared. Unlike condi thief a guardian can stand on point and tank. Stealth mechanics on mesmer and thief make them easier to decap. Thief especially is not exactly tanky with carrion or rabid, so they’re not hard to kill. At the end of the day shatter mesmer and power thieves do the job better.

Those two builds just aren’t winning formulas.

Hm well, with condi shatter Mesmer, my only stealth is torch 4, which I mainly use if I need to get away or in group-fights (to alleviate pressure or to hide certain skill-animations). I would also say that I win most of my 1vs1, so I often take nodes that are defended by a single opponent. Thus, I can also take nodes, just like power-shatter. I also often can occupy 2 (sometime 3 if they are really bad) opponents for a while (I doubt that a glassy shatter can do that). I dunno, but I feel like condishatter brings much more to the table than power-shatter if you play more casually (meaning not planning to go and win the big tournaments). Power-shatter can be great and really shine, but they are more dependent on a team that knows how to support them. IF, and only IF that’s the case, they probably are indeed the more viable option.

If You Want to Win...

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


No, they’re not by the simply fact that you can down someone faster when you burst them than by just applying conditions.

That really depends imo. There’s this thing called condi-burst. And while I can condiburst and then uphold a solid dps with condis afterwards, many burst-builds are on cooldown once their initial burst is gone.

You need to build up conditions on someone to kill him (duh), and if that person avoid some of the most important conditions or just cleanse them, it’s just time wasted being useless and not making any pressure.

Most can’t cleanse everything all the time. And if you can avoid “some of the most important condis”, you can also avoid one single burst. The difference is, after a powerburst, your opponent often has a lot of stuff on cooldown. After a condi-burst, you’re still getting loaded up with a lot more condis.

On the other hand, power builds are more effective because you keep the pressure all the time with AAs and with some bursty skills (Shatter, Backstab, Fresh Air, Med Guards everywhere), and you can’t just cleanse direct damage or bursts~

Yes, you can’t cleanse bursts. But you can dodge them and then they’re wasted. Good luck with dodging a steady flow of condis. Most players can’t handle that for very long.

Just imagine a team fight, where some class with cond spec is trying to kill a key target, and in the same team there is someone running some burst spec and trying to kill the same target, who will kill the target first? Even in a 2×2 or 1×1 bursts are more effective than conditions because you can delete someone faster by landing a good burst than taking time to build up conditions.

If the first burst is dodged, I’m probably faster with condis. Not to mention that if you want to burst, you are very glassy yourself and might die yourself before you get another chance to burst.

DD ele obviously has more than enough condition clear. Shoutbow check. S/F ele check. Terrormancer should be fine in most cases. Engies not so much.

Burst condis after DD Ele switched out of water attunement. Shoutbow dunno; didn’t see many of those… or maybe I did, but Warriors are totally beatable. Unless they use their GS to run away, but that’s more an issue in WvW than it is in PvP. S/F Ele might be a problem if they jump me. Then again, the same is even more true for a glassy build. Not like I’d actually have seen many S/F-eles, though. Terrormancer… well, I’ll give you that one. If they are at least decent, that is. Engies… again, depends on skill. Ranges from easy kill to unbeatable, but I daresay it’s easier with a condibuild than with a powerbuild.

With builds like condi mesmer on my engie I can just kite away from them if I have to and they can’t do anything.

This works for the Condi Mesmer as well. As long as you kite away, you are not on point. If you attack from far, the Mesmer could do the same or just kite in the opposite direction… and if you return to the point, the Mesmer can do so as well and you’re in close range again.

If you play builds because noobs die to them then you need to rethink what you are actually doing.

Well, if everyone who’s not in one of the top teams is a noob, then I don’t mind, really.

Not to say all condi builds on all classes are bad. Obviously burnguard, condi engie, condi rangers are all very strong 1v1ers.

Funny that you mention burnguard, when condi-builds on Guardians used to be considered ridiculously bad for like, years. Guess that changed. But tell me… if Guardians with one single condition are that great, why is a condi Mesmer or a condi-Thief bad in comparison? Both can stack many more conditions, and that quite quickly. Mesmers even have burning too.

If You Want to Win...

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


3) Check your builds. There’s a lot of useless builds like condi mesmer, condi ele, and condi thief lately.

I disagree. Condi builds can be very viable and melt your opponents quickly if played right. They are just “not viable” in really high-end PvP, meaning when facing organized premade-teams in top 100 or so. That’s a small percentage. Everywhere else, condi-builds are perfectly viable.

please anet buff turrets eng

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


The only thing I can do on condi shatter Mesmer if a turret Engi has made himself comfortable on a point, is to hope my staff clones can put enough pressure on him to get him low (which takes quite long anyway). If he’s low, I’ll go in and try to burst him down with shatters and then stomp before I die. However, during all that time, their team has the point and I could be helping somewhere else. Also plenty of time for him to get help. I can’t kill the turrets and I can’t go on point for more than like 5-10 seconds or so because I will die. Really; all the Engi has to do is to have his turrets between him and me/my clones and I’ll likely never manage to kill him. Luckily, not all turret Engis actually play well enough, so I sometimes manage to kill them more quickly. It’s still very risky for me, though.

Now there’s definitely classes/builds that do better. Pewpew Rangers for example should pretty much hard-counter turret Engis. Power-based Mesmers would also do better; assuming they use a GS.

tPvP - Power Necromancer Montage + Build

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Chaos is jealous now, since mesmers can’t do the same

We don’t have to! There’s an F4-shatter for such things. ;D

On a sidenote; I’m kinda tempted to try your build out with my Necro at some point. ^^

Haha feel free to do so! If you need help, just ask.

BTW, don’t forget portal stomp… My inner necro is jealous now

Hehe thanks; might do so if needed.

And I personally do not really use Portal on my Mesmer in PvP… but I just remembered that I maybe should try Phase Retreat —> Blink stomping at some point.

Sentry turrets need to increase in price

in WvW

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Lol; I didn’t even know they exist.

Then again, I’ve never really played EotM for longer than 10-20 minutes either. It’s hard to tell which map is worse… EotM or EB. Usually won’t see me on either of those xD.

please anet buff turrets eng

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


/flame !!!
I play ele and eng from a long time. I don’t play turrets eng but i think anet should buff this build . The reason is simple :
– a condi eng or a celestial eng with nades can kill you spamming nades and condi from far
– a staff ele can kill you , a s/f ele can kill you , a d/f ele can kill you , a d/d ele with gs or frostbow can kill you (any ele with frostbow should can kill you )
– an hambow can kill you
a condi mesmer can kill you
a condi ranger can kill you
– a pew pew ranger , can kill you if you don’t have reflect on turrets .
a condi necro i suppose can kill you
– probably there are many other builds that can kill you if played correctly ..
In my opinion this build is not so OP … so they should buff it.

As a condi-Mesmer, I disagree. Of course I can kill you IF I’m playing smarter than you, but that means I have to (successfully) fight you while being out of range of your turrets, which is kinda hard to do xD. I also can’t actually destroy your turrets, because I lack the power to do so in a reasonable amount of time. This is most likely true for every condition build.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

tPvP - Power Necromancer Montage + Build

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Chaos is jealous now, since mesmers can’t do the same

We don’t have to! There’s an F4-shatter for such things. ;D

On a sidenote; I’m kinda tempted to try your build out with my Necro at some point. ^^

Show Me Your Wings!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saturn.6591


My issue with those wings is, that they appear more like some garment than actual wings that the character can control. I wouldn’t want them to flap constantly like other wings do (since they are too big for that and it would look silly), but some idle-animations like stretching them a little bit (not too much) or just some more movement from time to time would be great and make them look more alive (yes I’m aware that there’s already some slight animation going on). But I guess you can’t give idle-animations to backpieces… either an animation plays constantly, or not at all.

tPvP - Power Necromancer Montage + Build

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591



You mean stomping in Lich form and the screaming in TS about breaking the game (no idea why you’d think that btw)?

I knew people wouldn’t get it >.>
The screaming wasn’t on TS, but was the audio of a popular vine going around. And the ‘breaking the game’ was a joke >.<

Oh. Might be because I’ve only ever read about Vine (by coincidence) once a few weeks ago. Never heard about it before and never heard about it again since then. ^^

GM Proheals is running around WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Here’s my toon:

So pretty! And determined!

Here’s my Norn with the moon in the background for mood lighting:

Looks like a nice guy overall, but who might have a habit of simply devouring any cheater he finds. =D

Why am I even commenting on the looks of GM-characters… xD

Anyway; thanks for the good work, guys! Keep it up!

tPvP - Power Necromancer Montage + Build

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591



You mean stomping in Lich form and the screaming in TS about breaking the game (no idea why you’d think that btw)?

Anyone have that all-mesmer zerg video?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


And then I thought you’re talking about this one:

I really like the intro… translated it would mean something like this: “Why do I walk so slow and you so fast?” – “Because you are a Mesmer, because you are a Mesmer”

Edit: I want an empty line after the link for the sake of all the cute kitten… xD

(edited by Saturn.6591)

lazy illusions?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


To be fair the Zerg has been asked to pvd a door. Played damage door as they are ramming golem whatever. The request does happen. I agree the damage is trivial but every little bit helps.

Well; even if you just do the total damage of one or two ram-hits… it might be just what you need to cap the structure before the enemy zerg arrives.

Any point of playing Mesmer solo in WVW?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


What’s wrong with backpeddling? It can be useful when dropping clones, and dodging forward.

I didn’t watch the video yet, but I think what’s meant is backpedaling. It is not optimal (especially if you do it often and/or for longer than a second or so) because moving backwards is slower than moving normally. It’s also much easier for a Thief to get behind you that way. Thus, it’s usually better to move forward, sideways or in a close arc (if you need to change direction by 180 degrees)… or you hit the about-face key, which you need to keybind first.

PvP Knockback Minigame

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Sounds like fun. ^^

Another fun thing to do that I’ve recently discovered (as in getting to know of it), is this:

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I’m just gonna quote myself here:

According to wiki-research, there’s two PvP class-winner slots. Slot 1 is shared between Guardian, Mesmer, Ranger and Thief; and slot 2 between Elementalist, Engineer, Necromancer and Warrior. So, from december 12th to february 20th, we’ve had the following professions chosen:

Slot 1:
Guardian: 24
Thief: 20
Ranger: 11
Mesmer: 9

Slot 2:
Engineer: 21
Elementalist: 20
Warrior: 15
Necromancer: 8

Looks like RNG is kinda biased here. Although of course it MIGHT equal out in the next year or two or so, but still…

But yeah, it’s still possible to get those results with randomness. But currently, RNG seems to dislike Mesmers and Necros, and really love Guardians, Thieves and Engineers with a passion. ^^