Soo.......What's The Best Build/ Weapon Combo for Necro?????
in Necromancer
Posted by: Shelledfade.6435
Either dagger (dagger is basically pve only) or conditionmancer.
Conditionmancer in my opinion is overall better and the only build that makes sort-of sense compared to the rest. (still leaves a lot to be desired).
That’s about it.
According to Jon Peters, nobody, even myself with 236 hours played as a necromancer, can play this class properly or hasn’t played it properly yet.
Next thing you know he’ll be telling us what is fun, instead of ourselves deciding what fun should be; if you catch my drift.
People always talk about conditions, but what about power?
in Necromancer
Posted by: Shelledfade.6435
There is no power build, you only get power as a conditionmancer because you need the condition duration buff, which also makes you a glass cannon unless you decide to replace it with toughness, then you don’t use it at all.
So it’s OK for every other class to play several roles, but necro MUST be a one-trick pony with a lame trick?
Echoing this because it shares my sentiments regarding this class.
OP basically echoed my thoughts and what I said before regarding necro down to the letter.
I’m going to reroll warrior, since I’ve been ranged so long I decided to go melee and warrior has fantastic burst dps (something the necro doesn’t have at all) so I’m going with that for my reroll.
Just want to say that the OP echoed my thoughts exactly and I pretty much agree with all of what he had to say regarding the necromancer.
The developer saying death shroud hasn’t been utilized correctly or that people haven’t played the necromancer correctly thus far, well I lost all confidence in this class immediately. All the patches with updates to other classes and nothing at all on the necromancer also leaves a bitter taste in my mouth considering the dire shape it is in not only with traits/minions not working correctly, but the fact that a lot of them are just bad and the traits aren’t setup correctly so that we can make different fully balanced builds because right now it doesn’t offer that whatsoever.
Jon if you’re reading this, I’ve played my necro for 236 hours now. Don’t tell me, or anyone else, we haven’t used death shroud in a build to it’s fullest potential, because it makes you look blind on the issues with necromancer and it just makes you look bad.
It doesn’t function well with other almost every build you can make properly with a necromancer, making it nearly useless and only as an escape /need to live longer/ button. That is it’s only function with almost all the builds.
It only functions decently at all, with a dagger build because of the siphon trait, and that is still mediocre compared to what other classes can do.
The necromancer is dead to me until it’s fixed, and my 236 hour lvl 80 necromancer will be a bench warmer until a patch comes out to fix it.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
Kinda got that icky vibe reading his comments about Necro’s being fine this week. It was like flashbacks to spring and the various early Dev comments on the D3 forums. And in reality I don’t care what they do to Necro’s.
I’m more erked by the nature of the conversation and the attitude it implied. The way, some, developers have this tunnel vision of their product and because of it fail to actually in any way grasp how things are actually working. And thus auto-patronize their language when speaking in a defensive measure to protect their “vision” rather than the reality around them.
So Jon….“should I be thankful” for how Necro’s currently work???
Absolute denial is the only thing that makes any sense. No offense to this developer or any Gw2 developer but his statements were frankly ridiculous.
I’ll be rerolling a warrior until they decide that this class needs serious rework and isn’t balanced at all. Death shroud is a joke.
Here’s my broken necromancer. Sigh.. such a shame, so much effort wasted on a borked class….
Essentially 1v1 with Mesmer, you die. As a necro 1v1 with anyone, you die. Its just the current state of the game sadly.
This. Sadly in s-pvp we are one of the throwaway classes that aren’t that useful.
I managed to almost take down a guardian 1v1 in spvp an hour ago, then he used his elite skill and healed, then killed me with 80% HP.
It was thrilling “almost” killing one of the better classes in the game, the adrenaline rush was awesome. Then only disappointment came.
Stability when entering DS is a lifesaver!
That said, I’m quite disappointed in the Blood Line – Life Siphoning is pretty weak and several of the traits appear to still be bugged/not working at all.
It’s interesting that they have made lifesteal for the Necromancer so weak since the class lacks burst damage – perhaps they were trying to balance the fact that DS gives great survivability if used correctly, and that lifesteal would make us beast disease tanks (which I would have no problem with!).
Then again, I thought every class was built to fill every role? If so, more skills that add % dmg per condition (a la feast of corruption) could solve that problem pretty effectively
If necro fills a roll, burst damage isn’t one of them.
I was interested in the blood traits as well. The healing just isn’t good enough to be useful. If they were afraid to touch it they should have just removed life leech and made daggers have very high dps for necro, and just let us use the siphon skill for heals since we would need that in melee. That siphon skill definitely needs to be better though.
Holy hell, I get the guy near almost death and he gets FULL health back… ? Like, FULL HP ? I am specced to turn buffs into conditions yet it only takes off a couple of buffs and the dude just rebuffs fast as hell and takes the conditions off himself.
So he did one of two things. He used the skill 5 of his elite which takes around 5 seconds to cast after casting the elite which take another 2 seconds or so to cast. Or he has really low hp and used healing signet.
Not only that but he has more health than I do, and does more damage than I do. Wtf?
Something here doesent sound right due to the first part you said he healed to full. As a necro you start with over 18k hp. As a guardian if i dump into vit i can get over that but i dont have any damage so to speak. Not to mention if i have healer elite skill that further nerfs me. Now if he infact doesent have vit gear hes setting around 10k or so hp which is impossible for a necro to be that low.
I’m supposed to be spec’d to deal with guardian lmao… I mean you’ve got to be kidding. I have a spell that is directly supposed to counter them (turns buffs into conditions) and it didn’t do jack diddly squat to this guy in the long run.
Just to point out we also have a skill that converts all conditions on us to boons. Or if rolling greatsword can purge all conditions every 10 seconds.
So all things being said you very clearly dont know guardians. Yes we can hit like a truck or we can be the bane of your conditions but we wont be all of it at once. As i said before you sound like you cant play. Or you have no idea what you were fighting. One or the other.
What exactly is your damage if you spec’d like this guy did? I want to compare it to my own. Also I think this guy had a shield and a 1hand sword or something if memory serves. He was shooting ranged blue attacks at me, he also stunned me into a blue circle at one point.
Dude it’s pretty easy to push buttons and dodge at the correct times… lol saying I can’t play a necromancer after 200 hours of playing one is insulting kid.
Playing for 200 hours doesent mean you can play, it just means you spent a lot of time on the character. And specced to take on a condition necro i would do at tops maybe 200-300 damage non crit. Sword and shield im not going to have massive condition removal. Most likely he had a greatsword. So over all for condition necro he pribally was around 20k-23k hp with a full vit build with healing elite and multiple condition removal abilities. Hes not going to be doing damage. As for calling me kid. Get off your high horse. You need to do some research on a class before you start crying in there threads.
I’m not on a high horse, you apparently are though. May want to come down from up there bro.
Your class is straight up better than mine in every single way, that is obvious, and your telling me I need to research it more? For what lol? So I can read in detail why and how your class is so much better than mine is? I think I’ll pass.
My class is not any better.
LOL! Sorry, stopped reading here. If you want me to take you seriously then you better post something with some actual substance and actual context in what we’re discussing at the moment. Necromancer is one of the worst classes in spvp right now, and you’re telling me your guardian class, one of the most OP classes in the game, is not any better?
Wow…. you have certainly never played spvp before have you? Otherwise you would know first-hand how bad necros are.
“My class isn’t any better, even though every structured group in a tournament has one but you would be hard pressed to find a necro in one.”
Yeah bro… we’re really the same… lmao.. Even though I just died and the guy had 80% health left, but yeah, you aren’t better at alllll.
Not only are you better 1v1 than us, but your better at support and can likely take more damage.
That’s just with that build, you probably do more damage than our max damage output is, which is condition damage sadly.
It’s really obvious you’ve never even touched necromancer, otherwise you’d know how bad we are. How about you go do some research into necromancer before you start saying we are the same.
necromancer has no effective power build. We have no burst dps whatsoever. Condition damage IS our highest damage output, bar none.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
omg you have everything and you want more range too? Holly crap… where’s the necro buffs at ???
Holy hell, I get the guy near almost death and he gets FULL health back… ? Like, FULL HP ? I am specced to turn buffs into conditions yet it only takes off a couple of buffs and the dude just rebuffs fast as hell and takes the conditions off himself.
So he did one of two things. He used the skill 5 of his elite which takes around 5 seconds to cast after casting the elite which take another 2 seconds or so to cast. Or he has really low hp and used healing signet.
Not only that but he has more health than I do, and does more damage than I do. Wtf?
Something here doesent sound right due to the first part you said he healed to full. As a necro you start with over 18k hp. As a guardian if i dump into vit i can get over that but i dont have any damage so to speak. Not to mention if i have healer elite skill that further nerfs me. Now if he infact doesent have vit gear hes setting around 10k or so hp which is impossible for a necro to be that low.
I’m supposed to be spec’d to deal with guardian lmao… I mean you’ve got to be kidding. I have a spell that is directly supposed to counter them (turns buffs into conditions) and it didn’t do jack diddly squat to this guy in the long run.
Just to point out we also have a skill that converts all conditions on us to boons. Or if rolling greatsword can purge all conditions every 10 seconds.
So all things being said you very clearly dont know guardians. Yes we can hit like a truck or we can be the bane of your conditions but we wont be all of it at once. As i said before you sound like you cant play. Or you have no idea what you were fighting. One or the other.
What exactly is your damage if you spec’d like this guy did? I want to compare it to my own. Also I think this guy had a shield and a 1hand sword or something if memory serves. He was shooting ranged blue attacks at me, he also stunned me into a blue circle at one point.
Dude it’s pretty easy to push buttons and dodge at the correct times… lol saying I can’t play a necromancer after 200 hours of playing one is insulting kid.
Playing for 200 hours doesent mean you can play, it just means you spent a lot of time on the character. And specced to take on a condition necro i would do at tops maybe 200-300 damage non crit. Sword and shield im not going to have massive condition removal. Most likely he had a greatsword. So over all for condition necro he pribally was around 20k-23k hp with a full vit build with healing elite and multiple condition removal abilities. Hes not going to be doing damage. As for calling me kid. Get off your high horse. You need to do some research on a class before you start crying in there threads.
I’m not on a high horse, you apparently are though. May want to come down from up there bro.
Your class is straight up better than mine in every single way, that is obvious, and your telling me I need to research it more? For what lol? So I can read in detail why and how your class is so much better than mine is? I think I’ll pass.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
While conditions are normally good on low vitality professions, like the guardian, if specced right (by spec I refer to the combination of gear, weapons, traits, and skill choices) a guardian has impressive condition removal. The wiki has the details of a guardian’s impressive array:
As other posters pointed out the guardian’s full heal is on a high cooldown elite and has a long cast time. If you notice a guardian building up a spell with a tome open it’s probably coming. you can attempt an interrupt with fear.
As a general point you shouldn’t come out of every 1v1 encounter expecting victory, sometimes certain professions will have an easier time against other when specced a certain way.
Easier time..? the dude won the battle with like 80% health left. But yeah he must have used that elite skill…. too bad my elite skill plague just lets me survive longer basically in a situation like that, it does almost no damage so even if I had used plague on him it wouldn’t have mattered he still would have won by a mile.
Fully possible if he/she was healing and mitigating your damage. Health lost, if your report is accurate, doesn’t provide nearly enough information about the circumstances surrounding the victory. Did he/she actually lose 350% of his/her health, but have enough regen and healing to mitigate that much damage. Did you only lose 120% of your health, because you did not? Build matters and you haven’t provided enough details about the encounter for us to evaluate if it was indeed impossible for the average necromancer running some build to win as a profession against the average guardian playing this guardian’s build. You’re claiming lack of fairness, but we do not have enough information to actual determine that from your recollection. How many professions did you trounce that now think necromancers are unfair, just because you happen to be running a build that counters theirs?
It would be unfair if necromancers could never beat guardian’s running this specific build, but there isn’t enough information here to determine this. it would be unfair if this guardian’s build made him impervious to most avenues of attack, but I suspect more controlling/direct DPS build, or even lots of control on top of condition damage would crack him/her like an egg shell.
I’m not saying that the game is perfectly balanced and your case in impossible, just that you lack the information needed to evaluate it.
dude I’m a necro, I don’t counter anyone. I have one spell that counters boons on a class and turns them into conditions. That’s about it bro. I gave you my exact spvp build and my exact gear I was using. I duno what else you want me to tell you other than this was a straight up legit 1v1 where I probably had a few lucky dodges considering I almost got him, then he healed to full HP. Then he killed me with like 80% remaining health as I couldn’t do anything else at that point because I had already used death shroud to try and stay alive.
The fact that I almost got him and he had to use his elite skill was in itself a miracle. If you played a necro then you would know, especially if he was the perfect counter to my build. I don’t think this fight could have went any better in my direction to be honest with you.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
wrong genre… ? Not designed for 1v1 .. ? you missed my point that my class is weak overall. I don’t think necro can get away with 1v1’ing anyone. This game is supposed to be balanced for tournament level play is it not? That dictates there should be SOME fairness around here but necro is just plain mediocre. Guardian is definitely on a different level at the moment and I’d just like some acknowledgement that your class is simply better than mine.
I don’t know enough about necro (and I don’t think you know enough about guardian) to make that statement. It could be true, but that could also be a ‘necro problem’ and not a ‘guardian problem’ which you seem to be approaching this as.
Losing one duel to one class one time does not make something broken.
you must be in denial or are defending your OP class for no reason… seriously open your eyes.. maybe you should play a necro and see how weak we are. I see guardians destroying in spvp all the time. They are also one of the most desired spvp tournament classes to have in a group, and necro is not. If that doesn’t say OP I duno what does dude.
Warrior also smashes necro’s face apart as well. I just thought this fight was ridiculous because I almost got him with my weak crappy class, then he healed to full hp and I thought that was insanely lame.
Holy hell, I get the guy near almost death and he gets FULL health back… ? Like, FULL HP ? I am specced to turn buffs into conditions yet it only takes off a couple of buffs and the dude just rebuffs fast as hell and takes the conditions off himself.
So he did one of two things. He used the skill 5 of his elite which takes around 5 seconds to cast after casting the elite which take another 2 seconds or so to cast. Or he has really low hp and used healing signet.
Not only that but he has more health than I do, and does more damage than I do. Wtf?
Something here doesent sound right due to the first part you said he healed to full. As a necro you start with over 18k hp. As a guardian if i dump into vit i can get over that but i dont have any damage so to speak. Not to mention if i have healer elite skill that further nerfs me. Now if he infact doesent have vit gear hes setting around 10k or so hp which is impossible for a necro to be that low.
I’m supposed to be spec’d to deal with guardian lmao… I mean you’ve got to be kidding. I have a spell that is directly supposed to counter them (turns buffs into conditions) and it didn’t do jack diddly squat to this guy in the long run.
Just to point out we also have a skill that converts all conditions on us to boons. Or if rolling greatsword can purge all conditions every 10 seconds.
So all things being said you very clearly dont know guardians. Yes we can hit like a truck or we can be the bane of your conditions but we wont be all of it at once. As i said before you sound like you cant play. Or you have no idea what you were fighting. One or the other.
What exactly is your damage if you spec’d like this guy did? I want to compare it to my own. Also I think this guy had a shield and a 1hand sword or something if memory serves. He was shooting ranged blue attacks at me, he also stunned me into a blue circle at one point.
Dude it’s pretty easy to push buttons and dodge at the correct times… lol saying I can’t play a necromancer after 200 hours of playing one is insulting kid.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
Games like these typically aren’t designed around 1v1. If you’re looking for a 50/50 shot at killing anything in 1v1 with any spec…you’re in the wrong genre. The weakness in a full healing/condition removal build is offense. But if they nullify your only source of offense of course they’ll eventually attrition you down.
wrong genre… ? Not designed for 1v1 .. ? you missed my point that my class is weak overall. I don’t think necro can get away with 1v1’ing anyone. This game is supposed to be balanced for tournament level play is it not? That dictates there should be SOME fairness around here but necro is just plain mediocre. Guardian is definitely on a different level at the moment and I’d just like some acknowledgement that your class is simply better than mine.
It actually sounds perfectly balanced. You put together the ultimate condition build. He was running with the ultimate condition removal build.
Pawn, meet your Queen.
His ultimate condition removal build seems like it would be good against everything. My class isn’t good against anything 1v1, lol.. that’s the problem.
Can we get a little fairness around here? ??
While conditions are normally good on low vitality professions, like the guardian, if specced right (by spec I refer to the combination of gear, weapons, traits, and skill choices) a guardian has impressive condition removal. The wiki has the details of a guardian’s impressive array:
As other posters pointed out the guardian’s full heal is on a high cooldown elite and has a long cast time. If you notice a guardian building up a spell with a tome open it’s probably coming. you can attempt an interrupt with fear.
As a general point you shouldn’t come out of every 1v1 encounter expecting victory, sometimes certain professions will have an easier time against other when specced a certain way.
Easier time..? the dude won the battle with like 80% health left. But yeah he must have used that elite skill…. too bad my elite skill plague just lets me survive longer basically in a situation like that, it does almost no damage so even if I had used plague on him it wouldn’t have mattered he still would have won by a mile.
I can’t get vitality with necro condition build.
The trait build is 30 curse (condition dmg), 25 death magic, 15 soul reaping for spectral armor. Toughness is better for necro than vitality is for surviving hits cuz we alrdy got high health but no Defense. I have 2,780 armor, 1,860 toughness. If I go vitality, I lose my spectral armor which activates at 50% health which gives me -33% incoming damage for 7 1/2 seconds, which is an eternity in a 1v1. That is much better than a measly 55 vitality or whatever it is. My total health with this build is 18,372, plus increased duration death shroud from soul reaping tree as well, which is basically just more health. Was using scepter/dag with staff. You use undead rune which gives more cndtion dmg and toughness, and 5% toughness becomes condition damage. It’s the perfect condition build and vitality isn’t a part of it.
There was no way to beat that 1v1 with this build. The only other viable build we have is mass minion-toughness build with axe/dag and staff but then I can’t use the remove condition spell and my damage isn’t as good as condition spec I don’t think. I think I would have gotten owned even harder if I had mass minion build. Daggers? Please, no contest that isn’t even viable lol.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
.. I just fought a medium ranged guardian who was shooting blue wavy sword things at my face 1v1 in spvp. You guys got plenty of range, trust me. You imba to the core.
To the guy who said about power build: Necro can’t run power build, since they lack of damage also when you are fully specced in Power/Critical damage compared to the other professions. So, who needs trait useful to a build that anyway you won’t use?
Have you tried Power/Precision wells? It makes them hurt a LOT more than you would think.
Tried. Full Power/Precision/Critical Damage with no defenses at all, can’t make more than 5k of damage with Ghastly Claws (which has an horrible casting time of 3 seconds). Quite disappointing when you know that a warrior, a thief, a guardian, a ranger or a mesmer can pop out much more damage in less time when specced like this and sometimes also at higher ranges.
yep, war’s pop 10k crits so I’m told by a warrior friend of mine. I think they do more with another ability where they slash you a bunch of times quickly.
The problem with condition dmg is, do you sacrifice power, which sacrifices your duration, for toughness? Obviously you need the condition traits, that’s a must. Do you go glass for duration , or toughness? Probably toughness would be the better choice. But the bleeds must not last very long at all.
then we get into the problem of how useless the toughness bonus traits are for this spec.
-5% of toughness is given as a bonus to power. obsolete
Gain +20 toughness for each minion under your control. obsolete
Summon a jagged horror whenever you kill a foe. 30 second cooldown. obsolete
Boon duration is likely also obsolete unless someone in your party is buffing you.
The only good ones from choice would be….
Staff skills recharge 20% faster.
Increases area of marks and marks become unblockable.
3rd I guess is optional but I would probably take
Gain retaliation for 5 seconds when you heal
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
it is not 800-1000 damage per second, it’s more like 180 pve, or 226, max, for s-pvp, that’s every 2 seconds, not 1000, are you nuts? Where the hell did you pull that number from?
Do you not see the ticking damage numbers every second? How did you manage to get 1000 damage per second out of 85-100 damage ticks on the screen lmao ? ??
it’s only 5% damage, it does not stack. The only thing that happens when bleeds stack are the fact that the ticks of damage happen more frequently. THEY DO NOT STACK % based damage, they just tick more frequently.
More bleeds, more poison = faster ticks. That is all.
Aha, and that is why we can’t have nice things aka cool story bro.
Poison, chill, burn, slow…if u add to them, it increases duration.
Bleed, vulnerability, confusion they add stacks which you’d see if you actually played the game and looked at the icons and that they have a number by it, or maybe even read the skill descriptions (novel concept, I know). And increasing numbers by the icon=more stacks.
Anyway, if 1 stack does 100dmg/sec, then 10 stacks=1000 dps, 25 stacks=2500dps (that is, if you can maintain the stacks indefinetly).
So by your original statement: If I increase a tick by 60 damage and can on average maintain 10 bleeds I just increased my dps by 600 (zomg, it multiplies)- ok not rly, since you sacrifice power but /care to number crunch. And if you forgo power/crit you can more easily focus on vit/toug/condi which makes you more durable. So all in all, it’s a nice tradeoff.
As for usefulness of DOTs…depends who you’re fighting.
Annnnnnd, here, free complimentary: L2game mechanics and L2 read.
If you sacrifice power, you sacrifice duration. What you mean L2 read? I’ve been stating the same thing since the beginning of this thread -_- If anyone needs to L2 read it’s you… jesus.. He thought it was based on stacking %‘s, it’s not.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
Each stack of bleed behaves as a separate damage source. 10 stacks of bleed? 10 ticks of your bleed damage each second. I think we’re all sort of saying the same thing, but to put it succinctly, the damage from bleed comes from putting out large stacks of it. Math time. I get 120 damage ticks from my bleeds as my default conditionmancer build in sPvP. using BiP and scepter/dagger, it is by no means difficult to get 13 stacks of bleed on a target in a few moments. That is 13 ticks of 120 damage each second. 1560 damage every second, after their damage reduction, before any other source of damage is applied, and if I’m running epidemic, I can cause that in a large AoE as well. Pretty darn respectable.
This would probably be true, if each bleed acted alone which I’m assuming it does, unless there’s some kind of cap. But yeah, 10 bleeds, for 100 damage each, would be 1000 damage per second assuming there is no further bleed cap on damage ticks that we don’t know about.
Getting that many is rather difficult though in s-pvp. You’re normally in the 7-8 range.
so according to that, you could do 7000 damage in 7 seconds. That’s still nowhere near the amount of damage that a warrior can dish out in the same amount of time given. You also have to factor in the fact that other necros consume conditions, and that guardians can remove conditions as well, which shuts your build down.
Also, if you go power (condition duration) and precision, you’re basically a glass cannon. If someone targets you, you will die incredibly fast.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
How about you clear these trolls outta my thread by deleting their posts instead of closing my threads every 20 minutes. Thanks, that may actually benefit the community.
OK, let’s say you’re right and stacking increases frequency and not intensity (and I’m not saying you’re wrong, I just need to do some in-game testing to verify). This still doesn’t change the fact that more stacks=more dps. It also doesn’t change the validity of my numbers (again assuming the formula on the wiki is correct).
It does, because 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50 , 50% bleed damage with 10 stacks would basically… well you would be seeing 700 damage ticks with that based on 1400 condition damage which you can achieve in s-pvp, on top of how fast it increases the rate of the ticks.
You’re not doing that much damage, and it does not work that way, otherwise the ticks would be 700 per tick, they are only around 112.
That should be proof enough that your information was wrong.
You’re doing far less damage than you think you are doing. Why do you think I am complaining so adamantly that we have no damage lol… It’s because we honestly don’t. Not compared to other classes. The DoT damage in this game is incredibly low damaging despite having full condition gear. It changes the validity of your numbers tenfold.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
not sure how it stacks or the math behind it, but i know you can go through 15k+ hp in less then 10 sec with 10-+ bleed stacks in spvp
bleed is VERY strong dmg wise and buffing it would make already very powerfull setups even more op.
10 sec with 10 bleed stack? Definitely is not 15k damage.
@Shelledfade: have you noticed that when those numbers tick off, there’s more than one of them and they tick way faster than every second. I don’t know how fast they tick but I usually see something like 3 numbers popping up near instantaneously maybe every 0.5 seconds.
And I’m getting my numbers from the formula provided on the wiki. If that formula is wrong, then obviously my numbers are off and I apologize, but I’ve never actually done extensive testing in-game so until someone tells me otherwise I will go with what the wiki says.
it’s 5% damage based off your condition damage for bleeding, 10% for poison. There is no “different” ticks, it is just 1 number always that has the same value unless it decreases or increases.
More stacks of bleed = faster ticks of damage, not increased overall damage based on %. I’ve played the necro long enough to know that this is a fact and that your information was slightly off.
The only reason the damage sometimes increases, is because the poison damage combines with the bleed damage. That is all, once the poison damage wares off you will see the damage ticks decrease slightly in damage, or increase slightly in damage if you apply poison with bleeding. Otherwise, it only thing putting more bleeds on does is increase the number of ticks of damage.
Max dmg with 8-9 bleeds + 1 poison in s-pvp with 112 ticks is like 500 damage per 3 seconds or something like that, maybe less. I haven’t calculated it exactly I’m just guesstimating it.
It’s really low though, no way near 1000 per sec.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
necro weakest class in game in terms of s-pvp.
They’re so weak compared to guardian or warrior that it’s almost sickening to witness.
i can’t lose to a guardian even if i wait 10 sec with even attacking him…necro’s DESTROY!!! any class in spvp…. maybe a really good rogue or ranger can survive but i highly doubt it and havent mead it yet.
the fact the necro will turn every boon on you to a condision and every con on himself to a boon and at the same time got a full 30sec invulnerability while putting out tons of dmg. etc etc.. calling him weak is a joke..
build him con dmg+thoughness, well based and stuff with plague as ult… his insanely strong. properly the strongest class in spvp
when that is said it really doesnt feel like a necro, it feels much more like a mesm, debuff/condmg and impossible to catch or kill.
it doesnt have the necro feel to it at all. sadly
lmfao? yeah ok bro. You must be playing some serious noobs who are coming at you naked or something. Keep on trollin.
it is not 800-1000 damage per second, it’s more like 180 pve, or 226, max, for s-pvp, that’s every 2 seconds, not 1000, are you nuts? Where the hell did you pull that number from?
Do you not see the ticking damage numbers every second? How did you manage to get 1000 damage per second out of 85-100 damage ticks on the screen lmao ? ??
it’s only 5% damage, it does not stack. The only thing that happens when bleeds stack are the fact that the ticks of damage happen more frequently. THEY DO NOT STACK % based damage, they just tick more frequently.
More bleeds, more poison = faster ticks. That is all.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
Alright here’s my list of DEFINITE improvements that this game could seriously benefit from.
1. WvWvW tokens are simply way too hard to get. Out of 800 people killed, only got like 70 tokens or whatever it is I have in my bank. You should be awarded tokens every single time you kill a player, and you shouldn’t need to loot them they should automatically go in your inventory just in case you miss them.
2. You should lower the token prices of end-game dungeon gear. It is just simply too grindy. Now, I’ve been grinding CoF a lot. I got the CoF shoulders, scepter, axe, and have around 200 so I’ve got about 1000 of them. It’s just really too grindy especially for classes that REQUIRE a weapon in each hand. That’s 600 alone just for their weapons. Definitely ridiculous. Please lower the amount of tokens that is needed.
3. Mystic forge bulk recipe is like, completely wacked. I did the exotic rampage armor recipe with the forge, 50 mystic coins all that, and the bulk recipe takes about 50% more mats than it does just to craft an entire set piece by piece. I don’t understand this at all and it doesn’t make any sense. You guys need to fix this a.s.a.p. I burned 50 of my own earned mystic coins to get this bulk recipe and it bows hog chunks. I mean why’d I craft this bulk recipe, just so I could waste an unnecessary amount of mats by using it?
4. Necromancer class needs some serious rework. I mean, serious rework. The class does not do enough burst damage at all. Warriors crit for 10k pops while we crit for 500-600 damage, and do at most 1200-2000k with an axe. I doubt we do even half their dps in a dungeon run. This class is also broken in S-pvp as we have no available balanced builds to work with because the traits are bad and don’t make sense the way they are ordered.
5. Warrior/guardian/thief are hella imba/overpowered in S-pvp compared to the other classes. Either buff the rest of us or nerf them to something more reasonable that can be compared with the rest of us.
6. WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO PREVIEW ITEMS ON THE TRADING POST. Currently you cannot do this, and I find it to be a real hindrance.
7. Flesh golem for necromancer should be able to be used underwater. There’s no reason for it not to be when the other minions can be used underwater. There’s just no reason for it and forces us to use plague under water which does no damage and is lame.
8. Condition damage overall needs to be improved based on gear more. 5% based condition damage from bleeding is way too low considering how hard other classes can hit with 10k for. Condition-damage based specs are completely obsolete compared to high damage burst dps from these other classes and it simply isn’t fair and isn’t balanced. So I suggest you seriously increase condition damage. If someone invests their entire armor set to be condition damage and does barely any damage at all that is a complete waste of time for them and it isn’t fair. This goes for any condition damage specs or classes.
9. In WvWvW you should give the team with the least amount of players in a match a buff of some sort. If they are completely outnumbered in WvWvW that simply isn’t fair and it isn’t the peoples fault that are playing in it that it happened to them.
10. You should lower the prices a bit for war machines in WvWvW.
11. You should be given a time limit to complete jumping puzzles in WvWvW maps, before it kicks you out for the remainder of the day. Too many people, and I mean way too many people, spend all their time doing this jumping puzzle instead of contributing to the war effort. It’s rather annoying when they could be helping with the fight instead of doing that bull.
12. You should put “Speed buffer” NPC’s near the respawn points in world vs world. Running back with these great distances can be really tiresome and not everyone uses speed boosts in their builds. I think it would be a nice addition and make things a little less boring and frustrating in terms of getting back to where the action is.
13. There should be a menu to see how many players each team has in WvWvW.
14. A personal DPS meter would be fantastic for figuring out exactly how much damage you’re actually doing, or some kind of menu with more details of exactly how much damage you’re actually doing with a specific build (like D3) would be just as good.
15. Black lion keys need to drop a touch more often. I’ve only opened about 4 of them, and I have 31 currently sitting in my bank. Just sayin’.
16. Cloth mats such as gossamer scraps need to be slightly less difficult to acquire.
17. Whatever you guys did to bags such as ritual bags from CoF is not good. Currently everyone only ever gets chocolate and butter from them. It’s annoying as hell.
18. Reserved for future update.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
Instead of googling this, which I probably should have done, I decided to interact with the community instead.
Are there any working personal DPS meters out there? No. I don’t play WoW. I just want to know what MY OWN damage is during combat for building and testing reasons.
One exist yet?
+1 the sound is too loud for this weapon.
It’s somewhat doable if you kite with trident, but only if you’re condition damage specced.
Don’t use daggers with a necro… you will get roflstomped.
axe/horn with staff, or scepter/dag with staff are the only combinations that are “decent”.
There is no viable dagger build in terms of traits and gear that makes actual sense either.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
I really don’t understand why the flesh golem can’t be used underwater.
I mean.. why not ? Was there an actual reason for it?
My main problem is, that any class can clean all conditions. If they could only clean 5 conditions that would be a major buff at least. At the moment burst classes just have a huge advantage. They clean your conditions and kill you in seconds. Or you build tank and they just don’t die and kill you with their second or third burst.
Pretty much my experience.
I tried offensive condition mancer. It wasn’t bad if no one notices you, but you go down incredibly fast if anyone attacks you, especially warriors/thieves/guardians. It’s a total catastrophe in terms of balance.
As a caster in the dark arts, why do we get no burst damage like these other classes do? We have light armor and can’t do jack crap. What gives anet?
Seriously you want us to use light armor with daggers toe to toe with warriors that get 10k+ crit pops easily?
Lol what the F yo …. that crap is rigged son. No chance. Game, OVER.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
man who gives a crap about the pve this game was easy sauce. I’m talking about spvp man.
our traits are pure crap compared to the other classes dude.
But on the PVE note, yeah, we are being outshined easily in the DPS department. Warriors do 10k pops and whatnot. We probably do half their damage during an entire boss fight lmao….
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
Dude, necro is the weakest class in s-pvp if you don’t believe that then go play with some warriors or guardians against or with them, and see for yourself.
Their classes are on another level than ours is. It’s ridiculous.
I’ve tried the tank minion build and I’ve tried the offensive condition build, both suck horrendously bad.
Not going to answer your flaming.
guess stating the truth is “Flaming” to you whatever the hell that means. I could care less, devs know necro sucks otherwise they wouldn’t have said they need tons of help.
Even the devs know they suck, especially in s-pvp. What now?
Dude, necro is the weakest class in s-pvp if you don’t believe that then go play with some warriors or guardians against or with them, and see for yourself.
Their classes are on another level than ours is. It’s ridiculous.
I’ve tried the tank minion build and I’ve tried the offensive condition build, both suck horrendously bad in s-pvp compared to guardian and warrior, or thief for that matter.
Seriously who gives s crap about wvwvw its a zerg range fest it doesn’t matter if you ranged then you can play in it, spvp is a completely different story. Go play against some warriors or guardians bro.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
My major concerns are not the balancing issues, I hate that a lot of game mechanics don’t make sense:
- the cap on bleed
- why do minions disappear as soon as you swim on the surface
- why is there no reliable condition weopon for underwater combat
- why do I only have 1 elite skill under water and why does this skill despawn all my summond minions
- why am I afraid of getting involved in underwater fights
- ….
you’re afraid of getting involved in underwater fights cuz fighting underwater with a necro is basically suicide, not that fighting on land isn’t any less suicidal compared to these other OP classes…
For necro to be good, you need too many different variables.
- for your ulti to be good, you kinda want to have nearly whole enemy team next to you.
- if you want blind spam to be useful while in ulti, you need their rogues and warriors not to spam hundred blades or any other multiple hit abilities…….
- if you want to get a good epidemic off you need enemy team to zerg.
-as far as i know, fumble doesnt help if enemy is critting, which nearly everyone is.Personally i think necro still lacks something,
-necros aint that tanky compared to dmg output of other classes.
-also a lack of thing where necros seem to dominate is in fights vs other condition damage users.
lol… so we only good against other condition necro? haha… cuz rangers woop ourkitten if they go melee on us if we condition spec.
necro , worst class in game at the moment in s-pvp. They’re on a level that’s worse than bad.
so i just did some more structured pvp, lol oh my god warrior and guardian are sickeningly strong compared to necro. I almost puked at how OP they were compared to necro.
Was literally NO balance issues taken into consideration ? Cuz this is ridic, necro is grossly underpowered AND outclassed by a mile compared to guardian in support. It literally makes me want to ram my first into my monitor to see how much stronger those classes are compared to mine.
They’re nowhere NEAR being equal.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
necro weakest class in game in terms of s-pvp.
They’re so weak compared to guardian or warrior that it’s almost sickening to witness.
perma blind isn’t immune to ranged or aoe attacks, or stuns (if they can get them off). Plague that is.
Condition in the long run probably is their best bet, problem is it does like no damage while all these other classes do burst high dps. Also, there’s plenty of classes that remove conditions on themselves.
I haven’t found or seen anyone looking for a necromancer, over another class.
So you guys do 20k damage in under 7 seconds, while a necromancer does around 3k tops in same amount of time, and you see nothing wrong with that?
Lol… okaayyy…..
OP class is OP.
Where nerf hammer at?
Pretty simple solution to this problem.
Just add matchmaking system, RT (random team) and AT (arranged team).
Problem solved.
So when are they getting nerfed Anet?
(edited by Moderator)