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Pvp better without Elite Specs?

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


I’ve said before that if ANet were actually serious about balance they should have locked elites out of ranked play ages ago and gotten their kitten working on balancing them immediately. Fat chance of that ever happening though.

Ruby division makes people hate PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Don’t you still lose pips if you change characters?

You only get dishonored and lose pips if you’re out of the match for longer than 2 minutes, and the pre-match countdown period doesn’t count towards that at all.

Ruby division makes people hate PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Ideally your league system should both separate players by skill level and provide consistently competitive matches. You want most players to hit a wall somewhere; your highest division should be exclusively for your highest skilled players, not for everyone who had the time to grind so many matches. I think one of the main problems holding the current system back is the inability to drop divisions (as well as tiers in divisions below ruby), which can cause some players to get stuck in a division above where they belong skill-wise.

The other problem is the current reward/achievement system. It’s completely tied to progression, meaning that once you reach the division/tier/whatever that you belong in, the rewards stop and you no longer have any real incentive to continue. Players feel like they hit a wall they can’t pass and that they’re wasting their time trying, so they just stop playing ranked. Obviously higher skilled players should be better rewarded than lower skilled players (as an incentive to improve), but it just feels like bad design for all the rewards to be obtained early on in a season but have the larger portion of your time struggling to advance in matches that are actually competitive go mostly unrewarded.

The current league rewards in general right now feel pretty bland. There’s a backpiece that everyone will work towards, and then some llama’s that PvPers can only show off as they’re afking in queue (no mini’s in matches, for good reason), and then some trans charges that PvPers already have loads of. Honestly it feels like all of that appeals a lot more to PvE type players than PvP players, which would explain all the PvE players coming in and then getting frustrated at the system. In my opinion a good rewards system needs to have both exclusive rewards for the top players as well as rewards that everyone can work towards.

Did ANet block daily's list on Wiki?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sins.4782


Both the GW2 and GW1 wikis have been down a lot today. There was some sort of maintenance and they’ve been pretty buggy since.

Is anybody actually happy with Season 2?

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


JW what progress did you make?

I kinda want to run a poll which compares division vs experience.

I was around t2 diamond when I finished all the achievements for wings, ~t4 now from doing dailies since then. Amber was pure win streak, sapph/emerald was mostly win streak with a few losses because I was playing profs I wasn’t very familiar with for profession achieves. Ruby was ~75% W/L back on main prof. Win streaks made progression way faster this season.

Is anybody actually happy with Season 2?

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


I’m not. There are way too many blowout/‘uncompetitive’ matches. Winning 500-70 simply isn’t fun. Balance is still nonexistent as well. I’ve pretty much stopped playing since I finished my wings. On the bright side, GW1 has been fun.

Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


I’m going to be honest here: I actaully don’t mind the glass panels now that they can’t be stealth broken for stealth pulls. Ports/shadowsteps not pathing around the panels correctly is an issue though. I think the hammer might be a little too effective currently, but a small (~20%-ish) hit to either damage or radius would probably fix that.

Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


The jump pads need to be changed to teleport pads or anything that just works 100% of the time. The area the skyhammer is in could do with being a bit bigger as well.

How to nerf scrapper in 4 steps

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


I think something can be done to slick shoes too. Either make it end when interrupted or make it only hit targets once.

It just needs to not kd anyone standing still tbh.

Nerf everything

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


When everything is OP, the game is no longer fun. Continually buffing everything equally doesn’t necessarily make the game better, even if you can somehow manage to do it equally.

New datamined Sigils

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


I certainly hope those never show up in PvP. We’ve got more than enough large AoE CC and projectile denial in the current meta already. The pull one would be especially broken, you’d be able to trigger it with acid bomb and follow up with electro whirl for huge damage to multiple targets every 12s.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


  • Balance the kitten game and fix the powercreep problem. If necessary, get a new balance team. Making a few random changes to ‘shake up the meta’ is not balancing. Balancing should be done with a power baseline in mind, and with a focus on build diversity. Balance changes need to be more frequent, and changes need to be monitored closely. If a particular change didn’t have the desired impact, change the skill/trait again, within a month or so. Repeat until desired results are reached. Do not make significant changes to skills/traits and then proceed to ignore issues with them for a year or more. Balancing is a continual process, not something you do for half a week every 4-6 months.
  • Scrap the current league system. Create one that places players entirely based on their MMRs. Use partial MMR resets and/or placement matches at the start of each season to ensure they remain competitive. Make sure dropping divisions/etc is possible, and make MMR and changes to MMR visible to the player. Junk the current achievements & reward system that rely on actually progressing leagues, and move to a system where tickets/rewards are gained through continual play, but gained significantly faster for players in higher divisions.
  • Leave ranked enabled between seasons, but revert the matchmaking parameters to what they were prior to the introduction of leagues. It is not acceptable to leave one of your two queues disabled for extended periods of time.
  • Move to a 3 or 4 item stat system. This will significantly increase build diversity, and subsequently the lifetime of the game mode. Scrap all of the 4stat amulets, reinstate any removed 3stat amulets (except maybe sentinels), and add new 3stat amulets as necessary. Amulets with more stats aren’t needed with a multi-item stat system, and the higher stat totals on them are detrimental to the game. Tanky amulets being back won’t be a problem if you actually tried to balance the game.
  • Allow players to queue from outside of HotM.

Balance problems of engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


You’re delusional if you think this or any class is perfectly balanced right now.

From a PvP perspective:

I think Engineer suffers from the same thing most classes do— the rushed introduction of elite specializations, and lack of balance response afterwards. The powercreep HoT introduced made a large portion of the class obsolete in PvP, and with the vast majority of non-elite builds left in the dust, build diversity took a huge hit. This is a problem nearly every class faces right now, and all of them need to be addressed around the same time— if the powercreep is toned down significantly on only engi, engi will just become bottom or trash tier for PvP.

That’s not to say that powercreep is the only problem engineer is facing right now, it’s just the largest by far. Most of the core specializations trait changes in june of 2015 were also detrimental to the engineer, with the explosions/firearms split destroying nearly all of our hybrid damage options, as well as the deletion of a handful of fun build options. The update also brought the medkit rework, which was a big failure that left the kit in a far worse state than it was before. We did get a godsend in the form of updated elites with the update, though.

Stuff that is overperforming the most right now: the scrapper traitline and hammer as well as HGH (and by extension Alchemy) are the biggest offenders. You can read my thoughts on the problem and suggested solutions here. Healing Turret is also overperforming, partially because of hammer 3. Slick Shoes are as well, but that could be fixed if they ever changed the puddles to not kd anyone standing still 100% of the time. A couple other things are overperforming when combined with HGH, but changes to the trait could fix most of this. Traited blowtorch is overperforming compared to our other burns.

Stuff that is underperforming right now:

  • Heals other than HT. AED has too high of a cooldown to be useful even with the gadgeteer trait, and its cast time makes it undesirable, as it needs to be used when under considerable pressure for the full heal to kick in. Elixir B is in a better spot thanks to HGH, but it still has the issue of randomness that has plagued elixirs since launch, as well as a very interruptable cast.
  • Med Kit. Med Kit needs some serious work. The core specs patch changed its skills from high duration meds dropped at your feet (unless traited), which could be dropped in advance, to short duration thrown packs with different effects, and added a meh only-healing autoattack. Now on paper that doesn’t sound too bad (except for the autoattack), but it suffers from a few crippling problems. The thrown packs have terribly slow projectile speed and a tiny (80?) pickup radius. This means your chances of actually landing them on a kiting ally-in-need are essentially zero. A start to fixing these would be to increase the pickup radius to 120 and up the projectile speed by at least 50%. In my opinion the autoattack simply should not be there; it’s just bad design. Med Kit was also hurt by its self heal (f1) being reclassified from a toolbelt skill to a heal skill, meaning it no longer benefits from the reduced recharge time the tools line offers.
  • P/S. Shield is in a terrible spot right now, as hammer offers far more both offensively and defensively. Part of this is a problem of hammer overperforming, but not all of it. Shield’s cooldowns are pretty long even when traited, and they could use a slight reduction (to the base cd, not just a stronger trait reduction like the toolkit trait change). The overshield trait is also badly designed— the protection it grants is applied when you use the shield skill, not when it ends, so a good amount of it is wasted on you as you’re already blocking or reflecting damage.
  • Pistol mainhand is also in a bad spot right now. The +condi duration trait helped a little, but the autoattack is still pretty kitten bad, and poison dart volley still misses a lot of hits if you’re not in the enemy’s face. I think a good solution would be to add a short duration vuln stack to the auto, which would address the problem of the cover conditions condi builds lost with the explosives/firearms split (as running double offensive lines simply isn’t an option).
  • Explosives. Despite having a couple very good traits, the overall quality of traits in the explosives line is pretty low. The adept tier is especially lacking, offering only a kit-specific option, useless fall damage trait, and nearly as useless +5% damage while above 90% health. One of the GM options, thermobaric detonation, is needlessly cripped by a 10s ICD (which was also added to the normal dodge bomb for some reason), stopping a lot of interesting builds from popping up.
  • Bomb kit has been underperforming since the core specs changes. It previously had a niche as a condi-based side node fighter, but the condi changes left the kit in the dust compared to our other burn options.
  • Gadgets bar Slick Shoes. As fun as they are, they just don’t do enough to warrant a utility slot right now. Rocket Boots doesn’t go as far as it used to thanks to the leap changes, and personal battering ram is still kinda outclassed by flamethrower and its airblast. Throw mine died with the removal of sentinels/soldiers amulets and the subsequent death of decap builds.
  • Turrets bar Healing Turret. Turrets were nerfed to death on purpose and everyone knows it. They need a real rework, and the topic deserves a full thread of its own.
  • Supply Crate is (surprisingly) underperforming. Despite being considered one of the best elites before the june 2015 changes, supply crate has since completely lost its place in the metagame. This is partially because the updated & new elites (and their f5s) are just so good, and partially because the accelerant-packed turrets trait is now restricted to our worst line, and also partially because the bunker playstyle its f5 first best with has been mostly killed on purpose.

Sorry for the long rant and kittenty formatting.

Show MMR || Div. Rating openly

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


I’d like to be able to see personal MMR, as well as the changes in personal MMR for the last few matches in the history part of the PvP panel. I’d also like to be able to see the average MMR of each team in a match after it ends.

TheLordHelseth on how to carry SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


The basic fact is, if you’re good enough that you could carry a bad team in solo queue, you will never be matched with a team so bad that they need you to carry them.

I see you’ve never played off hours on EU.

Elixir gun just going through the wall?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


A lot of our fields are considered projectiles before they land, and unfortunately projectiles are destroyed when they make contact with invulnerable objects.

Can we revert aura visual change?

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


The hilarious part is that light and chaos auras, that you don’t really want to see, are far more visible than shock & magnetic, which you need to see.

[Suggestion] Slick shoes

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


SS really does need to be fixed to not kd anyone standing still. It’s too punshing of a skill otherwise for all the other benefits it gives (like the profession’s best stunbreak on toolbelt).

Why must we be so patient?

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


The playstyle you enjoy is never going to be good again. HoT powercreep will remain mostly untouched until the next expansion releases, which will include more powercreep than ever before, and make even more playstyles invalid. Might as well accept it now.

What's the most boring way to play Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


Probably full 5elixir HGH. Chug, toss, and leave the rest to autoattacks.

Would you?

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


I would pay to be able to play pre-June 2015 PvP again with a decent population. I probably wouldn’t pay for pre-HoT with core specs, but it might get me to play again, at least. In my opinion elite specs + rev should have been restricted from ranked play when it became clear they were far stronger than core builds, at most 2 weeks into the pro league, and an attempt at balancing should have been made a priority then. If ANet wants PvP in this game to be taken seriously, they need to make balance a top priority.

Rapid regen vs mass momentum

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


Heals in this game at level 80 are calculated by taking the base heal and adding to it your healing power mulitplied by the heals particular coefficient. They’re all on the wiki, and they’ll look something like this: amount healed = base + (healing power * coefficient). The scaling part is the coefficient in parentheses, and the higher it is the better the heal scales. For reference:

Regeneration: 130 + (0.125 * HP)
Backpack Regenerator: 117 + (0.05 * HP)
Rapid Regeneration (Swiftness): 105 + (0.04 * HP)
Rapid Regeneration (Super Speed): 470 + (0.16 * HP)
Bunker Down: 502 + (0.2 * HP)
Stimulant Supplier: 505 (0.25 * HP)
Elixir-Infused Bombs (RIP): 145 + (0.15 * HP)

Rapid regen vs mass momentum

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


Backpack Regenerator is only better when you both have no access to super speed and are camping kits 90+% of the time. Most players run with super speed now, since our best stunbreaker grants it, and we also get a little for free thanks to a minor in the scrapper line. Camping kits 90+% of the time is a terrible idea, and not even juggernaut builds should be doing this when played well, as you’re just gimping yourself by not making use of hammer 3-5 and the lovely window toss elixir b opens up for you.

Changes to Amulets for Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Oh look, more amulet removals for no reason. Here’s a hint: Amulets weren’t the problem, apart from cele and (arguably) sentinels. Even for the couple that weren’t fine, deletion is not the correct answer, number changes are. If you really want to balance the game, try, you know, actually balancing skills and traits, particularly the new ones HoT brought in.

Scrappers needs NERF.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


lets see how open minded people are
What do you think actually needs nerfing ?
this is the statement no one has made
Be Specific dont just go and say sustain or damage because that could mean anything

You want a serious answer? Okay.

To start this off: This is from a PvP perspective. I am not in favor of buffing core things that were fine in terms of power pre-HoT. This will only lead to further power creep, which I believe is very bad for the game in the long term. So many changes I would like are instead aiming to tone new abilities/traits down to the level of pre-HoT core abilities/traits. Please keep that in mind.

The first problem I have with scrapper is that hammer is far superior to all of our other weapon choices. It has better defenses than P/S, as well as better & more frequent burst than rifle (as well as better CC). I don’t think it’s very fair to compare it to the pure condition P/P set, but P/P has some serious issues right now, first in the condi transfer from reapers that are now omnipresent, and second from its inability to contest a point for any decent amount of time, thanks to its lack of considerable active defense and how much damage pressure has increased on average since the introduction of HoT.

To address these issues there are two abilities on hammer that I think need to see change: Rocket Charge and Thunderclap.

Rocket Charge is currently far too good of a skill thanks to its triple leap finishers alone, considering how good our access to water fields is. To put this into perspective, a simple combo of HT+overcharge into rocket charge into detonate HT will, at only 250 healing power, gives you 10.8k self healing, on dealing good damage & providing short evade frames. You can alternate this with mortar kit’s elixir shell for more leap healing, or do either combos into a wall/corner for usually the same healing without the risk of your enemy blinking out of range. This is simply too strong. I don’t believe the skill can be balanced while keeping the triple leap finisher without increasing the cooldown to 30+ seconds, which I don’t think anyone would like, so I am in favor of reworking the skill into a single leap/rush, with all of the damage moved into a single hit. This will also allow for more counterplay.

Thunderclap I believe simply has far too high range for the effect that it has. It is a very strong AoE CC, with disruption nearly on the level of supply crate (which, if anyone remembers, was run by everyone in PvP prior to the core specs update, and considered one of the better elites in the game), as well as high damage & area denial on a relatively low cooldown. I believe that all of that in one is too much without adding a considerable drawback to the skill, so I would like to see the range decreased significantly to around 400. Note that the radius of the skill is still 240, so you can still hit targets at ~600 range like this with good aim. I think this will make counterplay significantly easier, as the engineer and thus the skill animation will almost always be visible at that range.

The second problem I see with Scrapper is that it is now possible to run 3 full defensive lines while still dealing good on-point damage with the combination of hammer, elixir gun, and HGH. Our 2 best defensive lines, Alchemy and Scrapper, are already very strong together, and adding in Inventions to that mix simply takes that overboard, especially the sustain.

The simple and lazy fix to this would be to have Bunker Down change places with one of the non-HGH Alchemy grandmasters, as this would be a significant hit to the currently-overboard Scrapper sustain, & more incentive to run a damaging line instead of triple defensive lines. However this would mean Inventions would be in a considerably worse position, and Bunker Down would hardly ever be taken.

So the better solution I think is to change HGH. Currently HGH affects a ton of skills, and the +20% duration -20% cd it gives is a very significant uptime increase, which is compounded for boons thanks to alchemy’s free +20% boon duration. I would like to cut elixir gun skills away from HGH, and instead add a trait that specifically addresses elixir gun skills, and adds something that fits the kit better thematically than free Might. With EGun skills no longer giving considerable might uptime, the currently high damage of 3x defensive line Scrappers is cut down, and it is lowered further by the decreased uptime on Acid Bomb, which currently constitutes a significant portion of Scrapper damage. Unfortunately right now I don’t have a very solid idea of what I would like this trait to do, or where it should go.

I realize a lot of people would be unhappy with this change, as it would stop the elixir trait from affecting the Elixir Gun, but I believe it is a necessary step for balance. The currently HGH does too much for far too many skills, and adding in the synergy it has with the minors in its own Alchemy line, as well as Self Regulating Defenses in the same line, has made Alchemy (and HGH) into a mandatory line for Engineer in PvP. I think that cutting down the very high number of skills it affects is the first and most important step for changing that. I would not mind seeing the might duration nerf HGH received reverted once EGun skills are cut off though.

There are also defensive traits in the Scrapper line that I believe are overperforming right now, which could use some shaves, but I don’t believe these changes are nearly as important as the ones I have listed above. But since this is a Scrapper balance post I’ll go ahead and mention them: I think Recovery Matrix could do with a ~20% duration nerf (still), the Super Speed portion of Rapid Regeneration healing could use a ~25% hit to its base healing (not HP scaling), and Adaptive Armor should have its condition damage reduction lowered to 15% or so. Those aren’t exact numbers, but more of a general list of the main traits there I think are overperforming, and where I think they should take a hit.

I should note that I played Marauder Scrapper from ruby to legendary last season, and I may be a little biased in that I did not enjoy the playstyle at all and would rather have more interesting styles with more kits rise to the top, but I do believe the above changes are fair and a good step in the right direction.

EDIT: Should probably add that I agree with adding a short (1/4s – 1/2s) cast to sneak gyro.

TL;DR: Rework Rocket Charge into single leap/rush, significantly reduce Thunderclap range, make HGH not affect EGun skills & revert might duration nerf, make slight nerfs to major Scrapper defensive traits. But read the kitten thing before you go and rant about this.

(edited by Sins.4782)

I dare you to play Non-Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Half the builds I enjoyed playing on engi died with the core specs patch, and the other half died with HoT. I wouldn’t so much mind the meta build being so kitten much stronger if it was at least fun to play, but it’s just not. Still kittenes me off that HoT, which was supposed to introduce new ways to play classes, ended up killing off more builds than it could ever introduce.

Would this be OP to ask for?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


Rocket Charge and Acid Bomb are already two of the strongest skills we have. If you’re going to add evades to anything, make it Rocket Boots or something that actually needs help.

What new weapon would you like?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


I don’t want another offhand without a new mainhand weapon as well, as the mainhand department is where we’re lacking the most currently. That said, I don’t really want a new mainhand unless it synergizes well with offhand pistol, but if it does then it’ll probably just end up being mh pistol 2.0 unless mh pistol gets revamped itself.

Out of all the 2handed weapons I think I’d like shortbow the most— preferably focused on sustained physical damage. I’d love something that goes as well with static discharge as rifle does.

Scrapper, Scrapper, Scrapper...

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


I do think the super speed portion of rapid regeneration is too high and should be brought down ~30% or so, I don’t think it’s the main problem with scrapper, or even close to the main problem. I look at RR as our replacement for backpack regenerator, which hardly anyone takes anymore after the ‘fix’. In that respect it is overperforming by about 35% or so, but it’s pretty negligible when you consider all the other healing we have.

I think probably the biggest single problem with the sustain on scrapper is that I can pop healing turret near an enemy, overcharge, rocket charge, and then detonate for a total of 10.8k healing with only 250 healing power as long as the healing turret doesn’t die prematurely or the target teleports away. Leaps and blasts in water fields are very strong right now, and we can abuse the hell out of them.

Scrapper, Scrapper, Scrapper...

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


The issue is hammer + egun + HGH allowing you to deal good damage without taking a single offensive traitline. This wouldn’t really have been a problem pre-HoT when we only had 2 defensive lines and 1 utility line, but HoT introduced our best defensive line yet. 3 defensive lines full of sustain, boons, +stats, and condi removes on engi is enough to make even someone using berserker’s amulet feel tanky, and in a game mode where you have to contest points to win, a build with damage and 3 defensive lines is always going to be preferable to a build with damage and 2 (or even 1) defensive lines. Until that issue gets addressed there’s not going to be any real build diversity for engi in PvP above mid-tier.

Also hammer skills are just plain way better than the skills on our other weapons. Like seriously, a triple leap finisher? On the class with the best access to water fields in the game? With high damage and evade frames, on a 12 second cooldown? You just can’t make this kitten up.

Scrapper's Survivability

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Rocket Charge can be cancelled by swapping to a kit and pressing the drop kit button. If you go off flying somewhere you didn’t want to, chances are it’s your own fault.

New Matchmaking rules!

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


I would be very much against profession locking, at least with balance the way it is now. Switching to fill a role your team needs filled has always been an important aspect in solo queue play, and I would hate to see it go.

Scrapper Offense + Defense = Too High

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Remember back when engi was balanced around weaknesses to CC and condi pressure? I’m sure we’re all soo glad they’ve moved on to balancing around more strengths and no weaknesses instead :^)

January 26th Update: Your feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sins.4782


Balance is still a joke. This patch barely did anything to combat the massive power creep introduced with HoT— it even added more buffs to the pile as well. Elite specs are still stronger than core specs, and design changes are needed to prevent that, not just numbers changes. PvP is not getting any more fun when your solution to new things being too strong is to make other things even stronger.

We need more reporting options

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Honestly I’ve just given up hoping for more report options. They didn’t listen when we asked 2 years ago; I seriously doubt they’ll listen now.

Give us a complete overview of balancepatch?

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


I would very much prefer even a rough list of all the changes expected in the balance patch over the weird teaser-blog-thing and rushed twitch presentation that we got. We can’t really analyze and critique when we aren’t sure of the extent of the changes, which makes it hard to give feedback until after the patch is live.

Compact bags an issue?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sins.4782


I really don’t understand why a function used as often as “Deposit Materials” is hidden under a dropdown menu anyway. Important functions like that should be in plain sight and not stuck behind additional clicks.

Toolkit, some questions

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


No one really uses the full auto chain unless the enemy has some sort of projectile denial up and you have no better way of dealing damage. It would be pretty good for downed cleave, but unfortunately the third hit in the chain (the big one) is single target, so you’re mostly better off using other skills.

The trait will probably still stay at +10% damage.

Box of Nails is a lot more useful than you might think. Besides the obvious use when disengaging, it is also one of our best ways to clear blinds. It’s very useful to put down in fights against things like d/p thieves which rely on blinds to put out melee damage. It’s also pretty nice for covering damaging conditions from either yourself or allies.

Disapointing balance preview

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


I really don’t think ANet has a clue how to balance. Their solution hammer being leagues better than all of our other weapons is a 2 second cooldown increase on one skill. They think scrapper defenses/sustain might be ‘a bit too high’, but they’re not reducing the super speed healing on rapid regeneration, or reducing the condi damage reduction on adaptive armor, or doing anything about the ridiculous healing from rocket charge into cleansing burst/elixir shell.

It just looks like they’re not willing to do anything to combat the ridiculous power creep HoT brought with elite specs, and because they’re too lazy or incompetent to nerf & redesign most of it correctly, they’re just going to remove every tanky amulet to cover up the problem. If this is really the course they want to take with PvP, I frankly can’t see it getting any better anytime soon.

Upcoming Changes to PvP Runes/Sigils/Amulets

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Is there any particular reason you guys won’t consider a multi-item stat system for PvP? I feel like that would significantly increase build diversity and the fun I have playing new builds.

Upcoming Changes to PvP Runes/Sigils/Amulets

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Please implement a 3-item stat system already. The current amulet system is severely limiting build diversity, but it could be fixed fairly easily just by splitting the amulet into 3 or 4 items.

Scrapper changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


2 second cooldown increase… ‘balance’ right there guys, pack it up, scrapper is fixed, let’s go hit the pub.

Legendary, only Marauder Staff Ele, AMA

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782



Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Please introduce a 3-item (40/30/30 split) or 4-item (25/25/25/25) stat system for PvP. The resulting ability to fine-tune stats on builds would increase build diversity a lot I believe, without compromising balance by allowing OP combinations like minstrels.

I sincerely hope you guys are working on bringing elite specs in-line with core specs (and not the other way around!), and continue working on it until they are actually equal strength for most professions. This should be a big priority, as it will (again) significantly increase build diversity, as well as allowing f2p players a chance to compete, get addicted, and buy the full game/expansion.

As an engineer main, please nerf hammer hard. I’d like to be able to play a fun weapon set again without completely gimping myself. Rocket Charge needs a complete rework, as a triple leap finisher is just too freaking strong on a profession with easy access water fields, else it would need something like a 40s cooldown to be balanced in its current state. Thunderclap needs a significant range reduction or a big CD. Shock Shield also needs to do less damage— there’s simply no reason for a low cd defensive skill like that to put out decent pressure.

HGH also needs to be looked at. It’s currently mandatory for nearly every build, even those that don’t take elixir skills, thanks to the synergies it has in its own alchemy line (free 50% fury/retal/swiftness uptime in cb, get out of dead free card every 48s against everything but full condi builds, that can also be used as a safestomp/saferes). I think one of the biggest issues with HGH is that it affects nearly every other skill we have, and in a big way with much higher uptime on boons/fields as well as free might generation. Personally I would like to see HGH reverted back to 20s might duration, but changed to only affect consumed/thrown elixirs. As cool as it is to have all the elixir skills on the elixir profession tied into one trait, it just doesn’t work out balance-wise. The cooldown reductions/etc for egun/mortar could be moved to their respective traits instead.

Sneak Gyro is also too strong right now, as it allows you to get a free res almost whenever you need it thanks to having a tiny cooldown. It needs a significant cooldown increase, and I would also like to see a small cast time added to it so that some forethought is needed when using it.

Some other various non-engi balance thoughts:

  • Please consider adding downed penalty to make power ressing someone over and over again less effective.
  • Chill damage is currently too high
  • Ranger pets need balancing
  • Bunker mesmer can’t be allowed to be a strong thing because portal movement gives them too huge of an advantage
  • Auramancer projectile hate is currently too strong, and it has killed off pretty much every build relying mostly on projectiles for damage. I’d suggest a reduction in duration for non-staff magnetic aura procs.
  • Shocking Aura and Magnetic Aura also need to actually be visible. Please revert the visual changes on these 2 at least. Some shocking aura procs may also be too long for the effect they have on a fight.
  • Please rework the way revs are designed to deal with incoming condi pressure and CC. Double stab on dodge is just cancerous.
  • Get rid of that passive taunt trait, and rework most of the other passive ‘when CC’d’ traits.
  • Take a look at the amount of CC/immobilize druid can currently put out.


  • Durability runes also need a nerf. Remove the +125 vitality from them, or replace it with something weaker. They (still) do too much right now.

Nothing but condies

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


pistol/shield scrappers

All of my what

Damage equation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sins.4782


It’s weapon dmg * power * skill coefficient / target armor. Skill coefficient is unique for each skill and is usually between like .4 and 3.5 or so for single hit skills.

We need balance patch ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sins.4782


A major balance pass is long overdue at this point, and I fear by the time we do get anything it’ll be too little and too late. Not doing a significant balance pass before starting leagues is in my opinion one of the three biggest mistake since launch. It has been a terrible experience for hardcore PvPers, with many top names deciding to stop playing or leaving entirely, and even some full ESL teams are planning to leave when the pro league season ends.

Essentially every core specs build has been shut out due to the immense power creep introduced by elite specs, and of the two professions whose elite specs aren’t such major upgrades, one has been rendered completely obsolete and the other is almost completely shut out as well. Damage and CC outputs are considerably higher than before, but healing outputs are higher still, and HoT introduced significant increases in block/evade/invulnerability frames for several professions. All of this has left build diversity at an all-time low and taken a lot of fun out of the great combat system that GW2 has.

A very large amount of balancing is needed to bring elite specs down to the same level as core specs and ensure a diversity-rich meta, certainly multiple balance passes worth, and waiting so long to get started on the process is certainly doing no favors for your players.

Date of January balance patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


January 31st 2017 mate.

Enemy spells marked as friendly

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Thunderclap, acid bomb, and symbol of energy need red AoE markers as well.

Game has never been more frustrating to play

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Half the builds I enjoyed playing died with the core specs update, and the other half died when HoT launched. If I didn’t want that kitten backpiece I don’t think I’d be logging in at all most days. PvP just isn’t fun anymore.