[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Yeah because his extremely low damage defenitely needs +20% buff and -20% cd.
On the other hand his survivability is so strong that no change is needed there ^^
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Oh nice.. I did a bugreport about 3 months ago saying that paths didn’t count towards achievements. No reaction there.
Nice to know that at least now it is worked on.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
You said dh was a mesmer counter because he has an unblockable F1.. I just said, that this is a bit thin to call it a counter.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
bunker mes actually gets countered somewhat by DH because of our access to unblockable interrupts.
Well he can insta-blink after the pull and F1 won’t work during precoc well if I’m not mitaken. To call that a counter would be quite generous ^^
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Yeah I’m quite curious how many of those grave and even gamebreaking bugs remain after january-patch.
I also made another thread about rendering-bugs for ToF and PoB that are gamebreaking too, if you spring an invisivle trap.
The list should further get added the LB#5 and dragons maw visual bug; although it favors the dh it still deserves a fix.
So many important bugs… but no reaction.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
It is not only Tempest (being the hardest counter) but Condi-Rev and any combination with a bunker Mesmer too.
F2 is currently the most depressing thing because when I need it, when I get focus targeted, then it is extremely hard to land it… and the condi remove only provs if you actually land it.
LB simply outperformes any other weapon because, like everywhere in the game, being ranged is just so much easier.
The thing why dh feels lacking and reaper feels great is because reaper was building on top of the base class, not changing the playstyle but adding additional combinations of traits that work together.
Guard on the other hand just completely changed everything about the playstyle and the only thing working together like before were virtues.
The combinations of traits we have are currently just not strong enough to compete with “singular good traits”. For example the aegis for team on block, aegis deals damage and stuff like that… there are interactions but they are not good enough.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Well because of all the CC, slow, knock-backs, pulls and so on I would currently don’t play any melee power-reaper. But the possibility is there for soldier reaper with GS.
In theory it works fine, but in practice with all the power-creep it performes sub-par.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Just edited my post while you wrote yours. Also noticed my mistake there in asuming he meant “generally”.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
rabid is your highest dps option.
rampager is your alternative depending if you need to manage toughness levels for raids etc.
Care to explain why rabid should be more dps than sinister or viper?
Edit: Go for sinister and viper in a way that you reach around 100% bleed/chill with buffood and sigil. Also geomancy should be better than earth if you can stay close to a boss.
Edit2: @Ropechef.. I think I got you wrong.. you meant the backpiece and not generally I think. Yeah sucks to have no sinister or vipers back. An alternative would be to get an exotic rabid-back and place a black diomond in it.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
(edited by Starfall.6425)
Generally speaking the GS is our best power-weapon right now. So if you want to go for dps you take it.
You can also use it in a tanky set for PvP or WvW because the basedamage is good.
I would not use it with any kind of condition set.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Honestly just trying to mix amulet types on both teams would go a long way in balancing teams more and wouldn’t be prone to exploiting (I don’t think you can change your amulet once you’re in a pvp arena?).
You actually can. Changing your whole build depending on your enemy composition.
But I like the idea of the amulets more than a checkbox. Something like “no more than two of a kind”.. still wouldn’t be foolproof.
But again.. you can change it or switch character.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
And I don’t know why you’re reading so deep into this, tell me what is there to lose by simply having two check boxes and using it to prevent 4/5 dps teams vs 4/5 bunker teams over the current system?
What is there to gain?
Q-times are already ridiculous for some people… having the MM always pair 3 dd’s with 2 tanks might only increase it… if it would even be possible to have the current glicko adjusted to do so.
Then comes the question of abusing this system… because some people will always do so.
After that comes how it improved or didn’t improve the old system and how regularly some teams got trolled by people.
This is more than just adding two checkboxes and everyone is happy and if Anet uses developer time for that (and not other needed fixes) and it is no huge success then they will be flamed in 100 threads on the forum again.
I’m not quite happy with some stuff Anet implemented that seemed to lack deeper thought or understanding and so I’m also a bit sceptical of such “simple QoL adjustments” because there surely is a way.. to kitten it up.. ^^ And that concern I’m voicing here so others might think about it too and add those thoughts to their picture of that matter.
PS: More food for thought:
- How to decide if a group needs 1, 2 or 3 tanks? Is it decided by Anet?
- What about 5-man-premades that just want to play their main classes? do they need to change so they are allowed to q?
- What about when meta changes, does Anet then change how many dd’s and tanks get paired?
- What about the fact everyone can switch characters after the game started?
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
(edited by Starfall.6425)
I brought up the meta for the occasion that no real bunkers are played in that meta.. and the checkbox would be useless.
That also brings one to the next question.. what is a bunker? Where does it start and where does it end? Is a marauder rev a bunker? Is a marauder chrono with shield and wells a bunker or is a bunker only defined by the amulet?
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
I’m not one to hold a grudge and like I said before I think LB#2 and LB#5 are the dh’s stongest abilities. With the visuals fixed traps would be fine and defenitely not OP.
But with so many visuals bugged it is very irritating and quite gamebreaking in some situations.
Therefore back to topic… it deserves a hotfix.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Well it would not be easy to make it ‘foolproof’.
What prevents me from just ticking any box I like regardles of what I run? How will the ticked box effeckt my q-time, how will this generally effect q-times, who says a bunker will always be meta and so on.
I think the ammount of effort it takes to make it really good and foolproof outweights what it really improves in the end.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Yes, because real world traps are visible and not camouflaged.. amirite?
Honestly guys if you are going to put a giant visible circle on the ground that screams dont step here.. whats the point of a trap to either a DH or a Ranger?
You want to go that route, fine, lets us throw them like wells and other AoE attacks instead of having to place them, i could live with that. Never understood why the disparity in that sense exists anyway.
Another one who didn’t read what I wrote ^^
It’s quite sad that I’m describing a bug for ToF and PoB and 80% of comments here completely miss the topic, kittentalking each other over l2p and OP traps.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
You have a year to buy what you need after the holiday farm is over.
And you think the price will go dowm when players can only get 1 gift a day? ^^
If you have the money to finish the drinks after the event you also have the money to finish it right now.
I don’t have that kind of money.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Uhm that is not the topic ^^ And the traps are not strong compared to other classes stuff. LB #2 an #5 are stronger than traps.
This thread is about the traps not showing. They are bugged.
There needs to be a interaction that causes the visual effects not to show.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Like Buran said: In “not top-level PvP” dh is quite good and the mesmer nerfs also helped a bit. Still tanky eles and condi revs really counter it hard.
In the raids.. mh.. atleast at vail guardian dh is a good tank choice.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Well I think both ‘camps’ have a point. Generally I don’t want to tell teammembers what to do, but currently I’m getting a bit frustrated with the classes. Not because of the players, but because of the balance.
If the enemy team has 2 bunker-mesmer, 1 bunker-ele, 1 condi-rev and I think 1 marauer scrapper. What should a thief kill in this team and where should he decap?
If the enemy is equally skilled and they play a 2-cap-game the thief will do nothing the whole game. He will hit&run with minimal impact and he can’t fight on midpoint because there is lot’s of cc, aoe condi and wells.
I really don’t want to judge but in this meta experience tells me that I should better play against thief and not with thief. Therefore if enemy team is quite mobile and tanky I would prefer thief rerolling.
(experiences in saphire and ruby, don’t know if it is different in higher or lower elo)
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
It got really out of hand in those games I played today.
In some matches, especially on forest, over 50% of DH traps were invisible (including mine).
I’m not talking about dragons maw showing no border at which you get knockback.. I’m talking about the whole animation from trigger to end of traps like ToF or PoB being invisible.
I had hilariouse situation where I 1on1’d Scrapper and chased him to their point and then I got, to my surprise, heavily bursted on the point. After I died I looked at what caused my death and 80% was PoB and ToF that may have been left as a present from the enemy DH, but were invisible while fighting the Scrapper.
This was just one of several experiences, only from today and enemies also stated my own traps not showing sometimes.
Spells that do quite some damage shouldn’t be bugged invisible until february or something. It really deserves a hotfix.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
“Hello! I’m William Shatner and I’m a shaman”
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Thank you Gaile, this thread served it’s purpose with that.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
I am not sure that I will be able to find out the answers to your questions, Starfall, but I’ll see if the devs are able to tell me the details you’ve requested.
(As a GW veteran and official Life of the Party and Incorrigible Ale-Hound, I’m thinking about going for the beverage thing myself.
Then bring your checkbook, because this achievement has NOTHING to do with gameplay.
I got 3k in 2 days.
These threads are crap.
So you did the JP 250 times and got the rest from achievements and karma? doing something 125-times a day is the definition of the grind that anet so hated ^^
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
“These aren’t apple barrels!”
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Unless Gaile can give us some answers later it makes no sense to speculate. We on one hand have the achievement text that states “it is only doable during wintersday” and on the other hand we have the releasenotes that state “returning and new permanent Wintersday achievements".
So without further information… EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Salvaging Vial of Salt just gave me 8x+1 agony infusions. Shouldn’t it give something more… ascended-like? For example ball of dark energy?
I think it might have something to do with it having exotic stats until recently. Maybe the salvage-loottable is still not as intended.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
(As a GW veteran and official Life of the Party and Incorrigible Ale-Hound, I’m thinking about going for the beverage thing myself.
I’m betting you didn’t gather all those items and imbibe them in 4 weeks though….
Speaking of which, does anybody actually know when Wintersday will be ending? Gaile, I would be most grateful if you can shed some light on this!
That was actually part of the questions I asked and hopefully Gaile will find answer on, around or under the table… or in the kitchen catching dev’s that try to get some food :p
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
I am not sure that I will be able to find out the answers to your questions, Starfall, but I’ll see if the devs are able to tell me the details you’ve requested.
(As a GW veteran and official Life of the Party and Incorrigible Ale-Hound, I’m thinking about going for the beverage thing myself.
Thank you very much!
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
That is what I’m hoping for but certain answers still would be usefull, no matter what you intend to do with Wintersday.
Still a new “holiday-skin”, that emphasise the season of gifts and christmasspirit, leaves a bit of a sour taste in ones mouth if you have to go “well.. let’s see how much is possible in all the time I can spare during holidays and after that… TP to the rescue!”
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
I’m sure you are aware that a lot of people are wondering why this 10.000 drinks achievement is so out of sync with the rest of the collection.
Like them I’m still at that stage where I have to decide to either go for it (and probably lose quite some gold in the end) or just give it up and sell everything.
What everyone is curious about now, beside hoping for a not likely to happen change, is how long Wintersday will actually remain and if it will be able to continue after Wintersday or during next Wintersday.
To put is into prspective: I’m someone playing more than the average gamer, but I’m far from grinding five repeatable minigames for hours without end… it is mentally and physically exhausting. I did now invest a lot of time this two days (last evenings and this whole european day) and I’m still under 1k (even with all the achievement bonuses). If we calculate that up it would take me about 20 days of (for me) heavy grind.. and I’m completely ignoring all the holidays coming up.
It would really help and a lot of people would really appreciate if we got a bit more information on this one.
PS: Pls reduce to 5k drinks!
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Just to vent again:
With nightfury it was okey. I also really wanted the skin but noone knew how to get it at first, it also showed nowhere. When I heared the recipe was discovered, but it already cost 500g or something I simply dropped the idea and moved on.
This achievement is really evil. I have nearly everything completed already but I failed to realize the importance of the two grind achievements. I also made a bit of gold with the sigills (not that much) but I dropped it as soon as the TP manipulation got so extreme the TP even broke completely. Now I invested some time and some gold and have to question myself now “Which way to go?”
1) You sell absolutely everything and just use Winterday as a even more profitable gold-grind than SW
2) Go for the achievements and “presents” and most likely have to pay to even get it in the end.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
This whole wintersday is nothing more than a tradingpost experiment. I remember all the minigames from the very first Wintersday and beside the loottable nothing really changed.
Still I was really hyped for this event and I still am… it just makes me sad, that every item is just used/misused to completely change the market. Some people already earned thousands of gold just because of those achievements (runes, sigills, alcohol and candycone) and others now have to spend 1000% more cash than what they would have needed yesterday.
And then comes along the economics guru from Anet and thinks everything needs to be a goldsink because some people have 100k gold because of TP flipping and boom every 0815-modrem-event-item also costs 10g.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Thief is a victim of it’s own game mechanics and how Anet progressed the PvP powercreep.
Thief has no viable bunker and no viable support so the only thing that is left is damage… with damage you have two options:
1) Either the thief is able to (nearly) oneshot people. Then he is extremely OP because of his stealth and disengage, he just resets the fight and tries again to oneshot you; no escape.
2) Or he isn’t able to oneshot anyone.. then he is basically useless because whenever he tries to engage he runs high risk of dying to direct damage or some aoe.
As long as this is the extend of thief mechanics he will always be OP or useless, never balanced.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
But the merchant has it on his back.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
You can stand in front of the merchant in HotM who sells the wings and then you see how it looks xDD
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Unless you are WvW-Backline-Wellbomber-Nekro.. no
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
PS: love this thread
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Like it was mentioned. In a dungeon/raid it is expected to have Fury (+20% Crit chance) so pure berserker would bring you over 100%.
@Darwec you don’t take the crit-trait in Soulreaping but in the Reaper-line. So you always take Dhuumfire because it brings damage, although going into Shroud is always a damage-loss, so stay out of it as best as you can ^^
PS: I mean “you always take Dhuumfire if you take Soulreaping”. But for the most damage in raids you skip soulreaping and take blood.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
My guess is it was during a teamfight and a teammate of yours was finished.
When a player deals damage to a player, then goes downstate, he will rally when the player he dealt damage to was finished before him.
Edit: Guard downstate is one of the weakest and I’m not aware of a bug with rallying there (not like this joke with mesmer illusions or pets)
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
double viper rev? they don’t even scratch tempest+chrono….
Yeah have my doubts too, but I’m not good informed with ele.. so I could easily be wrong too.
But because everyone else seems to be on the same page, we could go to point 2):
How best to dismantle Chrono + Tempest with double Rev or any other composition?
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
This will be changed for an upcoming update so that disconnecting will not cause a desertion for party members if they win. The player who abandoned the match will still get a desertion.
If I read OP right his friend DC’d, but was present at the end of the game, meaning he didn’t desert but was away longer then the “save period” for DC’s. How is that still a desertion or “abandoning the match” when he came back?
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
My constructive feedback:
1) In my experience Death Perception is better than Dhuumfire even in a condi build. Shroud is normally a dps-loss to your weapons and so you only want to go into shroud for short times. During those short times you will mainly use #2-#5 and not AA. Death perception will give you more damage on #2-#5 than Dhuumfire will give on that occasional AA.
2) I’m not a real fan of the stat-sets on the gear. Why not dire and rabid all the way? Don’t like the soldiers. Carrion could be argued with.
3) I would change the sigills on your staff. Going for Chill with all four sigills is a bit over the top. Maybe something defensive would be good on staff. I would go for energy and as second Corruption or Doom.
Beside those points I kind of like what you did with the shouts, signets and grenth.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
What about diamond skin, nullfield and mesmer CC?
If they kill the ele the mesmer can pick him up instantly and if they pressure the mesmer the ele can pressure them.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
I would like to use this thread for two seperate things. Part 1) will be ‘theory-crafting’ about best 2vs2 settings. Even if it is not really that important in a setting of 5vs5 I still find it interesting. Part 2) will be me asking about advice.
So let’s start a hopefully fun and interesting thread:
1) What do you think is the best 2vs2 Team in the current meta (for holding/capturing a point)?
I think Chrono + Tempest is the strongest. In terms of survivability they are basically unkillable and win through attrition. I’m curious if others agree or if it is just my personal experience.
2) How best to fight Chrono + Tempest?
Well the sitting for me is bad from the start, because my two mains are DH und Chill-Reaper, but well.. always trying to improve ^^
In recent days I was facing this combo quite a lot and I felt them deliberately staying together too. It is really hard to face this combination and so I thought about asking for advice.
/discuss and pls stay calm and friendly
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Nah, they’ll bring balance don’t worry. One day. Sonner or later. Or much later. I think.
Knowing them, Arenanet will bring about as much balance as Anakin Skywalker brought to the Force…
Meaning that we will have to wait 6 seasons/movies and then they will ban/kill Darth Abjured and from there we see if anything will change? xD
Or maybe it is more like a “finding nemo” kind of thing?
“Oh we have to patch! What did I just say, I can’t remember? Oh we have to patch! What did I just say? Oh we have to patch! What did I just say?”
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
On the point of “Suffer!”
It is really strong against the vail guardian’s red orbs. You can basically negate every second red-orb-spawn with this skill when red orbs get closer to green circle or melee-group. It also helps if you misuse or interrupt the dagger condi-transfer and need a transfer for efficient use of the self-debuffs.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
@OP What you have posted is the Power-Build for the Raid. It is also fine for Fractals. It has the two Minions because they are additional DPS and you nearly never need the actual heal.
I would use the gear and the traits you posted and just switch the heal, ulty and probably signet (for run signet) in the open-world. Beside that your build is (on par with) the best builds.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
If you want to stick to Power-Reaper you could try it like this:
Third utility could be spectral walk, flesh wurm, spektral armor or “rise!”.
Like you said your traits were quite squishy. Blood is in my eyes better for power than spite. Death perception is gold and you will like 100% crit chance in shroud.
If you are not against playing condi I woul advise you to go condi, it is currently better.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth