Showing Posts For Starfall.6425:

True shot hits multiple times BUG?

in Guardian

Posted by: Starfall.6425


You had a long fight against said DH, or someone else?

If it was only the DH (which the screen suggests) then why shouldn’t he have hit you multiple times with the Trueshot? Probably he hit you 2 times with a non-crit and you didn’t notice it and then the third time he crit and you got hit by 7k + JI and then died.

The combat-log would have made that pretty clear, if there would have been 3 Trueshot hit right under each other I would believe it but like this I still just think you didn’t notice the first two hits.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

True shot hits multiple times BUG?

in Guardian

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Well the screenshot says something else. It says:

You fought a DH for a prolonged time during which he hit you 3 times with 3 different trueshots and only did 11k.

If it would have been a “Teleport-buggy-3-hit-oneshot” there wouldn’t be 35 ticks of burn.

So this is either a real bad case of trolling or you remembered the fight quite differently than it really happened.

PS: Or you had quite some lag and when your game went back to normal you were dead.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

(edited by Starfall.6425)

Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


I’m so happy we atleast can discuss this with a anet employ.

1) Make q-ing outside of HotM require rank 10. By then there should have been enough games for someone to get what he has to do.

2) Further there is, before actual game start, a huge amount of time to switch stuff (weapons, traits, equip).

3) Q-ing in open world and having the same UI pop-up (game-accept and map-vote) should be possible I guess; if some player is moving where he would enter a instance, cutscene, loading-screen he simply gets a pop-up like when entering fractals or something where he has the choice “Do you want to continue? Continuing will kick you out of pvp-queue: Yes / No”

This way players can enter the map they want to wait (GuildHall, SW for chestfarm, other maps for gathering/exploring) and start a queue there… everyone is happy.

Making this happen, together with a successful league system (and a balance patch before 1.dec) would basically satisfy all my pvp-needs.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Seems to be a issue since last patch. I was running completely exe-error-free since 64 bit client, but today I had already 6 crashes, 4 of them right when I logged into my guard.

Today I also noticed grafical bugs with the armor of different characters, maybe that has something to do with the crash issue.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

An Honest Question for the WvW Devs

in WvW

Posted by: Starfall.6425


If you control all the air shrines and have the buff, you don’t take any falling damage.

Now does that make sense?

You only take no fall damage near the east-keep. This place is nowhere near that, so you still die.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

To the devs: How many buckets?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Colin needed some liquid anyway!

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

An Honest Question for the WvW Devs

in WvW

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Ohh I remember those.. we literaly landed there within the first 5min of our first HoT-WvW-raid. Since we had to waypoint back anyway the whole zerg jumped to it’s death.. I felt quite trolled.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Patch note 17/11

in Guardian

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Don’t want to burst anyones bubble concerning “yay no nerf”:

In this patch there was not a single balancing done, only tooltips and visual-noise.
The balancing (that is already late, gg not even the first balance came on time) will come later and we will surely see nerfs.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Guild Raid Testing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Uhm.. if the 15min are true… then how is that supposed to work the ‘normal way’? oô

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

You got to be kidding right?

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


You guys do notice that there was no balance patches in this update, yes? Only tooltip and skill-effect changes. The balancing will come soon.. hopefully.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth


in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


OP, are you playing Thief?

Maybe berserker.

He said he has 4 champ titles so he might play more than one class… what a shock.
Pls don’t use every thread so spread your salt… if this goes on we will never have snow this winter.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Teleport to friend.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


At the end of the day, its no big deal but man is it lame. Starfall your right, it is MY fault just not paying attention because the teleport sent me nowhere iother than where I was standing. And yes, I have all the WPs in DS. Sent me nowhere but still burnt the TTF.

That sucks that it didn’t even move you, but like I said it surely isn’t an item that can break you into a full map. It would have been kind of an exploit if it worked for you.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Teleport to friend.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Well if you used more than two until you noticed you should also be ashamed of yourself ^^ Did you actually get teleported to DS, only another ID? Or where you already in DS when you teleported?

In my eyes it is a tool to travel great distances where you have no waypoint so far, get to the end of jumping puzzles or travel with new toon you got to 80 with books. It surely isn’t your way to “break into” full meta-event maps.

If you didn’t have a waypoint in DS it was bad luck that it didn’t even bring you to another ID, but if you had why not simply go there and “Join DS” on the profile of your groupmate?

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

pvp and wvw grinding for the new precursors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Just to put it into perspective… WvW players have to farm PvE to level their guilds for them to even be able to claim a camp again.

PvP and WvW are always ‘forced’ to play PvE if they want nearly anything. So for a legendary it shouldn’t be too bad to dip your toe into either of those.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


That is quite strange. I played 16h before now and now I’m downloading around 3GB of data. So I assumed it is this huge patch we are waiting for that should fix a lot of stuff.

Did you change language?

Omg… yes I did from german to english yesterday but it already switched everything right IGM so I didn’t think about that. What am I currently downloading then oô And will it be 3GB again when I switch back?

english audio files and you wont need to download the german one again, if you switch back

Thank you a lot. This thread can actualy be deleted now ^^

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


That is quite strange. I played 16h before now and now I’m downloading around 3GB of data. So I assumed it is this huge patch we are waiting for that should fix a lot of stuff.

Did you change language?

Omg… yes I did from german to english yesterday but it already switched everything right IGM so I didn’t think about that. What am I currently downloading then oô And will it be 3GB again when I switch back?

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


That is quite strange. I played 16h before now and now I’m downloading around 3GB of data. So I assumed it is this huge patch we are waiting for that should fix a lot of stuff.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Currently downloading a huge patch and I don’t seem to find a word on it. Anyone knows about any specifics?

Normally I enjoy reading the patchnotes while patching. Are they just delayed?

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Who is the best dressed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


kitten this black asura looks great. Could you PM me the gear and colors if it isn’t asked to much?

The reaper and the female asura also look great. The norn looks like a sohn svanirs (if that was your intent, well done). I’m not a big fan of charr, so no prais on that front from me xD

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Necro leveling

in Necromancer

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Use “Well of Suffering”, “Signet of Locust” and then either “Well of Corruption” or “Well of Darkness”.

For leveling and general PvE this will be good enough in all situations. For weapons Staff is always okey and then you go dagger/x for power damage or szepter/x for condition.

I think thats the most basic/easiest ‘build’.

For traits “Soul reaping” always works (but it is mostly the second or third choice for survivability). With the wells you can go “Blood Magic” first.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

DH: hearing extreme opposite reviews

in Guardian

Posted by: Starfall.6425


DH is heavy punishing people that don’t dodge or dodge at the wrong time. Having multiple threads that make people dodge (GS#2, traps, GS#5) is helping.

Because the traps are a obvious tactic people now start to figure out how to outplay DH in a 1on1, hence why quite a few classes do well against DH.

The problem starts when there are ‘messy’ teamfights and it is simply impossible to keep track of what to dodge while having multiple enemies. DH will snipe from range and when one is downed he will JI in and place his traps.
In those messy fights you either focus the DH (who has some means to delay/defend) or you will probably feel the pain… that is were most of the salt comes from because most teams are not as coordinated as ESL to work around the DH threat.

Adjusting trueshot and ToF a bit will work wonders in fights I guess and let’s the DH stay fun.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

WvW Invitational Statement from John Corpening, game director for World vs. World

in WvW

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Making this thread sticky now is even worse than staying quiet.
Your WvW population is generally disappointed and now we see “look at this stuff we promised you that you still have seen nothing about, we told you not even about future plans and a basic timeline. Well, don’t fret! Here farm PvE to upgrade your guild so you get your boni back and farm that expensive new profession that will make this great promised new mechanics avialable for the broad public in late 2016” ^^

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

full DH team

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


I think those who tried died on an epileptic seizure. Imagine all those flashes from traps. Considering my health I would not try it without sunglasses.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

SPvP Condi Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Starfall.6425


This is what I run and it’s a lot of fun.

Focus is surprisingly viable on this build. My only wish is Focus 5 had a shorter cast time. 3/4s would be plenty. Might uptime is really high with Rune of the Aristocracy, very easy to maintain 15+ stacks.

I like that. I will try it, but switch out the heal for vampirism or your soul is mine.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Tempest (In PvP) Needs Buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Well stab never was a ele thing and it worked out, or? now you get one every overload. My guildy ran water then, he defenitely had perma protection and his damage came from attrition.

But I will better leave the discussion, ele is one class I have really no clue about. I just came by and wanted to tell you the recent experience when trying stuff with a friend and it looked strong (for what it is intended).

PS: Aren’t most classes kittened when focused down? exept rev, scapper and druid xD

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Tempest (In PvP) Needs Buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


The mobility was my bad, you are right. But still a teamfight build that shares all auras, gives perma protection to the team and give the tempest regular stability is quite strong in my book. Go4gw2 ran a bunsh of tempest, but I could see it lacking in a solo game were you don’t have much communication/coordination with your team.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

At first i thougth DH was fine, but now...

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


What is the trap that knocks you down over and over?

That is exactly what is wrong with people that think all the traps are so OP and need atleast 50% dmg reduced or whatever.

The trap you mean is dragons maw and it is a 75sec CD elite that deals damage and traps you inside. If you stand still you can just do normal range dps, cast spells or whatever you like. But if you run again and again against it’s wall and get pulled back.. well then you are just bouncing there doing nothing and getting hit.

It makes a huge difference if you get knocked back over and over for 6sec or if you return fire, go invuln or block and walk out when it disappeared.

I think when ToF is adjusted (dmg or CD) and Trueshot gets.. mh.. 10% dmg reduced or CD increased to 6sec the DH should be in line. Look at tanky revs or condi-trap druids, strong reapers and good chronos. Even some DD’s and tempest rock. You guys get really distracted by those flashy traps (Anet pls reduce skill effects)

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

(edited by Starfall.6425)

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


I’m fine.. I play it with around half the different classes, doing my daylies every day… you win some you lose some. Overall I’m still at 60% win and that is fine for me.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Tempest (In PvP) Needs Buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


You want even more stability for such a high mobile class than you have now? oô
Today I duelled against a guildy who had a teamfight-oriented spec and he did fine in all the 1on1’s.

If you want to get tempest buffed until he is an even better 1on1 class then d/d ele.. well.. I hope you won’t get your wish.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

please adjust stomping

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425



The amount of people in downstate shown in wrong locations, the missing finishers, getting finished while stealthed…. there are quite some issues.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Starting Lifeforce needs to be reviewed

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


lol its a lot easyer to land dammage as a necro than it is a warrior. Literally all necros have to do is push buttons. You don’t have to use skills that are 130 range that only hit a target if you are literally right ontop of them and they can’t dodge or use any number of other skills to counter you.

Like d/wh?

Edit: I would still be ok with LF staying as it is, but I don’t like the warriors comming here asking for nerfs on LF, our only defense mechanic.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

(edited by Starfall.6425)

is that something normal to you?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Elitists waiting 10min in lfg to run 5min faster… gg
90% of dungeon/fractal runners are not that good that a different class matters in any way when played equally good.

I’m fine with my casual runs and most times I’m the one picking those meta-zerk squishis up from downstate while having the mobs attack my lifeforce bar.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

PvP S/F & M/S DH

in Guardian

Posted by: Starfall.6425


I don’t really see what you want to achieve with this build? It is no real pointholder, I don’t see it as good groupfighter and a guard decaper is useless without mobility xD

At first I thought this will be a bunker build after reading the weapon sets. Then I saw marauder gear and was confused. Two melee weaponsets that don’t offer real killpotential and then a squishy gear with defensive traits.

I think it would be better to either go for the full damage or the full tank.
How do you play this build?

PS: Looked at it again and yes.. it looks like good sustain even with marauder but I still question the offensive part.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

(edited by Starfall.6425)

Starting Lifeforce needs to be reviewed

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


I always played necro and since HoT it is my main. I never felt handicapped because I started with 0 LF. If I know I don’t have it built up I play accordingly and even if I had it I wouldn’t insta RS on the first target I find.

As a necro I go for mid most times (good teamfighter and stuff) and there building up LF isn’t really hard.

If it stays at 0 I don’t mind and if they change it I’ll say “thank you”.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth


in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


There is so much wrong with this kind of threads.

I’ll just toss some random unscientific numbers around:

33% here play different classes in different MMR and rank them as they experience their games. In my expectation builds will have different success based on how ‘skilled’ the players are. So some will find a build extremely strong while other dismantle it.. in the same setting.

33% (believe that they) are good and look at tournaments and what is played there and rank kitten accordingly.

33% are playing in low MMR/hotjoin, steamroll each other with cheese builds while noone has a clue what everyone is doing and expect this to always be the case in all games and rank classes accordingly.

I for myself play different classes in some mysterious MMR and I’m fine with any enemy. When I completely stomp someone or get my balls handed to me by someone else it is most times a skill issue and not a class issue. Some classes I know better, some not; some encounters are easier based on the build, some are not. I won games with 2 warriors, with 3 thiefs, I lost with DH’s, Reapers and Heralds on my team.

I work with what Anet handed to me and try to enjoy it.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

DH Traps are too much

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


>3k Armor and 19.2k health on a necro, I die within about 2-3 seconds against a DH with traps. (through deathshroud) While being dazed more than half the time. Any attacks I do get off are either blocked or if I try to CC him, he has stability.

I play Marauder Necro and I nearly never die to a trap burst in a 1on1. Even in teamfights I can avoid most traps if there is only one enemy DH.

It’s so funny when I run to a point held by a single DH, just to see him stack all traps right before my eyes. I have no minions so I use this secret technic: dodge to activate without getting dmg. After that I remember all those threads and wonder how many that flame would have 100->0’d on this traps and flamed further after.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

(edited by Starfall.6425)

Returning for HoT. State of sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Current status? Imbalance and powercreep, combined with getting to know the capabilities of the new elite specs.

Before the next balance patch and more time for the people to adjust you might get disappointed.

Or you use what Anet has given you and try to have fun with current strong builds until they get nerfed.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Please remove all automatic traits

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


I don’t seee what makes them so much better than traits that augment your skills or give you flat damage increase or whatever.

If you remove all those you need to fill the gaps with new stuff and balance stuff around them missing and being replaced.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Please remove all automatic traits

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


What is an automatic trait? In my eyes all traits are automatic because you don’t need to manually activate it in a fight oô

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

1 more month till balance[RANT or HYPE?]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


For all those stuff that didn’t go as promised before HoT, all those “we will look at it”… I’m not hyped for anything right now.

I hope they tune down all the classes… the powercreep is real.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Why to not nerf DH traps

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


anyway they are utilities, show me utilities of any other class that can down people.

Nekro wells, Chrono wells, Ranger traps, nearly all Engi stuff, Ele glyph of storms is what comes to my mind. I don’t know if Revenant has any.

Necromancer have 2 damaging wells that have like double the cooldown, no CC and less damage spread over a longer duration. Chronomancer wells again only have 2 damaging wells that do less damage and only 1 CC though you can place it twice with Continuum which is broken too. I wouldn’t count Engineer utilities since they don’t get a weapon swap and turrets can be destroyed. Elementalist Glyph of Storms has a long cooldown and you only have a chance to be hit, guaranteed hit elements do low damage over a long duration. Revenant utilities are from forms but they still don’t do much damage it’s all the weapons. Ranger traps have 1 second knockdown and then any damage can be removed with condition removal.

He simply said we should tell him utilities that can down people. I posted the first few that came to my mind.

Nowhere did I say they are all equally good or bring equal boons/CC.

I for myself sometimes play with 2 Nekro wells and they are more than enough; not that frontloaded but still enough dmg at range with nice boons. The new Chrono wells also seem to be quite good in different aspects.

Further I think that (nearly) all classes/elites should be nerfed, some a bit more than others. But the powercreep is real and I don’t think it is that good for the game.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Why to not nerf DH traps

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


anyway they are utilities, show me utilities of any other class that can down people.

Nekro wells, Chrono wells, Ranger traps, nearly all Engi stuff, Ele glyph of storms is what comes to my mind. I don’t know if Revenant has any.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

How do you summon Turai Ossa?

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


It only workes in stronghold.
During the fight there spawns mist essence on occasion and if you channel it long enough your team gets the hero you have chosen in your settings. There are two spawns east/west of the trebs of either team.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Every day i play GS, its worse

in Necromancer

Posted by: Starfall.6425


if you want to play with gs as you used to play with dagger/warhorn pre hot, than youre right…., gs doesnt rly work, its weaker

gs offers a new, unique way of playstyle, wich is different from dagger/warhorn, but not worse…, learn it and get used to it

How does one get used to a weapon where the auto and gap closer never works?

I don’t see why dagger and gs can’t fulfill melee damage builds in different ways – dagger better single target damage and mobility/speed and GS less single target damage but better aoe damage and defense with chill applications.

I mean isn’t that what the GS was supposed to be? A cleave weapon that complements team play by debuffing and conditioning enemies with chill? It doesn’t do any of that.

It’s a PVP failure.

Tell its a pvp failure to crying enemies that whisper me that im broken and wtf is this , when i hit them for 10k . You obviously not have a clue . Gs is the best single and aoe dmg necro has . Learn to play . Ppl like u are the reason necro has “bad name”

GS in PvP is bad against equally skilled or better players. Just because you found enemies that let you stay sticky and wreck them with gravedigger doesn’t mean “we have no clue”.

(Power)Reapers will still play with d/wh and use the shroud for cleave.

I dont think they "let me " . It’s just they dont have other choice. You know u are very mobile using GS ? the fact skills are slow doesnt mean u cant walk in the meanwhile . So yeah , when u neglect the idea of having 12 stacks of vuln in about 1 sec , then yes , u dont have any clue .
P.s : You know i got plenty of whispers from necros running Dagger in pvp " wow u did well , what is your build? " . Dagger was good pre HOT now its OUTDATED
P.s2 just my personal opinion no offense to anyone

1) GS has NOT A SINGLE movement ability, how does GS make you more mobile? oô
2) Yes even if skills are slow you can move, but if they are slow your enemy can move and dodge too.
3) If you think dagger is outdated in pvp I’m sorry for you.. you are missing out on an epic root, fast AA with good lifeforce and with the WH on the swiftness. With GS/ST you are literally always running around with 100% unless you waste important lifefforce to use the RS charge.

GS in PvP is a high risk high reward weapon with currently (buggy GS5, clunky play) too much risk.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

HoT Event scaling (Champions/Legendaries)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Of cours we broke his bar, but champions have bars too and we broke theirs like 20 times each fight ^^
It’s quite strange how the supposedly kitten legendary gets burn instantly and the normal champions don’t feel anything when you break their bar xD

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Time-gated items to start working on now...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Yeah something like that would really be great. Maybe Dulfy could/would do something with the help of the communitys input. It’s quite hard for a lot of casual players to discover what you don’t know about ^^

Pretty please.

PS: What I can tell you is that you should do atleast the charged quarz crystals because as far as I’m aware they are components of different new stuff.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

HoT Event scaling (Champions/Legendaries)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Today me and some guldies (and a whole map of other nice people) were pushing the Tarir Meta-Event from scratch to finish (and did it, yay) and I noticed something that bothered me. The scaling of event mobs, or more specific their life pool, seems to be quite extreme in different events and far too low in others.

I did the 3 pylons in the south of auric basin and met two quite extreme examples of this problem:

1) The charging champion dinoraus that spawns in the middle of one pylon questline. We were around 10-15 people there and it took us seriously around 8 minutes to kill this one mob.

2) On the other hand there is also a legendary wyvern at one of the south pylons and with basically the same amount of people we melted this legendary mob in under a minute.

There is generally a quite strange kind of scaling of mobs that makes some bronze mobs take longer to kill than champions, champions take 20x the time than a legendary.

Generally it felt quite exhausting to follow bronze husk minions that do nothing than running away and take ages to kill.

Anyone sharing my experience/thoughts and wants to add constructive feedback?

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Balance suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Well now we went from “Traps need 1sec cast time” to “3 can be instant, the other 3 should have 3/4 cast time” ^^

Currently there are only 2 instant traps and one is a stun-break. Having a stun break with a cast time makes no sense. Having a longer cast time on traps is not the right way to balance them anyway. Imagening a DH kneeling down.. waiting 1 sec.. you can literaly just walk out of range, dodge or interrupt anything.

If A-net tweaks the traps they will change the dmg a bit, reduce boons or increase the CD, but not increase the cast time.

I actualy don’t play scrapper; so how hard/easy is it to hit a combifield with all 3 blasts? Just because in theory there are 3 finishers doesn’t mean he procs 3 fields every use of the skill. Just wondering here.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Can we make DH True Shot unblockable?

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


I don’t feel that childish, but after seriously discussing in 10 different flame threads, taking a 5min break and retuning to 5 new flame threads I thought I would try a different approach. I actually think it was quite funny, sorry it wasn’t your type of humor.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

Balance suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


Of course it isn’t limited to traits.. but you missed the traits all together. One of the things that most people complain about with DH is the trait that dazes on traps. Changing this trait alone would make the DH already feel much different.

Just gutting/buffing one skill of each elite spec would not cut it for a balance patch and like I mentioned some suggestions are too strong/weak.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth