You’ve reached the cap on daily AP – it’s 15,000 AP for daily and monthly AP combined.
During a fractal run, a pug died during at Mai Trin during the cannon phase. Although the rest of us survived, he told us not to bother reviving him as he was going AFK to smoke a joint.
He seemed genuinely surprised when we kicked him.
They’ve still promised us a Guild Chat on Legendary Weapons. Not today, I guess, there’s no sign of any Guild Chat at all that I can find with under 1.5 hours until it would begin. Anyone know if we get a stream today?
The PvP post this week said the legendary crafting information would be revealed ‘this coming week’, so I’d expect the Guild Chat next friday.
See that part on shards of glory in the last section:
Uh-oh. Seeing as the aviator was inspired by a bug, I wonder if we’ll all being wearing pants on our heads in April…
I seem to recall it being said back when Lion’s Arch was updated that with HoT, some achievements would get updated to work more like collections or the Princess achievement, so you can see exactly what’s missing. Hopefully this is going to be one of those that gets updated.
I can’t find a source for that on the forums, though, so I think I’m remembering it from an episode of PoI.
That item used to be town clothing, so you have to unlock it differently. You have to take it to a Black Lion Trader (Armorsmith) to convert it into a skin/unlock it.
Note that items like these won’t necessarily be visible in your inventory, so your best bet is to talk to the NPC with each character, just in case.
Whenever I see somebody with a style that interests me I always whisper them a compliment. A like system seems unnecessary when a complimentary whisper does the same ego stroking job.
Actually, I’d say a whisper does a better job. If you can like with a quick click, it risks making it a common event, and that cheapens it. Even more so if a number of likes is visible, because that would just lead to like-trading to try and show off about who can get the biggest number.
Taking the time to whisper a complete stranger takes a little time and effort, and it’s more personal. It’s only happened to me a few times since the game launched (coincidentally, it happened this week), but it’s made my day each time. I doubt I’d care or even notice much if someone clicked on a thumbs up symbol.
Have you accidentally set it to auto-cast (indicated by two arrows around it)? Ctrl + right click on the skill will turn that off if you have.
You own the copyright to any work you create, regardless of whether you officially register your copyright or not.
Are you sure about that? Seems strange to me. Not to mention almost impossible to prove you are the first to create something and are therefore the ‘owner’.
Copyright applies from the moment a work is created.
One trick people have been known to use to prove a creation date is to mail themselves a copy of their work when the first create it. That way, later on when they need to prove when they created, they have a sealed package with a post mark confirming the date.
The leaderboards were frozen at the end of the last season, which ended in May. Any ranked games played since then won’t show up, and it’s unlikely to change until the PvP leagues start with the expansion.
You can also use laurels to get T6 – 1 laurel buys a bag containing 3 random T6 mats.
I believe that’s the Daydreamer’s Finery outfit.
That drop rate sounds about right to me. I have 4 characters parked, and can often go few days without getting a doubloon. I would say I typically get a doubloon every 3-4 days, so maybe a 1 in 30 chance.
You didn’t say which jumping puzzle you’re using. Weyandt’s Revenge is the best one if you’re not already using it, as it has 2 chances to drop a doubloon compared to 1 anywhere else.
I don’t think there’s a search function.
The leaderboards are currently frozen at the end of the last season (ended in May), so if you didn’t play any ranked while that season was active you won’t show up at all.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to find myself or a friend on the PvP Leaderboards, or do you actually have to scroll through page after page reading each name?
If you log in, you can filter the leaderboard by your friend list, or any of the guilds you’re a member of.
ah ok, thanks, is there a way to pre-download the HoT Beta content?
The beta uses the main client, there’s nothing separate to download.
Is it just in the hero window, or does it persist onto the character itself?
There is a bug with the dye previews in the hero panel, which could explain what you’re seeing in that screenshot. As far as I know, it only affects the preview window, though, and should appear correctly on the character once applied.
Are you going to the quartermasters in the forts? The fort also needs to not be under attack.
As it stand i believe either the Seers (very similar in look to the mursaat) or Margonites are viable options. i do not believe the mursaats could be the exalted simply due to their antagonistic role.
It’s worth bearing in mind that the mursaats’ antagonistic role had them doing something bad (human sacrifice) for a good reason (keeping Abbadon sealed behind the Door of Komalie). That no longer applies, as the door got opened anyway, and Abbadon is dead.
It seems entirely plausible to me that they vanished for a few generations so they can be somewhat forgotten, and then returned with a new name to try to disasociate themselves with what past events. Without the burden of having to prevent the Flameseeker Prophecies, there is scope for them to establish a more benevalent relationship with the other races (or at least benevalent-seeming), and with the gods absent, it’s always possible they’re trying to fill that niche.
I don’t think that table’s telling the whole story. As I understand it, the karma reward is for playing a level below your personal reward level (capped at a 10 level difference). That table is showing the maximum this can give at each level, with the sweet spot being a level 50 running a level 40 fractal.
It also depends on what you’re running fractals for. If it’s for karma, then yes, level 40 is your best bet if you’ve reached level 50. If it’s for a chance at the skins, ascended chests, or the tonic, then you want to run as high a reward level as possible.
Right now the only difference is the maps available in each (I tend to play ranked to avoid Skyhammer and Courtyard).
The leaderboard was frozen at the end of the last season, which ended in May. Any ranked games you play now won’t update it. I doubt it’ll change until the PvP leagues start with the expansion.
Oops. Oh well, there’s plenty of new players around, I’m sure it’ll be useful to someone.
It’s worth noting the reset times don’t change with daylight savings. For example the daily achievements reset is always midnight GMT, so when daylight savings ends, it’ll appear to happen an hour earlier as a result. I’ve seen people caught out by this every autumn, thinking they have an hour longer to get their dailies done than they actually have.
If I recall right contested waypoint doesn’t prevent you from discovering it, then adding it to your map completion. I can’t recall for sure then I don’t know if it’s this way, but I remember discovering contested waypoints on past.
That wasn’t quite what I meant. The event is bugged out right at the end, and I’m speculating that it’s removed the contested waypoint, but failed to replace it with an uncontested waypoint as part of ending the event.
I’ve seen this happen here before, years ago, and only with this waypoint. At a guess it’s the event bugging out while it’s in the middle of changing the waypoint to being contested, and ultimately there was nothing to do except wait for the next patch to reset the map or find a different instance of the map that hasn’t had the bug.
Edit: if it’s the last wave it’s more likely to be as it’s changing the waypoint to uncontested.
The unlock isn’t to do with which episodes you’ve completed, it’s to do with when you logged in. For the first couple of weeks after an episode was released, if you logged in, even if you didn’t play any of the episode, it gets unlocked for free. You must have logged in at some point during episode 6’s two weeks, but not during any of the other episodes.
I hate this paranoid crap so much. If this ever gets added as a requirement for existing accounts and I can’t opt out, I simply won’t play any more.
No you can’t have my stuff.
You know the saying, you’re not paranoid if they’re really out to get you. And they are out there trying to break into accounts.
I’d rather be paranoid and safe than regretful and hacked. I’ve used the authentication since it launched (IIRC a few weeks after the game launched), and I’d rather have that minor irritation than not be safe. It’s a bit like it’s a pain to have to check the house is locked up at night or before I go out, but I prefer that to being burgled.
Really? Strange. I have only seen it happen on the free stuff or on the crappy ones like Mcafee.
Bingo. I may have overstated the reputable part
You do not understand how antivirus work do you? False positives are not uncommon, and almost usually happen on the crappy ones or the free ones.
They can happen on the reputable ones too. I once got sent home from work early because reputable antivirus software gave a false positive that windows itself was a virus, and all the PCs crashed. Some might say it got it right, though…
You forgot to say PvP chests OP. I’ve had them from track reward chests as well as rank up chests.
That’s a good shout – I always save mine to open when the Call of the Mists buff is up for the extra magic find and have had a few ascended chests drop as a result.
I’ve always used 3-factor-authentification and can only recommend it. When I had e-mail authentification I once got an e-mail that someone was trying to log in from china. That moment I knew that my password had been hacked (and I changed it immediately). Of course they didn’t know the password for my e-mail account and thus my GW2 account was safe. Nowadays I use the authenticator because it’s easier.
It’s sad that ANet has to force players to use the 3-factor authentification. Everyone who values their account should gladly use the extra security that ANet offers us and recommend to other players to do the same.
No, on the contrary, it is sad that anet has to force people to use it because it is pointless. Your account wasn’t hacked because you are intelligent and use different passwords for different things. That is exactly what people should be doing.
Email authentication has been a thing since shortly after launch and it works perfectly if you’re not a security moron.
That’s not quite true. The extra authentication doesn’t just guard against a user’s poor security compromising their account, it also guards against a security-conscious user being compromised if their email provider gets hacked.
I used to get a problem like this regularly, but it seemed to get fixed maybe a year ago. I found doing an emote was another way of clearing the immobilise, saves putting a movement skill on cooldown or using up endurance for a dodge.
It’s a bug with charrs and the new Royal Guard outfit, see this thread:
There’s 2 sets of guild armour, one for each hall.
The reason you’re not appearing is because the PvP leaderboard was frozen at the end of the last PvP season, which ended in May. It’s unlikely to change until leagues come along with HoT.
I doubt there’ll be one today. The announcement for this weekend’s beta confirmed neither druid nor forge will be involved, so I suspect they’ll wait until after the beta it done to reveal either. They’d rather people are fired up to try up out an elite spec that is available rather than pining for the one that’s just been unveiled but not available.
Next week is a better bet I reckon.
There’s also 2 new sets of guild armour, one for each guild hall map.
It looks to me like it’s just a display bug, and the clusters are actually landing where they are supposed to, despite where they appear to go.
When I try it, I get the cluster bombs flying sideways from my character, but the final explosion animations are then forward of where the cluster appears to go – in fact they are about where the clusters would have landed if they’d flown from the original arrow.
I’ve also tried this out in heart of the mists with a group of golems, and the ones that take damage line up with where the final explosion is displayed, not where the cluster goes from my character.
It depends what game mode you want to play – WvW is the only mode that is affected by server. If you’re more interested in PvP or PvE you can join any EU server and still play with your friends in those modes.
The ‘full’ state is calculated based on how many people play WvW, and unfortunately, Desolation is one of the higher tier servers in WvW and therefore reasonably well populated. There’s no fixed period in which space is freed up, you’re reliant on people leaving to free up space.
You can change servers at later date, but this costs gems, which you can buy with either real money or in-game with gold. Not an ideal solution as it costs more in the long run, but you could pick another server so you can at least get in game while you wait for space to free up on Desolation.
Yes, that’s exactly how it works. The hood should unlock in the wardrobe from the first character, and be usable (for a transmutation charge) on any other character that uses medium armour.
You shouldn’t need a twitter account, it’s just they’ve posted the wrong link. Not much to do but wait to see if they post the right one.
It’s in the novel, Sea of Sorrows.
Just seen this in another thread, suggesting there’s currently a bug with map completion:
I have similar problem but 650/652 POI.
Checked all maps and its 100%
Even received 2 gifts of exploration as a reward but not the achievement.
Is this normal?
The acheivement and the gifts of exploration come from different things.
The gifts comes from completing every POI, hero challenge, etc.
The acheivement comes from unfogging every named section of the map. It’s possible to get one without the other because some map sections have no POIs etc. The simplest way to find what’s missing for the achievement is using the wiki. For each zone, it has a map which shows the boundaries between the sections, so you should be able to see which ones you have missing.
Edit: Sorry, getting my achievements mixed up. The ones for each region work as I said above, ‘Been There Done That’ does indeed require 100% map completion.
(edited by Stitch.1794)
That just means you’re at or above 99.5%. The login screen rounds up, but in game truncates.
Claw island doesn’t count for map completion – I have character with 100% without doing any personal story.
The usual suspect for 1 POI is the chantry of secrets. Another likely candidate are ones that have been added through living story since you reached 100% in that map, like The Dead End in Divinity’s Reach.
Your best bet is to mouse over each map, and it should tell you if there’s anything left to do.
If you’re not sure if you’re safe, it might be worth changing your password (and from a different PC, just in case). Very little effort a for some peace of mind. Also, yes, get the 2-factor authentication set up ASAP, better to have it and not need it than vice versa.
I’d say when it comes to account security, paranoid is probably a good thing.
I had this a couple of days ago. When I checked the daily achievements they hadn’t reset either.
As soon as I switched characters, it all reset, and I got the chest.