Now I just needed to finish the level 13 fractal to get the casual-fractal hero achievement – nope. Didn’t work. Seriously? Why the hell does that have to happen?
Can you post a screenshot showing your progress for casual-fractal? I’ve seen over a dozen people say they only needed level X and being surprised that they didn’t get final credit…and then it turned out they were missing an earlier number (they just forgot that they started in the middle). I don’t know if that’s what happened in your situation, but let’s rule it out just in case.
Another possibility is, considering it’s cliffside and there’s a delay at the end, are you waiting for the pop-up to appear, or clicking on the exit button bottom right to leave? Although you get the chest for completing as soon as you kill the Archdiviner, you don’t actually get credit for completing it the fractal until the pop-up appears, which happens after the statue bows.
Yes, the acheivements and mastery points are tied to your account rather than your character, so won’t get deleted with a character.
Try Caledon Forest and Plains of Ashford – some new hearts were added to them a while ago.
From a blog post a couple of weeks ago:
There will be a new legendary backpack every year, but Hugh confirmed that the current style can still be earned after a new one is introduced
For part IV do I need to cross 4 division in the same pvp season?
No, they can be split across multiple seasons.
From the icons, it looks like you’ve made deldrimor sword hilts, not deldrimor greatsword hilts.
Same here, I have the full set of SAB minis unlocked, but none are showing up.
There are 5 separate achievements for each chapter, 1 for each race, but you’ll only get the mastery point from the first of those you complete.
So for example, for chapter 1, you’ll only get 1 mastery point total from the following 5 achievements:
Crime and Punishment (human)
For the Legion! (charr)
Waking from the Nightmare (sylvari)
Rising to the Challenge (norn)
Graduation Day (asura)
Have you already completed those chapters with a different race?
The UI is a bit misleading on this, but for chapters 1-3, you only get mastery points for the first race you complete the chapter with, and likewise with chapter 4 and the orders.
Not really, they’re just new with the expansion, so require playing the expansion content to earn them.
You can sometimes do that with reflection – if a projectile spawns a creature when it lands, and you reflect it, the creature spawns as an ally not an enemy. Some risen spiders throw out eggs after they die, so maybe you reflected one of those?
Have you checked the buy-back tab at the bottom of the vendor window? If it’s still there, you’ll be able to buy it back for exactly what you sold it for,
Also, use an invisible bags – they prevent the items stored in them from appearing when you are selling at a vendor.
I have the same bug I hit diamond and my League Elite never triggered as a Meta event. League Elementalist and Necro—Champion shows as an attained achievement for me but is not counted to my META total in the score out of /11. All I can say is buggy and continue to post tese meta glitches.
That’s not a bug – the individual profession achievements don’t count towards the 11. Instead they count towards the League Professional achievement. If you click on the main achievement it shows you exactly which 11 you need to complete.
The only restriction added was that a 5-man team won’t be matched against 5 solo players. There was no specific restriction on the team being a guild team, and any other combination can still occur.
As for teamspeak and better co-ordination, parties have their MMR scaled up to some degree to compensate.
Just checked in game, as the wiki is currently down, and the 3rd fractal mastery costs 3 points, so that exactly lines up with with the number of points you’re seeing now. It would also explain the arguments with CS, because if you’re telling them you’re missing three points when in fact they’ve been unintentionally spent on a different mastery, your number of points will look correct.
You’ve spent points on a fractal mastery between those to screenshots. You have 2 completed in the first screenshot and 3 in the second. If you hadn’t intended to do that it could explain where your points went.
You know you’re actually saying the same thing? As Oxidia said, you need 18 per race (6 from each tier), which, as MoarChaos said, works out as 90 overall.
FYI : you can already mouseover to see your daily / old monthly cap in the achievement panel. It’s in the panel where you can select your title .. put your mouse somewhere on ‘’ Total point ’’ in white letter ( top left corner ) .. well i don’t know what you mean by ‘’ clearly show ’’ … it’s clear to me … i see XX ap from daily XX app from monthly and XX ap from achivements.
It doesn’t show the cap, though, or give any indication that a cap even exists.
No, I mean 15k accrued over the entire life of your account from completing dailies and monthlies. If you mouse over your AP total, it’ll break it down into daily, monthly and permenant – I bet you have 11,002 permenant, and the other two sum to 15,000.
You’ve probably hit the cap – 15,000 AP for dailies and monthlies combined.
The WvW boost gets reset to 0 each Saturday evening, so you’d normally see your max HP drop on a Saturday and then gradually increase through the week.
Something that just occurred to me on this subject – if mordrem are all mockeries of the living creature Modremoth encounters, why are there none based on the races that were around the last time the dragons awoke? Surely Mordremoth must have encountered at least some mursaat, seers, dwarves, forgotten, or jotun back then, yet he hasn’t used them. Has he forgotten them as he slept? Does he just use the races he encouters against them selves as a bit of a mind-game against them? Or are the current races somehow better for him to copy?
I think that’s pretty much it.
Similarly, we didn’t see any frog-shaped mordrem until HoT, suggesting that the Itzel and Nuhoch modrem are something Mordremoth learned to make more recently, after his original modrem killed / captured some.
Commonly missed areas include:
*Claw Island – Claw Island has four points of interest and this map can only be reached by undertaking your personal story at level 60. (Lot say this doesn’t count but I think it does unless something changed. Haven’t done story in ages)
The POI on Claw Island definitely doesn’t count for map completion / Been There Done That – I have a character that has got to 100% map completion without doing any personal story.
The 4 regions on Claw Island (Lion’s Mane, Western Strait, Sorrow’s Bay & Fort Stalwart) do, however, count for the Krytan Explorer achievement.
Do you have all of the Tyrian jumping puzzle achievements? Some of those are their own area without PoI to let you know they’re there.
Did you go through the story and see Claw Island? Dumb question but I have had friends ignore the story completely.
Claw Island’s POI doesn’t count for map completion / Been There Done That – you can get 100% without doing any personal story.
You have to remember the age rating of this game, so there has to be a dress code for gliding to protect anyone who happens to look up as you go overhead: no pants, no glider.
There’s not much point salvaging old PvP skins – it’ll just give you the old PvP crafting materials, which are also useless, and could only be used to make PvP skins.
At a guess, I think you may have got this from an old version of the reward chests awarded every 500 achievement points? They used to include a chest of PvP skins before the wardrobe was introduced.
From the bug tracker:
Achievements: Dungeon Achievements have text mismatched to dungeon paths completed
That suggests that although it says you need to complete Mursaat Path, it’s actually a different path that you need.
That bug is marked as ‘Verifying’ so they have a fix, but they’re still testing it.
It’s tricky because typically Tequatl never recovers from being stunned by the laser before the each defence phase starts, but it is still possible (it took me about three weeks of trying daily).
As soon as Tequatl’s health reaches 75% and the first defence phase starts, a vortex will spawn. I found that standing in melee range of Tequatl’s left foot, and slightly to the side was a good spot. Look out for a pair of the bone fingers that appear and swirl round for a second or two – that is the vortex appearing. If you see that, run to where they are (make sure you do not dodge) and hopefully you’ll get pulled in.
If you get lucky and get a map with population low enough not to damage Tequatl too quickly, but high enough to get to the first defence phase, you may also see vortexes appear after Tequatl recovers from being stunned by the laser, but it’s really hard to get such a map.
The 15-day time gate is one of the required acheivements. If you click on the main achievement (Path of the Ascension III), it shows exactly which 11 achievements you need to complete.
You say the season is too short, but there are currently 39 days left this season – enough time to complete not only part III’s timegate, but also part IV’s. You can also start working on the part IV timegate as soon as you complete the part III timegate, even if you haven’t finished the main part III achievement.
As for the divisions, you won’t need to cross the divisions again – you need to cross 10 divisions in total across the 4 seasons split in whatever way you like. Each achievement doesn’t need to be completed within a single season – the only exception is Exalted Legend, but that’s not part of the backpack achievements anyway.
Sounds like you’re wearing the Royal Guard outfit, which was given to veteran players last year. Go to Outfits in the Hero panel, and untick the outfit, and your armour should reappear.
Bit of a long shot, but have you tried getting a consumable item for the skin (use the ‘Withdraw’ button at the bottom of the achievements panel)? If you can get a consumable for the vambraces from there, it might trigger the skin unlocking in the wardrobe, or at least give you a way of using skin until your wardrobe gets fixed.
You don’t convert experience to mastery points. You earn mastery points from achievements (look for the green or red icons on the hero panel), and then when your experience bar is full, you can spend mastery points to complete the mastery.
As for the search results, don’t use the forum search, it’s broken, use google instead (see this thread:
Not necessarily dead – Arah path 2 leaves open the possibility that there could be survivors in hiding.
When you get to level 80, start in The Silverwastes, there’s a story instance there that leads you into the new maps.
Do you have Herald set as one of your underwater legends? I have two other legends set for underwater, and since I did that, I haven’t had the problem with facets cancelling.
Energy resets to 50% whenever you swap legends, so if you run out of energy, it’s normally worth swapping rather than waiting for it to regenerate.
Ok, there’s something going on in this game that I’m really not happy with, and what’s worse is the GMs seem to be aware of it and to have turned a blind eye.
I’ve not seen this happen in game myself, but I was watching a stream last night, and saw some blatant cheating. One of the players is clearly hacking the game and getting away with it. I’ve done a bit of research, and the player in question seems pretty famous and has been getting away with it for years, despite making no effort to hide his blatant cheating. It’s going to get worse, too – at the moment he’s doing this on his own, but I’ve heard rumours that he’s looking to form a guild of like-minded players later this month.
Anyway, as for his cheating, he’s not exactly been subtle. I’ve been playing this game long enough to know there are no skills that let you fly, or shoot lasers from your eyes, or ignore almost all sources of damage. He’s also managed to attach a second character to his account, which I’m pretty sure is against the terms and conditions we’ve all had to sign up to, but perhaps explains how he’s been able to get away with this for so long.
And then there’s his fashion sense. I know it’s not a reportable offence, but really in his case it should be. I mean who would want to go around wearing a cape?
There were some interesting rumours on the UK server this week about the level cap. Currently it’s 67, but the biggest guild (Government[Tory]) are rumoured to be trying to get the devs to raise it to 75. This is great news because, although I’m a long way off hitting max level, I’ve been told that all there is to do after hitting the cap is a mini-game called gardening, which looks a bit dull.
You could create two tabs, where the only difference is one has emotes, the other doesn’t. That way you can easily turn emotes on or off by switching tabs depending on if there are people role-playing near you or not.
You used to be able to switch to using your equipped toy with a key bind (indirectly, via switching to town clothes) prior to the feature packs, which I miss. Perhaps we could have a system similar to minis which would allow that to come back. I.E. Toys can be unlocked for the account, and whichever on is ticked in the UI for that character can be equipped using a key.
I am, I right click on him my delivery box comes up, I click on the items and nothing happens.
You’ve opened the TP window by pressing ‘F’ to interact with the agent? It won’t work if you’re stood next to him and press ‘O’ or click the TP icon from the bar at the top.
Ive been trying this for some decades already. the first 10 was a huge grind. I needed to repeat the same actions over an over and if that even worked there were so many of them before I could even move through the game normally.
and dont get me started on the grind of learning how to use the chat function.
First 10? More like first 18. Until then I was locked in the same zone grinding away every day, and there were no loot drops, not a single one. Apparently it was called the New Player Experience, and it was all for my own good.
You have to talk to a black lion agent to collect items. There’s one in every city, look for an icon that looks like a set of scales.
It’s role players using the /me emote. Just click the down arrow beside your chat tab, and deselect emotes if you want to hide them.
As a work around, you could create a chat tab to switch to when you want silence, e.g. your storage guild’s chat if you have one. Whatever drove you away from the other chat tab may still be there when you go back, but it’s better than nothing.
That’s just marking the exit from the instance, as you need to leave to get to your story.
I tested this today with an alt, and the entrance is in the Grove, a little way north west of the entrance to the Omphalos chamber, about halfway towards the asura gate.
The reason the masteries are changing is due to location. The Maguuma masteries can only be trained in the HoT maps, and the Tyria masteries can only be trained in the core game. You can separately select which to train from each, and it’ll automatically switch between them depending on which map you’re in.
Magic is supposed to slowly dissipate from the dragons while they sleep, so drawing some of Zhaitan’s power into the bloodstone may not have left him any weaker than he’d normally be. Perhaps it instead caused him to awaken sooner than he would otherwise as the magic dropped below a certain level.
Also, by the time the Pact fought him, he’d had over 100 years to recuperate since waking, and a few more centuries since the Gods were in Arah. Surely that’s plenty of time to recover?